The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 23, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, MARCH tj, 10.
i .
I 1 m
Funnal Today
M llillljjht, iif
I l.lllUlll ,11 I'll 1. ,
I III' lllltlll' ll .
M ll! t.ll.c I' I,,
i:-i i!
, I Ic .'i in.. ill h.
l,tif,u, I.M'i
ur.iliiv infill nt
'- I III' I Hill I I I
J .mU I,.
rluslness Sold. W. T, h.hollicld v.
i ill, i) .n. I In. mii-H.t In . linn ,
"I Nl.i.lllil.l iiml II.hiI...
llllllld-cll .hi, Tlirii. Seiui-nn,
liil- ilic
I Inn If.
il In i
I.ll. I- I li.l I L
April l-l
Mr-, Ililn I!
nun j 1 1 1 (.'
Fot Billifinl Hall.
Ic,li d limlit in ',.
Hill aliolth iip.'ll llj,
I ''ll. :', V I'1 fl I ll
I. I',!.,,.!,
,., !..m' I. i
.. 1,1)1, ,1,1
I, i.. I... In i
.ml.!.' I,
i i-ii in,.'
I'.'ill, ulm
l .'l i . u
I',, nl, hi,!
l. I - I III ll.- I !,, i. i ,
Dim ( Seaside,
j ii di nl i'ii.iii. i)i-, v i-.t
I III lll'l llHIIII' III l lll;, .1 lull , I
I III llii' ,;.'C III li" l'.il.. '.- i,Tt',l .I'll
j wi. Iii. iii iii Mi, lii;,.m, .mil Iniil in
I eu lii'l;', I III nli, i, n, n,v U', lllii'le
i lir int. 'i ini'iil u ill take place.
Y,'.l i,l.,; l
,iiili' nit,,, ,
,,f I III' lllll'll
I'l IK'U IH' ill
III, I I lltlllll'll l,ll
' I n . f ill (HI.
,,1'Ull ti ill sl
1 I
I '.l' .Ill.ll! l ,. ,. n:
Kill, III II ll !l I,!' I ,
(Mil' III ll'! ll .,, ,'
1 1,.' Kill, hi n u i.i n . !,,
I '.If (!.- III III,' Mil I
In. iii In-'i
-I I. ,!,. ,,i.,l ll,. j
Vri I I ii, i-. ,
! .in . lodat I
Newspaper Attached
ii i iiiii.ii. i iin n,' 'i, in
i'il tin- lii'H .paper il,,ii
llil'l i ll .ll,i,ll il , I l,r
I In' i nl II I ill I I. ',
-I i i', I I In' .illli'lllil
II I. Iipultill lii.ll
pi'li'l ,ililn',il imi
Niiur l.lcrnwl. ,, .,,,!,.
Iui it-poll. I),, l l, (o ,,K ,
l-ii'. ("ill yill n, I I,, .,, I,, li.lii'
In i ii, i ,,., i,-, on
iin ii
Kli'i'tioni'fiinu Trip,
!i- i,,i t.'iil.l, ,1 I , i
Hill,' II ll II lll I l II;
iin ii' I. inn, 'i
up .in,) I,, iiiii-n I,
liinmi. liiyinji t,ini,
irrll'. ,, t ft 1 1 1 It toil., ,
'l .'(,l,l V ( 1,1
. I tilt I ll.ll ll'. .
, n t in- k'nt it
'I l'll',il, llll"
Vn til. in llil
'l Ml Hie e
Celebrate Birthdays. Yctcnlay hh
indeed ii notable day in ii annul of
(In- I'llti'li, for It commi'iiioiiilc tic
liilllidiils nf three of (Jet'iniiiiy's most
Illustrious I'lli.i-n. tli- Kaiser Wlllnliii,
Captain I', K. FitiIii'ii, tln wflt known
pilnl of llii. pi, it, iiinl Ciiptiiin I'iiiiI
Neliiadcr nf (Iii- steamer Sue . Klinine,
( iiiiiln I'Vnlicii observed Iii. .cti'iilV'
xiiniil mi I ii I niiiihi..iirv, wliili' Ciiptiiin
Silii'.iili'i iiniiki'il ilimn liflyiiv mi Iiih
iiili'inl,!)' i,f m'iiik, Tin. tu i'ii
lli'ini'ii tti-ic tin- in i,ii'ii, vi'.ti'iiliiy nl'
ninny ,'iiii"inliiliili,iii. In, in ilii'ir nnniv
fii ml-, ;nii il i. .nil) llnil I'lilliii N'i'p
I mil' i'rii rrli'liiiili'il Iin- ilnv dv imiyli
illt! Up till' lull Ili'M llii.i. Imi, '! a II
"illl-," Ciiiiii' illiln .iiliiliitinn (lil
ii in ,'.
