J rift 1ft UOVER8 THE MORNINQ FIKLD ON THB LOWEh COLUMBIA UBLItHi fULL ASSOOUTID pr PRICE FIVE CENTS VOMJ.MK LXI NO. !0. ASTORIA. ORKOONt JTKSDAY, MARCH 27 1900 if, U & A. B. PUTER ARRESTED D LDS RAWS Much Wanted Oregon Land Thief Is Arrested But Draws a Revolver and Hakes Daring Get Away Through Crowded Streets. DETECTIVE MAKES VAIN DETECTIVE BURNS IS WAITING ON STREET FOR ARRIVAL OF POLICE WHEN HIS PRISONER DRAWS GUN FIGHT ENSUES IN WHICH PUTER MAKES ESCAPE-LARGE CROWD OF SPECTATORS GIVE CHASE. lit is US', March '.'H. Stephen A l, I'uUr, wanted by tlii I'lilted State government in connection wilh tin- laud Irmulit ill nivalin una arrested hrfi to night liy Cuited Statr M.ir-lml lturn of Washington, P. ('.. Imt after bring in custody than half mi hour, filter diew a icvolvci u ml miiti-i'ilc l in eseap-in-. llitrn was detailed by the f- imtM-nt In come lie IP Hlld search fur I'lltiT. lie locn t t liim iitnl v it 1 1 I nt the lYuwiiy liiiunli post utilise where lie learned filter Kim in tin' liiidit of railing )l t i - n i it 1 1 addressed to ".Mm II. Itiownrll." filter agi to accompany Hum ! a i i u t room in tin- poiitiillir.-. HiiniH understood .Nupclintciidciit Swift f tin' In audi office Iitnl gone fur the police, Imt it developed later that Swift misundcr ftcxiil IIiihik. Supposing 1 lie ollhvrs were out-ide lli-' building lluins placed filter TEN PEOPLE KILLED Construction Train Drops Small Stream. Into THE CABOOSE TELESCOPED River Carries Bridge Away and Relief Traina Are Unable to Reach Wreck Until Houra After Seven teen Are Injured. CASfl':i!. Wyo., Mni'eh i!ii.Meltiiuz miow mid hi(h wuler mused the wor-t wreck in the hihtoiy of the Wyoming di vision of the Chienjjo nud NorthweHteru lliiilwuy, when u work train, returning to CuMper from the eonwtruitioii fmnp" went of Woolloii dropped into n sinull ntiN'i iir Niitonn (hi- inorning. Ten lire known to lie (lend and Heventeen in CYCLONE IN OKLAHOMA DESTROYS MUCH PROPERTY crnnUF.. Okla., March 2IJ.-A spec ial to the Capital from ferry states that three persons sustained perhaps fatal injuries and thousands of dollars in property were destroyed by a cyclone IN BOSTON BUT E$CAPE$ CROWD OF II AT BAY ATTEMPT AT CAPTURE itiiilrr iiii't anil look liim to th iJe walk. After asking a question or two iilnml hi removal to Wahington, the prisoner tuddrnly drew a revolver and levelling it at H 1 1 r n h head exclaimed : " I'll kill you, llurim, if you dure mine!" The eiowd about the two men was quite dense, Imt fell huck rapidly at the appearance nf the revolver, Imt Ilurim, although considerably older tlmn the pii-miT jiimpeil nt him u ml pu"hed up hi hand. Cuter struggled mid succeeded in pointing the murle at funis' breal fur the second time. Again the officer liix'il with him, Imt could mil wrench the weapon uvvav. futer llnnlly got free from Urn iih' clasp and gradually h.ukcd away with the revolver still pointed nt I tu iliu. He suddenly turned mid dinted down the street followed by I In ollieer mid many other per-oii. fugitive, however, nenped. The jured. Mime fatully. The wreck hap pened at 5 o'eloek i the train wif ei'okitiug a t ream. The engine paed incr afely hut it' weight hroke the pililiK, which had lieen iindermiued by the lli 1 of aterK and the ear follow ing dropped into the ravine. One coach was tilled with Aiihtriiin and Italian la borer. Thin eoaoh waa telescoped by u heavy water car following and crushed like an eggshell. Muny oecupnnU were caught under wivi kiij;e and it was hours before they were taken out. Word was sent to Casper, but it was eighteen hours before relief could be extended to the injured. The weakened condition of the bridges made it unsafe to hoiuI a train to the scene and hand cars were pressed into service. Shortly after starting the relief party run into a snowstorm and had to abandon the cars and proceed afoot. The bridges were repaired as soon as possible and nl noon a relief train was sent out and brought back the deiiil and injured. TRAIN DERAILED. KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 2(1. -The east hound (lolden State Limited train on the liock Island railroad due to ar rive here nt ! p. in., was derailed at Mnncic, Kansas, 8 miles west of here. in the neighborhood of Hillings, Okla., Sunday night. Telephone wires are nil down and particulai are unobtainable. None of the victims are yet dead accord ing to the latest, reports. EVOLVER D TRIES TO ROB STREET CAR Attempt to Steal Money Foiled By Finns. fHIEF MAKES ESCAPE Man Tries to Rob Car No 5. in Charge of Motor man Cook. TWO FINNS EFFECT CAPTURE Criminal Fights to Escape But is Over come, Placed on Board Car, When He Again Makes Escape For Good. A bold attempt wa made last night to rob car No. 3 of the Astoria Klectrie Company, by u iniiu whose identity in as yet