THE MOHNING ASTOMAN. ASTOKIA. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 13, l CANNED FANCIES Pineapples, sliced, grated and cube, in la rge tiic cans so cents Canned Hominy, "Hopkins" 5 - Pumpkin and Squash 13 cents - Tomatoes, " Premium M. 3 for J cents - Peas, Sugar 3 for as cenw " Blackberries, Strawberries and Black Cherries i cents SOLE AGENT FOR BAKERS BARRINGTON HALL STEEL CUT COFFEE. A. V. ALLEN CROCKERY STORE. Doctors Are Punled. The rvmarkable recovery of Kenneth Jrelver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the sub i,t of min-h interest to the medical fraternitv awl n wiile circle of friend. Me vs'of hi eae: "Owing to severe inlaw mat ion of the Throat and con ation of the Lungs, three doctor pave wiv up to die. when, a a last resort. 1 induced to try Dr. King's New Pis .owrv and I am happy to say, it saved my life." Cures the .vort Coughs and CikU, Bronchitis. Tonsilitis, Weak souii:. Hoareeness and Lafiripp-. fiuar anteed at Cha. Rogers' dvug store. 50e end 51.00. Trial bottle 'ree. "Craft, ratt. rait -!. ei. and south, and tin- sewn -oa nvvr the vlile world tuvn.ll thief.' north Has !..- Angeles Times are honest. I'lieer up. .it A Lively Tussle j with that old enemy of the race, Con stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stom ach, Liver and Bovv.K take Dr. King's New Lite Pills. They perfectly regu late these organ, without pain or dis comfort. 25e at Chas. Rogers, drug gist. It pours the oil of life into your sys tem. It warm you up and start the life blood circulating. That's what Hol lister's Rocky Mountain doe. 35 cents. Tea xr Tablets. Frank Hart, drugjrist. Your attention is called to our new store, now open and ready for business We Do Expert Painting, Graining Paper Hanging and Frescoing GIVE US A CALL The Eastern Painting H Decorating Co. No. 75 8th St. ii Buster hoes They have a sole that won't wear out. S. A. GIMRE, ' AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE 543 Bond S'.reat Cpp. Ross Higns & Co I 111 li Billy EAKTHQUAKE SHOCKS Island of Ustica Shaken Almost to Pieces. PEOPLE ARE PANIC STRICKEN Twenty-one Earthquake Shocks Occur in Three Days Houses of Inhabi tants Are Destroyed and People Flee in Terror. NF.W YORK. Mareli -- A cable dis patch to the Hei.ihl from I'aleriiiu -ays: There haw btvu twenty-one earth quake !.liok n the 1-Luid of I'Mica during the la-t three d.ty. The popula tion livi-s in con-taut terror. A ijreat valley lias been formed iu the center of the island and all the houses have liecn demolished. The shocks were verti cal, not undiilatory, and were accomp anied by loud subterranean rumbling. The lat shock, which occurred yes terday furnished the work of deduc tion. Panic seized upon the 2JH inhabi tants of the island, who abandoned their homes after the first visitation of the earthquakes and camped in the fields and publie squares. Many of the inhabitants took refuge in boats oil the open sea. The i-land is ued as a penal settle ment for haiilened criminals, of whom there are six hundred quartered there. These were nlso panic stricken ami at tempted to e-cape, attacking their :uard-. but were subdued. One of the three mountains on the island i- reported by the submarine cable to 1m- in eruption. The "ovi-riiitient at the lii"-t new ,,f trouble -ent the crui-i-r Virtue to -nl..hie the revolt of the pri-ouer- and aid the -ulferer. Yi-terdiiy a itiriiooii the K-adi Wii- --lit "it'i -olilier-. doctor-, a detachment of the I!ed Cm-- iiitr-es. ml litter-, the aitthorit ie I'eai-in ,1 urent lo, of life. The prelect of Palermo ha- lieeu or icred to -clu! a i''iie-eiitatiu- to the cei:. I'-tiea i-land i- of two thou-aiid inhabi tants in the ,idiiie- of I'alciino. sixty "i'ht miles north northwest of tin It's -oil i veiv fertile. It V. Always