The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 08, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Jpntni'iltr l.tlilliltlmi uf llnrrhai'lt
Itlilln (III Mlllllt Mrp' Bllnll.
wax during llu1 progrcNH r llm 1
ttrntl ftmllviil In-Ill every your I'.v llu-
Hluiia Indian mi tlulr I'l'Hi'iviiiioii In
Hooth lniUotii 1 1 1 1 1 I miri' Inn) Hi'1 op
portunity of wi'i'lnu 1111 inhibition of
lnil'I'liMl U 'illg lllllt oUtdld l In IHOlt
(pectin iilnr IV11IUIVN of liny circus ring
In tin) world.
Midway of 1 In piiilrlo 11 cow whs
llisl, HIih whh fill, liiiill'iiuly mill pm
i'him (if (lint illKlllly Wlllcll bl'Hpeiilt
n gciilli' iiiIihI mill Ml 11 1 1 1 ! rliiirmii-i'.
About her horde of horm'iiit'li giith
iied lnti In tin afternoon. Hero win
(ottii'tltliig I wished Id nee, mi I worm
rsl my way Into tin presN, f till lliei
t hi 1 m.i I ii I it every iilii rides, liinl 11 foul
mini In rare enough Iii n u( 11 coiiuihc
t Ion. I.i'l 111 r 1 1 bcnr ii 1 11 1 1 ii-1 11 iiimI I hi
U a cUllimlty, Nul only Hint, I'tn bo
lit Iii ilniitfiH' of being iriiinili'il I'.v tlm
riinkii of riders, who htiiinM'ii hither
mul you In solid I'IhiImiix, Hie ponies
crowding till they urn arrliJ from
their fid
1'iitliiil hiii prUn wiin In llu' "lurk
of till' l llW IIS roH'H Well' pHSHI'd around
her lumt the word docs not seem rljclil
. Ami In' wliu would whs Invited to
"Very tiiiiui spoil," I thought i I
focused, for "In' hud R'Hii' I" Ki'iiuii
again. Whi'ii no one volunteered. 1
marveled. ICvlili'inly these men scorn
tl (.m il cripple's work, mul there was
11 Juki- In It somewhere. It wtm a
t;ivv' gltllie At ll"t it limn 'II'
Jifrtiiitiil. shook off Inn nti'l " "'
,.liilel t lilt l"'H. marveled tiiori'.
fur In- Ii M t Ih'oII iolii!iil out iik tin best
rider on tin- ri"o'rviitloii mul lnul bust
l broncho for Mr. duly In most of llm
gfeiil i lilt's of tin- World I cloud lienr
tin- our whlln slu munched lu-r gmt
mul Hupped a It.v from her cur. 'Hi''"
oih' huge mul Ihpild eye winked. Vi',
hill- v ; tik ol ill llu' UllderslHiiililigl) , lili'l
I lu-giiu to wolnli'f If III!" whs III'" ""HI
110.11 or gulden row of llu- I'll! 01 I',
pen Ilium", tlm IiIihmI of Texas rim In
lirr V fill
Tin" 11 iruti I111I Hinl 1 1 to
li.'l Iuk I, like 11 cut. winding III" linger-
Into the rope surcingle
Never lifforv liinl I seen mi iit.nliin
to iiiogiil,.' It. 'Unit row been lie- 11
ritjjiiii; demon Hr eyes narrowed t.i
OlllllH'll steely "III. I IHM itllle sure.
lu-r 4-iir ll.iitriu'il Lin k, nti'l nlo' Imri'il
Iht tiflli In 11 Kiln of tlliiliolic fury
Tin- u fill nail iiurlriiliiiiiil llui'i of
iiiiitln-rlHMMl Irft lu-r fm ! i ! lirr
Hn lill'-ctiirn lx"i'n tlmt of n ilriik'on
In 11 lit Mli ori' hoi rllily In n TOiirw
ii volri', i':iM"il llki" nil iiliti'lopi',
wriKKl'iJ 1 i k n iinki", "lilr ti'iM-i iU
H IHIKill't. liinl tin' rllliltiiloll liroii.'lio
Imoli-r Hoiiiivl tliroiu'li llu" ntr 11 !.iiol
innnuiK M'twi'i'ii fim hliouldi'i' lilnOin
Willi llu ('oiigh of PNi'tiiiliiK liri'iilh.
