8 THK MOUMXC ASTOHIAX, ASTOKIA. OUKCOX. FRIDAY, MARCH o. iguO. We Have the New Steel Cut Java and Mocha Coffee Baker's Barrington Hall See Our Window Display. A. V. ALLEN BIG RAILROAD DEAL Extensive Elevation Plans Being Made in Chicago. INVOLVES FORTY MILLION SAYS SHE IS CALLED TO KILL PRESIDENT Woman Dei-latei She 'look (he Socialists' Oath. ii.i A HARD EXPERIENCE seemed ,i if s)n water pour hitist. to !i l Crew of Schooner Pendleton Un dergo Terrible Hardship. GO WITHOUT FOOD OR WATER Three Misted Schooner is Wrecked and Crew Are Rescued After Being Without Provisions or Water For Four Days. sh.i; d.tv it i ' - t.i-t ili. I i !u i i hold. Captain Xh( was Mruck by . wave, hurled against iv piece of Imnlifi' i mi dock, mill ni'ivli injured. Tovvaii evening on March the Ci-iit iylit'il tli- Pendleton, then iilino-t completely "iiliiiii'iyiil. A Imat was launched mill manned In t!n' steward. I Iowa i Nel on, mill two xailor-. who rowed along side at tin- iik of their live. Captain Dodye. sulTering from his in juries, had to lie helped almard. So Inul tin" negro nxik and tln mate, who had temporal ily lost his mind from the privation ho had endured. The ve-sel had U"en pe -vented from sinking by her vaiyo of lumlier. When abandoned on i I March 2 sin- was still afloat. XKW YORK. Henry Podge, of fight men, the niuter schooner Match s. Captain Portland. Maine, and lew of the three hli.a I. Pendleton owned ly IVudleton Brother-, were put ashorV at F.lizabethport y.-terday by the schoner Anna It. lii-lmp. and told of the Miffering they underwent after heing wrecked. The erevv were rescued from the Pendeltou 2HI miles southeast of Fire Inland on Marrli 2. after being nearly four day without food or water Th Pendleton was on her wav from Georgetown. S. f.. to Rridgeport. Conn, with a cargo of lumber when he was struck by a gale on February 27. For hour he withstood the blow, but late ST. LOUIS DARK. ST. 1.1 US. March S. A dense pall of smoke liegan settling over St. Louis tin- morning, gradually growing in den sity ,is the day proivitl until at 1 1 : :t0 darkness of nilit prevailed. Business houses and residences were lighted, .street lights were tinned on. street ears Used their elect rie lamp and ilay was veritably turned into night. The intense ihirkne continued for half an hour. At noon the light began lowly to re turn as the smoke pall dimini-hed. The sitn is -till obscured. Plans Contemplated Ate Klev.it ion ot lVim.tuI K.iiIhm,: Ttacks Within City and Appoitionment ot Walsh Coal Piopetttes. t IIICAi.t', M.mh v i,,. t i Hi can tod, iy s,i: A sjii.ihxiinni iralroad deal, cnibin.in;; evleiisivc elevation ll a in ii ( in in Your attention is called to our new store, now open and ready for businefs We Do Expert Painting, Graining Paper Hanging and Frescoing GIVE US A CALL The Eastern Painting a Decorating' Co. No. 75 9th St. CAUSES SENSATION Suits Against Elevator Concern Evokes Comment ANTI-TRUST LArVS VIOLATED Action of Government is Based Upon the Affidavits of Men Who Were Formerly in the Employ of the Combine. cayn-Xt. I.ouis connection, the leoiya niatiou of the Chicago Teiiiuual I i. ills fer Railroad Company and the possible transfer of the IVmisV h ania teituiii.il to the Claud Central lVpot, is now -aid to lie behind the pending sale of the lohu R. Ciish tailiviads. The tentative plan- in the big ileal it wa stated last night, contemplate the elevation of the Terminal Railroads tracks within the city limits without further delay ami the subsequent ap portioumetit of tin- WaUli cual and piany p! oH-i ties among at lea-t I nice arge trunk line sylenis. It was learned thai a unlet cii c at which the negotiations vvctc wound up was hehl at the le-ldenee ot lohu .1. Mitchell, picsidcni of the Illinois Tm.i A Savings Rank, who nin c-.