I 1 FRIDAY, MARCH ij, 190O. TIIK MORNING AST01UAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. PORTLAND MARKETS Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets. Complete Market Reports Corrected Eacn Day Giving th Wholesale Prices of Commodities, Farm Produce end Vct table. I illllul llill I'uini.wn lull ti l I- i Ill;; ill j 1 1 1 1 . jih-nl ililllv, ami in It ii'lmU (hi Hir i 1 1 in 1 1- Ii'kd limit liir liiiiiir 1 1 ii I u i 1 , il li.io ii HC.il.clr (UK rllei I mi t in- juice nf I In- hit tel . itv rnilllli'l iiii'litlnl l 1 1 , huuiw'i, ! lull I hey mil iin.r i. 111. il iliiily mil' I'lil n( .'liii ii iuiiii'l, n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! i li'-li i ii.ini It I fill 'llillg ll'lll IIHiM' ill'lll ll llil l 111 'll IIIK Hill ill" llnniK and I, mil Uj. Il.lllls illlil lit I I lillie .nil illH ril I Ii a iniilii I'iiii iii i- liim iii ,i n-iill nf Ilin high um- !! liiiyv uliiili mi- niu.tly fliiiii il II.. in Vi lli ii-l u, I ). a I 1 1 ih iml limit tin Imti i iinii iilnii I In-1- lines ii ii t it I, ill S n n a i Maikil Firm. Siijf.ir i i iniiii-i'i I'll in, illnl wlmli -.ill I. ill'' t ill I. in,' 1 1 1 . l-Vll-l I ini' ;i till 1 1n i inlv ii iii - Tln-t inli ii' i . I iiti'i III hll lit -' lit lyllll'l, I IT. HI -I' 'lniili miUiilv nf i.iu. iiinl .1 linn rin m.iikil mat i ii ii -I- let lufliri I .it urn , i ;,!. t III' I 1 .1.1 llill. lbs., tl.732.(HJ celery, dojt-n, 73(P0cj onloim, 75cW$I.OO In country j wbberii' prices, fl.00fflj,25j beets, l per Nnnk ) carrot , 75c, per sack; garlic, lOyj sweet potatoes, l'lt)(u 2.50; rod pepper), dry, 20c; lint boil e lettuce, fl.fiO box. Call fwrilii vegelabh ieen peas, flDcj spiouts, 8c; lildl'dicit, 25e do,, litriclics j Chile peppers, 2'ie, poiiml; hr-ml lettuce, 25c do,.en; artichokes, 2.2.V'i;2.50 dox.; enulillowcr, llilefii $1.00 pi p dor.nii; rhu barb, 7 '''71". Groceries, Provlslona, Etc. Sii'iii , mii'k bniis inii'ii (,', (3.08; rut mi (', 5.20j pondered, $3.80 i patent I'lil.r. 11 113; ruin-, I), C, $3.70; fnilt migar, if.'iTO; beet ii(nr, f t 00; darrein, flit., l'li; V.'H", cut., 23r; bones, civt,, 5ilc inhume otci mu k bii"is (Icm I t'' lit. if pniil for in 13 days). Suit htle, of 73 A; Irnli-, U 00; bales i. 110 ;ii, bale, )fl till; ,uc i.l 10 4h, Iml" Il.tJO; b:ilo, of 10 0i-, bale, $1,110; bug, fill (ini-, (mi, i; bags, 30 li., genuine I.1mii'm., tmi, 17; liumi, 30 lbs., 1-2 ground, puts, ton, $7; It, H. V. 1'., 20 3 iiiilmr, $2.23 1 K. N. V, l' 24 3 Id. niiluri", ijl i3; Liverpool lump, ton, $18,50, Itice - Imperial Jnpiill, No. I, $5.05; Smith in, l.'iMili, fli'lti'; dlnki'il, 4l'; lii'inl, tiiiicy, liji'( liriiil, i'limii,1 1)1-4''. I iil'i'i- M'ii Iiii, 2f28i'; .liim, fiitir;, 20i, '!.'; .Iiivii, (fond, 20'"2li'; .Jam, or ilitmry, I7'"20r; Cnnln Kirn, fati'-y, 8f if ; (.'until Him, k'mhI, 12f" IS'-; Ar liinkl'i, lilj'- vf Id.; I. inn, 1'IJ'' prr Id.; ( oliiinliiii ('"fTi'i1, l'J 3 t do, $1,15; pearl durlry, $4,75 per 100 llm.j 25 Id. doxex, $1,25 per box; pantry Hour, 10 Id. micko, $2.50 per bulo. t.'uiiiii'il miliiioii - Coliimdiu Itlver, 1-ld. lull., $1.85; 2 