TflE MOKXLNG ASTOWAX. ASTOHIA. OREGON. IRE NEW POLITICS 5 "NUTRITO 91 UNPRECEDENTED Never was known such a Sale in Astoria before GOOD GOODS HAVE SIMPLY BEEN GIVEN AWAY A MOST DELICIOUS CEREAL COFFEE THAT AGREES WITH EVERYBODY. BEAR IN MINI) THAT IF YOU HAVE POOR HEALTH " NUTRITO " WILL DO YOU COOD-IK YOU HAVE GOOD HEALTH IT WILL KEEP YOU WELL. 25 Cents the Package Element Launched in this City Yesterday. THE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE ROSS, HIGGINS Co. RELIABLE GROCERS. Infant Born Under Sponsorship of Or ganized Union Labor and Han Some Ideas and Purposes, of Its Own. MONDAY, MARCH afl, loofl. SMOOTHING THINGS. Wctlllf mlav II uprcial ll.iili tunic ill brining Hi' following NoiHhein I n -ill? nllii IllU: It, I'.', I'ulilirl, (.'i ll- Mill niipri iitli'inli'iil ; .1, 'J. W iiiiiIhiiiIIi, tlulllr tnu ii it : W. "' Alli.' diiUlon llllrlclt , I II. I A I!, (link, ill, i 'II '"Kill"'''!. Tin- ill i' Kning nrr the ill i-1 n In r i 1 1 1 1 I In' mill imiin n In I hi' piruillihg rill Inn I age iillil healing cntiiphiinla liny niiii null llifll tlmt llii'tr would In' nil iniiliw nii'lit muni a n j,mmi. lining mix weir milling we.l Thrv iilci Ml. Klccli' mill liml complimented liilM nil il. Suiillij lieliil .Inlllltal. I Millini-iy opening at the lr Hive T -J-.. . ...I ..I.., M.r.k mA u-.mjt anu ""iii-mij, ...v.. mu ad, Everyone invited. HAS CHEERFUL MINI). ,.,. I ( ,l Hint I , lgg'H vilei Seaiii again Hi: I !. nil btiiuc riiiimi'liil with I lie ohl S Ml plnpntv, nf which Mr. in II IgM Is unit of I Ik owiihi. Mi. I WK'"' 1 " mi rupnii-iirrd Imlrl man am', mti templates hlng (In- properly fur lintel nirni. 'Miry i'tr nivniupatiird by P. .1. l.wi, tin a roll it '-rl, who will male plans and t ituu It nf the change con templated. 'Mir ronl iniimici- nf (lie Ixiulrvanl, now bring arranged fnr, from Hermomi Park to Tillamook Head in nn utliiT (iil'ility.- Sraiilr Signal. Greater Bargains than rv.i will be given this week as we are determined In ileal them nut. I nine and Ii,iiv thrm at I'. H, ('ooHr gn,it ae. A WELL CONDUCTED OFFICE. I, It. Whitney, Mule I'l inter, in a-k-ing a I 1 1 . 1 1 1 i 1 1 it I M at the bawl of re publican toln al the primary election in April. i following a well founded eu tnni of the paily in Uirgon, that when n t.tttc nllieer preform hit duties ac ceptably and make a rinlitahlr icmnl hr i- ("iveli a ernid term, Mr. Whitney it a lifrloiij; liepuldieati it till edited the lluiti llenild 'or nr.llly IhiiiIv yenr, a paper known 1 firmi(;li -out the State fur it nner inj rniinc ill liehulf nf the I'epiililii'itll tiikl't and i'lilidi.ite uiimiliiited by tin- party, lb i a unlive WVbfont, n triiduntr nf the I'niveinily ol firrpiii, nnd ii prar t icjl printer. Sim ii'iiimiiij,' cli it i-r of the tntf printing oflier he Inn devoted hi entire time nnd attention tn the affairs of the ofllee, and with hit Ihiir rerienee in the printinj,' Itii-iisi-tiM he tins be "i able to (jive the htiite n (food, rlenn, bminrs like iidmlniitrritinn. Mr. Whitmy i I'miduit inj; n triiijlit- toruanl piimaiy cainpait'n, and hit many friendt are coiilldeiit that he will bi reniimiiiutrd by a lurito imijority. Tillamook Jfeadli!ht. Baseball goods at Svenson's. oooooooooocoo BEST FULL WEIGHT CREAMERY BUTTER 65 CENTS PER ROLL OLYMPIC AND SNOWDRIFT FL0UR $ PER SACK; $4.65 PER BARREL. JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS. 118122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore. 0000000000000 MONEY F1RSTI Inlill II, limli f' III lilii'lr hi" lip (ii'.ll lllli r III I In' Ili'll). nl hi father, .lohll I), Ciiiki'lilN'i II, UV'luift.liy night mi'l .Inlill l. lilll'ttl'll'lIlT I, llji'MI bring Mill lli'll h telephone, lll'l "!lt(l bleu tll' liny." Think nl II, Hi.