THE MOKXIXG ASTOHIAN. ASTORIA. OHKCOX. TUESDAY, MARCH to, iooH. COUNCIL MEETING City Fathers Attend to Official Duties. MAYOR READS COMMUNICATION Hereafter Ordinance Requiring Auditor to Sign All Requisitions For Sup plies and be Approved by Mayor, Before Purchase. Council met evening in tegular wsMon with all invent except Council man Robinson. After the reading of the minutes of the previous mooting hy the aitilitor the Mayor nddies-ed the following communication to the city council : Gentlemen of the Council: I have the honor to call your attention to Or dinance No. 1213. page 319 of the City Charter which provides: that no up- ; vertiso for bid. In that way we would iu-uiv a more uniform if not a more reasonable price; under the present ys tem the price for upplie fluctuate. This. Council has a splendid record for bating managed Ihe city's alTair well, and I fee! that whenever a sug grstimi toe still further improvement i uude by any ollicer. it will receive com t .on inusideiation. At sitiv rate, i cannot hereafter sign vv;tian( for supplies mile t Hoy have been purchased in acnirdiinci' with Ihdi n.imv n, l-.M:! Prudence dictates ueh a rule, and the ln'dinaue requires it epeet fully, UK. I? MAX WISE. A petition a re ul and tiled fivm the teiden( in Taylor' Astmia akiug that that pait of the cilv In- left out of the limit where cow are prohibited from running at large, The following petition for liquor li-een-e were referred to the committee on health and police: Acl lacobon, ( hai l Xeiini. Mail in Ki ancien ilch and Allvrt Seafelt. lieuiotislraiiivs against different stieet assessment weii- read and refined to the committee on street and public property from the following persons: Ccorge Anderson, 1. II. Welch, and Mr. Kilev. : : ... .. . ... . i , i... ,,,,,, , , . .V I om nuolu lion ii,i- I ,1 1 1 lioni im plies shall be purchased except bv an ... . ' .. Mine v liimrov ement chili akini' that ; the n'luent ibv a Ik on Franklin avenue ! lie repaired, and leferred to the : t oiniuiu e on Streets and Public Ways. ( air! also another comuninic.ition from I the club asking that the ordinance In- order signed bv the auditor and police judge, and approved bv the mayor, which order shall set forth the fact that the purchase of supplies aie au thorized by the Common Council, etc.. the only exceptions Wing, in the case where the Fire Engine may be in need of immediate repairs, when the Com mittee on Fire and Water may expend a sum not exce lling $bHi. or in case vi emerirenev when the committee on Streets and Public Ways m sum not exceeding 100 for the purpose of street improvements. The system ad vised in this ordinance is one that is in use in every well regulated bttsine-s house and the Municipal Government is after all but a business institution. Permit me also to suggest the advis- enloleed requiring the stieet to be in omul condition after any improvement li.'s been made. The club reueted that Coiniuetvlal tr-et be kept clean, and that whutevei ay expend a M '''i,:i'n- "n tm -tieet wa done, that it he done early m tiie morning w lien the tratlic would not be interferred with. The Committee on Ways and Means reported favorably on the communica tion from .1. Q, A. Povv!by, which was adopted. The following bills were al lowed on recommendations of the corn- ability of advertising for bids for such ,' mil tee: J. X. Grill'm, $13.35; S-a-ide supplies of which the city uses consid- j --edge. A. O. I", W., ,10; .John Sven erable quantities, such as hay, oats, 'V- coal, etc. The U. S. Government, the j The committee on health and police State Government, and most city gov-, reporting favorably on the petition of ernments purchase supplies from the Max Stahl in regard to auctioneers' li lowest responsible bidder. Let the var-; cense, the report was adopted The ious committees make out a list of sup- following bills recommended paid by the plies needed during the year and ad-! committee were allowed: Sherman Transfer Co., 1; U. G. I'ilkiugtou, $30; hank Hart, I.T5. The committee oil slicel and public way lepiuting favorably on the oti tiou for the impiVvctncnt of Melbourne avenue, the report was adopted. The following bill recommended by the com mil tee were oidered paid: Koard iH Stokes. $3; Cpperlown Transfer Co., $1 ; l ily Lumber vV llox Co., U. The committee on tire and water ic ported favorably on the following bill which were allow ed: AndiVw Ap, $31 SO Tract Kiger Transfer Co., $3; S. Klmoie X Co., ."; S Xanthrop. ?m2. .'