Id. tnlN, $2.50; fancy, 1 Id. flul, $2.00; J Id. finn.'y flutll, $1.23; fancy Id. oval, $2.75; Alwika tall, pinjf, !0c; ri'd, $1.45; nominal, it, tall, $J.0fl. Llveitock Market. Cuttle I!ft ateni, $3.754; cown, $3.003.25; onlvee, $3.00(4.75. Hlii!op-$5.75r,$'5.00; Iambi, $3SJ50. HoK-$5.75fe6.00; llKht hog, $5 Wild Came, .lin k radblt $2C,2.50 dozen. Kugiir, 'k bttnia (Jolden C, $5.05; Freih Meati and Fiih. fre-h meata Veal, einall, "iBc; I.up, 41'fij,.; pork, TJHc; beef, bulla, 2J.'I.; ci', 3J,41o; teiM, 41Cc; mutton, 88Jfj lambii O'S'OJrf. ( I iiim-IliHililii'II, per box. $2.00; raz or cliHlm, f2.l0 jier box. Oynt rt -.Slifiiihviit r l!ay, per gallon, $2.25; Olympia, pi-r M'-k, $5.25; Kaatwn liiin-pliinlfd, $1.00 jH-r 100. l iili - (.'rad, per dozr.n, $1.50; Shoal wati-r liay njatrr', per lick, $4-00; ny tcri, gallon, $2.25; halibut, 7c; black 'oil, 7'i; bam, per lb., ISc; herring, 5c; Houri'lfM, 6r; catfUb, 8;; lobktera. jier NOW FOR A NICE DAINTY LITTLE PIECE OF CHINA A. CHINA TEA POT, CHOCO LATE POT, CUP AND SAUCER OR EVEN A NICE LITTLE TEA SET, MAY BE JUST THE THING YOU ARE WANTING IF SO THE PLACE TO GO IS THE Yokohama Bazaar I ai Commercial Hlrwt, Anfirla ASK ANY TRAVELER arid he will tell you the Grain, Produce, Feed. WVut Wallii Wutlu, iSiiii- 3r; blli"tlli, (iTJ'-; led, ti.'c. Oala -While, $28; gray, $27. liar ley - Itn w irig, $2.1.60f 24 ; $21.23; rolled, $24 '"25. Hay-Valley timothy, $IOrtf.ll; Iat pro On-gon, $13.30M,14; clmer, $8.50g i P; rheat. alfalfa, $10. i, iL'ie; filver nui'lt, fie; i-hrimp, 10c; Salvador, lljil' '"-i xt"ig"on, Be; e trout, 121c; I black but, 25c; Columbia River ateel- rirni.ioini Hum., to -ie. l.'t"; hamn ! !"'i '.'ol'imbia River urnelt, 3c; pii-ni.-, Ii. ; b:i-..ii, .egnlar. 11J-; bae.ni. i (''''"ook nalmon, Oc bniikfiHt, I'll 4'" lite; div Milt eld",; j,,.. itt,u.Atv .alt. II- ' j Hl". Wo01' Hia"- Bte- V,,', Wnlnnli V,, 1. K.,ft hrll i C,r,r bag CaleutU il5l-4c; So. 1. hard hrll, l.V; f'lule, ! "c Vollev i l.v. ,.;,' l'V: fllderli. 14ft l.V: ! Wcwl-Villrj, 21.27 l-2c; i llr.il.. 14-; p en,, l3i,.15c; hickory, j 0r,'on- 18a20p- is-; Virginia pen...,!,, 77,.-; Jumbo ! Tallow-Prime, per lb., 3J J-ies No. j Virginia peanuU, tic; Japamre pcanuU, 8 nd K""' 2(2 1'2c' '51ftt;.-; clic'tniitii, Italian, 14c; cocoa -I 1 lop Choice, lOOt, He; prime, 0(SOic init, iliieii, ..iftHik; nc" almoti'lH, 15 ool v alley, 20(2ijr; hantern Ore- l)nte -fiol'len, 00 Id. doxe, I A Ticket Meanii more than your mere transportation if it i over It mean that you will have every luxury and comfork-the utmoat courteiy from all employ ea a nafe trip and one that will be a pleasure and delight. It la the Short Liae to Chi caro AND BEST A3 WELL. Anything you wi-h to know about cornfo! table traveling will be gladly told by. W, A. COX, Gen. Agent 153 Third St. . Portland, Ore. ! YOU WILL BE SATISFIED j WITH YOUR JOURNEY. Caere are ao many acenlc attraa , tlona and polnta of lntereat alone ! the line betweon Ogden and Den ver that the trip never becomea tlreaome. If your tlckete read over the Den ver and Rio Orande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE If you are going East, write wr In formation and get a pretty book tiut will tell you all about It VV. C. McBride, Genera! Agent. 