THE MOHMXK ASTOHIAX. ASTOKIA. OHKC.OX. MONDAY, MARCH nfl, 190O. CANNED FANCIES jHARD FIGHT WAGED LADIES, Pineapples, sliced, grated and cube, in large site cans ao cents Canned Hominy, "Hopkins" 15 cents " Pumpkin and Squash 15 cents " Tomatoes, "Premium". 3 for 15 cents ATTENTION! Senators Battle over Railroad Rate Measure. a " Peas, Sugar 3 for 83 cenis " Blackberries, Strawberries and Black Cherries as cents A. V. ALLEN SOLE AGENT FOR BAKERS BARRINGTON HALL STEEL CUT COFFEE. BIG RECLAMATION FUND IDLE A Favorite Remedy for Babies. It pleasant taste anil prompt runes have made Chamberlain touch Rem edy a favorite with the mother of small children. It quickly cures their I roughs anj colds ami prevent any danger ot pneumonia or oilier s-riou consequences. It not onlv cures croup. but when given a soon as the cropy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. THEY MAY OVERDO IT Northwest Lumber Interests on Pronounced Boom. C.ENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS. RECtNT RAISE TO INCREASE fk Fatal Grrm aaa Its Rtmtij Faeta f Seleaee. It la the rarest thing in the wond for man to be necessarily bald. No man Loggers Although Government Has $10,000,000 in the Reclamation Fund, it Will Not Aid Work on New Irri- whose hair Is not dead at the roots, need be bald If he will use Newbro's Herpi- clde. the new acalp antiseptic. Herpi elde destroys the gernj that cuts the hair off at the root; and cleans the scalp ot aannrus and leaves it in a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. ilannett. In the Maryland Block, Butte. Mont., was en tirely bald. In less than a month Herpi clde had removed the enemies of hair growth, and nature did Its work by cov ering his head with thick hair an Inch leng, and in six weeks he had a normal uit of hair. Sold by leading druirgists. Bend 10c. in stamps for sample to Ths Herpicide Co.. Detroit. Mich. Making Big Money Dealers Are Protesting Against Advances Lumber Famine in the East is Responsible. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St., Owl Drug Store, 549 Cora. St, T. F. Iaurin, Prop. "Special Agent." n Your attention is called to our new store, now open and ready for business We Do Expert Painting, Graining Paper Hanging and Frescoing GIVE US A CALL The Eastern Painting a Decorating Co. No. 75 8th St. "TJ jc-ui i rag ia esaf wmm i T A COM A. March 2:.-Xot in the his tory of the lumbering lusine-s has there leeii Mich a lnhiui iii the industry as it now has in the northwest. The recent aise of J straight on all fir grades, ex' cpt railroad ties, made at the Tacoiua meeting of the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' asociation, at which the tanding committees of the Oregon, the Southwestern Vahington, the Inland Empire Lumbermen's associations, as well as British Columbia lumbermen were represented, will probably be fol lowed within a few weeks bv another raise. Tacoma mills will not now guarantee a lumoer price longer than two weeks, they anticipating an almost immediate raise. The loggers of Pugst Sound will hold a meeting about April 1 to con sider raUes of 8.50, 9.00 and $11.50 (t thousand feet. These loggers are ilready realizing immense returns. One linn down the sound that is putting feet of log daily into the wat er is making .1imki net lailv on their product The firm pays ?3 gross for the log. kid in the water, and sell them at 9 per thousand. The February bu-incs of the mill of aliiii"lon was the lament February lumber trade in th hi.tory of the busi lies, in the Mate. While the railroads are doing their utmost to relieve the ear .hotii'c. yet 011 anount of the in-iiea-e of order- ami the growing ca pacity of the mills the outcry for ship ping facilities j a. 'reat as ever. Many mills of the sound already have suffic ient ord-rs to keep them running a year and every mail bring, additional de mands lor their product. It seems u. though an out and out lumber famine prevailed in the eat," aid a lumberman here today. "Lum ber companies in the middle states are wild for immediate shipment of their orders. These orders are so pressing und numerous that mill are paying little attention to local order, and, in fact, in most cases would rather not fill them." Business men of iiujtoti. 