(; 1. K. Allen. till cents; Fisher Uros, ..l.0. Holme Seibert, $11; C. K. I.inii'ii, ?e!'J."i; K. Keariis, $1.25. The follow iny building permits were granted on tin- leconiniend .it ion of the committee on public property: Mary Kowe. Kivd Kmeisou, Henry kaxell. Cost Wall, Andrew Young, anil 1 V, Chi. ier. The bill of the Keliam-e Electric Works for :1" was allowed on the ion of the committee. The board of street assessor icported that thev had tiled the assessment for the itnpiovement of Exchange street from Twenty first to Nineteenth tieet. t'ilv Surveyor Tee submitted the plat for the improvement of Mellmume ave nue which vva tiled. A communication Mom the city Mir vevoi relating to the establishment of grades on certain sheets read and tiled. A icpoit from City l'hy-i' i.iu Mohn in iviect in the property turned over to him bv the forinei cilv phvsician, lr. I'lll IIIBL OUTLOOK f Candidates For Various Positions Have Filed Petitions, TWO DEMOCRATS FILED Nearly All the Republican Candidate Have Fil.-d Their Petitions and it is Now Up to the Voters to Make Selection. I'ilkiiieton, was read and tiled. Former -M"'" City Physician I'ilkiugtou reported that he had till ued over the effect of Ihe cilv phv-ician' ollice to the new city J phv-ieiatl and recommended that the; city pie-ent the bill for t he keeping of J the smallpox patient taken from the steamer Kilbuin, to the owners of thej vessel, for payment. The matter was referred to the city attorney and the I committe- on health and police. I An opinion from the city attorney stated that the city was not responsi ble for the payment of the bill pre sented to it by W. (i. Mcpherson and recommending that the city not pay the claim, was tiled and the auditor instruct ed to communicate with Mr. Mcpherson informing him of the decision of the city attorney. An ordinance appropriating money for The few days have witnessed con siderable activity in the political wren of Clatsop county. Most of the candi dates on the Hepubliciiu ticket have tiled their petitions, all of which have liven circulated and numerously signed. Two petition were tiled yesterday, one by t lia. I'. M.isleii, Ki pulilii an candidate lor county commissioner, and one by I!. K. Colfev, llcmocratic candidate for the same ollice. l p to date, only two DiNiiocialic petition have been llled, IS. K. Colfev for county comiuissioiiee and II. I.. Ileiideisoii for slate senator. It i the evident intention of the lVmo. ciats t join with Ihe proposed citizen convention which has been called for t , th day after I he Kepublicau pi imai ies. and plm e a full t il i n's ticket in lint field, igiu'iing all thej llciiioi lalie c indida!e,i and make an at I tempt to carry the election upon the! issue of the IVivmhcr election. Since: election, thcie ha been an npp.uiMil ' ci.uge o -iiitiuniil. most o the lie publicans wtm as-isted in electing the so called citizens' ticket, having become thai Hie ii(ien' movement a sublellugc to elect Demo crat to ollice. t'p to night, the following candi date have tiled their petition for ollice: Stale Senatoi, .lame W. Welch; lepre seiiliitive, C. .1, Curtis; county judge, T. S. leweit and C. W. Caruahan; slnriir. Kinsley Houghton, M. li. Pome- iov atiil lohii tryc; loiinty clerk, .i. i. Clinton; eountv commissioners, Howell; wmmk i nc time is here for you to select your SPRING SUIT We have fairly out done ourselves this year in getting together the swellest line I of Spring Clothes Ever Shown in the City SEE OUR WINDOW. P. A. STOKES Public Confidence in Our Greateat Arnet. nominate a llciiini i.itie ticket. The Socialists are active and will no doubt place a full ticket in the tield, COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Baking Powder Try a run of coin inced is -imply tl,n r,.i-..,,..nt ..