THURSDAY, MARCH so, 190C. THE MORNING ASTOUIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. COMMON GUINEA FOWL. I Mbelf la Brp.iii.d n RoNrrn f Pr ( I'nultrrmvH, nullum fowl, Noini'ilinr-K cnlM tfttni'ii kwlM, lire ii(ihnlilj' native of thr went iDHNi of Africa, nllhoiiirh time iiiilli'irtl!ft iirift Hint t hoy are Irlenremlt'd from 11 variety common tit lAI'.VMliilti. Tli'W wore ruined iih fnlilu jlilhlM 1 1)' the Min'li'iil Ori'i'lt mid I Co liiinn, I 1 1 1 (lUniM'iirfi from IJumjn 1urlli Him limit iu:i-s 11 ml Here ii'lutro tlued Inter, li U Niilil, from .limuilca mid ('Him 'rtii')' iirt- well known iih t'liiiio birds In Niiiflitnd, where liii'tfo Hoi'liN 11 m uniiii'iliiiiii kept In Kumi Hi'xorvi'i4, Oil till' roiitliit'iit they me more 10111111011 mid inore i'omili-ii'lv iloini'Miiciiii'il mill n prlwil iih tnh I,. bird. In AiiHtnillii OKpi-rltilly Ihl'ri' un Illl'Ki' I'"Iii1jIhIi unmix ilrvoii'il to their breeding, nail KUllieit ( lire iiIhii raised for 111 n r ket lii etuntlili'i'iilili' number lii France Mini (mutiny, III (lie Fulled Hind' very few breed CM, If (III)'. Illlne tlielli III liirifo lllllll ir. They fin 111111I1 mure common tn in tsr, kiwi.. till- M'MlllllTII "tllli". lllllll III I 111 llnllll A 1'Mll' U ori'lioiiilillllV xi'l'li WlilitiWIUI! nlmiit F.iiu'l'iml fiii'iiiviii'il4, but (in ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I ii'iw limn 11 few jeiir UK", mid 1 1 1 ' are iiiimimI In kiiiiiII i ij lit I kin hi iiiitny oiilliyiiii-ii In i In- inlit die MeM. ,in lit 1 1 1 fiu i (hut tin- Inntki't lld,V co!lf III iiill'lller ul le iurt from n giun Hoi !i 1 Hint ledt mi' 1 oiii ml li-ll'iiii t-ut liiu In DiroH 11111I, n! tlo'iik'ti iiiiiih 1'iiii'iM in Mils 1 Minttiv rule lln'.lll below rikeit mill others lillti' never timti-d tlieui, i-Jiii III'" i fll dliler tlii'lll lllot erellcht, l.'llii.lrjK tin-Ill Willi U' tin lill'ilx The ilemiiQiI for tiieiu iii our i lly market It rot) fttimtly tiirrelii', nnd It kwiih prolt lie ttiitt Ihi'j Will hooIi In- ei'.k'lil."l II m Hirer of prollt to Hie io;ilrjr lllllll. lit to lie tirel, fill Hint 1 1 ! 'U !. i I -i n enrefully m lili k-u-. turkey ilili'k nl)d eee unit lint merely i.x ill lliMtltiel. i;M'rl"ii-eil linitlif"! 1 nil tiler tin In Im-cIihiIiii; to riUe umiIiiim .i,, ',. r r 1 r 1 iietier, 11 ifMMirn, to buy egg for 1 ominnii den to tinted than to ifet ailitlt birds. Their limtlnet for homing U ns ilrong nu Hint for iiuiijIiik, mihI they tnlie very imwIllltiKiy to h clniiiKe of (UellliiK, Jf intuit lilrd Mri olitalned tliey nIioiiIiI lie kept. In el one eon II lie limit for mum ilnyn. 1'nlloil Htt Diillrtln. Thr l.nrlnv Kloek. Our iireMi iil inelhoil In to fix-d 11 mix tun of Knilii ' )0ilit eovereil up lii the Miiivv mill Hue iliiiff which uhvnyn cover mil' floorx nix to ellit Inrliex deep, Hiiyn(', IO, 1 'liiipmiiii In American I'lllllviitor. More In fill I hull they will flit lip clenn, no Hint they can gn to work enrly In Hie iiioiiiIiik wIHioiiI get 1 1n w out enrly 1)1 Hie tuiiiiiliiK they lire til veil wnrill wnirr or milk If winter nml two qnnrtn of uriiln per llfly lieuN eovereil in the Illter. Not KcllliiK nil they willit, they keep ill work nil Hie time 1111III noon, when the eookel or wiirm fi-ed In reiuly nml In kIvcii them. tlur riilloii In corn, oiiIn, whent nii'J buck wlieiti in iMiiii piiriN for wholii iriuln nml three nnth whent limn, one ninth corn, oiicnIxiIi on;, oneNlilh meiit or ollineiil or milk for iintHli nt noon, t'ut clover luiy, creeit vejt it Men, rnw meiit, oyxler nhelln nml dry rond iliiNt nhoulil he In I'oiiNtnut tine. Wllter nhoulil never l lieifleetiil, not Only hecnilHe Hie fow I u need It, hut hi. cniiMe the vuii In per cent water. 