FRIDAY, MARCH j, t?o. 4 THE MORNING ASTOHIAX. ASTORIA, OKEGON. CHARGE TOO MUCH Oregon StockmenOverchargedfor Reserve Priveleges. FULTON SEEKS TO STOP EVIL Senator From Oregon Writes Letter to Oregon Stockmen Inquiring Con cerning Length of Grilling Period, and Other Questions. ASTOKl.VS NKWN IU l.KAC, Wash ington. 1). V., Mureh ili Tlie follow ine letter has lieen scut out hy Senator Ful ton to the stockmen of Oregon which is self explanatory : Oregon Stockmen: Complaints have been made to me rej.ardiiij. the ramie churues made in some parts of our state for forest reserve privileges. Those have been distributed between both she.p and cattle interest-, but larjjvly the former. 1 find upon investigation that the priees Will" ehaii:ed in Oregon are greater- than on many oilier reserves of the country, which has been explained on the basis of climatic conditions permitting loiiiiei use of Oregon reserves. In re-pon-e to the complaints made, and that our stat,' may receive as fair treatment as is ac corded any other, 1 would like to U' ji n vided with a statement by every s'ovk mau of tlreon usint: the reserve cov ering the follow in-: points: How long is your stock able to graze on land al lotted to you, or wiser they were wont to graze on what, is now r serve land; what is the value of the range you use for fattening; how many acres are re quired on the average to support one sheep, cow, or hor-e; what, are the physical difficulties attcVdjug use of the range; what is the mean altitude of V.a coj.tinti -..n Ko i-d w-lipn .los disappear and when do storms begin? A general answer to these questions , will put in my possession facts which ; will enable me to argue for our state's j ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE. DISCOUNT SALE OF DRESS GOODS IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF DRESS GOODS WE HAVE MARKED THEM DOWN FROM 25 to 50 Per (Cent OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF BROADCLOTH, ALPACA, PANAMA, MO HAIRS, ETC. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY DRESS GOODS WHEN YOU CAN GET NEW AND UP-TO-DATE GOODS AT EXCEPTION ALLY LOW PRICES. 25 Per Cent Discount on Skirts We nave placed on sale 200 tip-to-date Tailor-made Walking Skirts at a discount of 25 per cent. Saturday Night -Specials From 7 to 9 o'clock- will be the time to supply yourself with. TOWELS AND TOWELING Large size bleached Turkish towels, reglar 25c. Saturday at... $0.1 ji 15c value, cotton towel at 10 8c cotton towel at 05 12 c linen crash 08 yd. ioc. linen crash 071yd. 714 c linen crash 05 yd. THE FOARD &SMESG. Where the New things Make Their Debut. interests. 1 WOllld W pleased lo heill' from you oon ou the subject, j Very respect fully your, ' ' ( ItAULKX W. FCLTON". INDIRECT TAXATION. Frank T. Wright man of Salem, one of the Ivst known lawveix of t In tatc, i a candidate for tin1 Kcpiihlican mmiina tion for secretary of state. Mr. Vriiht man is n t rtnir advocate of tin- indi re t tax foi' maintenance of t tit state fjov eminent. 1 ty tin- method which In' propose, the state would l' able to eol leet sufficient money for all admini-tia live purpose from corporal iotis and companies ownim. valuable franchises or other property. Mr. Wrilitman i. at I ' lr-sJ . . di .... tk -v ft if. 1 I a,f,;'io. i-& ' ; pie-ent coilioration clerk in the ollice of Scretaiy of State Dunbar and it has be u through his capable work that the corporations paid into tin- -t.ite treasury la-t year IJO.tKH. He is a lawyer by profession and at the present time is president of the Marion county bar as sociation. His candidacy is lveeived with favor throughout the state. If Mr. Wiightman is elected and can secure the pas-age of this law it will le the means of