'I In' Mmiii ipiil ( in lift liii l.riijiiii' uill
I ol- in I'lini,; .'"nmliiV iilli'llinnll in till'
! i-liiiiin'ii'i. II, ill mi A-li,, -iici'i. Al
I lii. t urn' ii lot in ill I,,. ii,(,iii'i, innl
.,11 U I i I , I f III, I, jlll- intitl',1 I,, III' iM'"lllt.
.'I :il
Hi'loii! you purcha? that nsw Earner
bonnet, make it a point to call and in
spect the excellent line of hat now on
duplay at Mm. Iny.leton'a Millinery
Slore. Welch Block, opposite the Budget
olin:e on Commercial at r et.
Efforts to Be Mad to Extend it
to Clatsop County.
U inl,
,l nil
III', I lllll';
-1 1 .1 III
U i'.wi tin
limit Imil i,
l,r I. I.., i
i liuiiiH i nii'li;i
liU'l r-ll'lla
i lm li , H lll'll ju-t
. 1 1 , 1 1 I V In l' 1,1,,
Government to Appropriate Large Suma
of Money to Extend the Rural
Free Delivery System to
Many Counties.
Klloit- iin- In itio in.ili- li, cxti'inl tin
I mill In .' ili.iii.y ,y-(i'iii to M'teral
iiiiiiilii'. in tl,,' M,. Oii",,n, ()
ii'Kiill. ;ilicii,lv ,.l,l.iirn', Imviiin proven
of t'M iit ,-oiivi iii.'iiic t t. lailneiK
iiinl ii-jili-iit, i,l n,-;, tIM. ,ii ;f
lolt .llOlllll l- I,-,. () cut,.,,,) t, v,.
t in t (, ( oniity, paitii iilarly to
tin' v.i-1 .in,, ulii-n- tin- ,-. moiiIiI l,c
limlit iiinl tl,c IwncliU lai-e. There
i- no iiM-oii viin Si'rf-iil... aiii iiloii ami
Si v, A.toiia -In, nl, I nt havr a r.iiMl
In i- ii'lii'i, ninl a il.iilv mail ewi'V
inniliin 'I,, ai',-in,li. t,ifl ,.. l(.
i.inoii- ,ni,' impioieiiii'iit oiiniation.
-loli.i .lionlil tlii- unit t it nn
Kultoii utnl Bi'i iire I he
llriiii.iiilBi' t (,,. .jiiiiio I .inn
inn npriiiiij. of 1 1,,. l:.i Millini-ry More
tiiU.n phii-p lliin.ilay, liiiliiy nn I Sat
iit'liiy. Manli JJ, :';i ami I'l Mi., Shin
lev. ilin-rt finm St l.oiii,, m. i liaru'e of
tlif tlliniiiinj; ami i. funriiiitel to rf.
tin- fiii''t triiiiiiiri' ever in A.toiia. ill
The very but board to be obtained la
the city is at "The Occident Hotel."
Rates very reasonable.
Continues Non Eat.
Kliin-. tin' man win, i
W in. I!im I. mi an all, ;
li.l. I.'il, ill. nn, If. I.
No triu i- of lli'ii
OlVl',1l'l 2,"l llMlll
"I I', nl I. in, I iii. ,ii
!!' llll. lint ImtiI
in .ti,-,. I,,- iiii'im ! i!,,. uinii,.v from
Mr. Itork, utnl n. no aTiinili- ,r-,iii
limi ,, tl,,' man vui. ,,i ! i n I . hi. .i,,n-lii'ii-inn
h,i. ihllii nit
Hotel living European plan. The
only aiMm-heated hotel in Astoria; large
and aity room; pikes from y cents to
$; well piepaied and daintily M-ivefl ! .
meals at aj rents. Special rates per J For a good shave to the Orident
week or month for roo,m and Iwatd to j Itm M,op. l ive , hair. N"o nif
pesmnneni jtuests. Out bus meeii all waits.
train and Ktr.imbo.iti,
Teflfhrin' Club I :. .i,,i,,, I , ,,, I,, , .'
