SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1906. THE MOKNING ASTOIUAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. IS Chinese Pirates Rob Standard Oil . Company! Boat. GUNBOAT IS SI-NT TO SCtNE l'lilr In Vicinity of Canton Sfize nd Loot Launch Owned by Oil Trust Riflrs and Ammunition Are Secured. Hum, Mini;, a .'I. A lu 11 mil fiHiii-.l l lm Sluii.l.ii.l Oil (Viniu!iv wi -i-ii-.I ihi.! IimiIi'iI liv niiilr Ili-iil t itiiluii U'MciiUv. Tli" iiiali M'CHiml ii lu'it H iiirli,-l-i t i tit' inul .1 tliiiiiminil intiinU ft i 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ti it in 11 . Tin' I S. ifiintioiit Cullim iii n -! inu ti tin mi'de' i( tin- pir ai'V . 'Ill'' ff Uli ) t ( iiIIiiii in ill Ui'lii-il to I In' Anitl riiiiiilnn 1 i t 11 1 1 I cniilliiuliili il l.y I.ii'll teiiuiH linliiT V, lli'iiiliTniiii. Mi. in of uti'rl 11 iiiluri'llil'llt nf 'J'HI lniit uinl i.iiliin u culm. .Slit.' linn u H'Uil of leu I null nn hour. f'niit'ni, in tin1 vii'iniiv of uliirli tin' I.ihii.Ii n uttniki'il, innr Ihi' iiiimtli Of tll Will liiviT ill till" itlilllf ill hwinn'tiitij,, i the (.ii-nt i'(iurt uf Simtliri 11 China. Doctors Are Puttied. 'I!ii r tiiiirkuMi' rTnrry of Kfritn-lh Melvpr, of VrwrrWo, Mr, In tlif Mill !til "f tit wit llltlTCt to tin iiHiii'-al fiiitcilU'v Itw4 n Miili riirli- of flii'tuU. II'- ' uf lil mi' "(Uvitig to rum-re i n H.i hi in .4 ' i' m of tin- Throat mill ron (jratioti of tin i.nii(.;, thri'c ilnrtoiri jfiive nil- up to dir, wlirn, s a tit nt rmort, 1 wru itiitin'l to try lr. Klti(?' Nrw DM nvrrv tirvl I am happy to miv, It wive.l mr lif " Cnrc thr ort ( "nnti 11 ml "Ms. l!Mm-hiti, Totmililin, Uak liuit,"). Moan-mrs nn. I I.n(rlii-. (iiar mi.i. at ('he, linger"' dni,' tnre. 50c ami j?1 im. Trial bottle 'ree. Sltcpltssness. DWnrd'-rs of the stomach procure a tt ivoiu condillnn and oftrn prevent l.i 11. Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Ta.ilet stimulate the iliRiwtlve organs, tetore th system to a healthy eon ilition slid make sleep possible. For ml- liv Frank Hart and leading drug ffl.ts. ' r LAUNCH LOOTED M WILL ABANDON ROAD, ,I,I,V, Ik- Mi.ivh ... Clmrlca All "l-lllll, M-pll'.lllillK till' U'illllllll'ttc Viilli'v it ('mill CiithiIi' .Moiiiiliiin W'ux on l!. 1. 11I I iiiiiiiiiiv, Inn nolilli'il t'oiinly tl.-ik II, M. I'liyn'' Hint tin' ioiniiHiv Hill liliiilliluil till' 1 11. Ill Ill-limit Hie dm i'ihIk M. milium-, 11111I will not In- H'-jinn Dili' hi-rriilirr for repuir or fur mcl ili nl 011 tin' mini. A 11 ri'xiill, 11 11 11 111 lici of Ini'li lii'iv mi' Inking iti-pn lo lli mi kiiiih' of tin' hunt of tin' I'oiiipiiny'x Inn. I ji 11 ill iiihIit thii tliiilii-r inul Ktniii' ni-r. 'I hi' ti.ji.l miih Imilt n thinl of 11 ir 11 tiiis 11 j'. 1 , inul lor kiTpin 1 1 .- 10ml up ii 1 1 ' I upi'ii tin- loiiipiiny m-rniiil nil ctli'll iif 1. 111. 1 kiiiiiI It U lhoii(;ht I hut the j iiliiiiiilniiliii'lil of tin' mini will ihi'UM the IntnU of the rimipiiny luirk into the hi'ii.U of thf j'ui criiiniiil . The 1'iitiy, n f'-w (Inys njii, piiid tiixen on litn.U in I. inn i-oiiiily uiiioiiiil in' to Obstinate racking coughs Foley's It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heal3 and strengthens the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest for children and delicate people. Remember the name FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and insist upon having the genuine, as no other remedy is so safe or as certain in results. Given Up to Die With Croup. Mrs. P. I. Cordler, of Mannlngton, Ky., writes: "Kf three-yeai' oM girl had serere case of croup; the doctor aaid she could not live and I gave her up to die. I went to the store and got a bottle of Foley Honey and Tat. The first dote gave quick relief and aa? d her life." Thrao sixes 25c, orimiiii Astoriam Day im The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been lechiced From 75c to 65c Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian DELIVERED BY CARRIER TO ANY PART OFTHE CITY FOR 6B CENTS in SHOOTS SEDUCER. KnrKd Husband Kills Man Who Ruined H s Home. (tAKI.AM), Cl., Aliirch t.S. -A. I hill It-it .Miiriloiiiihl, a lioiHi'l iiiini-r, lit I'li'ifillitoll, ill Ihi 1 nil III V . hiat MIL' 111 'hoi nn. I i. 1 llr. I .loi'ph M1II0, mil' of tin-I.