Keeps Chamrjerlain's Cough Remedy in His House. "We would not be without Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, I.ovvry City, Mo. That i just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant u-e, a cold may be cheeked at the outset and cured in much le-s time than after it has be come settled in the fry stem. This rem edy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when fiven as soon as the child be- n . it com -s hoarse, or even auer xne croupy tough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale by Frank Hart and leading drug gist. Tin- order in Wa-liington that ollicial new- -hull be given to the regular pre-s as-ociat ion- iu prefetence to the -peeial eorre-poiidenl . i another timely ti-ibut lo the pernicious aelivily of I he -tring fiend -f. The perplexing problem of how to di--pose of the j ill to be removed in dig ging the Panama canal might lie solved by having it ollieially defined as public laud. Some emigre. -ioiial laud grabber would do the rest. Cured Consumption, Mrs. Pi. Y. Evan', Clearwater, Kan., writes, My husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said ha had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Iloarehound Syrup, and it cured him. That was f-ix years ago and since then we have always kept a bot tle in the home. We cannot do with out it. For coughs and colds it has no equal. 25c, 50c and .$1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. WALLACE SPEAKS. Argues on the Practibility of Sea Level Canal. lllK'AtJO, March '.''.V lohu V. Wal lace, formerly chief engineer of the Panama Canal, was the principal speaker at the bauqm-t of the American Railway KncjueeriiiH nd Maintenance of W ay As sociation last niijht. " A pMwl ileal has been said about 111 relations with the Panama canal." he -aid, "and I will just touch on it here. Whatever may be lilted iu re-sjit-ct to a ureal principle and a man's clinyiiiy to it, as tar as my connect ion with the canal i- involved, I believe heartily that that which I .on-hl to brins; about, my re-intuition ctl'eetually put on the way ol u hiev iuj;. It i- on ncces.ary for me to say to von thai no mcl'cvlialV illlluellcc Mooed ine liolll that ollhc" III -p-'ahlli' ol tin- inleie-t o lh- 1 1 aii-'-on! in, i.nlioad line I 1 1 1 K 1 1 1 1 -r "t l'ie wati i" a v . li -aid that ihe-e line- we:,- .loin: in the W..II I'C no! 1 in- In ic! aid the wo! k. Mr. Wall.i. e ai ,::c ! tor a e i level .anal, -ay in:.- ihal it would be a !a-t iilL' nionuuicnt to meiican cn-;in ciin genius. MAY RECOVER. KW YORK. March .'.. U. V. Yo.t kinn. chairman of the cwntiie coinmit tec of the IJo.k s,iin and Tiimo -y-tems, was operated on for appendicitis on Tiic-.l.iy i-veuinv'. It wa- -aid -it the hotel lu-t nielit that Mr. Yoakum had rallied iMpidly Iroin the -hoik "I the operation and their a- vi iea-011 In hope for hi- -prr lv ici-ovi-ry. Mr. nN'akiiiii icinincd to --w ..k 011 Sunday from a tii of -evcial weck to Mrico. He was taken ill at ihr hotel Ootham -0011 alter his return. His iihisiriaiis believed that Mr. Yoakum u.i. -Hirel ing fioin appciidit it i-- con sill t a t ion was held Tiie-day eveninc. at which it wa- decided to perform an o eratioii iminediatclv. Mr. Yoakum returned to New York field lias Iwrli itiii-i'lcnality imreusei rnt'titly by bis cli-ction us chairman of the rxeiutive coinmitri' of ihe l!m-k Nl and system a- well as of the Fri-eo system, the operation of which he had directed for several years. RATES RAISED. A. 0. U. W. Lodge Raises Insurance Rat;s 35 Per Cent. (HICACO, March 22. The Grand l-ude officers of the Ancient Order of Toiled Workmen decide. I vcsierdav at a meeting here, to raise tin- insurance rates of the order lor members more than "il years oi l. The in. rca-e will make the rate. :!.", per e nt higher than .It ple-rllt. The cau-e for lire action wa- I in- in ability to meet -halli claims thai have aeerued during i'h- pa-t thi.