The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 26, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MARCH aO, 1906.
t llr Wh I'rrvllnr Talent
Allraclrtl Urnrrnl AMmtliin-Ploiu
( lb lllitlc ell ' rU Tl.rouuh Wltteli
Titer rni Nui'crruiir,
tiwiiv" I'luker ItlildiT wax bom In
WI ni Morton I liniiphli'iiil, In licvoij
llilii', where hi fiitlii-r riirrli'cl nn 11
Ullilll tllMllll'HN IIM 11 HlollCIIIIIl!, A I till
early an" of four lie Mhowcd a most, u.
imiirdlimr) ability or calculation,
wliii h slight iiHiNiiiiiri from uu
1I1I1T hroli'' IIHMIIIied quite phcliolll
'd.i 1 piiiiiii'ilniiN. Ill peculiar talent
Miiuil iltll'Hctcd gcncrul lilli'lillnli, II It J
III father fiillliil it UMlrll Mini I' pl'of
llilliln rliiiin, inrlil (u carry lilt Mull
ulmiit Uu' country iiml exhibit him ua
lie "1 11I1 illnllliK phenomenon" tliilli fob
io 1 11 u ltls Irinlc. Ill IliU way young
Ulilili1!' United iiiiiiiv plll'U of Imglillld,
llxlolllnlliliK III)' ililTi'I'i'liI ii'liili Who
came Id .picMlloii hliu .y llii- tvomlci'-
fill rilpllllly Willi V'. I. I'll l HUH lllllc
lii iiiikhi'I', wlihntii external 11I1I nf liny
lc'Tlptl..ll, tlii iijn-l llllllrllll 1 J tl.-K
Holm I If I bene Hie follott lug lire M few
vf tin IihimI i' Iriionllimrv cmuinlos
A Word
Iton't luiy KiibHtitntcu fr MKN-
m:n s i-.ukati i talcum
J'( VVI i;i. Jm.t nn k..m1" in
i.tily a deceit by which u dealer
tiie'l to ULiLe (iintiey nut of the
Huticii'.rliv rttid hu'tcks of MKN'.
NKN'S J'iVli:k TlirrcH niitliiti
jitft e...... us MKN NKN'S und
UM-fi of hnl.'.titi'lci a:id iinitiitiuin
rink him, itexi.ii mid n.iiilun la
As n tiori I.. Ii.-alili ui.e Mcmien'g
l'oui'.rr nn. I (.:.'.) M.'iiiirn'u.
Il.iw Ui.-.l MI.NNKN S VK).
KI T linkATI'.iri Al.t I'M Toll. IT
l'OU'i. I.;.,!,. -r, jurtial to M..1.1
lliilr.e will Im. I Mcinien'ii Vio'rt
I'l.wiltr f;iii'r:i!tt with the od. r of
i j.liui.i'l I'.itiii.i Vinlits.
1'i.r fiiiic rvervwhete for 23 crnbs, r.r
Iiiillltd Jm'.t J.;tul on reifljit of JtMcc, ty
GKRIIARI) Mi;NNF-N CO., Newark, N.J.
u xA Wf
171 TTRrO
1 1 Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat
j and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
Charles Rogers, Druggist.
if n m-n spring: two foot ami Hires
Inches In every hop, how many hops
must It Ink" lo go around the world,
the I'lrrilinfiTi'iii'D Ixjliig 2fi,020 tulles,
and how long would It he performing
llm Journey, allowing It to tiiko nitty
Imps every minute without InieniilN
"Inn? Answer, ."H,7 i:i,K iiiih iiml J
year, III I days, l;t hours mihI y IIIIII
IIIi'H, 'I'llii following qucllon wiim solved
Ii.V I1I111 III I ' n-1 .V hi'i'iimlx: Huppotc I f
l.;ll Ml fill' t ..f SI, I'iiu;' CIIC,
lo 1)1' Ui llV'l ill lllilliil'li'l', ivlllll lllll
ll: Ijililifiv. 1 ' I el .'!' ,. ii'i per h 1 1 11 i-f
Inch',' Answer, il'.'iT HH. f .
Tin' following in mil' 1 . 1 1 It 11111I
lv.ei.fy Mi'i'iiii'l .: .: ....... 11 city In li;'
lniiiilinli'il n illl '.1 illl'l liniij, ceil lamp
1 1 ! in linn- urn' i;m .if i, 1 cry four
Imiiiii In hii . .I-.,!, h.'v in. ui.v g.i!
;:i I'.''.
u-.v-'l An'.vcr, 1
S11 iilicr 1 11 ,1 .
I- - ' " ' ..!! I . Mm. I . I
Hill'l;, jimm :ih
lli'll.y 1 1 . 1 1 1- I , I iir:
lll'i" of Ai.iiiv. .'ni
1' I IVl.n", I i; 1
f !i!7,n: 'i,''"U
lj' ;'..! I I....V
i'.nr 1 . 1 ! 1 ' ?
