THE MOUNING ASTOIUAX. ASTORIA. OKKC-ON. THURSDAY, MARCH B, 1508 THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily by THW J. S. DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year f'.W By mail, per month - By carrier, per month tj WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance. .11.00 Entered eeond-clas matter June 3S. 1905. at the pontortlc at Astoria. Ore goo, under the act of Congress ot JIhiyIi 3, ayOrrtert for the deUwnng of Tb Morn tm iwrOBJiS to either rwideow or place of (mines -u-T be nade by postal card or through tele hone. Any Irregularity in de li should be mmedlateiy reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. When line dinner ehiinfrc the State rlmit in!in-hi) mid ;inotlier dinner keep tlm oh.iii imin-lii ju-t at it i-. it i-. evi .lent Lent intue-. none ton -0011 to waul olT a politieal h 'p-i;i. Alxnit the only huelit Pii-lV--ni' An drew IV White will dciive from hi si.l.o c.uv ot lyni'h law will he an riironiitim from Sen;tor Tillman and hi- mi-yiiided follow ei. 0 A jm i-l :;, t;itd.' diet i- 'l .- rihe.l a heinu ' "' adapted to life in the polar legion-. Walter Wellman ha- al rvady chanced from whale oil to -hied ded alfalfa. 1'iv-ident t'a-tro ha- announced hi intention of hreakini: up the Monroe doctrine. Thi- i- hy a'l odd- the laij; ot lontiait that will he undertaken , during the twentieth ceutmv. A iVim-ylvania un. tme collector ha-ju-t destroyed "M'M) had eis-nf. There i- ,. L ;.! 1.1" I'lew-oine fa-eination ill Political Information Announcement or candidate for oltleo will lie utilllied In lliene eolnmna at renmtii able mtes lor men ol all purlieu. REGISTRATION K.xMiHtlon look opened l County Clei k, Tiiendac, January licitMiiilloii liik clo-cd lor I'llmury K.leetion, April 10. A p. Ill UcKlstratlnti look opened after primary election, Arll 'J. lietll-trutain hooks cloed for Kciierol election, May t p, in. DIRECT PRIMARY FLECTION Couu'.c Ctcikitlveuetlceorrrlmiiry Kleetlon not later tluin March -Jl. Iji.NHlav lor llllns ellllon for plneliitf mime on 1-allol (or mate, eoiinreinlonal anil di-lrlct oftlce. March .... Ust day for tlltuii pelUlons for County ntuYcni, April I, DATE OF PRIMARY ELECTION, APRIL to, 1906. i'auvalng vote of primary eWvlluim for tte otitic May .1 GENERAL ELECTION 1 nut day for IlUn eortliloito. of nomination for ulale olttce by anaemhly or electors, April I.'. Inrt dav for llllnit uomlniittiiit p,tltoui for stale olttcen, May I, Uist day for tllliiit eertiricales of noiiilnatioun for comity officers ly assembly or electors. May , l.u-1 day for Mllti noinlnatlng petitions for count)' unices, May 19, GENERAL ELECTION, JUNE 4 BE SURE AND REGISTER CANDIDATES ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR GOVERNOR. Republicans ot Oregon are hereby trvim- to ima,ie what kind of eir-! informed that I ... a candidate for the WEATHEK. Western Oregon and Western Washington Showers along the coast; probably showers interior. Eastern Oregon Fair. Ea-tern Washington Cloudy and threatening. they call had in IVnn-y Ivaniu. "'0 Mr. Cleveland ha- -old hi farm near lVim-etoii lecnii-e it was unprofitable. Mr. l'.yau -ay- hi- farm pays, but he may count the fun of -howim; piie heifers to vi-itoi - as an a -set. nomination of Governor at the prim aries to be held April 201 h JAMES WITHY COM Br'. