The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 08, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 190O.
There's Nothing Like It or Half so good as
Martin's New York Cream Cheese
It is properly made and is clean and
wholesome. A new Shipment just
Tax Collections. ( nil., I em up In
ihlle ,11 lln Hlif i ill' nllur nn tin- I'lll.'i
lull mill illllutllll lu I MMI.
Tkl Oatll e-triiliiv ,t 1 1 . I in xiti I Ii-
Mnhii 1 1 ii, I. i.i, n,i i nl nlliie a. il v
I 'In i i.ili, uml u l II In -Mill hi "ill li r nn
MiH'll l"th.
Tile I' OJirl Nut full. Lai. liiibmi ,l
If I Hi- nl NiilllaV, till, I lu .ei ,i .il lull
nl Hit lit PHI III III" 111. ill I nl Villi I I, ,111 ,
i ll li-ll hip, M II II nlllllv I liil, I llliluii,
S . -I. I ii.
UmlriKuiiiK Rrjian . I ,,e -.ili.ui u
i, id, I III Hie Hill i,l I iie -line i, l!u.
Ilie,'in A ( il In In-Ill I 1 1 .1 1 1 1 llln I ,1
iii it I-hiiiiLi I iuii , lu Ik- j , i i i mi l, i 11,,'
lull I
lluiiip Cooking. ! il,, il,,, ,,i il,,
H'KHI.11 llleillll'.' .,1 I, nil I l,ii.l I ,,l
I'lih ill in, i j. .1 . I,-! i-miiii" tin- iii. ii
lei IIHII il . till elllel I ,1111. , he lili II
Inn uiih mi eliilmmt iantifi of
' Hume I nn! in;.'
Untied Yen let day William, the m
t.iii! mi 1. 1 Mr. ,ni, I Mi Alu- l!u.. mIh,
ilii'.l ,i iI.ivk hi.'". ,i" I .ii i i. t M'-lei
dn .iileiiinin in iniuu.l ii-in Mi
Kel l.tllli'l W.'til- .l,,il-, nl lin
'111. I'.
Kuneul Yrntenlny. e.t.-i.l.ij .iii. i
liunll She 1 1 li.-1 , i, the 1.1 1 1- Ml. I
I , tlllj.ii.. II luiil J.l.l.e ill I lie ,
. ni.!e, nn, lei ll.e ,iti..i.- - i.l I in- Hi. , i
,,( il,,. I, Klein si, i ;,i , s s,i
ulll. I,l III;.' I he III I el lnelit till. Ill I.l.
It u.., . .'llll l l l
Send t' iihit iiiiik. 'u
Vlilu It .1 l ie, le ! ni.ttnl nt S,
J.lll-ll'. n ,'. Ill I - 1. 1 1. I - II" ' .1 I
I '- lei ,!.! 1 . ,,l I V- Inllnll i'l;
M....H ,
. nil .1
I , , lj,. 1:1
ti e;'rtilll
I I 11.
M.l Inl .i .1 I 'il- , l! t
,,'ll. t , m ( .M Del -hl
I ' lie
..(,!,'- 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' I . I
S I I II, I I, V K.lll H , .III I
."..111! lie
.lll'l ' nil
, , , 1 1 1 1 ' ni , . i ',,
fur the Jillllh
l',l III I "I 111'' ''.l llll
I nl.l ,e -uim
-Il'l! nl .,'' I,
'.' nl n I ,ll III
I 'I-
.'ll.l Ulll p. lid hi- litll
,,r In nm iillnHi',1 I., inn ii di. ni. lei ly
l,,,ii i Ttt ,. .,i le i : ni ieiii'-ii, u'n in:,- I !
ii. ii I I it hi limn, i in. ni .iinl !.
t ,11,. I. llel, .11 l'.ll'.'lli"l 111 pull, e emu I ml
,'l l li, i I ;.'.' u I iir'l III, l . 'I he plea-led
:'llll!l In the eh.ilye , Ull Mile eilell til
te, ii diiy-i in the i-ity j.iil, m tin- alter
n.ilne nl h'.iviii'.' I he 'il.t, llul i iiii-e
t he 1,1 1 I el'. ,111. 1 I.l I t . I - t .1 elllll',' t''tt .ll'l
11.1 1 I.i 11.1.
