The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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TUESDAY, MARCH ao, 1908.
Dy m. j. rmiLirs
Cni) ilulil, 1 1 . l I'. I . Knot unlit
Murrln liiiiil'iii wim nIIh'H yearn nlil
wImmi IIu HiiiiIkIi Anii'llcnti war limlti'
out, n ml ii mure iirdriil III 1 1 piitrlol
illil not live In IIiiiiIi'IhvIIIiv ll im
luiliiriil tluit n!i utiiiuld love Iiit loiiii
try. Iler father iiimI Kt-ii n I ri I li-r hud
IuiikIiI fur tin' I nliin In tin I'lvll war,
inul mi tin iiiIkIm AiiII iiioi iiliiu In
is'.m, when tin- I luuti'i III" rifle
until IhmI iiwii.v (ii JiiIii tin linlain I
tin- li tclineiil nt tin- Male ivinlfy.viiiH,
Iiit liiiiilier, hcihic t Iti yir Im-i
Ki'hliir. un In li t imiiI.h, I'lii'llii'iiii'irc
IUi.mI Mct'lll'liUl also Hole till- lilni
ulnl ;u lli'M t tit i-i i-.iiit l -i i - I in
lillllnh III tin' linn! nl tin' Nlnnly- ml
llliill i'f fnill "
M.i unm iiml M. if. l. i hud Irt'i'ii
fill U'U n in 1 i mi, i. nl'" .ill iln-ir Ii"""
Ilinll' I. It l UK "'in lii'inlillii;.' mi
lln- MMk'" "I M,iuillilhk' ii'i'i'l' n'lt
1 1 1 i -ii 1 1 1 i ) i k u In ii 1 1 i i,''"U
Will' HW'p! till' ,1,111111k' III. Ill 1IWH, tl
lln in nip wlii'Vi tin' Mule troop wen
lltli-il fnf llin ' olium: niliii.lik'li
M- I iHI'ill. who Ilinl I'l'l'U ll'll III
lllontl rlntllllik Hi, Hi', Ulli a line
iiiiinly ymiiik' fellow mnl liutui'il ol
illi'l- II" hi. "I tlm nniii mnl cli'i nil
uliiini' nf war, tin' ilrilliiiK. Ill" imi-lr
tin ilii'illiiik I'liM-ii' at "reireiil," i-
cirri lii'inl ai i,.iri In ri-vi-i .-m :
1 1 : ll- llll' I iiln! It W "I i' "I"" l In'-' "I'" '
HI,.' IS- li;i;,. " v. iMik nil" " I ! ' ' 1 1
(.r i.:!-l H..1.1.. v lln I '. i ! Tin- -.1.1 mili't nl "l-' !!" .rcl ll, i'. i
,.,ii., .ii , i it;-. ..r " .i
i, ,i.i, ih i,;, , r i .ir. t ..f
j . - -1 . I't ll'" 1 I'ii.i. ' ! 1 'l. ' ' " I
l!;, .. I,- in- ' . .ill "I i" i. . ' !
St II" llmii.l M ' ' ' tl
.; t a I ii... .n: . '! .. ' .
1 1, , w if, ii Ii.- xitii.i Mm i .i
.,!v,-ii I.-I.'t f..' I ' ii .1 f
,i i .(..III. I't I 1,1'' ' ' .11 1 !.
":.ri.'i III"' "
111,' Mi-i !' 1 1 v. . ,r : i u . ;
i ulii 'i i ,:; iii. '
ii li'i'Z ml I ' 'I linn lli '. -i " i i .
I u ; I i'i .1'i'u :' i .i ' V . I
Tin. iliiy tin- ii k' - i i- ii." i'
.,;'; " . .1.1,1'. H of t j . - t ', I. ! M '.
'I.i vi ii' fur I wo iii i'..i' ' ' ' i'
!!i li'.irui'I." I"' received n I' li'- i ii
linUlli'lir,- ti nt hi" f:l!'i" :i I' i ! v
iMiinltn lur. Inul In-fit I.HI'-I 'i i " '
lln. litur liir!i fiilt.i'.l t , . ::i'i
w.ih ki "inn' us my. i; "." I
'"' '
lll:l HI l ), II nil: I.IITI.K
I 1,1 Ml nl' Mil'. IMII.n.
t lift M ill Hill M.l t linlliTli'il Willi HOITllW i
hi lll'ri'll ll'HH ,,,-i:llil III tllllHl
jjlvi' ti lilt (llin " III ill" nihil.
