THE MORNING ASTOUIAX. ASTOUIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 190O. T THE MORNING ASTORIAN Eatablished 1873. Published Daily by TBI J. S. DELLINGER COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year 17.00 By mail, per month to By carrier, per month 6i WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in ad vane. 11.00 Filtered as nnd-elnss mailer June . 116, at the jHwtomoe tit Astoria, uiv (on, under the act of Congress ot March S, IST'Ontos for the duliwiti of Ths Jloa." iho laroaiAN to either residenoe or pUo of bosinon nay be made by ivtl card or through tele heme. Any irregularity ' do ll w-y should be mmeJwtely reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. Official paper of Clalsop comitv 'and the City of Astoria. and lvinj in a Mipply of jjomU that should have luvn piuvhawd from the home mt'ivliiuits. lint there is no im mediate danger tf a panic. As a mile, panics are pivcipitatcd lv Wall -.(veet munipulatoi- and .Icilcr-. in sticks, that i. national panics. Local panic arc ihc rc-ults of the action of our own people. While .lull limes cannot lie called a panic, xel the scaivii v of monev icicaies mill miMiirv me inoic mamilariiii iiij; institutions in sioria. emplov in more men. than n year a.o. Theiv are erv few acant houses in the city. Imt there arc more merchants in lmsinos il i i t i ti ir the business up. Xew stoics hae h en Iniilt in the on! Wins di-tiicts. notahly the east end ami l"nionlown. Iul taken as a whole. Astoria will compute favorably with any other city in the State. M m people have built new ivsitlemvs; a niunb-r of new store buildiiiL's have been erected, and considerable money invested in new iuiirov, iiients. taking a lartre volume out of the channels of irade. Theiv is no danjier of any panic in Astoria and increaseil business activity can be bulk ed for within the neM few weeks. SHAW TALKS FOR HULL, iliou in the Seventh Dint riot it(iiiuit 'Hull. Dobsoii hits asserted that eoipola- Savs All World Knowa Morgan and jt,,,, umwy ,, ,IIVV in ,,n.vjm,N Rockefeller Are Not "Putting Up." j campaigns j , inteiest of the present llS MttlXKS, n March 2:1. " All j 'iu,'ivs,muii. the world knows dial t'oujtressiuan .lohn 1 Nivii'tmv Muiw ivlis,.,l to he inlet A. T. Hull never ;oi n cent from Moiynn j iewcil eoncci niuy his noioeil or Kockefellen for use in his eampiiicii," ! dacy ''"r i'iesideiie, the situation in declined Sotivtmv Leslie M, Shaw, who j Iowa or Washington nuill-is, auived in lcs Moines toilny for an nd I -lies, which he will deliver tonight. FIRE DESTROYS POWER HOUSE. 1 he secretary s assertion was made in answer to a idpicst lot his opinion eon ccininj; tin1 accusations made by iormer Secrelaiv of Stale Course Oolisou, who is making a eampaii;n for the noniiiin I'llll.ADI'l IMIIA, Muieh '.'d A power lioiisi' of the Philadelphia llapid Tiiiiisit I'ompiiiix ill Second mid Olney st reels, wa, destroyed by lire loilny. The loss is cslimnied ,it $i;,"i,tiiiii. partly insured. Mitical Onformation EDITORIAL SALAD. WEATHER. 4 Oregon and Washington Oecas- ional light rain. l"p to the hour of spring to press no one has announced hmisell as a candi- late for constable. The understanding that there was to be no interference in Clatsop comity politics, was evidently .1 myth. Individual Character Is the Power Which Sustains the Busi ness World By DAVID R. FORCAN. Prominent Chlcifo B.nkrr t22iv sAv T . C ViinoiiiiceiiieiiU of ciiinlhlali for otlee will lie nilinlieil In I liese i "l 'I iiiiis ,i I iiuivin. ulile rnici tin men o nil m iie. - 1 REGISTRATION lli'lllsl rill loll I'oolls ooclll'il liy I 'oil III . V ( ci Il Tii lm . Iiillllill'.v .', I'H1 I ! . ij 1 -1 1 11 1 1. m 1 ImioIik cloed tin I'i Imm v t Icei mil, n il In, p. in lo u I' I ll loll hooks olielieil iillel I'llln.ilv clivf lull, A l II '.' . liealslmtloii lioolis clou d tin uciiei n I e Iki'I Inn, ,M l.i,.'ii, 111, DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION I'oiiul V t'li 1 1. ulv e n.illce nl I'l Imm v l lccllnii mil liiler lluiii Miin li 'j . I.asi ilnt lorllllnti pcllllniu tor i.irln- miim on I., ill,. I tor statu, coiifcuvtiomt! 1011I ilUlrlcl iiltlces, Mureli ,m. UMilav tor tllliiK petllloini for County ottliTlM, ill I, DATE OK PRIMARY ELECTION, APRIL jo, 19..0. 