The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 25, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, MARCH 13, iyt
(xxxxxxjofxxxxxxxxxvjH-j oooockxjooooooooooooo oooocxxx'X)oooooooo'x oocxyyyxooo(yyjoz'yj. j j i
IT wilt I... admlHcd ii,,, I a man
who Is l, piny tin, .fitt of it w
Im i.I might (i, ,T 11 holier -In
lliiin .March I 1 1 1 ii' mull 11 per
fi'i luiitH'i- In 1 1 1 1 11 1 ,r Harvey Mil
ler, however, II, e ). Ision win nut
linn!" In iid.inii", Inn iiinii I In Impulse
ill' III" IiiuiiiimiI I 'eiiilslaii"cs, he
Mould ri 1I111, mill mil di'lllicl'iito choice
I mi t lit r 1 lulu Hi.- 1'nfi' ir Iciuplcr of hi 1
fl-lrinl. I
II" Wilt mi KiikIisIiiiiiiii In 11 iiiilliiiuil I
fcUard 1 ecjuieiil uIhihu rosier hlinuM 11
t'li'nr 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 v uf ;;uud mil Irish name .
Ai'i iii'illni.; tu Hi custom, llll l"i;lui"iil
i!iiii'li'i mi Hi. 1'iiirlil.N day In 1111
CM Sl W lllll 1 1 i 1 1 llll ll'1,l'tl'tlllll chill'
Was llllllllllrlii'il In (111' III I'll, ill) ill' llll)"
Mildli'l' III' 1 Hill. Ill III till' ploei'Mloll.
After lli' i.hiiii iiinl iln resumption
uf hi iirillii.ii) iiiln" Mill. i' nun" mil
lliuii III" sli-ps nf Hit- annul'), mill tlir
llrt (,'IIbI 1I111I struck liiii, mini" IiIh
l""ili I'liiilli'i- liiiiiii'illiilily I," was
II Mil re uf II kIiIV"! illi;, childish lulic
lli'll Klli'l
"A 1. i'l" fur ) iiil. Ili iili'i, mil It ca mi'
III III.' I111, In ' illi"!' Will'll li'fl "
Mil!"l' Im'Ih'1,1 ,1 lilii" visaxoil !') ,
linlii"i Mlili.ii'l ll"iil), whose inulln'1
MllS lllllllllll) III III" llOll"" Wlll'IO It" '!ill:..ii luiUI.I' il. I
Mill"!' tool, II," l;ote I I't 1 1 1 til" bo)'
hand, old"t"d linn In "report" In lilt
mother unit dismissed I, I111 with Hal
U'l'iiii. formality. Then nit Ii" walked
nluiiK til" Htit'i-t II," lli'iili'iiiint opened
Mllll I I'M' I Ull' I'll, llll.Ulll. nil. Ill, v llll li
disclosed to 1 1 , 1 1 th" r.i. 1 lll ll lie would
liul have th" pleasure of mi irt luK Mis
J'luti'iii " Canity In th" masked hull In
! uU"ii tlml "Vi'iiliiK Tit" yimiii!
I. uly, who I, ml In-", 1 llliii lii't' coiiFtl 11
Mix.) Kill" Malum, , ml Ih'i'U ritlli'il mill
di'lily limiii'.
I III' 1 '-It .1 i 1 1 ICIISllllS III" ll'llllltlK uf
tlilt liul" "i t up Ml' Ii n I'liiiftiHlutt of
tliuiulit In Miller's I -ra In Hint In forgot
In 1. int'ii, i" walking, '"it 'he ettraordl-
lllll ) I'lllll (if till) I, ftl'I IIUIHI Htl Ul'lt to
Lin Vila tn an noon itM In- stopped. At
Hint moment n door opened opportune
ly Just beside lit,,,, unit In wnlkwl Into
tin ornate cafe uf liult'l.