( I-;, .1,11. .ire,t from i Lewis ami Ilia-. I. .l.llsen; lleaslllvl, Crand to Lexington avenue-, was the fir-t and second time. The ordinance continuing the special r,.,l I A. li i 'tiiifjor, K tin- peace, C ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE DISCOUNT SALE OF DRESS GOODS IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUK STOCK OF DRESS GOODS WE HAVE MARKED THEM DOWN FROM 25 to 50 Per Gent OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF BROADCLOTH, ALPACA, PANAMA, MO HAIRS, ETC. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY DRESS GOODS WHEN YOU CAN GET NEW AND UP-TO-DATE GOODS AT EXCEPTION ALLY LOW PRICES. 25 Per Gent Discount on Skirts We have placed on sale 200 up-to-date Tailor-made Walking Skirts at a discount of 35 per cent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday GROCERY DEPARTMENT In the store that your dollars bring you the best results. All goods sold under a money-back guarantee. Macoma Coffee, a good 40c value, special for these 3 days at 30c lb; 3I lbs. $1.00 Imported Castile Soap 25c bar Chow Chow, red rose brand, our Regular 20c seller for 15c bottle Rolled Oats 23 lbs., $1.00 Kidney Beans i-lb. tins, 10c THE FOARD & STOKES CO. Where the New things Make Their Debut. J assessment for the improvement of Co. I lumbia avenue from Taylor to Alameda j avenues was ia-ed. I An ordinance accepting the impiove- I ment of Harrison avenue 110111 Thiriietli to Thilty third streets, win passeil. An ordinance appiopi i 1 1 ' money for the payment of the improvement of liar ri-on avenn- w a- p i--e I. " I An oi'linaliec au! hoi i.iiiL' 'he eommit- j t( 11 Ways and Mean- to enter into a I Mejmldi contract with ihe A-tonan nihli-hiiii.' , t !e in and W. A Senium; K Astlmi v ; justice of I' I. Cooduiau. No eundi I dale- line Ucu announced for coiiita 1 hie. mid theie i- one candidate on the I leojsliii jve It i- H-porli'd ! John Met lie U ill ll!e 111- p,l il j,,,, t 1 .1 V i lor I hat posii ion. It i- not n if j theie 1. .my othi i candidates for j the le'i-lat ill -. although sevcial proiiii- IHIlt elie- have ! -I'll i 1 1 1 pi l t 1 1 1 i'd to ' :ie...,l a nomination. It i expeeii- that ' U , T. -s, i,,.! ti.-l.i e. ill ill ,s petition I'm- ' -I lie -ell.llol 1. 1,. II . In- v. ill lll.ll.e the lo in in. 1 1 C ills i oin iilel e, it h llo-peet III Vcly llttie I, . pi, -it It. II to Old Timer Fiom Seanide Advocates Com pletion of Prenent Ruilding. SeuMilc, Hie , March I'l. Iditoi Astoiian: A lew day ago 1 vva- i avi-itor in voiil cilv a II, I I win siirpiiscl to see the many improvement that were made during the puM yeiip Vou, u a i-it v, have a lino city hull and I Ihe ne hospital it a credit to any city, j and then to se Ihe foundation of the I new court house ii, it i-, tlmt will eot I one ihniisand dollar to put In repnlr, j and make it il- good u when wolk WII ! siisiended. Suppose your citizen wero i to get together in ti ma meeting and I nominate onic one of your citii-n for 'county commi-sioiier, who hn nome ahility u it nieehiinie, and liuild the court house. The pieierd court hnil-e is a shame and di-grae-- to any count , as it is. I .e sonic of your capil.ili-U lake stork in a company and put up the money. (he huilding he hllilt llll I the eolllt p. IV I lie inli-lest oil the llloiiev advaneC'l. As a ellieii of Ihe Schilling's Best every can gnat nnteed, or yiur money hack. f j;ivp no prciuiuni-, hence Ihe ipul itv ol our good uie hetler, und sive you tuuncy, Olympic Flour ll.'-'U I'er Suck $4 OS Vr Itnei of frenh fruit and All l.iudn talilcn. ve,' I ollllt V , I s,i v I have l,ee,l lol t V lVo V e;l and loiinU ;r .1. II Wei.- ,i l.uihl th- , I lit letl f, , ami have c 1 1 1 iin ;iln; h i it no" i- i Mi I plll't 'louse lliole Ml ill II the I itV -t Hot hill.'