Hit tiHillii'r mnl liiiiiti'lf -i" ikih lib
Moluti'ly ii Ihih' in tlm Mui'M. Ilcr In'illlli
wiih tint hIihiik Tlii'lr Hill" lioiii" wkii
lllltrtk'llk'l'l lllllllllltliill polllll'll DIM
tvuy, ilniy tli" iiilnT. mnl iluly wuu. At
tlm vi'ty Imiii' Hi" 1 1 iiiiIitm ill" rlflt'H'
tfMik III" niilli M :ii rim. IIiiiiikIi " "Ii
tlii'tii In Kjilrlt . nii'i"'. from tlif trtiln
lit lilt linliii' i lly u rli llliui
A fi".". iii'iiiit itri.t.THtMMl mnl ml
inlrnil Itlin fur tli" i niir-ir, ho lini'iii'iil of
liuiiiil iMiiniiR". wliirli Ii" liinl HilojititJ.
Tlii'lr Hii'nliiiiiiiii ill'l ti! I'outiti'rlml
Hiii'i tin kiiihmm nf iiimiiv wiin ri'Kiirili'il
tlm yiniiirf iniili nt ri (vuviiril Krowti,
proittii'lor of tin- dim, wuu n kitihIIiIo
inn ii llynlnrln tliil nut 1'iitt lit uitrl')t
Ihiii with him, i"-iilt.' tln lifitnorliiK
of tliow wini Ititlttfil t tin t MrCarrou
for rutinlitK iiwiiy frmn tli" piiriny'H
litilli'tt nIi'iiiM Ii" ilrUi-ii frmn town In
gnve U buy hi nlil plii""
Tlif rltitiil In iltii" (tHttitl Kniipr
JuiJicnii'iit riiiniiii i'il nnitt iMTtoiiH thy
w'r wronic In lirmnllnii Mnt'iirroii tin a
poltrixiti Winn tin- iitnmny, nailly
ttivlmittfsl. rHnriii'.l fiuin fulm after
the war ttn tnMl-M Inul notlilnif bat
tood wonlM for tli" nimi who bad trn
thHr iMiiiirtiil" ilnnli'iilly In- won foai'k
bl old ilini' In tin- iirTi'i'tiitii n ml ttt
twia of lilt tnui: II" lt:nl will-
al two -i in f i. : j - mk M Ui ni'i'H lil
raol!ijr juiir.'i' tM n eratltmlu
ormin Astorian
Bay in
The Astorian Wants 50O New Subscribers
And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been
Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by
Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper The Astorian
mat warTtlf ill "ihn dptlt or lit wrl
floit and the morf(Kn had m llfl"d
from Ihi'lrliom1,
Man ia fJordoit found In tier mlwlill"
playinatn a puxr.l wlilch tlm did not
aolvi. Tin- lilgh aplrltd girl Hliliorr"d
rowardli'i and r-onld not Ih-IIcvc Hint
th mf wlio had Ix't-n her i-ompiinloti
oonld ! bft". Over and ovr iicnln
alio convlin'i'd IwraMf that hi' wim
alralghlforwnrd, liravi and nituily;
that h had rotnc homo lwenoa" hla
ronarlfii" had ahown him It wbh the
only thing to do, And, whll' thf lint'il
hrrai-lf for It, a donld alwnya ippt
Into tier rtaiiOiiltiK, a doulit alie could
Ulll (ltli,
Tin' love for M"'iirroii which Imd
f on llif vi'i'Kf of iIIhi'MIiik Itmil
o her iiuiil"ii huh I wiih iirri'Mtfil li
till' pl'I'tlHlfilt iIIhIiiimI. Ii wuh lil." II
fiHiiillil fl'n.nll lit II Wilt IlltnUt In llll
foM iii k'loiiotiH lild ijii mnl friigniiii'f.
ll illil mil ili'iny, mnl It "otllil lint 1"
vi'lup 'Hi" If.v (.'lip iii"ii."'l on" nt II
pi-i'M-ntfil ill" utliiT, Tli" K'ti hinl ml
lll'HIt III'lllV. I'm' ill"
lii',uli'il mnl K"'"l to Imii iiioii. Vii
noii" mini" nny iinpi"-itiuii, for tin
Hl.-inll i-l ll.'illl rnlllil 1'H'f lilll Oin"
lln- ftlflll It'll' t lilll n MliHl" ton",
fSlin l.iii'U Hint MiCiilloirH loV" w.'i
licr. !n im iiloti", mnl Ilinl 'Hli liiio
too, ilii'ii- iii vi'i' uoiilil In- nny mi" ii'"
"Jiii'V iin I ffi'ipii'iilly nt fiii'inli, lm
-vi r in 111- wilt tin- iliilnli, 1 1 m - 1 1
H-i'iiit Imp'' "In- ln ii'il lift "inoui';'',' '
in Iiit "w-h tlm iii"iy Ii" "oiil'l not mi
mm r.
