The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 12, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, APRIL n, 190O.
New and
Wa have Just received a shipment of new and uplo-dats
Imported Chiriaware
consisting mostly of odd pieces, selected patterns, from the leading mak
ers, and will prove betlsr value than the kind you have bven paying
mora money for. fin our line before buying.
TERSE liS I lit
Two Declaration! 'ulim ,)
nper. of
Finland, and Muth Anderson, of N'or
way, were the only ones to (11.. dccln.
ration of lnt.nihMi In the mutter of
cithee ifhlp yesterday.
Only Two Filings. Two dcmls wen
Hied for tveord In the oHice of the conn
ty clerk yeterdny. low It: Charles
holm and wife to Mm. Dolly IViiel. j
consideration warranty, convey-
lug bit 1 and. 2, subdivision "l" ofj
Zlk No. ft, Olney'a Addition to A-
totln; The United Slates to Arthur,
). Craig, patent, 1 so mit- in section M, i
T, 5 N., It. H W.
Hotel Irving European plan. The
only steam-heated hotel in Astoria; large ,
3nd airy rooms; prices frota 50 cents to
1, jo; well prepared and daintily served
meals at as ""I- Special rates per'
week or mouth for room and board to
permanent guests. Our bus meets all ;
trains and steamboats. i
Two Probate Orders Judge Trench- j
aid yesterday made the following or- '
den In pixibnte court: In the matter!
of tie estate of H OKindred, den-as-.
ed, the final account of tin exceptor 1
was set for hearing on May 11, next,.
at 10 o'clock: In the matter of th;
aatata of Joseph Huprennnt, dceaed,
upon petition of the exerutor nnd exe
eutrlx. it wa onlen-d that they e!l
all the peraonal prnjierty of the cUte,
at private sale.
Don't Forget to look up tba busi
ness card of F. W. Oardiner, tke ex
pert book-keeper, In this Issue. It may
have something of intercut for you.
Cot Soma of Ilt.--u Tueday even-
before the oei'tion men retuined
from their work on the track, a tramp
broke into the section home on the "A.
k ('." railroad. jiil ent of the city,
and levied on all the Munll ituff he could
handle, Including some garments anl
ahoes. When the. dnpnnese returne.1
and ilicovered the depredation, one of
them nked for nnd got pecini'ion to
ue a "pccdcr" and lit out after the
thief, lie over took him just this side
of ClaUkcnine, and made him disgorge
the main bulk of the stuff. Jhut had no
meaiiH at hand of stopping him in bis
further flight. Sheriff Thomna Llnville
will take a hand in the mutter today,
and the probability U, the sneak will
bo over-hauled and put through , hi
legal pace.
Ltdiea We are now prepared to fur
' nlah you with our latest stylea of up-
. ' to-dote dreai and street hats for aldlea
and also for the little misses. Our prices
re right. At the Fair Eastern Millin
ery in the Star Theatre Building. 4-8.
Wc have a large stock of
Flower and Veg
etable Seed
Also Clover and
Grass Seed
Ground Bone FeritHzer
118122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
. Psys 0u Money,In the present
month tln ity tieasurcr tun pid out
tin- sum of Ddl.iKK) in tli.t redemption of
uiimmu drawn at Dm J ifT-t ftit fund.
For California. Mr. and Mr. Alex
ander ( illicit and tton have returned
from 11 visit to Im A iifi and south
em point, where they report mi en
joyable time.
May Have Warship. A lett Jr ha
liein wiitlen to Senator Fulton by thorn
interested in the coining regatta, ask
in, llml the gotcrnment send a warship
or two to this illy during tin r.-gatla.
Order your Eaiter lillies early at thty
are scarce thla year. Callar lilies in
plenty. Patronize horn Industry. Co
lumbia nursery, 516 Pond St. 4-10 3t...
Left For Finland.Mf. and Mr. V.
Linden left today for their former
home in Vyitiid, 1 inliilel. where they
evjieii to i,lit for ix month or o,
n-t in tiiif .iu tlie different t'tiropenti
loiiit or inleret,
Leave your Panama bats at Scully's
igar utore and get them cleaned In
first -class style. 4-4 8t.
Shively Oub Meets. Tlwj member
of the Shively Improvement club met
hit nij(lit in the city hall and transact
ed butim-M relating to ftie Improvement
of the rity. Plan for the coming union
meeting of all the clulm to occur on
the 30 th of thl month were dlwitased.