. FRANK T. WKIGHTMAN, TARY OF STATK. SIXRK to do ihf i'y pri nt hi ss a- --Ilictlt i ('ompany I pa-'-ed. S A resolution levy iic an ! for I he impi ov ement of Alam ! from Columliia nvcniie to Ihvaeo avenue wan reail ami adoptcl. A pi-.olu' ion makiii'.' an ;i----tnciit for the improv "ment of liireh -treet from Fifty-Second to Fifty third -treet was adopted. A re-oliition granting the property owners on Sixth street hetween limine and Commercial streets permission to improve the 'tri-et hy "ending ami macadamizing, was adopted. A rfHolution to improve Fourth street from Ator to the railroad track wiifi laid over until the next meeting in order that an inquiry might he made to -ee if the property would -tatid the a.-tsesa-rnent. At the conclusion of the routine lmi nem the council listened to a number of speeche-i from members of the Shively Improvement Club relating especially to the offer of .Mr. Parker to give certain land to the city provided the council would express favorable opinion toward the improvement of Irving avenue. The property connects Irving avenue in Me, dure with Irving avenue in Shively's, and all the resident along that street seem to desire that the donation be accepted by the city and that the entire, street be im proved from Kighth street to Fortieth street. President Osborn o ft ho Club, Mr. Parker, and others expressed them selves on the matter at length and as a result a better understanding was peach ed between the council and the club members. It is likely that in view of the almost universal desire of the Irv ing avenue, property owners that the street be improved, that, the council will take some action on tin- matter soon. The council then adjourned. i VV .' Ml I'll' h.iv,- til -I id and n i i la ' e- 1 1 - r t i, il I In-ir oi l it ion-. lepiv.i-ntative o tin- Astoiian lias ivcnue( ni.nh. ,,u ;,luio-t complete cmv.o-s of the eountv, and icpoit- that I he l!c publicans in lie- eiiimty an- unite J I he iinlieat ion- .il - t hat cv ery p I will roll up a M,i,,i Kepiililieau iii.i joi ily . j Kegi-tr.ition- Horn the vatioii- precincts colli iuue to come in. e-ierday lil l.v registration- were died t rum Clifton, all being licpiiblicans but Ihiv, who de II. a W i,, i s,. W l:l',!l I' let. I IV II-.- he ,1 lie I ecillct I I Invaluable for Rheumatism. .. I have been suffering for the past few years with a severe attack of rheumatism and found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to al leviate my pains. March 24, '02. John C. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills. 25c 50c and $1.00. Sold by Ilart's drug store. i Iin -d to dcclaic their politics. Wesl -port reported eight and Oliicy live, all Kepublicau with ot xccptioii. The registrations in Ihe county up to the close of the clerk's ollice hist evening, was as follow-": Astoria, No. 1. h:s; No. 2, 104; Xo. :, 101; No. 4, l.'IO; No. o, 11H; No. II, 74; No. 7, 74; total for the city, flfl4. The following are reported from the. county precinct: Clifton, No. 1, 54; So. 2, 15; ( hadvvell. 25; Clatsop, H; .John Day, No. 1, 15; No. 2, II; KMc, 14; .Jewell, 14; Kn.-ippa, 42; Mishwaiika, 1!; Mel ville, 12; New Astoria, 25; Olney, 13; Push, II; Seaside, 117; Svensen, 10; Vesper, 12; West port, 0; Wnirenton, 25; Walliihki. 18; Young's Hiver, 111; total for the county, 1 1 OH. The registrations for voting at. the primaries closes on April In, and per sons who register but. fail to declare their politics cannot vole at the prim aries. All voters who negirder before April 10th do not have to register again to vote at the .June election. Out: of the 110H voters who have registered, over 000 have declared their politics as lie publican, the remaining number being divided between Democrats, Socialists and independents. The indication are that about 2000 voters will n-gister for the prima rica, and the result is problematical. It is estimated tht there are fully 3000 voters in the county, ami those who do not register are niosfly Democrat and Socialists who expect to nominate tick ets by petition or assembly. An as sembly requires 100 voters to meet in a mass meeting and nominate a ticket, and it is very evident from the registration, that the Democrats intend to bold nn assembly on the 21st of April and v I I:NK I t Ic- !! pul,!i, i it ,t Mate: - , hual II. pul, I has a Ivv a v I 1 1 ! 