Kvi'tiliiiilly (ho lifimt wiih rlitili'ii, Iml 11
llui'i' hit if iiiwmitnulilp I lutvn ih'vit
Hi'i'ii mr ntoro womlrrf ill Kroiniit 11ml
lofty tutnlilliiK.- Itcx 10. Kciinl In ,i
pli'lnn'n lliiolilovi'm' MiiKii.llIf,
Tb llappr Mulloniuln,
An for Hit' "il '"'ll iiiiiU'kIoimI
Unit 11 Miilloniulii Ih no mor 11 Hjuiit
lit nl limn 11 Hhnlnmlrr In ii Ki ol, I.llui
IiIn Moid A rriifoiii'Hi) forlcnrM, I10 In it
luzy, III I'ottilltloni'il, u 1 if 1 1 t j r I mI 11 k
Ninth, with lint otn lili'ti of II f" Unit of
mIi'hIii, Tin' iiiltnln'r of IIioni' who llv
liy iii tlvi' unit vImIIiI Inlior In iihIoiiIhIi-
I i t K I v Hinill, 'II ii' llrnt llilntf Hint MrlkiHi
yon on Imnllnif In I'uliun U Hint It In u
ptiti'ii wlii'i'i' fvcryllilnif long ngtt Irft
off till I MMI I II If . I'll 1 Mill lit UN IJIlll'l UN
Multn In iioIm)', mnt Hint In Nylnu' n
K'hmI ili'til. I'ooil In rhcilp mul nlitlll
limit, A roliliir In iin nir iin ii lii-Kifar,
mul II fi- mul iropiTly 11 n perfect ly mi
riiro In rvi'ry rorni-r of tin' InIiioiI. TIh
pi'iiplr, If not iidlvi' In tin- I'ultlviillon
of inuriil vlrtm. nt Ii'hnI nIiow h wtitit
of nytnpiitliy for Hint wlilrli In violent
or uiirliiirllnliltf, TIioiikIi Itfiiornnt, I'll
mul Ntipi't'HtltloiiN, llii-y nre IioihuI mul
Inoffrniiivi' mul lri In tin" Inmi'I "f
pcit' iv If 11 roiipli' of cHumon folk Inivi'
II illffi-ri'tiif they nlrnl!il'ii It out with
tlirlr IIhIn mul iii'itliT In dm w inn. -f'luiiiilM'ri'
't'tii 'fotiKiif.
'l lu' pri fi'i tly lii'iilthy toiiifnr U rli-nll,
lllolnl, lll'N looNI'ly III till' Inoiitli, l
t 1 1 1 1 nl nl tin' 1-Ii,'" mi'! hut no
linit piiplUiuv Tin' toliKii'" iu.:y !
fiiri'til from lornl rniiHi-H or fron yiu
pntliy with llu toiiiitili, ii!i"ii .r
IhiT Tlir ilry 1'iiu'ui' iM. iii'.. iin,. i in-
(il'lltly III fi'VIT illl'l Inillriili't ii 1 itv
oiu 1 i'.xl i'i. 1 Inii or ii'ii-i-iiou .'. ' !i':
tonsil'' N f1l'iyuo"tlr '.linri!,! of I! !
i'rrill - IK I ; r i ill, l.illl prrlillpt 11 il""l'
lll'llll Mtollllllll Wlu'll II I lliol.l .1.1
yrllotvl'-li lu on n, It iIiowh illnor ii"i i' .
ii"t!oii. ry mul liimtu ijiili'-.-ni't .
(l ftiltl' of till' h.Vll. III. W'll' 11 III'
toiik'iii' I" 'Iry 11ml I'r'l mul miih"I!i. 1 1 '!
Olll for tliflfl fill: 1:1 1 loll. l! ltl ! ' .llti-'
linn!. Wlirti I'u' papllliii' oil tin- ii I i.f
tlio tonifiii' 11 niUi-'l mul u-ij t'-l, vi
cull It ;i utrn wliii ry toiiK'ir. mul 'In''
may uu'iiii in irlrl fi'rrr A Rliiirp
pollitnl ri'il toiiU'ir will point to
irrltiitlon or liuliituiiinlloii, mill 11 yd
lolV COhtlllg Illllli'Htl'N lhT lllTHIlK"
Titr l.lft lo riiarllr.
