.ash wife r. ,'J ' r j A, V UOVKR3 THE MORNING riILD ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA! ASSOOUTBO pms MIPOHT VOIJWK LXI NO. 102 ASTOKIA. OKWiON. SAITKDA Y.lMARCH 24 IllOfi PRICE FIVE CENTS MINE S AND OPERATORS & UB rt 1 i I I OR FT ARE guilty Judjrc O'Suliivan of New York Says the Insurance Officers Who Cave the Company's Funds for Campaign Purposes Committed Larceny. DISTRICT ATTORNEY JEROME TO ASK ARRESTS NEW YORK JUSTICE HOLDS THAT P ROCEEDINGS ON LARCENY CHARGE WILL STAND-EXVICE-PRESID ENT PERKINS OP THE NEW VORK LIFE; C0RTELY0U AND BLISS CHARGED -GRAND JURY TO INQUIRE. VIAV YORK, March I'll. Tli ollicr if life insurance companies who runt pi hut (l par I im of tlir company' fund t.i political compaign rominiltril lar ceny, in the opinion of .iniUce O'XulII van, f tli Court f General S-ion. Justice O'Suliivan eiprciied tiix opln inn in court today, icplyiug to the pic iitnient tuhinittod tu him l.y the j-rand juiy wlnih investigated aome phase of tin- insurance buine which wete '1jm-iI hy the legislator com mittee. Hp IhIiI that larceny wan nun mittcd liy tlm oillnrs who authorized mu ll culltl ihutioli", itml charged tlx' jmy to investigate m to ic-poiihiliilitv for such crime. Tlni opinion is iliit'i'tly opposite to tin; Mile on t ho mi nil' iljM-t which huh submitted to .lit-1 O'Niilliwin by li--tlirt Attorney Jerome HI'Vi'lul iluy ago. Replying to .lii-ticr O'Siilliviin, Di trirt Attorney -lerome rcit -tut'l hi opinion I luil tlic nit. of the insurance olliriiil- did not constitute larceny, mill tolil the court Unit if lie maintained hi contrary opinion, llii'n il rented with tlic grand jury to neck cause for indict mint for larceny uguiiiHt George W. I'rikiu. lot mi r vice president of the New York Life, who admitted giving political con tribution, and against George 11. Cor telyoti, chairman, and Cornelius N. Wiss treasurer of the Republican Na tionnl Committee, iih receivers of utolcn bonds. District Attorney .loiouio Knid, ad drcffiinK t lie court : "If Your Honor will i-it a a ng tnite in thin cu-c, I will miliinit a flVlav-it- nx to the net comiiiillcd I'V ticorye 1'erkinn, itml will link mirnnl for liiH airet. A writ of IiiiImiii eorpim will follow, and (lie nine will l' taken to tho liihcnt court, whore I will retain , Alton It. Parker hm npeciul cminni'l." .lli-tiiK! O'Suliivan refiiHcd to fjrnnt tlie wisrrant. After .TtidfiC O'Sulivan liad dilivered liin remaA to (lie (jrnnd jury (.here win Home quetlion an to their exact import, one portion of the Judge' renin rk deal iiif with the iicMlion of intent in iuli a manner a to make il appear that it wiib the duty of (lie frrand jury to con- GOVERNMENT TO HAVE OWN POWDER FACTORY WASIUXOTON, March li.'l.-Spooner concluded his speech iu the Senate on Hie railroad rate hill and (he fortifica tions appropriation was taken up and passed. The hill carries $125,000 for the constructions of a powder manufactory. Daniels spoke at length iu support of OTIIX ! of ider the nutttr of intent in it deter mination of the tiption m to whether lui. en y had Wen committed. IuiIkii O'fSiillivan'ii utatement wai that larceny made in aniwer to the hyothetiual (jueation put to him in which certain mippoMtiom were accepted a fact. The NuppoMtion dealt with the making of coiitrihutioru hy author it v of iii'iuance otlieiiiN. INSANE ACT. HAI.'I IMOI1K, March 2.1. At Brook lyn, Walter 1'ott'c, an insane man, aged J1', cnleied liin luothci'n huiiM' as tlic fiiemU weiv (ii'liminj; to attend the fiinernl of hiit hrother'i child and open ed (lie with a revolver, et fire to the liino-e, and h)io(, and killed himnelf. Nine piinoini were injured I'V the hhot, lvn nf whom, the luothcr and the hnilhci in-law. iiiav die. Governor of Idaho Ssys He Made no Prodomation:' Asserts as Fslse, Proclamation Address ed "to Labor Unions of United States" in Relation to Prose cution Federation Officials HOISK, March 211. The authenticity of what was purported to he u procla mation ndilivssed hy (iovernor (loodini; '"I'n l.nlior rnioiiH of the 1'nited Slates" in relation to the prosecution of the Weslei n l'cilenition ollicers. in denied hy I he pivernor. lie says he told Denver new -pupei niiiu that if the lulior unions would invent ijjnle the i-liu I'f-f- against the men instead of denouncing their pr cut ion a heller feeling would re sult, and if the pinper committee should 1hc provision, claiming the nut ion was t. the mercy of a powder trust. The hill carries $0,278,1111.1. Tillnuin, on the railroad hill, suggested that the inter state commerce commission have au thority to enjoin railroads- from incivas ing their rates. WW DENIED BY GOODING UNABLE TO AGFX lie appointed he would favor iu la-injr yin'ii evry oppoitimily lo Mtinfy them che il- to whether til'' tute WH jll tilled in holding