unknown. The ear on which tht at tempt was made won in charge of Motor man Kdward Cook, and was making it's hist trip for the night. Shortly utter the cur left the power house, the would-Im- roblier Uianlcd the cur, and took a scat inside. Standing on the rear end of the car were two Finns. It was through them the roblier was discovered, captured, and subsequently allowed to go free. According to the story of Motorman Cook the Finns tirst observed the man standing nt the forward end of the ear, and with a pocket knife trying to pry open the change box. With no hesita tion the Finns rushed for the fellow, and it lleico struggle ensued. Motor man Cook healing the noise turned and seeing the struggle rushed to help the Finns, but the fellow proved very active and breaking away from his captors, dashed out the front end of the car. which had been brought to a standstill by the motorman at the coiner of Hume and llond streets. The Finns, however, did not give up the light. They rushed out and again caught the thief, before be had proceeded many feet. The man., however, made a desperate light, and before he was subdued, had to be knocked almost senseless. "Seeing that the Finns had the fel low," said Motoi'iunn Cook last night, " I took my car on, and when I struck Twelfth and Commercial streets, found a policeman, to whom 1 related the cir cumstances of the affair, and he at oneo started down to the scene." Man Makes Escape. The finale of the incident occurred w hen car No. 4 in cluuge of Motorman Mussing arrived nt the place whew the two Finns were holding down their cap tive, A huge crowd had collected by this time, and as the car appeared, it was tin i it'll The Finns wanted to put the man convey him to the police -tnlimi. The pii unci wii iieeorn- ingU bi.onglit in the car ii ml guarded by Iii I w ii c iptoi U IWil l-lplois II 11)1 l"I IV seemed l"B- . .1, i -ihlc to c-e.ipc. The mini had bci-u lieiiteu mi badly ill his struggles to esciiH that he was Id linjf profusely at the mouth, uinl bi eyes were black ened. I That he loci ii"t given up the hope of escnpe however il iplieklv shown, 1 for almo-i befoie the ear had started, 'the man l-.tped up. mid brushing a-ide !the two guaid-. dashed out the rear j dour, ami into the night. The two Finns I ami the crowd out-ide w hich bad gath 'ervd previously took up the ch.ise, and ' for awhile things were exciting in the neighborhood. The man was iWt-footed ' .t i nl running ue-t down I'-oiid street, dis appeured. j A vigorous search wu made la-t night ' by the jMiliee and u nuinls-r of citizens. ; but the man could not lie found. It is ' likely that he will be apprehended i shortly as a gonl description has been ; obtained. The man was about medium height; hod light hair, und wore a dark suit of some mixed material. He Jo-t his hat in the struggle, and this is in the pos session of the jHilice. It is said th.it the man is not a foreigner. FIRE STARTS IN BARBER SHOP. TACO.MA, March 2C A Ledger- special from W range) states fire started in the barber shop of the Pioneer hotel late Saturday night and the entire town was wiped out with the exception of the dock and one store. Thirty-eight houses, composing the town'a residence district, were burned to the ground. HELP WRANGEL VICTIMS. SKATTLK, March 2n.-The officers of the Pacific Steamship Company received a telegram from Juneau this evening stating the people of Juneau have raised twenty tons of provisions for the suf ferers at Wrungcl and asked the com pany to allow the steamer Alki to take them thither. The vess.l will reach WVnngel tomorrow. WHIPS THE EDITOR W. A. Johnson and E. B. Hperol Oregonion Have Fight. THE LAWYER IS ARRESTED Declares He Protested Against Oregonian Personalties Against C. F. Adams and J. N. Teal and Was Twice Set Upon, by Four Men. fOKTLAXl), March 'iti.-W. A. John son was arrested at noon today on com plaint of Fdgur H. Piper, managing editor of the Oregonian, who charges the de fendant with assault and battery and threats to kill. The warrants, issued from the police court were served on Johnson after he was taken to police hcudiiiurtcrs by Detectives Yaughnil and Hurt man. He w as released on euh bonds aggregating $4(M, furnished by J. (i. Wilson. The police were notified by an employe of the Oregonian about 11 o'clock that a man giving the nume of Johnson had wrecked Piper's private otlice and beaten the editor. Yaughun and Hart man hastened to the scene. There Piper informed them that John- I son had called at the office, abused him because of the attacks made by the pa per on Charles F. Adams, president of the Portland C.as Company, and J. X. Teal of the law firm of Teal & Minor. j threuteiied his life and finally assaulted SI board till' '.IT -1 1 1 ' I WOMAN TELLS THE STORY OF A TERRIBLE CRIME Mrs. Emma Le