TUESDAY, MARCH 17, '90. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. "NUTRITO" A MOST DELICIOUS CEREAL COFFEE THAT AGREES WITH EVERYBODY. BEAR IN MIND THAT IF YOU HAVE I'OOR HEALTH " NUTRITO " WILL DO YOU GOOD-IF YOU HAVE GOOD HEALTH IT WILL KEEP YOU WELL. 25 Cents the Package ROSS, HIGGINS RELIABLE GROCERS. Iffi liS Of 11 til Mil. Clam It Colby Will let nr.. mi I lii -nilti age ipic-tioii III til"' Not wegiati Hamuli M I I liniili I lnnmliiv I'triuiig Match i!!llh, ami lirl I t I . I (-telling. M.llvll ,'llllh Ml I ll- I II I !lillt I lllllrll ill 7;. 'Ml. y Hotel IiviiiK Kuiupcan. plan. The only alMtn heated hotel In Aatoria; large and airy room; pike fioni 50 ttn, to $1.50; well pirparrd and daintily nerved meali at aj crnti. Special rates per week or month for room and board to peimanent gurati. Our but n:rrls all tralna and atramboata. Millineiy openinn at the He Hive Tuesday and Wednraday, March 17 and . Everyone invited. - Mia. Colby at Hammond. Hr.ii U cuiiing, Miii'li :'Hi, Mi. lulu 11. "". Hill il'liv r a lot in.- nl 1 1 ii in mi .ml Mm t 1 1 1 U hi f tin- lecturer "I tin' Niiliuiiiil Woman NutTraK1 AmH-int ion mnl i it liint phasing uprakrt. Tin' r"l'l" .ml "In-.l.l avail Hu ll. i .,h.., l tin. nppmluiiily uf Inaiiii!.- ).-. ; Wi tliii'nliiv ni'lit. County Rock Cruaher. 'Ih lounty link, rtllotii'l' Inn Wit tali'M tn Ulii'V nml U 1'i'iiiK' -''I up lor r K . Mi .inini mi, an Al'iila nun Inn. -I, ji 111. 1. lie lli" iii'ii'ui v rMnir tu tin1 iiuhIii'i ami 11 - IJIIIi'. A fiitit' nl IIH-II lltr at Vtnlk Ktil l j iiiL' tin' mail tu tin' il'' ('li'i li'.l ami a" I i, in .in riiiupli'trit, til,' iiiihIiit will I"' Ial ln up am) a l.n'i' purl mil nl tin Ni'liuli'iit rnitil iini'H',1 uilli rtii"lii'i lU. Till' Im al lull nclrrtfil iiIkiiiiiiU Willi liit'i' i.iniititn'it uf tin' vrty lit riM'k niilalili' Inr mail". .. S. Miller will probably haw ibarj.'i' nf I hi- riiyini'. It In rxpi'itivl that wmk will lii' niiiiiiii'in ''l alum! tin' Hull i'( ! x t tiimitli. Greater Bargaina than evi-r will be jjivrn thin ttwk an w nra detennineil In "clear tlii'in mil Cinm' nii'l -liaii' tlicm at ('. II. ( 'nnpi'i ' rent nilc Road Meeting. A rnnl ini'rliii, at- li'liilril l. a lair lllllllln'1 nl till' "I'lllri" nt Ni'lnili'lll Wilt lirlil lit tilliml liap iiU lat Satunlay. Their appear tu have Im'iii miiie liat infart imi at tlir expeiiilit urn nf rnail inoiiey, ami what. ua ileemeil an uiinpiiil ilistributinn. .laiiie .laiiiiinii, inml iin'rvi'.nr e plained the nituatinii 1111. 1 after mine ilix rliiiin, he ii(;n'i(l In pout 11 utatenient every month nhuwiiij; what ilinpn-it inn Vat iiiiule nf the ivj.hI fumN. The re-i (lout h of the Nrhiilnii are interexteil in Kcriirinj; jriiuil mnilH, the only draw bark beiiiK, ililTeiencc of nplninn a to the bent methoiN of impruviiif; 11ml proper ilitlriliiitlnn of fund. Baseball goods at Svenaon'a. coooooooooooo BEST FULL WEIGHT CREAMERY BUTTER 65 CENTS PER ROLL OLYMPIC AND SNOWDRIFT FLOUR( $i.ao PER SACK; $4.65 PER BARREL. JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS. 118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore. 30000000000 0000000000000 Co. j I Waiicntnn Tonight. Mi. I Ima I! I nlli , 1. lir n tin- li- I in .-, .Hid olg.Hii lui tin' .Valium. I Wniiiiiii Sutl 1 iy I A--..I. liilimi. will giw Hi.' 11I li' l "linim; ; int-ii .it U iim iii'iii tonight. Mr-, liilln hi- liii'ii .111 .iil'iil wi.il.ci lui i'.ii.il n;'lil I'll 111. hi;. ;'Hi iiii'l i" 11 . runt iiinii-,' -peaKi'i t ,ii,uiir i in t llril ! ov red M.111;, ..it.iili which it mi. iiiinitil.i' t 'iiiiiiy owing l" l 111.I1, hair In i'ii 1 11 f 1 '! ! Mint will be ili-plat-d llil- tw-rl, .'I I'. H Ciiopci' giciil nl'-. Anions Talent, in ii-iiii ni .1 n hi iliuirt' inn-i''. i Mimic Coinp.uit , I ! Al' iiaii i jnl n iluilil I lie in I ;,' I lir Slli'1-.'s- iucgo, -nlill''il llrnrl'a llriir." lln tn iiu" "I wlii'li , attributable I" !'' vv.