6 THE MOKNING ASTOHIAN. ASTOIUA. OHEGON. MONDAY, MARCH id, i9u0, Tlx1 iimiiufurturo of Swiss cliroso Is rapidly rowliiK In tlio rnitnl Start's I ill t the Industry is ti:uili-it'lMI more or loss by serious osis ihi to nlmur mill feniH'titiition. A niTiii luilloiin of the Wis.-onsm station reports the results of a study of Hie causes of nil olitlrt:ik of (,'iissy fer mentation of an unusual niiturv in Swiss choose. The lirst nlitioruial cou dUion is generally noted In tln briae CHEE8R RHOW1NO CRACK IN( AT riXiE. tank. When placet therein the choose docs not sociii to absorb salt in the usual way. The tirst most evident symptom of trouble usually a pilars when the cheese has been on the shelves for a week or so. The edja of the cbeost cracks or opens, generally near the Junc tion of the top or bottom auil the side. See first cut. This split continues to Increase In length, running around the circumference of the cheese, and In se vere cases the interior of the curd may be forml out through this crack. In the second cut this stretching of the plastic curd toward this opening Is well shown. This Is, of course, due to the pressure of gas within the eneoe. The texture is rubbery or leathery and shows gas holes, always more numer ous than are to 1 found In a normal No. 1 Swiss. In all cases the flavor If decidedly "off." a disagreeable, sweet taste being observed. The affected cheese is also usually "off" in color. Investigation showed that the abnor mal fermentation was due to the pres ence of yeast cells which In some un known way had gained access to the milk and passed Into the cheese. The 'Wisconsin authorities say: "The quicker the whey can lie delivered tc the farmers the less likely are troubles of this sort to develop. I'angers from this source would be entirely elimlnat- Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. LAUNDRIES. HELP WANTED. UAMT.D - - 1MM KDIATIXY, THRl'K or four milltt right. Apply at OKI BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAUANT8. Oregun Mills, Wurrentoii. t.f. KIRST-CIASS M K A I- fnr I'liv nice i':iLt ontloo. nio nr WAXTK1V Girl for general housework; , , ' mall fami!v. En.iuiie at Astorian ' o - otlu-e. nut. ;? i Komi st. 10K KKXT-TWO XKAT SIX-ROOM houses; newly papered and painted; each $$.00 per month to desirable ten ants. I a d at office of S. Klmore Co., cr. '.'in ana commercial. 3-rJ t.t. WANT E D K X T F K I KXC K 1 ) GIRT. FOR housework in family of 4. Call As- torian office, t.f. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY work at home during spare time; no experience required; good pay ami steady; addre Fancy Work Dept., 1344 Market st., San Francisco. 3-8-1m BEST l. CENT MEAL. You oan always tiiul tlio best 15-i-ont uioal in the city at ttu Rising Sun Restaurant. G1'2 rominerciulSt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. The Troy Laundry Th only whit labor laundry In th lty. Dom th bit work al ronabl prloti and Is In ovtry wy worthy of your patronag. 10th and DUANK 8t... Phono 1091. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTI.K, M. D. FOR SALE. FOR SALE INCUBATOR : 200-Kuu rauaeitv: a -o one brooder, same ... ,. . ii ae; will sen cheap, (.ail or auuress 204 3$th street. Astoria, Ore. 3 23 Portland Restaurant a;3 Astor St. Good Clean Meals. Eicellent Service. Meals From ij Cents to 50 Cents. BROKERAGE. PHYSICIAN' AND MUUKoN Acting- Assistant SiU)!Hi!t t'.S. Murine Hospital Mcivlre. Jfflcx hour: 10 to 13 a.111. t to 4:11 p.m. 47 Commercial Street, Jnd Moor. DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND TBROAT so) Oregonlan Building. PORTLAND .... OREGON OSTEOPATH I8T. HOTEL PORTLAND Finoit HoUl In th. Northw.n. PORTLAND, OHI. CI I Y ADVERTISEMENTS. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Iluie it money ill Hie .