1 'uti vitssiiit; v,ite of n lumry election fm lute utniees yuv ,1 11 , CKNERAi. ELECTION lnl day (hi llllnit eeillllcutei. of nomination f,, al.itc oltlees li nemlily ol i liclom. April I ', I ast ititv lor lllitia uoinliialliiii ielllnii lor ululr ollli i s, May t. I list iliiv lor niton eerlltlciiles ol iioiiilual loim Mi cuiiiilv unici r. In umriiilih ol elector.,, May 4 - . I tiM dll.V for llllnit liomlllllllllg petllloln fur county olll, e, Ma I'i, H3JIE ,k . GENERAL ELECTION, JUNE 4 , V"Ihl BE SURE AND REGISTER CANDIDATES (.ANNOUNCEMENTS PARTY HARMONY. The success of the Republican ticket at the ensuing June election, depends, to a great extent upon harmony in party ranks. In the primary nominat ing election it was umkrstotid, that there would be no interference, and it is believed none has been attempted, the idea being, to leave the nutter of nomi nating candidates exclusively in the hands of the rank and file, those who have not heretofore had an opportunity of expressing an opinion as to the choice of party candidates. If this de termination is strictly carried out, it will do more to solidify the Republican party in the city and county, than all the eloquence of orators after nomina tions have been made. An effort has been made to secure party harmony, and nothing should be done to interfere in any way with the wishes of the people. It is to be pre-umed, that all candi dates fop the nomination will abide by the choice of the electors at the polls, and if this is adhered to, there can be no doubt of the result. It is a well known fact, that Astoria and Gatsop county are Republican on a strict party vote, but there has be-n more or less friction, more or less jeal ousies and old scores to be settled, re suiting often times in the defeat of tha dominant party and placing the city and county government in the hands of the Democrats. It is to be hoped that all animosities will be buried and that the party will unite in the support of the ticket that may be nomi nated by the people at the primaries, irrespective of their political differences In all the ne-sc as to the causes ol the slump in -lock pries, iiolxidy seem to be thinking of Mr. Thomas W. ljw-son. The beautiful spiini; weather which Oregon is enjoying doubtless eome from the reflecting influences of the glorious summer climate of the Astoria winter season. If the great American novel is writ ten by .my of the um-t eminent fiction writers of the present generation it is likely to be a story nf graft. 0 Evidently the lilial contributions by the amateurs who buy storks on mar gin has eased up the stringent demand for money in Wall street ipiite a lot. All right enough for the good citizen to hope that the bet men will win in the county election, but how can it be long a the be-t men invariably re- tu-e to liecoine candidates: Those people who have lieen worrying to discover an apiiropii ite name for the Slate to be cioated by combining Arizona and New Mexico can now go on a vacation for a few hundred yens. CAUSE OF PANICS. Some pessimist's throughout the coun try are predicting a panic, basing their opinions upon the vast accumulations of wealth by a few individuals and cor porationa. The cause of panics i a aubject on which nearly every man has an opinion, from the political econo mist to the corner loafer. Good times or hard times are ordinarily the most powerful agents affecting the welfare of political parties. In this country ttey makf or mar the fortunes of public men and party organizions. The people of this country have been unfortunately taught that good times or bad times are largely the result of this or that party being in control of national affairs. Other causes aligned are "over-production" a high tariff, a low tariff, too small a volume of money, an inflated currency, poor crop, etc. There is probably no subject of anything Jike equal importance on which there h such a confusion in the public mind. Because business has been dull in As toria the past winter, a few predict the dawn of a panic. The truth of the mat ter is, there is just as much money in Astoria and throughout the State of Oregon, as there was a year ago. One cause of the present dull season in As toria is directly attributable to the Lewis and Clark fair, and the same exists in other sections of the State. A large volume of the circulating medium that usually flows through the channels of trade, was taken to Portland by our own .people, spent in seeing the fair The srtking similarity between a good .Moro and a good In dian ought to interest the elhno-iogi-ts who ,ue working on the theory that the orient ua. niiginally people fiviin America. Anyway the astronomers are making more rapid progre-s with tli - canal busi ness on Mar- than the politicians ap pear to be doing with the canal project on Panama. Civen time enough to think it over, President Roosevelt mav be able to reach the conclusion that Senator Till man is quite as good a friend of an administration measure as some of his Republican associates in the upper house. DEFEND WOOD. Manila Papers Say General Wood Was Justified in Killing Women. MANILA, March 23.-The American, Spanish and native press of this city, in commenting upon the recent battle of Mount Dajo, sustain Major-General Wood against the charge of killing women and children of the Moro out laws during the action, which they claim was unavoidable. They are un animous in their expressions of regret at the manner in which the unfortunate occurrence has been misrepresented by a portion of the press in America. NOW FOR A NICE DAINTY I LITTLE PIECE OF jcHINA A CHINA TEA POT, CHOCO LATE POT, CUP AND SAUCER OR EVEN A NICE LITTLE TEA SET, MAY EE JUST THE THING YOU ARE WANTING IF SO THE PLACE TO GO IS THE 0 me there ran lie no siuller xijilit than an M ninn, ulretulv ltu'iunliert'il liv this world's wraith, Imt eager only U in erense it liefure he toles from I lit' earth. They art) inure ntimeroiin in smaller towns than in large cities. Almost every small town has its wealthy men who never part with a dollar IF 71 IKY CAN HK1.P IT. Recently I saw a letter from a millionaire referring to the death of a elerk who faithfully 1 m-1 erve.l him thirty ears. The man who wrote this letter i- rated at .Jii,(iiii,(Mii. h, this letter, after disposing of several matters, he referred to the death of his old employee inci dentally and directed that the exact date .if the severance of his con nection with the olfice, HKCATSK OF 1I1S LAST ILLNESS, l,e ascertained, the exact amount due him for the fraction of the month he had worked he figured up and a check for the amount lo mailed to his widow. Do you imagine that old curmudgeon lias A SOUL f My word to the man who would succeed is, "Save your soul." "For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own foul i" And that I take to mean '-What shall it profit a man that if to gaiu the whole world he lose his own soul IX T 1 1 K STK1VLNG?" Perhaps it may he necessary to le cold Hooded in Lusiwsa for tho sake of your employer or for tho sake of ljuine..s principle!, but if vou find that true be one fellow in business and ANOTHER OUTSIDE. To your family, your friends and your fellow man be true altm. If an inhabitant of auother planet could come to ono of our big cities perhaps he at first would find it ruled by the law of felfishnesw, the almighty dollar. Later, he would find underneath all the SILENT FOKCES OF KIGIITKOUSXKSS. The poAir which sustains the business world is INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER. While busy men are planning and struggling to build up their material fortunes, every word, every action, every thought of theirs is .waving that eternal structure, their individual characters. That it is the groundwork of the business world is shown by the credit system. I am a dealer in credit. I sit all day dealing in it. Vet I find it elusive. I think sometimes it doesn't exist. A man comes to my office for a loan of $ luO.HOO. I hand his note to the cashier with instructions to credit him with .100,000. I have made the loan, have increa-ed my bank's deposits AND HAVE PAID OUT NOT A CENT. The m.-m draws a cheek, gives it to an other of our e-i, turner-, and he depo-its it anew. Other banks get cheeks against us. The clearing house wipes all out except a balance bo small that the eas!i required to settle it is too small to notice. Am for that we give A CHECK. So credit, whether that of the government, the business house or the individual, is the LIFEBLOOD OF MODERN BUSINESS, or, comparing bu-iness to a structure, it is the mortar which binds tho bricks together. And credit rests on the foundation of character. At least 90 per cent of all business is transacted on credit. And, as char acter is the foundation of credit, so TRUTH is tho foundation