THE MOUXIXG ASTOIUAX. ASTOIUA. OHKCJOX. FRIDAY, MARCH 9, tgofl. BUSINESS ACTIVITY Warrenton and Seaside Experienc ing Building Boom. SEASIDE HAS CURFEW LAW the pre-ont time. A lnrjto numWr of new cottage aiv in course of construe twn on t ho beach, itu-t of which arv of modem deign, costing from $l..'ViX to null. In tin1 town of S.iisido building operations lime boon tempor arily ui'iiiloil, theio being a Mtfticeut munli'i of buildings to mo t tho rtpi ii o metits of trade. There aro nine rostmtiants; livo gro cery Mores, two moat imieVot, thro' bakeries, ho-idos other brunette of btisi no, all of which :i 11110:1 r to I10 doiiis: a good bnin -. ' An eifort will he imulo by tho people of Sea-ido to iiiiliuv tho railroad cone Residents of Seaside Wotking for Morn- piny to put on a morning train from lights anil tho busine hoiio I'hvUio light ami may poihly tho sy-tt'in oir in tho gioo, w it h extend ing Train to That Place From Astoria Warrenton Mills Pre paring to Open Soon. YVAKKKNTOX, March 7.-Special Cor repondeniv Thoro is a noticable in eri in Ihimih'ss in Wane nton occas ioned ly tho iVvvnt purchase of tho Warrenton si mill, Tho suprinteml ?nt in in town ami ha- a foivo of 111011 at work making iie,-osaty repairs pre- Atoria all tho year 10 moot th' demaml of tho growing huino- of tho town ami 111 order that tho 'oplo can secure a morning new-pap,r tiom A-ioiu. A it i now, no iiaiici toacho tho town until 0110 o'clock in tho aftoinoon, ami tho ividont aio nnxiou- to ccnro th news of tho world ns oaily a- pi act i cable. Politic aiv warming up an. I a largo registration ha- boon recorded tho total amount to ilato lioing !S. ihroo fourth of which aro republican. Couidcrabl paratorv to starting up within ton Jay, "oivm i manifo-t in tho ehv The mill will not ooiniuoiHt active op Thoro ha- novor ben a timo when oration for the trade for two month-. pur'v ha 1nvu more hai monioii- but will cut -iilliiiont lumber to mako 'ha 11 thi- year, ami Soa-ilo expect to exten-ive addition to tho plant and j ,,',a'11 hanuor of lieing tho strong build a large wharf to title water. The 'st republican precinct in tho county Miperiutond.uit suites that wlvi-n tlio j !,,,d will roll up a rousing majoiity lor mill is reconstructed, it will lie 0110 of ,!"' 'iitiro -tate ami county ticket, the largest in the country and give oni- j Tho common council ha- pa ed a "t'tir-ployini-nt to mon. They have al-ifow" ordinance, re.piii ing all miiioi- to ready -overal ordor- for oa-torn -hip-! lie olf tho -tret- after o'clock p. 111.. 'and oiory pernn found 011 the Kelly Urn, aiv running tiioir -hingle mill and exevt to -tart up the aw mill in a short time. They have a con tract for a large amount of Itimlier to be u-ed on tho county road bvtweoti Warrenton and Astoria. They al-o conU-niplate installing an electric light light plant and will furnish the town with a complete electric liyht sy-tem. The building of the pixixi-od elec tric street oar line from Atoria to Sea side is the Mibjeet of considerable com ment. The consensu of opinion lf injj. liiat tiie rtwd -hould go through to Warrenton, thence to Xew Astoria ami Fort Steven, thenco following the leaeh to Seaside. It is contended that the route sellected passe- through a sparsely settled section of the country, while Warvnton and Xew A-toria would be largely patrons of tho road if the route is changed. , Activity at Seaside. SEASIDE. March ft-Sp-eial Corre pondenee. Xever in the hi-tory of Ore gon's popular summer rort. has there boen so much activity in building, as at -tloot after 12 o'clock, midnight i- cmnpelhtl to irhe a goinl actiiiiiit of him-eli. The ctut'ew Ix-ll rin .a S and 1.' o'clm-k ov rv night. All -aloon- aro reipiirod to clo-e at 1 o'clock a. m., and the in w ordinance i lieing ijeiioially ob-civc,. Tho -aw mill. iih and door