6 THE MORNING ASTOHIAN, ASTOH I A. OHKGON. MONDAV, MARCH u, 1901;. MILKING THE COW. rklur lo Think Aboal-Thr Milker la I he Wnllr Knit. An linjiot I.-H)l IIiIhk' ill connection Willi nillklns: Is the condition f (In hand iiihI clothes of the milker. The milker tdiotild lie clean personally .111 J ihoukl lie required to 0 nlxnit hi work In clean clothes. Tln milking should be done with dry liauds. The habit of otue milkers of wetting their hand with milk Just as they bi-Rin Is a fllthi practice and the cause of much bud milk and oor butter. There is some tbiug In the presence of a milker In :i white suit that calls for clean work particularly if he Is reijiiiml to keej' the suit clciiu while about Ins work Many dairymen require their milkers u be dressed in white. The same principle Is true in resan! to whitewash on the interior of tin barn. A eureiully whitewashed wall shows off cobwebs to their disydvun tape, and they will usually be removed There Is souicthius out of place if part of a building Is kept clean and fvesh as a whitewashed wall, for instance -and other parts are a mire of tilth Whitewashed walls to with clean il.virs and tlie two with a white Had milker -Edwin II. Webster. Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. 1 ! 'I I j ! I LAUNDRIM. HELP WANTED. a'STOMS INSl'KtTOl's WANTl p I Ten men over 20, to pupate for po-i- j BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAUANT8. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. The Troy Laundry Tha only whlU labor laundry In th elty. Don tha boat work at raaionabla prioaa and la In avary way worthy of your patronagi. 10th and DUANE Sta., Phon. INI. WOOD YARDS. Huns pawns; .T."i t.i $li.-, p..)- month ; !'! iou evpeiu'me not mst'sui , ... : m . . .... iHiiiuunMi u;tv hki; unto at once K. O. lb ncn. 2U ." 1 ..imnt.i.i lil.lj: I'oithin.l, Ore. ;!t FIRST-CLASS MK.U , v I for 15c: nice niko, 00U00, pic or doughnuts, V, tit I". S. Uostnur ant. 4.U Hon.l St. W A X T Kl M A X AG 1 ". R 1011 lUlANCU otlioo we wish to locate here 111 As toria; address with ret'civiices. The Morris Wholesale House, Cincinnati. Ohio. 320 V X TF.n tlirl for general housework -mall tiimilv. Lnquise at Astorian otlk-e. Butter Knlt-rs. Nothing eats up butter faster than discomfort and fear, because they shrink the butter fat and so make their milk, which Is steering the butter into the manure pile Instead of Into the churn, says J. V. Van Xott in Rural New Yorker. Therefore have warm floors and warm stables. A cow cannot run a furnace and a churn with the one feed. Another butter eater Is the ttanehlou. Fanners are very careful to have for themselves warm floor" and feather beds, but leave their dutl ful cows banking by the necks in the cruel stocks named stanchions anil tc get what sleep tliey can on a frost car peted floor. Both should be abolished by law as cruelty to animals. We can also class the horns with but-1 ter eaters, and the boss cow eats mort butter than the farmer's family, for every time she spears the other cow "shrink"' goes the butter fat Her ally Is the dog. ii'i; sai.k- UNI: i.Ai xi 11 mhapi.i: tor silling pnipoM-v .fliNM cash ; hi hoi . -power, I ninti lias Knine; engine new, only used 2 month: launch iiO feet li in;j. 111111 i! s: hull rebuilt !.i-t ear. W AN I'KI) - HKI.l Al'.I.K AN I) KXKR uetic itt.ui ti repre-ent the Intern i tioti.il Correspondent School, in Astoria and vicinity a rood opening for .1 first -cU man: -alary and expense-; ret'erence-. A hir. C. K. Christian. citv. 