The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 19, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Till- sti-,illlllli Sfllitt l united dollU
In. in tlir inetropoli. le.lci'luy inoiuing,
mill i;ltj,"l ,IM. I ni-tclllccli
ciigtT i'H tout- In Nit it I i . in -1 i In
ulilrii llt li ml I - I liu follow in-,'
pic mil of (In. rl, I . Sitiiiiaiiii ii ml I ,
llllllllilll, ill I III' i III. 111. ,ill. I M .lohallsoll
.lllll I'lllllk M.'IIIIT, III Hil' ill'il.
I'll'" II jooi honrh III 1 1 I 1 1' I I .
Tli- iin "ii
I II t l'll'lu.l
Ill tl'l I llllllllll. lllll- I'l 1 1 t
iil.i iiiii- fm I'm Hand,
ulli'le he W'll li'lll, lln
.1.1 V .
next liu
I In- ti-1 ii i I;. -I. in. t.i i in nr 1 1.. ti H ( i "in
I'm 1 1, iinl i'li t 1. 1 l mm mug iiinl went
In .1 llll'l S.i ii I i nn is. ii, iliu-itli.
I In- l .i mil liiluiii l'oulcii . i all
nit iitini il.ii' :i M'.li'iiln ini.i iiin'
mill fiuimi'.l I In- l,t iti 'in o'clock, Sin
I I HI. l-n. Iinllinl
I III' Itll'lill ti-illlialllp lllnnl Ii . li ln il
llii pull in lln- - 1 1 mm iiiiijf ill ye.
Ii hIiix, Irmn I'm lliiinl, hi mute In
I All,, illi ii OiU'd en I n Mi"'
lit In wil limit ili'lii y .
Illl A IIH'l HUH llip I'.l'lllll I" IIOW l 'iiij;
nlotigide llii' Mliiirf n( llii Wiim-ii
Parking Complin) , ni (iiililr, loading
Ilpplle for A lit Kit II pott
W ill k nil lln ullllki'll li-,lllli lifiil -jf I
Klilrf i ili tnlily iii;rriiliK. Il
HillM.ll iiiii. Ilv III llt'lili'lill;' tin- lulllil"! '
iinil mirli .it 1 1 nl lln- liii iii run ln
ina. Ii- (,'imil i.i- of
rillnm wi iillti-lit mi lln- Uillrl
11. ml Inn- M'-M'liiv, lluil I lie Tmit'ii
'' j
I'mnl MiIIiiil' I 1111111.1 in hii'l rh.iili'ii
tin- nii'iiiinr Sunn- I i(y fur tin- piirni--I
liiiiKpiiilitii,' tin uiilpul nl I In mill
In I iililm 111.1 .mli nl iti'liwiv, it t-urttts
lllli'i rill j-iii t llnltll lliilll lili'l'' lull
inquiry nt I In" oIi'hv f I lie rompiiiiy di.l
linl ti-ii'l In 11. llllllll lln- H'piill, ill flirt.
11 mil pniiiip! h ili'iiiril.
Notit-c In Manners.
Tin- liilli.ttili" iiirnl. Ilir nl
li'lil., Iliinv", .iml I .i 1 linn l-, I'.ii'ilir
I 1. ,1-1, 1'Hlli,
Rt'aronit nf On-pini, 11pt' 'W. - fnipiilli'
Iliinv, 11 iril, lirl rlui mm, maiknl
" ( 'iniiilli' " in liliirk, ii'piitti il iiili-ift,
Miiirli 12, will Im- irpliiii-'l nn 11111111 an
('nliimliiii Kivir, pn-,'1' ."ill. I'luinin'l
I'unl Siili- Iliinv, n, 4, 11 ri-i, (lrnt
kpur, found mi-iity I'rliruiiry 2H, uni
lrilllrr lln- ,ii- liny,
W'illupii lliiy Kntranri'. pii(.t fill. -Snml
I tin ml, Nnrtlii'iiKt nil Inioy, No. 8, a
rril, llrxt-i'limt nun, n-purtoil niliSft,
Afiin-li 5, will lip rrpliH-i-il 11 h hihui hh
Ailmirulty Inli't, pg "7. Colvoa
nil kindt-i of
Better Than Any Other Machine,
it alHo
Chops All Kinds of
Fine or Coarse as Desired,
Into Clean-Cut Uniform
Pieces, Without Mashing Them.