- rtrlifHl iiiuii ill I hi- WW lil, Inning hungeri-d fur u grand- anil tllilt Wlillhl Ik'IU hi OW II IIIUII'', whom Irm n( Hit' la v prevent going Ill Ilia llll' ill. II-" ,111.,' ! ikiiif I III' I'llllll ill III- .11111 .Hl'l I'.l III." il II II t'l lltl'l l.llll. I - i I 1 1 1 1 I iin, Wll'i it II iil if III lliin ' Ni'ii-nl.' Signal Hotel Irving European plan. The i only it earn -heated hotrl in Aitoria; large j nd ,jry ,. prirf, from Jf, cenU t0 - ....... !i,jo; well prrparea ana aainiuy servea meals at 3J cent). Special rates per week or month fur room and board to permanent guests. Our bus meets all tiains and steamboats. THIS WONDERFUL COUNTRY. .In.j;e lliliiiphtry, v.',.. !ia been h'-al ill; t'ie ra-e n(;iiili-l '',. !."f pinki'i- ill t hiril,'n, li.i- dri'idi-d tint Hie ittniii". tnl, ( i'iiiuii-inni'i- (..titield by the pnrlc-el- .Hied them .ti'uiiint ptiiiishment. We do imt know whethrr the law or .lt.j,'e lliimphrey i to hliiine, lull it it iiiitiiilt'M to the lit'i-t uwiber,ant that Hie t'tulty rirh sir M-ldom piuiikhrd by l,i or by the fliithoritien. Paul Mor ton, il will be remembered, e-eaprd piini-liinriit , lniinj; Inrnixhrd informa tion afainot hi fellinvn guilty of violat ing an injiinet inn nt the Federal Crnnt. and un defelub'd from the it It ink nf "the vicious pre" by no less a per Miliagr than the Prrni'b'lit of the I "nit ! Stnle. Say, wonderful thing happen in lhi wonderful rountry f "itjuul tllit" of out."i a nil ('nngre- men Hie prnieetlled arid perectlli'd to leiitlt mi i iiiuparal iv ly trivial charge Upon till tentiilKHiy f ef I'ollfeitM'd irrjurer and t hie r-; nn-n are enl to the peniieiitiitry fur i-teiiling something lo .ed n their "tuning rhitdivn, m for .trilling a few gallon" "I -oal oil. Ititl the in. Ii wlm -ti'ill tllllliiill" mid linliti' een law nl Inul mil mail if they tell the plo-i i utillg ollitiT .iluillt it ale illl mtiiie. The Ameriinn ritien i piili.nt and long HiilTrring.- Srnsitle Signal. Discovrred Many mUelr" whieh il wit inipii"-ible to di"play owing to the, liitve li.'eii ri'"iin'eelid ami will lie di-pliiyril I hi- week at C. 11. Cooper great ale. ALL GETTING READY. Northshore Fisherhmen Lining Up For a Promising Season. I'or the pii"t week on no the lUhci men .11 ul ctmii'i vincii 011 the Columbia river have been buny milking arrange ments for the approaehing IMiing sen son which opens April lTith. l'ile driv er have beeu lit work ill Itaker' bay the paet two week driving new trap piling, and the gill llettel are busily engaged in making new net in antici pation of a profitable sea.on. The iv cent heavy snow in Kut(rn Oregon in dicate a flood in the liver, which may interfere nmiwhat with trap lulling and "1'ining, resulting bencliciiilly to gill net ters. Old timo fisheriiirn jirediet 11 large run this season, basing their opiu ioji somewhat on the fact that the spring run has been unusually light. The increase, in the number of plants, principally cold storage, will no doubt put. up the pack. The pack of salmon has been considerably reduced the past few year owing lo freight shipment of the fish in cold storage, which will probably result in an increased price for canned salmon. Pacific douvijiil. Six Days More, at the request of our patrons, we ImVe determined to con tinue our great clean up sale. Six days more greater bargains than ever will be given nt C. If. Cooper's great sale. The very best board to be obtained in the city Is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. Before you purchase that new Easter bonnet, make it a point to call and in spect the excellent line of hats now on display at Mrs. Ingleton's Millinery Store. Welch Block, opposite the Budget office on Commercial street. I iie -eci'iid Hireling of the 1 1 1 -u "Muni oipal League" which lia been ill pi-ore o fni mat inn for the pul inoiiin, w eiili-d yrsti'lilay ufti-i noon nl the li.ill nt thr ( olomliia lliter f'i-l'i rin-iiV I'ro lecliie union in I In'- city, and among the 1 1 1 . 