An ollii'i'r of mil' of New York'N chur
ItlcN In lllll Of 1'olli.tllllpllM'N toll of thf
jniMiy t m tit tliiuv't foiuul In Niilmrrlptlon
ImiXi'i wlilrh m i' nllrriil nlioiit III nil
p:irlH of llu- t;i'i.
"iin urn' iiM i'iitiv a lto in 11 r: ii
i- ili ii .' " I i" x.-t'.l. "I futiti'l tlir tf'i!'!
Mormdmi Astoria
y in
The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers
And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been
Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by
Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian
wttrttifH or 11 ni'CKincf, 11 piiir at i-nr
rlnifN mul fir tIiikn. Tly wer mug
Mftt'f nt NottlnifN, worlli n rtwil of inon
y. 1 fotild not ht-lp woihIitIiik wlmt
tlm Htonwi, wlilrh lnul liwt roughly
lorn out of them, wr llko,
"TIkhb Ji'WI'In, of oiirNi lnul lii'en
utolf-n, 'Hi" NcttliiKN were Klvi'ti to
eh a lily by Hi Hili'f. Tlm hIoiihn tln-iii-niIvin
woul'l ! r''iit mid noIiI.
Arouml thlN jtlfi wiin n noti- tlmt miM
"NpII for the nick. My i"mi"li'iu'
gixt hn fur ii tblN.' "-New York Pre.
rkr Krrm lo ll Krvnml t'nr Mrllaa
A(nlnl Hi' l.llflil.
"Wr 111 nntiKtoiiii'il lo think iiml
mx'itk of iiuml Rinnll tlilinc, cnpcrliilly
of liinlN mul Ih" li'iNcr ipuulrupeilM, an
liiivltiK prrullai ly nliiirp .vxlKtit." NHy
a writer, "hm Hie more one wal'iiei
llieiii the more one In temptwl to lio
lev Hint In trulli Ihelr eyitllil, an
JihIk'iI l ti 11 in ii ii utmi'larilN, In ex
tri'iiieiy linllfferent, Tlmt inany niniil!
MnlN pick up fnun Hie Krouml hikI f !
npou wi'iIn wlilrli we, walking ly,
not Nee l trile, lilll the Mi'lil hth II"
Inrife to llieiii iin ormiKeN to iin, mul
their eyex ure iml more Hum one Inch
or one mill 11 half IiuIicn from H10
groiinil while they Hre looklni? for them.
If, moreover, you ntoop down, no hn to
VIhk your )' within, niiv. tlm feet
of Hie arouml where 11 liinl hflN heeii
Kleiuihuc, you will he mirprlxeil to fee
liow ninny eeiN, viNlhl" enoiiKli to yon,
he overlook'xl. Mont Nlliilll wllil nnl
IiiiiIn will nlo nee UN ImiK before we
Nee them when we am walking, hut If
11 human beliiff NitN motloiileN there In
linnlly a wl'nl thlnif which nppenrM to
he utile to i'xtltu;ul!i M trnm
Mirrotitullnif IrecH mul mIoiupn.
"Vow. lti wllil or 'linish' turkey of
.North Antrim In HUpponl to lie one of
the keeiiet Nlithtiil liinlN that live, anil
very ipt'.rk tliey are to take alarm t
imythlliic movliik'. Hut huiitei'N lmv)
il!m'oervl ft have xtiot them ami I
know 1 Hint they are eimlly cnlli-l hy
Imltntlnif their note, ami alo tluit If,
when rnllitiit. you t on the ground In
front of n tree IliKte.-ul of liehlnil It
they w'll rome rlyht up to you J.rforc
they reroKiil" your pr'"rlire. Ullf if
you lilili liei!m! a tree you mux! NOoner
or later look round the trunk. Ttmt
nuikei a tnovenieiit anniiiNt tho nky
line. 11 ml long before It In poKHlhle to
get n shot the blnlN are off. Hut "It
tinit betwwti tlu'in iiml a tree trunk
you can rain your pin to your nIiouI
tier ami pot them, If you will, at your
lelMitre. It nppenrt to be motion hkiiIiiM
the IlKht only that cntrheN their eyf.
