WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 190& THE MOHNIXC, ASTOHIAX. STOMA. OREGON. JUST A WORD TO INFORM YOU ABOUT OUR SALE OF BASKETS WE HAVE ALL KINDS AND ARE CLOSING THEM OUT REGARD LESS OK COST, COME AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. ROSS, HIGGINS . Co. RELIABLE GROCERS. IIUKinm Transfer. A I. ill of .ale una tili'il In tin- u.iiiily link', nllii" wln-it-by William S y 1 !l- ( .l.ilui Aijiilii, hi cigar t'Mi -ilini. ,1 i,t ;i,vj I 1 , 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 illl-lllle, lln' I niiinii mil being j' 1 1 .1 H 1 'I In- -piing iiihI uiniiu r opening ni tin- I!m Millinery Sinn- will liiki' place I lniml.iy, Friday um Huiunlay, Manh mill '.'I Tin' l:nlii't hit coidially illllleil III illli'lld ami nee III)- latent 1 'D'liiintin iii (In' millinery ml. II you ilmi'l nuiD- ymi Hill iii)-y mix. it, Drtlaifd I nt rnl tun. luim M.iiiiu., a llillivr n Oli-)'i" I --tl'lihll Dlliilllii ii 11 1 1 tilli-gimiet- In ii lliutlii-t count l l Ii)'iii nullity I In I. t ami ill ' liin-'l lil intent lull 11I I111 Hilling ,1 1 Hiin ni tin I lilli'il Miitt-a. Ib-mli i. k' win tin- joiiiig man' name, nil llililii'i . In- illil m il, lint nun it i Continental (.'iilii'n 11I11111I w liirll In- dot". V"-ll, j Nil I'l l t Ipllhll llll'l rllllil-)- Ili-l'llliU Wire 1 Mini- itiiti- iii 1I1- rui-, Death of Dick McGraw.-Wonl wu ii'ii-ivi'd In Aotnrlu liml, evening of tin 1I111I li of Hick AMiHriw at Buckley, Wash, Mr, AMiraw wm formerly en i'W'1 I" Hie ii-tiiiiruiil bushiest. ! CmIIiIiiiiii-I, iiihI was wi ll known on the hnu-i Columbia. County Court. An ml join ne ciioii of tin- i-oiuity Diuit will In- )nli tiii morning, Tin- ptinciplc biiinen In be IliillHiirti-il i ioiiii)'rntion of tevcMil loil'l llllltti-M. It j l xliil III)- flint some in 1 urn may Iii- tiiki-n relative to pro tecting lli'' foundation of tin- iii- court house, -, linn Monte 1 In i-t 1 111;,' nil tin- i, Slab ale tl Hotrl Irving Kutuprsn plan. The only ateam hcati-d hotel in AitotU; larf and aiiy rooms; piur (10111 y cent ta $1.50; writ jiiejiairi and daintily nerved uie-ali at cent.. SpcUl rate per week or inorth fur loom and hoaid to, permanent KumtJ. Our bus rneeti all, tuina and ateamboat. i 1 Accident Averted. Yimterday ft-r- j id miii wId-ii tin' lrei-t mr wut pinning i TmiIIi Direct, ', A ( ...- of Lewi amlj I'inik liml it mtiiow ) -in 1 ii- fii'in bt-injj 1 W 1 1 . He un dining niiii mi Tenth j tiei-t jiint 11 I he livit ear n -l iin-j) I'lith ImiDt-D tt'tc knocked down. Thej un. I111 111.u1 t"ppd the enr ii "."Hi 11 , jiumilili', i-ln-i king the moment mil, lull j (or hi liiiuiilit action 11 Di'tium accident 1 might line ociitrre.l. Four more daya remain of the great bargain tale at C. H. Cooper'i. Come in the morning to avoid the afternoon ruth, Store opena at 9 a. m. Reglsl filllg Voter, I', W, l,tngi.n I, .i- In-, 11 iii.iiiiili-, .1 Hilary nililii lm "h''I'M .mil ha- Ib-i-m ,1! the laiinii., log ' 1 1 1 1.- camp llli Hl-'k I'IDll'l lll( III )!. II. lilc I .nnl''.ii ii-il ml yifti-i ..l iDilll I ' I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' li't''ill I'illllp, Hi- 111 i .111, 1 oiiny'D lln- r A-l-li- li'in this tin H' ncii'iiiili tin. i' 1 ' i kI 1 a I loll limn I lie . il l . d' .,iy :ni ! tione i'mh t I In. 111 tin- ...lihly, l!i nak)' I he total II i' ill III'- )ily ami counli lo .I, .I.- II III, Kant End Club to Meet. The j;ht jnl liiiiiiileiiii'iil ( lull will meet thin tcllillj.,' Ill llliieli (inn- till' p)l0itiol ol ei-iiiiii a j.iililic lumliiig ,laee in I 'ii li II will lie eniijierei, together iih 11 number of oilier important mill tora. Will Open Htds loilay ( ity Surveyor Ten will open hiiU for th Iniilding of I In- I0111I mviiiii'l tiic Miivly jiail.. The mail il In- oiiielhiiij; over three lhui. Kami fei'i in h iilh, H m thi) ilhiro of Hi)' pari, 1 niiiiiii-i..n in bine the work 1 1. minem i-i on the 1 nail a kohh hd poi Hill, . LaiKe Tax Collect ion, 'J he mllec. ii"n- lm laM - mi th-- lini.'i roll by the -In-liir lia been (he l;igl-t i I he Iii. i lory lit tin- nullity liming I he time the I "-ii opcncil. Si-li-iiay Shei-iir Erecting New Hall. I In- 1 iiiiu-h Aliierii lili 1 lllb hale i oiumcmvil the .1 .ten ol a t no t. ni (laini' I'Hil'lini.' ni the hit leii'iitly ptti 1 han'il mi l iank lm aieliiK-, wel n No. Iliicc'. riiyinc In, line. The c.niii tni uill In- ii,'i an .