III .I'M'! I
... In
V.i'.'' Mli'
f'."Ui:i; l. '
ill.c , 11 1 '
I; ' 'I '
.1 t'
I ,
Vu tia.ll. ni Bui
Mormimig' Astoriam
ay in
The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers
And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been
d From
Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by
Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian
ijffmra, alJrlf(lnrlJ' uriiloitool f)l
(Hlui'otlon, Ho wan Httichod to the
ordnam-o mirvoy for a nhort time nnd
ftftorwftrd wn RNNoolntott with Hf
phoiiKon, tho (front onxlnoor.
H01110 yonrn aftar ho witorod pnrllu
iiK'tit, nnd iiuiiioroiiH Mtorloit r oxtunt
of hlx woiidorful III In dotoctlriK a
fliiw In Homo ohihoraln aotn of inlruln
IIoiin, whorohy In- wna oflon oniililod to
Hpaot lilt fipjmn.Mit'n ciHo, or lit other
Union ho would oiIiiIiIIhIi hln own onao
h,v iirKtiitioiiU liiMi'd upon mtif tiiiiut
leiil (lulu, poMMlhly only 11 1 the moment
pliiciMl ln-foro him. It, Im hiiI. I that on
0110 omihloll nn oi.omIhk follliHol nukoil
Hint ho inliflit not U- Allowed to roiniiln
In tlio comiiiliieo room on (lie (fronml
that "mil lire Imd endowed him with
.IIMllfloit iiml did not plneo IiIh oppo-
tionta on n rnlr footliiif."
ATter tiildnii n leiiiiinif piirt In mnny
I in port 11 nt eniclneorliiif workn ho died nt
I'irlmoiilh Kept. L'O, IS78.
Another of Hiee extniordlniiry ehll
lien, helwooii whom mid Didder lion-
or were iiIiih.kI e(iniy divided, wnH
ereh I'olliiiin, horn at ('11 hot, Vt STt,
1, l-sru. HljfiiH of hln wonderful power
llppeiireil nt 11 very tender ie. 'Hie
dUeovery wan iieehleiiliilly tllllde liy
IiIh fiilher, who wan much aiirprlaod
one day lo hear him repeating the prod
net of neveml niimlierH, ulihoiiKh at the
tlllio ho Iiml reei'lved 110 other limlnie
tlon than Htii'h nn could he ohtitlnod at
II Nliilill eoiliilry Kchool whoxe eiirrleii
linn did not Include wrltliiK or cipher
ing. Ho thereupon proixmed n variety
of arllhuieilcal iueHlloim to hi mm, all
of which the child atiHwered with re
umrkahle fndlliy and correct notcc At
Iho 11 ko of eluht the l.oy wim alile to
aolvo moHt illllli'iilt iUchIIoiih l.y th
iihto opernilon of liU jidiid. Many
permiiiM of thif tlril I'lnlnciicc for their
knowledge iii luinheiiinllcK minle 11
point nf xcelntf an I i-oin eisim; with
him, and they pr c . e l lo him 11 (front
variety of ipictoiiH lo text hi mar
volutin power. AtiK.nif thcin were the
f!lvn the Kiiiiie root of !Hl(l ',fX. Aft
ir hell!itlliU a little lie replied !i!l!l
(NHI.IKII it In I olmervi'd that lie prodll 1
thin riftult l.y mtiltlplylni; Hie siiiaro of
it.'Mt liy tiie lepuire ..r ... lie wan
U1011 linked In multiply the answer
twice l.y l!l mi. I once hy US. 11 tank
whh'h he accompllfdied nuccetifiilly,
thoillfh the min'.vor coiinlntn of nevotl-
in the
4Hie MomtHi For 65c
K.m tho puhe root of 413,003,348,
B77. To thin lie gute the oorroot an
wot In five noeondn. How many time
would 11 oohi'Ii wheel twelve foot lo
cl rr 11 m fore r 1 co turn around In 2.V5 mllon,
and how many mlntiton In forty-elifht
yonm? To the Hrnt he ropllod In two
noeondn lll', and lo the necond, bo
foro the (juc'iilon could ho written
down, '.J'J':,sii, What are the fuc
lorn of '.'17 .is:!? To thin lie replied JM
and '.''..';. wh'eh are the only f.vtorn.
I.ondofi Co! c,
(Ml.!!)' Ci i'"ieil.
In ine of liU h'tier William I'.rook
field ((!!. ho v an h hool Inspector hi
nad lo u'i '. i. an 1 ,ainiiiation on phynlcul
ncleiice. ' Vi'h'.t wan I lo do? I knew
iiolhin;; iiliuiii hydrofoil or oxyeri or
any other ireii.' s 1 J wet them u paper
which I M' "I 'npi.lieil nelotiee,' f)riO
of nn iii '1 ii; wan. "What would you
lo lo 1 li! " i, e ,id iu the heiid?' A JOUHK
holy :u, ! '. i nliotild put my root
!!" I ' ' '. tl'l you were In a pro
lU 'C p , . ' Oil.' "
Fine Milling Property Saved From Ac
tion of Flames,
I'.Nl lor the Iiilli'llilli'i'lll die evtiu
t'lli-l.iii;. in t lie ( oluinhiii I Sot
A l.iiuiher ( oiiiiiiiiy'- new mill hi-1
Kivl.iv .ilt.Tii.ioii tie- new mill would
Im i . he n .1 lii'iip uf a-hi'-.