-it v ticistny to pny all wart. in' pieelile,I iind -.loi1( iiuin tln 7(!i io t ho 'Mill day of Maj, l!'t.. Inti'e-t will ei'.ueaft. t tliin date. I in '.mas iii:.i.i:v, City Tieiinuirr, Aitoiia, Uie , M.n, li IT, l'.uti',, ;i DR. RHODA C. KICKS OSTEOPATH Offleo Manstd. Hid. phone Hint k :o6 87S Commercial St.. Aatorta, Ore. NOTICE. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL,' umn newspaper outftt; complete x :ept prss; cheap. Inquire at this of-Ice. FOR SALE Fony, broken to rid--and drive. Apply at A-torian ofTiee. BKOTION OP AFFECTED CHEESE. ed If a different receptacle from the can used for the fresb milk was employed to carry back the whey to the farm. Old, discarded cans that are not fit to use for milk could be utilized for this purpose. " When a factory once becomes badly Infected thorough disinfection Is con sidered necessary to destroy the perm. If steam is at hand, even a momentary exposure is sufficient to destroy its vi tality, but where reliance is had only on a scalding temperature (150 degrees F.) It is necessary to prolong the iriod of exposure for at least ten or fifteen min utes, lor washing the walls and floor of a factory a 2 per cent solution of hoi lye will prove effective. TIIE SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINE, gasoline, for fish boats; my speed; best made; right price; in stock; 011 exhibition; running in salesroom; also Fairbanks-Morse Stationary Gasoline Engines. Fairbanks, Morse 4 Co., First and Stark streets, Portlsnd. Ore. 3-1-lm FOR SALE.-i-CORNER LOT 504100, 8 room house, beautifully ornamental Sycamore street shade trees, 150 feet cement sidewalk and park place, lot terraced, two cement steps, both streets recently improved, gTand view, one of the finest central locations in the city. Must sell quick. Enquire 307 Ninth streeet. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. Inquire at 3SS Bond street. 3 25-It FOR RENT TWO HOUSES; GOOD t location. Enquire at ofliee Sherman Transfer Co. 3-15-t.f. MUSIC TEACHER. WANTED -THREE MUSIC PUPILS Inquire at Astorian office. lacrrsae of Milk Fat. A bulletin from the agricultural ex periment station of Cornell university describes experiments carried out on ten cows to ascertain whether the fat in milk could be increased by libera feeding, mixtures of such foods as cot tonseed meal, wheat bran, gluten feed, buckwheat middlings and linseed meal being given, as much as the animals would consume readily, in most cases twelve pounds per cow per day. which one cow exceeded. The summary of conclusions Is that In a herd of poorly fed cows an abundant ration easily di gestible and rather nitrogenous In char acter continued through two years re sulted in an average Increase of one fourth of 1 per cent of fat in the milk, which was about 6 per cent of Increase on the quantity given. This was ac companied by an Increase of about 5C per cent In total amount of milk and fat produced, and the Inc-reasexl produc tion was secured economically. Washing the Separator. When in regular use many cream separators are washed only once a day and flushed once a day, says Kimball's Dairy Farmer. This Is far from thor ough cleansing. Running cream through a dirty separator is similar to running it through a dirty strainer with all the tilth of the previous milking left In it from twelve to twenty-four hours. The millions of undesirable bacteria from the dirt, manure and slime lodged in the separator bowl spoil all the milk to a greater or lesser degree thai passes through the machine. Every part of a separator should be thor oughly washed each time after using. Some good washing powder should be dissolved in the water used. Scald 01 steam the parts and let dry while bot. using no cloths, for they are a great source of contamination. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewart, 127 Seventh street. LOST AND FOUND LOST LADIES' GOLD WATC H, AT t ached to belt, b tween 18th and 30th on Commercial. Return to Atorian1 office; reward. 3-2G-2t. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. "Phone 2191 Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 1 M m . .