factory and throe logging camp- aro running on full time, employing about l'ihi men and U iy with a monthly pay roll of alKiut ijiS.iHHi. giving ,1 stimulus t" bu-in-- in th town. (JeotiTo W. roburn. a brother to Mrs. Kamp. died at San Diego yesterday after a -hort illness. j- remain- will be brought for Seaside for interment. The S-a-ide Pavilion Company are lutildiii'.' a new -kating rink, 2"xHi foot, adjacent to the pavilion and expect to have it in operation by the tirt of next month. Tho new electric liht company have purchased a tract of land near the rail road for a power hoii-e and will com mence woi'k on the building and plant in a -hort time. It will have -u!li'-ient power to furnish the cjtv with street HAS FORSAKEN SALMON. Thomas B. McGovcrn Now Prominent in Eastern Finance. The la-t iiumhor of tho New Nork Mercantile and Financial Time- hiiug the intelligence (hat Thoma- II. Mo 1 love: ii, ,'it 0110 lime a homy opeiator i'i tno -alinoii iudn-tiv of thi-coist ha formed u-w hu-ine connect ion in tho F..i-t and rciioum-od all hi- piioi" inlet o-l- in the gloat ti-tn-t i including t he di-po-id ot hi- heay holdiiie- in the Colniiil.ia liivci Packoi-' A oci.n ion. I he new Im-iue tic, wolo colli lllih'd immediately upon th- nimlnie up of the icecnci-iiip ot the Pacillc I'ackiiis! A N Miration Company, of which Mr. Metioo-ii was tho ic'-eivoi, and he ha-hasti-ncd tii a 111110 his new etiyayO' ill -11 1 - theio, and to -implity mid render entirely flee hi actixitie- in the field he ha- ho- 11, ha- isdimpii-hed oory ih iblo connect ion with hi- coa-l lui-i in a m i ite- except tho-e maintaiiied upon the ha-i of waim friend-hip en tered into hero and likely to la-t for many a y nr. The l ime in it'- announcement , -ay: " My a recently formed paitnei-hip for the tian-ictioii of a general cum mi ion liu-ine in the larger cla of piopoilie- California get- linked to New Yoii in u -oit of 'tiiple alliance' The new tii m i- Nonntag, M.Hioxein A Doiinell. with a couiuiiKlioii- -uite ot ollices in the I'.roadway Exchange build ing it '.'" Mioai -tied It will make ,1 -pcialty of handling ga and elect in- BOYS FIND BODY Skeleton of Man Found in Brush At Uppertown. IDENTITY IS NUT YET KNOWN Ncls Nelson and I.innie Aio Out Pilk'ng Floweiit and Make Clustly Find Man load For Year 01 Mori Bones Air Left. lying at the bottom ol the do p canyon which -lope oil the imilh ( Franklin avenue 11ml I'oi ty ennd stK'et, in I ppoitown. the hodv of a Hum deiiuiipo-ed o (hat nothing but tho -kelcton 1 main, wa aividcnily found yelerdiy afternoon by two Imv. who w ere out llower picking. The body 1- half bulled, by the silt wa-hed down I ho -loop side o the batik, and mo ha grown mci the caith -o that nothing except the head and -houldei 11 1 1- l-llile I , mine I a l -ell and Nel- Nel-on. aged II year-. Ie-pectiely wer- engaged in picking wild llowcii, and in -eaiching among the inidei bi-u-h came upon the gha-ily li.'i'l I ho Inn -h.niug liit 11 mod t iicui-ch o that the icm.iin- weie th I a human be ing h-.i-t -ned lo the iieaii-st hoii-e audi mliilllleil the collc ol hell dl-encM. ler plopellle- in wlct i-lolocr 'oh wa- ilotllicl l,y telephone,1 and aiiinii panie.t In lin Plivicinii ' I'lU.lllgl oil, went (o the .ol It vv , B A I u ! Fashions For Young Men We have the kind of Clothing that young men prefer to buy. It possesses the snappy style that marks the college men's choice Fabric novelties, unus ual patterns, splendid tailoring. In short, "swell clothes.0 mm, d run TUBLIC CONFIDENCE IS OUR GREATEST ASSET. 1 l.o ol I -nil plant- :t iii know 11 ,1- the ' public mine- and mining land cription ,uid ica! ctatc. " The equipment of the cone rn 1- ox ' le of gl.ilip eV de late and Wllell t!i- ll.ll kill'-. ai 1 t d W.I fl-t ptionally good for thi line of tt.i.ling. I that it wa impo.