-ut s t !i . dealing Ionise coiuinit tec in the disposal ot tlie Wal-h proper! ie-. The ( liicagu Southern Railioad. one of the Walsh lines tint can lie con trolled III three iiionth-, i, the toad thai furnishes the key to the couiiiiuuit v of interests plan which has brought the big railroad interests together. The strategic impoi tainv of this lim was quickly leeognieil by the Vander Inlt people, the I'i iiiisv Kama interests and the Mihiiv eiimp.iiiies, especially tin Chicago anil K4istern Illinois road, ami plompteil tlies.. three large interests to enter into the syndicate agreement foi joint oeratiiu of the new road in tin event of the purchase being made. M W URI.RWV Mai, ing that hcl hie le -Ie assnssjn lies 1'icshh hi Hoiuaii who gave her nam I! I ... II . . . t . . . o. i c. aiici , oi rnn e; police he.iihiiai'lci s oi m,ici she spol.c i i ion i ll all ; I"' K but II Ma- e, i.l, , lo .Hi evaminal ion 1 , -he I ell III M h . r .tit . ,i I'iilla lelphi i an, I that s!,, c. I I "III I lei" ail. I iiia.le loli 'I'l-t I he Pi, s , I, III I, ,.. ne u, nil,! . ,esl,,,, executed she -aid -lie lie. I !o Texas, but tiic men i,.i,,ue,l I .01,1 that he h:d then ...ii,, I 'ilea ii'. i s Hclai taken llllle-s Roosevelt, a as , crl.el a: t ion t ,l. , Clel I sl, ib t a in h r ".nan -aid ", I 1 1 1 .1 - in is taken to !.c an n it N oil I 'ill II., I LIVING TOOASTILY AMERICAN WOMEN BREAK DOWN One Piano Number With Every Flv. Dollar Salt. IrreguhirltlttM unit Fnnmln Diuninr" iimntK Uvnult . Ourmt liy l.ydl i, Pliiklmma Vrnfoiubla I'ompouiul. (vvlng' to our iiimle and manner of living, and llio nervim i baslo of every vvouuin to lieeiiuiiili.sli JuhI mi tnueli eiieli day, it U -.aid Unit there W ut ii i i ii , e, MII.I.KR IS FI.NKI) $.,. ANP COSTS. Foicst Grove Dtunnist is Sentenred by Recoid.r Walter Hone. Ki'RI's i (.;h k. ii,,. , Match s Millet, a iliuggist, via,. as 1 1 id l.cloie llci'ilder I t . t lii i K loi violation ot a iv, cut ol.lni nice piohibuiiig the -ale of tiipior in l'oie-1 l.'iovc .iKoiil a mmiln ago and dismisse I, vi.is again Hied ves telihlV lie I ore Recot.bl Waller Huge and sentenced to pay a tine of Vlil and costs In th,. it in. lance R.cotiler (lllk -tatcd that he ,ei the dance inviilnl. a plaint was fatal als, del. lie that tiv the c and ia I, Iv niise, i. en- signed his otbee. Walter Ib.ge u aopomted in his place ami Miller vv as a-.-ain . i n- I I. ihaige.l with the same iiiis.lenieaiioi K. II. Tongue has appealed the cisc to the ii .tit ci, tut on the gioim tlMi the delend.nii had been .,n, , In,-I and ,!i. L' tllv pi. i. d III hie ,,e,,-e I:, AAAetRS MWyHK I uiiift Mm Mn t w iiii-sed and could not In jeopaidv again li the HARPER MEMORIAL DONATION. DEMURRERS FILED. V t'RANt IM i. March new s of i tiling of a -nit Cnited States gov ei mill -nt, ai S. -by a i list th on' Billy Buster Shoes" They have a sole that won't wear out. S. A. GIMRE, AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE 543 Bond Street Cpp. Ross Higgins & Co. number ,,f elevator companies ha e l a .eiKitioii in I alifoitiia an W'e-t. liii- being the lir-t legal pi' ings of the kind ever in-t it lite. lie'i I'nited State- J Ji-t 1 ii-t Attorney Rob ert iJevlin. who brotight the suit, ua-hx-ated late la-t night at his residejic in Jierkeley. In di-cn--ing his aeiion. hit -aid: "The complaint tiled yesterday i-again-t the Utis Klevator Company, and thirty o!hci defendatHs who are allege,! to be in on concern and operating contrary to the piovi-ions of the Sher man " t. The complaint was drawn up by me. but i- signe.-j by I'tiited State Al tot m y ( .etieral .Moody, all -uch ac tions oi igiiiatiliL' at W'a-hiugtotl. "The action i- ba-cd upon affidavit- of men who were fonu-rly in the erim paiiy ninl who -tale that, while tie efcmhiiit. to the action are apparently corporate concciiis, they in reality are all under control of the Otis Klevatoi Company. The ell'ect of this pooling of inteie-t-, i- to enhance prices and re strict trade with the view to controll ing all the elevator bu-iness on the Pa eilie ( oa-t. with the probability that this i- but. a branch of a gigantic trust that, eontiols the elevator output nil over the I