-ll known inn- Myti ,,, vtl.. '.J., , , . , i i ni' "I ,ti, ,.jf - . ,,.,, vn'Mi in wall ,,,.. . ,. ,,, ..ml -nn.lc. J1M,i ,, ,iiiiii. i ii,. til in il niiinlii-i Will be Impioved. A'ii 1 i- kimwii n (In- 11M I rnllui'-i M.H jtiipi il. mi 1 A.im .liM-t in l ii. 'ilv. Iiai iMTii imr rlia-i'il 111 itx intiily, by Mr. A tint- I!. Mail., uf llul l.iinih, ami nott M'iiliiiL .(( j.j, a( , p rii r, ,,. ,, ,...,.. i , ltir,,. .,imi,.( 1 1 . ami iinpnivi'il ami maili' ai'rviii'alile fur 1 lin' ill a cnmim n ial 'Tir, .H'riirilillfc' t" plan, iiniilviiiy u very r.'.piTtulili' inn ... .....i 1. ni ii, ,1 n't fiillv ilruHii lint whirl! will riiiiipirhrinl iu rebtiililiii).' ami H'iiiljui incut tu biiiiniKH ue. Five Day More, at the riqui-t nf our 'pati"ii, w,' lme (Irlcrmliicil to eon- tlnuc our (;ient rlcan up Hale. tl' ilii.v iiime (treater bargaina than ever will lie Riven at .'. II. ('onpcr'it (.teat "ale. Realty Transfers Three nnlty tnin fri were tile. I fr ii". id yi'itriiliiy wilh the rntllltv rlrlk. Il.wit; The I'l'llill-lllll t.aml A Tin-t ( ninpiiny tu l.eamlrr ! berk, waitiinty. rmiKiib rati'Ui iTil'J.'iH. rntni - iti vr lui" HI' nii-l -I", bl"' k Ta liu' A-t.iliil. 'I he I'liitnl Stall", tu l.i ir W. S-iitl. rnlivrv Hltf b pi'lrlll. the . W, .iiai1ri uf rt. imi ill T. 1 N., I!. In W. Tims I.invillc shriiir, to U'iimler l-ebrck, II" the aiti(fliee (if T. I'. I.iiiiiin, iiiii-iili'iatii.ii $IOI.'J(l. ciiiiveyinj.' So. I, I. Inrk N'n. 1, AhlerlniMik, in the rily "f A-tuiia. At His Southern Home. - The A-turinii Wlls the pli'ifeil reripirllt Ve-trlilay of 11 iinle frnm Dir Haylis- T. Karlc. wlm i-. imvv at hi home near Spailaiibiil. South ( an.liii.i, nn.l ;lii(l In reprnt tnat the iluitiir i apparently enjoying every thing ill -i'bt as shnillil be the eaf with it man just arrived on the home soil after an nbsenre of si years. He says even the " po' white tra-h" down there nre evidently llouiishiiif;. It i" pleiiMint to know he is entiivly happy himself, nnd when he jjeto ready to re turn, he will tinil 11 cordial welcome awaiting him nt the old stum! nnir the mouth of the Columbia. Under Arbitration. For some time pnst, the Astoria Water Commission lui desired to purchase 11 bi'h service site, foiiiirisinn about twenty-two acres of land, from Dr. Alfred Kinney, 11 ml lying a few miles southeast of the city. The commission offered the owner the sum of sixty dollars per acre for the property ami were met with the ilcnuunl of the doctor in the Hum of one hundred dollars per acre, from which estimate the own er has not receded. Hut the mutter has finally drifted to a point where iiibilia tion has been invoked, Comity Assessor T, S. Cornelius, acting for the water people, and Hrenniin Van Duseii for the owner of the land, a provision liaviiifr been inserted in the formula for arbitra tion that the third man should be nam ed if these two could not ivnch a con clusion in the premises, Messrs. Cor nelius and Van Husen met yesterday nt the ofllce of the water commission at the city hall to review the whole situa tion and to reach nil accept able basis if within the possibilities, ami will re port in due season to their principals. Before you purchase that new Easter bonnet, make it a point to call and in spect the excellent line of hats now on display at Mrs. Ingleton's Millinery Store. Welch Block, opposite the Budget office on Commercial street. In the City. lion. W. It. William-., 11 plOlllillClll Csii-l 111 Pacific COIIuty, WW 11 lniiiii'. v l-i 1 1 ij in .Alniiit fur 11 biief tillll'. Many School Children.