6 THE MOUXIXG ASTOMAX. ASTOIUA. OHKCOX. FRIDAY, MARCH o, 191.0. A SUBURBAN HOME. Ba All Modern Intprovrmrntfr at Moilerntr '(. f.i.tXMI, ICopyrluhl, I'.H". Ij Stanley A IVimis. 4 ISro.nlttai , New Y.ak ) The modern hoiis,. shown hero w CcMiKllol to cost KS.tioO. It lias nil th conveniences Known t. the builder, tu drilling electric bells and wirliij: fta electric limits, I'lii'iv I1 a cellar under the entir t)OtlHC, Willi fella iltl'.I Ibml', ,,m bill. cold stoit'i.eiiii mill a h.it air furnace. Tlic cellar walls arc of stone. The frame is of spruce ami hemlock and the walls are sheathed, tapered .tC Bit-It 0H0 FRONT ELEVATIOX. ud Med, The main roof is shingled The exterior oruameut.il work Is of composition. The windows, except mow of the cellar, ure fitted with outside blinds and patent blind hinges end openers. The exterior Is covered with two coats of white lead and llu (d oil paint, pea green body, Ivory white trimming, terra cotta blinds and bronie green cashes. The floors are laid with comb grained North Carolina pine, tongued and grooved. The Interior walls are coy e3 J WPLOB" I ---oinc- I 1 f ' Tv o wtoe ha Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. HELP WANTED, W A XT KI M.V X Ai 5 KK l'OU WlANCll : oll'iiv we wish to kvate here in As- Joiia; address with reference. The Morris Whoa House. Cincinnati, Ohio. 3, .jo ; fur BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, FIKST-OI.Y-S MK,I. "o; nice cuke, cidU'o, h or WANTED -A Yot'NV, MAX, WHO IS don di mi ts, .').-, at I'. S. Restaur- not afraid of work; good salary. ant t.-? I J '.olid St. Vpply "7.." unv A-torian. HEST ISU'NT MKAL You can always timl tho hvA 15-t'ont moal in tlif city at tlu Rising Sun llostaurimt. ''otniiu'ivialSt. WANTED IN-I A1.1M1 N i t'OI.l.Ef- lor tor mi'iehan ,i-e .i.vminfs; good salary ami epei,-c,. Address Maimlai' turer. P. O. lii.T, l'hila., l'a. WANTED Girl lor general housework small family. Enquire at Astorian office. W AN TEH HK.I.I Alil.E AM) KX KK jjetii' mar. in it-pie-ciu tin' Intern i nmal Cm re-pundi'iit Schools, in A-lmia ;nd iciuity.j a m.,1 Minning for a til t -i-his- man: -.ilarv and t.iicu-i-; rcteteiiees, A,!i:iv t . K ( ln ilian t v. .AD1KS KMI'l.ttM-:!) TO 11 KAXi'Y woi"k at Imme during pare time; no )ei ieiiee iOiiiii il; yiNid jmy and t.,i.l. . .1,1...... I.-....,. ..,i l iii "'"" " ' " "T Market San Kram ivo. .'! S lm W'AXTED - A GOOD COMPETENT girl for cooking and general house ork; must be good cook. Apply "K", Astorian office. 2-26 t.f. WANTED FOLK 150AT HUll.DKRS at th.. R. M. Leather boat shops, at once. 4t FOB SALS. THE SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINE, gasoline, for fish boats; any speed; bit made; right price; in stock; on exhibition; running in salesroom; also Fairbanks-Mom Stationary Gasoline Engines. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., First and Stark streets, Portland, Ore. 3-1-lm JAY Tl'TTI.K, M. ). I'UYSKMAN ANIt M KUKoN Aetlng AskNlam miiiih t'.S, Murine ll.nplla', s i lee. )(Bc hour: 10 to ID a.m 1 i 4 : SO ji.ni 4'f.' Commercial Slreri, Jml Floor Portland Restaurant 78 Astor St. Good Clean Meals. Excellent Service. Meals From 15 Cents to 50 Cents. BROKERAGE. C. J. TREXCHAKD Real Estate, Insuranoe, Commisslor and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Office 133 Ninth 8trt, Next to Just lot Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St. The leading amusement house, P. A. TETERSON, Prop DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT sos Oregonian Building. PORTLAND LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. I'e.nllHliHI iMll.'ilneeil l, I llll llmall , He II e,,he,l . I lie ' : "in 1 1 tiii. i ..I tin. 1 ii ., .ini 1 1 , 1 I lial s M.I 1 mii. il l.ei. I. ,. , hue. it I I 'lelel nillliil imII ,lti llilellte.il til llllpi. ' HmII.I -lint IimIii :r le , hue ,, Mstl, I Hei I In th,. ue,! !ier n hue'- ImM.I III I III ' pal I n I lie t il ,, , ''Hi .1- laid .en .111. 1 1 , ,.., I In .l,t, Met huv ami ei.iile, In I 1 n. 1 itiio " I't IIHplOM I n III .l ill l ,.- . ,i I'K'ilii!: till the ,.!, Hiiikiei., ..i, leu, ill.. aiel planl.iiie- aiel 1,1, hie., lae ilieel 1.1 III' e lal.li .ii., y 1 .'! I " l'ie lull unltli llieleul, eeept il e pil,. iv .i le m 'II S.1.,IU ;. .i,,, niul ,it -Hell plae.'S (lie .!,.. I ,l.ll! Le '1 ne, " .Oil illll, (i. mil, In the et thh-lli'l i'la.le, ,, I,, (, ,,, ,, l( 'I"' -lie. I , impineil l he the e,l,lhl-.,e, , 1. ,. , ,n he . nil. I i iielc.l .hi hut I, ,,!, , ,, ),,. I leel .i ll, ,i, l. I the Hell III., Il'il M.e ,. the mI Ml Hill -lleel I,, tie. OREGON - I it M i line'. .i,,,,, .,, ,, """h -l,h- ,. ..,. .,,. ,M ,,. OSTEOPATH1STS. iei ni, .(1,,.t ,,, ,. 1 "' t Htl,-e l! ,, H,, ,,li I . lie iriiiein ,,!,tu. il., in,, ,,,,, j,. ,1M i A DR. RHODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Offlc Maiiin). Did. Phon lllack 673 Commercial St.. Astoria. Ore. DENTI8TS. FOR SALE. CORNER LOT 501100. 8 room house, beautifully ornamental Sycamore street shade tree", 150 feet cement tidewalk and park place, lot terraced, two cement step, both streets recently improved, grand view, one of $t the finest central locations in the city. Must '! quiek. Enquire :t07 Ninth street t. Parker House Bar Cor. Ninth and Astor Sts. Agency for Edison Phonographs and Gold Moulded Records. Him l,, park ,,..t,v I.eMieeii , , ".ilk llllil the i !.lh .m i , I,,,,!, .j,,,,.,. ,,( 'lie l.iiit I,,, in. ,. ,,( ,),,. -iiliMiall. an. I the pi,,p,i 1 1 M,r ,, ,, 111" ifliiainiiiM p,,ili I lh -li.ei the -iewalk. -Iiall h.. v. h,, ,i,,,,, ,,, -till, le. ,. ,!,., ;,, , t 1 1 . . lie- l.llttelt ,e,,! . ,,i.,, ,., ,, I'Mth -1,1.', .,f th,. .In el ,h , 1 1 , , I, , ,,,, 1MII1I , tine lh . .,H , , ,, ''I ' 1 I, el He! ,,!! ..piiii-, .iml - ,ipa-e, ,!.., , i .,, ,,,, ,v ,,1,1,,, II, nil, ,ui. lea.) itiii. !,, ui:,-. ''"" ' 'III' I" Mil. !l ,l,e. t -ll.lll he in. I. i.,illiie, , ,,, ,,1, , , ,, '"' ' ' th pMi ..I lane ii, , he. u,,.n th"lM,i;,'hll .,, ,UI, 1 ,..!, ,()., ,,, llll.e III, lie. h!,.,:i .,. ,.! ,,,,.. III lll.lllel, til eel. ..,,,) ,,, j,, , , , ,. ,,. , 1 tltniite. 