nited States. " Sii'-h a combination i, against the pi'ovi-ions of the Sherman law and we believe t.hal we have ample evidence ag.iin-t, the trust to make out a clear case when ii coim- to Irial. The alii davits of the men -et forth in the com plaint . who-e names I do not know, re member, are complete and are based upon pers,,Ma knowledge. A great quan tity of material of lirius not in the coin- In lie. has gone to waste, there being no -,'ilu for it. "'I his proceeding has been carefully prepared and will be pn-hed vigorously. In every pha-e of it thi lias been consulted and I regard the case a- dear and strong against all the long li-t of defeniUints." ( IIICACO. Man !, s. ),.mm , ,., , tiled by the Chicago I limn and the Chicago Consolidate, 'I I a, ; ion I on, ,,, in,., againsi th.- .nit of the imderly ing Chicago Ni.ith and Wet idc companies to obtain ci-- -e-sioll of the I on-oli lite ( on , p, 1 1 i -' line, wen. overruled .vc.l.ad.iv liv lodge Cio.scitp. The ,,,i,t. ,:.o cut, red a I'de upon the d tend. lilt- III the -lilt to tile an au- -uit was begun mi J elld i- ba-cd ,,ii U,,. I -olid. iied Im s mi. money ot I;,,. theietore -i.l,id panic-. I IIICAi.il, Maid, sell. ple-dclt o till "I the Pnivcisity ,, ( hicago, (lorn Spain yesterday a doiiatj mil I" the fund Im building the W 11. Harper iiieunnial libiarv M.ii'iiii ;. h i bii.il ,, tin. lee. bled COMPLETES BRIEF. PARIS. March S-, Kelly ..)!..- 1 1 .-. t fu the MlniHter of Justlie, M. Chiiuinle oiicernlnif On- case of l-.'ll ott K, stiei ni I w ho wax tlneil ;,n I Me,,eii, ,-, t,, three months: liu,i iMoimieiii o,, n. to. li :', hint tor klllluk; Madeline Maidu- e. Who Wild ktlOl ke, oVel' l,y , Sb .- ard "ii April 1 1, 1 .:!. M Ft ii..e w !.o i u.Kovl.it.-'l vvltli Mr. Iel, ..-vl- otisly lei lllfd !te .lMslir.ll Illilli.Mter W ..ub! I .It ..fljlly brief. Cut I tile !l!l!;iM.. ' -He It 1 11 letO.llli s'at I -e,:e, .. ,,f ,-t l-i,h!.e; t, Kin it.tr ut. til M 'haiitiii- erid.-re,!. one woman In twetity lle hut that , HUffiTN fltilll Nome del illlgeniellt of tint j feiimlo orgtmiHiu, and thin ii the m-cret f mi iminy unhappy Inniiei No woitmu imii le mnliible, liifht- I belli led and happy, a joy to her hut j blind mid ehil.lieHi, ami perforin t ho I (Itltlen ini'iiuilieut, iijsiti her, when slot j in MinVrlnir with bueKnebe, headache, liervotliilieHJ., sleejdessiiein. bearlllif j down jittltiN, displacement, npuml weaknewt or dlieased organs. Irritability ami snappy retort. tU j theplneeof pletisantneM. and all nun- , Nhlue h driven out of the home, mid liven are wrecked by wotuan't if re at , enemy female trouble. j Ileilil thin letter ; Dear Mr Pink ham - j " I wiwtroubl.lf,,relfht rra with lrru larithv which lirok- iu my health ami j brotiKht on e.treiiH' n.r iinie-sji nil I .m li'iiev l.vdhi K Pitiklmm s eci'tnlil" I om- toimd provtl to Is. th.. oulv m.slletiin v. he li ; lirlie. m llayhv l iv I impiovlmh'altti while taking It until I eiilirelv ''ur.l 1 j ran attend to my . i.il and h"tis,.,,, dntirm and thoiMtiKhlv "iij v life hi,si m .ie. m hr U K. I'mklmm s '.'i"t.iblei 'oiii.iiii. hm mt. me a well woman, with nit u n Im .n i-iiii " I -Mrs Chester Cut). Sai at, Strnni, I Knat Idnton, Mass , At the tlrst .u.hca'i if HI health. ' painful or irreyubir (htiikU, pa ti In the hide, hendacbe backache, U-arhiif. down paiim,iicrvoiisiiesur"lhe blue," aeetire at once a bottle of Rydm K. i'iukhttm'a Verfc'.iblo CotupouuJ Hud btjfin IU U.-o. ' . .A ... !L k 1 ' I ".'1, I, A 'V j T5ho Better Uye Grade Ufye Better Uhe Trade The Beit Counh Svtup. S. I,. Apple, , X Plob.lle ,, I.,., I l(. tawa Co., K.itisi. wntc, i. to ity that I have us -.; Ihillui'. lb.i,. hoiiml Syrup fit viurt nil I 1, not lieitllte to recommend it u ti" bet cough yrup I h iv ev er ur, " J.ic .Vie and 1 no. Sold tv il.nC, drug .tote. Herman Wise Aitoria't Rrllible Clothier. r that I h ! e, lie ef e the Po V I' 1 J J 1 1 t 'ill I ', l.illll I Mill. 