saving hundreds of thousands of dol lars to tax payers of Oregon. The vot ers will benefit tiiems Ives by electing such a man. Mr. Wrightman is a can didate for Secretary of State. May the Wrightman win. ' The Morning Astorlan, Coc a month ' ,,','',,lt ANSWER QUESTIONS Former Mutual's Trustees Mut Give Information. SEARCHING INQUIRY BEGUN At Instigation of Joseph H. Choate With Approval of Truesdale Commit toe, Former Trustees Must Give Facts About Company. NT.W 0U. March It i an- nimncvii today that within the mt fe days evcrv member of (he old Imard ot trustee- of the Mntuil Life Insurance t'oinpaii), including all who -ecd he tweeu the dates of January 1. I'.'iHl, and IVcciiiIh'1 111, l!M,', ha- U'en -eru'd with a ii-iui-i! ion. foi inhumation a-dra-tic a- the Mutual'- har-he-t clitic could well demand, do- ph II. t'houte is the author ot the tciii-ilioii, and it is -aid to lie i tied with the uuiUaIi lie I approval of the True-dale connnit tee and the .Mutual'- legi-lathe admin i-tration. Among other ijiie-lion- it contains I'm follow ing : "Have ou dining -aid period, had any connection or hu-iiie relation- with anv othei" company or corporation in which the Mutual Life l onipany had at the -.line time -tot k or other inleii -t ':" "Who, if any. of the otlicci- 01 -m ploye- of the Mutual Life Company are related by liloml or in image to yon?" Hcferriiig to attached -tatenient mark ed 'Memo A' plcu-e -tate whether -ini-e January 1. I'.mmi, miii. individually or a firm of which yon were a niemhci' have owned any of the capital stock of any of the companie- named in -aid .Memo.' "'Memo A' i- a li-t of hanks and trust eomiunie- iu which t Ii .Mutual Life Company in December III, IUO."i, had holding- of 1I per cent or more of the total out-tanding capit il -tik of -ucli coiiiianies, "Ha- the Mutual Life t onipaliy dur ing the period mentioned made joii or any linn of which you were at the time a member, any loan- (other than on in-iiraiiee policies!, mi collateral or other security? If -o, will von pea-e state ui'h what or rcpic.cMt.itive of the any -ueh loin or lo.m u -ie arranged tor. in what form, for how Hindi and liov the -ime wa or i- -' cured. "Have vou during the period 11 unci. v.-cii-d ,ili 1 1 1 ii !) -.1 ! i"ii 01 I" lielit. either a- or otherwise. Ilom ,mv'-ai'! imi- Ii (wen the Mutual Life (unipaiiy through tho-- represent ing it. and ,Miy looker, firm. poiatiiiii. or indi i'lir.l '!io have -old to or foi he ' oinp.niy utr. -lok-. boiid-, or -eeintii-. or piopcity ot any kind, in eluding -o called nnderu ! itings ami -yndii-ale p.,rtieipatioii- by tie- company, or for any loans from the company lie gotiat -'l ill real c-tiite s.-etirity '.' " l'lea-e state whether, while VOU have Ix'cn a tru-tre, of the company or engaged in the management, of its financial atl'air- you have in any manner or form and if so to what extent, ad vanced your per-onal fortune, or de rived any financial advantage other than already stated by you through the exer cise of your discretion as trustee, or if so state in and by what transactions and in relation to what other companies and to what financial enteipri-e you have received such advtantage or advance. " Ilad you, prior to the fact brought out before the Armstrong committee any knowledge of contributions having; been made, from the company's funds to po litical campaign funds, whether nation al, ntate. or other kind, or of the time, amount, or plumose of any such pay ments and to whom paid?" A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the cropy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Torture By Savages. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philip pines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of the Kidneys," rays YV. M. Sherman, of dish ing, Me., "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three botMes of which completely cured me." Cures Liv er Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disor ders and Malaria; and restore the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaran teed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Price 50c. The Morning Astorlan, B3c. a month ASYLUM IS CKOWDKD. County Judge Ttenchaid Notified Not to Send More .'nticnU. The following I, .(ter was received by County Judge TrcucliHrd yen! n day: SAI.L'M, (be., March i!L " C, J. TienclmiO, -toiia: I inn in -ttucted by (he Hoard of Tin-teen of tile (ticgon State Insane A-v I II 111 lo 110 til yon, dial owing to the fact that (he appropriation bill at (he la-l c--ioit of the legishit llle, for new buihlillgn, was held up by a lefeieiiilillll p.-lilioli, the a -v I n 111 i- limited for room to care for the constantly iiiiiea-iug iiiimhei of patient- committed to this institution, and (o ii'ipiest (hat in the ftiluiV thoe pel son- who are merely -ull'ciing from alcoholism, or those of the nioiphine or cocaine habit be not committed, and also those who ale feeble and helpless a- a ic-ult of an old age and can be taken car.' of at Inline b iclathc- or 111 county poor houses. " J. I C. VI. IU! MTU, " Supci ilitendent ." SERIOUS BLAZK. Fiie in Chicag,o Causes Panic Among; Wot king Gitls. CHICAGO, Much -'.' line girl ami two iliemen were -lighlh illjlllcil 11 -core of lili'llleii wci.' Iiemlv o el come b smoke, ami a -I'limi. panic among lie TIKI plisnnel- iu the t ook Collllt ail was thleateneil a- the le-oll of ,i lile that -tailed iu the lour -toiv bciek building at '.'IT to -.M.'i Kinie -tiei I la-t night. The injured girl w.i- one of a night clew of twciit-lie gill making electric appiiiatu- iu the Hehlen l 1 undid 111 ing Company'- building, l!'J and f ' t Miehi gan street ill the rear of the burning strtielure. Through windows on the al lev the gil'l- -aw the flame- and lll-hcd ill a panic into Michigan -tn-.-t In the ciu-li one of them was hurt. W hen the blae wa- at it- height then-wa- -erious danger of a panic among (h Tim pri-nncis jn tin- Cook county jail. Ie-- than .1 Muck awa. I rum (lie cell on the Dearborn avenue -ide the glare of the flame- w.i- in full view and the guards ditlieiilty in ipiicting (he prisoner'1. The tireiiii'ii injured were t'aplain Thomas Joyce of Lngine ( ompaiiy No. 41. -lightly cut about the face by falling gla--. and liMckman Frank Suminer-, cut on the head. The Iniildiiii' Wj -upie ! by iiiiinu faituring 'oni'.rus. The semnd door, where the lire is believed to have -tart e l, w as used by the -npplv iei 1 1 1 mi-lit of the i'-li-ni I 111. .11 Tclc;:r.iph putty, vvllich i- the c'ii-'f Utle'-, it - lo-s being SI II 1,1 II II I. I In- Chi. Idi'.tne .Vyp. ply Company -uttered a I.... e-1 united at sIs.ihmi, Til.- os 1, a the building will be he.ny, Th.- Flan!. liih.ill ( nuy pany in tie- building' .a-t, h.-i .s7noii, Mui'h valiiaM'1 1ailro.1l e.piipmi'nt w,i- s.'li.l to I"' -1 . 1 111 the bill III'. 1 -t I lli'l llti' The egi'l ''I' 1 1 1- b - i c-ltllial'd at S , (Mill RAILROAD BUILDING. Many Miles of Track to he Laid in the West This Year. (HIi Atill. Mat.;, .'.. 'Ihe 1 .sit year promise- . be a 1 emai kable one for railwiy construction. Aeeoiiitii to the Railway A"'. then' arc now under way I .'1,11 14 mile- ,,f new road-, and what are tented "live project ' pro vide for th'' buildiic of IK! mile more. At the opening of l!MI." the record showed about 7"IMI mile- of road mid eon-triiction, and about .'ilMMI of (hi- vv.i eompletcd during the year. It i- -dat'-d that two thiivl- of tl utile mileage now under way h being built by thirty eight companies-ail average of 'J'll mill's per company. For several year-i the southwest has bc'il Ihe eenler of the greatest railway activity, but (hi year the center has shifted in part to the North wi'st and the Went. The large project include the St. Raul's 15(H) mile Pacific Coast extension from Kvarts, the Western Pacific, of the Coulds, from Salt, Lake to San Fraiici-co, !l.'