Tin? warmth uf Illi' ilii.'i nlTeoled him
with n childish sense of Krutlttlili. 'J'lii'
nrniiiry liml lii-i'ii rx i-ulil iu 11 lnirii-nl
mimt itiii'iiiliiriilil", In fait .tfti-r th"
liiiiirii mil uf il.xim on tluit rinv ilay.
II" liml HkiiikIiI that In' uliotilil fri'i-m1
W lilli' rllimullik' fl'uiil IiIh lli'llti'iiMNl'H
uniform to hi "MUmi "lotlii'i. ttmt Itln
villi In illll iitli'ii'l tvltli Hi" "hill. A
ti' to Inn" riuini'tliliit; to ilrlnk
ANxiiili'tl I1I111. iiml he luuvi'il touiinl Hi"
liar, lint luiiii'il iixmI" iiml xiooil Iiti-s
lnt In n ooriu'r.
PriHi'lill) Ii" Ma 11 u Hi" uf oli'i"t
Jtlt uiitnlil" th" ivlnduw I iy ttlilih In'
wilt fctmiilliiK, Half 11 ilii.i'ii iiii'iiilii-rN
of lilt i.'Kiiiii'iil liml lialli'il tliiT". ami
oiii win Miylui: :
"otiu- 11 Imiu. Iiiny. tiii"ilrliik una
ilny III." thin "an t lnii l a Mlmv."
Mill"!' mm ill";! In a inoiui'iit I'l'i
vIuiinIv iiiih" Ih. 111 luilf hl.i inlii'l bail
("(ii I'oni'i'riii'il with th" not" from
AT 1)1)1 111. K QUICK.
MIhh 1, 11 11 try, ami only 11 sinnll iTiii'tlou
of Ills nttcntlott had li"cn kh to Ills
HiirroundlnKH. Now lio wan ri'i'iillcil to
coinpli'to wlf ('oiiNi'lotmiii'SM ami ni'llvc,
linu'tk'iil tlilnkliiK. Ills I'ui'o tlushi'il.
IIo IhniKt thn noto Into 11 pocket of IiIm
overcoat niul wulkcd to the door.
"f'oitte In, Iio.vm," lie sahl. "Here's
where we nil hiivo our liven after that
tun roll today. Larry, you're the color
of (i drowned corpse. You ought to seo
yourself In 11 looking gliiss."
He took n ntop or two forward and
luld 11 hand on Lurry Donoviin's nnn.
Borne one else Immediately seized the
other unn, mid nonovnh was marched
Into the cnt'o at double quick.
"Nothing strong for me," c'eolared
Tionovnn. "I've been on the water
' wagon for a year, find I'm going to
jtny there. I know when I'm safe."
One nt' the tnen on the other side of
' "rro"H nt Mlll,'r wl,h
" ",,,,k nt UU t"'- Hw',r,,
Ml,l,'r w,w B,H"'. tl,Ht r,"",vn '"
..I ....... .. l.s..i U'tinn tut umri utitm
llfl ninnl IHIHI T. II II II" T.HFI 11117!
but, 011 the contrary, liml put lilmxelf
Into very grave peril. That warning
glniicii "iiilnifranMcil Miller, who liml
j lii en upon the point uf ordering huiiii?-
thing hut ami strong fur all hands vvllli
mil regiird to J luiiuv hii'h rcfiimil. W'hllt
lie lii'Mlliited Nome one else Mcppi'd In
to Hi" lil'i'iuli and gave the order.
"What lime life you going tu mIiihV
Up at the iliiuee tonight V" dulled one uf
the luei)
I loiiiivaii turned to Miller,
"WI111I hour did yuii mint Inn to our
"iiiiiliiiiiinV" I," 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 ii m 1 . wllh iimm'Ic
"Ai'ii't the irolle.VN iiiiiiiiiig lhl
veiling?" lliUllei HOlne one.