Has Movi'd.- -I. I,'. A. llmvlhy lm
iii. im'I liii law olliee fiutn Jluiid li('el
tu iuuiiih I and nie-tai''-, in the Odd
lYIIows' building. "
Now on Sale at
118-122 Twelfth St. Astorin, Ore.
A Rate P)lvKr.Tl- ph- nl thi-
. in mil he an i .,n(i v tn
ll 1 .11 tu ,. leelllie In ), M,,l, n S
' l-e, nl I'm I Iii lei, tthu, iiiiih I the mi
-pi,,-. ,, U,e AhIuii.i W i, min'. i lull will
)-, fill" nn next ninv eniiiii' ill S
.'. link, ,il Odd Fellows' hull, ill "I he
: V" ' "" I lie-." Admin-iou. '.'. '"lit-. Wil-m,, nl I'nill.iinl, t.-tciihij . Tlii-
'"" l I minded itcn -ay-: "I -hall
, lu I in jinn e Writ Seal..e, I'lmi. m i I. I,i "-n ai j . ! - -1 i , in i il iie.: In Inn ni
mule it a t i inl H ..lit.) lias ,i lie.uly In en 1 t In re men in I lie e iiml I hill -e and
in,,. I In I! I.I. i liny fui n bulkhead j aI. linn i uii.j,cal inn ill the
line iilnlly I lie bi'ai h Wl"l SeiM ie . , ln,i 1 1 e Mi'lll. lu llle I lull liu InulC
iiml It is plubnhlc Unit bid- lm" I le j it m I h'. nh)i. i,( C,chitrl tin . n er l.een
' i iili-l I ml lull Willi, tl ill lie riiliimeliccil III I pn -cliled I n ( ulig I e-., Il Would Hut li
I In- lie.ll llllllle, Il I. illllllli In hatC.'o I ,1" Milium'- lie lit lullgc lu llegb-l
I lie l,uli.iie,. I, iii'i ,,ilv t''l iii iill h,
-, II, ll II
A .. m i,.-'
.1 .1,1,11 .1"
ill lie liu
-N-tem w
il fur 11 ill l I'M II .
III ill n lie -1 1 1 III
In Clltlllt Colli! , I '. entile time ,111, 1 ;
.lltelll imi u .lleli'e M. ' ! 1 ! " .
ull'l iia,l ,1 11,1 I, I ! pi I V elltjei ll lie lh', I
ill ! !,,- , .1 ii - i - v I " ! . !.'-;! ll
I e 1 1 1 1
ll U I lie , l-e l, I it.. '). Il'illll-I II llllll
A II null,, ' t'.. ,
j'l.ill.' 1 1' '. l lie-.. . .! !
I ii II 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 II ll lei ' '.i
;ll. ill, -nil, I In- ill, i
..( in, -i
i he !
! llul i i,lrlllli', I
Li e i , ,11
nl t. mI,H I
j"1 J '
ll . ' til Hi , u el t
lnijiiovrmrtit Club Meet, lln- m. in
I" I- u I III- S,ji,J,, j ll j.f i.v -nu lit i-I II 1 1
'met l.i-l eii'iiine in lie- eiiy li.ill mill
' '.'"'"I nl ml. in. e, Siihje.l. ,, imim
'l"'l 1 1 1 f -1 - - "111 l!i. II-mil lltnl p,.
' III. nil- ., Ulllk III 111(11111 ill;' tl ill.
In the City. I. M, i. j.h nt
; m lln- in hi i ll.-li.' A Ihii(.mii "ii- in
'I" '. , -lei, I. IV tm H l.rief tune mil
l-llll- Mll'i the emilitv Ill ill H'JMI.1
In li.. ;mi,-li,i I .ei'iiin inn!. mil I.v
; I ! 'iiiiU. Hi- firm Iih l.uiiht
Inl 1. III). III.;,.' ll.e lilt'.
Hit )tul.l.
Laid To Rest .'I he III 1 Mil huliul
I p il.l Ml l llmie ( 'il lllj.lie'l l e-l el
u.ii, In ,i h.e i iinmU
I i, : I III) I l.e I ill. "Ill I
. ,i ! '." i , -, nn ii i t ',' i-pi
. I : he I lllll el t .- !'..!.