Mm tilt t iy til" winilnw of li"l' Iioiih
mil' iiiii-riiiio:i In i-miy wlni.-r w.-itiir-ii.
tin- ilrtt Mimtt (.ill oi' tin- tfiit in. Lit
tl.- ilrlltt ufi- t'.iniiint? Ii"i' inul ''"'i'i
mi tlm ilu-ity i;iM ini'iit 'Ii'" Ix'J't "I
tin- ni'ik'lili'i'l'oo.l, ni'li.iiit wi'li limiltl
mnl milnml kimil". .-l. .iix'l tin- fini'.i
ttlth ullil ri-Jon ink'
Tiny were .liilniiik' in :i flnif mi !!'
tnni.t of t! " li.-i trif liii". H"i' li"'
giivf a llti'f ilii'ii" ii M"' '-Hi''"! i'i'
pfiiii-l, ttniliiik" :ilolik' iMiiu'Wiinl II'
Hfi'lllfll to I'lljuV 1 .1 iin,' tli" "in I
Hit I I v .it up mnl lii- lirnml 'll" il
del lilt.'k.
A Mini" mi In ' Iin" I n ". 1'" tt'ip;n-ii ;
llioliii'lit In ualiii tin' In','.' "I t"
play . iin- avly !:irUii" "f winn-r.
ri'inlv l 'k-:i ni'ik' I" tliit I.i-ji. :iiui tin
hlioiii of J ivon yoiin:,' Anii'ii'-a p;".'
vi-nti'il ftiulit or uniiinl of ii hfnv.v i-m
until It wan Hlni'wt upon tlm nxTrj
fin I".
'Hii'ii Hi" boy Hiil I" I'iinl". "II I'll
onn littl" lii'l. who Nllp'Ktl on tin
ntnootli wet brink anil Kprawlttl In-lp
"hk ni-roHH tin- rail. Tli" tiiotoruiiu
liangcd tin- KoiiK anil twitt.-d the liniki
frfltitUiiily. hut tli" iiiiiiiifiituni of tin
car mill carried it forward at cni"
tlhe Montlh For 65c
'rt'J'th n Ktiilii' ii n!"k horror mnl ye:
with n tli"il of Joy, to i. M.ircln. Htrihi
lug her (' t'ir iii'.li lh" nl'iom. aim
Mrt'iiiroti iliirl from the walk Into tin
afrccl, H'iv, hl'it lirtmli the III He flk'iir'
clc'ir of tfi" rriila unil tli"ti K h"vi
liiinmif h iii-rli the ruth of Urn car.
She lirt : I. .v" fainted In her ehalr
for Hie tie- I :-li.. remembered the roon
.viii full rien ami Mi't'arroii, diHty
hrt'Ncd nt il ""h "! mi, lay on the eoti'-l
,i-;V' li'-v Oil Iff. n'iillncn In tone,
of p"of" : i.;:l . li-f-rfiiineaH wan Hpenlf
llld tf 1:1 : f,itf.;' 'TncoliKClolM Jut
now, of oiini". Inn Iic'h not daiiveioiii
ly hint. A luol;"ii ck n the word o!
IiIm IiiJ:i: !"j. I nevi-r 'tw' n nobler pet
mid I'm nioi" Hi, in bappy It Inn't Komf
fo ol him lii !:f"."
The froen rote of love In MaHti'i
In-art hinl I. i: t lit icy bomU of ilonli'
nt Mi-'':itifii ' lii'.'ne ilne-l imd bloom"'
In Hpli'liior "ii tlm itiKlanl. Sh" (ll'ip'i"'
nil Iiit knee by the i-oilii llll'l kitti'i
McCiin'oirt lilooil Htalni-il lit.
fjniii;i !" 'I Into lifn by the far". !ii
eyi-li'lM Hut i llil, lie ll'-'l i
k'laiice of v under, then i-oiopriin-liloli
on Hi" k'i'i "iiil hai "j.'"" "i" J'oi!'
pity, Mini!.. , nt 1,'i-t." he whltpered.
The fni l.'e tone p :- -i n ic ho hi""'
of coiilet tni' itt mnl iifTi'i-Hoti ani !'
old dear ii.'.r.m nf "hil'lliood caitHrd !!.
reinly tem-n to overllow. "Not j.':,
Hoyd," hIj" atiHwered. "not pity, di-.i
In-art. but lov. "'
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Ctniin
li. rlain'N toii-ib lii-nnily. It it kept on
linnd emit in ii ally in our lioine," says W.