--According to tin' ii'iciix jii-t completed t Sen-tide Ihcic nil- i!l7 children of school nge in I lie town, which i tin increase over t lic ii'iHiii of lnl viar at duty-eight. Make Payment. Tlir ity Tica-uiei U'Iiiiiv iiuiilc tin' limit jny iiniil Di) lliiiii'i'ii IihimU i'tui'il In tlic rilv in Jan Win II. H!IH, (111 tlir pa Will-Ill of hi lf iiiinmi-iiii'iil-, miiinmting In J7H.'I.M. To Elect Olliccm. Tonight t If iii' in lu i il S-I'.ii.i Lodge Sn. Hli, !. " 11. I'.. will met il l -i r bull lii mine lliiii tn-tt nllirii'- Im tin- I'liniiiij; I'lin. It i I'vpi'i-li'il tin- l.i -I Kll. ill the citv Wilt In- pH'M'llt. Will Resume Trips. I( i. ainiouiif -i liv I j f 1 1 1 1 1 I , I!. N-lill, nIK'l f III' l ' it ill' 1 'I rlr'lapli, I lull lii'yiniiin mi tlir filt'i'iilli nl in-x t liniiilli I In- li'iimrl ill mill' mini' ii'Htini' lii'i trip licttt'-i'ii lliik ' il ami I'm 1 liiinl To Replank Road, (in April .Ird lilda juill In- npi'iii'il nl .Irtti'll fin Hie ilrikitiK nl lliii i mi. I 1. in' liall inilr- of I In- i niinly iiiml liilui'iii .Iiiiiii,'iii' propi'lty ami I). I Hi'i ili l' plan'. ll,H I i. Il l till' U"l I. w 111 oiiii'. mil a- the eon ! 1 iiiiuiienred Repair Front. 'I Im building occupied by I lie clitiiil M.-iit Malket and the I'ii!, ir.. nt .ji 11 1 .1 11 1 , will luivc the front which uu il.iuiii;vi"l In liie about a year ago, ici:iiiri ami painted in a abort I illir Award Contract. Tlir i , -pari incut at Wiibinglou ha- aw aided lb'- emit Met fill till- roll"! r lift ion nl one double set nl imii ,i'iuiiiiiiiiiiiiii iilliici' quarter at l oll Mcvcii", The plumbing and electric wiling iiiiiliiirl tut the building whs rriiird by William Miller. The rout met fur the roust nictimi of 11 wngon shnl and fur making snine iilli'iiitimis in the stable at lull Sii'M-n- whs uwiinli'd to V.. (iiistufsun, ami the contract for the erection uf searchlight shelters nt Fori Stevens and Columbia u given to Wil liam Miller. Orders in Probate. - County .ludgo Trcmharil, sitting for probate has iiutde the following estate orders. In the mat ter of the estate of Mult l.ukkarilhi. de ecu. ei. the vacancy ucruiiing by reason uf the refusal of J i ter l'etersen to act on the Isiaril of appraiser, Matt (Mid has been bv the rumt to serve in hi stead. In the mutter of the estate of Daniel l.lilhiiln. ilrrnisril. the minimis, tratiir bus been nupowereil by the isiuil, tu cullcit. and draw all moneys line and belonging, to the estate, wherewith tu pay the iiinriit claims of tin- adminis t lilt Kill III the inalli'l nf the i'-t.lli' of I'. 1 . Kimiieil. iIi'i im si i. t1i- 11111111.il nc riillllt nl the cei 11I11I. .Inlill V. Ilitlibidge, hit -s Ueii ill all things duly approved; ami it iipp'iiriiig to the court, that there are in the bands of aid executor the sum of .ssii:i.'..'lil, In- ha la-en directed to ilisliinve sniil stilus in the fnllowing man ner: Inr executor's fees, !f!l'J3.f7i for atlurncv's costs, .."is7; ;in. I to each of the following named heirs, the sum of .7HJ.li. eorh. II. P. Kindred, .1. K. Kin died. Nancy I'i-liet-. Julia Itabbidge. Mary Mudd, Amelia Ift.lt . Amanda Mattheson. W. S. Kindred. Uosetta Cuniiingliiiin. Sarah Mudd. and David C Kindred. TEAMSTERS TO STRIKE. Chicago Truck Drivers Union Want Higher Wages. CltlCAliO, Maivh '.'ii. -Chicago will see a serond big teamsters' strike il" the plans laid by the Truck Drivers' Union at a meeting held yesterday are carried out. The drivers, backed by their interna tional organization, unanimously voted to push their demands for increased wage and better conditions. The Chi cago Team Owncis' Association as firmly ha decided to resist. Neither side see any common ground upon which to meet or a possibility of a compromise. The truck drivers local with SIMI members, is the strongest in the union in Chicago. The demands of the teamsters have been in the hands of their employers for more than two weeks but it was not until yesterday that the workers them selves admitted tle possibility of a strike. The obstinate struggle for sev enty days' duration which came to an nnd lust July makes the prospect of a similar strike unwelcome to both em ployers and men, and until the result of the referendum vote was announced it was believed that the differences could be patched up. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. All of these diseases are attended by intense itching, which is almst instant ly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Salve nnd by its continued use a per manent cure may lie effected. It has in fact, cured many cases that had re sisted all other tretment. Trice 25c per box. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. UNPRECEDENTED Never was known such a Sale in Astoria before GOOD GOODS HAVE SIMPLY BEEN GIVEN AWAY Great Sale for 5 Days More Positively Ending Saturday, March 3 1st C. H. COOPER'S GREAT UNPARALLED SALE FLOTSAM AND JETSAM The schiMUicr l'lilaris from San Pedro arrived in yeterday. The revenue cutter Perry left out u-tcrilay moi-ning for a cruise to Cray's Harbor point for a few days. The steam-hip Senator is due at the (I. It. & X. pier here tomorrow en route for San Francisco. The schooner Annie M. Camplx-ll went to sea yestenlay morning, hound for San Pedro. The -riiooiiei' Sehoiiie arrived ye-ter-day morning from San Pedro mid is at anchor in the city channel. The srliiMilter John A. Ciimplx'll wns among the arrival yesterday from sea. She hails tn. in San Pedro. The schooner Virginia crossed in ye terday morning after one of her smash ing iiiirk voyage fnuu tin- California const. The liarkcntines Mary Winkctman and Portland went up to Portland on the tow line of the Harvest Qu.en yester day morning. The Astoria n of Sunday was mi-taken in iiiinoiini ing the arrival of the steam ship Arabia fix.m China. She is due lu re hourly, however. J. I!.. Tiun, lately of the American -hip Ncsmith. at San Francisco, arrived in the city vestenlny to join the ship St. Nicholas, as first mate. The l.tirline left up for Portland last evening with the following people on her register: Cnptnin J. W. Itabbidge, P. West, J. Tt. Winters. 11. M.-downn. C, Durfur, and H. S. Hackney. The American ship St. Nicholas is due in these waters this morning from Clif ton. She will take on :t."0 tons of coal at the F.lmore bunkers and then haul in to the Kinney dock and load cannery supplies for the service of the Columbia River Packers' Association's plants in Alaskan territory. The steamship Roanoke came in yes terday afternoon, from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Eureka and Coos Bay points, with a good passenger list and a big bunch of freight, which she left on the Cnllender piers in this city- leaving up for the metropolis nl 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The I'.ritish steamship Vermont, lum ber liuleii for the Orient, is still in the channel here, pending the settltm-nt of a libel levied against her by the owners of the American ship Harry Morse, with which vessel the Vermont collided in getting underway at Portland on Satur day last. The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. REMNANT SALE. Dress goods, wash goods, towelings, and muslins. Children's heavy shoes, size 6 to ia, 48 cents a pair. These shoes were $1.25. 3t We are going to continue this PERSONAL MENTION. Kx-Adiniral A. X. Smith is in the city on a business trip. Judge Dan Riereon of Vine Maple is in the city on business. Augut Ilagliiml of Knappa was a viitor iu the city jesterday. C. F. Berry of San Francisco came in yesterday on the noon express. S. B. Walm of Portland was a busi ness visitor in Astoria yesterday. VA. Iiaddenbiisch. of Mishwaukee, was iu the city yeterday on business. K. II. Joseph, of Altoona, was in the city yesterday, tran-acting business mat ter,. F. U. May of Portland arrived in the city yesterday on