WEDNESDAY, APRIL u, lootf. 6 THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, ASTOttlA. OREGON. i EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION. Ila OH I a Oac l the VaaolTe4 Eaia mas f the World. The origin of Egyptian clvlllratlor. dim lii-en tbe enigma of the world foi tile past twenty-five witurlw. Pre outing no historic r i'vou mythic lu faury, It appears before the world at once a a highly civilised nd organic community centuries before Moses win a Itoy. Upon this subject Kennn nays "Egypt lias no nrelinie epoch, but aud deuly takes its place In the w orld In al Its matchless uiagnlliceuee, without fa thor and without mother and as clear apart from all evolution as If it liac" dropped from the unknown heavens.' Would not an explanation at least feasl ble be found lu the hypothesis that li received Its civilization from souu ouree no longer existing? Mows, the first historic figure in its long line ol dynasties, the outlines of whose per sonality loom up waveringly lndcflnitt but grandly Impressive against the deer, mythic background of pa-historic story at least 4300 B. C, conceived aud ex vented enterprises extorting the warm est admiration from the best euglueen of the twentieth century. Iid he uol alter the course of the Nile by vast embankments to gain stable fouuda Hons other than In shifting sands foi bis sacred city of Memphis and con tract the artificial lake of Moerls, 45 nilies in circumference and 350 feel deep, as a reservoir for the waters ol the Nile? Look, too, at the colossal achieve ments of his successors In architecture sculpture, engineering, astronomical political, medical, social and military science, to say nothing of navigation and theology. Witness the rums ol the Labyrinth recorded by Herodotus which had 3,000 chambers, half of tbea above ground and half below, a com bination of courts, chambers, colon nades, statues and pyramids. Wltnesf the wonders of the magnificent temple of Karnak, which still awakens our ad miration, a temple, as Penon says, wherein the Cathedral of Notre Damf in Paris could be set inside one of Its balls and yet not touch the walls. Wit ness the sublime pyramids originally built In honor of the sun god Ka and for nse as astronomical observatories, the splendors of Memphis, Thebes and Hellopolls, of the sphinx and the obe lisks, the statuary and the numerous temples with the ruins of which th land is still filled. Exchange. OOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOO 8 I I 0OOOO0OOO0O0OOOO0OOO0QOOOO0OOO0OOOOO0OOO0O0OO0O0OOOOOOOOO0OO THE MORNING ASTORIAN IB 1U IIMIM Ull yiivl CATCHING TURTLES. The supplying of any want that may arise in domestic or , commercial life may be readily and quickly accomplished at a nominal cost by the publication of the want iu the " Want Ad." columns of the Morning Astorian. A necessity which may arise for buying or selling horses, carriages, furniture, pianos, leal estate, sewing machines, bicy cles, safes, watches, jewelry, typewriters, or thousands of other articles, can be met at once by the insertion of a suitable adver tisement in the morning Astorion. To secure help cf any sort, or situation of any kind, to find lost articles, to secure board or boarders, lodging or lodgers, borrow money, obtain any kind of security; any of these wants may be supplied by using the "Want" columns of The Morning Astorian. Rates For Classified or "Want" Advertisements ONE INSERTION ONE CENT A WORD THREE LINES THREE DAYS, 30 CENTS Count Six Words to a Line. ao Cents a line a week. "SITUATION WANTED" X For the benefit of persons out of employment, ads under the head of "Situa- tion Wanted " will be printed three days free of charge. O OOOOOOOOOCKXXOCKXX BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. F1UST.CLA8S MEAL for 15c; nice euko, coflfee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S, Kwtaur ant. 43 1 Iloml St. BEST 13 CENT MEAL. You ctm always find the kwt 15-cont meal in tho city at Hie Rising Sun lioMtaurant. G12 CnujuuwittlSt. Portland Restaurant! 78 Astor St. Good Clean Mrals. Excellent Service. Meals From 13 Cent to 50 Centi. LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In the eity. Doea the beat work at reasonable prlote end le In every way worthy of your patronag. 10th anil DUAiMI St.. Phene 1001. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND - Finait Hotel In the Northwtti PORTLAND. ORI. HELP WANTED. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Enquire at Astorian office. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY work at home during spare time; no experience required; good pay and steady; address Fancy Work Dept. 1344 Market st, San Francisco. 