V. Ke.-nney, cilitor of the Independent,
Lowry City, Mo. That i jutt what
i.ti-ri- fninilv ..liiinlil fin. When kfnt at
hiiini icii'lv for iim'atit u-e, a cold may
. , . .. . , i . ii..
hi! elifi'Ki-fl at tlm oiusi'i. ami i-iirco m
liniih le-H tiiii" than after it has he
roine nettled in the cytem. This rem
eiv in alto without a peer for croup in
L-hiMi'cn, and will pn-vent the attack
when riven as ko'iii a the child be
louiih hoare, ir even after the cmupy
eniieh aiieai, which can only lie done
ulii-n the remedy it kept at hand. For
t-nle by Frank Unit and leading drug
MANILA. March 19 Eva Rowland,
known on the PaciHe Coant as "Little
Egypt," who was reported to have elop
ed from San Francineo with H. McKin
ley, who figured in the Oregon land
fraud rate, has niTived here. Mi
Rowland nay that she and McKinley
wparated at Shanghai and that McKin
ley is now en route to (luati-mala unilcr
the name of A. Osier.
SB3SESi3aS3 1
Impossible to Get Employment, as
Face and Body Were Covered With
Itching Sores Scratched Till
Flesh Was Raw Spent Hun
dreds of Dollars on Doctors and
Hospitals and Grew Worse
"Since the ynr 1 HO 4 I have been
troiilihi'l with a very liftd cai of
WZCIIta which 1 have srH-rit, hllliflri'd.S
of 'lollar.s trying
tociire,,ind I went
to the hospital,
but they failed to
cure me and it
vii (r'tliiig wiirw
nil the time. Five
week.- ago my wife
bought it box of
Clitic urn, Oint
ment and one
cake of Cuti' tira
.Soap, (wid I am
jflr-iiM-fl t'f -ay that I am iiowcoinpleU-ly
fund and well.
"It wa- itriios.-ili!e for me to get
employment, a- my face, head, and
body vere covered with it. The
eczema fir-t a.xai.(i on the top of
my head, and it had worked all the
way around down the back of rny neck
and around to my throat, flown my
lui'lv and around the hip-. It itched
Ki I Would be obliued to Scratch it,
and the (!,. h was raw.
"I would fir-t v a.-h the affected
parts with warm water and Cuti' iira
frr.p, and tin ii apply Cutieura Oint
ment and I' t it remain on all night, and
in the morning I would us- Cutieura
Snap. I am now all well, which all
my friend.-' can testify to, and 1 will be
iileaMi! to recommend the Cutieura
Kemedics to any and all jx-r.-on.s who
wish a spei'fly and permanent cure of
ekin discawu." Thomas M. Hositer,
290 Prospeet Street,
Mar. 30, 100o. East Orange, N. J.
Tlumur. front PititplM lo cpf(ui, from lufinryto Are,
cunuittih? f1 Cutirurt iV.. ' tintirifDt, ,i ., Btfjl-
enl. .Vir. i In form of Cruwrntt itcd I'i! it, t. per vital
trf ). Hty b hatl of ii'.(iniKsriTt, A injrlc often -ur
thi mixi uiftmiftig ( whru r-ltt- itV.u Potter Iiuf
Chrm. "orp.. Kolf Ft-.p., B-i-t'.n. M.
T MtiUU i stt, " JLd AtKut liic &kiu, Sctlp, ud Bait.1
Have you weakness of any kind
stomach, hack, or any orfran- of the
IkmIv? Don't doK? yoiir-clf with ordi
nary iiii'dicinc lfolli-ter's Tiocky Moun
tain Tea is the supreme curative power.
35 cent. Frank Hart, drupgi-t.
65c a Moath
All X
n.T"-' A Toe Marks
f'fffft CopvmoMTt Ac.
Anyvnn mwidlni nkotoh nd dtwirtptloii mnl
qntnklr mn-firfiiin our opinion ?f htbtr u
lnfnllon in prohnhlf palnntAOl. rommunlc.
tlofiiripilr''.iiiiiliiti!. HANDBOOK on fnont
iont frnn. (i,t irM.rf for mwurlnn Mtml,
Vxfiitn Ink"- throtiKh Miinn & ( o. rwalv
tprini ii"'.", without charte, Intba
Scientific American.
A hiinilnomitlr lllmfrnfM wiwklr. T,r0Mt dr.
cuUlloti of nr MlentlBn Joanial. Trm, H
ymr: tar month, IU Bold by all newdlr.
ftUNN & Ce.36,B-'New York
Branch Offloo, 635 t 8t, Wm blDitoo, D. 0.
The ti;
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tiiinw renti-J. itf:'.v;ber: h.rniihe't.
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