It does away with the Chopping
Bowl and Knife Altogether.
AhIc us fop a Universal Cook
Book Free.
118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
Itlll l.S IlllllV, Nil, 2, .1 (I'll, Hl'IOIld
nun, i 1 1. 1 1 1 i'i nut n p i. nil inn. Match
Mill I."' Ilil,rl'. 111 miull Mi plllrl li able,
'lull I'lillll llll'l, Nil, I, ll lillllk, first
I'lllHK lill , l'Mlt ll'l ll'll'lll, M.lllll I .'I,
II ill 111' l'll,l l l if, .mil 111 1. 1, 1. In iililr.
I'liecl SiiiiiiiI, itt(jf 7H. I In , i I iii Hi'i'l
llllliV, 2, ll led, MTiilllI i 1 III 1 hull
ni, ('1111111 iiiiI nf iuii iiiii, M.ii' h 17,
ii i . (il.ii i', iln .inn.- iiij .
Silliilnyil I'll sail -.'', p.lj-1' Hi I l, It Hill
I Iiiii I inline I Hunt. Vi I. ii, cc
I i. ml i lu niiir, Inn 1 1 if in iii'nlri
repotted inlrill, tin iipliii'i.l M.iiiIi li.
A Broken Num. A
li.illli' n Mi'. i Mr i,i
Ii'l il.i t . Ilimi I ! ii ' 1;
mil;,' in. i n l.t I In
ill tin- i il i ie
i, il 'i ,i li nl
Iiinl.. ii iiiii-"'
I !n- I r,i lnw
'I In- iiijiii y a -in
it l"..nn,' i
i, iii-ii Iii
n.ji v. Iii'l i-
In- iiiii al null. , liii
li.n l. ii il Ii, In 1 1 1 1 1 1
Hi- ii.ii. inn'fiilli iiiii
iiKin;' .iihI li Hit!
Ial 1 I'll. i'"llll
Mi' ii .m i it I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 illl.) il.llllliU ill H-lnl' M
I llll'l lllll Millie lllliii.':i Willi linlliill;; lli.tii In lu.irl. lln lllitlll'l
Knkcd by a Hone. Mi-., a
iirll Kinmii Minn;' l.i.iv ni ilii- (linn
iliilijit w.i cieiih lniit mi S.i tut ilii
i ti in j by I In- Itii'L '( it ii inn. Imi i-
,.ii. li.i.l In lif limj;!il (n llii. lily mill
pliii ni iiinliT I ii-it I niiiil lit St.
lniiiliil, wln'ii' ln' i I i r i t' nii'li iiii'l
will -iiini iituwi finiii lln limilili' niul
illllii.l ,iln r liill''lll
Make nolr of this date: March 19.
'Ilir I liilllllill nf I iitiilliriri- inert in
H'iiI.ii -i-..iin Inliiylil, lit ulilili limr it
i 1. i-M-i Iril I'ri -iili'iil Mni-r will
In' iiiihirtril inln iiilin- .iml I lie win k in
liiiiniiil ilii-ii-ln. 'Ilir I a tul i 11' I'liiniiiil
In-, fm tlir iimiiiij' yr,ii tiill Im inimi'il
II I'llill" Ilir lit! I'lllllll'il will 111 iltl
it. ri-jiiiliir i'.imi in t. i I y dull. It
i r tr-l lliiil Ilir 111, illi'i nl i.iliftiii;:
Ilir I 'lllll.n l lll;ii' vs. it It lln Alii iil
I'.lri II ii I 'miii!in v I'm liydt iiiy Ilir rity'
-1 1 n i- Im ii Ilir y.ii In 111, will rumr
lli ill llii- tini''.
I lir (inn ml nl Mri. Miniiii- Mm 1 i-nii
will t.ikc pliiii' Inil.iy with tin- intor
mriil in lliP I'innrrr rcinrli-i v.
Tlir fun-Till nf I'. Saii'lntrom who tlird
lnl I'liiliiy, tonk plan' yi-ti'iilny alter
Ilium nt I :.'ll n'clork llnin l'!luimi' hull.
