The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 19, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MARCH 19, 190O.
By Conalmu D'Arcy Mackay
'Iliey Miit In the Ural row of (lie ul
iTy, Now llmi the tuiniilt of the riiuli
aa ovi'i' tin (fill hail (Inn l tnko off
lur luil nml ainnnih her ruinple liulr.
Mm waa xllll Itreathleas, ttinl lnr cheeks
were Kl"wlii((. 'Mil' limit lieshle her
tuni'il iitul looked hark trlmiif .timitly.
Vii 1II1I pretty wi-JI In kH 1I1W fur
fronl," he Midi. "There' 11 whole lot
nf ii'nilr I Hit U there KlllPlillMk' up. IT
nlwnya 11 1 i k I'cl Imiiini' for in nil hi 11 r
hIiow "
"V'-i," hmii nii'il Mir ijii l vaguely.
" "ii Mi'i', II h nil no u new nml ho
Mrniio l'e only Ihtii lo lu Iheiilei'
(Hue lu fiili- In HM life. 'I sui H hell
I In to I'.cli liiul, nil' to Ni l- 'Mletie Al len '
Oil, tliul iin tn M'til! I inliM mIiiiiihI
.i'..e II Huh true W ill Dili !
'Mini'" Ai ivk,' . tu think?"
Tin' mini 1 1 -1 1 . 1 liii 1 r k 1 tt ii 1 1 1 1 mil
1.11 hi knte "Will, lid, hi, I fj.ily,"
In' iinnvi'iiil "Tliii In 'ItoiniMi liiul
Jllllct.' I lllli't NlrnliK oil Nlinl.eiieillV
liiVHi'ir, till! I tliiiiljjlil Mill i 1 1 1 1 1 like
to 11, i:..tiii i "
"III. ink joii, Mr. Hiihllii," mini the
Kill, llli 11 iilcf ill nlmne.
Slie wait 11 i-ll (.: 1 1, f.ilr liniiiil nml
fniKile ' n it,ii loiiklnu ' wn the way
(lie .i'ii,r In her iiiml N iliUK.t eiinl
Mile lioiiiililik' liiui-i' ili'Ki rllie Ih-i when
tiny xp ike i.f licr iii nil, fur 11 n i rniiiil
Ctrl. iIIhIi wiihlier mnl (.i-m iul ilniilrfe
liltllel' win. not imeil to 111 I H tl rnilNhl
The lioiii'ilem rlilolii liotlreil her
True, tin ii' tmil l. rii tii ji.nvky m l
atinlelll who tlM il In take iellht
ilniwlui; 1 1 -1- tliin, 1I1 Hi lie iiiuilli', mnl
wllo nhvii)- in 111 1.1111 lit "ftilrlluelle"
when hlir i.i ,ii liiiu I It. ili kle.1, lint
until Mi .' miIiIiIiih ritine in) nni evei
illlll k'lMil lil t KII llltl'll no a kiin vvonl
lie nike tn Jit-f uhrii tin) iin-l In tin
Inill iiiul oiiii' e liiiil tukeii her Ik
I : )
kii Ik Iii IIjii nark, II wit utter iumi
that In hml aaketl her to gn to the
When lliU piece of new apreatl
iiniontf the lioiii'ileiN they cicliaiigi
NlKiiltti'iiiil jjlnueea, luit when (bo play
Innird out lo lift "itouito ami Jullt" It
imp '.
HeniN iim If Hie rllmiu hml lnn
ri'iu'lii'il one of tlm inm ileil women
hiiIITiiI renilnliii'eiitly. "I remember tne
mnl Jim went yeiirx 11 k'1'. when we
were Hr-il enijiieil, mill we helil hiuuli
all iltirliik' 'lie hint mi "
"If you uuirry Mr. HtulihlOH you
won't have to work no h.inl," nnIiI nu
other of the bonnier Lludly.
Koltier oenei her hrowu eyin wide
lu 1111 iflmiee. hht! Imd not
thoiiKlit of Mr. HUiIjIiIiih 11 h h meaiiH of
i'mi iim' He wan not an Meal lover. lie
wnh ret fared iiucl puffy, with abnor
miilly )iirK' lot ii 1 14 nnd feet. HUH, an
Luther llrkllowlt'dyill tu lll'lHC'lf, llU
n iu kind, kinder tliiiu uny 0110 elite lied
Honey and Tar
Charles Rogers, Druggist.
Morning Astoriam
Bay in
The Astorian Wants 50O New Subscribers
And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been
Be Loyal to Your Town and Bfegln the New Year by
Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper The Astorian
cvei' l. en in "hi it. , ,'. ,
An for Hie piny, wwt til "lloinftO
mid Ju'X" 1, i .tnl nolhliiK to her. Hhc
hml inner I. ;l of 1l1.1t liuiiiorlHt ti'ttK
eily of y 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 mi I ) '. Hut tlx thought
of k'!iin:,' Ii lite llie.ilei' una 11 wonder
ful lift in the fcrny of her exlaleilt'i'.