-ild at t in-nppio-i e to mai.e I leal loll j 1 hillg. so 1 am thing j Henry P. Sonut.ig i,n- yem- ju the real e-tate bti-iuo in .iu made a fortune there, and at t -T lelir ing and -pending -ome time 111 Europe finds that ho cannot settle down to a life of ea-.' but mu-t 'get into the game again': Thoma- i. Met invent 1 a well known New inker and a familial ligure in the liniueial di-trict, having unt il w-.c foiunl a -mall I recent Iv been a iiiemlici ot the turn nf i key, and in auothd I but a mn The bo.h wa. evident H Wolkillg Ill-all of middle age. lie Wa- divs-cd m a -111; ot b!.o k clntho, ami: woi.- a dark linen -hut When di-mv ' 1 eieil the lindy wa. lying on it', back. A Id o k -huii h hat wa- on the in ad. Ill one of the pocket, of the'. coal j king gla. and a let. I ol 'nller and the uiiilciial iiclilal Kuropf. " lllc glViwmg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I c ol lllignll deniiind- the deepening el the bar ol the Columbia iiwi; tin' coiitimlion ol the I lalle Celilo taltal, the opening of the upiH'i tolumliia: the itiipiotcmeiil of (00- Ha), Tillamook and .0iiuia haiboi: the dicdging ot the illaiiiet le Hid the gnk I liuu-tlt owiiel-hlp ol the I.oik- al iiicgnii I it ami leib appiu pllatloll- hollld be made .ecuritlg thee i in pi 1 n 1" men t - "A tai iff should be maintained Id' the pliitcetinll ot AllHI call illdllfril' and Xui' iiean labor. U hcie, howewr, the lieic.-lly lo pliitci lloll I Iclllolfd bv the glnwth all. I .c el.ipliiclit of a . ... ..1 1.. ... .1 . . ..r . 1. .... I I I... paiiiiiii.ii iiiini-wi. iin i.iiiii -iniuiii m- j 1 1 i . I )!'. t to meet the ih.lllge.l colldlt lolin " fh- icel.imatioii (it the and land i I the iH'--lllg lleeiU i.!" the oll ollc I ! ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE. Saturday Night Special Embroidery 5c At a Yard From 7 to 9 o'clock we will have on sale 10c and 15c Embroidery at 5c a yard. THE FOARD & STOKES GO. Where the New things Make Their Debut. Didatield. Meon in A Co.; Arthur I . Hoiinell. a New Knglamler by biith, wa tor a ipiarter of a ceiitui v or moi in hu-ine-- in California, tor mo-t i.t th time in lire iu-ui an. c in .i!i Kiaai i-. . whele lie n i- pioiniliciit m bu-in and club cilele-. but he ha- be-n I, Hulling mining and other pi nieit i - iM-t .- in ,-,. ; Polil found a pic.c n rnjie, In that u-ci! by mill hand- m tying lath, Thi- wa- all w hi. h i on! I b ..iiinl la-t night, and it will be iieec.-.tiy to -ellle -hove!- In dig the lelli.llh- mil' n the glolllld III which they lie. heti.le I III it id H! cvimin.i! imt I.. III.O iii k i'i' four or Ihc i ai - p. i Keep the little one- --.. it h v and ! ha'y. 'I heip t tidcr, -er:-itie bodies L'fiitlo, healing remedie-. Hnl!i-t r'-j Rocky .Mountain Tea will keep then j strong and wed. Tt c-n's. Tea 1 1- Ta.c ! lets. Frank Hart, druggist. w ' h a ica I he b.idy f mi. Idle .i; i about i iiati t li ll I bullet tmv .1! . II- i lent imi. tl; t'.lt ,. a a- Ida. 1, i-aii ;.elht. U e In III an ! wo-t all I e i ll. plllellt I e, him . 1 1, 'ii the hl-t ,,ll no nt I he led - Ii led In t I lie I Slat. ' ' 'be fie III III t.ll"! pal. pn-t inlldllloll t" it- ; lid the ctli, en V H hnllld be , ol the le.hlal I, al I ,ai-t i' ut i,,,i i I o V id-' In I tbe el. ell.l,. b nater ,1 the lie of nvelll- ..III. I b. ' II I I I .ll For Lenten Season entry tt full tins of Salt and Canned Fish We aim hmo n full line of frh and fanned fruit and vigetnblpn Sweet liaul niiinge tiom J.', to fiO rt-liU Ant. Vi w llowor need on dii-ptay nt ASTORIA GROCERY Plmne Main 0H 523 Conimorcinl St "m NOTICE. I .Lb I -hull I I. Always Kcopn Chamhr-'.nn C iu 1 a I BUY S ai l ne l.l-t h.e,-, :; ,l-!d lli.t he ' Olg'.i lilele I lllc t!ie II. v. mill. I . cap. ,u uid the Hi. I: ii l.Sllll ,- hi! ,,b.,;! d hl.