:';iMi. ii il Inl i
in I'
,,.,.,11 S),,, ,,t
, , ,,,!., ,ui,
,f I ,,,,, ,. . hill, ll
I I. ii .,'. 11 .1. .1 '
l.e . , r-et inn in .
ii i' i.i ' .-.I .il lie-
I.. el nl 1 1, .in
' -! h , III .1,1 .lie e.e
I : iiiii! . - i .. in:., i i .nn
' -, ; I iii i'i mi nt
and "... ,., , ni
I' M i. 1 1,., l!
,'ll'i Lli hi
In County Court.
"i i :.! -' ni i
i. i I,., i, , i
i ' ' i I 'I, !;,' I 1 en, j i
1 . ' n i I e I - 1 , . ! I -' ' - liil.,
I ' I lal "II 1 lie I , 1.
- ."II I . ,1 Hi 111 1 1 .'lei
. ' 1 . 1 1 i n - . I '' , i I n - ! I 1 1 e in
I e.u . I'll 1 !,.- I'll -1 ! I".
I niu,l t I mil I I
in- i lm- I !n- I
i-i I.i v nun ning j
(I liu" ami,
I ..ii
il iiml I '. j
with mm
litis" lllllllleil llll-
"U tn dale; am1
! iie lepul I u 1 he
t ie w e, - ,. in- leu III ieb 'n ml ... III.
I i.i- tl I lie le.l.l .I-JIU It hell lill.ll
.1' I imi 't i! pi ..hi Lli he taken in I lie
.:en,i .-.
Say il Was a Joke. A. I ,n l-mi, the
jul't -cioti'l a--i-i.iii! lighi ! ecpci at
the I I Sands light. -,lt- tllll
I he ileeulllll of lli- pent ill llll lipi ll boat.
ailiil'l. and hi, im, 1 inr iii., C'ohi ii il .i.i liter
bar; I he -i-aieh fur him b,t the life--at
iii", crew and all the balance of the
story, a s (iiibli-hcd ill this paper mi the
first of Hie (.re-cut mouth, tva- a juke,
p. lie .nil simple He is mi r u-i I boat
man. was out for a quiet pull lu rcla
his muscles si tnl get fre-h-il iqi from the
lassitude of confuieiiienl nt lln- -tut ion .
was never in need of any help, and never
reecievd any. He exonerated the Aslur
inn ntirely in the prenii-c-. but claims
the whole story was the wuik of some
friendly jo-hcr who put it ju-l a mile or
I An too iii iii-li. He take, the inalli-r
very pica-nut ly, tar mole ... that did
the informant of the Astmian, another
friend nf hi-, "h" evidently believed all
he heai'd and told.
Quick service, combined with cleanli
ncss, mid high quality, is what the ma
jority of people desire when they cat,
and the restaurant when? nil these ac
commodations can be obtained is where
they go. The Pahice Catering Company
on Coiumerciiil street, just opposite the
I'ii go building, is known by every As
toriiin as the plnco to obtain what they
want. Hero they nil go and having
gone, no other restaurant will satisfy.
A specialty is made by the Palace res
taurant for banquets, and parly service.
Open at all hours.
Very Busy Plant. -The bonlrry of li,
M l.l'llllll'l- ll tllix city i- II lllMV pllllll
(hew flu -. Iii I lie way of lii ii ml new
hiudnc.. ,IV. Leathers l now engaged in
pulling on eiititlii't time, tlx1 fob
Inning unli'i-: One ,Vi foul liiniieli for
I lie SiiihIk S igiiing Cowpiiny; Knee U'i
flint hiiineie, one fur F.lilily Filllicry.
line fur the Altoolui Pinking Company,
llliil the third tnl Hciinini I'clciM'ii, each
Mini nil nf them u he "i hot c pnw er
llliilnleil. Hi- i hImi putting lii ii li'l
fnnl fl"liilig limit tni V. OU. li for hull
hut Hilling senile in Al,i-ka, equipped
fnr engine ni .nil, The I', S. I.ighlhuile
llimul hiii 1 1 I i -i ii litnnl, J ( I inllii, mid In' m two Wi font
bunt. In hnili 1 1 I thi' W alien Pinking
ClllllpilllV III III . Inl I'.ilV, Alilsk.l.
Koit Clatsop Monument. A. an indi
I'lilimi ill tin' iiitclc.t liken in the null
li'i i'l I In- ri i'i'lini! nf ii Iii'Hiiiiih lit n.'i
I lie lc nl nl' I I 'm t ( l,i I -nil, t hi' A t"i inn
i. pi iv ili-gcil In qunt.- thi' lol'nw jug, limn
j .1 plci-ant Icttd mi I Li' -object. c
I i rued lu l,... I'.imlln I, mi, III ,1 I!