Itrv, Krnnk Kniikkoni-it otVn-iatiiiL'. TI10
inln ninil was in (iroi-nw niul ri'inrli'i v
I he llllli dill of mil f-leiit ne otarto
tomorrow iiiornini; nt ft n. in. and we
have found it jjrent ninny u-cful nrtii-
which will lie mild at one iuarler of its
original cost and even Icoh; don't wio
it (', II. ('onpei',.o jireat oiile.
I he otaleiniMit io frcipiently, and
freely, niiidn that the ImhI meal in As
toria is always served at Hie lilnre
Iteotiiiirant. The n it fnr thin Inoiul
and general declaration, is that it is so.
What liotter predicate can there lie for
ho important announcement ? The mini
who iliiulits it hits only to call I here and
prove it for himself. If he can't pi liy
day, he con go at night; the house is
never closed. They feed the individual
and they lmniuet the crowd. And all
on the same plane of excellence. Con),
mcrcial street, opposite the Page builil
ing. Make note of this date: March 29.
Hotel Irving European plan. The
only steam-heated hotel in Astoria; large
and airy rooms; prices from 50 cents to
$1.50; well prepared and daintily served
meals at 45 cents. Special rates per
week or month for room and board to
permanent guests. Our bus meets all
trains and steamboats.
For a good shave go to tho Occident
Barber Shop. Five chairs. No long
The very best board to be obtained in
the city is at "The Occident Hotel."
Rates very reasonable.
,Nl,Tll,ll'll,,.,t llllllll llf till- J. Ij. & S,
l.'iilluny ( mnpniiy, iirr-ivcil in tin- city
NiiIiihIhv evening viii lln- Nuucoltii, mi
Ollll'llll lllllCK,
', ('. Cliulnii, 1'ililnr unit propi it-tor of
llii' 1'iicilic .liiiiniiil, in mi inn Sunday
liiilni In lliin illy.
Theodore (', Peterson n'nlicd from
M. I'iiiiI yi'-li'i'liiy, fm ii 1 iff tay with
In- liiiiilii'in, Aitlnn I'., mill .Mm k
W. I'l ll'l Mill,
Advance Likidy to be Declared on
Saturday Nrxt.
Uiiiil miiir. limn Cini'tl lluil .l.niir.
I.. liiiWiill, pir.iilinl nf (III- Wiiiliinlmi
1,11-,'in A l!iiikirii.ii' ( miipiiiiy, Im. ii
iriii'l iiniil lluil 11 pi.i'iii iiK'i-lin' nt
III" i m 1 1 j iji 1 1 y llirililMT. Iiiih lirrn railed
In inini'lir ill Imi- S-,ittlr Ii,h.;ii le
nnr 1111I. In. in nr Siiliiiilav. w lien
iiir.iiii nl iinpm liiire In tfic hia'nti! and
IhiiiIhi in;,' iliii"l 1 ir, uii lir riillKi'leied,
llii- imrliiiy, .tt Mr. liiiWiill. i
ni lln niii-i.l i.iln.n of piire raininy mi
iill j'l.nlr- nl In';-, 11 ml 11 emnuii! Ice Ihk
liii'il ,i...iiii(i. Im lln pinpime nf nil
In liii'.' .Lit. 1 wild fliii en.) in ijrw.
LimiIiii-,' liij.ij.-1-ii. nl (ln rily iiyree lln- 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 ' nf milk ni niylit en
d.iii'.'. 1 liiiiiliri piireo, tlimi'.'ti it i- tn
Ilir iiilrir.l nl t hi iinnp. (Iml IiiiiiIk'I
piireo. Ilinil'li t i- In till' illll'le-l nf
i'ir e.niip. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 indu-t tiro run
Hi el I lllir. 'I lie lelllillld. llll'l iiny, i
rnlllliillel In ill- nlllplll. mill il tlir
mil', iiiiiiiinir 1. print inj.1 t w inly fniii
limn, n il. i il will iml In- long liefnre
I 111- I'! 1. lelli llllllkll i. on .llirkl'il tlillt
pliee. Wiilll.l lliltlllillll rnllie dnW'tl, Tile
liifll ilrlll.llld Indlll io rull-ril lit a olmil
ii'l' ill I'.iioti'in wild-, ii li ill Unit
1.101 lime iippe.neil iililiilii Inral initio
iiinie lanliiirn hale olTi-t i-il a premium
I 1 per tliiiii-mid feel mi all IiiiiiIht
li-Mien-cl liefiile ll rellnin lllll.