124 Third Stret PORTLAND. OREGON Electric Lighted. i the:Crack Train of them all for COMFORT and ELEGANCE. and domratic, Kaatern Tc ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3rl. fK.Cie; I II, it, ,.L it i.f.M Ii..- I'll fit IS til Irfltl'. MilUtufT-Middllng, $25tt2(l; chop, ' lit); bran, $1819; r-horta, $20,21 Hour llail wheat patent, $3 83: atraight, $3 40; graham, $3.25; rye, $5tKi; whole wheal flour, $3 50; Valley, $.1.30' 3.4S; Hakota, $i).50m ,7.25; Kail em rye, $3 40; pillibury, $H20fi,7.15; O.nallii. $3.70. Corn -Whole, $.'4; crocked, $25 prr ton. Rye- $1.50 per cwt. Iil-kwheat $33 per toll. Ili-nii- Small while, 4:; large white 3J-; pink, 2 7 -Sc; bayou, 4 3 4c; Lima 5 7 8c; Mexican r da, SJc. Fig White, lb., fll'-i t; black, 6,7c Pickled good -Pickled piga' feet, 1 barrel, $5; 1-4 burr-Is. $2.75; 15 1b, gon, 18(S,20c; nominal. Tallow-Prime, per lb.. 33c; No. 2 anj greaae, 2f?2Jc. llidea Dry hidea, No. 1, 18 Ida. ant up, 16ft 17c per lb.; dry kip, Xo. 1, 5 to 15 Iba., 131(?ilClc per lb.; dry calf, No. A. D. CHARLTON, AsaiBtant General Passenger Agent. PORTLAND, OREGON. Have you pain in the back, inflamma tion of any kind, rheum?,ti?m, fainting -pells, indigestion or constipation, Hoi lifter's Rocky Mountain Tea make jou w. ll, keeps you well. 35 cents. Frank Hart, drugi'i-t. r. 7. r Accordion, Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. No Burning of Goods. Miss O. Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Given to all Out-of-Town Orders. TRAVELER' GUIDE. ; THE MILWAUKEE Produce. Hut tea - Fancy cri aim ry , Id ; city creamery, 30( ,321 llilftl'c; utore, 141'"' 15c; er-ameiy, 271'"3ilc; butteifat, 271".2Kj Chei'iie - Young American, llle; Oie gon full cream, 15c. I'gg" Iie-h tiieiin ranch, li'ij-. I'oult r Ol.l roonlcis, 8ft Oc; heu, 121-tfi '13c; Spring, Mm 1.1c; broil, ra, lite; drcnaed cliickcn-, 13Ti I.'ljc; gee-e, live, tlJ iMiJc; dieied, lift HI-; turkeys, live, 14'" 15c; drewd, lflf'il7c; ducks, old, 12'" 13c; Spring duck, 15ft.' 10c; pigeons, per dozen, $1.00ft,1.25; 'ilbs, fc!,50ft 3,(K). Honey Dark, lOJft.Hc; amber 12ft 13c; fancy white, 14ft15e. unde. 6 Iba., 1718c; dry aalted, bulla and ataga, one third leas than dry flint (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, eeored, murrain, hair-alipped, weather-beaten cr lb. leaals aalted hidea, and over, 8(10c per 2fnflf rutr lh i nn.lor 1 4 barrel., $3; 15 1b. kits, $1.60; pick-,.. T lh . ataga and bulla, aotind, 6c per lb.; aalted kip, sound, Id to 30 Iba., Be per lb.; aalt ed veal. aounJ. 10 to 14 Iba.. So rnr lb.: 27ift300 tubs, 105 8c ; 50.. 105 8c; 20,, 10 3 4c; . dairy, I-K 11-; 5, 0 5 8-. S.andani pure, k ,b kit-, $125; pickled tripe, 1 barrels, $5 ; I ' . 4 barrel,, $2.75; 15 1b. kits, 11-23; tf , piiklcl pig,' tii.igue., 1 bar.els, W',,:jlb..6oto00 1ba.,8 1- 1 i Imrrel., $.j; la in. Kits, ei.oo; pi-K-, led laiiibs' tongue, 1 barri li, $0; 14 j barrels, $5.50; 151b. kits. $2.75. j I.ard - Kt'ltle retid-re.1, tb rce, lOJc; 1 Kaslern tierces. 