-ll-eil U'e l I ! h i '! I. ,1 d. 1 11 IE Hair All Came Out and He Suffered Very Much Under Doctor Three Months and No Better Perma nently Cured at Expense of $2. CUTICURA REMEDIES WORK WONDERS hull i.'.lte hue o-l;,. ;e I he h. , . elli I! 1- j -- Ihi- I Inal -lipp, ,v hieh wa- of t h- would haM nation beloie man a. im- lo h-t night to t'-.d hi n , i ;. i !l lieu I n t ' inrdy tr I'd imt , ign i;-! '.al! in Ke.u iii". . cdr "I I.,, wry City. Mo, I". ,! v famih -I. nub h. nd tea ly in-'ant u-e. be !., . I. d at the ..ill -t a tll'leli c tim t hail aflel en'lie -rt t le I iu I lie - -t em. I. ci .P. Itlilcp I- ju-! When I, ,i I .! Jill e I'nhl d ud I -h plnved 1,1 hi- opinion, to make a -l.iling pi ii- death. lliu e th- nl I llli.l'C I -! , 1 1 II II tab but i n- -IMi ll I nloln l -aid that I e,imi ' how I !ic ! . ton i.i 1 1- : III I -,, I' I at I c., llilll' d cne! i' b.t. be Thi i in - e !v i- alio wilhmil a peer bu , loup m children, mid will pi'-vent th, attack W !iel gilell a- -non ii- th- e!,lM be. emu lioir-e, , ecu al'ei the i is.upy eo'igh appeal, which can mil. l.c dotie v ia i, ti c I -it e 'v i pt at ban I. '',,r ale bv liaei. Hut and hadin;' diug FOK HORSK SHOW, volet of Clatin. ciuiriiy, iiret- ' pe tM'i- of pillion, mr ),( t l,y inil(i,J i'l.d to pie-tc, (,, (.,,, and pat'c lpntr j in a in.i moot in ( I I In " I ogini I nail" al A-tnrui, on Si' ui, lay, At. ,d .1 lhlMl, iii pi ,i in , ,,, u-e plltpu'.. i,f niu.iiua! ing ,t full nmi.ty inlet lo be '.'I d for nil Monday, .luno 4, plOii C. I. TIU'NCH VRD, Clminmin of the Citizen' Committio tf A-tiuu, Oto. M W. piiHI., Secictiiiy. m, thing ,h liiiite ha. . t h.-. u aiialiged lU.l'lel- !.-,. pi, e.,1,. ..,..) .,r Cli. .Ugh i waii.iiit him in staling en inter nal Inll. I I -III, a , .W eell.e .- ,1 Mr. A. C. Burnett, proprietor of a general store in AvanJ, Oklahoma, telLs in the following grateful letter how Cuticura cured him and his son of terrible eczemas: "My little boy had eczema. His head wa one wrlid sore, all over his ecalp; his hair all came out, and he suffered very much. I had a physician treat him, but at the end of three months he was no better. 1 remem bered that the Cuticura Remedies had cured me, and after giving him two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, according to directions, and using Cuticura Soap and Ointment on him daily, his eczema left him, his hair grew again, and neither he nor myself have had any eczema since. As to his own ease, Mr. Rarw tt says: " I suffered with eczema, a burning, itching, breaking out on my face for more than a year. I took treatment from physicians for several months, which did no good. I was then advised to try Cuticura. I took six bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, and used Cuticura Soap and Ointment freely every day. I began to improve soon after starting to use them, and when I had taken the six bottles of the Resolvent my face had become clear, I had good color, and all erup tions had left me. "We use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment in our family now for general use, and it keeps our skin soft and healthy. I cheerfully recom mend the Cuticura Remedies for all eases of eczema, (signed) A. C. Har nett, Avard, Oklahoma, Mar. 30, 1905." Complete Eitml dod Internal Trulrnirit for try Humor, from Flmpli-i lo Scrofula, from Infancy lo Aftt, contiftlrig of Cuticura Hoao, 26c, Olntmi-rit, 0c, KtioU Tuit, fiOc. in form of Chocolate Coattd Filli, Mr. nr rial of fiO), may be had of ail (JruKKiiti. A Hinfrlt- m-I often turei. Potter Drug k Chun. Corp., hole Propi., Ilotton. KrMailed free, " All about iht Skin, Scalp, and Ualr." wa- allowed to 1 -main until thi- umiti ing. waim it a ill be ,;ng ,mt and c;,iu iie I. due body iia- ! u hi it'- pic-cut m-itioii for at bi-t a year, and identi fication will be diMielllt. 