1 -1 impiilliiiit iisiilt" of lh.' gatfluring wit" the liiml an.1 lull fnniialioo of the pmiiii i it'iin . The "i.'cial l oiiitiii" (i r in i limge of titr tc mid trim-, of Lie new pioginm. ,i'..l (hail." K. I.aiicanlri', (,', A. I J llienni bei 1111. 1 y, K. Wright, pirm nt rd the itmr lo Ihr ii""eiubly and it. wa niiefiilly mid and wighed ,v bun died nt molr iii attendance, 11 ml t-i-ciM-d tin' uliiiiiiinoii" mippnrt of thr gut lin ing, and now tiind for the mca- ute of political nir'iiinc and purpose illdicilli'd ; Ii wa. d'-lciiiiiii'd, among other things Ih, 1 1 (In l.rniie would hae a full ticket in the field dining the coming campaign and that all Mich a- would I"- candidal''., would lii-t bine to submit thejr claim" to Ihe Ksci-ulive ( umtiiiltre of nine tow it; Mri: ' K. Wright, C. A, I. Hiicuiitrr, .1. A. ling. .1 M. Sayre, M. V. Itrlaii. I'. !. Hoi 11, ('. A. Leienweber, II. I!. Cornell mid .1 X. .!crgrrcn. U. ' their claim and proligr would I. coimidered at nil, and that the meet ing would have to ratify the choice and deeiinii of the big committee; the idea, being evidently to subject each apirant lo rigorou and sntisfsctoryi analvsis before pet mil ting hi name to go forth a tin vlcctne rcprrncntutivo 01 me Lragiir. On Moii1h.v, April 211, next, the league will hold it II r-1 political convention, in Ihe riming, ut thr same hull, and it i rxpiH-tnl h ticket wholly in accord with the strict'-! adhereru' of the or ganization will Jir named and launched for political review and fraiichi-e: The platform adopted y-teiday. i a follow: We regret that a new -paper in this cttv should hale atlempteil to preju- lice the mind of the people in an edi torial, by hinting that the organization of a municipal league on the part of the I "nil .-il laibni 1 igaiiialiiui of thi citv probably intended to further the iiitcieM- nl a political organization. I lie cry contrary i" the truth. Tired of fair promise of politicians we intend to ml indciicniiein iv 01 nnv or all ponu I pal lie. ''A oon a we arc thoroughly or ganied. it i our intention to invite all of the people who holiest ly share our belief to join with 11", to the end that the popular government nnd popular owner ship of the people own utilities may be made a fact, rather than u life preser vei for oflice seeker. "Pledging ourselves to the faithful adherence to the interest of labor, and of the commonwealth in political acti vity, the Municipal Ownership League submits to the people of Clatsop County and of the State of Oregon the follow ing declination of principles. Public Ownership of Government. "The people mut nt nil times, own, and direct their own government. City ofllcials nre public servants; representa tive", not master of the people. We demand the direct nomination, and re call, of olliciiils when necessary. Im portant question, and especially nil proposals involving of any substantial public resource, or privilege, should be settled only by submission to the direct vote of the people, Corruption of gov ernment, pernicious influence of public service corporations or like ngeneies, must be prevented by every mean within the power of the citizens. Cam paign contributions by such corporations should be prohibited by law and every brunch of the government made nnd kept free from their1 control, "The city government of Astoria must lieeome. in fact, a 'government' of the people and by the people, Public Ownership of Public Utilities. "The people nre the owners of the public resources nnd opportunitities and should receive the benefit of their de velopment. Every public service which, under private ownership, inquires a franchise