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. I hereby announce myself a cindi date for the office of Secretary of Slate, and a-k the aupmn't of all K.publi- F. T. WTtlOHTMAX. , GUESS, AND GUESS AGAIN! There is something peculiarly signifi cant in the now well-known fact that a certain Dr. Xicholls, of Portland, or Seattle, or Taeoma, or some otlvr coast habitat, has bonded, or bought outright ' hundreds of acres of waterfront land along the north-hore. opposite thi- city, about the mouth' of lX-ep River and Gray's River, in and about Cray's Bay. between Frankfort and Knapptonj that the Northern Pacific beddings thereabout not long since for ale on the open mar ket, are now hedged against all and any offers of purchase: that over SIW.OOO worth of lands have been paid for by this Dr. Nicholls and that intervening parcel- of land have been bonded heav ily. What all this may mean is, lor the moment, unjrue-sable: but it bears tin appearand of importance and weight in the light of the recent minors of rail road building to the Columbia from tie- Gray'.- Harbor terminal- of the Northern Pacific. Astoria has an indubitable in terest in the thins beau-.- of the close proximity of the development to her very doors, and wliil- we are "at -ea " as to its real dgnificawr, there can b" no harm in cheri-hing a few quiet hopes that the N. P. is coming to the Colum bia, and once there, will form the very exc-llent r-a-on for a line from the s-outli, say from Tillamook City to As toria. These deductions are logical, ra tional and wholly within the probabili ties, and may therefor be indulged, un til negatived, or confirmed, by later un foldrrjnta. 0 4 EDITORIAL SALAD. This seems to clinch Admiral Togo's fame a- the Rough Rider of tld veal'- tobacco crop in th' I'nited t it... wa- ii;i;!.(HSi.(MSi pound- woith at the farm "' hi. It i- said that weedr. arc plant- mi-under-tood. but to baeco has been interpreted to some pur pose. 0 " Uerc are words of wisdom from the Hartford Telegram: "Dr. Wiley says that bottled whisky is the only safe kind. Correct. No whisky ever work harm until the cork ha- been pulled." FOR STATE PRINTER. The undersigned announces himaelf as a Republican candidate for renomlna turn for State Printer, aubject to the decision of the Republican votera at the primary election, April 20. Now serving fitvt term. The same courtesy that 1ms been accorded to State officer generally, that of a renomina tion, would be greatly appreciated. J. R. WHITNEY. Albany, Oiegon. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC FOR ATTORNEY CENERAL. I INSTRUCTION. The undersigned hereby announces' I hereby announce myelf as a ran himself as a candidate for re-election didate for renominatioti for the office in ttM if Tun li f Attornsc. General, sub- 1 of Siltierintendetit of Public Instruc- NOW IN OUR NEW STORE' COR- BOND AND 11th. STREET WE ARE BUSY GETTING SETTLED BUI CAN FIND TIME TO SHOW YOU ROW COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE IS OUR STOCK Or WALL PATER, FAINTS, OIL, GLASS, MATTINGS, MOULDINGS, ETC. COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW LOCATION AND LET US FIGURE WITH YOU ON ANY WORK N OUR LINE. B. F. Allen Son, First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:staui.isiii:i) INN41. Capitol and Surplus $100,000 Sherman Transier Co. HKNUY HHKKMAN, Maimer ject to the approval of Republican voters at the primaries. A. M. CRAWFORD. tion. and solicit the support of all Re publicans at the primaries, Apiil 20th. J. H. ACKERMAN. Supcrint nd.nt Maxwell wants lands for school sites acquired before they get valuable. Practical Mate-men will look with contempt on a fad that ignores the three IV- like that. o Senator Tillman was one of the four meinb-r- who voted against the pure iWl bill. The South Carolinian has en joyed hini-elf so long in a minority that a majority must seem to him like a hm-king bi'iiicho. How would this do for the Democratic p'atfonn in Mi-ouri. "We ha'.e had the governor-Lip eleven con-ecutiv-time-, and now prochitn that toe en forcement of the law- by th" chief e.e cu'ive is the i--iie." Hon, and the plain and achint: across my back