When the K.'eni nlijlil iiitIvimI her tin
K''i'M tii'iiililul no tlmt tthe coiiltl hurdly
IhhIi'ii her iliuide uowii. Her mint,
klinlletl Into l.liiliii"W by the uiiexiet t
I'llnt'KH of tin- Niiuiiiloii, helped her
dreNH. "It vlll he 11 ureal HiIiik for
you, Kuly," lie hii ! I, "if Mr. HluhhitiM
.iliuiilil imU y hi lo uuirry I1I111. ltexldea.
I've k it 1 nii. k'li lo do lo look nfler 111'
itelf wllhout inking rare of you. 1 hope
you'll nlwayn lenx'iiilier how kind I've
heen In j on, llnly, mnl how I've let you
work for ,voi')' hoiird nml Klven you a
home. Now don't nil MturliiK, Hk? a
hump on n when he'a talklnic to
you, ami don't have (lint furawny look
In your eye that you've got there thin
"Yin, mint," mii Id Kaltter, thinking
more of Ilia theater than of Mr. Htuh
Hum. And now at lant ahe waa thi.-ie In
aide the Ihcitter. The light a, the inn
ale, tin- Hi-iiae of walling for one knew
Hot Whiitull were Intoxleiiting. She
hnrdly miw the hurrying ushera, the
peoi!e Inking their platen At length
eiiine the imigic IiihIiiiU when the over
ture died to ii whlHper, the footllghta
ahone luiiilnoualy In the dmkneaa and
(ha great curtain rot aUwIy, giving
to view a acme In Veron.
When It Ml there vn n thunder of
lipplmine, of whli h Kalher aeemet! to
Lear only the echo. "Anh"' ah
liienlliiil, with a Utile hlnvi-r, mid In
apile of her auiit M luntriii'tloiiH that
wna the only word hhe Kpoke nil the
evening Mr. Hiililiinti (nve up nil ef
foitH nl tuiiveiHiitioli mid eolitellCNj
hllliielf w ith;; iilmilt the houe or
wnii liiiik' the ilu-iliitl, rapt faee of the
girl lii siile Inm
A I h iik'ih Die final curtaiu fell. Mr.
KiiiMiiii Miiiletl ut Kalher. "1'retty
k'mil show that waa," lu olmerved gen
hilly. 1 1 1 -t uiiie iiwnkeiied IMtVT from her
dream of nuuiiuie to the aitillll prea
em of hiMirtliug hoiiHi-a nnd drudgery.
"V oh, yea, Mr. Ntubbliiii!" aheaald.
The ilimh had h ft Iht chiHk, and she
". v,o: '-.
The genuine ft
In a Yellow
Refuio tubttitutM
ihe Month. For
From 75
itiey apoie" nm oil Lna way noma.
Kalher wna thinking of what ah had
aeen, Mr. Hluhhlua via wondering:
willed waa the eaaleat and fjiilckeat
way to propone,
On (he atepa of her mint' boarding
houae they pmiaed. TIih atreet waa
very allll. The ugly rows of houaea
(ijiaialte were touehed by moonlight
xin h moonllghl na allvered the atreeta
of Verona long ago. Mr. Htuhhlna
eleiired hU Ihroal. "Knly," he began,
"I ain't nint h at loveuiiiklng, like that
Uoineo fellow weanw Ihla evening, but
my Iiuhji'hk U doing well, and I'm
thinking of Hfitllng down. You'd make
a fine little hoUHfkeeper. I took U you
from the HrM you muat haveaeen thai
- and- mid I want joa to marry run."
Aa Kalher llatened aim had a fleet
lug vllon of Itomeo. How graeefully
he had hik1 beneath that ftower hung
balcony, wh'le Mr. Htuhhlna, red from
the imwoiiii 'dneta of loveroaklng, Iwik
el more awkward and llorid than ever.
Hie gave a little giittp-of ilenaure, Mr.
f MibbliiH ilmikdil. He amlletl benef
Icelilly. "Of eourKe you're, hurprlietl,"
he aiiid. "ami It's only natural. Hut I
mean what I nay. You're lonely mid
I'm loin h I'll k'ive you a good home,
mill you'll never he nony for marrying
Khlher ma It- a tii -k, ileapairliig gex
ture. "W.'i-;, Mr ttinhhiu!" he cried,
"I hitun'i ,'a ill that I'd marry you.