Special Easter let Cream, in bricks,
Violet and1 Vanili.-Hoefler'a 4-o6t
Captures Gill Net. Yesterday after
noon at three o'clock Water liilililT Set-
teni raptured a gill net at Clifton. He
utate that a woman and a I my of l.
veara, with four Mnall children ' were
the culprits this time, and had caught
two wtlmon when they ween diteovercd.
and the net seized. The woman allege
I hut he w .imply trying to procure
enough tlh for Friday's meal, and had
no intention of breaking the law. The
net and llsh however were brought to
thU city, and the guilty partie allowed
to go home.
CoM Storage Scorched. At 2; Ho
o'clock yesterday afternoon an alarm
was turned in from lUix 3, which call-
the lire depm Intent to the Lindcnbi-rgi-r
("old Storage plant; but before the ap
paratus ami men arrived, the tunall
fhinglc lire in the roof hnd been dis
poned of by the prompt use of . the
plant hose. It had caught evidently
from n spnrk that had blown under
the shingles 011 the roof over the boil
er hou, which snioiildened: a gtwdr
while before hinging up. None of the
Ice was burned.
..The "A. & C." a Good Seller.-The
last vnpori.ed yarn about the purchase
of the Astoria k Columbia River Rail
road property, by Jumcs J. Hill, and the
fact if its being the northern line of n
huge square of line that were to give
that potentate absolute control of the
timber belt of Oregon and other Im
mense advantages wat proven n ennnrd
yenterday when a reporter- of this pn
jtcr made direct inquiry of one of the
lending oflieinlx of the road, who in
answer to the iniiiiry said: "We nre
tired of being aold out. I wan present
at the meeting of the stock-holder of
the road on Tuesday Afternoon, in Port
laud, nnd when they met In annual con
vent ion, and no word, nor syllable of
n word, wna uttered in relation to n
sale, fixed, or prospective. You can say
the story is a hoax from start to fin
ish." Major and Mrs. Frank Waito, the
Salvation rA,t'uy divisional officers of
Oregon, Washington, Idaho nnd Mon
tana, Will arrive in this city Saturday,
and conduct Home special meetings at
the nrmy hnll, Satuixlay at 8 p. 111.. also
Sunday nt 11 a. m., 3 and 8 p. in., April
14th and 15th. Mrs. Waite is declared
to lw one of the most beautiful singers
in Armv circles oh the Pacific (Sonst. Do
not fail to attend. . , 4-11-14.
Pillsbury'8 Best Flour, Minneapolis,
For a good shave go to the Occident
Barber Shop. Five chairs. No long
waits. ,
From SeasideThe body of the la to
Mr. 1I.-Mt-r of Seaside arrived in this
city lut evening and will be taken to
Tllliiuiook for Interment. '.'.' v ' - :
Funeral Today. -The funeral of the
Into Mr! Italkdey will be hecd frm
Holy Innocent' Clmpcl, Uppertown at 4
o'clock tlila afternoon, The member of
ltlm guild are respectfully Invited to at-
.lend. The interment will las at invert
shlc, Cul.
Makes Appointment.- The following
appointment have been made by the
F.xluilled Ruler of the Astoria Lodge
of KIU: W. C. J.ujM, lytqliire; h. K.
Howe, Cliniluiii ; Isaac Bergman, In
niilo (inuril; V. 1). KueUrier. Xorri
Staples end ', W. Wood. (Iimncc com
mittee; Joseph Gribler, Orgnlt.
Meet TonightThi evening In Souinl
hall there will be a meeting of all the
gill net fisherman of thin district. The
band will be present, and besides the
music, there 1 to be speeches by dif
feicnt person, Th union will at this
tiffin urge the necessity of every fish
erincn on the Columbia in joining the
union, and thus help out the fishing in
dustry of thin section.
Seaside Firea Tin-re K evidently an
incendiary at S-ajili, foe thi. week
there hae li-en tillec iittemptt to burn
buihlingo iii thnt town. One lire wan
started in the reitr of .JohntiM-n k Co'
(tori', 11 not her In 11 Ih-11 tower next
to tlic 1 illinium -iil.Hiii, inn) 1 lie lat In
a shed at the r.-nr of the Conn drug
tore, Jo all cie where the fire was
discovered, hoc and pile of rubbish
had been saturated with coal oil, and
I hen lit, The authorities are now mak
ing an Investigation and though they
have u4picion-, have not made any ar
rest as et.