-, Ill)-e'. Hie I-...III (.11 th)' .lull iill.l the lint tliior' ill pHibably In- hci lm 11 l.iiyi- 'i-iieial men liaii.lie nu-. In--..illy a H'eelilly illinl put ate. I with M.HM- I', 1 bailee Ijimi'ii, K. I .iixlalmui ami 1'. , l aiUoii a incur piilalol SI. 11I. wn i-iei 1111. 1 over 'IDI nieiiil, , have -iib-i i-ibi il. h 11 ill I.e a 1 ii opci at n 1- conn-ill, each member paying in a hiuiII aunniii! c.nli month uhich will be iieil in eoiiipletini; the l,Hll,in;- It . e-l iin,ile, that the I'lllM lli', h ll ciimpleti'il, iil cost .1.',IIIMI. Tin- buililin' Mill In- two tui id, .MM.Iti. 1 1'lii'-111 1 i 1 that (In- -pi 111' anil Mini im i npeniiiy of the l!n-. Mitliii'-r, Store tnki'D place Thin "ilav, l-'riibiv ami Sal unlay, March '.'J, 'J.'l anil Jl. ,Mi- Stan ley, direct from St. I.oiii-, ha- ciial'i1 if the t ) 1 tt 1 1 1 i I ) jLT ami i- J.-UH1 anlei'il to be the llnest triniinei' ever ill Ailoiia. 2t No Eauiern Mail - lining ti the -ei diiow l)irin thai lui" previiibil iver the liiub lie net the pa' week. Ho cutein mail lia b)-)-ii reci-iie'l in I hi city for two iai. It i cx.'-i-t)-i that trallie will ha K-aiiiiieil today ii nil the overdue mail will niriie on tniiightV I ruin, The tniui i the iim-t Devi-re for n'veral D-aM ami ha riiiiyi-'l from rtt -rn (Ire t'lili tu ( bicayn. I )iur initie of dhow a. I' pniteil in Portland Monday, while in Kat,ni tri-yiui there Iiiid Ih-c n no cc-.alinii fur neinly a week. It re p)ulei that theie i over (lie, feet of ii"U in b- iii'iiint.iin-' For a good have go to the Occident Umber Shop. Five chair. No long VitilD, III of mil ha. I, l.iinill tuiiii-,! i,i), the balance o the n.lie, t i,,n atrt'l)'aliiig i I li,li!l ..111 for I'"- yiai, 'I he lime lor ei-i-iiiiig a re bat )-l,ip-) . on I la- I "iih, ami ii noon ns I la- ib-lk limine, up the )' ll led ii .11 N, l)e lax roll mil I.e imni-il iiii-r tu (I.e -lieilll tn complete colh i tioli. New Bank Huilding The A-tmia Sax llig Hi lik ba hail plan- prepared for th- m il bank building lo be elected on tin- comer of Kiev cut Ii mid Dunne -licet-. Vol inlay D. C. I,en!-, of I'm I laud, tin- aichiteit , it I lived in the city ami iient on-r tin- plan- uith the tlii i i loi . iiud iidicei- of the bank, and a -"..ll a- they are approved, bid- xiill In- ai 4-1 1 iei fur coiidI em-ting thp buihl-ing. a IB EAD this! On Thursday Morning' we will place on sale, over 1 BED LADIES' r UL AKS New Popular Song Booki Svenson'a. Inquire of the Elks about the event of the season March ag. 0000000000000 GLASS WARE AT CUT PRICES We lira selling out 11 largo stock of GLASS WARE AT 10c AND 15c EACH Kvcry niticli! is a baiain. ( all early and iniikn your Hcleclion. JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS. 118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore. F.Ik Cleek House. Ki-lln- Sca-iile u,i- ill the . -ity yt'tenay, ainl -tale-' thai he ha- !. im-, t In- Klk Cleek In iii-a- lm thi- -e.i-mi and ill mil k e main iiiiinneiiii'iit ail. I n-paii-. lleithe Ium Iuid piii rha-i-.l a -taye :.inl ten in and will make it'i'ular dailv dip- belin- n Sea i.e ami Klk ( leek. Tbw beach i- con iibiei one of the tiioDt licaiit if ill on tl a-t and i iiirn-aninef in popularilv I'lery year Th,- comilet inn of the county in il between Scu-ide niid Klk ( icili ba maile the beach ea-y of ac-ee- ami will no doubt re-ult in nn in i'i i'ii -i'tl tn 1 1 1 1 1 ) r ol" vi-itor. lleii-tofofe. the ioiuN been alnuwt inipa-nble, l'i'iillili del I inn tital to the beach. Robert Johns Drowned I!obcrt .Iolm, the Iii yeai obi -mi of Mr. niul Mr. Ivici .lobiiD of Hay View, xvu m-j-ident-lv tlitmm-il al Ibe ItiH-klaml "hurl, two milcD Ih'Iow Hay View, Monday morning. tiling John went out on the wharf to boi-t th.