THE MORNING AST01UAN. ASTORIA, OHKGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 190O. 4 WAR IS NOT LIKELY Gcntral Corbin Says China Will Not Fiht. SAYS DANGER EXAGGERATED Report el Distuibances in Chin Have ' Been Grossly ExaRRerated and Conditions Not So Alarming as Reports Say They Are. SAN' FRANCISCO, M.ti.h !. --"There will he v.o war N-t ween the I'nited States an.l China," aid Majoi Cem-lal Henry C. Corhin, upon hi- arrival from the Orient 011 the steamer Korea ye terdav. " So far as 1 have been able to olivine, the reported disturbance in' China have been grossly exaggerated and conditions are not nearly o alarm ing a one would 1 led to uppo-e from reports that have le--n published abroad throughout the Western world. That there hate N'en disturbances is quite true, bin I do not think thev menace . . , ., " 1 the pea.? ot C lun.i and the I ntted , ., j States, or any other nation. "The feeling against American nil China does not ewed that entertained j toward all other foreigners and as 1 understand the situation the entire anti foreign feeling is due in a large measure to the exploitation of business enter prises which the Chines,- feel should Ite controlled by their people. There is a feeling again-t those who have in var ious ways obtained through scheming and corrupt officials franchise and con cessions abrogated and vested in their own people. They are willing to refund to foreign investors the money they have spent in the country. In fact, this was done in the case of the Hankow and Canton Railroad. "Aide from this chief source of anti foreign feeling, the troubles in China are due to the presence of missionaries. I was assured by a very prominent Chinese that the Chinese people are not all friendly to the pre-enee of foreign missionaries. They resent the efforts of the missionaries to force a lot of new creeds on their people. The Chinese have perhaps a mory firmly fixed relig ious belief than any other people in the world, and they look upon the religions of the Western world with scant favor. ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE, Saturday Night Special JL, moroidery At 5c a From 7 to 9 o'clock we will have on sale 10c and 15c Embroidery at 5c a yard. THE FOARD & Where the New things " The ( mneso inn ernment 1 a fii'iiitlv In (Im i'ojii and unvciniucul of (lli t'llited States hi toward any other, although not him; has rt'iitci tendency to si ruin them than t li fro uncut nuldieation of false report iiml 1 hreatened armed inasios, Allliouyh not encouraged l the j-overiiincut in uny way. these repot Is constitute rt Stave menace to the continuance of good relations between t ho Chine:' and American, lor these misleaditic; repot ts hy means of the ia 1 i press are eii ciliated lil omU u-t t hlMU.ellotlt tin- I'lll pile and find leudy credence anion;; tin- OUT OF POLITICS. ( Jimines of Santo Doming,o Quits Play ing Politics. NKYV YORK. March !. t'ieneial .liwit Niilor .limine, formerly president ol Santo IVmiueo. who arrived in this city from llaana ou Sutiilay, said yesterday that he was done with Dominican poli , tie for all time. 1 Siinv his revolution of two yeats as;o C-iieral -limine: has been making his home at l'oce. Porta Kico, where hi j . is now. " I am here on business." he said, "and have taken no interest in the Hlit'ie of m eouutry. 1 really don't know an thins: of w hat has lieen go ing on." limine denied that he had anv ambition to again be president of 1 Santo IVomitiiio. r ' 1 have t I"'"'11 '" Washington." he "'''led. "nor do I intend to go there. 1 ' t 11 . . . 1 . . 1 ! I snail rran-aei ine miines on wnun i came here and then return to I'orto Kii-o. 1 am out of olitic." MORE COMFORT THAN EVER. On Sunday, December 17th, the Den er t Rio Grande railroad will inaugur ate a daily line of standard and tour ist sleeping car between Denver and Los Angeles in connection with Jthe new Clark road. Both ears will leave Den ver daily at 9:30 a, m., and arrive at Salt Lake City at 1:35 p. m, the nest day. At this point the cars will be held over until midnight, thus allow ing through passengers the privilege of a stop-over of ten hours and a half in Salt Lake City. Eastbound, these cars will leave Los Angeles at 8 p. m and arrive at Salt Lake City at 6:30 a. m., second morning where they will remain over until 3:50 p. m., thence to Denver where they will arrive at 4:20 the fol lowing afternoon. This stop-over at Salt Lake City of the regular line of sleeping cars promises to be an at tractive feature for transcontinental Yard STOKES GO. Make Their Debut. HILL PROTEST CASE Government Appeals Decision in Buehne Steel Case. HAVE ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE Sectetaty Shaw Deei'es to Carry Case to General Appraisers Court in Eftott to Change Decsion of Lower Coutts. N KY YMliK. March !t. The n.