Some pait of tic- e.t".f on til" upper
II.101 Here hem;, rehiihliitted and a piec
-.1 u;i.ic iaii;lit from the molten metal
ai" I dropped down to the. floor hedow
whi-re the fivii!' and oil on tie' floor
laulit and in an in-taut the hlne ran
cp a f.oht and joi into the dut collec
tor wln'ie the air ju-t fanned the flu me
which spread tliroii;h the hiiirin' n rid
hot tip tlii'iuyh the roof.
The fireman, .1. (.'. I'iper and K. M.
Seed, nw the fire at itn inception. The
former -eized a chemical fire extinpuixh
it l.nt -omeone had taken out th- hottlo
of Hiilphurie acid and it failed to work.
It ha yiuce di vc.i,ed that the Lottie aie
miiiir from the other- ni well though
they were only recntly charged. The
fire pump wan promptly start el arc)
though the npiinkling nipartu wa
not fully intalled nn yet, nevcrtlieleo
it did the htminenn. The sprinkler head
melt at IOC defaces and quickly a nuin
her of them were poinp. Then the hose
wan drought into action anil the fire
quickly quenched.
The only loss sustained was a hie
leather belt which wan burned and iomi-
wooden pulleyn charred. South Bend
5c to 65c
Tumors Conquered
Without Operations
Unqualified Success
vegetable compound
and Miss Adams.
Onn of the jreatefct triumphs of Lydia
E. I'inkham'n Vegetable (,'oin pound is
the conquering of woman's dread
enemy, Tumor.
ni-cancu wanaenri( painn ' may
cme from Its early stages, or the pr:8
ence of danger may be made manifest
by exwssive monthly period accom
panied by unuhual pain extending from
me abdomen througn the groin and
If you have mysterious pains, if there
are indicationHof Inflammation, ulcera
tion or displacement, don't wait for
time to confirm your fears and go
through the horrors of a hospital opera
tion; beeure Lydia E. I'inkham's Vege
table Compound at once and begin
Its use and write Mrs. Pinkham of
Lynn., for advice.
Read these stronir letters from erate-
ful women who have been cured:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (First Letter.)
"In looking over your book I see that your
medicine cure Tumors. I have been to a
doctor and he tells me I have a tumor. 1
will be more than grateful if you can help
me, as I do so dread an operation." Fannie
I). Fox, Bradford, Pa. -
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (Second Letter.)
"I take the lilierty to congratulate you on
the fcucoKi I have had with your wonderful
"Eighteen months ago my periods
topped. Khortly after I felt so badly I sub
mitted to a thorough examination by a phy
sician, and was told that I had a tumor
and would have to undergo an operation.
" I soon after read one of your advertise
ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink
ham' s Vegetable Compound a trial. After
taking five bottles as directed, the tumor is
ntirely gone. I have again been examined
Lydia L Pinkham's YeJetaWe Ctmpeund
of Lydia E. Pinhh&m's
in Cases of Mrs. Fox
by the physician and he say I have no signs
of a tumor now. It has also brought my
periods around once more; and I am
entirely well . I shall never be without a bot
tle of Lydia PInkham's Vegetable Compound
in the house." Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa,
Another Case of Tnmor Cured
by Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" About three years ago I had Intense pain
in my stomach, with cramps and raging
headaches. The doetor prescribed for me,
but finding that I did not get any better he
examined me and, to my surprise, declared
I had a tumor.
"I felt sure that it meant my death warrant,
and was very disheartened. I spent hundreds
of dollars in doctoring, but the tumor kept
growing, till the doctor said that nothing but
an operation would save me. Fortunately I
corresponded with my aunt in one of the New
England Htates, who advised me to try Lydia
E.Pinkham'sVezetableCompound before sub
mitting to an operation, and I at once started
taking a regular treatment, finding to my
great relief that my general health began to
improve, and after three months I noticed
that the tumor had reduced in size. I ken
on taking the Compound, and in ten months
11 naa entirely disappeared without an oper
ation, and using no medicine but Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and words
fail to express how eratef ul I am for the imaA
it ban done me. "Miss Luella Adams, Colon
nade HoteL 8eattle, Wash.
Such unquestionable testimony
proves the value of Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Compound, and should girt
confidence and hope to every siek
Mrs. Pinkham invites all aillna
women to write to her at Lynn, Ms.,
for advice.
1 a Woman's Etoedy fir Womb's 12s,