- tljiy foe thi' teaincr .lordati. and ln'in ubect lo epileptic lit-, it i- preu I he w.i- -inbleuly taken with a lit. fell off the wharf and wa- drown ed Hi- latbei, a .hurt time nftep, saw hi- D)iii' hat in the river and mi iny him, j.iw- lb- alarm (trupplinr book" iii-ii' -ecuiei ami an attempt to recover tin- IkhIv made, but up to la-t niyht. t, I lint been li'inveli'd. That formerly sold at from $20 to $40, and we are going to give them away at the ridiculous price of I The buttons on them cost more, only come and examine them This is the greatest offering ever known on the Pacific Coast at C. H. COOPER'S GREAT CLEAN UP SALE SE83! FLOTSAM AND JETSAM Fishing Season. The fishermen mid caniieiyiiien art' bn-y making aliunde' incut fur the approachine; liliiii m-h-Htm. liill nelleiH ale bu-ily enyayeil in inakinc new nets in' Anticipation of n i'olitnbp sen-on. Tin' recent heavy -now in Ku-tevn Orejfim indiciilcs a tlood in the river, which may interfere "oincwhat with trap fishing and -einint'. re-ullniK bciiellcial to p-ill ncltei--. Old tiuie lixheruien juedict n laifjc run this Hi'iHon, bating their opinion soinewhat on the fact, that the spline run ha" been unusually lij;M. The increase in the number of plants, principally cold Htorapn will no doulit out tip the puck. The pack of salmon has been eonsiJer ably reduced the pant few years mviiiff to foreign shipment of fish in cold Httriic;e, uhich will probably ivhuII in an iucieiieil price for rnnned almon. MiRht Have Been Worse While bbist inu la-t biinlai atteiiii'iui mi llarri-oti ineinic b tueeii Twelve and Fourteenth -I icct-, K. A. lienliiiL' iieil such a hi rue i cliaie of powder in In- operation, that Ihc lince of one fpnimi hurled a lar'c pit-it- of en 1 j li and rock with preat imce tluouyli tin' seciind story window of the resilience of Paul Hatlollct. The cli ii ii k weiflied pel haps twenty-five pound and " 'lf "'"''"t velo city tfiwu it by tin- fnicc of the explos ion, sinn-hcil the window pane, tore the curtain to shred-, and struck the wall opposite. II. ni anyone been in the path of the misslc, he would surely have been killed, ami funeral expenses would have been lidded to Mi. (ici'diuy's bill for llama"!'-. Tin- Sue II. Klmore urrived in last evening from Tillamook and will leave out Friday on her return trip. The stemm r Columbia arrived in yes. terday morning fiom the Bay City and proctscded up the river to Portland. The steamer F. A. Kilburn, which left San Francisco lust Friday, arrived in yesterday morning early with freight ami passengers. The gasoline schooner !eiild C ar rived in yesterday afternoon from Ne balem. An ordinary mid uneventful trip i reported. She will have out on her return Thursday. The steainei Vol t bland w ill arrive here thi- week mi b-r la-t trip for some time. She will hereafter carry lumber from (.ray's Ihirlmr to San F'raneiseo. The (M-rmaii oriental liner Xicomedin, which sailed fiiun A-loria, February 14, with a large cargo of flour, arrived at I long Kmig Monday. The -tcamcr Itoiinoke made a remark ably tjuiik passage from Astoria to San Francisco this nip, Tin- crack steamer of the North l'acilie Steamship line left Astmia at t:-i Saturday morning and arrived at San "i'ancieo Mondav. Tian-nctiini- at the custom house this week were: Kntry of steamer Des- iincu iioui ,-an i laiicisco xiuu a ucii-i eral cargo, French bark Crillon from Fage- PERSONAL MENTION. 11. Tumey id Ft. .Steven-; was in the city yesterday. ('. A. Cole of Young's river was in the city ie-tt-rday. Peter Johns of Bay View, arrived in the city last evening. Mr. Mim-on of Clatsop visited friends in the city yesterday. I!. K. Cole of Sc,a-ide was in the city yeterday on business. I. C. Lewis of Portland regi-tered at the Occident yesterday A. II. Tctlow of Hammond was a visi tor in the city yesterday. 