1-!; BEST lo LENT MEAL. i oti can always tin.! tin- best 15-vent meal in the city tit I lie Rising Sun Kcstaumnt. (U'J 'ntnmcrcialit. Portland Restaurant 878 Astor St. Good Clean Meals. Excellent Service. Meals From 15 Cents to 50 Cents. BROKERAGE. Caaae of Cow Failure. Don't let your cow eat her head off A few cows give 400 pounds of buttet fat la a year. A great many glre 30C powxU or more, and yet it la a deplora ble fact that the average cow does not produce much over 100 pounds ia a year. But la a great many instances tola failure of the cow to reach a point where ahe may be considered as a prof ftabit Investment is due to the care, ot rather to the lack of care, which ahe re ceive. Michigan Farmer. W'ANTKl) By Chicago wholesale am: mail order house, assistant manager 'man or woman 1 for this country and adjoining territory ; -alary $20 and ex 1 H'ti-e paid weekly; expense money ad vaiu-ed; work pleasant; position perma nent: no investment or experience re quired; -pare time valuable; write at j once for full particulars and enclose self- addre d envelope. Superintendent, 132 Lake St.. Chicago, 111. 3 23 Raw Milk For ImfamU. German clinical evidence Indicates that cows' milk used raw Is much bet ter than boiled milk for feeding In fants affected with gastric or Intestinal catarrh. Feeding the Milk Maker LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY .wort: at home dunnz spare time; no experience required ; good pay and steady; address Fancy Work Dept., 1344 Market st, San Francisco. 3-8-la FOX SA1X. I cannot understand how any dairy man can get along without a silo. 1 recently heard one successful dairymar say that if he had built a silo flv years earlier be would have easily i saved $1,000. I figure that when yoi get twenty tons of silage to the acre it j is equal to seven tons of the best bay That ought to settle the question, sayt 1 a Connecticut dairyman in Americatl Agriculturist. Woadri-rnl Forage Crop Poaaible. It is difficult to understand why th southern dairymen do not raise theii feed. The system of dairying that it carried on in the north, if adopted could not fall to be more profitable tc the producer and more healthful foi the consumer, affirms C. F. Doane In ar exchange. The amount of forage tha can be raised on an acre of land ii most of the southern states is beyond the conception of the northern farmer. The Pasture a Back Somber. "Nobody but a billionaire can afford a pasture," states Mr. Detrich, as quot ed In Farm Journal. "Soiling is the correct idea. Crow the feed and bring It to the cows. Hye, oats and peas sweet corn, ensilage, hay, etc., are the keynotes of modern farming. The pas ture is a back number." At Calving- Time. At calving time many breeders feed warm bran mashes, and some giv( tepid water for drinking purposes until the cow has regained her normal con dition. Serving; the Dairy Coh'i Feed. In England a great deal of attentior is given to the preparation of feed for dairy cows. Grain is usually crushed or ground. Chaffing or cutting straw and hay is a very general praetice. Roots are usually pulped or sliced. More Roota to Be I nod f Aa increased use of roots is being ad vocated in this country, in Great hrit aia they are fed to dairy cattle as wei: as to beef animals, but when feeding them to milk cows the best dairymen take pains to avoid tainting the milk by their use. Dairy Feeding Well I'nderNtood. I suppose no other question has re celved more consideration among oui farmers in the past twenty-five eai than this question of feeding, and tut recult Is the general principles of feed ing today are pretty well understood. It has been said, and I think with u good deal of force, that the dairy of tht average farmer Is better fed thau tin family of the same farmer. H. "VVing. Skill In BurinK Feed. Hldll In buving a food adapted tn FOR SALE NEW BAUS PIANO, EN eyclopedia Brittanica, 31 volumes; stamp collection, 7000 varieties. 