for the use of the public streets ns a place of business, should be owned nnd operated by the municipality for the service nnd benefit of all the people. The policy of ' farming out ' for private profit, the various forms of public utilities has re-; Great Sale for 6 Days Positively Ending Saturday, March 3 1st C. iilted in inadequate service, cxhorbitant charge, los of public resources, and cot nipt inn of municipal government. The result are natural and inherent, in ihe system of special privilege fran chise. Every remaining public re source, and those which the future may reveal, should be protected, preserved, and developed by the people, for them selves. Those which have heretofore Im'cii granted away from the people should be acquired and restored by a safe, progreivr and politive policy, ii'cngiiiziug nery public and private right. " We are oppos -d to the leasing of convict, ami bringing them into compe tition with free lalmr. We favor put ting convict to work on State, and county eoads. "We ileum ml enactment and rigid enforcement of stringent child labor law. "We d iii.uid that all city, county and "tate woik be done bv the authorities wherever practicable, and not by con tract. We demund that eight hour- "hull constitute a day's work for nil laborers nnd mechanics employed by the stnte, county, or city. "1'niler the present system the state printing oflice has been a source of po litical corruption and wa-te. We advo cate ownership by the State of a prop erly equipped printing plant, ami that the state printer be given a fixed annual salary.'' The League proposes to bind its elec tive agents to a code of its own and will suffer no departure from the rule of signing, subscribing and supporting the following four open statement: " Statement No. i. "I further state to the people of Ore gon, as well as to the people of my legislative district, that during my term of oflice, I will always vote for that candidate for United States Senator in Congress who has received the highest number of the people's votes for that position nt the general election nest preceding the election of a Senator in Congress, without regard to my indi vidual preference. ' Statement No. a. "We advocate and demand that the water commission be elected by the peo ple of the City of Astoria. " Statement No. 3. "That the police commission be abol ished. "That the chief of police be apposed by the mayor, nnd confirmed by the City Council. "Statement No. 4. "We advocate nnd demand that any amendments to the city charter be sub mitted to the people for ratification at the December election, " We will withhold our support from nil legislative candidates who do not subscribe to statements 1, 2, and 3." REMNANT SALE. Dress goods, wash goods, towelings, and muslins. Children's heavy shoes, size 6 to 1a, 48 cents a pair. These shoes were $1.25. 3t A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scion tofie wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds. Chilblains nnd Salt Rheum. Only 25c nt Chas. Rogers drug store. We are going to continue this H. COOPER'S GREAT UNPARALLED SALE SAVED THE DOG. Alrout "t o'clock yesterday afternoon a car So. 2, in charge of Motorman E. M. Uussing of the A-toria Electric Com pany, came opposite engine house No. 1 a valuable dog belonging to Nelson Trover, which Ed Lewellen is temporar ily caring for, run out and under the car which was going at full speed For a moment it looked as though the dog would be crushed under the wheels of the car, but not so, for Motorman Buss ing had seen the dog as it disappeared under his car and in less time than it takes to tell, had reversed the ear and brought it to a standstill. The shock of the sudden stop jarred the passen - per, up a bit, but the dog's life was saved, and but for a few slight bruises escaped unhurt. That the animal was nary medicine. Hollister's Rocky Moun not kilb-d is due solely to the great tn Tea is the supreme curative power. pre-ence of mind, displayed by Motor man Bii'sing. MORTGAGE ON RECORD. Union Trust Company Loans $5,200,000 to Railway Builders. Copies of the first mortgage given the I'liion Trust Company, of San Fran cisco, on the line and property of the Pacific Railway & Navigation Company, now being constructed to the coast from Hillsboro. were filed Monday in Wash ington county. Th moilgag.