0 14 Fruita and Vegetable. Apples Own, 75(!i$2.25. Pears $ lft; 1.50 box. (.rape fruit-Crate, $3rrf.3.5. Cranberries $14 per barrel. Tropical fruita I.emona, fancy, 43.M; i-boice, $3.00 per box; orengea, i75f? tulu, 0 7-He; 50a, 9 7 8c 2(, 0 5 8c; Ids, 10 I 4c; 5, 10 18c. ('impound, tierces, Hjc; tubs, 0 3 4-; ('iiliipminil-, tierce., til-; tub, f!3 4e; 5u, ill) 4c; 5i, 7 3-8-. Sauage I'oitliind ham, MJc per lb.; mil d ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry 171c; bologna, long, 5Jc; wiencrwurst, Sc; liver, 5c; polk, ic; blood, 5c; hcad-chee-e, I2jc; bologna snusagp, link, 4ic Hni'ins I-ooe Muscatels, 3 crown, 71-; 2-crown, 7c; bleached seedless Sill tanas, 7" 12c; unbleached ecdl-s Sul tanas. 7c I.ornloii lavera, 3-crown whole boxes of 20 pounds, $2.10; crown, $2. Dried fruit-Apples, evaporated, 121c per pound; Himdried, sacks or boxe none; npiicots, lift 121c; penche, 10fts 11c; pear, none, prunes, Italian, 51 (11c; French, 31c; figs, California blacks 5 3-4c; do white, none; Smyrna, 20c plums, pitted, Cc. Cereal foods -Rolled osts, rrvum, 00 lb. sacks, $0.75; lower grade. $5.25 $3.00; bananas, 5o n. r lb.; pir.oapples, 4.60(5 8.00 per floren. i $0.25; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-11). aacka. Potatoes per sack, 0075c for fancy. $8 bale; 101b. sacks $4.25 per crnte anrS'fKV fnr Inferior stock, tn country: oatmeal (ground), 60-lb. sacks, $7.50 Jobbers' prices, BOffSOc per 100 pounds; p-r bale; 10 lb. sacks, $4 per bale; split turnips, 15(S:m sack; cabbum. t-er 100 peas, $4.50 per lOO lti. sack; ia-iu. TIDE TABLE, MARCH MARCH, 1906. High Water. I A. M. P. M. Date. h.m.ft. Thursday 1 4:30 01 5:10 B:fl8 7.8 7.(1 7.4 0:551 7.31 8:102 0:08 10:0(1 11:00 0:04 1)11:50! 0:41 1:11) 1:57 2:.35 3:10 4:001 8.3 7.(1 8.7 8.2 8.01 h.m. I ft. 0.2 fi.7 5.4 5.4 6:03 0:00 7:11 8:30 7.3! 7.0110:38 7.1)111:24 12:38 1:23 0.0 2:10 O.Oi 3:001 0.0 8.1) Frldnv 2 Saturday SUNDAY ...... 4 Monday 5: TupmIiiv 01 Wfulnpsdny Thursday 8 I' ridny Friday Satiirdav 101 SUNDAY 11 Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 Thtirsibiv 15 Friilnv ,..lfl 4:50 .0 Saturday 171 6:41)1 8.2! SUNDAY 18 0:5r.J 7.1) Monday 10 8:111 7.7 Tuesday 20 0:25 7.8 Wedncwdnv 21 10:301 8.0 Thursday 2211:23 8.2 1. Fridnv 23 0:12 7.012:10 Satnrdnv 24 .SUNDAY 25 Monday 20 Tuesday 27 Wednesdny 28 Thursday 2I Fridnv 30' Saturday 31 4:20 7.7 5:25 6.0 MARCH, 1906. Low Water, j A. M. P. M. Date. j h.m. j ft. I h.m. I ft. 111:0: Thursday 1 11:02 1.0 Friihv 2ll:5f 1.0 Saturday 3 S1IM11AV 41 IhfUl 38 n.jjl Q "v...... 1 ; .1 - - . Monday 5 1:50 4.1 "'' Tuesday ' 3:15 4.1 7' WenlnosdflV 71 4:211 3.8 Thursday 8 5:lfl 3.2 - Friday 0 0:031 2.0 ' Si.tuidnv 10 0:471 1.0 SUNDAY 11 7:25 1.3 3:61 4:501 5:58 7:18 8:43 0:551 0.0 Tll(lB(1;v Monday 12 8:07 8" Tuesday 13 8:55! Wednesday 141 0:45 7'8 Thursday 1510:40 J-1 Friday .' 1B11:40 - Ruturdny 17 -2 SUNDAY 18 -r Monday 10 ..20 10:51j 7.0 We(lm,H,lay 11:35 I 0:47 8.i12:B0 8.2 1:15 8.3 1:20 8.(1 1:45 8.3 2:02 7.8 2:15 8.2 2:37 7.5 2:41 8.1 3:14 7.1 3:10 8.0 3:50 0.0 3:44 7.0 4:35 (1.2 7.4 8.2 0:55 2:201 3:41 4:48 6:40! Thursday 22 Fridnv 23 0:25 Saturday 24 7:00j SUNDAY 25 7:35' Monday 20) 8:07 1.2 8::13 0.8 tf.5 0.4 10:52 11:35 12:48 1:60 3:01; 4:05! 