the 11:30 train from Portland. lion. W. S. I "Ken. a prominent attor ney of Oregon City is in the city visit ing friends. Walter Button of Jewell who ha been in the city the past few- days returned home yesterday. C. J. Fairbanks of Chicago was among the noon arrivals yeterday on the Portland express. Han Petersen, of the Altoona Mer cantile Company, was a btisine-s visitor in the city yesterday. W. S. Cone, a heavy owner of property in and a popular citizen of Bay City, wa a business visitor in Astoria yes terday. Mis I.illie Olson was an over Sunday visitor with hei family here, and re turned to the metropolis yesterday ac companied by her younger sister, Sadie. Mrs. C. C. Light foot, accompanied by her sister. Mrs. Murphy, left yesterday morning for Brainard. Minnesota, whith er they were hastily summoned by wire yesterday, owing to the precarious con dition of their venerable mother. Millinery opening at the Bee Hive Tuesday and Wednesday, March tj and a8. Everyone invited. There is nothing worse than an offen sive breath. It comes from bad stomach and liver. Hollistei's Rocky Mountain Tea cures all liver disorders and per fumes the breath. 3.) cents, Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart, druggist. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race. Con stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stom ach. Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regu late these organs, without pain or dis comfort. 25c at Chas. Rogers, druggist. We are aole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, i . , Celebrated Stoves and Ranges IWSWI 0 Millie J THE PICTURE WORLD. When you are in need of anything in the photographic line in the amateur way, kodaks, films, plate, cards, mounts, and all the technical detail of the business, and want the best and last in the way of artistic development, just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, ani tell him so. That is alL Pillsbury't Beat Flour, MinneapoU $1.75 per sack. Geo. Lindstrom Ik Co. For a good shave go to the Occident Barber Shop. Fire chairs. No long waits. Have you weakness of any kind stomach, back, or any organs of th body! Don't dope yourself with ordi nary medicine. Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea is the supreme curative power. 35 cents. Frank Hart, druggist. THE OLD GOVERNMENT. The perfection of whisky used in the medical department of the United States military and naval service. Also in hospitals. Recommended by the high est authorities as the purest stimulant for family use. Sold exclusively by Wm. Bock. LEST YOU FORGET. Is it not about time you were getting that buggy fixed up! It may need new rubber tires or perhaps some other re pairs. If so, take it to Andrew A3' Company. They also do all kinr"- I blacksmithlng and repair work. -" STATEMENT NO. 1. The statement is frequently, and freely, made that the best meal in As toria is always served at the Palac Restaurant. The reason for this broad and general declaration, is that it is ao. What better predicate can there be for so important announcement? The maa who doubts it has only to call there and prove it for himself. If he can't go by day, he can go at night; the house ia never closed. They feed the individual and they banquet the crowd. And all on the same plane of excellence. Com mercial street, opposite the Page build- inf. Inquire of the Elks about the event of the season March aq. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all manner of texidermy, furniture uphol stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat tress making a specialty and a l work guaranteed. THE ZENITH AND THE STAR Every one guaranteed. Will let yoM stand or sit on the oven door if yo wish. Prices reduced on all stoves r4 ranges till after the Holidays. 1 J. Scully 470-472 WMMERCIAL STREET .