- shows there are 5200 share of stock included each valued at $1000. and the total amount to be advanced is stipulated at $5200,000. The mortgage was sent to San Fran cisco to be signed after being printed, aud wa returned Monday. It pave the way for the construction of the road from Hillsboro to Tillamok and Ncha lem, w ith branches to Astoria, and Scap pooe. This means a connection with the Southern Pacific at Hillsboro and the Northern Pacific at Scappoose. The roiid has been built several miles west ward, nnd grading ha been completed nearly ten miles, while a survey has been finished across the divide and will reach Tillamook next mouth. Adverse weather conditions and short age of laborers have combined to retard the progress of operations considerably, but it is hoped to have steel into Tilla mook by the end of the year. Tilla mook Headlight. Millinery opening at the Bee Hive Tuesday and Wednesday, March 27 and 28. Everyone invited. Morning Astorian 65 cents per month. We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, ; . Celebrated Stoves and Ranges tffH skHwsaia n . I rT Kv-i-" if- I S S TV n ass More THE PICTURE WORLD. When you are in need of anything in the photographic line in the amateur way, kodaks, films, plate, card, mounts, and all the technical detail of the business, and want the best and last in the way of artistic development, just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, and tell him so. That is all Pillabury's Best Flour, UinseapoUsv 1.75 per sack. Geo. Lindstroa It Co. For a good shave go to the Occident Barber Shop. Five chairs. No long waits. 1 Have you weakness of any kind- atomach, back, or any organs of th I body? Don't dope yourself with ordi- 35 cents. Frank Hart, druggist. THE OLD GOVERNMENT. The perfection of whisky used in the medical department of the United States military and naval service. Also in hospitals. Recommended by the high est authorities as the purest stimulant for family use. Sold exclusively by Wm. Bock. LEST YOU FORGET. Is it not about time you were getting that buggy fixed upt It may need new rubber tires or perhaps some other n pairs. If so, take it to Andrew As Company. They also do all kinr I blacksmithing and repair work. STATEMENT NO. 1. The statement is frequently, and freely, made that the best meal in As toria is always served at the Palace Restaurant. The reason for this broad and general declaration, is that it is so. What better predicate can there be for so important announcement? The mail who doubts it has only to call there and prove it for himself. If he can't go by day, he can go at night; the house k never closed. They feed the individual and they banquet the crowd. And all on the same plane of excellence. Com mercial street, opposite the Page build ing. Inquire of the Elks about the event of the season March 39. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all manner of texidermy, furniture uphol stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat tress making a specialty and a l work guaranteed. THE ZENITH AND THE STAR Every one guaranteed. Will let yow stand or sit on the oven door if yo wish. Prices reduced on all stoves no 4 ranges till after the Holidays. l J. Scully 470-472 tTOIMERCIAL STREET