"Not for us," rcKpoiuliil liouovaii, "If
I mIioiiIiI g"t Into it trolley ear lu tho
cuHiniue I'm going to ui-Mt' toiiighl I'd
be iiilxlaki'ii for the uuier uf the wliolti
hI ii i I railroad uiitllt,"
"What h llie loHliiuie?"
"A Hiiit of red llglilH, livo In, inn and
a lull," aiiKweriil Lurry. "No, ulr; I
duIlT uanl In make the ruli'lil.'lor
iii'i'Miiw. Mlll'-r mid I," he ndded In u
inure nitIoiih tone, "are going to exeurt
MiiN Maliau ami her iuiikIii from out
uf low 11, ,lii Limit)'. I Mil you see
iilmiit ihe eiirrliig". IliirwyV"
Miller nodded, while two or three of
the oilier men net-retry esi-hanged
gliiiii-i-N. It was more than miimj ted
lilliuiiK their Illiiuiti'H that both Miller
mid lunoviiu were HertotiKly Miuliteu
wllh Hweet Kilty Malum mid lliat Mil
ler hlld been Ihe Ichh NU"""HKful llviil
for her grui'loun iiotl". There hud been
gossip that lie had not taken hU de
feat wllh 11 good gritce, and as ho hud
the heavy teuii' lty of purpose charac
teristic of many men of Kngllsh blood
It wus regnrded (is surprising that he
nhoiild lx found playing thn part of
nervlceublu friend nnd escort to the
country cousin.
Now, the truth Is that thin was more
surprising to Miller than It could poti
nlbly be to anybody else. HI pride
gnawed his vitals whenever he realized
the position Into which he had been
drifting during the liul few inontiis
and cspit liilly since Miss La n try had
come to the city, lie cansl nothing at
all for that estimable young ludy. Uer
presence gave him an opMirtunlty for
elng more of Kitty Mahiin, partlm
larly fur sin-lng her and Lawrence I ou
ovan together, for spying upon them In
order to discover whether there existed
between theui anything that could b
colled an understanding. This observa
tion had tilled his heart with bitter
liens, fur II had revealed to him the
very many ways lu which lHmovuu ex
celled him as a cmulier, and yet It had
satlslled him that Kitty was still hi-ari
fr"c, mi fur as "lie herself knew.
If lionuvan could lie I'i'liiovcd from
the scene for a while, If he should suffer
some reverse In this sentimental bailie,
If he hhoiild cease tu be no amusing to
Kitly, with liii noiiuh mid sturles and
uufallliii; lik'il heartciliii'sN, there might
lie a i liaui-e for Harvey Miller.
' Tin told that I'luieuce has a stun
ulug ciiniuuii.'," said linnovau aside to
Miller. "I NiippoNi' she wouldn't tell
you what It was."
"No," he replied, "but we shall soon
see. Here's her health with all my
heart. She Is n very charming girl."
lie touched his glass to Larry's, nnd
the trick was done. Larry had not
qulto the strength to decline the toast,
and ho he raised the glasa to his lips.
Five minutes later every glass wna
empty nnd others were on the way.
When Miller was upon the street
11 gal 11 It was half past 3 o'clock. Ho
had been lu tho cafe less than an hour
and had not drunk very much, and
yet the clock on tho railroad station
opposite seemed to have acquired three
or four extra faces, which lurched nnd
gyrated and melted Into one another
so mystically that it was amazingly
dllllcult to tell the time. He realized
his condition nnd knew that all the
other men were 118 bad, except Larry
lionuvan, who was worse.
Miller observed with satisfaction that
two of the most reckless of the men
had lit Inched themselves to Larry and
Hint they were leading I1I111 In a direc
tion which would never bring him to
his homo or to the Irish societies'
masked ball unless continued nil thi
way around Ihe world. Considering
what Larry's tendencies hail been for a
couple of years before ho became an
abstainer, there was no reason to doubt
the issue. One of two things must hap
pen Kill)' Milium would not see him
at all that evening or she would see
1 1 i in at his very worst.