"It In the Name with wild kn'h. The
nlnrrity with which they ratrh nljcht of
a human heinl iin foon iin It breakN tho
Mky line I illHhenrti'iiinic rnotiijh, but
when thv have lieeu couiinit in in we
the Monfth For 65c
- mil 1UJM.BSIIIIIJUMW I Jl M.-J !U!WMWIWi!!Mjm!ll.'.l'Wt1' III1 Jl!!IJ.I.'J!UliJiMllBSBL'yASlPffStli,!klliJwl 1 1,", 'MlllWriifitaa
From 75c to 65c a
prT,:ntf to upend the niiit on a lake l
have Mood tiiotloriliN, nearly walKt
deep in (lie, water, with the full llffht
of tho netting nuii MiIiiIiik 011 tue and
nroiitid mc on all h1I"h. the mirfac un
broken even by 11 patch of reedN for
fifty yard or more, and thone wnrlet
of fowl, the CiiiihiIm neew, have corns
on In their lonif line, honking like no
ninny tnimfelliiK eli.phmitN iin they
eiiiiie, flyltiK no low Hint their wlriKH
at each downward Ktroke nearly
totirhed the water, a ml hnvo not hccii
me till their Olllttretclied neekN alnifWt
touched HO ' bent Jt lid they have hlld
to break line to phhn on either Hide,"
Chlcatco New.
A I'lirrrful llrfUfiit.
it limy be i'luioi-1 Haiti ns K ''H break
fiiNt no troee Hi" ihiy. The upiM'firanre
of the break fiiHt table IniN power for
irooil or 111 oter the appetite. It In not
mo much the ;lml of f'""l placed before
one un it is I lie w ay in wiin n u. i
M-rved Unit timkes II Inviting or unln
viting. Ho, tin, It imikrN a vast ileal of
different-'! whether one Kits down to
breakfast In a thankful, pleasant frame
of fninil or Iii a iiio iily and fault Hud
lug spirit. r.nakfaHt kIiouM be eaten
mi, Id smiles and cheery convertallou.
Urltfht looks mid merry words are newt
elrellrllt nppetlzers and dleNtern, let
ter tonics tin. 11 any apothecary cau rec
oillllielid. S V. if II can be helped, is
one's breakf.iHi to be eaten hurriedly.
It Is min U KlHer to abridge the morn
ing imp tunii to abridge the morning
meal. If JO'I w.inl to be u is-sslmlst
anil win tin.' reputation of a rhrolii" !
growler, you are mi the right road lot
HtliTi'hH. A ei.erous hair hour tie oieu
to bii'iii.fiii-' it time will pent, lint
leisurely an I liol too hen'! 11 v. and J'OU
too li'-.ll.ll ', Illl'l J iiu
. . , ,n
IjiI happier for it all
will be Mm i-'-r
the il.iy. Tl." nrt "f br'-alifjiNtlug right- !
y U "lie of the .l.-tiicnMiiiig marks of j
higher rivT. it on. j
lit- r'rom t mlrr.
The vte'in telearaph otierator t
length tool: part In the k ral r
rouniliig o' iiu '.'Iriit-i nti'l adventtire"
by lilt fellow i ral Ilni'li.
"I Jut in 'nlifirnia several year
ago," l.e :i!il, "l ivi.s at the key In the
only t"!"grav'i of'"" In a rapidly rilh:
town. Kurt? one iimming I received
a Jiitioage fi'lilri-'-'icil to the eashier of
the local bank from Its president, to
the effect tkHt IiIn plan had failed ami
to close the bank's doors and suspend
payments until further notice. I had
JS.iWO In that bank, the savings of
eleven years. It was my duty to send
the message und see my savings van
tsh. Then an Idea occurred to me. It
was not my duty to forward the mes
sage personally, and the only boy 1
h.ul was Irlivi'T-lng a dispatch ami
n-uilMii t t back for at least an b""-
Zn, a clfar coriHcience, 1 Niionoo
on my coat, rushptl to tho hank and
withdrew my deposit An hour later
the criiNh raine, hut I was not under
wath." Orancra.