Il tin- noliiii'.'iiiii I jint'i"t' llinketaj!!'
I ninp.-ilil ileridi'o In iiilvilliri- prirl'o it
will rut iliiwn tin- pmliU nf tin- mill
niliipiinieo Unit me riiiiipelled to liny
ln.'- in the open market, hut nn (lie
nlher liiiii'l will inereiioe id. profilo nf
llliloe eiilllpiillieo iiHTIlt ill).' tllt-ir lllltl
l"t''" eainpo fnt it io liijjlily plnliiilile
that the iiiitliuen tn plnleet their ill
leie-lo will derliiie a i,ii-e in luinlier to
ofToi-i td iidinnre 111111I1' nn lot'". W il
ia pa I'ilnt.
ll oeeiuo impoo-ilile that the resolu
tion ol tin- Cortland Soeiali-t reinven
tion I e-pi'il ilij.' fedeialiiill ollieinlo im
pi i-mird ill lil.ihn. io rrllrrlilr nf the
lien- nl .ill -oeinliot-. Their ale well
lielunril cilieiio 11I111 rleaie In social-i-in,
Iml main urh. if oncialiom mean-r-iiiilii
I and defeii-e of "Inner Circle"
inclhiiiK, will 11 ok In lir evu-rd. It is
1 i.iiniiiiii know Ird-jc lluil Ihe-e "Inner
( in Ii' " 1 on-i'iiiilm o iilnilcil nioie tnan
11 .run' ol iiiiinlrr-. ami lilieil iion-ni'-
l.i .ippli I lie knife ami Iminli. It io in
fmniiitinu that they eicn " olated for
ileulh" oiirh nf their nw ii toolo as had
olani nl thru 1 11 -t si tii't- loo inaliv vie-
I1111-. niul nccordingl , knew too much.
ll io 1 -nt hi-lory that one of their
toolo aooasoinatcd the ex-governor of
Idaho, whose only olTenoe againot the
miuilriims "Inner Circle" was that- he
ctiforrcil the laws of Idaho impartially
and faithfully. It io further common
knowledge that for this crime this tool
who to receive .;!NiiO from the "Inner
Circle." In nil of which, he hao without
Impe of reward or prnmi-c of immunity,
cnnfeoord. fully mid freely. If, to ac
tually champion the cau-e of the " Inner
Circle" lie simon pure socialism, and if
the Cortland convention's denunciation
of the Idaho authorities' effort- to
bring " Inner Circle" officials to justice
fin- the sanction of all orthodox social
ists must people will meditate long and
and seriously before accepting the so
eialiolic creed. Mom would the Portland
resolution look, in a frame, when it is
proven, 110 it. will lie, that the Federa
tion officials planned and promised to
pay for the assassination of ex-tiovcrnor
Slcuncnlierj;1f - forvallis Timeo.
We have reduced a lot of gent's pants;
all new mid late good that usually sold
from $5.00 to $0.00. they will now go
for $.00 to !ji,'l.'.() per pair, at C. H.
Cooper's great sale.
N. A. Acker man, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of texidcrmy, furniture uphol
storing, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all wori
Doctors Are Puzzled.
Ityie lvninrknble reeovery of Kenneth
Ifalver, of Vaneeboro, Me., is the sub
Mai of lmieh interest to the medical
jkwteniily ojbAI a wide circle of friends.
Wo wys of hits ease: "Owing to severe
iaribimiuation of the Throat and con-
fKMtion of the Lungs, three doctors gave
ma mi irk whnn nu a Inaf rnanrf T
V VV UW, ..HV... .... .V .av.. -I
j,i,,n,i rip vtn v nia.
wry and I am happy to sav, it saved
tar Ufa." Curou the worst Coughs and)
tfd. Deonchitis, lonsilitw, Waak.
nut, Hoareeness and LaGnppe. Guar.
tskmd at Cltas. Rogers' drug stors. 0c
ajM $1,00. Trial bottk se. I
Notes of Interest Gathered From the
Pacific Journal.