1. C. Frisk of Pillar Kock was in the city yesterday on business. Itollie Wood of Seaside was in the city yesterday on business. W. llultou of New York was a guest at the Occident yesterday. lobii We-t dr.. of Claskanine, was in tin- city yesterday on business. I. V. James ami wife of Red Wing are visiting friend in the city. K. (. Hepburn of San Francico regis tered at the Occident yesterday. Harry Cauley of Hammond visited friends in the city yesterday. M. J. Kinney of Portland is in the t it i at tending to some hii-ines-. J. K. Ferguson returned la-t evening from a luisinc-. trip to Portland. L. Y. Slocitm of Chicago, was among the arrival in the city yesterday. Miss Leahey of Olney is in the city visiting Mrs. Sarah Ross for a few days. Judge R. P. lioie of Salem was in the citv vesterdav the iruet of Hon C. H. A. M. Simpson, a prominent mill maa of San FraiK'isco, arrived in the city yes terday and is registered at the Occi dent. F. D. Winton left yesterday for Walla Walla where he was ealled by a tele gram announcing the serious illness of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Connor. Nomination of Officers. At a regular meeting of Astoiia lodge of Elks held last evening, the following were nomi nated as oflieers of the lodge for ths ensuing year, to be elected at the last meeting in this month: Hvalted ruler, W. E. Schimpff; hading knight, John C. MeCue; loyal knight, ST. D. Johnson; lecturing knights, C. A. Abercromhie, W. E. Gratke, A. J. Cooper, R. J. Coop er, R. J. Pilkington, J. II . O'Connell, nd W C. Laws; secretary, J. f. Clinton; treasurer, H. L. Knight, J. H. Seymore; tyler, C T. Crosby; trustee, H. F. Prael, Edward Lackey. DESTRUCTIVE CYCLONE. XKW YORK, March 20.-A special to the Tribune from Xew Orleans says: A dispatch received here announces that a tornado struck the town of I Brooklyn. Miss., Monday night and wrecked it. Knoiinoiis damage was done and the lo-s of life was heavy but no exact fig ures have been received. The wind at tained n velocity of 90 miles an hour and everything in the path of the tor nado was razed to the ground. After smiting Brooklyn the tornado went sweeping across the country, leav ing a frail of devastation in its wake. Irving Avenue. After several vain at tempt to induce the eoiniiitm council to improve Irving avenue, the Shivcly lm- pi'oe nt Club have, ,t(tkeij thy. matter in lilt tlil . and by its ol!lemls''pii'sented the inntti-r to the eouneil.j1 Ililifinnticipaletl by the residents of this street, that favorable action will be taken in the near future. A number of property owners are desirions of building on the street, but are prevented on account of being tumble to haul (ho necessary inn trial. A large portion of the n venue is desirable residence pnipprly, and over looking the Columbia river, hits brought it into demand. Kiieourngement, by the way of improving streets is n prerequi site to building homes and will result in a large amount of money being in vested and employment given to n large number of men. The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates wry reasonable. Legislative Candidates. - -Tin e more aspirants for legislative honors it i reported, will tile their petition today ami anoiiucc their willingness to be sacrillci'd on the altar of their country. W. T. Scliolliibl has prepared ami will lilc bis petition for state senator thi iniirning, thereby making two candi date on the Republican ticket for sena torial honors. John McCue and Asniiis lirix will lilc their petit ions for the legislature, thus making three candi date in the field. It is to be hoped that nil persons aspiring for political honor will not be backward in filing their petitions, as this year is the opportunity of a life time to ascertniii how popular a man is. The inure candidates, the bet ter opportunity for selecting a good ticket, and one that will sweep the county at the election in June. The more candidates for each olliiv, the bet ter opportunity for making good selec tions. The voter can bp depended upon to make judicious selections, and the result will be satisfactory to cverv one. THE PICTURE WORLD. When you nro in need of anything in the photographic lino in the amateur way, kodaks, films, plates, cards, mounts, and nil the technical dfitsili of the business, and want the best and last in the way of artistic development just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, and tell him so. That is all. Ant weiii, l''.'""'