And I can't 'ay It. bi'aiie I don't love
you. Oh, I t.iio'.v you can't uiiih'itaui!,
but the;" :.!c thini a ulrl wantu nioie
thrtti a boif-e a t'l'iii-Miid tiinen mon;!
I h'ir.e ,i in'.e it it miry with uie. Mr.
Stiilib't, f ! yii' 'w always been en
kind, and I II i;i'i-r fo;-ct your taking
nie to a play thnt showed me whi.i
iove -! I ' v i : i an . "
flie a:ilhnl into the hou", liavii:k'
lie- a-toi.i -hell Mr. SttibbhM ;ik'aie n.i
the floor -le;.-.. "Well," he eja'-u! i','-1,
"that beats nil: A man spends Ii'
gotfl nioney to take a girl to n shove,
and then !u- g ies mi l neti like t!i:r,
I thoiiL'bl -ccii'i.' Cnmeo would fix inn
tera, but y iii nev-r can depend on n
woman, mr
Secretary 'll ij.',"1 of I lie Iti'iiiocr.itic
( iniyri --ii.nal I oniinitti'f tiffcr, to pub-li-li
Hie ii.iiihk of all iniitriliiitoi- to
the eouiiuil tee' triMMiiy. Tlti't i inuk'
iiiiiiiiiiou" mni priiper. I'ut a commit
tee with Mr. (irigg at it- head neetln no
tui'li hie acce.wiiy to victory as a
iiiiiiiain fund. I
You feel tlie life giving current the
minute you take it. A gentle soothing
warmth, fills the nerves and blood with
life, It'g a real pleasure to take Hoi
linter'n Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents,
Tea or Tablet. Frank Hart, dnipgiat.
That In addreas-
injf Mra. I'lnU
hnm yon are con
fiding your private
ilia to a woman
a woman whose experi
ence with women 'a dla
eaaea cover a great
many year.
Mra. I'lnkham is the
daughter-in law of
Lydia fc. I'inkham,
and for many year
and since her de
eease.ahe has been
iiflvSiitnrr hiclf wn-
men free of ehartre. Ii
Many women
Kuffcr in silence and drift along from
bail to worse, knowing full well that
they ought to have immediate a&aiht
ance, but a natural modeaty impels
fbem to ahrick from exfming them
selvea to the queationa and probable
examinations of even their family
physician. It is unnecessary. Without
money or price yon can consult a wo
man whose knowledge from actual ex
perience is great,
Mra. Plnkham's Standing Invitation,
Women suffering from any form of
female weaknessare in vited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. i'inkham, at
Lynn. Mass. All letters are received,
opened, read and answered by women
only. A woman can freely talk of her
private illness to a woman; thus has
lx-en established the eternal confidence
between Mrs. I'inkham and the women
of America which has never been
broken. Out of the vast volume of
experience which she has to draw from,
it is more than possible that she hai
pained the very knowledge that will
help your case. She asks nothing in
return except your good-will, and her
advice has relieved thousands. Surely
any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish
if she does not take advantage of thia
generous offer of assistance.
If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink
ham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice.
When a medicine has been successful
in restoring to health so many women,
you cannot well say, without'trying it,
" I do not believe it will help me."
Thia ii the season of listlcssne-s.
headache and spring disorders. Hol
litcr's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure
preventative. Makes you strong and
vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets
Frank Hart, druggist.
i 1 1
a Jim
m I'l :
f I Q I
a fi
l44. 60 YEARS
A Trade Marks
Copvriohtb S.o.
Anront iMmiltna a nkelrh unit d?riptkn inn
qnkklf nu'wroiiii our opinion ?im nthr l
Invantfrm It prohnhtr par-AntAnlfl. Commnnlm.
tlorMMrictlr',"tifl'lntli!. HANDBOOK on Patent
tent Ire. Ol'lf.t nnury for nertirlrit? palnntn.
Cnti'Tit. Intoi thrniiKh tliiiin A l o. rclTt
tpftM Hull'', without churM, In th
Scientific Jlmcrican
A hnt1om!lv tllnatrtiM wklf. tjttmt etr
cnlmioti of nr oltntlOn )"iiriil. Tertin, .l
mr: four monibf, L Boll brail tioidralcri,
ilraocb Ofllca, 625 F HU Wtihlogton, D. U
oniiih Premier
i ; t!it; s; m r.jest and strong
est of ail vvnti h;' machines.
It does bert"' work, does
it tjiticktr.'.asts longer,
and co :i3 Ic-js in the long
run than any other type
writing machine. It is
The World's Best
1.-' n-', r - r-r lirr.r t n!: feiVmg )
. V",'.;.;r. .-.'.ish.-' j
""K? Pm itS Crfnlef
247 SUrk
rk St., Portland Or. H
Ia on Sale in
Astoria at