A Want Well Filled-The splendid bil
liaid parlors established in this city re
cently by fliaib-s I.. Itiown, are prov
ing to be one of the choice and whole
some source of entertainment of the
citv. The rooms are swarming nt the
leisure hours of the day, with the be.t
sort of clieiitelle, and the cleanliness,
the freedom from vulgarity and noise,
and tlus pleasant surroundings, aside
from the beautiful game, constitute
one of the most appreciative schemes
of amusement known here foe a long
while. Mr. Brown's positive rule against
liquor and all gambling devices lias
been and will continue to lie, faith
fully kept, and the gentlemen's game
will lie played by gentlemen, in the
same manner they would follow the pas
time in their own homes. It b the
real fillip of a long- felt want in
Astoria,' sure enough.
Celebrate list Anniversary. Last Even
ing in the Fihermen's Union Hall there
wa an enthtisinmttio meeting of all
the fishermen in commeration of the
21st. anniversary of the founding of the
Fishermen' Union. There was great
enthusiasm, equal to that of, the time
when the union was founded, and many;
speeches were made. Secretary I.orntsen
spoke of the progress which the union
had made in the a-t score of years and
of the imineaural'le benefit, which the
Columbia river tMiermen had received
from their union. He stated that dur
ing the first thnc years in which the
union had its existence he had esti
mated that $l.O00.0f)O had been saved
to the fishermen and in the last three
years the incivne over this amount
had been greater than ever. Besides
the monetary saving Mr, I.orntsen snid
that the fishermen had been saved an
inealciiable amount by the placing of
lights and other harbor snftey devices
as otherwise nets and equipment would
have been lost. After the meeting a
large number of the fishermen assem
bled at one of the restaurants, where
an enjoyable supper was partaken of.
1 t
The ladies of Alderbrook Presbyterian
church will hold an Easter sale ajid lun
cheon in the basement of thee church
on Thursday, April 12th both afternoon
and evening A fish pond will be con
ducted in the evening. , 4-10 2t
The Municipal League will hold its
convention on April 23rd., in the Fish
ormen's hull at 7:30 p. m. 4-10 13t
Your Faster hat will look better and
will cost you less if bought of the
Bon-Ton Millinery, 483 Bond street
which will open up in three or four
days. It will pay you to wait for the
opening which will be announced in
these columns. Mrs. A. J. JalofT, mil
When you are in need of anything in
the photographic line in the amateur
way, kodaks, films, "plates, cards
mounts,' and all the technical dctjilr
of the business, and want the best nnd
last in the way of artistic development
just go bo Frank Hart, the druggist, and
tell him so. That is all.
CcytificatM of ApprovaL A certifi
cate of approval for the Improvement
of Hireh street was filed yesterday af
ternon in the city auditor's office by
City Surveyor Too, and Street Sup
erintendent Kearney.
Has Bloodpoison. Andrew Birch, the
contractor has been eonllned to hi home
for the past 'few day with a case of
bloodpolsonirig in bin hand, caused by
the accidental wounding of his hand
with a splke( which waa driven Into the
..Funeral Today. -The funeral, of the
I iti!,, Mrs, AiIi-iih l!runt,roiii, will take
place this afternoon from the family
resilience 011 Kighth strcr-t. I'ev, l'.yd
iiilst ofliclnting. The Interment will lie
in fireenwood cemetery.
Starts Saturday A Jaloff & Company
doing a retail business on Bond, street
having been forced to the wall by their
creditors in the latter part of March
could not settle to aatiafy their credi
tors and the stock was sold by B. L.
Sabin the referee in bankruptcy under
th-i order of United States Supreme
Court to If. S. Weinstein Company .of
Portland.. N. S. Wienatein Company not
being able to secure the former loca
tion of Jaloff & Company unless they
paid the most ridiculous rent of fio-oo
a day which they declined to do have
leased the building on Commercial st.
formerly known as the News Herald
building, belonging to Spexarth, the
jwle.' Watch tomorrow's issue of
the sale and be on hand.
The Astoria Central Labor Council
Sends Out Necessary Correspondence.
Secretary J. T. Welch of the Astoria
Central T.abor Council, reports that on
Tuesday evening last he was directed
by the council to send out the letters
hereinafter enlarged upon. He wrote
and despatched the documents and let
ters yesterday.
One is addressed to the Editor of the
ljiU.r I's, at Portland, the recog
nized organ of th( bitW movement
throughout the state, and advised him
of the fact, that for the sake of soli
darity, the Astoria Council had recon
sidered its endorsement of the Hon J.