.Mr. li. V. Smith, foreman of tin; Ale
(ioiiati Clicking Company, located in
illliico, opened up the cullliel'y here
Monday wild Mr. A. K. Kinu. head
liiinkkcrpi'i ; Merw iii (iralialii, chief en
gineer; .liilm Stiiind, lin.o niipenler and
.Mr. .lames Wright, iiihl watchman.
Work is being ru--lied in the vn-rioim de
pal I ineiili of Im rannrry so that every
thing will Ik in ri-iidini'os by nlioul Ihe
.lib of April. The Mi-liowau Clicking
Compaiii's ruiiiii'iv.o lorated ut. the
( aoraile-i, Sort It liur ami ut Mi-tiowan
are liloo evpeelei) In open oiiine time
llii- week. ,n extra l.n'i run nf sal
mon i cxperti'd lin. -ci-on and the
1 llllliei jeo i eiinimenee mil II II fart III -jug
rail- about tlir .lid.
Siiperililelnieiil Cinld nf Hie I. It. 4
N. ( iiinpiiliv nn I, i-l Tlmr-day cnterl .'lin
ed a liiiiniiil nl hi- gentleini-ii friends
ii liii an ii id in mi lln- mm niii-i IhwI from
I'nill.iud, lliri wire: Captain Omjie
i'llllel. I". S. Ili.peetm nf I'liilds; Cap.
ain I'!. S. Ivlward-, I', S, In-peetor of
Hullo; Ciiplaiu While and I aplain Ceo.
Conway, Mipi'iiiitciidento of water lini-
Im- tie- O. !. 4 . Cmiip.iny. After tin
palti ailiuil in mi the Naln-olta on
Tiiin-ulay mm iiiii'.'. Supn iiilendenl liudd
Innk Idem all out to Cape Ii-a ppiiin! -men!.
I'm I Canby and I lie lile nuwug
-lilimi. Afli-i li-ilmu all points o( in
tel.. I the pally U-turned to llwaen
whei an I'M-i'lleul dinner had In en pie
pared for them at the Hotel .Markbain.
Tin- party left for Astoria and Col Hand
ill the llll' l llllllll boat.
motion was made some time la-t
week lor til - dissolution of the logging
Iii iii of Myeio Si Kinnei of the Chinook
riier. A hoard of aHiitration was se
cured and a settlement was made on
l luil -day of thin week. Members of
the Ismrd were: Mayor A. -I. ( ollings,
A. A. Sals.rg and A. K. Heath All
anoiiuto were balanced and it a-
agreed thai Mr Myer- pay Mr. Kinney
H7.H in liual settlement and that Mr.
Myeio pay the costs of the board. Both
paid their own witm-s fees and Mr.
Kinney tio-uineo all liabilities of the
Western Washington Coast People Are
Doing Things.
The illupa IIiiiIhu' Pilot says, in its
Inst number, that the planting of east
em ni -l. i- in this hiii-tsir will probably
assume iiioiiorl imio "renter than ever
before in its history during I lie coming
season. I.a-t sen-on was n good otic in
that line and (illy one tar loads were
imported. At this time more than t lint
iiiimlier have already been ordered, in
eluding those that will la- iilxlered by
those now on the way East for that
purpose, and there nr.' still several com
panies tn hear from. A representative
1. 1 mi ea-tcrii company wa- on the bay
recently and look orders for nearly forty
cars niul Wallace Stuart of the Tokeland
Company and I.. I.. Clark of the Bay
Coiiit Company arc now on their way to
New llairn where the former will buy
fifteen carloads. We have not learned
how many Mr. Clark will buy but, prob
ably, almul the same number. The
Morgan. Toke Point. Nahcotta Point.
Ovsicrville. Stony Point, and several
others are yet to bear from the total im
port at ion may go to 100 cars or more.
From present appearances oystermg
will be our chiefest indiiotrv inside of a
very few years and, when the nature
and extent of our tide and logged off
lands become fullv known and our
except ioiially favorable climate is taken
into consideration, dairying will be a
close second or may even lead. The pos
sibilities of Pacific count v are such that
men of small means thrive bete as no
where else and men of large means may
indeep reap a rich harvest.