307 9th street. 316 THE SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINE, gasoline, for fish boats; any speed; best made; right price; in stock; on exhibition; running in salesroom; also Fairtanks-Morse Stationary Gasoline Engines. Fairbanks, Mor-e & Co., First and Stark streets, Portland, Ore. 3-1-lra C. J. THENTIIAIU) Raal Estate, Inaurance. Commiaaior and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Office 133 Ninth Straat, Naxt to Juatiea Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. JAY TUTTI.K, M. l. PHYSICIAN AND M'HOKoN Acting Av-Nuini MUKeotl t'.S. Muriuit liiMliul service. Jffloi houra: 10 to li a.m. t is 4 u.iu ill Commercial Mtret. Sml Floor. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at loweat pi lees. Kelly, tha tianafr man. 'Phon juji Main, Ham on Twelfth, opposite opria home. DR. J. P. GORAY. Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 105 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND .... OREGON OSTEOPATH I STS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Office MtUiKel, Hid. l'lieiif lUaek JottS STS Commercial St., Aatortu. Ore. DENTISTS. 1 Eagle Concert Hall 320 Aator St.) The leading amusement bouse. P. A. PETERSON, Prop DR. T. L. HALL, DKNTIST. ":'4 ('ofiiliiereial St Astoria Orrnnn. 1k. VAiriJHAX, 1KSTIST fythian I'uildintc, Astern, Orrtfon. Dr. W. C. LCMJAN I'ENTIH'I 878 Commercial St.. Hbanaban liuildinit MUSIC TKACIIB. Parker House Bar Cor. Nith and Aater Sta Agency for Ediaoa Phonojrrapaa aa4 Gold Moulded Record. WANTED -THREE MUSIC PVPlLa Inquire at Aatorka cAce. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN MRS. & D. Stewart, 127 6evenU atreet HOTEL PORTLAND Finaat Hotal in thd Norlhvt PORTLAND, OHE. CITY ADV KMTISKMKNTS. R01ICE. I'eoiibil H'lt 111! .,. In, .i l. I .inn. 1I111.111 l'r il i'-l.-. b lli llltlinl! I 'lillll, ll . ! ! I,,' I It ill .i (,l I I I ii.it -nil 1 iiii!. il ! , ,. 1 . , . , , , let i-l imn.i! i .m,! ml ,-!it ,, (,, 1 1 n ; I r- liiiirl ".(Ki t in, 11. !.,, w,'t lm,- u iMi t'"-l tn Hie ',,-.' !n,,. ,, ,t lm f V till I.I III t lull j. lit ,. !;ii I ,,f tuii.t ;l l.iil mil .111. 1 I roi ir i by b.lill li luiv iiiiil ex t t-ii ,-, 1 I'vnn illnrv Su ill uiiiiiivi'i!ii'n: -.'i.tll i-.iii-.t-it 1,. nuiiiiii; all tin- "hi .tiitij,-i'., ,.i,. jl, liii l ilunlviiit; tin, I (.i.iilin till' iri'rt to lli- -talili.l.cil 1,1 li. .i tin (nil ttfllh tlii'ti-ot, .i-i'it tli- j . 1 ? 1 it wlinri rtixul--n -i.lr ,ilk nil" uii-! 1 11, till, and i siirli plai-i's tlii itrp-t lial Im- r.iibi I rum nub lo ruth to tlii i.Ulilihei Ktndr. in' to the ,uh j,'i4.b mi tlut when the -lin t j iuiiriii'd it will be tm the elabli-h'd (.tad". Nrw -iiliiwlk iball be i-miMrili lrd mi ,th .ul.' of thf ittrert and on tin smith id nf th tmt from tlw wt ln of Fifth trl to th wet lina of MH lur' .Won and on thf ninth id of ii,l utiiin frmn the CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. ui'st liiiii uf 'out li nlii'i'l lii 1 he I'ltut liiu ni Tliinl ilu'i'l (In' niilrwiilka aintll III' ll'llll'lll xllll'M ll lUll fl'I'l tli mi.) (I iHiiliinl park Kpii'" ln'hti'mi (lm iiii. milk mill Ihr 1 uili iiii.I u mik npni'i of mil' Innl hi t wn 11 I lie in -iiln i'i.;ii uf I lie nilimull, noil (In' piopi'ity Inn', iiii.I mi I In' ll'llllltllillff ,iiliiil lit lllli t,.t (Iik "ii Miill.K nlillll lm vviniiii 1. 