W. I-achner for representative in Con
gress, and had decided to endorse and
support .Judge F.llis, of Pendleton for
that ditinguisbl position; tn idea
being with the council here, to fall
into line with the unanimous action ta
ken all over the state, in this premise,
by organired labor.
The other epistle was addressed to
Max Poh! the chairman of the Demo
cratic Citizens Central Committee, ask
ing that body to change the hour for
calling its convention on the 2It. in
stant, from 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
to S o'clock in the evening. This, in
onler to give the workingman of the
cit v a chance to be present and cast
his vote in the convention, from whlcn
he would be barred under the hour
stated In the call.
It is understood all the unions in As
toria will take seepnrate action in these
matters, in strict conformity with the
di'ehiratioiis made by the Trades Coun
NEW, YORK, April 11. Health Com
missioner Darlington made the first
move yesterday in his campaign against
the violators of the smoke ordinances.
Frank C. Burke of the Manhattan Soap
Companv was arraigned in court for
using soft coal. He waived examination
and was held in $1,000 bnil for trial.
Commissioner Bnrlinton said last
night that many more arrests would fol
NEW YORK APRIL 11. Announce
ment that the widows of college pro
fessors may be pciiiond under tlu
terms of the $10.(HMI.(IOO gift of Andrew
Carnegie to the Curnegie foundation was
made yesterday by the trustees foun
dation. A pension not to exceed one
half the pension of a professor may be
paid to bis widow, but she must have
been the wife of a professor during
ten years of hi executive service. The
pension is to cease on her remarriage
Xo pension is to be given to a" profes
sor who retired from active service be
fore April Hi. 1005, the date upon which
Mr. Carnegie established the . pension
NEW YORK, April 1. That the fed
eral authorities were not satisfied with
the outcome of the action instituted
against Moses Haas and Frederick A.
Peckham lust year, it is alleged, con
spired with Edward S. Holmes, Jr., of
the Bureau of statistics to secure ad
vance information concerning the gov
ernment official cotton crop report, and
which resulted in the discharge of Haas
and reckbam, was shown by the arrest
yesterday of Moses Haas,
Columbia River Packers Fix
, Season' Buying Price.
Eleven Canneries on Columbia Rivwr
Agree on 7 Cents for Fish Over
25 Pounds and 5 Cents for
Those Under This Weight.
At a meeting yesterday afternoon
representatives from the elcvitn can
neries on the Columbia river fixed the!
buying price of Salmon for the corning
season. ,
The prices which were agreed upon
are five cents a pound for all fish weigh
ing under 2. pounds and seven cent
for fl-h which are above this weight.
The packers state they are determined
to maintain the reputation for Colum
bia Itiver Salmon, and intend to exer-'
cise more stringency In tbe matter of
selection of the salmon obtained from
the flshenrtery. This meand that all
fish bought by the canneries must be
merV'hantable, fre-h, and free from
bruises or gns.
The canneries which are represented
in the agreement to fix the above rates
for this season are as follows: Union
Fi-hermen's Co Operative Packing Com
pany, Tallant-Grant Packing Company.
CUumbia Itiver Packers' Association.
Sanborn-Ctitting Packing Company, S.
Schmidt 4 Co., A. Booth & Co., P. J.
Mctiowan & Sons, Altoona Packing
Company, 3'. O. Mcgler & Co., F. M
Warren Packing Company, J. Linden
lterger Company.
At the meeting of the Columbia River
Fi-hermen on April 2nd. they set the
selling price of salmon at five cents a
pound for all fish under 23 pounds and
six cents a pound for all fish weighing
more than 23 pounds.
" H. M. Lorntscn of the fishermen's
union when questioned last night as to
tbe tirobable action which tbe fishermen
j would take in regard to making an
agreement with the cannera, stated that
as yet he had received no official noti
fica t ion of what the canners had done,
but that when the result of the pack
ers deliberations had been communi
cated to him, aid that a meeting of
the Fishermen would undoubtedly be
called and prices discussed.
Small Blaze. Last evening about
six o'clock the fire department was call
ed out to a smalr fire in a house owned
by George Hill, located on fifth street
between Astor and Bond streets. The
blaze evidently started from a spark
from the chimney igniting the shingles
of the roof. A few minutes vigorous
action with the hose served to ex
tinguish the flames.