Th Held is almost in its virginity and
there will never be a more opportune
time (han the present to exploit it.
Another S00 pairs of ladies', misses
and children's shoes will be placed in
the bins tomorrow ami will be sold nt
from lac to 4Sc per pair, which origin
ally cost from $1.00 to $(i.00 per pair;
now don't miss this ladies at C. II.
Cooper's great sale.
The fact that Wnrrenton is to witness
the opening of two of its best milling
interests during the next thirty hours,
is creating quite a lively boom at that
center. The Kcllcy Lumbering Company
will open its sawmills today, at full
blast, and tomorrow sees the old AVnr
rcnton mills underway with a full com
plement ol' men and the old time out
put. Humor has it one can hardly find
accommodations in the town now. and
the prospect grow dimmer ns the days
go by and the population thickens,
f lood for Wnrrenton.
,, ,
i' nrs. i' urs-we nave some mi win
mulls that originally cost from s.ti to
.friO.OO each in real Alaska Seal, Beaver,
, ,... ,, (lt(, .,.: ,. s(.i., f..on.
' A
10 -w -' mem
at C. II. Cooper's great sale.
Sheriff Linville, Bis Capable Staff, and
the People, Do Business.
The collections on the lfK)." tax roll
up to and including March J.ith, the
time of expiration of the i-rlmfe period,
fimmititeil to XH.'!,.Vi!Mli. In all there
were rebates allowed to the amount of
$r,litM, making lHO.IH..,N that the
Ihx roll was reduced. The total of the
I!WI5 tax roll is W-i.-i.7MiJ.7fl. leaving only
:!li,('iOI.I2 slill lllieo Heeled, This is 8
reniiii kiibb' allowing iiii'l speaks well for
the pro-peiiiy of the county, and the
proinplneso with which the tax payers
mini' to Ihe front to olnire their respec
tive poi1ion of the public expenditure.
The (otal of the I!l0l tax roll was
WiO.lHiO, mid during the corresponding
time last year there was collected $1.W,.
li'W.'JI, and rebiilco were allowed to the
extent of MH:!I.f2, reducing the roll
l'i.'i.IHI..'i: ,o that while the l!l0.r. tax
roll is .'i.TH.' larger than the IdOJ roll
Hie collect ions H ere fr 'i.(IH Ai more,
making the peiivntage of collections
much better than fln-y wen- hi-t year.
Taxpayers are now iilloind until the
fir a I Monday in April to pay taxes
without co-ts. Jf one-half of the tax
i- paid before the tils!. Monday in April,
the time for paying the remaining otic
half ran Ik extended until the first Mon
day in Oetoiicr. without cos.. After
(he liiat Monday in April n penalty of
Io pi-r rent, and inteieat at 12 per cent
pec annum i- added. Thus- who have
-till unpaid taxes will do well to settle
either one-half or all of their taxe- be
(me they becnim- ileliiifpient.
Allisiiia. Wash.. March '.- -In con
versation with a fishermtn conversant
with lln- fads your correspondent re
cently gleaned the following facts,
which should Is- pasted in the hats and
buuiHd into the heads of our state
legislators. After passing a bounty
law of 2.."0 per head on wild eat?
and omitting any remedial legislation
in the lien of extermination of the seals
and seal lions of the Columbia river
the said legislators are certainly en
titled to go way back and sit down. At
a conservative estimate then- are today
in the Columbia river 2,'HiO seals aver
aging 20 pound- jkt day of fish to eat.
to say nothing of thoe partially eaten
ami utterly destroyed for commercial
purposse. The fifty sea lions consume
probably 100 -mumls each per day lie
sides destroying many marketable sal
mon. Together these- vicious and
hungry water eats actually eat 4.'i.0u0
pounds per day of fish valued at ap
proximately o cents per pound meaning
i2.2."iti per day. As these -cals and
limis are in the river or off its mouth
.'liii days in the year the value of the
silmon actually eaten by them amounts
to out .S(m.(HM. The fisherman says
tiiese iiguies arc too small mat lie is
confident there ai? nearer 4.000 seali
in the river than 2000. If that bounty
law on wild cals is neec-sary and il
good thing as it undoubtedly is. how
much more is needs and demanded
by an industry thai i having twenty
per cent of its lifeldood taken from it
each year by thc-c vumpries of the
w at ci . - Nkamokawu Eagle.