of character. A person who is known as a man of his word, whether gpoken or signed, sealed and delivered, has the very best equipment. And this includes frankness, which does not mean telling all you know, but does require that you must not keep back what the other man HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW. A man to succeed must possess modesty. The boastful man is un der the disadvantage that all of his statements aro DISCOUNTED whether they are true or not. Conservatism also is a necessary attri bute. Commend me to the man who is not in a great hurry to get rich, but is satisfied with the old plan of gradually adding to his pile and not trying to get SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. Occasionally you see a man get rich by speculation, but my experience has been that when a man goe9 up like a rocket it is not long before he comes down like a stick, AND A BURNT STICK AT THAT. 1 have several rules for young and for old. The first is, "Save your money.'v I say it earnestly, not because I want to increase the deposits in lank., but because IT IS NECESSARY. I have had experience with young men. I have seen a few go wrong, lose their positions through dishonesty, without any fuss being made about it, but they were damned all the same so far as their futures were concerned. BUT I NEVER KNEW ONE TO 00 WRONG WHO HAD A SAV INCS SANK ACCOUNT. FOR GOVERNOR. jct to tli. approval of Republican R'-publlcnrii of Dickon r heteln oter at tilt primaries Informed that I am raiullilutA fur thuj A. M. CKAWFOPJi. nomination of Governor at the prim-1 ariei to be held April 201 h JAMKS WrniYl'OMHK. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. I hereby announce niyielf a cuiili date for the ofTlce of Secirlary of Stato, and a-k the iiippott of all It.mihli- wo. F. T. U'KIUHTMAN. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby utmounc mynelf ai a can iliilntp for ahcrifT on the Republican ticket at the primary nominating elec tion. KMSLKY HOUOHTON. FOR STATE PRINTER. , The unierljfnetl announces hltiiiilf a j a Republican vamliilata for renomlna- Hon for Ntut I'r inter, aubject to t'lO , ilecinlun of the Republican votera at the 1 primary election, April S!( j Now aervintj flrt trrm. Tha aim I ecmrlciy that has !x-en amirdrd to Ktaie nfflcera ttenerally, that of a renomlna j tion, would be K'eally appreciated. J. R. WHITNEY. Albany, Oiegon. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF TUBLIC INSTRUCTION. . j I hrreby announce tnynelf aa a ran- FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL )0f sur,,rilltrnant 0f ,.utle ,nlru. The undesigned hereby announce tfon, and aollrit the aupport of all Re- candidate for re el.ctum 'publimna at tha prlmarlea, April 2(HS. hlmelf to tha office of Attorney Ceneral, aub- J. H. ACKKRMAN JUST ARRIVED A CAR LOAD OF Our New Stock of WALL PAPER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS AND COLORS IS NOW ON OUR SHELVES AND READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. GIVE US A CALL. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Full Line of Brushes, Paints, oils. Glass, etc., etc. B. F. Allen & Son, andctdh J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. 0. I. PETERSON, Vioe-Preaident. ("RANK PATT0N, Caahler. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Caihlar. 'Astoria Savings Bank First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:ST.ltl.lS I) ihno. Capital and .Surplus $100,000 Sherman Transier Co. IQENRY 811 KRMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street) , phone Main 12 That All Important Bath Room Will stffffi L .. V ....v vmiv.i mam jjcujjic remark "jt 1 were ever to build, I would plan mu K.k C . I in; u.ui iuuiu jirji ana would not put all my money into the parlor with all Its finery." That it good common sense entiment, for the bath room is the not Important of all the household. We would like to help you plan your hsth room and will gladly quote you '' on "avduni' Ware, the l est a. .xcikriianitarv fixtures made. J, A. Montgomery, Astoria. J YVI Yokohama Bazaar I 626 Commercial Street, Astoria Capital Paid In 1100,000. Surplus and Undivided Profit Itt.OU). Transact a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposltsi it3 Tenth Street, The MORNING ASTORIAN 65 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper ASTORIA, OREGON.