FRIDAY, MARCH aj, loofl. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. IS Removed From Financial Manage ment of Zion. ATTEND SPIRITUAL NEEDS Ownership mid Control of Zxm'i Bund nt Intrieil Hiitafter lo lie Lilt to Mote Expcf lenerd Hand Dowio Will be Advlnor. 1 llli (.n, 1 . . I, :. A iii'lJi'iil 'li.inv'- 111 Hi1' ultiiiii nl imi City lit' I11-1 1 11 , la u liii li l.ilni AliAtui'li'i Dimii' (-ill I I 1 1 1' I 1 1 1 llii' lllilll.ll'i lm III nl jl ImI 1 .ill.ilii iili'l nil ni I 1 1 it ) 1 1 1 1 t ' - ilium1 ini ( 111 inim ill In- iin ni puiiid' I, ! .iininlilii i'i lill niplit. I ii 1 I iiii r llii- ,,wn. i liij. mill mntntl nl mil'. Iillill' l'llti'Milll lialC lil-l'II i . .1 M,Mv ill Hi ll.i'.w , I In Ii.lllfi' 1 ' I In 1 '--nil n( 11 ih "II i' lii i' 1 1 n , 1 ! 1-tin-. 1 inli-iinU I mm i" mliii!" ilillinlii'i I "I II" I lil.l;.'r I'.. II In", 'in. I 1 1 In ,1 J.- I In- ..lli.H II 1 1 1 1 i I In- i'Imiij.'!': If II ,1- ,1 in- I- ,l! illl,ll il.ilit t Inl III.' l:. iiMMlr 1 1 1 illlrll'l !i. ,lll 111.' Catspaw Customers. DO E OUSTED TI10 nlnry nf the monkey who ii'n l tin-'fi Ji.f.v In )u the 1 h'-ifiuUmit nf the lirr, IniiU lit- ill. r.l: .itmniiil.tiiy Win-:) it i!i,-aliT t-i '. t 11 t.u'il"i:n-t u niKtiluIo fur MKNNl VS l:'ilATi:i) TAI.rl'M. Ill' l!'M ,t hi( iH'i.l'IW tin' H lll'.tlUllo Jl.lVH Illill it 1 1 .,;; r i:n!i!. 1 1 - inakl-f. liio ttist'inii 1 hn .t!'.ww t- take In a few cxtr.t ii' !!.i' h It I li"t in;ii,i;i! In I hi trt.t'lo 11 cittHjmw. t!-i i :,i.. , u-i.i ;i vu ii.iy l-r the i'i'"'! tilii'i'V l t A U tlimt f..:is!i fcUEvi tn ,' l"i 1 (ii iiitilnli, ATKIi'J Al.l t'M. the HtaiiiUinl jKiwdct )if liir wmiil ' Think it over. JUvr von trit-il MICNNKN SVIOMCT hi kaTki talcum toilkt row. I)KR ? I.uilu n mrtiul to violet jH-rfume will find Men ncn'ii Vinlt-t I'liwiler fragrunt with the odor of frcth pluwkctl I'.trniit vmlcti. For xalk- tverywhere fur 25 icntu, or inailn! Khtjiuiil on rcctiit of jticc. I.y MIINNF.N CO.. Newark. N. J. I'i ilmll. of Rl r ilit nil of ZIoii'ii ItiiHlriiiM, Hn Jinn cliuiigi'd lilt I'Iiim iitid hereafter will eon llni' liimi'f iiliimnl entirely In 111 i it - ll'l'illl ttlllk, I ' It 1 1 IJf I III' llllfllllgOIIH'lll. uf inn'x illilllKllilll II lid I'OHIIIH'll'ilil II f (llilX III 111 llllO(i,ll'll," " 'I'll It U tinil'n iliin nf nolting iiiii ilillli'tilli'," nlil Iteputy Ceiicm) Over ecr Viillwi, " noon 11 wet g'-l itiiliilrlc iiiriiniiii'iiti'il we will lime ri'iil ( In ikI Inn 111 npeuil Inn." Uy I he iin in !) ( inn n' ''i' viitiiiT I'litcl pi i-r I'. i- Im klinl li'i iinc-ii.' I'niiliiil lliniii'jli llii- I'li'i'tloii of iliici lor. Tilt' III" t Illntillllluil l"l III- lllt'll,! Hlltl'd VI ill III' till' rilllllv fllil'll'V, Will! II l'H.i' liil of f.V,HM Zi'Hi "ill own ir.'O.'HKi nf lnik iil'il (III' li'iiiiiimli'i ui ii in 'In tin ml-, nl iuiliv iihiiilr , IIE1H IS HORN. John I). Rockefeller III in Born Yen t i'!it .. WAX Milik, Ti. Tin- An.eiJ- tnd.'V 'iH: I liil'-, Ili'illlllV, ItllM- eyi"l, II miiriil 1 In 1 , m tin njii'iii'il liii i-M'r. njinn lli' wnilil ,,i' llii' iit linn' lulc ,et nielli in llii' llniMM' in Hi--t J'ifl y fniutli h( (.'! , Illill' , ' I"1 nu'li'ii'. i- i" ii or.-tiniiptiw In ill.' l'l'-il'-l l"l t IIIH- III I Ik- fnl'l'l, Inl III)- li.ili), ill ill I'liti-ii'iiiiip', will In- Inlin I). I'i 1 i-ii ln i. III. I In' niii Imrn In Mi ,iiii Mr. .Inim l liill ill llm I Hi-ll'V llk, ltlliri linn nl till-il-lll,lt Hill I ( Mi-llfK nf iU patl'lf dill-.', tt lin I..IH lmH'il Im ,i iii.ilr lii-ir In if i 11 .Ml l Hll' I.ltll'l'. Illill ii.;,i' Li All 1. 1. I, Al'lli.ll, III.