-w .a-e that the oxeiHtnent has piepaiid to protect of the Huehite Mee! Wool Com pany, "a- In'iih yctcldiy before Kill era! Appraiser- IV Viies, Fi-hei. ami Howell. Although the ..ume point .it is sue has been passed on by th- Hoard ot lieneial Appraisers and the t netiit Court of ApH-aisi adversely to the nov el nineut's contention foe a hiloi .Inly, StviYlary Shaw has decided to pre. cut the new cases on additional testimony. Ill this case the collector assessed dlil at 4." per cent a. I valorem on a certain iilH'l tat ion of steel wool (inputted by the liiiehne isniivrn. Tin- impoi t-is claimed that duties have been asi-s-cd at 'ID cent ad lalou-m tin lei paia 'i.iph l:t7 as an article maiiiifaclnicd from round wire not .pecialU pimided for. Many i epr.sentat ies of (lie domestic steel ami iron industry of the I'niled States were called yeslr-ivl.iy by the co eminent counsel. They testiti.d in the m.iiu that steel wool was considered in the trade as a highly manufactured product and in no sense could lie rlussi tied as " Steel in all shapes ami forms," as had been dcsciilied in a decision of the Unrd. The following witnes-es were called by tip- government . Treasury Agent I'aitello, Mr. 1W lickn, a salesman of the steel and wire company; I'resident Wolf, of the Amer ican Steel Wool Co., and Mr. Nea'c. a -ale agent of the Carnegie Sted Com pany. The hearing probably will be conclud ed today. I'resident IWri-s stated that the decision of this ca-e might affect the tjriir rate on all iuiioit.i tions of steel and iron products. THE STATE PRINTING OFFICE. The Junction City Time-, edited hy Hon. S. I.. Mwoilicad, e ineinlier ot tie Oregon legislating and for several -es sioll.s chief clerk of the -cnate. has .ill apt air! timely on the -t.tte printing otlice and the man-ip-incM thereof. Mr. .M-xirhcad occiipyiiiL; tli'- po-ition that le- does, j. v.ell aeipiainle I I with the workings of the "Dice :n;d s.iy-: " 'i'h - -t.ite printer i- in no wav l1' -poii-ilde lor the iiilal deliiiemie. tiiat collie lli before eai-ll -e-sioll "I the h -i-Iat me. and new.pan-rs and oth-i- who hold him responsible for the va-t amount appropriated every sion for that department ol the state are unjust anil don't know v. hat t "' are talking about. 'The tees for all state punting .lie fix.-d by law as well as t!ie amount of printing nece-sary for the State', u-e. The volume of printing for which the State is liable is statutory and it is the state printer'- sworn duly to com ply with the law. When printed mat ter is ready for delivery, it is measined by the printing expert. A- thi- oflice i appointive, the present incumbent is a Democrat. He is an honest imin and a capable officer. After it is evp rtel, the repoit is submitted to the Secretary of State. That official personally investi gates every bill before it meets his ap proval. He is an able ollicer, the le-t and mot painstaking official ever in that oflice and all accounts that ure even suspicious, are by him rejected. "Thfc is the course of all claims that emanate from the department of print ing as well as other departments of the State. "The State J'rintei has on file the receipt for every dollar's worth of print ing furnished by him, which receipt checks off with the books in the office of the Secretary of State. "State Print -r Whitney i, an honor able man, clean morally and socially, and every dollar I'-ccivcd by him from the State was hone.