Moyei i-t al aei-oiiutahle (or th' ctinii'. .1. II. Haw lev, chiel coiiimi-l for the pio-iTiitinii, titalcH thai under no eon iih-ratinn will any one he nhown the iiilifcjmiou of (Irchard or other tenti- IIHlllV. SECURE ROADS. Act of Congress Allows Establiahment on Approval. rr.Mtl.KToS'. die , March i: -Agitation continued l"r year for puhlie roada aero he riiiittilla tern (nation will at hint he ici'f ill. I'mler an act of Coiigrex, puhlie iitadt may he laid out across a icser wilioti in the name manner a elacwhere. except that the road hat to h" approved hy the depot tment. In the pant it ha lieen hehl that the county had no right upon the reservation, end consequently the ne of the mad ha Ixen at the pleasure of the Indians. For several year the taking of sheep serosa the reserve ha heen prohihited, and cattle men have fared little hotter. Farmer interested in rroing the res ervation have now started three peti tions to the County Court Baking for a many road aero the reserve to follow routes of the pre-ent thorough fare. ACTIONS ARE BEGUN Eight Actions Instituted Against Mutual's Ex-Officers. First Complaint Made Public is Against President McCurdy Alleging Waste of Money Belonging to Com any and Unfaithfulness. XKW YORK, March 23. The first complaint in a series of eight actions already hegun hy the Mutual Life against the McCurdy's and Charles f. Raymond and Company, and tho com pany' former agents, was made puhlie today. This particular' complaint is against President McCurdy and con tain. nine separate causes of action charging the waste of large sums bo longing to the company through the alleged neglect of his duties and un faithfulness. Damages amounting to three and a quarter million arc de manded. FIVE THOUSAND MEN IDLE. MKADVII.l.K. renn., March 2.1. --Orders arc issued suspending locomotive ivpnir work iu all shops on the Krie system. Vive thousand men'' are laid oil'. The act ion is said to he due to the threatened coal strike. STATE CAN PROSECUTE. HK1.I, FONT A IX K. Ohio. March 2:1. The circuit conrl has decided tho stale is within its rights in instituting ous ter proceedings in a collective suit against fourteen companies alleged to constitute the " Itridgn Trust." SALESROOMS RUINED. ISOSTON, Mnivh 211. The salesrooms and store of Warren W. Kuwson & Co., seedmeii and dealers in other agricul tural supplies at 12 and 11 Faneuil Hall, were ruined by fire early today. The Haines extended to all parts of the building, a five-story stone structure. The lire was directly across a narrow thoroughfare from Faneuil hall, hut the latter building was never iu danger. The loss is estimated at. $100,000. The head of the firm, Walter J. Raw son, is a member of the governor's council. SECOND DAY IS WITHOUT RESULT SHAW MAKES SPEECH. )i;.S MOINKS, March 2.'). There was an interet ing addie- hen: tonight hy Sei-retaiy Miaw who made an elahoratc argument against any change in tariff! schedule at this time la-cause it would endanger the Hepuhlicaii "iieee in the !lOH campaign. AT CHICAGO'S DISPOSAL. All Yerkes Traction Securities Placed in Chicago's Hands. t'HK'ACO, March 2.1-The Sews to day ay all the traction securities in the estate of Charles T. Yerkes are said tu have been placed at the disposal of the city of Chicago. The heirs are said to he anxious to withdraw from the Chicago Traction muddle and are willing to take the Mueller certificates in full payment. At the last legislature a bill proposed hy Senator Mueller providing that Chicago might issue certificates to aggregate $75,000,000 for the purcoase of existing traction lines, was passed. n Jerome Blames Yellow Press For Policy Lapses. Says Yawping of the Yellow Journals Frightened People Into Dropping Insurance Policies Hughes is Hailed as Next Governor. N EW YORK, March 23. The banquet of the Delta I'psilon Fraternity of New York in honor of District attorney Jer ome and Charles F.. Hughes was attend ed hy five hundred men, representing thirty-seven colleges and universities. Hughes spoke briefly. He was hailed as the next governor of Xew Y'ork. He said in part : "I attribute your good wishes to the spirit of fraternity and good fellowship. I must, howevei'. leave political aspira tions where they belong." .Icrome, in speaking of insurance said: " I am going to see that those who vio late criminal law shall be punished. I was informed the other day by direc tors of the Mutual Life that one hun dred millions of dollars in policies have lapsed. These are policies of the poor who have been influenced byq the wild outcries of the newspapers. These in stitutions are 11s solvent as the United States, Imt these poor people were scar ed by the incessant yawping of the hounds of the yellow press." DEATH LIST GROWS. Twenty-six Bodies Taken From Century Coal Mine. l'llH.IJI'l. W. Y March 2M.