-c month-. I he ollie r- bc'l'-.e ' 'l.l I V'.ilh ill'- addi tional hinds re-il'iiej from the inci.-a-ed rate the out -I a ii. ling il.iim- "ill he no I . and hope th.,1 at the end of the they will be able to t -1 lit la lo old -ched ill--. It was the opinion ol the grand lodge oilicer- that any'-nial nrd'-r in good -tamlilig niighl to lie able to pay death claim- within thiity day-i after proof- are lilel. Thi- the vvoik-in.-n have not been able lo do latelv. POISONED BY CANDY. lil'iil.lN'CToN, Vt., March 22. Four ra-c. of poi-oiiing. apparently due to impure candy, are being investigated by the aiithoritie- in Northern Vermont. Three deaths have ueeiiiicd and one eas- of -evi'iv illne . siippo-ed to be due to poi-oiiing of this sort, is re ported. The Best Cough Syrup. S. L. Apple, ex-I'robate Judge, Ot tawa Co., Kansas, wiiti;-: "This is to say that I have used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup for years, and I do not hesitate to recommend it us the best cough syrup I have ever used." 25c 50c and .1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. NOMINATION CONFIRMED. WASIilVJTOX, March 22. -The Sen ate confirmed tin- nomination of Charles S. Francis of ,'cv York, a- ambassador ii Au-triaTluugai'v. BODIES FALL TO PIECES. VICTORIA, I!. March 22.-C. F. Topping, who ha- arrived from Bam Held station, says tho-e engaged in pa troling the beach in the neighborhood of the. Valencia, wreck aiv- i-on-t ant ly pick ing up arms, legs, and other poll ions of human bodies. Xo complete bodies have been found for nearly a month. Those that, have remained in the water until this time are so badly decomposed anil mutilated 1 but identiliciit ion is impos sible. Morning Astorian 05 cents per month. he mm HIS FEE Lawyer Demands Money Settleing Trouble. For HAS FILED SUIT IN COURT Allrgrs lie Settled Marriage Ditticulty Between Banker an1 His Unlawful Wife Lawyer Wants $.t7.5oo. M-A MMIIv, lanh '.M. loan i l-iilltlh .111 atloincv. ha- iaoo.-hl -nit in I hr sn, ,-mr linn! ol Hi k I n ,;.un-l I Iinina- l Kilev a million me lunkri a ihl lie 1 1 ha 11 1 1 I lol.l l oll. Ihookly n. all'". 1 1 out invent . vv 1! h 1 -el I a'tn I taal l.ol of .'111 111 1. and li - n a v ' line, M I ha I ll I - rill I of ., O 111 ,-t,, -lit which he ail'-'.' ,1 1 11 I en W 1 s 1 j 1 . 1 li - belwri'll the li 1 di'leiidant- and in 1 1 in 11111.: in tV '.I-.- !iii !i he claim- h a I'liiivin,- al'oul he win i.e hrid M.uch l la. hrd lo t he p ipei - file I In 1 .1 if . hi h 1- ..n i.lllel.u il made In li - ( oil in w Ml. .1 -lie .wciis llial - .i. mail pit 1 h K lev in I tolier. I'"' 1 ln II minion, I, . and that -he .i- i. .i to i v thioii.i lai-c i .illation-, allege, lb ;t .i,,- ,. Hot 1 ll" that vv a . all ea.l ma 1 1 ic I I .nt u a in Kit Mli l-nolan.o 1. 1 the i Vrl'll"- "t the !,n ml wile with whom the l.aui.ri i- now liv lllg at J'M Irfl 1 -oil a r II 1 1 . Mr. ImIcv i. well known in liuati'ial llnl bll-inr.. eil.-le. in I he I. a-! He i- l.-i leal. o, He . pie, i, , lit ol t !e N.iilh ! Hank of IIi.m.Uiii but i. b.-ltei known a. the head ol lh- haul wais- r t lit of Thomas . Nil v I'n. Ill (IcIoIno. I'lO.'i. he deridnl o alien. I the Hankers' (onvciilioii in Man Kian cisco mid take, a vacation at 'lie same time ill the Wot. Kill I V in the same month Mr-, t'olt left for a with friends in I biciigo. About twelve u-ms after Kiley ma i lie. I the widow of his brother .lames Kiley. Mi's, t'olt is a daughter of the late liny U. Hrown in whose ,lorc in Vi!li.iiii"hiiig Mi. Kilej was employed uii a Imiv. Mist I'.rovvn married u wi--terii-r. iiaini.l Colt, who died about nine veati ago. Pillsbury's Best Flour, Minneapolis, $1.75 per sack. Geo. Lindstrom & Co. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. All of these disea-es are attended by intense itching, which is atmst instant ly telieved by applying Chamberlain's Salve and by its continued ue a per man nt cure may lie effected. Ft. lum in fact, cured many ciies that !md re-si-ted all other tretmeiit. Price 'J.'c per box. For sale ly Frank Halt, and leading druggists. "PaleBohcmian Lager Beer" THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottles Brewed untlcr sanitary coiiillttoim and prupti.y uk ft rin'it here in Aatoiia. North Pacific Brewing Go. ASTORIA, OREGON. IHWill'I'l 'I i'HIIiI" 1111 Ii I'fl 'iHH MM'1 Willi DISCRIMINATING LADIE8. Enjoy Ualns; Hrrplelde on Account ( IU Dln.lneClvenenM. Tho ladles who have used Newbro'a Herplclde speak of It In the highest terms, for Its quick efTcct In clcanslni? the scalp of dandruff and bIbo for Its ex cellence as a general halr-drcsslnc. It makes tho scalp feel fresh and It allays that Itchlngf which dandruff will cause. Newbro's Herplclde effectively cures dandruff, as it destroys the germ that causes It. The same germ causes hair to fall out, and later baldness; In killing It, Herplclde stops falling hair and prevents baldness. It Is also an Ideal hair dress ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to the hair that Is quite distinctive. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., De troit, Mich. Kagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St., Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F. Ifttirin, Trop. "Special Agent." A Piano Number Free If You Want fl ITU ufj uo to itW(fJll (A ' fr fi 4,t:f All Hinai-t up to date women of today, Know how to bake, wash, ing, and to play; Without these talents a wife i- N'. fi. I'lile-s hh - takes Hockv Mountain Tea. Frank Mart, druggist, Sleeplessness. Iiiiicrs nf the stomach produce a ri -i vini condition and often pieveut sl.-ep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets utimuhite the digestive organs, re-tore the system to a healthy con dition mid make sleep possible. For cab' by Frank Hart and leading drug-gi-ts. r Duo u Vim NewSheetMusic TODAY WE HAVE RECEIVED OVER FIFTY NEW COMPOSITIONS THIS WEEK AND THERE ARE STILL A FEW MORE DUE DON'T DELAY; COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER NOW BEFORE THEY ARE PICKED OVER. MANY OF THEM WE HAVE ONE ONLY Astoria Souvenir Post Cards SEVERAL NEW AND DIFFERENT DESIGNS ON DISPLAY FOR FIRST TIME 2 FOR 5c. J. N. GRIFFIN 1 Weinhard' s ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOIINlFOX, Pres. and Rant. V I. BIS1I01'. Secretary Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMFItOVKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery CORRESPONDENCE SOI iCITED.' With Every $5.00 Purchaie Goodness Is Better Than Cheapness yxw YOHK. THK Ui:ST HATS IN T1IK W0RLD1 i h'tcrrd'' 5C 1 form f htlMS Ar Pkn .or THE BKST SUITS IN AMERICA! I CAN o.Y HO ,.10HK-I HKEDN'T IF I COUUJ. 0UAI.ITY PAYS THE BUST DIVIDEND, Herman Wise Atotia't Reliable Clothier. Civfi Health, Vigor snd Tone. , lletlniie is u boon for rnilT-tern from ' sneati'i.i. Ity its use the bhmd is pil'-kly legend a? el mid th color ! ; entii,., iioiinal. Ihe ilioopiiisj treng is letjv-il, Iinguor is iiminilie.. Health, vigor and lone piedotnliiate. 1 N'evv hi,- and happy activity result. I Mm l!.-l e II, Sniii'd Mi IdlpsboitiU, II!.. wiiles, I have 1 ecu trvnibled with livor complaint and poor blood, and have found iiotbiiig to b-nelit me like Heibine, I hope never to be without It. I have wished that I had known of it ; in my husband' life time " 50c. SoKI bv Hart's ding iliiie. J Beer. A. L. FOX, Vice lVs, ASTOKIA HAVINGS HANK, Trea Outfits Furnished. Foot of Fourt h St mil 3 4 r&. i V -Lrrf -H. J. ,T!, .1 i-"A