With Larry out of the way he could
pivsent himself nt Kitty Mnlmn'u house
In the handsome, costume which ho hud
provided for Mils festal occasion. He
would be Informed that Miss Lnntry
had gone, nnd he would exhibit sur
prise, an appropriate sympathy, too,
because of the bad news about her
mother. Her note to him must have
been mislaid nt the boarding house.
And what has become of Larry? Not
here? How Hut-prising! He was not nt
his home. It wits natural to suppose
that he had gone on to the Miliums
I alone. Let us wait: for ltliu. Half an
"npyiighl. I"""', f v Clonics S. I.iui'
I hour's walling perliaps nnn no sign o'
Lurry. Miss Milium Is offended. Mr.
j Miller escorts her to the bull; lie makes
himself enlreinely agreeable; he obllt
criilcH the memory uf Larry from the
yoiui;: holy's mind. It Is the beginning
of victory.
Thus he fureeait the evening's
events, They would make a Netisatloli
find exult hlui In lb" chIIiiiiiiIoii uf his
frleuilN wliu nu licllcvcd III 1 1 j beali-ti
In the gani" uf hue. Would he be
bin Died for Iiuiinvan's downfall in case
1 1.. . 1. 1 1
his comrade uliuiild really go on a pro
triieted spree mid seriously Injure his
prospects? IVrhaps by 11 few. but he
would muling" In crawl out of It some
how. The word gave him momentary
HeiiHUlioii of being a crawling creature,
11 brother to those thai Hi. 1'ntrl'k
drove out of the Lmerald Isle, but h"
shisik off sii"h fancies and defied the
There wit n;i';h"r consideration.
however, which ib-niand'sl attention.
It was Hi" mailer uf 1 1 1 1 amcs. II" had
spent mi exlravag nit huh 011 his cos
liline and had le.l re e'V"d enough to
carry liliu through ihe holldiiy wllh
perfect security lionuvan. who was tu
have been his i nir ;: iiiuii, had agreed
to lend 1 1 i 111 whateM'r h" might need,
but Miller hilii-i'ir had cut oh that
source of supply and miist now louk
fur niiuilier.
lie counted his cnili and was amazed
to learn how much he had spent lu the
barroom. He was aware, however,
that this Is the con, mull penalty uf such
foolishin-ss, and he wasted no time In
regret. Instead be in'ted Upon ll gen
uine Inspiration ami called up on the
telephone a cerlain frldid uf his whom
he knew to be well supplied with ready
cash. The response was cnrdlal.
"lie at my house between " o'clock
and half past." said this obliging gen-
nr. iiwi.r.n the muvku of the vErncix.
t!i':.:i:ii. ";:ud I'll let you have as much
.is y,iu want."
So that was all settled, nod Miller
went li.iine with e. l!s''t heart and a
,r j
" I am -ending
done for me.
"Since 1 tir-t
without it.
"2SII7 Archer
llimilrcils of lady specialists and hair ilrcssers nsp and recomnipiid Ncwbro's Ilerpicide. instead of products of
their own manufacture upon which a much larger prulit could be made. They claim that Ilerpicide makes friends for
them and gives much better satisfaction. Some hair dressers use Ilerpicide for obstinate ca-cs only, but why not use
the best UrstV
llei-picnlc is a delightful dressing that can be used when there is no disease nf the hair or scalp, and as an ac
tual remedy for dandi'iilf, itching sculp and falling hair it stands in a class singularly its own.
Many ladies object to a gummy aand sticky hair dressing, or one that is full of sedimentary chemicals intended to
dye the liar. The marked preference for a clean and dainty preparation, particularly one that overcomes excessive oiliness
and leaves the hair light and Huffy, is relleeled in the enormous sale of Ncwbro's Ilerpicide. Dicrimimitlng ladies
become enthusiastic over its refreshing ipiality and exquisite frgiwuce. It stops itching of the scalp almost instantly.
lighter head. 1 pun tho stairway no
met his youthful admirer.