Doux Arrested in Antioch, California Confesses How and Why the Murder Was Committed-Body Jammed in Trunk. POLICE ARE HUNTING WOMAN IS KNOWN IN SAN FRANC ISCO TENDERLOIN, AND IT IS SUS PECTED HER FIRST HUSBAND WAS KILLED BY HER FOR INSURANCE McVICAR ALS 0 HAD HIS LIFE INSURED IN WOMAN 'S FAVOR. SAN" FKANTISCO, March 26. The went out and bought a trunk. Then w nivsterv connected with the finding of went to the Southern Pacific station the dead Ixniy of Albert N. McVicar in after he put the body in trunk. I helped a trunk at the Southern Pacific depot in him do that." Stockton Saturday night is practically The local police learned that Mrs. Le solved, though a few details of the crime Doux was visited in this city Saturday are lacking. The identification of the night by Joseph Healy, a plumber, and liod v yesterday coupled with the fact he admitted to them he did so in re that the woman who pa-ed a McVicar's sponse to a telegram from the woman, wife, but whose real name is Mrs. Emma whom he has known several years. LeDoux, left Stockton shortly after the Healy said he visited the woman again tragedy, was followed tday by the ar- on Sunday. She told Healy McVicar ivst of the woman at Antioch. She ad- died at Sonora and McVicar's brother milted she knew of the murder and in had shipped the body to Denver. She a statement to the justice of the peace also told him that McVicar had $5000 declared the actual prepetrator of the insurance which at one time had been crime was a man whom she knew as payable to her, but had been transferred Joseph Miller. Mrs. LeDoux made the to his mother. She said McVicar's following statement: , brother told her he would get her $1000 "We had all lieen drinking and Me-' out of it. The police find the motive for Vicar and I were drunk. McVicar had the Stockton crime in Healy's reference lots of money and Joe Miller gave him to the insurance policy. They are now carbolic acid. Then I don't know just hunting for the woman's alleged aecom what hapiiened. Miller and I put the plice. body in a trunk and sent it to the depot. Mrs. LeDoux is known in the Redlight I wanted to go right away to my mother district of San Francisco. Her maiden at Jackson, but Miller would not let name is Emma Head. Several years ago me. He made me go to San Francisco she married a man named Barrett from with him Saturday night and Sunday, whom she separated and then she mar I.ast night we left San Francisco with ried a man named Williams, who died tickets for Stockton. At Richmond Mil- under peculiar circumstances. She is ler left me and went back to San Fran- said to have collected heavy insurance cisco and I got off here at Antioch." ion him. She later married a Frenchman "Miller got all the money," she con-' named LeDoux. At the Stockton hotel tinned. "I don't know how much, but the murdered man registered at "A. N. he got it. After McVicar was dead I McVicar and wife." t . -'- . . , him. Piper's face and one hand showed that he had lieeu in a scrimmage. Johnson's Account Differs. When Johnson was taken to police headquarters he told a story throwing an entirely different light on the affair. lie asserted that Piper and other em ployes of the paper assaulted him twice and that the infest was due to his suc ceeding not only in preventing them from materially injuring him but in punishing several of his assailants. " The unwarranted and blackguardly attacks made by the Oregonian on Mr. Teal and Mr. Adams, who are friends of mine," said Mr. Johnson, "aroused my ire. 1 studied the matter over, without saying anything to anybody, and con cluded that something should be done to protect them personaly. This morn- TOWN OF WRANGEL ALMOST WIPED OUT BY BIG FIRE LOS ANGELES, March 26 A telegram dated Juneau, Alaska, March 2tith, from United States District Attorney Boyce to the Times and the Associated Press, states the town of Wrangi was almost FOR MALE ACCOMPLICE ing I went to the Oregonian office and saw Mr. Piper, that meeting ending in the assault ou me. "I was just leaving the office. I got I into the elevator and it had started ; down, when Piper rushed out and called me hack, saying that he would like to talk the matter over further. I accom panied him back to his office. Hardly had the door closed on me when Piper and another man attacked me. I thrash ed both of them. " When they drew away I walked out of the office and got on the elevator. Aftef the elevator started one of them yelled to the elevator boy to bring it back. I then got off and started toward the setps, when four or five, including Piper, attacked me. The janitor broke (Continued on page 4) totally destroyed by fire and appeals for help for aid for the sufferers. The dis patch states every store in town was burned and the total loss is $100,000. The customs hou?e was saved.