- casks of cement, ami clearance by the steamer Meteor, of feet of railroad ties, part of cargo laden at Stella, for San F'raneiseo. A dispatch from Punta Arenas. Chili eonvevs the information that the side- iwhecl steamer Olympian, which left As toriu on the 20th of February on the long tow to Kong Island Sound, and which went ashore in Possession Bay on thp Chilean coast, lies broad side to the beach, hanging amidships. The ds pa Ich further states that the cost of salvage is estimated at $17,000. The state pilot schooner San Jose has been beached in Young's Bay and is having her bottom painted. Mot Com missioner A, V. Pendleton states that when the work is completed, which he expected will lie in a week or so, she will take the place of the pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer, which boat will shortly come in after water and supplies. The steamer Jennie, which made many trips to (his port for wheat in the sea son, has been bought by Schubeck & Hamilton, of Seattle, for service between that port and Xmuc City. The Jeannie was formerly chartered to Campbell, Sanford ..v. Henley, of Portland, who held nn option on her. LEST YOU FORGET. Is it not about time you were getting that buggy fixed up? It may need new rubber tires or perhaps some other n pairs. If so, take it to Andrew As' Company. They also do all kini" blacksmithing and repair work. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all manner of texldermy, furniture uphol storing, carpet cleaning and laying, mat Inquire of the Elks about the event of tress making a specialty and all worl the season March ag, (guaranteed. John Koovonberg of Xew Y'ork was among the ai'iivals in the city yester day. John Andrew of Portland arrived in the city yesterday on the noon ex press. tieo. W. Hume of Oakland arrived in the city yesterday and is stopping at the Occident. Geo. B. Bent, a prominent commercial traveler of Chicago registered at the Occident yesterday. Mr. McKlroy, one of the owners of the Warcnton mill, was in the city yester day on business. Jas Quinn ami wife of Quiinrs Land ing were in the city yesterday and registered at the Parker. Wm. Anderson the Deep River mer chant was in the city yesterday and left up last evening for Portland. M. Gorman, mayor of Cathlaniot ar rived in the city yesterday and will take a trip to Seaside this morning. i READY FOR CONFEDERATION. OTTAWA. Ont.. March 20.-In the house. Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that Canada was ready for confederation with Xew Foundland, but not with the British West Indies. STATEMENT NO. i. The statement i frequently, and freely, made that the best meal in As toria is always served at the Palace Restaurant. The reason for this broad and general declaration, is that it is so. What better predicate can there be for so important announcement? The man who doubts it has only to call there and prove it for himself. If he can't go by day, he can go at night; the house is never closed. They feed the individual and they banquet the crowd. And all on the same plane of excellence. Com mercial street, opposite the Page building. We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, ; . ,. Celebrated Stoves and Ranges Mill m I THE ZENITH AND THE STAR Every one guaranteed. Will let yon stand or sit on the oven door if yov wish. Prices reduced on all stoves soe" ranges till after the Holidays. . J. Scully 470-472 COMMERCIAL S1REET )0000000000000