(7 miles; the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific, from Sulphur Springs, Colo., to Salt Ijike, 470 miles and the various extensions of the Hill anil Harrimun system the form er with 74H miles and the latter with 540 miles. KILEY DISAPPEARS. Banker Who Has Two Wives Goes Into Hiding. NKW YORK. Match .-Although fears were entertained for Home time to day that Thomas V. Kiley ,11 wealthy banker and merchant of Brooklyn had committed suicide because of the publi cation of the ory (hat he is (he hus band of two wives. Mrs. Flora Colt, whom Kiley married three years ago, at Hammond, Indiana, tonight received information of Kiley's whereabouts. Mi". Colt's son said Kiley was alive, but, he is not at liberty lo state where Kiley was. Kiley latec sent a representative to his bank to tender his resignation a; president. Tin- whereabouts of Kiley were not made, known. Hi JC 'i I KJJf.W I i A'lNNIJKIMIV'i". wmPWBm We have fairly out done ourselves this year in getting together the swellest line of Spring Clothes Ever Shown in the City SEE P. A. STOKES Public Confidence i Our Greatest At. ROSE AGAIN CAKRIFS MILWAUKEE MIIAV VI K I F, l 11. h ."' 1'1' t e rcluiiis Imni i-t 1 1 it.iy piimary elec (ion- for li mi 1 mm 1 1 M - on cilv ticket' show that Mavor David S. Hose wn li'lloiililiiiled foi' the lift I tune i th' Demo. iats, liaving (Wmled William lieorge III in e by a majority of UlW. Shcibuiii M. P.ccker will head the I.e publican ticket, deteating William J. Ficibiiiiils bv a niajiiiilv ot ii-'i' PASSENGERS WIN. Railroads Cannot Compel PaiM-ngris to Retain Hatchet k. CIIIC.U.O. March Tl di-pat.h to Ihe Rci'oKl Ibiald fiom llloouiiui'toii III., i).: The right of a lailioad company to compel passi'iigi i- to 1 -( .1 in hat. lu ck given in exchange foi tiikcl and to produce them upon deln.iiiil i- denied 111 a decision made vetci biv 111 tic ipp I late coiilt. T, T. and S. II l.wiuti ot R.llt illlolc. who Wt'le ll.lVelilie t 1 "III ( Ml cago to St. Loili- on the t di'-ago A Alton, weie ejected lioin the train at tlii- plan- Augu-t -I. be. .hi. l ev efll-e, tl. pio.l. '. Upon .1. Hi. i I tl conduct. iC, I'll' i'he. k. e 1 V i II In 111 I'l C I ll.lllgc foi t ii.-M t ! k.'t - I !e". s,e 1 l Veie , 1. 1, tld .1 - .oil .( . ii.e;.'-. I. ,i t loll of I he T III I he I'lW ! . olll ' - L. ill'.' -II-1 1 11. e.l "': .. '. I I " ' e I . Ie i . 1 1 1 1 i i i ..ill.. ! "cap, ; c.i l l ; . c.i .. 1 .i'!i ".el : i : ' ; 1 ' 1 let all I , ' t.. ! . v ( .Mil t. Nervous Women Their Sufferings Are Ununllr Due to Female Disorders Perhep Unsuspectrd A MEDICINE THAT CURE Can we dispute the well - known faettluit American women tire ner vous V How often dowe hear the expres sion, "I am so ner vous, It, seems as if I should fly:' or, " Don't speak to me," Little thing annoy you and make you irritable; you can't sleep, you are unable to quietly and calmly perform your daily tasks or care for your children. The relation of the nerves and gen erative organs In woman is so close that nine-tenths of the nervous pros tration, nervous debility, the blues, sleeplessness and nervous irritability arise from some derangement of the organism which makes her a woman. Fits of depression or restlessness and irritability ; spirits easily affected, so that one minute she laughs, the next minute