1 '.'!' H l! I,.,' I ,i , i i ,,, ,.,o ,,n n, I
1"' HIM I lllll- ,l! tl,,' rh ., ,, !, I
in;' H, t I'm-. i. ! pi- lonlnii' l.ii. nn-..
li,.. inn tin- i.iil iii..,hit il.,,! hi ii
-I ,,i' ii. I- iin-, ami t'-,i' to'lim in- ,,-i-n
infill . li.l 1 1' l,i i n in., i i- li, I, in
--ii, lll'l ; Mi. M,( ,,i inn I, , , ,,n,l , h.
fiU'ill. 11,11,1 nn, I I. mil!,; Mi- s,,i.
Ml ', ,i ml -I. I !i . Ml M' I ..I in -i' ml ii
ami fi-lilli t t!,i- . ,,ii, lii-i,,ii ,, tic.i'
imi lin- - -i n. iin i'liii- i! I,, a-
i n, I, If. I ami I iif -ul,f, I I,. i ii, i..ioii
Mill Ih- " l.,'.i-i!i,!,." Iin. will ! ,'.,,
I.J Mi. It nlnli tt u no ill if. i I a ,,i,fi
mi " I ii'o'i ,i,liy in II, I. .In, n I,, iin- 1 1 j -
toij U'nil. ,, t,f o, Sfllllol."
The iprinj; ami iiintner ojoniti of
tlif Kim .Millincrj Slur,' will taki1 plinv
I liiii .il i , Friday utnl Saturday, Mati-h
L'.'l am) i'l. Tin. ladies are cordially
iiuti'il to nl If ml ami see the latent
fivatiiiiiK in tlm millinery art. If you
don't coiim you will Min-ly inin it.
Successful Trip,
" I -l oi I I f-If I . I.I
i'.iI'I li'nii In. !,,
,l.,lj,l,. Ml, , !,
,ik',' tin M.i-K.l p-
I'l. Hid H in! null - I
-'.il - t In- v in f in, 1 1.. ,
j ,1 ll loill-i l, ,,.!. , .
! I III' t li, I III, ,ll,f f . !
I m v ,i. I.i il iii U ill
lyi. I, fin- mi ll, I,- I,,
t'l- -!.i-f. imn-il lln-
Miii.nil ,,f l',
v '! a p,
i'., Alliiit ami
iiioiil i
,'-l.ll f.ll.l
,'id 1.1.
I "
i f.iiiif in i-mil.oi illi a -nlnni'im-d
In-, Willi i..i.ti'ion. le.u It . I,',akii
ill,, i mif oi tin. Id, ulf. i,!! Tlif I, ,,at
at tlif time inn in , Inilye o Pilot Hal i'l'
jiiii,in, .,n-1 l faii-e ot tin- fn'. and
the If, il ot jii-l iii, iin iiii'iili'iit a"
l.fli ll. mi. in,, l eiliii" nmli i .Iom In II.
Ill .pile of the iii'iidelil the ic.m fame ami amnil al A'toiia vi'.t.iday
Him iiin.
. jet it Ini- lieeii impii..ilili' to
ln.ike a tlioloilj.i exainiliatioli of the
evtelil nl the Alllilia'. injiilii.. I, lit
it ua- ilei'ineil .alii lo not liii-l the
le.e to llliike Hie dip (,, Sail t'lll 11
, i-o in her nipple,! eniidi! ion under her
oh ll .Ifiini. ami Ihelifoie ( apt il ill Erik
.mi il kee the Anrelia lure until
the Spiiikle.' tuj; Keliaiiie i-ail alliie
lii ie 1 1 mil Ihe hay city and ton her to
the .oiltheru poll, liliele the pinjier
I'paii. il l,f inaili'. Thn Deliiiiiiii I
.t.iiteil la-l nilit ? iii San I'laiiii-iii
and "linnlit arijie lieie In Satnnlav.
I he et-hl .ai..eiiy. i ,,f he Amelia
vteiV t laii.lel' il to the .teamei Killillitl
uhiili i piohalili leavf mil tlii. itonii.
I hf .li . nn, -i Vol I hi. in, I L due to ai -in,-
lien- 1 1 1 1 i -j 1 1 1 limn i it in ii .
mi li.nin- mi I,,, .iid ih,- ,ieu oi tin' lit i 1
i-li -Lip II. i, lil. ii Hall
' I'l llll, I ,i ill, 1 1 1 inn.
i-- ' decree. Iifloll.