Railroad From Chehalis to Gray's Har
bor Not Doubted.
When the Vidette last December
published a map showing the proposed
mute for a railroad from Chehalis in
Lewis county to (irays Harbor, many
ieople laughed loud and long, ami
characterized it is "hot air," and "pipe
Today, south of Montesano. in what
is known as North Kiver county, the
settlers suy the woods are full of rail
road surveyors, and they are survey
ing a line and cutting out a trail for
a road which practically follows the
lien as given in the Vidette three months
As near us can be ascertained the
route runs westward from Chehalis to
Vesta, then follows down Xorth river
to Little North river, up Little Xorth
tint to tho point where it comes
within half a mile of Preacher's
slough, tunnel throhgli the hill, then
We are fole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo,
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
J0A L.--ZZZi-w
Mima W '
follow the C'hehali valley to Gray
Prom Vesta another line will turn
southward to WSIIapa harbor.
This line of road will tup a very rich
timlx-r and agricultural section. If this
line is built it will doubtless be for one
of the new transcontinental road-t which
nr.; belling for I'ugei Sound.--Mort-te-nno
It will lie remembered that last
.fa rum rj ('. I). Moore was summoned
to Colorado by the death of his brother
who was presumed to have met death
by falling down a mine shaft but it was
remarked ill Ihe time that it was singu
lar that he could have fal
len 175 feet, struck on his head,
where there was the rim in wound, and
not. have bio head mashed beyond all
recognition. .Since the confessions of
Orchards and Adams implicating the
Miners' 1'nioti in the assassination of
the late (Jovernor Steuncnlierg of Idaho
and revealing their methods of making
away with all who were prominent in
opposing t licit' plans, Mr. Moore has re
ifiveil letters which lead him to believe
that hi- brother was killed by art agent
of the union. His brother had refused
to join the union and was outspoken and
fearless in criticising their methods and
it looks as though he had been
Hindu way with in congemtciice. At the
request of Mr. Moore, Sheriff McDonald
has written to -ee if Adams can throw
any light on the case. South Bend
Tho-. (',. W. O'Connor, pootmaster at
Xascl. was in town n day or two the
first of the week. Mr. O'Connor says
that a gentk-man, whom he supposes to
have leen Samuel Hill, spent a couple
of days at Xascl landing looking over
the country and asking a good many
questions. He did not give his name
but did admit that he was looking fop
a route for a railroad from some point
on the Columbia river through the
Deep River and Xasel river county to
South Bend. The same man, with
two or three others spent several
days in Deep river country and had a
sumeying party with them. It begins
to look as though several of the fertile
valleys of Pacific county are about to be
oK'ned to settlement and tillage. Wil
lapa Pilot.
C. H. Cooper's store opens tomorrow
morning at 9 a. m. and closes at 6 p. m.
Torture By Savages.
"Speaking of the torture to which
some of the savage tribes in the Philip
pines subject their captives, reminds me
of the intense suffering I endured far
three months from inflammation of tfce
Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Ciieh
ins. Me., "Nothing helped me until I
tried Electric Bitters, three bot$e of
which completely cured me. Cures Liv
er Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disor
ders and Malaria; and restore the weak
and nervous to robust health. Guaran
teed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Priee
New Popular Song Books Svenson't.
The perfection of whisky used in the
medical department of the United
States military and naval service. Also
in hospitals. Recommended by the high
est authorities as the purest stimulant
for family use. Sold exclusively by
Wm. Bock.
When you are in need of anything in
the photographic line in the amatmr
way, kodaks, films, plates, cards,
mounts, and all the technical dsbrfa
of the business, and want the best and
last in the way of artistic developmwt,
just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, mi
tell him so. That is all.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up! It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other re
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew As
Company. They also do all kinr"- ;
blacksmithing and repair work.
Every one guaranteed. Will let yo
stand or sit on tho oven door if yov
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves atti
ranges till after the Holidays.
IV. J. Scull;