3-8-lm PROFESSIONAL CARDi. PHYSICIANS.' JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKQEON Acting Awlsutut S or eon U.S. Marine HoKplutl Nervlee. Office hour: 10 to 12 a.m. 1 to 4:1 p.ox 477 Commercial Street, 2nd Floor. OSTEOPATH IST8. WANTED. A COMPETENT GIRL TO do general house work in family. Ap ply 357 15th st. 4-8 3t aWtkodi I'M by the Ftaheraaea ef the Tropics. " Turtle are always captured at night and usually on moonlight ones. Thli la the time they go on the snore to lay their fggs. They select a smooth, andy beach, dig boles m the sand, de posit their eggs there and leave them to be batched by the beat of the sand. When the turtles are on shore for this purpose hunters come upon them, and they are easily overtaken, for turtles re slow movers. The hunters have not a very strenuous undertaking. Al) that is necessary to be done Is to turn the turtles on their backs and leave them until the next day, when they are removed. Another more curious way of catch ing turtles is by fishing by the remora, a fish found in the tropical waters. The popular name of this fish and the one by which the children of those coun tries call them Is the sucking fish. This name is given to them on account of a disk on their heads, by which they can attach themselves to any smooth sur face, like the side of a shark, a ship or the shell of a turtle. This disk Is like the soft leather "suckers" that are popular with schoolboys. When this fish has once attached himself to any thing you can pull him to pieces rather than force him to release his hold. Turtle hunters go In boats and carry several of these remoras in tubs. When tiey see a turtle and get near him the sucker Is sent after him. He Is held by the ring on his tall, which in turn la attached by a stout cord. Soon the fish Is securely fastened to the shell of the turtle, and turtle and fish art hauled into the boat together. Once In the air the remora loosens bis hold and Is dropped back into the tub to rest nntil another turtle Is sighted. Wash ington Star. WANTED. A WOMAN COOK FOR boarding house at Northen Cannery $20 per month to the right party. Good cook wanted, applv Gimiies shoe store 4-8 2t WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man' to work U Oregon, representing Large Manufacturiwr Co.; salary $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expensea ad vanced. Address with stamp J. H. Moore, Astoria, Ore. DR. RH0DA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Office Manse. Bid. Pnone Black 2066 (71 Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. DR. KATHYRN RUETER Osteopahie Physician Phono Red 2161 Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 3rd floor Bee Hive Bldg., Com! St DENTIST8. FOR SALS. FOR SALE OWING TO PRIVATE reasons, the undersigned will sell $50 racycle, but slight used, at a very low price. Geo. Pontala, 1470 Grand avenue, Astoria, Oregon. fat? RAT.E-MISCELLANEOUS LOT of wire caWe new and second hand any length, pipe of any description and size, machinery to suit anybody write for prices on anything; metal scrap iron and all kinds of junk and machinery bought and sold. Adress M. Barde Son, Portland, Oregon. lm. TOM15 STONES, PRICE $5 00 AND UP; factory, opposite Clatsop Mill office. Oscar- Laurell. 4-11-17 FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS AT No. 677 Exchange street. 4-3-lw. Govern Yoaraelf. Men and women often say they can't govern themselves. That is simply ad mitting they have defects of character which are their masters. They ought to make effort and see if they are not mistaken. The worst effects of lack of self control are on the health. It al lows every kind of bad habit in eat ing, drinking, dressing and sleeping to gain possession of the person, and the result Is a weak Instead of a strong character. Home Notes. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Red In Battle. Red has always been a favorite mil itary color. Its employment dates from the time of Lycurgus, the Spartan, who commanded his army to be arrayed in red tunics in order that new recruits might not be dismayed at the sight of blood. Its first use In the British army dates from 1326, when the yeomen of the guard were dressed In red. Rcaemblancea. Fogg I told Bass what you said that he reminded you of a giraffe be cause he held his head so high. Fender son And what did he say? Fogg He said you reminded blm of an ass. Fen derson Because why? Fogg -Because you are one, be said. She Could Tell. Wife John, you've been drinking. Oh, I can tell. Husband Well, don't do it, m'dear. Let'sh keep it a family shecret Philadelphia Ledger. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Scholfield & Hauke is dissolved by mutual consent. W. T. Scholfield, re tiring. All bills due paid firm are pay able at once and al bills payable should be presented for payment immediately. Dissolution to take effect April 1, 1906. The business after this date will be conduced by E. Hauke & Co. In retiring from this firm,. W. T. Schol field desires to thank the patrons for their generous patronage and bespeaks for the new firm the same liberal treat ment. W. T. SCHOLFIELD, E. HAUKE. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice it hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants endors ed prior to June 1, 1905, to present same to the county treasurer at his office, 559-565 Commercial St., for payment, in terest ceases after this date. (Signed), CHAS. A. HEILBORN, County Treasurer. Dated Astoria, Oregon, this 26th day of March, 190fl. 4-11 iw7 'W -ni-w.- -1 , We know the truth, not only by the reason, but by the heart Pascal. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 024 Commercial St Astoria Oreeon. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST 78 Commercial St-, Shanahan Building BROKERAGE. C. J. TREXCIIARD Real Eatata, Insurance, Commission and 8hipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Office 133 Ninth 8tret, Next to Juatioa Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. NOTICE. All voters of Clatsop county, irres pective of parties, are herrby invited and requested to meet and participate in a mass meeting to be held in " Logan hall" at Astoria, on Saturday, April 21, 1900, at 10 a. m for the purpose of nominating a full county ticket to bt voted for on Monday, June 4, 1006. C. J. TRENCILARD, Chairman of the Citizen' Committee of Atoria, Ore. max w. pom; Secretary. MUSIC TEACHES. Mon Fong Restaurant Noodles and Chop Suey. MEALS OF ALL KINDS Eagle Concert Hall 1320 Ator St. The lending auiuitciiu'iit house. l A. rKTHRSON, Prop Parker House Bar (Cor. Ninth aud Aitor St a. Agency for F.JUon Plionograpnt and Gold Moulded Record. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 71 EIGHTH STREET WOOD YARD8. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Cord wood, mil) wood, box wood, toy kind of wood 1 1 lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone aigt Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera bouse. V WANTED -THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Astorian office. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewart, 127 Seventh a tree! STAMMERING AND STUTTER ING CURED Ftr Particulars Addites , TUX PACIFIC SCHOOL FOB STAM MSKJEB3 1281 mi 1 amain Street, ....... Portland, Oregon. , THE Dr. C.CEE W0 Chinese Medicine Co. S?? Formerly Wal 2M fiSrJJ i.t A VK ?Vy MOVED into the ijWn.'-i- ' biiihiiiitf at the aouth-eaat cor ner of Fint Mul Morrtaon HtrwU. En trance No. KM front Ht. Successful Home Treatment Dr. R.OKK WO I known lhmuliout tti nil I to1 Hui.n, mul In -IM (lie (irtwl Clln (motor on mvoiint of hl wmiilnrful rirr I without (tin mil il a knife, without unliig ! Hium or drill of nny klnl. II b-mtU any ' unit all dlw wllli Mrrful orlmilnl root I hi-rba, hark, anil Vr-iiUiblmi that m un I known to iiimIIpmI h'Ihiim In till euunlry, nil uirotif 11 Uie um 11 f in barmlraa rome dim lieguarantmw to euro CaUrrh, Arthme, Lun Trouble, Rheuffltiim, NfrvouirttM, Stomach, Llvtr, Kidney, female WaakMH and alt Chronic D kak. Oil or writ, endiwlnt 4 a-4-ont etampa fur litalUiif bonk aud elrftiW. Addrvaa, The C 0 Woo CMimm Medkim Ce No. 164 12 rint St. LL Cor. MerrW Mention tht. Portland 0ion. OOX)OOO00O00000OOO00O00OO000000000O0O0O00OO00O0OO0000O00O0O0 JUST A MOMENT! Moooooooooooooooooa ACCOUNTANT AND BOOKKEEPER. F. W. GARDINER -0 Accountant and Bookkeeper Small Sets of Books Kept. Bills Collected on Commis sion. Accounts Adjusted. Office: 359 Commercial Street. T) SPICES, q COFFEE JEA, BAKING P0YDER, Abiolute Puriry, finest Flavor. Ore&resr Srra$h, &asoio.b!e fricrx CL05SET & DIVERS PORTLAND, OREGON. kM44, 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE D w a " -- Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone lending a ikelch and dateriptlon ma i.iiti n.r-Mri.niu rtur ontnlon ffee whether al Invention In prolinhly piimv.tahie. Coninninlca. qulcklf McerUin our opinion fiee whether al invention m iiruunuiy 'm"" vi.i.umii tlon8lrlctlycf)iilli)eiitl!. HANDBOOK on Patent ent free, inonst wmej Jor aecunnir paieinn. l'utenti) tuk-: tlirouiili Wunn & Co. receive tjwcfcil nufl;, without chHrgo, in the Scientific Jliiicrioiii A hanrtBomelr lllnntrated weeklr. I.nrireit dr. culuiiini of any ecientlUo journal. Term, $'i a venr; four month, L Bold by all newtdealers. MUNN&Co.36,Bro'd"ay-New York Urancb Office, 826 V BU WablDniou, D. U We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING Wc do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. . . . JC i$ Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off. rebind them and "return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up Jyour .' Library teS S8 The J. S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds oi Books Astorian Building ' Corner Commercial 'and 10th Street OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOCXXX)COOOOOOOO CXCOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOCO(XX000000000000000