1 n i I k run--liurli'd nl .l.ikiiiK ln inilii'H ill Illicit tic... linltcM nliiill hi' iiiiiliiiclrd on ImiIIi -iilc., of t fin sliri't mid 111I1I1 IuikIii cnliiin liny tijlli trnri. nliiill In . Iriicli'd in i'iu Ii rniiirr 11 11, 1 it 1 1 prill)!t ,111. 1 n'lipiiKi' 'dial he l,i I. en 1 1 1 hv tiling iinui'i innl lend lulu the iilicin I niiii null tn imiiIi the utiisl .Inill , 111.11 iiil.iinii'il m lllli', I in with , 1 tflict ii I. In tlic i ptli 1. 1 limn un lit., tthcn I ' i . t 1 11 ; 1 1 1 v lull,,, I ,111,1 i-jt.-l, luvi-r of III). C IM, III- I, , l. H,. ,,,,,., III in. ill, 1 h i, ,Yt ul ...il. I lnipli,ti'iiii-it I11II I"' . mi ! I lii I,' I .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 11 - I,, ll, I'kiii . Hi I , , 1! 1 1 1 1 .f,, , till- ( III S, t . i , 1 ,, , ),,., r .In I 1 t illl, I mili'll-ii uf run li IMlpI lit l-llll'llt .illilll II.- ill. 'T, ,ll il -.i.' illll'llt ll,li t(i( It Hi I llilll,.i., I, I'll, III,-, I ,V kin, I- 11 lid pi mil ii-, ,t 1 1- Ait ful goQOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooQooooooooeoocttoooooooooxxxe JUST A MOMENT! & dt FOR SALE CORNER LOT 504100, 8 room house, beautifully ornamental vcamore s-tre-t shade tiee. 150 feet cement sidewalk and park place, lot terraced, two cement steps, both streets recently improved, grand view, one of the finest central locations in the city. Must sell quick. LVjuire 307 Ninth street: t. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL umn newspaper outfit; complete :ept praa; cheap. Inquire at this of-ice. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at the oliice of the Light-House In spector, Portland, On-ji., until 12 o'clock M., April 2, VMW, and then opened, for fiimi-hing and dilivf-ring fne) and pro v i'-ioii!- for ves-els and stations in the Tliiiteenth Liylit-lfotr-e Distrii-t for the lisi-al yeur etnling June 30, 1107, in ac ciiiilaiice with specifications, copies of which, with blank pioposaU and other information, may be had upon applica tion to Commander. P. J. Werlich, U. S. X., In-pi'ctor. 3-14 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., February 24, 1906. Sealed ptopo-als, in tripli cate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. in., March 23, 1000, and then publicly opened, for furnishing and installing gymnastic apparatus at Fort Columbia, Watih. Full information will be furnished on application to this offi'-e, and at the office of the Quarter master, Fort Columbia, Wash. The United States reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed: "Pro posals for gymnastic apparatus, Fort Columbia, Wh.", and addressed to the Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver Bar racks, Wash. We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING We do it in Ah the Latest and Best Styles of the Art dt dt We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book, Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. 8 your ti-e that i relatively cheap in your own locality is a iie-tion of great important. t d dt The J. S. Dellinger Co, 8 Makers of All Kinds or Books !.-!, ,,,-1 I, n.illi-i (in I hut l!n 'I I III I III;.; Mm u.l In -,li,l I lm-.. I., mi : li.i. I, :i urn 1 jn ,nh bl,.,-l.. IT, s, !i. ,'u, ,( ..