-The death list in the Century mine disaster has now reached twenty-six. while twenty or more arc injured. All day long the rescue party continued bravely at work and twenty-two bodies were recovered, one body remains in the mine, according to officials. Employes of the mine insist however, that from thirty to forty men are still in the mine, and perhaps alive. GOVERNOR IMPROVED. COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 23. Patti son's condition has slowly but steadily improved today. YELLOWS SCORED Deadlock Between Miners and Operators at Indian apolis Conference Remains Unbroken Robbins Would Grant Miners Increase. ACT AROUSES LOUD PROTEST FROM OPERATORS PITTSBURG OPERATOR STATES THE SAME SCALE AS THEY OPERATORS DISAGREE FOLLOWS 1 IXDIAXAI'OLIS, March 23.-The(try f ,tji.stl,.l- armimDiif liAttt'PPn tho fin- erators and miners continued today. Both committees will meet again tomor row. F. L. Robbins, of the Western Pennsylvania operators, was the target for several vigorous attacks on his posi tion in favor of paying the scale of 100.1, which will mean an advance of 5.55 per cent in wages in that district and would comply with the demands of the miners. Robbins stated on the floor he did not propose to be dictated to by the operators of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. He said his position was fair and just to all interests and the Pittsburg Coal Company, which he represented was willing to pay the advance in wages asked. He said he was willing to pay the advance in his own mines, in Penn sylvania, Illinois, and Ohio, and had re ceived notice that an Illinois Company with an annual output of millions of tons had instructed its representative to vote with him. Robbins said the coun- PRAISES THE IRK Roosevelt Complements Labors of Keep Commission. At Informal Meeting of Keep Commis sion President Praises Commission For Rlucing Work of Differ ent Departments. WASHINGTON', March 23. At an in formal meeting last Tuesday evening at the residence of GifTord Pinchot, chief of the division of foresters, with the members of the Keep Commission, Roosevelt praised the work of the com mittee in reducing to business princi ples the various departments of the fed eral government. The President eaid he would cut out all corruption, though there was but little in the service. He asked the committee when advising him SHOOTS WOMAN ONLY PORTLAND, Mach 23.-George Blod gett of Kalispell, Montana, today shot and killed a variety actress known as Alice Gordon in a lodging house, be cause she spurned his attentions. He fired four shots into her bodv. The HE IS WILLING TO PAY MINERS RE CEIVED IN 1903 WESTERN AND HEATED ARGUMENT BETWEEN THEM. w 011 hi not permit general strike on the causes shown and turned to Mitchell and said he did not believe th officials of the miners would dare to refue to allow the miners to work where the demands were met. Independents Will Follow P. C Co. G. A. Magoon, representing the West ern Pennsylvania independent operators said that if the Pittsburg Coal Company paid the advance and operated its mine the independent operators would do th same. The discussion between the op erators became so heated that the rep resentatives of the miners were asked to withdraw for an hour. They com plied, and at the end of that time a recess until tomorrow was taken. The operators are in conference by states tonight. The operators declare the situ ation tonight has not changed from the beginning of the conferences. Prices Advance. PITTSBURG, March 23.-The critical situation at Indianapolis is causing coal price to advance rapidly. to seek definite plans and submit rec ommendations on broad principles. He said he did not want changes recom mended simply for the sake of making changes, but that he wanted such rec ommendations based on actual condi tions, j DECISION ON MONDAY. '' XEW YORK. March 22.-Application for the removal of Justice James M. Deuel from the court of special sessions, because of his connection with Town Topics was heard hy the appellate di vision of the supreme court today. The court declared a doubt as to its juris diction in the case. A decision on that point was reserved until Monday, 0RR DENIES CHARGES. XKW YORK, March 23. President On- of the Xew Y'ork Life denies that agencies of that company have been given rebates on policies and are giving away policies in return from proxies. He said "There is not an iota of truth in the report that steps will be taken to punish the persons op the person guilty of misrepresenting." WHO CARED FOR HIS MONEY woman's right rume is Alice Milligen, at the mercy of a powder trust. The at Aberdeen, Wash. Blodgctt, who waa drunk, is in jail. He had spent a great deal of inoucy on the woman. He has a wife and family in Kalispell.