; I in- 'mi ii,i, !,
ieel ii l , i- ,nni
J I ., li l Willi IUuJ.'e,il in ,lli-l iul u
j II. ll lull."
Died At Ilijch Noon. At st. .M.ny'-
liu-ii' ,i I. ii.ieii'i i. ,it iiuuii, I;. -I. M'.i
I l -nll llhii 11 1. I,' en ill Inl ,1 iuliu lllll'',
-m rliml,e, lu liie liill.l i.f i;ll'
. i . n. ii.. .. . -.' l
j " u 1 'i i i-i.ii v. ., . .... , 1 1 - .nut
ei"lil inui.lii- n. I, liiiiinu I n In. in in
Hie I .,t..., ..H. nil .lllll h. I'l'l. Ile
le.lle- I.l 111. .lit II lli- .letlll-e, In- llj,iill
Ml, I .1 ihl in-ill i 1 ; Illn In, .Ilill. ;ini Inn
-i. 'ei- I In- .ii i iiiieimiii . (i.r ll.e Iii ,uM,e fui- lli -mil,' ill the f, un
lit linliie liliei.- -ei i p e. ni ,. )u', lieM ,i( I i.'ilnilv i. in. inter
nn lit lii'inu nl tin- ..hi I'iiineer eein
.'t it. I he ileee.l.eil "en I ll'lllil II Mil. 11
llul il.'e eilieii i. )ii., Iii. liiilji.' enllll
It: tt.i. ;i l.i.uul iniinleil, ti i' h jiin
iii.iiii,! il .jIi- mill .eliuliiily
Vli'H". ,i nil ellnM-. ii lli.i- .1, , I II. 1 1 III ii nee
mi I i i-.. I'll n iiiii ! r ii mi. nf iiieii l-.
SeV'.-n Mote. Tin- deed, tiled I'M ree-
i.l. I vt I'll- etell ill lUIHllier. tu
vvil: Imne. I-'inhi v .mi. tlil.tee. (n (i. W.
S.ililiuin. vvaiiatitv, jMi.Mi, ..- hit 1. Iduek
!. I' nf I p.ei A.tuiiii. II. A. Cam
ei..i .iii.l wile tu Aiidi.-ti Al.r.ih.ini. win
liint t, 'H. fm lot l."i. Iii.iii.i e, nietery.
I' i: i ti-u I.i lin.i Tii.( lu., lu lli-nrv
W. lli iidi i. h-i n, itiiiianlt. 1 .".I . fui- ut
' ' hlu, I. 17. I ,n!i,r- -1. ni, I. .lllie. In
I -anie. u.lll.,,tt lm Inl II. Iduek K
; I .it h.i -l.nie .l.ii M Unfile- tn
; S K vt.lll!e . tl ill I ,11:1 , 7"., tnl Int. I'.
.Hid II III l.iue'u '. Selll-lell I'.llk.
I i ' ii I in e-t m, nt ( i. . t n Men ill l.iuu
, hel I u . ,lliet . l.lllll. ..l ,. . ;, S, p, I I
III -. ell. .1, ii'!, I .1, V, ll. S . ,1 ,,
Mill I' . 1 1 .ll 1 ! -1 . II . i-ie,.,, . i.); t e. ill
II nn, pm en nn! ; . M mile. i t a .
Suit H.-uiR Prepaii'd. i. II W. h i, ui
I iii- ei!t. iiiuii"h Iii- alluinet. ll.n I i-uii
Allen, i- pi'-pai mil: the pap-i- in an
-nil In be tiled here later.
A-tnli.l ,V (.illinililA llitel
IU'.il"-l il
1 la i Ii i i.i. I l 1 1 1 j . 1 1 1 : lli' unite!' in con '
luitei-t iiein- Hi.- all.-ed appii..ii,i I
limi n .ii lect iiml.- laud, bv the lal! i
It;. I people than wa- IN. lilted t nclll 11!
t heii m i l: 1 11.1 1 I i"hl i, I it a v 1 1 niii Mi
Well h. ,ih. ll". the iii.i Hi lionl.ige of I. luck
So. I."1, i, r liiiii! lie ca-t line of Tvveu
lielli -heel ea-lttaid lm a .lilanee nl
itiHl l.-et, lln- -am.- .Ii-eivimiev i- a!
lege.l lu ei-l ill inileh "i.-.iler deyree lip
tiie line, and -imil.ii -nil- mat follow
bill, .it all event-. Mr. Welch intends tu
make legal impiirt a. to hi- -haie of
the in i-appi opria I ion cniuplained of.