'.i.lllt ,lt .,,,V,
, ill e p.i..a-f mi
party in the imi-
1 1 ip oi el t lie mount, i in.
Inquire of the Elks about the event of
the season March 29.
FLOURt $1.20 PER SACK; $4.65
118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
East End Improvements. No ..etion
nt Hi' fill Inl- ,fif!..p.', .0 .i and
made a. main new inipovetnenl ., a. tlif
Ka-t laid In, in 1, -or's mill to the
Tongue l'oini mill. Umiiif; the pa.t i
month, i-i-hteeii new 1 , -i,f iif,'.. iii.tin-
1 1 1'lll Sldllll o S'MISHI h.lVI' lieen ,-leelcd;
a lii'ii ilniifli ha. 1 11 Imilt and lieu
imln-tlie. e-Midi. hf I. Afl .I.k'oIi.oii h,i.
jiiht eoiiiplf (id a new Iniililiti" ami
inoved into it. A lutihliii ii In iil- eieet
i'il for a eijfir .tor.- ami .eieral neii
hoii.e. are in 111111 f eoii.l 1 mt imi.
Itilili slieel from l ift y third i. hein"
npeiied ami 11 hen eouiplfted uill open to
m' 1 1 lenient -eieral ehoiee pieeiN of it'.i
ileiiee property. Many new families have
mm fil in, iiniht of whom are employed
at the Tongue Point- mill. What is most
ly ni'i'ileil at the present time, is the e-li'ii-ion
of the street ear line lo the
ea.ti'iii limit, of the eily, which it is
hoped will he (lone tlii. summer, ami
when completed will open up many line
r ,-ideiice anil ami business proper! ii-.
I he I i-j Mil, In1 II al 1 ii I'd dmi ll t iif
ill. I 1e-te1d.11 and .iiii lim-. in tli.-
loufi lull,,, and nil! emli'iiun to -el
ml tod. 11. Mini her 1-0 ot' luuiher for
.in I i,iiifi-ro.
The -liaiiiei Siif 11. I'.lnior,
yii.oline -ihoi, Uei t.erald (.
I i.i I" lioiind. and an- imt epeete
. and the
are Imi li
I til It'll 1 r
today a. the har
I 1011-I1 1 1 , in I il i. Hi.
. reported to
ett ill I II,', I
Sail I'lalifi.i 1
nni.ti'd .elioiiiier V. I'', .leu
ill ii-tfiday a itenioiili flnin
to load Itimhcf lor San
Annual Regatta.The time has an-iv-eil
when Mime steps Hhould he laken for
the iinnitnl reitttii. The stieeess which
at tended lns( year's event, has sliniu
luted the men hauls and -iven tlieni coii
Ihlenee in the siiece.s of the alVaii'. Al
Ihiiuh it h several moiitlis oil', 11 meet-in-
shouhl he ealh'il and enniiuit tees ap
pointed to make iiiTaii"cineuts and ml-veili-e
it. l.asl year the eonitiiittee were
lid it-it 1 if iol by the short time allowed,
and it wa-i iinilei'sloiid that an eailv
meeting Mould lip held this year so as to
Kivc the various committees ample tune
lo diseiiHS the quest inn ami provide new
entertainment. The Kuriiiccs' Knir was
a success, and if a result 11 is to he held.
the farmers should lie notilleil so as lo
lie in 11 position to miike proper exhiliits
of farm produelH. The river events
shouhl lie diU'crctit and more varied, and
the success of the annua! regatta de-
pi'inls upon early action on the paii of
those interested, There will he 110
trouble to raise " laijie iiinoutil- of money
this year, owinj; to the reat success of
lust year's regatta.
t 'ne ioiu uiasted seliooiifi', and two
thlee ma. led liarkeut ine. Ueie report -ed
oil' the riier ji-liidav. It i. not
known what the name of the .ehuniicr i
lillt the liarki'iitine. ale (he Wiiikleliiiillli
whieh left San Pedro on the eight, and
the I'oi'lliiiiil from Sail Pedro on the
The oil lank steamer llo.eiian. i
due to arrive this morning from Cali
fornia with elude oil for Portland.
The Christian laideavoreis of tin
Presbyterian church, will give a ".lolly
(lood Time" social this evening, at the
hoine ot .1. I, Koss, eonier Seeiiltil and
Holld streets.