4:58 5:43 (1:2(1 7: Of 7:45 8:25 0:0(1 0:57! 0.510:45 0.011:43 12:51 2:08 3:22 4:25 6:17 0:021 0.41 7:10 7:45, 3.5 3.7 3.5 3.0 2.5: 2.0J 1.0 1.3 .28 0:10 Wednnmlnv . - . Thursday 20 0:45 n n . . . 1 Friday 30 10 : 20 fi-2 Saturday 3111:03 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 8:42 0:12 0:40( 10:15 ll:00i 2.0 3.4 1.0 1.7 1.4 0.!) 0.5 0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.5 ai 1.7 2.4 3.0 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.6 2.0 3.3 3.0 lie per lb. less). Sheep rtlns: Shesr j lings, No. 1 butchers stock, 2330c each; j short wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, 40 60c each; medium wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, 00(5 !i0c; lng wooi, No. 1 butchers' stock, $1.00(5 -1.50 eacn Murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 12(14c per lb.; horse hides, salted, each, accord ing to sire, $1.50(5 2.00; dry, each, ac cording to Bize, 1.50; colts' hides, 25 50c each; goat skins, common, 1015c each; Angora, with wool on, 25c$1.50 each. Mohair Choice, 30g33c. Feathers Geese, white, 35(40cj gpeso gray or mixed, 2530c; duck, white, 1520c; duck, mixed, 12(15c. " The Pioneer Limited " St. Paul to Chi cago. " Short Line " Omaha to Chicago. " South-West Limited " Kansas City to Chicago. N"o 1 1 it in- in (In- ki-riii-c 0f any rail mail in tin- u.i Id eipiaU in equip ment lliiit nf the Cliiciio, Milwaukee A' St. I'.iul lly . Tin y own and operate their mi 11 .leepin ami dining nu and givi- t in-i 1 iialitiu- mi eM-elli iut- of ser vice nut oU.iiiiiihlr el-ewheri', licithi on their sleeper. ;irc longer, higher and wider t!: i: in similar cars 011 any ulln i line. They protect (heir train- by the I'l'ick sv-tcin. ( ollllerl inn- 111 :t ' S I- litll 11 1 1 tlailsi'OII- t incut .il lines iii 1'ninii )euit. II. S. I'.Hiic. lU iiei.il Agent, l'oitlan.1 or l.'i-l Third Street corner Alder. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S- CO. Oil and Lead. Coal oil Pearl and astral oil, cases, 201e per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 15c; wood barrels, 17c; extra star cases, 25c; headlight oil. 175 de grees, cases, 231c; iron barrels, 17ic (Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, o per gallon higher.) Henzine Sixty-three degrees, cases, 22c; iron barrels, 17c. Turpentine In cases, 89c; In wood barrels, 80c; in iron barrels, 33c; in 10- case lots, 88o. il.nseed oil Raw, 6-barrel lots, 60c; 1-barrel lots, 57c; in cases, 62c; boiled, bnrrel lots, 68c; 1-barrel lots, 69c; in cases, 04c. Cnsoline Stove gasoline, cases, 241c; iron barrels, 18c; 80 degrees gasoline, eases, 22o; iron barrels or drums, 20c. Rope Pure Manila, 143e; atandard, 131c; Sisal, 11c; Isle brand Slsnl. OJc. Wire Nails Present base at $2.70. Lead Strictly pure white lend and red lead, in tons, 7Jc; 500-lb. lots, 8ic; loss than 500 lbs., 8ic. Fare Including berth and meala, S15; Round -trip, 125. Study the Map Thirteen states and territories of the Middle West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There