Will Sue Portland. The Port of Port
hind will have a -nil mi it- hand- in a
.lav or tttu and the plainlilV in the ac
tion will be nunc le than the I nilcil
Stale, guv eminent or pari thcieof,
I 'oniinan.h i P, !. Werlich, of the Thir
teenth Lighthouse District, is having paper-
prepared foe a suit again-t the
C.nnniissioii lor I lie recov ery of damage
for the .inking of the lighthouse tender
Maiiiinilii mi the evening of October '
ItMI.'i. The tender was on her way down
the rivci' from lliis eilv. when in t it'
vicinitv of Wc-t port she ran int.. t he
pipe line si rung out from the drcdgi' Cu
luiiihia. wilh the re-nil that she -auk in
it few minutes. She was Moated, but
found lo be in bad shape and is uovi ly
ing idle nt A-toria, ('.niiiniiiulcr Werlich
expects to prove that Hie dredge was to
blame fur the collision, as the dredge
snowed no light-, although she wa- un
der ttav w lieu the accident occurred. -Oreeoiiiaii.
Temple Lodge, No. 7. A. F. vv A. M
meets on the evenings nf the tii'st anil
third Tuesdays in each month: ""'-.
west corner ol Ninth and ( ommercial
streets. !y order of the W. M.
K. V. HOI.DF.X, secretary.
Wearing Completion.-The foliimbia
l.'iver I'ueki'i't' A-enelutimi'ii new war'
limine in (lie ii(iier river front, tiium the
ile of the old Oeeiilent ('millery in near
in e(n(ii'lii,ii iiiiiI the iinmeiiii- line of
in-w lief ruelu Hint f with it. The
hllihlilij ii 17.', feel ,y IK fe,.( i,,K two
tniiei in heijht mi, n i he i.i-, fr f f ir
Bturiie nf limit. nn. fi.h. The HiM-i;i-linn
inteinU In erert miulher heavy line
nf net ineki hi'ttieen thin ir(i(-rt,y anil
the "A. A ( ." tie.Ue. ( ontrtjetor I". L
SffUijjliiiiil i. ieimi-ilile for , wure-hnii-e
and ( , (. Miinten fnr the raefc
w'oi k.
UV de-iie In nm.t (;l n lef nil evjne.n
our niii'i i.ii inn of i. iminy aet of
hitiillii-i iiml ,i 1 1, -nl inn hhiiiin run- in"
hne'l one. Mi'.. ( hiiile. A, iiin.hell,
who h.i. jiii..ei nil., eti'inity. K
peeilillv in lie ile.ire to (five il (ilihlie
eiie.-iuii i,f dm t lis ii k h tu the irii-ni-liel
. nl l ei n ( Inijitei , Older nf t he
l'.ll"lei, tilm.e ieuted l--i.t .illee
ejin never he fm unt ten,
' IIAI:l.i:s A. ( A.MI'I'.KI.I,
Valencia Commissioner States That Tulc
Belts Arc Not Dependable.
A !I:A 1st (i, Mm eh :.- Ileiherl
Kim sinit li. drpnt v entiuni.-imiei nf the
I. mean nl em (ml 1 1 inn. nt W ii.liiiiutnn
h.i- aniii'd 1 1 mil Seiiltle, where In- ifl.
heen . niiduel ill" a federal inv e-t iuat inn
"f th- Valeiiria meek.
Mr. uiilli vta- iiiiwilljii' tn diseilH
the tindllli.'. id the hnnid. "In fuet," he
aid, "v,e IniVe eunie In nn definite eon-i-ln-iuii"
a- tn where the Ijliune lie-, hav
ing had lm np,urt iiiiily to tlinrnnuhly
examine (he evident" vie tnnk. We ex
amined nver fifty (i.-sui. mid took WXl
i:if.'e. nf te-tiinuiiy. Ilin-t (if which Ii
l en liled until vie e.-iti eet at it .y.t
ina'ii ally. The deei-jiin. f,f the hoard
will pn.liahly Ik- knuvvn within four '.r
live week-, l.ut no .noiier.