"Mike," said he, sitting down with
out Intending to do ko, "can you tell
time by n dis k?"
"Htire," responded the boy.
"I'm feeling n little under the weath
er, nnd I'm going to turn In. Under
stand?" "That menus go to bed," wild Mike.
The lieutenant, struggled to his feet.
"Knock 011 my door nt half past ."
0suld h". "Iiun't you dare to forget rt.
jj j That's orders."
lie went on to his room, put 011 about
half of his masquerading costume and
then dropped upon the bed, usleep be
fore he had fairly struck It.
raid, fill to his orders, little Miko
Hiiily rapped upon the lieutenant's
door nt precisely half past. ". Miller
sprang up, dazed, groped for his watch
and after n glance nt It dismissed the
buy wllh thanks. Live minutes later
he was upon the street, shivering and
confused nnd presenting a figure sulll
cieiilly groiesqiie Iii his courtier's cos
tume uf two centuries ago under an
, overcoat of today's pattern.
1 . ...
An empty cab was passing, and Mil
ler was reminded that lie had given no
not I Hi a 1 urn to Ihe cabby whom he had
engaged that, he had made a change lu
Ih" hniir uf his departure. He hailed
the driver of the chance vehicle, gave
liliu the address uf the kind friend who
was to lend the money and climbed
a board. He sank shivering Into a cor
ner and tried to make plans for the
The ride seenu-il very long, anil the
passenger's wits were gradually re
stored. Suddenly he put up his hand to
his forehead nnd Is-cnrne rigid from
tup lo too. 1
What was the mailer with the street?
It should h.'ue lnen thronged ut th! ;
hour, but, on the contrary, v;a almost
deserted. Moreover, by some mining" j
miracle It was growing lighter. The :
gas lamps were pale. peculiar qual- j
Ity was perceptible In the chill and j
murky air.
A shiver that was not uf cold passed i
over Miller's body. He thrust his head '
out of the window and shouted to the '
driver hoarsely. "What time Is It?" I
Calibv nulled mi his horse and looked 1 '
1 1 1,... ;i.. I
(ll uiiiiii rn-!-"ii4 ,
"About f! o' the murnln'." said he.
"There's a clock foralnst ye."
There was a long silence. The call
man gathered up his reins and urged
his tired horse forward.
"Hold on:" called Miller. "Drive
buck buck where you took me from."
Mike Healy was upon the steps of
the lionrdliig house as Miller, seowlln-:
nnd muttering, crossed the sidewalk.
"I was afraid I'd make a mistake."
wild the Ixiy proudly. "Cues I laid
awake pretty near nil night"
Miller pushed by him roughly nnd
entered the house. Ills tenqier was
Dot Improved even by n good break
fast, and he was the sourest rascal In
town when he arrived nt his place of
employment nt half pnst S. One of the
first persons upon whom his eyes rest
ed was his fellow employee. Lnrry Don
ovan . who si-emed to be In even better
iplrlts than usual.
"Pity about Miss Lnntry." he said
)-mpatheticn!!y. "But wiy didn't you
pome along nnyhow? We had he time
af our lives. N-rrow esoaoe for me,
though. If I hadn't got a way from
that blasted barroom just as I did
However, It's all right now. Never
again-not a drop. I've given my sol
emn word to Kitty Mahan. and you
know what n pledge like that will mean
to me."
By H, J. Birkenmayer.
I alwavs mean to have my sense of
humor with me." said a shopper the
other (lav. "and it is wonderful how it
tScalp vSpecialists
Use and Recommend
you my photograph to show what Newhro's Ilerpicide has
tried Ilerpicide upon my hair 1 have u-cd it exclusively in
culp tieatineiits to others, and 1 would not Hunk of
(Sign.-dl. MKS.