-I, ,lU iiiiml.eieil ;., li, 7 ,n S 111 ,,!, ,,HU '-' I I. I ' "id I'', all III Unit pint o( tin- "it j- nl lii,i ,i I., 1, 1 out ,111, 1 . i.,..i-i In -1 . ? 1 ti l,l I, .ui, I i-ti-n,.-, ,y llllli Oliii-t Hi l ,i,,,i iiiiinlj lli-k.i,. "im mhi:mi, V tl 1 i ,111 I I'nllH. Imll'l. m till- t it V. :i 0 NOTICK. ..:i.r 1, irln n.-n, that 1 1,, ( oui iiiim l.niii.il n lh. I 1 1 v nl Atoim ltu ili-ililnl It. 1I.I1 I III 1 11,1 1 1. , ,, inti'lltinl) In ir r,t,i,., . jjiml,. i,n lininj; u-llllf f linn l-.mt till,- of I Mi'iity fifth (ii-.t lo flu- Mi-t Inn. of I'Hility ei(;htii t tret, o llmt .til yrade hrii o i -.tl.ihr, mil be nl tin- follow inj; i.). intloil iiiiiii (lie Imnin of the radr ot-iMinliril h onliiiuiiii' Nil. 71 of tli.. t il of toiiii, to w it : At thr net liur nl Twoiity , .Ufrt at .'.li tri-l ttUive lh lia-ln of jlJ,. al thr ! Imr, mid vim) tin- rant Unr if Tttrnty tilth .trrrt m ,',fl fivt hoo thr lmi of fimlc; ,( t. W1,t( ,Bi No en4l Imr of Twenty nrvpfith atrrft t its firt nlmiii th haul, of ffladw; at llii writ linn of l wrnty fi)hlh tr.t at i.ili (ei-l alnur h.nu of ynidci now f-Lilili-lifd. 'Hint hituri'ii iu, I ImniH uln.vp dii li.ili-d. the ttlet kIoiII hi' oil a Tjiliml alojip, innl tlm miinn nhull . ,.Vl. fr, inn lh lo Hoiith. OI.OK AMiKl'.SdN, Audit'. I mill I'olii-e ,ludp of tin- Citv. 3 20 NOTICK. ..t, r i -1 lirii ln 'ivi'ii. Unit the ( oui i"H n il nl I In' ( It n -toi ia, 1, 1. Iii-I.ii d it. iiiti'iitioii and (leterminoti'iti ( .iiii-'liiiitiiiK ' -inu-r on KijjIiU'nitii li'i't limn 11 point of li It i-iii feet m.uOt o the tun tli line of (Jiutiile iivi'iiuc, to III" lio I III line of Kxi lmii,' ntlei t. I'lolll -uul point 1.1 feet MMllll of tho iioiih line of .'ruiidi! uvcime, to tho point .".II leet hoiith of the toillh lilu; of l'miik lm n I'liiie, 1 he Mdiivi' hIiuII he wiiwtruct ed of tiii'lvc i m li - it rilled seu oi pipe, laid HI feet below th jfrildo of the I. mid from aid point ,01) feet ottth of the Miutli line of Krankliu uvenne, to tl "I lh line of KxehuiiKi' Htreet, the hi'iver nhall he coiiHirni'ted of u wooJcn li li iin lii H hy 14 inchcM iiihidi, nieH uieinent, mid of three-inch linnher, and hIihII he well fastened to the uildl'l pinniiij,' of the htreet. In iiiufterh of deliiil, raid m-wcr idiull h" eoiiilriieled aceoi'linj,' to the plans 11ml "peeilieiil ions Hum eforo to he prepared hv Ilin Cily Surveyor. 'Ihat ut mii.l point 1.) feet nonlh of I he north line of (ii ande avenue tlieie shall he eon.Kliiicled a Inii-k imiiiliole into uhii-h the vaiiotm eti-eks and ,o d ra in-, iliall he lend. The co,dn and ex-pen-.es of eoimtnietiin; Hiiid sewer shall he defrayed hy special ii-teiui.it upon Hie lot, lands and premise henellted hy the same, which are ileserihed an fol lows: Lois (i, 7, H iitiil 0 of h, iik l.'l; IoIh I, 2, '), I, S. !i, 10, II ,i,l i j,, ,(,k .. lots I, 0 and (I in hlock il; lots 1, 2. .1 and of hloek 2:i; lots (I and 7 of hlock 111; lots 1, !l, 10, II and li of hloek lli, all in Dial part of (he lown of Asloria 'now cily), a, laid mil and r-coi,,.( ,v dolni M. Shively in Clatsop county, Mule of Oregon, MK ANDKRSOV, ulicc . Indue of the Cilv. 3-io' Andilor and I'olic 3 Astorian Building &OOOOOOOCXX)OOOOOOOCOOC50CX)OOOCXXX5 Corner Commercial and 10th Street TREASURER'S NOTICE. There U money in the city lioasiiry to pay all warrants iiuhir-ed from tic Hlh day of .March lo the Kith day of May holh inclusive. Interest will cease a tier this date, THOMAS DKAI.KV, City Treasurer. A'loi ia, Ore., March H, 1110(1. 3 20.