1 1 in I he i-,il, p.: 1 1 V I eg 1 1 dies, of I ,n t ion- ; H e.lll-e he i- .1 111,111 of integrity a lid I c-poii-iliilily and ha cveiy qualifica tion to make an efficient ollice) ; lleeail-e he i- of I he common people, -a bov lai-cd on the Mini and made iii vvay in the world by hi- own person ality and perewrunci- llcciiisc he has a reputation as an ollicial which will Is'ar the chi-e-l in vestigation by hi constituents; llecaiise he is a friend of the laboring classes of this state and bus their cause and interest, at heart; I'ecau-e he is an advocate of meas ure whereby Ihe burden of taxation inav be distributed so a to be eoiia upon all propel lie within the state, tangible and intangible; I!ccaue he is more familiar with the lieeessit ir ami requirements of the office to which he aspires than any other man in the Stale of Oregon; Kccaue he has the confidence of the people of this state, who recognize his qualifications and purity of purpose; Itecause bis legal qualifications par ticularly adapt iiml qualify him to fill such oll'ic; Itecause he has morn friend than any nlher man in the Stale of Oregon, and will, therefore, get more voles; Jiecanse of his motto, " May the Wright man w in." ST0RIAGR0CERY Phone Main 0H1 B23 Comnierril 81 Afflicted With Rheumatism. "I via and am yet niriicted wi'ii I l i-in," mi vii Mr J. ('. It.iv rn e'ror of ihe II raid, Addingtoii, Indian t ei i;t, .iy. 'but thanl, to Clinmlierlall ' I', .in h.ilin am able oinv niotv to utleiid ', hii-iiu-s- Il i- the I, est of In i-ineiit- ' If troubled vvi'h tic uinatim give Pam P.. ,lm a dial und yoii ale cur iam ! , e nitii - than i!ea-ei with Ihe pionipt icli f which it iiHoid. tine up pliialmn relieve the pain. For a! by Fiank Hart und leading Druggi-li NOTICE. All voter of Clatsop county, i i re -jieefive of parties, ure hereby invited ami leque-ted to meet and piirticlpnt in a ma- meeting to be held In " Iigan hull" at Astoria, on Saturday, April 21, P.iOtl, at 10 u. in., for the purpose of nominating a full county ticket to b voted for on Monday, .June 4, HHifl. C. ,J. TRKNCHAUD, Chairman of the Citizenn' Committee of Astoria, Ore. MAX W. POUT,, Secretary. i i a Cured Consumption. MiH. 1'.. W. Evans Clearwater, Kan., writes, Mv husband lay sick for three months!. The doctors said he had .prick consumption, We procured a bottle of P.allurd's Iloarchoiind Syrup, and it eiired him. That was six year ago and niriee then we have al way's kept, a bot tle in the houe. We cannot do wifa out it. F'or coughs and eolda it ha no equal. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug nt.ore. It pours the oil of life into your sys tem. II, warms you up and starts Ihe life blood circulating. That's what Ifol listcr's Rocky Mountain does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart, druggist. THE Dr. C. GEE W0 Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly locate.. 2M Alder Street; lor thw pHHtflve ycam,UAVE MOVED into tho . i t.i i i .,. ner of First find Morrison Htreotu. Eu trnnceNo. 102 Front Br. Successful Home Treatment r."i.f.iKK W0 known tliroiiKhout lh ( ill c, States, nod n called tlie Hreiil. Cliluesn DiK'tor on acrount or liU wonilerfiil curen wl .lioui, llin aid ot a knife, without uslmt poison or driiKs of any kind. Il treaui any iinrt all (llKeascM with powerful orlentrvl room icrhH, liurkn, mid vei(eutl)les tlmt are un known to medical Kcfenee In thl country, and throiiKli the use nf these liurmlcsH reme dlcH lK!KUaranU!cH to euro Catarrh, Aithma, Lunj Trouble, Rhtumvtiim, Nervoumeii, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, FemaU WeaKnen and all Chronle D ieaiu. Cull or write, imeloNliiK 4 tennt ntampa for iiiallliiK hook und clrcnhii'. Address, The C Oe Woo Chinese Medicine Co., No. 161 1.2 F,nt St., S.E. Cor. Morrison. Mention tliU Portland Oregon. STAMMERING AND STUTTER ING CURED For Particulars Address THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAM MERERS 1261 oaBs. amhill Street, Portland, Oregon. .