'I lie liirn linlitr on f l Farm. It In luird to uei Iteim o m 1 1 In winter ami nlinont iieietiiry for the farmer to line Im nhliloiN to rulne hrollem In time to brltiK the hetii prlcen, my Anierlciin Oiiltlvntor. The Ineulmtor Oil lite f 11 nil In hi-iliK hrllt(!it to morn profit Hide lle every yeiir. 'J'hero In no doubt Uint tin- luciihittor nnd brooder luelhml of ral!iii" chli keiin In n wonder ful Improvement 011 the hen inHhod. It ! rhrnper, nnd n urenter number of fowln ciiit he mined from th nam number of ckkh. Ileim cmi tx made to lay tienrly (oiihe hh tniiiiy i gs If they re not required to nit, nnd It la a icood plan to une liieiihiitom Inttrnd of tak ing the lttnn from their work. Th In cubator In no lonijer an eipfrlineiit nirre are nevernl flmt claan tnachlnM on the market, nut! no lulatake can be made In buyltig nuy one of half a down lenttliiK iiunhlue which are guarauteitl to give nhI olfaction. Ilrallh of the Mark. At thin nennon of the year he ou the lookout for cold nmoiig the flock and nip In the bud the Hmt aymptotna of disease. A niieee, n welled bend, aealy lis. stiff lien of tite Joints, dark or pals eombn, looncnexM of tbe bowels, are ill warning of impending danger nd nbouhl be iin,m'iv met. Rtintr Morning Asttoriam Bay im the MoMlhi For 65c The Astorian Wants 50O New Subscribers And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been Reduced From 75c to 65c a MoeA Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian DELIVEREO BY CARRIER TO ANY PART OFTHE CITY FOR 6B CENTS Iron piaewa 'in fim drinking water will furulnli n gond tonic much newled tbla time of Hie yeiir, - Farm Jonrnii., Tha Tlunl lloap. The dunt henp In nlmoliitely neeen anry for fowln, It c I en 11 nen the fentlc era nml nkln from vermin and Impnrl tie, promote (he etitlculoa or nkln ne rretlonn and In miiterlnlly InntnimenlMl tn prenervlng their health, TESTED AND PROVEN. There la a Heap of Solace in Being Able to Depend Upon a Well-Earned Reputation. I-'or moiitlin Ailorlii ifii'lern tmve neen the coiiHlunt exprennion of jirtiine for Koiiii'h Kidney 1'ill-, nnd read about thi- ooi work tliev have done in thin In- 'itlily. Not nnotlier remedy ever pro- llliced Riielt C0livieili( proof of merit. V, .lenkiiM, of M) V.a-l Mill ntreet, I'oitliiinl, Oi'i'., nyn: "I have no ticca- mioii to i'Iuhik" liiiytliiii tliul I laid tliri'e yeain no in recommending Donn'n Kidney I'illn, for niijce tlint time other ineiiil,er of our family have found jimlly beneflciiil remiltn in trenting kid ney complaint, it (ore lining Donna Kidney I'illn I nuffered with uoutt! at- tinkn of backache nnd a derangement of the ncljon of the kidney, am) dull drng fing pnlnn mnde it difUcult for me to nttend to my work. An the result of uxing thin fine rcimdy I have Ixcn free from kidney complaint nnd backache for over three yearn, and then-fore feel cirnt confidence in reeouimeiiding them to olh. r." I'h-nly more proof like tliU from An- toria people. Cull at Charlen Uogern' drug ntore and nk what bin euntoinern report. For Mile by nil denlern. J'riie, 5(lc, I'lintcrMilhiiiii Co., liuffalo, New York, nole agent for the I'nit'd State. Itemeinber the name - - Donn'ii nnd fiike no other. Torture By Savages. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribe in the Philip pine subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for j three months from inflammation of the ! Kidneys," say W. M. Sherman, of Cunh- j fug, Me., "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bot(es of which completely cured me." Cure Llv- J er Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disor- den and Malaria; and restore the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaran teed by Chan. Rogers, druggist. Price 60c. HERE YOU ARE WAGE CONFERENCE, Iron Moldera Hold Conference Looking Toward Wage Increase. CIIICAf.O, Mmcli 28.-A eonferenee in volving 10 per cent wage increane and betterment in working condition for more Hutu UO.fHiu iron moldera through out the Cnili-d State., wnn begun here yenterdav, Comiuitlcen icpreni-ntillg the Stove Koiiinh-rn' Natioiuil I)efeiiH! An-o-elation and the Iron Mobler-' I'niou of North America opened ri-gothitioint. SERVICE INTERRUPTED, SALT I.AKK I I V, March 2H.-The Tribuin- hiivn today that, through ser vice on tiic San I'cilio, hm AugehM anil Sail Lake J toad, entiuot be. lenuned be foiv May l. One Immlreil mile (,f track extendiiij; from Aconia to l!ok, Nev in viiliiallv wiped out of exil-fife by Hie lute llood. Contruclioii ban been ntnileil at both end. Town in the in tci t i lling' -pin e arc beinnin to Miffer for oiipplien. The local HCivice wil hi' mniiied limn both end-. bc;'iiiniuy tiii liioriiin. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch. Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. All of the-e dinea-e nre attended by inten-e itching, which j almnt inntant- ly relieved by applying Chamberlain's naive and by lU continued ue a per mnn nt cure may be effected. It has in fact, cured many canes that had re ninted all other tretment. Price 25c per box. For ale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. LIMIT EXTENDED. ST. 1,01 'IS, March 28. -Announcement wnn mailt- yesterday by the Frisco f?ys t'in that the limit 011 . ciirion ticket. for the convention of commercial club of the oiithM'.t, to hi. held during April Id and 17. hail b en extended from April lit to 22. Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans Clearwater, Kan., writes, Mv husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Hoarehound Syrup, and it Cllt(,(i hjm. That was six ye&Ti a;?0 gnd ince thPn we have always kept a bot tle in the houe. We cannot do with out it. For coughs and colds it has no equal. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. CONCERT The Mimical Event of the Scaon. Under the Aunploen of Astoria Lodge of. ELKS Ugan'n Ifall, Ttmrvlay Evening, March 2t), 1906. ' - y 1, -mf .a.. -. . . Waldemar Lind, Violin Soloist, Assisted by the BELASC0 0RCHEST RA of Ten Artists, Violin L. Winters and F. C. Harnack Viola Fritz Zilm. Cello Ferdinand Konrad. Bas Bertram. Flute F. Straub. Clarinet. .Morris Gumbi-rt. Cornet... Wm. Livingston. Drums F. Bickel. Admission $1.00 Tickets on Sale at Hocfier's Candy Emporium. The Committee kindly requests the audience to be seated at 8:30 p. m. There is nothing worse than an offen sive breath. It comes from bad stomach and liver. Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea cures all liver disorders and per fumes the breath. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart, druggist. Every H 1 Vnv ,'. f N .:nrj. ,i- . VOCAL SOLOISTS. Miss Laurie McCann, Contralto Mr. Nello Johnson, Tenor ( W. F. Gratke, Baritone MERANDWOMEM. Cm Bin fi for onntarl diKbrftM,iiiflsraoution, irritations or nIcrtiaD( of nucont BirabrDtf. PainleM, nij not Mtha fent or poiwDOOf. 014 ay Dragcteta. or nnt in plain wrmpper, br xpremi, prepaid, t-X I .00. or 3 bottlf S3.7S. Circular aeat on roqueai. s m Givulnl la " '1 ! Cmla&m. KlTHEEytssCwiKmCs. Viicmiun. r3 'V ts.. 2 r