''The only thinj; I can cay in regard to
the i ule life preserver." concluded Smith,
"i- that we have found th'-m entirely
sati-f ii tniy in .mne ea-ea mid very de
fective in ni her.. Mu.t of the test
iniule in Semite were favorable to the
tiile (ee eiM-i-. which we luok from
the kte.iini'i . u nindum: Imi while one
of tl em -tippm led a dead weight of
tvveiitt .uiini. fur ninelyieveii hour-,
iinotlu-i -ank in the .hurt .(.ace nf four
hum-. 'Ihei are not d"peiid:ilili-; solid
cork ..l.i'n. - In ni li h- ii -ed cV'In-ivelv, a
thev ale ;i lei in ilimlit ."
i:u h:k. Mai.-i :. a m th."
H' laid In. n, I;, line -,n-: I
Mu'imr I lu un;i - lit t . 1 1 1 . turn. i i Italian
iniiii-ter nl' Foreign Affairs, lm. ,een appointed Ambassador to Ureal
l!i it, tin in place ui Signnr Alberto l'lin-n.
who will unit be il:i. ed ill charge nl the
Tlii- i- the lir.i tim.- Sigtmr Tittmii
ha- been an aiiilui..Miiur and his appoint
nieni touether with the recall m hi-I
. pieil.-ce--ni' ha- armi-ed much i-onnii nt j
j in diplomatic circles. j
Well Known Rancher Shot and Instantly
P.l'TTK, .Mont.. Manh ti. A -pc.-ial
lu the Min-r from Mis-.mla. Mont..
Minder wa- perpetrated nt Carlton, lu
mile- from here in the DiUi-r Hoot Val
ley, about -Ciio o'clock thi- afternoon,
when C. A. All-, a well-known rancher.
I shut and in-tautlv killed William HolT.
a limn who went up the vallev la-l sum
mer from PhilipshurLr. where he hid re
sided for lilteeii Vein-. All--hut at Hoff
three time, with a -14 -calibre loll'- re
volver, each -hut taking effect in Huff's
body. The lir-t -hot tore oil' the lower
part of the chin, the second struck him
mi the edge nf the collarbone, and the
third struck two and one-half iuclie
lower down, crashing through the breast
hone and bulging in the body. The trag
edy occurred in the house on the Alls
ranch, about three quarters of a mile
above the T. A. McLaiu plaee. and as far
as eau be learned, was the result of a
drunken qtianvl.
IH'HIOT A. March 7. The three men
who. on February 10th, attempted to
assassinate President licvcs, were shot
today nt the spot where the attack took
A Scientific Wonder.
The cures that stand to its credit
make Bueklen's Arnica Salvo n seien
tofie wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford,
lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry,
Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case
of Piles. It heals the worst Burns,
Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds.
Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c
at Chas. Rogers drug store.
New Popular Song Books Svenson's.
Gasoline Schooner Delia Weathers
80 Mile Gale.
Lifeboat is Torn From Davit by Huge
Seas Quantity of Hides Are
Washed Overboard Other
News of the Waterfront.
( iiptain lului .leii-i-u ni the gasoline
elmniier Delia. Hirived in A-toria lat
night, having hit .Ve-tiicea ,,.t Thiirs
day iiiorning foe thi- plaee. He ieiort
one of the harde.f trip- which he has
ever made, and consider, himself ex
Iremely lucky tu have come through the
way he did. The captain state, that
.noli after he put. out tmm Ne-tucea, he
struck a hard wiinl which soon inerea-ed
to a teriilile gale. It. via- iliijin.-ible to
(nit buck a- the giile eaiin- from the
-outh and tin- little schooner was driven
north ailiving off the Columbia river bar
Friday morning. Captain -lensen says
the wind wa- blowing a lea-t 0 miles!
an hour, and the big -ea-. threatened to
wauip hi- craft. One huge roller came
over the idc and -nia-hed one of the
davits which held the life Uiat, and tore
the la-hing- away so that the sniall
huit Wii- washed partially over the side.