1,'c-id'lll - ill rppeitown do imt i, 'member ol any per-nn wini ha- disappeared, in the last year. Though i: would be enlindy pns-ible for one In do -n without at tracting any attention, a- men are con tinually going iiud coming, working in the mill- for a few day and I hen pro ceeding on their way. Kurt her impiiry, however, mav shed more light, the alfnir. SENATORIAL STATEMENTS. Views of Hon. W. M. Cake, Candidate For Federal Senator. "I believe the public -civic- eol'pnia t inn, should be -object, to gin enimonla! regulation mid control, The power of regulation -hoiild be ve-ted in I he In-1,''i Commerce Cnmini-sion. and Commission, and should Im exercised with due regard to the re-pective rights of the people ami the corporal ions. "Trusts or combination. of eapilal organized foe the puipoe of controlling th- utilities and iiece-sitie- of the country, to the cxclu-inu of legit incite eompetil ion, are contrary to public policy; in derogation to the right of the people, anil should come under the ban of the law. " I believe ill pre-erving t lie dignity of our American citizenship, and the freedom of the laboring clas-es of this country, and hence I am oppo-ed lo Hie admission of the Coolie labor of ( hinu. MORE COMFORT THAN EVER. (i Sunday, December I7tb, th Dun. London May Have Hoivo 'or A Rio Cramlei rullroud will iimtigur- Sho'e Slum. to a dnily line of ntntidard and tour- Nul'K, Mini, - Hlbeei- ,,i the 1st uleoping enn between I)iivir unci National l,,i-c M,w --nci,,:iou of Ixt Angeles in connection with tho new Am.tioi. and th,- l.m.di-h llol.uev ('lark roud. HoU, oam will leave Dun- llni-e -iHietv ai,- ,, . . ,pe i a 1 1 ng in e-iab ver dnily nt 0:30 a, ni., and nrriv it li-h l.nii, Inn an Inlct'iial iniial llm-e Suit I.nko (!ity at l:3fl p. nr., the next Slow I he pmjeel wa- lil-l blnacnoil day. At thi point the cut will h dining tec h-t Inn -e -unw ai ladi-on held over until midnight, thin allow- s.piaie daidcn iu . Member, when ling ing through pamwuger the privilege of li-u n,' Ain iiean horsemen talked ot a etop-over of ten hour ami a half In holding an exhibit inn iu London tiesl Rait Laka City. Faatbotind, thou ear May. Owing to the lack of -ullicient will leave I-o Angele at 8 p. in., and lime for preparation this plan wa- arrive at Rait Lake City at 8:30 a. rn., found to be impracticable, but .lame- T. second morning where they will remain Hyde, the " Kut her of I he Nat iumil," over until 3:50 p. m them to Denver mid Henry Kureii, sei retaitv of I h, i where they will arrive at 4:20 th fol K.ngjish Hackney Hor-e Society, me lowing aftmioon. Thi atop-over at now working together to carry out t ho Salt Uke City of the regular line of eiiieipri-e iii the Spring ol I'.ii7. aleeping ear proniine to be an at Mr. Hyde nuid yesterday that while tractive feature for tmnneontinenUI IT PAYS li . II ,,'-.'!f.Vf '".'.'f''.' lic-iimile ol II, m to buy MKNNRN'S B0UATKD TAL- CUM because of its perfection tmd purity. Hut it docs not nay to sell MKNNKN S l'OWDER lienrly its well, lis it tmys to sell mii imported ami impure sub.stituto which, costing about half the costoI'MMN NKN' S, yields Hie dealer double profit. The "just us good" with which Homo dealers try to palm olf a substitute is true any way. If it s only "just us good " for the dealer why push the sale. If it's only "just as good " for the buyer why risk an unknown preparation for MKNNKN'S. There's nothing just as good as MCN NEN'S BORATED POWDER, and the dealer who Huvtf there is. risks bis customer's skin nnd safety to make an fylj7S3 extra profit on a Bale. Nv'' Have you tried MRNNKN'S VIOLET Paciimiia ot Boi BORATE!) TALCUM TOILKT l'OWDHR? Ladies partial to violet perfume will find Mennen's Violet Powder fragrant with the odor of fresh plucked I'arnm Violets. For hale pvorywlieri! lor if rents, or mailed postpaid on ructipl of Jncc, by GER.HAR.D MENNEN CO., Newark, N. J.