- il.illyMir .1 I llil-l ; njijxirtiinily In w mjuri n ut ..I MICNNli.VS fiOK- (' inilc e) lai orniiW Astorian Day in The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been Reduced From w luohi-ij .u.ifc.BW) jm, J..i's.Wil..w!gij'i)iwi'JWii)iit f i. in .fyf t wn,mp&mm Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper,, The Astorian DELIVERBO BY CARRIER TO ANY PART OFTHE CITY FOR 6S CENTS NIhIm Kewitnr Alilrlili, of Rhode Island. Tin' mother i lining rciwirkiihly well Mini (lie doctor 11111I nurse declare they never Ktiw 11 InmiUoiiier or lii'a'l iili'r liny, WEIGHTS PUBLISHED. Horwi For Crtcr nd ExceUior Handi capa AaaiKned Weijchti. NKW YOltK, .Miinli W.-Tlii- wi'iliU fin- Ciii Ici' unil Km rUinr lliiinliriii In hi- inn nl A ' 1 1 u ' 1 1 1 r t , Ailii Hi iiihI .l.i iniiii'ii, ,iiil 'H1U, ii'xii'i'livclv, nr! (iiiIi lilii'i Imliiv. Tin', lit. nfM'ii fur Innx, Inn u t'lm 1 11 nl i-i'il inili t.ililf nl iHIO.ikhi ti,), yi'iu. I'nr llii- i-wiit .Syiin- llV lllll UTI'ivfll llljl Ul-i'llt, I'll HMIIlt. Il'iinit ffi'tn in illi 110 ioiiiii-, llif ttiilil iillnllfil 1 1 1 Mr. Ki'i'in'. D.llii, wliili' fn-f lii'ii hit h ri-ii'iviil U pou nl m. flu Hi lii 1 1 lli'lli' inline tii'nl with li!"i I'liiitnl", ' .liilifii 111 uilli li!l iniitliH, itliilf I'H Iiim ln'i'ii iM'i'iifil IH'I nf tli" .ill' .ill'l l!;llll-linl 11, nllf nf I III' lil'-t liniiilii nin t ni Si-it ( li li'iin-. DECIDE YOURSELF. Thi Opportunity in Here, Backed by Astoria Testimony. Ilnn'l till. - nnr Itni'l fur it. )nn't ii'uiii 111 11 ,tnui(.'i'i'n nlate- America In Danger Of Overpopulation Bv Vr. CIIARI.IJ A. L. HH 1). Iiufcuni if Cynn-ijU-jy In llic Unlvrrtitv of Clnf utnal i 1 1 10 ovcrH'iijiliii nf our hiinl i- -'iinil t'i hi- u vi-ry -iv tirul, iii'li'i'il u very ji-rji!-j i- ? i J t:i in the N()T Kiv ,MTK Fl;"I'l'l!K. Tin- nitc i.f iiirii'.i-i' in ihn -ir-n-i; v ,! t!ic iniiilatii'ii in (ircat. jirihiiii for t!n wvr-iitv yi-,.t - )-;. 1R20 In lw:0 wan L'.'.O r cent, ninl in I nii.i'c Ii'-i-inin! I ;;.' i wan Ii'M.-s tliiin lull jmt ci-iit. IN THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SAME PERIOD IT V'S C: PER CENT, AND FOR THE SUCCEEDING FIFTCCN YEARS THT RATE OF INCREASE IN THIS COUNTRY HAS GREATLY ACCLf.:: ATED. Taki thiso art in aHHociation wiih tin- ! I i i i rjii I Lirt tht r.iw -ii of our Kr at nn-a CANNOT CONTKI IM'TK TO TIIK Sl'S'IT-iX-TAT I ON OK THE PEOl'LK, ami it rcqnirr m vivi.l inuuina tion, no pmpliftic vision, to foresee tin; time not many generations' heticti when the family institution here will he subjected to the DIS JNTEdRATINO SOCIALISTIC INFLUENCES that are today Mfiailinj; it under pressure of overcrowding in the countries of Europe. HERE YOU ARE tike MoMlh For 65c 75c ninnt, Rea'l Antorla endoriKnwnt, Hfliid tli'i ntatm'!nt of Attoria cltl- And dwldn for yourfrlf, ' Hen' in one cane nl it: E, Riilund, printer, living on Aator "tlrfft, Antoria, Ore., ay: "f have trl! nfv)ral (fiiftranfi;d kid ni'V r-iirpn tint i'(inni'lcr Doan'a Kidney I'ilU tin- Ix'-t, nnd liiplity rwommfnded the ri-rrifily to my friend. My trotikle Ini'l hoi hm fd rne off and on for many yearn. I had pain in the nmnll of my linek, hhiirji twinge when ittoppin(f or lifting and the aroint; bothered me a yrvat deal af, niht. I waa tired, languid and vi-ry nervou, but Mnce imin TVian't Kidney I'IH I have not had t.bete ner voilt pII nnr the hendiiehe I iinfl to tnffer fioin. The reniilln liave been a trreitf improvement in the eondition of Ihe kidney ueeretiont. Ilonn'a Ki'ln-v I'ilU have heen n nnut, a help that. I af ronlinwiii;.' with them, and feel 'lire nf K-'ief ub'-neii-r miff -riiif from thee limible.." For . !.v ;il dealeru. T'l ii e ,",0 rent. I-n-fer Millniin (,,. linffalf,, (. York. mle ayentt fnr ihe I'tilte,! Slater. I! -niemher li," niime Dnan't an f.ile in,; other. to L M WASTED E Obliged to Lie With Limbs Higher Than Head Suffered Untold Agonies and Could Not Walk Doctor Said It Was the Worst Case he Ever Saw, ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA "I received your letter afdein for information aryiut iwing the Ciitieura Remedies. I iwd them for eczema. The il'tetor aaid it was the worst he ever saw, It whm on Uith lirnlw, from the knu-s to the ariklfst. We tried everything the rloetors knew of, but the Cuticiira, Jlemeflies did the most good. I w;u obliged to lie with my limU higher than my hearl, for the Jmiri was so terrible I could not walk. Buffered untold agonies. One limb wanted away a great de.d smaller than the other, there m so rnuch flischiirge from it. I found the Cuticura li;rn ediii very oot hing, and I still keep them in the house. I am very tharikful to sav that I am cured, and you can pub lish t his Htatfment if you wi.ih. I found the Cuticura Remedies all that you say they are. I hope that you may i sjiared many year-i to inake the Cuticura Remedies for the benefit of perms suf fering from the torture of skin diseases, such its I had. I remain, yours re spectfully, Mrs. Golding, Box 8, Ayr, Canada, "June 6, 100.3." CURED OF CHAPPED HANDS "I have used the Cuticura 8oap fof chaif-d hands, which I h.'l heeri trnublwl with for about three years. I suffered intense pain arid itching. I tl nearly two caki-s of the Cuticura Soap, and my hands were completely cured and have never troubled me since. I also took the Cuticura Resol vent for the blood at the same time. 1 can recommend the Cuticura Rem edies to others suffering the same. Chas. Young, I'lattsville, Ontario, Can ada, Sept. 29, 1905." CompUit fcitarntl and Intmtil Trtmil lor w Humor, from Fimp U h-r"fu.. frum Infancy lo Axe. eou of Cutkura S-ap, tic., ittm-ot, km!i nl. Me. i In (orrn ol Chtoitt Coated Pilli. i5c. per viai of i,my be had of aiidnijreitt. A ngi wi often cure. Fotrr Irujr Chem. Corp.. Sole Frope.. Boctoo, Mat. mr Maiicd r, - Uew t Vutt lichuxt, bcj Human. Have vim weaklier- of any kind itolnarli. I,:iek. or any oi'jjan nf the body! Iliin't dnie yourelf with mdi iaty meiiii-ine. llnlli-ti-r''. Itorky Moun tain Ten i- tli - Mipieim' curative power. :i.'i i-i-nlH. Frank Hart, druggist. m very Vli44. eO YEARS' CXPIRIBNCt I Traoc Marks DniaNS CofvniQHT Ac. nnniini1ln nkeleh mil dw!r1otlon mm Adtclilr Meiirliilii our opinion f) nthr M lnimilon U prohnhlf ('omtntinleifc tlonminciiTenniWoiitntl. HAN0800K on f'fiiiu liil fro. Ol'l'-'t iirii.rf for neiirlnf palmitn. I'nlmiii Ink': tlirniigh Munii A t o. receli tptf.ial no'ii-, without charga. In tb Scientific America A tntnitiiomelr lllnnfmOKl elitr. l.nroMt elr. eiilmlnii of nr fletitlBo Journal, Trm, $1 fmr : four month. IU Bold bjrall nw1lri. MUNNiCo.3818 New York JJrwcn Offlcs. fit T Bt, WMblnglon, D. C. 9 xJkil'--'- The Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est ofall vntiiig machines. ! t does bette- work, does it quicker,'iasts ionger, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter I.rt ui vnii yon our !!'; hr-nk trlling a!! a!i.t it. Tivwrrirr t:if'.':-i. Mi c lines renrrd. Src-.ngrj;' -hers f.-rniihet. The Smith Premier Tyoevritc Comoiny 247 Stark St., Portland Or. M0S5I5G ASTOSIAJT la on Sal in Astoria at J. X. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. OTZIKGEH'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CIGAR STORK JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. I J