At Drug Stores Send 10 cents in stamps to The Herpicide Co., Dept N., Detroit, Michigan, for a sample.
See Window Display at Owl Drug Store
The Mii-iiiil L'v. et uf the Seiium, I "ride r the Au-piee uf A-toiiu Lodge of.
l.u"iin' lb;!. iv K cuing, March Hum!.
PM 1!W!P"WIV"""I'WWW' . .j, fflWWlllWl,niiW .P!.ii!i!ilil-lJl!iiiLil!n
' ., '(ia?l'
1, , , : i , 9fmm, . f
y f&f .JR.-
Waldemar Lind, Violin Soloist,
Assistei by the BELASCO ORCHESTRA of Ten Artists.
Violin ..
Cello... .
Ma- . .
Lint". .
( 1,11 IIH-I
L. Winter.
.1 I'. 1
I'i itz Zilm.
. I'l'l ilinaiu! Koni ad.
Ii. Ill'lt I llll.
V. SI 1.1 lib.
Mom i- O11111I1 i.
Wm. Li ing-toii.
I-'. I'.i.kel.
Admissiofi Sl.OO
I'iekel. oil Sale at Ho. ll-l'- Candy K.i.jiormin.
I oiiiiiiitti" kin. ily i"'ii"-t- the audience to be -.e ited at 8:l!0 p.
iltiw grim care away. Lut wtek I I to the counter having brass furnishings
hud three such ttb-urd experience that; fur desks and asked for a brass seal
I've hardly stopped chuckling over The an-wer came back: 'Crass alliga
timm vet 1 tors, brass elephants: no brass seals.'
"In the fir-t place I was looking for a
cop)' of -Tales from Shakespeare,' by
Charles and Mary Lamb. This book
as everyone knows is commonly called
'Umb's Tales.' I was in a hurry and
rushed up to the book counter in one
of our large department stores and ask
ed the much-pompadoured clerk if she
had a copy of 'Lamb's Tales.' Evidently
only the last two words reached her
ears, fur she replied promptly and de
cisively: 'Iamb's tails? Fur depart
ment, second floor.'
"My next experience was in buying a
set of furs. The clerk showed me a
hand-ome set of lynx, but I hesitated
on the ground that lynx did not weae
well. T'lii- objection was at once set
isiile by
the clerk, who said in a mosti
manner: 'Oh, that may be ,
said in a most 1
true uf some set, hut this particular set j pintl, gUDject their captives, reminds me
was mail" from the very part of the j of the intense suffering I endured for
link.' three months from inflammation of the
"For a moment I must confess I was Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Cush
nonplussed at the word 'link.' Then I j j,,.,. Me., "Nothing helped me until I
ligucd it out satisfactorily to mvself. j tried Electric Bitters, three botes cf
Surelv. if the plural is lvnx. the singu- ! which completely cured me." Cures Liv-
, ,,-i ter Complaint, Dvsp.-psia, Blood disor-
larly should be link. ny not . ( dm and MalaHa; and restores the weak
"My thiul experience was m hunting and nervous to robust health. Guaran
tor a plain brass seal, on which to have Heed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Price
cut my husband's monogram. I wvnt 50c.
trying to get along
aiirie McCaltti,
Mr. Nello -lohnsoii.
1 W,
1". Cratke,
"This bus since reminded me of the
old story of the Boston woman who ask
ed fur a copy of Browning at a country
store which al-o contained a small cir
etiUting Jibifcry. The ff)nrkeatper-li-brarian
made answer somewhat on this
" 'Nn'em. We hain't browning. We've
blacking- for your shoes and bluing for
your wash. We've got a whiting for
your silver. Sometimes we do a little
pinking. In winter we've as good
greenin's as you ever set your teeth in
to; hut I must say we ain't ever had
a call for brownin' till now.'"
Torture By Savages.
Speaking of the torture to which
gome of the savae trjje5 ; the Philip-