Pillsbury's Best Flour, Minneapolis,
$1.75 per sack. Geo. Lindstrom & Co
The statement i- frequently, and
freely, innde that the best meiil in As
toria is always served at the Talnce
Kestaurant. The reason for this broad
and general declaration, is that it is so.
What better predicate can there be for
so impovtant announcement? The man
who doubts it has only to call there and
prove it for himself. If he can't go by
day, he can go at night; the house is
never closed. They feed the individual
and they banquet the crowd. And all
011 the satno plane of excellence. Com
mercial street, opposite the Page building.
Inquire of the Elks about the event of
the season March 39.
with Senator
s.l tem.
National pio-pi-iity j- nlleited in the
1'iy fains in. id- in po-tal receipts and
111 the rapid epaii.iou now oiciinin in
the povtjil sen in-. Adiani p figure, from
'he pn-tiii,ite -eiieial'. report illdicat,'
that in .pile of Ihe leeent vast extcn--ion
of the inial fie,, dcliiery Pj.,telii
the poslollirc department's eartiing ea-piii-ity
i. -lea, lily iuerea.iiig. The os
tal leieiiues for l!ll4 (I.-, were greater by
irlii.limi.iMKi than tho-e for ImUU, anil
outside tli- rural luaiieli of the service,
receipts mm halaiui' expenditures.
Weir il not for the di lieit entailed by
iiiral free delivery department, whieh
HIP "low ill- I -., even- veal' lln. ,l,.,.,.,t.
nt eonld .,1 pH'.i iii nn, re limn pay its
May iiinl within the ne Iii - t,.,,
years miirht Ih in ion to reeom
inrml to ( ,,n;,i-. -miie material reduc
tion in po-ial rates.
It i- evid, nl however, thai the rural
(lee dflilell iia. eoine lo !ai . i,,l the fp, i-e ol eUrndinn it mil-t bt
iiifi'ii 111 '11 1 alfilat imi. lor tile 1 n t lire.
The llll! eo. ,,I r.tlll, li. hill" Hew
roiiiitiy imile. will eoiitillllr to la- a sel
imi. ill. tin on postal lei einie-. Vrt the
nei i of thi. ete.ioii i. beyond
ipn-tion. A. a mean, ot eilueatioii and
oi national ,1, i elopini iu the iiiral free
'Irliirt v eiel iineiit ha. already proi-n
il. iiotth, and a. the si.tein ynnv it
uill liieoine mme .elf-..tailiiiiL'. It
ha. le. ulted in Iniildin- up .par-elv .e.
tied ili-tiiit. in Orr-mii and tli- est ih
li.iiuieut ol the si stem ill I I.i . ,,p eonn
1 1 , with thlee route, would re. lilt ill
Iniililin- up one oi the lim-t au'i
and dailiin- .eetion. of the .tat,'. In
,iireetij it will lieiietit liade In bring-,
ill- the eoiiiitv ini,, , a. i coiiiiiiiinieat ion
with Astoria and it does a further pub
iif .fiu'ee In iiiercasin- enlightenment.'
enintoit and eoiileiitiiieiit in the rural
districts. The cities are perhaps pay
ing a little more than their present pro
portion per capita of the cost of the
po.tal .ervici'; but the country's gain
is their gain also, and they will cheer
fully contribute to maintain and extend
the ruin! service until u new balance be
tween ivcipts and expenditures can lie
struck ami both city ami county can
shaie in a general decrease in postal
It might bo opportune to call this mat
ter to the attention to the Chamber of
Commerce. Other counties in the state,
have through the ell'olts of their com
mercial orgiuiizut ions, secured rural free
delivery, and there is no reason why
Clatsop county shouhl not make an
effort lo secure the same system and
the resulting; benelits. It cannot be se
cured if the people stand idly by and
make no elfinl to secure it. Senator
Pulton is in a position to assist and if
requested so to do. no doubt a rural free
delivery can be established in Clatsop
count v in the near future.
1hii W. Kvn of Portland is guest
at tlm Occident.
W. .1. fiigals of f wis and Clark whs
ill the city yesterday,
.. A, Keiiiieily of .Vahcotta registered
t. the Parker yesterday.
('vn. E. Kralicr of Port In rid regi-tered
at the Pinker vesti-rdav.
A. II. Metiiiiie and wife of Portland
air guests at, the Occident.
Mrs. Mrfiiiire of Seaside, visited
fiiends in the city yesterday.
Ham Inn M. Fletcher of Walhi Walla
i. rejri-leied al the tJrrideiit.
Mrs, Jus. Ilimerton of lltuieo vi-i!ed
friends in the city yesterday.
Mrs. I,. I). Sliipelton of fJlaine, Wash.,
is ii-itiiii' friend, in the city.
If. .. '.illicit and wife of Saginaw,
Mich., are vi-iling in the city.
I'", Kaliba of Nehiileiri arrived in the
eily jr-Hlcrdav on a bii.ine.. trip.
If. P. Anderson of Ko-ehui" waJ in
the ejtv vc.lcrdav on limine.-
otto .Mikkelson returned from a busi-
lie-, trip to rorUaud hi.t evening.
I'.hn Puilcy the timber man.
Portland i- stopping at the Occident.
Ah',x f'anipbcll and wife of Skamokawa
ii-iteil friends in Astoria y sferday.
Mrs. Charles Jilidon ,jf CiithlameC
vi-itnl friend, in the city ye.terday.
V. '.. lldi.ton and wife of South liend
airiied in the citv icstrrdav on a visit.
W. V. liooth, pre-idiit of the A.
liooth A Co was in the city Wednesday.
.hiss .via iieiiuricKs oi j-.ULX'iie is in
the eilv vi-iling Mr. and Mr-, den No- I
all,i. I Invaluable for Rheumatism, ..
,. ' , . . , , ,' i I have been suffering for the past
h S. Meyer, of Portland arrived m ! few vears with 8 gevre attackP of
the city yesterday and is -topping at j rheumatism and found that Ballard's
the Occident. j Snow Liniment was the only thing that
Mr-. II. W. Nott, of llwaeo arrived ' ave me satisfaction and tended to al-
, , . , , , t I leviate my pains. March 24, '02. John C.
tl , ty jestcday and reg.-tered at j 11g
""' Iarker' $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store.
Win. Harder of Portland was a pas
sengcr down ou the iiimhi train yester
day. K. J. Msgers of San Frunelaro was
among the arrivals in the city venter-
I-onis Taiisseg of Sim Francisco arriv
ed down on the noon train yesterday
and regi-tered at the Occident.
Or. Frank Vaughn and wife will leave
this morning for a short visit with
friemls in Pendleton,
F. W. Pettigrove, a pinnii,eiit travel
ing man arrived in Astoria last evening
from Portland to transact business.
C. ('. Fulton returned to Astoria lust
evening from Portland where he was try
ing ii ease before the I'liited States
Krik M nn 1 1 lit was a returning pas
sciigcr last night from Portland, where
he was plaint iff in a suit in the United
State court.
P. .1. liri.v returned last night from
Portland after a brief business trip.
i OHANITK, Colo,, March 22.-An enor
of j mous snow-slide came down last evening
jin the Wiiitieid and cjf;ar Creek mining
district killing, it is reported, at leat
half n dozen men. A relief party has
has gone to the scene.
K. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does al;
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
am ra ntaa
1- ,
V- Aunt.:--
New Popular Song Books Svenson's.
v $ w, :fri ' -w . V- I t
Republican Candidate For Governor
Or. Withyeoiube is widely and favor
nblv known throughout this state. His
residence of nearly thirty-five years has
given him a ripe experience as to the
needs of every industrial interest. He
is a champion of better markets for the
products of the farm and factory bet
ter roads and open rivers.
Ho has been a staunch Republican
from the time he became old enough to
ca-l ins lust iiallot. His slogan for the
campaign is "an honest and fearless per
formance of public duty, a givnter and
united Oregon." This is in accord with
the sentiment of "a ' square deal to
every person and to every interest." He
lielieves that this sentiment should per
vade in tanglible form all policies of
our state government, especially so in
matters of taxation and for a rational
regulation of public utilities.
Or. Withcoinbe i. a man of executive
ability, of uinpiestionable intecgrity and
if elected will give an administration
that will he characterized for its moral
ity, strength and justice.
When yon are in need of anything in
the photographic line in the amateur
way, kodaks, films, plates, cards,
mounts, ami all the technical details
of the business, and want the best and
last in the way of artistic development,
just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, find
tell him so. That is all.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up! It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other n ,
pairs, it bo, take it to Andrew As'
Company. They also do all kini'
blacksmithing and repair work.
We are sole agents in Astoria for the .Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, ;
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
Ml S i ish
Every one guaranteed. Will let yo
stand or ait on the oven door if yov
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves oi
ranges till after the Holidays.
W, J. Scully