are more cities of 25,000 population and upwards on the Rock Island System than on any other Western road! From Minnesota to Texas, from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is Rock Island country. The Rock Island System occupies a strategic position in the western railway world. . , Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder and study the map ten to one your destination is on the Rock Island orreached by way of it. Note our several offices maintained in the Northwest : Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Butte and Salt Lake City. The Rock Island is reaching out for busi ness and solicits yours. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Astoria & Columbia River R. ! Zi. 28 26 j 30 j 24 j 22 ,Leave. a.m. EFFECTIVE SBPT 18, 1905. Arrive. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SauHancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, em Cal fornia. G. W. UOIiKlSTS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. A. Q. D. KERPxELL. Gen. Pas. Agen San Francisco, ( pjn.a. ni.jp. m.la. m.j 7 :00 8:00, PORTLAND (Union . Depot.) 8:10! 9: lOi leave. Goble. arrive 8:15 5:5011:40 8:35 6:10 12:05 8:366:11 8:46 8:2512:30! 8:466:26 8:556:39 9:586:40 9:127:03 9:187:11 9:257:20! 21 j 23 25 29 t 9:03,10:05 9:24 10:26, 10:3511:35 I Clatskine Junct Westport. arrive ASTORIA "eave ill:35l leave ASTORIA im'n 11:55, arrive WARRENTOX leave leave WARRENTON arrive arrive Ft. Stevens .save leave Ft. Stevens arrive arrive WARRENTON leave 11:55! leav WARRENTON leave p. m. a. m 11:20! 10:10 j 9:11 8:51 7:45! 7:40 7:20 7:20 7:06 7:06 6:52 6:52 12:14, 12:21, 12:30 arnve Clatsop. Gearhart SEASIDE p.m. p. m. 9:50 8:40, 7:40! 7:19 6:10 5:202:45! 5:05 2:20 2:15 2:00 5:05 6:29 4:45 :22 4:38 leave 6:15 4:30 a. mi 10:45 10:251 10:25 10:15( 10: Uj 10:05j 10:05j ; 9:45) 9:38 9:30' Sunday only. Through tickets and close connection via. N. P. railway at Portknd n,i Goble, and O. R. i It. via, Portland. J. C. MAYO, G. F. and P. Azeot. "THE MILWAUKEE" "Pioneer Limited," St. Paul to Chi cago; "Uverland Limited," Omaha to Chicago; "Southwest Limited," Kansas City to Chicago. No train in the service of any rail road in the world equals in equipment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of service not obtninamle elsewhere. Rerths in their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than in similar cars oa any other line. They protect their trains by the Block System. H. S. Rowe, General Agent, 134 Third street, Portland, Ore. TflPJi Through SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER Stop-Over Privileges Granted. Choice of Routes East of Colorado Tomta. For Illustrated Plmmphlets Pic turing Colorado's Beautiful Scenery write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OR. BEGINNING FEB. 15, 1906 THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR j, BETWEEN SEATTLE and CHICAGO via the S Great Northern Railway J "The Comfortable Way" Route of the famous Oriental Limited For detailed information, rates, etc., call on or address tt. DICKSON, C. T. A., 123 Third Street, Portland, Ore.