1 1 ' m 1 , 1 1 1 1 e ,, ). phiii, ami -,,', Hi, ., t i, ,,.(, .,, , ilep,H.., In (I,,. ( jM s,lh. , , .,,. inalti'i im I li.it t lie eci'l , and ep. i ,, , ,, -tinetiiij,' ,.u, iinpn. leie tut ,,,,1 ,1,. Iine. In M-t i.i ! ,,. ,. ,, in ,f, . I. I.iinl, and iiiemi.e. iH'tielli,.,! ,v ill'l li.tt, hill. I ,li t'le,,,,,,. (,, C. D. SUwart, 127 Seventh street. !,.,. t W( : M j, ,-, ., , ,,,,, DR. T. L. 15 ALL, DKXTIST. 5-4 Commercial St Astoria orrni. 1h. VAUliHAX, Dkntist Pthiau HuildinK, Actoria. Oregon. Dr. W. 0. IXHJAN DENT J 31 578 Commercial St , HlmiiBhan i'uihluiu MUSIC TEACHER. m iihuh, i;, is, in, jn, ,i,i,i "i, ,i u H il in lie l mi I II, 7 ami H in eneli n( hliiek I ' 1.1, I I, 1,1 ami lli. all in He, I pail of I ae I Ml ol I, 'Mil ,l, l,ii, nut ulhl IT' eMI.Ie.l In l,., , I hue , ,.lei,e, , v- I 1 1 in i 'liiei in I l it nip 1 1, mil i iieoii. Ol ll l MI, ii'lilin aiel I'uli. e lii lee ,, he I ,y, :t 'Ml' NOTICE. N"Ui I In 1 1 In "Hell, I hat t lie I urn. I I ' milled ol Hie I 'ill mI A-luiia Ini ileeh, e, I il, ilel, i iniiial Inn ami Inleiil jtiii In le clahll'li I ln (,iia, Iilill iiemie hunt ,..,( ,, ,.,,!, ilfn, lierl (,! (II,. 1 1 r I . 1, tlt I'leihlll -lleel, il that ,111, 1 e,. when il If e,lili,he, will he at ,,. ,,,,w jj. ,,, i, ii urn up,, i, (I,,. hi,, i, ( tl,,, (.ia,lt u i"l hh-aeil In ., i. 'lien,,,, ,, 7 ,,( ,. i il i el -l i .i it - l I he , ., ,t hue ,, I i-nl I lit I il t le, I it .'I.' e,i ln,. i he .,i,i, n ni,ne. , Il I he lii-l hill', Illll alM I he ,11,1 . nt I ii. nl itl, ,ic, i j.ai i,,,. i n,. Il"' La i. mI yi.i.le,, the wi't, ami .il" ,,,,i hue ,, Twenn ..ii.iilh d'i',-i al 'IS , ,t ..litne ihe li.,,, ,, .m.i,i.; f, Hie w, , ,lie ,. I weiil i e,lh ulii-et al '' .Ii le, I ,llnn, h,,M u J.M ilileit jn lei,, 1 I lllll-hl-ll I h it Ii, Iw ceii , aiil In,, i, .il,,,,,. iIum;- ll.lll, I Ihe .Illll ,l,,,: - ,i, i, j-lii.lii,,! ultipr. an. I the mime -hall he leiil limit, Ii. n II, Id tmt Ii. ' Ol.lil Will IIMI.N, ll,lllm lllul I'ullee lllilj;,' ,,( the :l '.'II WANTED THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Astorian ofllce. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS. -ii, JUST A MOMENT! FIltT FLOOD PLAX. ered with two coats of hard patent FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL- plaster, sand finished. The trim Is of umn newspaper outnt; complete kllrt dried cypress in the first story and -ept prs; cheap. Inquire at this of of whltewood on the second floor, fin Ace, lshed in the natural wood, with wood fillers properly rubbed and three coat- SECOND HAND