weeps; pain in the abdominal region and between the shoulders; loss of voice ; nervous dyspepsia ; a tendency to cry at the least provoca tion all these point to nervous pros tration. Nothing will relieve this distreshing condition and prevent months of pros tration and suffering so surely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. M. E. Shotwell.of 103 Flatbush Avenue, Hrooklvn, N. Y,, writes: "I cannot express thn wonderful relief I have experienced by tnklruz Lvdia K. i'ink bam's Vegetable Compound. I suffered for a long time with nervous prostration, back ache, headache, Ions of appetite. I craild not sleep and would walk the floor almost every nlt;ht. "I had three doctors and got no better, and life was a burden. I was advised to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has worked wonders for me. "I am a well woman, my nervousness is all gone and my friends say I look ten years younger." Will not the volumes of letters from women made .strong by Lydia K. Pink liam's Vegetable Compound convince all women of its virtues ? Surely you cannot wish to remain sick, weak and discouraged, exhausted each day, when you can be as easily cured as other women. MjMStotvll 1 The time is here for you to select your SPRING SUIT OUR WINDOW. J Baking Powder Tr) a ran of Schilling's Best every can ejuntantred, or your money back. We pM' tm premiums, hence the ijusl ity of our goods sie buttrr, and siv you money. Olympic Flour 11.20 vr Sack $4.05 Per Hrrl All kiuis of frcnh fruit nlld Vrj' Ulje, ST0RIAGR0CERY Phone Mnln 0H1 823 Commercial St Al'.ltctrd With i "I was ami am yet nlTle !! with t i.e licit i iii ," mas Mr .). (' )l.i tie, e i'. i ..! the II i.ild, Ad'liligt"ii. Indian Iciii'.'v, "but thfitil.H to 'hit ml ei Iain's l'ain ll.ilm am able once uioiv t" alt-ti l I., i i.-iiie.- It - the liet . ( lini ment ' I !' t rouble I with I !e iltlillti'tn 'He I, i.'i I'.ilm a tnal and you ate cer. I i : M t.i be Him ' than ple.i.e.l with t lie . icpt telj.f which it. affords. Hue np .le relieve the pain. For il! by I iank Matt and l eading I M legists NOTICE. All v.. Set of Clatxoji eoilllty, lire pe.'tive of parties, lire her. by it.viteJ ' an l le.jiie'led lo meet and participate in a ma meeting to lie held In " Lojfiin ! hall" lit Astoria, on Saturday, Apill 21, ll'utl, ut It) a. in,, for thn purpose of ' notiiimiting a full county ticket to le vot.-d for on Monday, June 4, Intnl. I C. .1. TKENC1IARD, Chairman of the Citizens' j Committee of Astoria, Ore. j MAX W. POIIL, I Secretary. THE Dr. C. GEE W0 Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly localed 253 Aiitcr Mre!t; for tin iibhI flva vctn If A VV . Inrve brick building at I'l. 11 o..tif K.a.iul ttnm. nerol l'irflt and Morrison HtretHs. En trance No. 162 Front Ht. Successful Home Treatment I k n() ' known tliroiiKhnut the l nlleil, and Is railed Die Oreiil clilnexe I DiM-Uir on neeoiieii, of til wonderful cures without the iiht ol n knife, without ukIiik poison or (Ii tlx or tiny kind. He treats any mill lull with wwerrul oriental roots , herlw, Imrks, unci veKeUihle ttint urn un I known lo meilleiil science In tlil eountrv, I end thrniiKh the iihii nf these hurmless rein'e I dies hKiiiiriuiM.'CN to euro I Catarrh, Aithma, Lung Trouble, Rheumttiim, nwvuu.iiiM, .-viomacn, uver, Manty, rtmati Weakness and all Chronic D'icasei. Call or write, eneloHliiK 4 2-eent slumps for mil 1 1 In, hook and circuit... Adilre, The C- Ge Woo Chinese Medicine Co., No. 161 , , first St., S.E. Cor, Morrison Mention thu Portland Oregon. . STAMMERING AND STUTTER ING CURED For Particular! Address THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAM MERERS 1261 oat. 1 anthill Street, Portland, Oregon . SBStOCI I Ik'