CHICAGO, April 11. Walter L. Fisfi
er, until recently president of the muni
cipal voters league and for several years
a member of the law firm of Mat,
Fisher and Boyden. has been appointed
special traction counsel by Mayor Dun
ne. The announcement of the appoint
ment was made by the mayor yester
day, ilr. Fisher will receive a salary
of $10,000 a year and will devote vir
tually all of hia time to the city's
BUDA PEST April 11. Count An
drenssy's first acts as minister of the
interior have been to rescind all tbe
absolutist measures against the press
and public meeting, to reinstate dis
missed officials and to stop some eighty
political tiitils.. including ouc against
Herr Polony i. the present Minister of
Justice for alleged treasonable express
ions against the Monarch..
NEW- YORK. April 11. A committee
was formed yesterday to rnise a fund
for the relief of the sufferers who were
driven from, their homes by the erup
tion of Mt. Vesuvius. Already the com
mittee has contributed $lj800 and it is
expected that many thousands will be
raised. Wm. R. Hearst was elected
chairman of the committee included in
which are former Judge John Palmirie,
Joseph N. Franccline, James March and
other prominent Italians.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a
wonderful spring tonic. It drives out
all impurities. A good thing for the
whole family. Keeps you well all sum
mer. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale
by Frank Hart, druggist.
A. I.. Olle, i in (he city from1 Port
bind, and U registered at the Hotel
Ben .Ward was a. homing passenger on
the noon express from Portland yester
day. F. M, Warren, of Portland arrived
in the city on the 11:30 train yester
day morning.
W. F. Jacob of Portland is In the
city on business.
W. J. Parker of San Francisco arriv
ed in Astoria yesterday on the noon
C. C. Going came to the city yester
day via. the 11:30 express from the
7. B. Ballentine of Portland is in
city on a business tour.
U. S. Inspector of hulls and boilers,
Edwards and Fuller, reached this city
on an official errand, yesterday via the
noon express from Portland.
Judge Frank J. Taylor left yester
day mdrnlng for San Francisco and will
pivibably be gone two weeks.
Walter I.. Willey is In the city on
business. He hails from Portland and
wilt manage the handsome billiard par
lors of Charles L. Brown during the Iat
ter's enforced absence in the metro
polis, Mr. Brown does not know just
how long he will be away, but Mr. Wil
ley will be in complete charge while
he is'away.
NEW YORK, April 11. A special to
the Tribune, from Boston says: It
was announced here; yefstefday thfet
Edward F. Swift had been elected to
succeed the late E. C. Swift as head of
the Swift packing company.
NEW YORK, April ll.-Jocob Riis,
the author and biographer of President
Roosevelt, ia in St. Lukes hospital where
a alight operation has been performed
on him. Mr. Riis is in no danger and
laughed yesterdaj when asked about
the operation.
"It i just like going to a hospital
to have a sore finger attended to" hs
said, "and it is all over now. I expect
to be out tomorrow and the less said
about it the better."
F.nchantre&s, Mrs. Thoa. Law son,
Bostoq Market. Good strong rooted
cuttings that will bloom this summer.
Columbia Nursery. 516 Bond St. 4-123
The W. tV T. V. will meet in the
Baptist church parlor on Thursday, at
2:30 p. m. Important business to come
before the mission. A large attendance
is desired. J. M. Ellefsin, Chaplain of
the Seamen and Sailors society to ad
dress the ladies. All invited.
Baseball goods tt Svenson's.
Astoria should have a seawall, and as
it cannot be bought in Portland or Chi
cago it evidently must be built here.
Now. if the gentlemen of this city would
commence to have their clothes "built"
in Astoria and become reconciled to
having things made at home, they would
have no difficulty in building the sea
wall. E. Martinson, merchant tailor, 149
Eleventh street, will build your clothes
from the best that's made to the cheap
est that's good. lw.
The perfection of whisky used in the
medical department of the United
States military and naval service. Also
in hospitals. Recommended by the high
est authorities as the purest stimulant
for family use. Sold exclusively by
Wm. Bock.
The nimble coin of the country neve
does so good a thing as when it supplies
a man with a wall-cooked and health
ful meal of the sort he is hungry for. In
this instance is becomes a blessing, and
no pocketbook is the poorer for the ex
penditure; this is why everyone you
see coming out of the Palace Restaurant
earries such a grateful and satisfied ex
pression of countenace. Just watch for
a day or so, and the first thing you know
you'll be a steady customer there. It
is one of the certalntiies of Astoria life.
The very best board to be obtained in
the city Is, at "The Occident Hotel"
Rates very "reasonable.
Is it not about time you were getting
that tuggy fixed up? It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other re
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew As'
Company. They also do all kinr- f
blacksraithing and repair work.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and a l work
guaranteed. ' .