DONKEY ENGINES of fiat varnish nibbed and sandpaper for Mlei gujtable for logging and m uruu uuu aiuooui oeivieeu couis. .... t- i , . , . , . hoisting purposes. For description and The stairs are of oak, except the attic . , . stairs, which are boxed and built of Pnce "PP1? to D- Kuettner, Astoria, yellow pine. The mantels are of oak. Oregon, with bevel plated mirrors, solid facing and bronze summer pieces. HORSES FOR HIRE, The hardware is of plain dark bronz tf tf with oak knobs, roses and escutcheons. G00D SADDLE HORSE FOR HIRE BY hour or day. Apply at Astorian office. -Boor- I J ?o.o- I , ilJ -CCDROCM- -BCD ROOM- I -iir'o:- -is -Gi n'o' - I , ClO; if -Rocr Vellow Pine I'or lutfrlor Trlui. Yellow pine I,.,., reefily ln-ea in- reusing in favor as :j we nl whlcU can be slK'i-essfillly lifil UiX .lie LigUiest class of i'jiei'i.;' finish. It lias always been one of the mum popular of Amer ican hard wmvs for flooring and other purposes, but It lias been shown in a number of different instances that It can be stained so Unit it puts up an appearance very similar to that of Flemish oak Architectural Record, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. All of the'e disea-e- are attended by inten-e itching, which is almst instant ly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Salve and by it? continued use a per manent cure may be effected. It has in fact, cured many cases that had re sibted all other tretrnent. Price 25c I ipatlinu irnorrlBTa Tt... hl,.mi ...,.1 r..,.. :. I OO - - .1 1 . : , . . , . Bueives 10 miii, wiui cioseis, urawers. OFFICERS CHOSEN ext. i The dining room is fitted with hand some china closets. The bathroom and -NfcW yuKK' Man n l,'-ineM 01,1 kitchen have modem open sanitary f"'ls were chosen at Die annual meet- plumbing and fixtures. The grills arc ol the American Power Hoat As- of (juartered oak. so. iaiion last nght This makes a cozy little house for President, James N. Ollpbant. Thou one with moderate means and should sand Islands-; Yacht Olub; Secretary, not exceed the estimated price, $3,000, Anson li. Cole, Manhanset Bay Yacht where prices of material and labor are i 'lub; Treasurer, ,T. Howard Wain- normal. wriKt. American Yacht flub: Trcasur or. II. .1. Oielow. Atlantic Yacht. Club Invaluable for Rheumatism. fit th,. .til'iri'f fit. in w.u iniirivo i rt t.lll' i jicoc ijtii ouutiiij" lur uie past , , , , ri TT ,,. , . few years with a -severe attack of """" ' ,w- ""'"" rheumatism and found that Ballard's Rocky Mountain 'J ea di ives out . impiiri- Snow Liniment was the only thing that ties, cleanses and enrii-he- tin; blood and ttave ine satisfaction and tended to al- umii,. tin- entire -,tem. tuu. leuaie in v pains, juarcn it, os. .jonn i. Denan, Kinsman. Ills. 25c 50c and We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING Wc do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art v3 ttS tj iS We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. c t? feji? vit! The J. S. Dellinger Co, $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug htore. The Morning Astorian, C5c a month. 