disappeared. About -i week- ai;o I was laid up with a siege of the grip for1 two weeks. Symptoms of kidney complaint made tic ir appearance agii't and I ro-orled to Doau'- Kidney Pills a -econd time. They jn; a- thoroughly freed me of the (rouble a- in the foimer ci-e. 1 cannot evp.e what a ehanu'' they haw made in me. 1 -imply I -l like a dilTcrcnt pci-ou." l'lentv more proof bk- thi- from A toria (people. Call ;,t Holers' din- -Cue and a-k wh.i! hi- cii-tomei'- report. Lor -ah- by a.l dedci-. I'm-e, ..0 cents. Foster -Mill. inn Co., I'.ntTalo, New Yolk. :. ag.-nt - f.-r tl- t'nited State-,. Heliiemh' r the liaine Doan'- all! take jio otln-r. Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Smile in the liioining, -mile at noon, Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Frank Hart, druggist. Ew-ii if the national pun: food bill the -tute- are not prot.-i-t.-d from adulteraiioiis and fake, produc-d and -old within their own limit-. Mi ouri mu-t -til! look out for health .-ocietie-w it h a -iti'd member. "TV- man who occuriies Oeiflal Gros- venor'- seat" may be inquiJt for by visitors to the next Congress o Admitting it to be. true that China i awake. Empre-s An ought to be willing to thank I'nele Sam for pinching her. o A New York papei' contends that forty stories ought to be the skyscraper limit The allowance somehow keeps on crawl ing up. The New Haven .Journal and Cornier refer- to the capitalists who are putting up th - forty-story building at Uroadway and Liberty street, Manhattan, a- "the modern Ilubel builders." The structure will be 504 feet above the -ca level, or 44 feet higher than the Washington monument. That there will be a "con fusion of tongue-"' there, when complet ed, is pretty certain. Lucky Manhattan Inland is founded on bed ruck ! MEN AND WOMEN. I 1';;: '"f unnatural ll !,,,-,lt.!Wll:!.i.ll"IH. ir'lt Oc '4 lit n'e'' l kt ieM ,.' n l U 'i Tle"!.f'l alit. i' . , .-s. :Oj I le-t ulTin. I'MtEWSSCfitiCi' t.1. t "f I 'M., II. J. , MKUIIUtl C KCTJ Ml-t l IrufiM, iV i i TrT or ..., iti Ti en "!:, Z$K. ' ! , i;a -.. '. lc. t'" F7o Ml to itri-t-lf. Hacks, Carriage'! Haggage Clu-t kcii and Truitsfcrrcd -Tim k and I ur nittire njjons- Pianos Muvcd, lluxfd uiki Miijj'Oi. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 J. I. A. IIOWLllV, l'resldtnt. 0. I. PETERSON, VI. Preiident. FRANK PATTON, Cashier. J. W. OARNKR, AssisUnt Cashier. Astoria Savings Bank Cui'llnl I'ttid Id IIUW.W. Hurplns suit fiuiUldeil froftts f6,UK. Trsnuicts s (jeurrnl MunkliiK llulnis. Jnlcrct puld on Him- Iielti Isrtlh 6trsst, A3T0HIA, OREGON If 9. 3 W M EJI ibk TF, "J ACT QUICKLY. Senator Stone is against ship sub hidies, but might look on them with more favor if our ports were open to foreign tea siftings. o It is suggested that only the one-man power can build the Panama canal, but Uncle Sam lias accomplished consid erable on another system during his careef. Delay Has Been Dangerous in Astoria. Do the right thing at the right time, Act quickly in times of danger. .Backache is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pill- act quickly. ( Hie all di-tre-sing, dangerous kidney ill-. Plenty of evidence to prove, thi-. J. Cai'-on, employed at the Portland Lumber Co.. foot of Lincoln hire d, who rc.-ide-. at 'JWi l"i t f-1 street, Portland, Ore gon, -ays: "J was feeling miserable a, deprcs-ing lamem--. around the small of my back all la-t summer. At first, I did not pay much attention to it. but I continued to grow wor-e and finally be came so bad that I thought I would have to lay off work. To bend or move quickly caused several twinges. I was often attacked with dizzy -pell-, specks befoi'e my eyes and I had no ambition or energy. In the morning J arose as tired as when I went to bed. In fact, I had all the symptoms of a very severe case of kidney trouble. When I was Buffering the worst I read about DoanV Kidney Pills and procured a box. I noon noticed an improvement in my condi- For Uieinfv oc ttiauaer troubles. Cures in 48Hoursj URINARY DISCHARGES; r.