OrariK''N I'mnc originally from India,
liavlriK been carried westward hy the
AralN. The fruit crowNcd from Africa
to Kpaln with MohnmimtlanlHin, while
probably the cruwiderN aro to be thank
ed for bringing It to Italy and wetern
Europe araonif their trophies of the
pant. The name In Arabic, "naranj,"
and of enNtrn origin, though the leg
end that It coined from two word
meaning "elephant" and "be 111." be
caijne elephant nte orange to make
thernwlveN 111, l nbmird. Probably In
French the Initial "n" Im droppett off
from nnranjl with the final "n" of tba
lndeflnlle article, JiiHt na "an apron"
represents -a napron," and the spellln
with an "o" points to false association
with '-or" ufoid;.
Wantrd thr Mnnef.
"Why don't you 'lemaiid $.WXX) In
atead of :';" said the lawyer.
"Oh, because," explained the lady of
the breach of promise suit. "Then he
might change his mind and want to
marry me."- Iietroit I'n e Press.
Kb nay.
Blll-Ko The dentist pulled the wrong
tooth, did be?
Jill -Yen.
Bill-Funny, wasn't It?
Jill - Fnnnv? Why. I fairly howled
H,mt it
Yonkers Statemnan.
I.rrnl l.rl-f and Mead Shaving.
Among the nii' ieiiu shaving the head
i ws a vt-rv cciiimoii niode of espress-
I . . u ,:
I11U kiri'.ll K."l "I ""ll'J". l'IIII'TLHlIf--,
it was .lone by the priest or some other
religious functionary formally cutting
off the hair, sometimes by violently
plucking It out by the roots. In ex
treme cases among men Hie beard as
well as tlu hair was either cut off or
plucked out. Th' idea seems to have
been that mourners should divest them
Hflves of that which under ordinary cir
cumstances was considered most beau
tiful, ornamental and becoming. I.u
ehin (and he is not the only one who
gives points on this iueer mourning
custom i says that the Egyptians ex
pressed their Intense somiw by rutting
off the hair upon the death of their god
Apis and that the Syrians acted In the
same manner at the death of Adonis.
Olympladorus remarks concerning Job
1, 20, that the ancients among whom
long hair was regarded as an ornament
rut It off In times of mourning, but that
those who commonly wore It short suf
fered it upon such occasions to grow
Vfoadrrfol Work of Witik,
Ift perfect running order the balance
wheel of a timepiece makes 18,000 tIp
bratjona per hour. The number of
mllea a year the movement of a cor
rectly adjusted balance wheel will
equal la 8,.K. To make thla ran leaa
than one-tenth of a drop of oil la con
sumed. In order to keep a watch la
proper condition It Is advisable to bavi
the timepiece thoroughly overhauled
semiannually. The life of a watca la
lengthened by having It "house cleta
ed" every air months.
"Dearest." he said, "do you know
that the average consumption of sugar
In this country Is seventy-five poondj
a year?"
Hht; caramelod an Inaudible reply.
"Well, It Is," he went on. "and I fig
ure on the basis of the five pound
boxes 1 bought Hint last year you got
IDS pounds ahead of Hie average."
"No wonder you call me 'Sweet
heart,' " she uiurnhinallowed gleefully,
and ate on.- Philadelphia Ledger.
Srrlnn Ktiounh.
"Your daughter Is such a frlvoloua
society butterfly," remarketl the sedate
friend of the family. "Don't you think
she would be happier if she bad some
serious purpose In life?"
"Oh, she has." replied the mother;
"she's looking for a rich husband!"
Detroit Free Press.
A Wrong Idea.
-I say, auntie, what's that funny
man with the red coat?"
"He's been hunting, dear."
"Ob! He hasn't caught ranch, has
he, auntie ?"-ruiich.
"Archie's new automobile blew up
with him on the first trip, and he sued
! the firm that sold him the machine."
i "Did he recover anything?"
"EverythlBg, I believe, but one finger
' and a part of an ear." Chicago Trib
une. s
aaa ft at- '' r V lit I tx-J 1 Jf WXTW
1 Jm