8 NOTICE. V,' I. e I , l,,-el,J ;,.l. I t li.it Ihe I He'll I man il m the ( 1. 1 l,,,, , ' '', I II , l . Illlelitimi ,, telllllliatl HI '( ...II, lllli tine; a -en, , ,,, laehle, , -llee! limn p,,,i ,, lilt,',), (,.,'t ,,l, "I the II, all, ,. ,, l,,,,i,. .iiemic, ,, I ae in a I !, hlie m I -M hillie,- ..( , ,.i I . I liHIl -,H,I p. an! .i 1,-et .mil), ,, I,, in. ill, line ,. I, tan. le .Hemic, .i the jititiit ..O leel -Mlllll til Ihe ,.,lll I, 111,,- t, lutll.. Illl .llelllle, , ,. Mul.f ,,., ,e CMtl,ln,t. nl ..I Iweheiinl, wtiilie.l .i-iiri ,i)Cl Illll III le.'t .,,w the C,,l' tie I, .ili.l Iiiiiii -.,, I pmiit le, J ..mill, mI the .until hue i, l iaiiklni mrnile, ti tlie IHillh hlie tt ., h,Hi),'i- lii-i t, tho -ewel ,leil he i i,,t iii ., ,,( u Wotl ltMi I.' Illelie. In I t Mil lie, in,.c iiica oiemenl, ,i mi f 1 1, ,, , 1, !., ,! "Ililll lie well l.ilel,nl In the Illl, lei pllllllllM til till' -lleel. Ill mallei, m( detail, , wir "hiill In inn, tin, led MittiiliiiK .. the plan, iiii, I -peeilii al Inn, theieli.le I,, ,e pi ipn , ,, ,, I he I l Sim , r ,,, . I Illll l till I pulllt ,'i ii .null, tif li'e IHillh Inn- ill l.i.iieh nvennti thru, -lelll he iMii,liiete. I, hinh iiiiinhtile llll.i tl lot it Ihe tan, m, ,1 ,4,, ,i , til. mi- -hall be lead he en ,, jind i-v- p.'ll.e, u I i,l-tl II, I ik. ,,,, !U,U I.. h i 1. 1 1 eil l,t ,., i.i ,,,., ,, p,m I hit, i.iinl, and .i'ini,e, heiielitiel Ii v Hie -alllf. M I, Hie te,eri.. a (m!. lull , ; I.mI, II, 7 H ami !l t.f l,,,.k l.'l; Int. I, '' '. !'. I", II ami I'.! ill I.I.M'k It; ImI. I, ,', and I! in block Jt, loU I, 2, .1 and I m blink J.l; .i, l! nd 7 f ,,'k HI ; l"li 1, I", II mid I.' .if lilnek 112, all III that pint ti) Ihe toitll nf Aniii iimw eitti, a, laid mil and leennlcd by ImIiii .M, Shiti'lv in flalni tonnly, Si,,,. nf Hi eeiitl, iM.dl'- ANDKHSOX, mliliir ami I'nlico ,lme,. ,,f , cnv i'!2H 1 TREASURER'S NOTICE. Tilde i, imilley ill the a ) t (n,ii In piii all warianl, 1 1 1 , 1 . n -, , . iti ilay mI .Mareli ti, ihe li.tl, ,ilv ,,f -Mat hiith In, hi,ite. hit, , ; , ,,,, all I Ihi, ilate. TIH'M AS i:.,;v, riit Tiim-ui.-i, A-liiii.i. le,, Mai eh S, lllllli ; Jii LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In the eity. Doss the best work at reasonable prloes and It In every way worthy of your patronags. 10th and DUANE 8ts., Phon. 1991. WOOD YARDS. Makers of All Kinds or Books Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street 3000000COOOOOOO- CKX)GCCKX)COOOOCCO(':,OOt?." COOOOOOOC)CCOOOOOOOOC WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, ine transfer man. 'Phone 2101 Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel ln tha Northwest PORTLAND, ORE.