-tlv earned and hon estly accounted for. "This oflice is wholly under control of the legislature and if censure is nec essary it should be handed out to that augUHt body. "This is a great State and require a vast amount, of printing arid we do not believe thai one dollar's worth of un necessary printing is being 'worked off on tho State. " Mr. Whitney has served one term. He hu proved a competent officer and enjoys the confidence and esteem of all those with whom he lias been associat ed. It is lii'puhliciiti precedent to give a competent oilicial it second term and Mr. Whitney is entitled lo it as well its nt her tale oIllciaK." SHM'x-J'-li''-M'-,s''f' Church I Notices! s4sjN'''l sJI-sM Fiist Ptenbylertan. I!c. Win. S. Cilhcrt, pasloi. Morn iilg woi'diip, II o'clock; Sunday school, IJ.I.'i; V. I'. S. C, !, ti dll; cM'liillg woiship, ":.W sermon themes, nioiuiiig, "The Mcinon"; ecliiuy. "The Nut lilt of Itcspoiisjbilily," Omuls choir. First Baptist. At the Itaptist church tomorrow the pastoi will pie o h morning and evening upon subject as follow-: "The Way of Life," and "The l oss m Cain of Life." All uliiei' regular senices will lie oherwd as usual, A cordial Invi tation is extended to evcishody to at lend. Fiist M. E. Chutch. The iiioinin;; cla-s mcctinv; is at lO.l.'i; pleaching at II a in and 7 -I" p, in., by the pastor, l!cv. W. S. tirim.; Siiudav -chool at I.' I' and Kpwoith League at ti:MU p. III. The la-ague ser vice will be led bv Mr .1. W. I. ncli. from the siibec! " thiisl like Life" on ate itnited t" all the seiMees I'rajer meeting Wednesday evenings at 7 ::o. Norwegian and Danish M. E. l!cv. C. Aug. I'clei-oii, bo ills bi-eii absent for two Weeks holding reuNul meetings at Spokane, will pleach at II a. m. and s p. ni., Sunday. The ili-ttiet meeting, including the pa-tois in Ore gon and Western Washington will he held this ill Astmia. beginning Match JUth to -lith. Ihete will Ih- ses sions during the day for reading and discussion of practical topics and preach iug every evening at S p. in. licv. C. Aug. Peterson has h. en notified that Astoria again has U-eti put on the budget for a chaplain among the sailoii and tishcinieti, and l!c. P. M Lllefseti was appointed chaplain. I he Seamen's Kri -ml Society, who for many Je.tii haw- supported a chaplain, have again taken up the work. lei. Lllef-ii, who for many yeats has becti ,i sailor and latelv for over In je.,1- a i slul mini-ter of th- go-pel. is well .pialilii d for thi. kind of wolk. II- aticady move, I hi- l.i mil v la le and will lake up tlm woik. Let all iuf.-i .--(.-1 in thi. woik play for him and gi- him a biotlierlv .Hid helping hand. Congregational Church. , I'r-aehing sen ice- both i ning and ! evening hy U-v. W. L. strange. s,,Md.i school ,lt I-': !-" o'eloek. Grace Church. j The Ut. licv. Hed.-ji- W. Keatol j I). I), l'.i-hop ol Hhn.pi.t iU.-."iii J Wa-hingtoti i. w ill be pic-cut ai i ii ice church on Sunday to adinini-i'-i tie Apostolic Lite ol ( oiit'iriiial ion. a- lii-hop Molli- is I Me lo Vclllllie -o far away trout l.oin-. I e'- -civ ice will eoli-ist of all call;, celebration ot tin- Holy (' lunion .it s; a. in.-, morn ing prayer and continuation at II a. in with sernioii by th- l'.i-hop. and Sunday -ehool at 12 :.'(. The evening service will be omitted to give the congiegat ion the opportunity of attending evening prayer and a ccon I continuation at I r, , i ..- I,. noe !!(-' ( hapel. Coo'ei toe n. el 7:1111. All will be welcomed to any or all of these service-. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Con stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stom ach, Liver and liowds, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regu late these organs, without pain or dis comfort. 25c at Chas. Rogers, drug gist. Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Smile in the morning, smile at. noon, Take Rocky Mountain Tea nt night. Frank Hart, druggist. I'nivcpsity students have taken a leaf from the farmer's co -opera t ive store and bettered it, to the cvlcnt. at least, thai, whereas many stores c-tablislicd for farmers on the co-operative j I n t a failed to prove a. financial success, the stu dents, residing in a compact community, have put the balance on the right side of the ledger at Vale. Ilavard and some olhei' institutions. When a student can board at Yale nt a minimum expense of ..') a week education -cciiim to be on the plain living and high thinking basis. In the spring time you renovate your house. Why not your body ? Ilollistcr'a Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impuri ties, cleanses and enriches Uie, blood and purifies the entire system. 