1). V M,mh :,. The able! d bate, heard in the I'nited State. Senate lor f-ai are being credited to the mem br. it the current bodv while tie.itin- the i.ulttav late regulation mea-un There i an abseace of p.irti-un rauco ami maikiiiL' other di.ciiuui hut the hgal all. I eeiitlomi.; research in ilieated by .om,. of the speeches, the at tenti.m given by the entire membership. and the seriou-ne- with tthieu t!i senatcus are .trniyjliiig, impre W'a.h . mgtoii as no other legislative scene of icceiit time. Little it any doubt re main, that .1 rate regulation nr a.iii' will 1h' enacted by the Senate, to which the hou.i- will ayive, but the loca tcre.t doe not abate. Many -pc-ehe delivered ale thought to have an ultimate campaign ih.tirm lion, but in Ihi atialv.js then' i much confusion. A limited ntunber of the He publican ..'iiators are Ugaint anv rat regulation by the Cot i-inment, the bril liant exponent of this doctrine 1 Senator Koraker, who believed when he gate utterances to hi. com ictioiis re cently that he dug his political grave. Another and larger contingent of the lb publican Senate de.ire regulation with positive and clear i-otirt review pro visions. The third element of the Re publican side, led by Dolliver and Clapp, want regulation, with no court renew provision whatever, Lut ing adjudication of rights arising under the law to fall where it may. Democrats ate dearly divi-lcd. but a strong majority favor the H-itite retiett provision. All Demo crats incline toward further legislation. Tillman, in charge of the bill wants a limited review. It would seem dillicult to make party apital out of whatever is done by the Senate in regard to this measure. A majority of both siiles want something lone. Credit for the final result will bared by Isith. Kteri some of the most ardent regulatioui-ts would prefer to hate action deferred for a longer time, that the great .iibi.ct might be nought forth with more detail and in tl'onger light. Hut it seem- as.UHd beyond question that differences and the finer elements of content will he sub merged, that -imir poitive legislation may go into elicit -ooii, upon which and in the light of it (I' lei-l- or ih-i tec! jor i i58 BOYS' . . . CLOTHING SACRIFICED tf x For several years past I aimed to sell only the "BEST" BOYS Clothing I could get I willingly paid 50 cents or 1 more per Suit or Over coat, so long as it was sewed right, lined well and of good material. Lately a lot of "CHEAP" Boys Clothing has been brought to town and many have been attracted by the PRICE regardless of FIT, WEAR and workmanship. I WILL NOT come Down on I have Determined to Dispose of the BOYS STOCK on hand at greatly Reduced prices. Reductions Range From J -4 to 1-2 of Former Price This Sale Begins Monday Morning March 26 .eriniam Wise Astoria's Reliable Clothier Pillsbury's Best Flour, Minneapolis, $t.75 per sack. Geo. Lindstrom It Co. ARRIVES FROM CALIFORNIA Mi.. W. K. Warren aiiivcd oh the cn,itor jcsteiday from ( aliloinia where she has been .pending the winter, to join her husband. Captain Waireri, and together they will ti-ii with ni.-iid-here and at Walii-nton until .Hiiieljme J. Q. A. IJOWLHY, r-resldtnt. O. I. I'KTKRSO.V, Vir. President. r'HAXK PATT0.V, Cashier. J. W. OAUNKR, AwliUnt Cashlar. proscciil ei pos.ibl" in illy Buster Shoes" They have a sole that won't wear out. Tacoma look upon the high lumber prices a. a hold up and accuse the lumber aasociations of the northwest of tru-t-like methods in combining to enforce them. The issociations of Spokane and contiguous territory is accused of being responsible for the raise of $2. This association asked the Tacoma meeting for a raise of 50 cents per thousand, and to every body's surprise the raise was made $2 per thou-and. S. A. GIMRE, Always Keeps Chamberlain Cough Remedy in His House. "We would not be without Cham berlain'g Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That i just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much le-s time than after it has be come settled in the system. This rem edy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. It pours the oil of lite Into your sys- : tern. It warms you up and starts the AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE , life blood circulating. That's what Hoi- lister's Rocky Mountain does. 35 cents, 543 Bond Street 0pp. Ross Higginj &Co. Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart, druggist. amemhitory work may be with more assurance than i the pre-ent titanic struggle. Efforts Unavailing. Although there is about ijilOVXMyKiO in the reclamation fund, and the annual increa-e is large, all effort o far for further government work on new irri gation projects is without avail. Seen tary of the Interior Hitchcock, in this as in a multitude of other things West cm. absolutely declines to make any conce-sion to tne urgent appeals ot a multitude of districts. He expresses his purpose of awaiting developments from some of the work undertaken, says the fund has Wn sufficiently reduced for the present, and will not, consider new project.. This and many other things in the record of the secretary has given rise to the Western spirit of opposition, and the hope that some time early this ad ministration there will be a change. Western men ridicule the assumption of parragon virtues and watchdog duty over Western lawlessness each time the secretary of the interior is criticised. They think that this capital stock has been well exhausted, and the nation should see that the West is not more lawless than any other section, if judged by the same standards. Some of the very things which have been seized up on for the pifjud vindication of the sec retary's imperious rule, grew and de veloped under his regime, and any cred it due for prosecution could be more than attaches to reforming one's own administration and correcting things ap parently done with the connivance of parts of the pious avenger. iiet month when Ala-ka. lll I 11 ill II to Astoria Savings Bank Capital I'ald In lluo.OOO. Htir!u and I'lifllvlilert IVoHl 1'A.M TrmisncUa General Hunk lug Hulnc. InUriwt I'uhl on Time 1pmmIU 163 Tanth 8trtt, ASTORIA, OREQON. IS RESTING EASY. Willie Coldlieek, t ho bad his leg broken by Icing . I ruck Saturday even- j ing ot- a Hat. car on tne electric car track m ar he potter house, tins report ed to lie resting us easily as might be expected under the circumstances. He is being treated at the St. Mary's hos-pilal. r FUNERAL YESTERDAY. The funeral of Mrs. lamisa Morgan look place yesterday afternoon from the St. Mart's Catholic chiindi. Rev. Father Waters officiating. The inter ment whs in Greenwood ceineterv. CONFESSES TO ROBBERY. LIMA, Ohio, March 2:.. -Yard Con- luctor Sloan of the Pennsylvania rail road walked into the police station and asked to be locked up. He said that in November, 1H!I", lie and two other men robbed an express train of SSO.OIM) at Calcna, III. Sloan's mind is believed to be unbalanced. CHICAGO, March 2.'). -The only rob- Ix-ry on the Chicago and N'orth western at Galena, according to an official of that road is knottn us the Tower Rob- I Im-it near Dckalk. fori v miles ti-oin ! alenn. That robbery tva. in 18!" ami ncller about 40,(100. NewSheetMusic TODAY WE HAVE RECEIVED OVER FIFTY NEW COMPOSITIONS THIS WEEK AND THERE ARE STILL A FEW MORE DUE DON'T DELAY; COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER NOW BEFORE THEY ARE PICKED OVER. MANY OF THEM WE HAVE ONE ONLY Astoria Souvenir Post Cards SEVERAL NEW AND DIFFERENT DESIGNS ON DISPLAY FOR FIRST TIME) a FOR $c. J. N. GRIFFIN Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes, My husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Hoarehound Syrup, and it cured him. That was six years ago and since then we have always kept a bot tle in the house. We cannot do with out it. For coughs and colds it has no equal. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. The Best Cough Syrup. S. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judt'e, Ot tawa Co., Kansas, writes: "This is to say that I have used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup for years, and I do not hesitate to recommend it as the best cough syrup I have ever used." 25c 50c nnd $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. Sleeplessness. Disorders of the stomach produce a nervous condition and often prevent sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets stimulate the digestive organs, restore the system to a healthy con dition and make sleep possible. For sale by Frank Hart and leading drug gists, i v v wn ii iwi jg Beer. ASTORIA IRON WORKS F L BIHIIOP. Secretary AHTOUIA SAVINGS BANK, Treal Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE S011CITED.J Foot of Fourth St. eet