-nSBHMSBMaanM t Loaa In the Dalrjr. Poorly constructed stable floors, in sufficient bedding, negligence in cart of stables and in properly cleaning the eowa before milking will surely result .-4 Trim Marks Designs 'fpylftn Copyrights Ac, Anyone nenrtlng nkefh and dmcriptlon mj quickly ascertain onr opinion .'iee whether aa Invention l probably pulWutnle. ('omrnunlca. tloniiitrioilycoiiiidniitln'. HANDBOOK on Patent ent free, ouinm y?,i,cj tut aecurlnfr patent!. Patents tun-": throuith Muim to. recelM tptrialwiittr, without charire, lutbe Scientific Htnerican A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.srttest dr. dilation of uny scientific journal. Terms, S3 year: four months, SL Hold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.36,BrM New York Brancb Office, 625 F Bt, Washington, D. C. in a product unfit for uny 11-e and from which it is imjio-sililc to inake good llnvoied butter or cheese. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Con stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Ktom aeh, Liver ami Bowds, take Dr. King's New Life Tills. They perfectly regu lato these organ, without pain or dis comfort. 25c at Chas. Itogera, druggist. C. J. TKKXCIIAIU) Real Eitata, lnsura.no, Commiitior and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Office 133 Ninth Stnet, Next to Ju.tios Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St. The leading amusement houne. P. A. PETERSON, Prop DR. KATIIYRN Rl'KTHK Osteopahic l'hynician i'hoiie Il.-d 2101 Hours: 1 to 12 an.l 1 (0 5 3r.l floor Hoc Hive VMg , Omi'l, St. Vo(i.',' i Jtt . ! , il-C",Cl( lo N I tilioi of ili'fl.n iiij; lu'llics imm ti,.. I he rcntr h;it hc.-ti I. t-l with I !t 1'oli.i' .lil'kM', nt:-i IPIIilhi' H'-!l that '. 1 a I 2", iii.nie for the tio- t-O'ln ;iinl f iiniioMiij 1 : xi-ii u if- titici't, iiti'r 1 1 m c.i 1 cent h to 1 1 ttflll V III t nlr.rt, 1rS1t -ir and 1 o',-i.ll a i lin- DENTI8TS. o-Miii-nt roll riii:iiln-- Mllllllitll-" 0 Ulti'l't. 1.1 twen ilppoill!'-.! :i I2H, 1111. 1 t till I MhIl hi tti i 1 1 . -,t th.- .1 n ,f t!:r CITV ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Villi.1!' U lii'ri'hy jjlvcii thai I ho munis, ini'til iiiiuln lilt tint iiiiiiciciiii'iit of Co- llllllliill IIVI'IIIH', fllllll a puliit 12 fllft xiiiiih of I he south Int.. of Taylor v line, lo I ho sniilli luic of llwiii'ii avenue, 111 n'l ll'ii'IIH'lit loll llllliilil'l 117, W iiiiuIk lv mi iiiili'i- nf I he i-iuniiioli route II line iiinl piiviil.l.' mi Din Mli day of Ajuil, A, l, llMMI, I. v iiiiliimnip iiumlier II22I, i'iiillihihij( Hiii.l Hsri'Ksiiiriit roll, Ihjit the folhiHliiK tire llin nmiiea of til IM-i-Miii-j iinniii.it ulmin llin iiuM'sinimilt U 11111.I1' iiinl I he .iiiiiiiint owliiff liy rucli In w it : v it i riii. Win t.iii,ui ti i,i, V hn, I 'mi I , Mini, II r H. 11, A M il. kll, tlill .1 I '"it loin, 1 1 urn. ih lovhlll I,.. I II !.tl I ll.ll.rl !, .III-. HI I'll I .11 Itoll I I 'm 1 nun , t h,t . II llilml 1 ),ini. I llllllllllhl, Vtolll'H ll.il.M-1, li'.illi.-i .llli'l. nil, liii-oli .lollll ii.il, , II t .l tlllllMotl, r Kitiil..ui. 11, oh Kiiui.ill 1, John K i ! t. .ii I illu' ,t 1 11 K.iii,thi, Milt I dic k I Mill I son. Ii.hu M..1...1. II.-111 v ll.-l.-im 1 I ..till ,t Tni.t r. I ' Ml I -,.!, Parker House Bar Cor. Ninth and Aitor Sti. Agency fop Edison Phonograpus and Gold Moulded Record. DR. T. L. 15 ALL, DHNTLST. 524 CriinuT-il St Aatnria Oremm. JK. VAU(!1IAN, Dkntist Pythian BuildiiiK, Antoru. Ore if on. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTI91 78 Commercial St.. Hhanahan Building 1) , IlXHl - 1 it 1 to nt with i!ii hoar I nf tts- ni's In I'Viimiii.', mrreit .nil ii!iti!if tin- Linn-, it tul 1 1, at Mntnl.iv the .ron'l lay of April, A. 1 U"Ml, it the hmir of 2 ii'.-lo. k . 111 , in the lotlliril fhuililn'ts ill the city hull, h;l lien firn a- lite lime mi. I like nf the tii.-t itiif of sail Nurd of riiia!iu! lull. All ohje.