--I kniiHii 11ml nn. -I ii...i.-kh h 1 1 i II iiu'ii of Ihi- ton 11. Ihi' only M'itni'HH to Ihi- iiiiiii' ln-"iii the pi ipi liiitor .i tin- ili- ol Miinloiuilil, l.. ll.llllll.l . I,lilll (l llll HI) llll'll r iihiii-i- Li -1 niyhl, when In- iniiini'il Mi'llo of liutiiiK irl my i'i hi family hiiiiilir. ,Mi- hIiihI. Mni'iloimhl with .1 . linn, hi-i i-iipoii I In- In 1 1 it "hot him III the n-.'iiiii of the IhmiI, Mi-IIo ilii-i Mil- 1111,111111' .Miniliifiithl in iiinli-r i rcuf. that settle on the lungs and may TUT n 1 aOt 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent sire contains 91.00 bottle almost six times as iihonl fHIKHI, Hume of tin liui'U iiii-nliiiM iiri viiliiiililit for timln-r. lips SOLD IHO RECOiiilEKDED BY Sold and Recommended by HERE YOU ARE tlie Momililhi For 65c HERMANN FILES BILL. Says Letter Files Destroyed Were Those Kept in Private Office. U ASHIMJTO.V, Man-h 23. -OmreM-mini liifiier Hi'iiiiauii, of flreon, today fiiinihi-i a hill of particular which nii'ii'ly fmtli Unit the letter luniks ilcHlrnywl wen- (hone kept, in bin priv iile ollii',- while ('oiiimixfioiH'r of the (o'liei 1 1 Lnml (Mliee. o time him yet been .el (,,r Hie trial. PETITION FOR RECEIVER. W.VI Kit VI I.I.I-;, Me,, March iX - -The nloi kholiler. of the Kivci view Vort'd Mill, pelilioieil Hie Supreme Court for 11 nrill-r Vltei,iy, , heiirilllf will be eiveii in a few day. I he nominal a-e( of the mills are ciiiimilcil at alnit )210,(SKI and the linlillllie. at jiilll.lHKl. Dili'-i.-iK e. an- aiil to exi-.t in the' niiiiiat'i-m nt. TiiiiKiirtr U. V, Terry in develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by 1 Editor Cured of Lung Trouble W. L. Straub, Editor of St Petersburg; (Fla.) Times, writes: "When coming- across the bay from Port Tampa I got wet and caught a cold that affected my throat and lungs. I neglected it, thinking I would soon recover, but I kept getting worse, until I bought a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar, and it cured me completely." two and one-half times as much as the small much. Refute Substitute CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. I alleges es that he flixrnvprml veut&rAav . j timt gfKidH valued at WlTtfUm belonging ) to the corporation were being shipped j out of the city without proper author I ity. lie Micce.'ded in Mopping j?l 7XK) worth at the iliilioarl -tation. hntrlAflli WOMEN. T'wt Fit U for nnnttnrtl l,lK-Pi: towtttft W Irrit'iltMtxi or ul(-rtion Mi 19 ttmiirf, i,f inn rut a firrntiranM. frrTMU (MlMrtMl P .i.,i t at.l itt.t a.frirj. eiSC:SSiIi.O E0TI Mold hr llrol(. 1l t. S. 1. v ; i or mil In plain wmiipur, HimiH Circular snl o rmuwt. For Kidnev uiaaaer troubles. .Cures in l48Hours URINARY DISCHARGES Each dixale bear, the namer Ifaj Bmuam ofcowrttrfeHl I size and the Every a Month 60 YEARS' D r Tuaoe Mark 4 DltlQN Copyrights Ac. Anrone mmillni s nkelrh anil dmnriptlon mv qolrkl; uferiiitn eur opinion ;re whether i lnrinll''n u pmhnblf iimer.lanta ('rinimunlfib tlnniMriellf eiinadmilint. HANDBOOK on Plit liit frfA. Iil'lfnt i3i,rf fur RAiiurlnff patnin. I'ntmii tal" thrnnvh ttunii A Co. recti M tff'vU mil"., without ch.rge, in the Scieniific flniericaii. A hiinitdometr HlniitMHwl welr. I .srsmt elr. eulmlon t nr icicntian )'.urnl. Term. ,l rear : f 'air montli. L Bold by all newdalra. PNN JCo.36,BfM New York Branch Office, tab t 8U Waihlqgion, D. U 1 - i - Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of ail writing machines. It does bettf work, does it quicker,' lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The Vorld's Best Typewriter Let w j:r,d yo: c.-r li"!e hcn'.z tilling all .".fiOLt it. Tvp-.vr;-tT J-.-pfli-. M4 chinti ret: red. Ste r.i gr.'f iitr-, f-.i: niiheH. The Smith Premier Typewriter Ccmoany 247 SUrk St., Portland Or. MOSlOirG ASTORIA Is on Sale in Astoria at J. M. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. OTZIKGER'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OmCX, SCULLY'S CIGAR ST0RJ. JOS. JACOBS, CIGAX STORE. J s 1 . Trr. r 1 j i ti if' !