F.y quick work on the part of those
aboard however, the Imat vvj hauled
hack and -eciuely tied down, though not
before all the .mi-, and contents of the
boat had been wa-hed overboard. An
other rnoti-ter wave struck the ship soon
after and a quantity of hides were wash
ed away. Capaiii Jeii-en seeing that it
was impos.ible to make the Columbia
river bar, proceeded up the coast and
by good chance managed to enter Slioal
vvater bay, where he remained until
Wednesday morning when he started foe
A-toria. reaching here last evening. He
e-titnates that the storm damaged him
to the extent of over glofl. as besides
lo-ing the bide., it will be necessary for
a new davit to lie secured, and other
articles of le cr value, which were do
- troy, si,
The .steamer Mie IF. Klliiule HI lived
iii from Tillainnok Ikty v c-terd.iy af'er-
The iiiuli.r schooner Delhi left Shoal
Water l!,-v ye-ler.Liv. tm A-tnri.i an I
w ill probably be in today.
The -team-hip Senator will be down
from Portland thi- una n in u . San
bound, it the to", don't delay her in
the river.
Th" bar j ii Int. -eliuiiui'i Pulitzer came
in from her station e-terday. Siie comes
for fve-'n supplic- and a few day-' res!
from the bullets of "old Ocean."
The tender Heather left out for Tilln
inuiik Knck yesterday and will go thence
to Destruction I-latid. with siipplie- for
both. She will go to Seattle before re
turning to this port.
The line oil-t.iuk -trainer A-uiicion
arrived in la-t night from California at
! o'clock la-t night, and took on her
pilot for Portland, proceeding up river
at oner.
The -tenner Alliance aiTived down
from Port hi ml yesterday morning, on her
way to Coos Pay and Kureka. The fol
lowing people left out on her for tlio
latter port. MY. and Mr., (.'eorge Drums
and t heir -on li me -.
There i- a shipment of nearly llui) boat
We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, N. Y.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
.is--. i.VW
' rK
anchor on the O. H. & ". pier, delivered
here from Portland, Maine. A queer
proposition for a country where they do
a good iron work an they do here.
They are for the fishing fleet.
A bill of .ale win filed for record at
the federal eiHtoiu hoiie yesterday,
whereby Senator -Megler, of llrookfleld,
conveys to the Portland-Seattle Rail
way Cmnpany, the Rteainep Kdith, of 74
ton gross and .'!" tons net, register.
The ship ('. F. Sargent has been swing
ing to the tide so long in the lower har
bor, that she has fouled her cables, and
the steamer .Melville was sent down to
her ve.teiday to aid her in unravelling
the "iron knot." The work was quickly
and cleverly done find the Sargent will
leave out on the "next best" tide. She.
is drawing nearly 2f feet.
A. K. Petersen .-pent Tuesday evening
in Wesiport, and returned on yesterday's
May op Herman Wise accompanied by
his daughter, Miss liattie, went to the
metropolis on yesterday morning's
Mrs. Charle. VV'irkkala wa a pas-enger
for Portland on the 7:4.') train yester
iLiy morning.
-Mrs. C. p. Zigler vv.-nt to Portland on
the early train ye-terday morning.
( has. I,. Weidl.-r is in the city on a
business tiip from Sun Francisco.
Charle- Wright and wife. Mis Alies
Wright and Abel Wright are visiting
at Port Town-end.
A. C. Osbiirn, of San Francisco, is in
the city on a business tour of the North
west. Captain A. K. Cann went to Seaside
yesterday to overhaul his summer cot
tage there again-t the warm days to
"Pioneer Limited," St. Paul to Chi
cago; "Overland Limited," Omaha to
Chicago; "Southwest Limited," Kansas
City to Chicago.
No train in the service of any rail
road in the world equals in equipment
that of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Ry. They own and operate their
own Bleeping and dining cars and give
their patrons an excellence of service
not obtainamle elsewhere.
Berths in their sleepers are longer,
higher and wider than in similar cars
on any other line. They protect their
trains by the Block System. H. S.
Rowe, General Agent, 134 Third street,
Portland, Ore.
Never have to wait long at the
Occident Barber Shop. A. E. Petersen,
The very best board to be obtained in
the city is at "The Occident HoteL"
Rates very reasonable.
Miss Olga Landen, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. Gives mas
sages, steam and hot baths. Phoui
Black 2165. Will call.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up! It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other re
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew Asp &
Company. They also do all kinds of
blacksmithing and repair work.
X. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
In the personal toilet line, such as
hair brushes, combs, tileums, dainty
hand soaps and everything that beau
tifies and completes the toilet, go U
Frank Hart, the druggist.
Every one guaranteed. Will let yon
stand or sit on the oven door if yon
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves sn4
ranges till after the Holidays.
I'l, J, Scully