-irti Caosule i bcarsthenamerl Beuare of counterfeit! Dr, D. A. Sanburn FRENCH SPECIALIST. The King of Cures 1MUMHHB ' o; , i i ' i A li'S.M- 5 I -'4 ttl C0FFt,TEA, FUVORirW EXTRACTS AbsoicrePun:-. Rncsl'FiJWor, : ! CL0S5ET & DEYERS f,vsi;wun. (; The" Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est ofall writing machines. It does betf" work, does it quicker lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Lrt u I teni vou our little Hook tcllir.g :!1 f.heut it. Tj-i''.vri,rr Mppl'c. M i ttiino! rented. Sirriugrjiher f-.irnishri. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 247 Stark St.. Portland Or. w I! ! ft ' J Tf 1 1 i l rw ix ooicr That All Important Bath Room Vou hive often heard people remark "li I were ever to built!, I would (dsn my bath room fitu am! would" not put all my money into the parlor with all hs finery." That is km1 common icinc Kntimcnt, for the lath room ii the -nost Important of all the fioineliold. Wc would lite to help you plan your hath room am! will j-Ja.!!)' quoie you l-r on "lootlotsl" tie 1 c:t ! noil sanitary f.vuito 1 A MAnto'nmprv. AstOfia. ' It 41 4. V t-v "-"" I IV- r -it. ASTORIA IRON WORKS ,I')llN'l'f)X. Pres. iuhI Kuyt. I-' . 1SIH)P. S.'crflary A. I.. l'OX, Vice Pres., ASTORIA HAVlNdS IiANK.Trcas THE tr. C. GEE WO Chinese Medicine Co- Formerly located 253 Aider Street; for the '.s mm. five ycitrH.UA St, ' t(lVF.Tl intn f.lm'W " at tl snnth-onst cor. tier of First nnd Morrison HtreetB. En- trnnceNo. 162 front Ht. Cn--tcf fnl UntriA Tfaitrtiant I am now in your c.ty introducing my , l)r r (if, WQ )B knf)Wn throUKhout tl)e wonderful arts of healing. Come one Onlti suiu and Ih called th oreatciilneae . ... .I. 4i I Doctor on account of IiIh wonderful cured and all and I will tell everyone their , Wt()t tne M ,)t n hf0i without uhIiik liao!iut nn I vnn v ill 1,p ma.lfi well Mv r"lM'n or dni(?H of any kind. He trcala any diaease ana jou win ue maue win., , (U, (llK(.a(i(.H w)Ul powf.,.ru oriental roots medicines are all nature's remediea, herbn, iiarkH, and vKebible that are nn . , , . , , . . i known to iiipdlcnl Hchmc.) In this country, roots, heros, barks and berries. ! ami through the iiae nf thone hiinnlecH reme- After I introduce my medicine I will Meg he guarantees to cure i -4 i i it i a Catarrh, Asthma, Lung Trouble, Rheum-lum, leave certain kinds of it in your drug Ntrvou;ntM( Sto'machiS Lve,, Kidney, Fem.l, atores. Weakness and all Chronic D seaies. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.j 2 to 8 p. m., at the Megler House, 680 Comraer-, jht C- Ot Woo Chinese Medicine Co., clal street, rooms 1 and 2. No. 161 1.2 Fl"' St., S.E. Cor. Morrison. Consulation free at Astoria, Ore. Mcnllon lhl" PortInd Designers and Manufacturers of 'HIE LATKHT IMPIIOVKU Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOI (CITED. Foot, of Fourth Street NOW FOR A NICE DAINTY LITTLE PIECE OF CHINA I A CHINA TEA POT, CHOCO LATE POT, CUP AND SAUCER OR EVEN A NICE LITTLE TEA SET, MAY BE JUST THE THING YOU ARE WANTING -IF SO THE PLACE TO GO IS THE (Yokohama Bazaar 628 Commercial Street, Astoria it STAMMERING AND STUTTER ING CURED For Particulars Address THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAM MERERS 1261 cas. 1 anthill Street, Portland, Oregon.. PalcBohemlan Laser Beer1 ' THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottles Ilrcwrd under unti Itnry condlllmit mid juieu7 k?u ngm ncre in AHioria. North Pacific , Brewing Go. ASTORIA, OREGON.