-lioiis to -aid a--rssin-iit munt he ire-ient.! In writing. 01.' F AN'DKHSON, Auditor and iVdics' .hul-,.- of the City of Astoria, Ikte.l A-torin, Ore-roii, Mar- h 22, A. 4-3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JUST A MOMENT! We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING Wc do it in Ah the Latest and Best Styles of the Art Jfc icti Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. - 1- U 0 S.-rj, IV , '.!. mi I. .tin W'tPiim . ,, U;.l. An. HO. 00 0 no 1.1 (HI I.VOO fio 00 I I IX) . , 20, 2( .1.1 (K (HI , . H IX) 12. (Ml 2t I'M I , '2t.(MI 34.80 . U2 60 4'1 26 40 no 7 60 26 IM1 7 60 6 no I2H 24 .10 00 21 no 36 00 16 'Ml , . 35 00 Mfl 25 m 00 . 34 no in fN) 21 no In (Ml 31 00 20 no 60 on 5 no 6 no Imini 55 t Jr5 The J. S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds or Books Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street )QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOfXX500000000COOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO .n!..'i,' I'.-llillill' l'.tllo!l, I' llltili,!, l-.lll. '. vll..llll I "' nil, M I I I. 1. 1 1 II ' ! 'I oiv oil." I l,nttip-. :i .llin, ' llllll! I ...t IHI 1.1 lollll to'i Murk Citi of Aslori (.ii's) J!v imlr-r of the iviiniiion (fninrll. 01.0K AnKHMl Auditor tlll'l I'.illr-r ,F.)(K of the City nf Astoria. frutcl toria, rirpnn, Marrh 22, A. P. 1!XM1 4 3 NOTICE. N.itj.i- i h. ii-l.y ivrn that the rtmi no. n i-oiiinil of the rity of Astoria, his i1tIiih'iI its determination and inten tion tu improve fourth ire-t from tti iiottli line of Astor street to the south rail on the railroad tra.-k of the Astoria A Coltiniliia Itlver It, II. f Vi on Water street, to the full width thereof, arid on tho i-tiililislieil irtii thereof. Salt! Im iroveiiient shrill lie made hy Tntlintf the said str-et to tin- full width to th i-shililhhi'il L'rmle mid consirui'tiiiir slilc VMilks on lioth side of siil.l street, ffihl fio t wide, hy mii.-iiiiiiniiii(r or filling in sit i 1 street with rrilsliP.I rork from curli to curli, to the dejith of I) inrlies, on the sides, uinl 12 ini lii in renter, and of course the Kriulinj; of t ho street for th -nil t'liuh' from curli to curb, shall lie 0 to 12 in.'liea lielow tho established (,'ni'le, so Hint said street will be on laid Krude whi-n filled in with said inarudiitn, or crtisheil rock, and there shall be a crown In the center of the street of 12 inclie. In mailers of detail uid Improvement shnll be constructed ucronling to the plmis mid siicilli'utlons therefor to be prepared by the City Surveyor aa here inafter provided and general ordinance Sit. I!MI and any matter of constriic tion mid diainnjie found iieccssnry to iniiko the improvement safe or aubntmi tin1 'Imll be done by the contractor whether specified or not, without extra elm l$c. That Cily Surveyor be and ho is hereby directed to make mid lllii with tho Au ditor and Police .fmlri- of tin, City of Astoria, plans mid Hpueilicationa for the roust rui'lion of said improvement and estimates of the rusts and cxpt'iisi' I hereof. 'Mint the Auditor and I'dlicii .Judge of Niid ily be mid h - U hereby directed to en ii sit notice of the intention und deter- miiialioii of (he Council to conntruct mtid iiiiiroveiiieiit, . f,von ,y publication for right days in the Mnrnlnjf Astoriiin. That the costs and expense of cou Htriictin siiiil improvement shall be de frayed by apceial itHHCHament upon the lota, lunda and prcmisca bencflttcd by the mime which unid lulu, landa and preiiiinea ui-fl in, -hided jn the apecinl ait ni'SHinrnt (lintrii:l incliidiitK all lots, land nnd piomixfts no bcnelltled to-witi Lots 3, 4 6 and ) in block 3j lot 1, 2, 7, nnd H in block 4 in the city of Antoria hh laid out und recorded by John M'Olure, in Clatsop county. State of Oregon. OI.OI'' AND HURON", Auditor and Police ,ludK. ,,( the City or Al,..!.. ... ,,11,11 .11, Dated Astoria, Oieoon, D. 1(11)0. Murch 23, A. 3-31 The Morning Astorian, OSo a month.