3.1 cents. f I SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR MANY PATRONS AND ALSO TO YOU WHO WILL BE 0UH PATRON AFTER YOU SEE OUR LINE THAT OUR "SPRING CLOTHES " HAVE ARRIV ED COME IN AND LOOK WK LIKE TO SHOW OUR GOODS. P. A. STOKES SEE OUR WINDOWS. Public Confidence Is Our Greatest Asset. Torture By "Spenking of the torture to which Home of the savage tribes in the Philip pines subject their captives, remind lite of the intense suffering I endured for three month from iitllainmntion of the Kidneys," ny W. M. Shermaii, of Ctmh ing, Me., "Nothing helped me until I tried Llectrie Hitters, three bottles of which completely ruled tile " Cures Liv er Complaint, Dyspepsia, lllood ilior iter and Malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust health, (iuiirsn teed bv Chas. Rogers, druggist. Price 5(e. njoy Life (ioiKl health makes good na ture. If everyone had a .sound stomach there would lie no po Mtnists in the world. Do not allow a weak stomach or a had liver lo rofo you of the joy of living. Take BEECIIAU'S PILLS and the world laughs with you. No need then fur rose-colnred glasses, Ileecham's Tills start iic.tlili vibrations to all parts i f tin- loiy, while putting a ruddy tint on lips and cheeks. 'Hu re's health in e very x. Health for every man, woman and child. lUecham's i'ills Show How A M l-v rv vvln re. In bnxcji liie. and 2'v. THE Lr C. GEE W0 Chinese .Medicine Co. Formerly locnted L'M Aider Street; for the past five ycHrsJlA VF JlOVtl tutu the large Inick building at the south-east cor ner of First mid Morrison Streets. En trance No. 162 ront Ht. Successful Home Treatment Dr. C.OKK WO Is known throughout the CI n licit fjlulcn, and In called the (.real chines Doctor on Hcciiiint of Ills wonderful rurm without Hie n 01 ol n knllc, without iihIiix poison or dititfH of any kind, lie treats any and all discuses Willi powerful oriental root, herlis, liarks, and vi;elaliles t tint are un known to medical nelctx-e In tills country, and through the userir these harmless reme dies he guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung Trouble, Rhcumstiim, Nervousness, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Fcmali Weakness and all Chronic D'seases. Cull or write, cucIohInk 4 2-cent stamp-for mallliiK hook and circular. Address, The C- Ge Woo Chinese Medicine Co., No. 161 1.2 First St., S.E. Cor. Morrison. Mention this Portland Ornn. nun (uk a nut, vjvinix LITTLE PIECE OF CHINA A CHINA TEA POT, CHOCO LATE POT, CUP AND SAUCER OR EVEN A NICE LITTLE TEA SET, MAY BE JUST THE THING YOU ARE WANTING IF SO THE PLACE TO GO IS THE jYoKohama Bazaar wa Commercial Hired, Aalorla 1 I For Lenten Season N We carry full Una of Salt and Canned Fish We also lime a full line of freih ami canned fruit ami vegetable. Sweet navel oraii(e from l.'i to f0 cents dot. New flower eeds on display at stSTOMAGROCERY I'hone Main 0H1 823 Commercial St NOTICE. I Ail totem of latsop e.iun'.y. iirea I e, tiv-e of p ii tics, aie her hy itnitel at'.d leeee fed to fee! .1!!d pa 1 1 I e ip 1 0 in a meet in:." o le ,e in " I ocjan hall" nt Astoria, mi Situr.litv, Ap il '., ll'lltt. at lo a. in. oi i in- pii of iioii.uial iii; a lull county ticket to he Vot d fol ou .Morula V , .1 into 4, llMMi c' i. thknciiaiui, ('liairinan of the Citizens' Commit I - r of A-toiii, Uto. MAX W. I'dlll., Sect etat v. Dr. D. A. Sanburn FKKNCH M'ECIAI.IST. The li'mii of Cures I a ul now in your city introducing my wonderful art of healing. Come on and all and I will tell everyone their diseuHo and you will he made well.. My medicine are all nature remediea, rootH, hcrliH, hark and licrries. After I introduce my medicine I will leave ccrtuin kinds of it in your drug store. j Oflice hours: l to 12 a. m.j 2 to -8 I p. m., at the Nfelcr House, 080 Commer jelal street, room 1 and 2. Consulation free at Astoria, Ore. mum WOMEN. Hun IliR U fern n ii nt il rl la 1 tu t itii.I (ll"iluiiii,iiilliiiiiiiiatl(ini Irritations or iili-nnillon not to iitlmurr. f inneiiiiii lirnnM. TrfMnta Cnalitlnii. pl,,lu. .ml not u.lrlli. THEEVANSCHf MICAI CO. niuriuuATi n mm u..i.a sw i.....vl.4 t V. S. A, J, 3 or uont In rliiin wrnppir, v ClrcuUr tinl. ou rotiueiU I f ' I lNs'..-"s i 0 1