'tat t he I on with the "i ' ii'g e,,ii:,aiiie- ;i ri , i belong to tho.,. com- NC DISTRESS SIGNALS. SAXTA HAIMiARA. .;,!. March Th" ciow of freight ttain X ,, 1 1 which wan rejKirted to have neetj ;t V-H.S.-1 in .lit,.(.SH ,.ar s;ljr, .-u-rv.-, I'licy Htat" her- at ,'!: IT, thi.s mot tiii.g. that, the rf)rt that t. . sel iiisidaylnjr liHtteM Hiut. out foUfiilation. W'h.it Hi fbev sax' was two Ve--ev the Salita fto.;t and tie Ja..ili? each other .it :,, lust tiit'ht ami (liMplayii.g i which will- at first tak'-i, of iRxtres-H. l-'rom thi f, to bay-- ari.sotj the )-;, u t to a vohsH. aN Is vvitb iv did , .' '-oim.itly ' 'oo.s liay, poit,t bale it'ojil liKhts I'oi nigimi et :i jipi'a r I (lisasier A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Mail Have I.marlaat and Cloaay Hair, .N Matter What Color. The finent contour of a female fare, th tmetUnl urnllc of a femnlf mouth, lonra I aorne ttilnif if the hemj In crownefl with acant hair Scant and falling hair, it I now known, ia rauneil l,y n jiaraHlti that burrowa into the eealp to the root t,f tTie hair, where It wij,h the vitality The lit tle white aeale.i) the ircrrri throwi Ut In burrowinr are cHllf-,) ilanilruff To cure d.mdrufr fierrnaner,tly, then, nral to ntnp f.illiriK hair, that eerm miiKt he killed. Nfwhro'a Ilerplrhle. an entirely new re (Hilt of the chemical laboratory, deitroyl the (lamlrulT Krrn, ami, r,f conrHe (ttot.i the f.-il 1 rK hair, ami preventM hablnentt. Sold by leadlnK ilrupt.ri'-tM Hend 10c, in utampH for f.arnjile to The Herptcide Co, Detroit. Mich. Ragle Drug Stoie, :i., -3,,:i Rond St., Owl Unit' Store, ,r,t0 Com. St.. T. F. Latinn. Prop. "Special Agent. " A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Jt- pieifiunt taste ami prompt mires nave made. Chamberlain' Cough Kern eciy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their foughs and colds and prevent any danger of pneumonia or other geriomt fon.-.equences. It riot only cures croup, but when tiven a .-oon as the cropy fiough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. "THE MILWAUKEE" "Pioneer Limited," St. Paul to Chi cago; "Overland Limited," Omaha to Chicago; "Southwest Limited," Kansaf City to Chicago. No train in the service of any rail road in the world equals in equipment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee t St. Paul Ry. Thity own and operate their own Bleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of service not obtainamle elsewhere. Berths in their sleepers are longer higher and wider than in similar cam (ttortiey-gencral jon any ot,er line. They protect their trains by the Block System. II. S. Rowe, Ceneral Agent, 134 Third street. Portland, Ore. ASTORIA COMMISSION and AUCTION CO. oOo Commercial Street AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY at a p. m. PRIVATE SALES during the week Ask Us for Price 305 Commercial Street. Special Stationery Display LARGEST LOT OF bOX AND TABLET PAPER EVER BROUGHT TO ASTORIA FINE CORRESPONDENCE PAPERS IN BULK AND BOXES IN ALL FASHIONABLE SHADES AND FINISHES. ALSO A OPES. SEE THE SHOW WINDOW, THEN COME INSIDE AND SEE LARGE LINE OF COMMERCIAL PAPERS, TABLETS AND ENVEL INTERIOR DISPLAY. "I J. N. GRIFFIN J WeinharcTs Log; r Beer. Study the Map Thirteen states and territories of the Middle West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There are more cities of 25,000 population and upwards on the Rock Island System than on any other Western road! From Minnesota to Texas, from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is Rock Island country. The Rock Island System occupies a strategic position in the western railway world. Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder and study the map ten to one your destination is on the Rock Island or reached by way of it. Note our several offices maintained in the Northwest : Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Butte and Salt Lake City. The Rock Island is reaching out for busi ness and solicits yours. a. 11. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore.