The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 07, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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There's Nothing Like It or Half so good : s
Martinis New York Cream Cheese
It is properly made and is clean and
wholesome. A new Shipment just
RpKiimr Mating. Tin- t.uia slal
III),' (lull Hill t 1 1 I (licit Hireling III!
Ill'kt I lllll'.lV lliglll
FUNHKAI. 10DAV, Ml Hint wh 11I liiilf Willi' ll the Inl.inl
.oil nf Ml. mi. I Mm Mii- Ho", will b-
hill n il tilt fliilll till' t it 11 1 1 1 V
liiiiiir ui Nn. I.'- hull tii- i 111 iiii
'It If.
H Ftlri! His I'rtlllon. I. I . I mi
lull, (III. .iijilll.ll ciilllltv clelk Hi till-
mlllltv llil tiled hi- pel ll loll IhI II
Mill lull nl till- i.lllrr lir IHI" hull" .lllil
VVI 1 1 I In- Inllg lll nl eligible. I"
lull (III. Inlillg 1 In 11 1 1.1 nil . nl (Lll-nii
nil Oil' J 1 1 1 1 1 ill lint llliilllll.
Walrr Srivlir K(ftilll
il'u.. Ill I pptltnntl .in- 1'
IIM' lll
llii'il I . 1 1 J . it 1 1 1 high level ".ll'l
I.I high
Mm-. lite 1 iilllli 1 I lull" l"l lliill 'HI
In 111;' lii.l'h- IimI.ii. illnl .ill "lm 'I'-llc I"
t'Hlllli'it ale lit Illicit 1
.Il l I
tilde l in.
.lillllt HIV lllllll Will ill.
u till- ill V Ilil'lleC,
To Move Rock Ciunher. "nut v
llldg- Tlf II' li.H'l I llmnllllH"!' I ll
1lltllil.l1 fill mil illl'l liVf'l 'In' I'l.K'
f,.r llif Iih.iIiiiii "I (In- nk fiii-li' t "ii j
(In Nl.llh lull. "I Oil' M.liklllllll'' Illl'l '
ill,.. ..1 111. .1 lii.ii" "linli will I..- M-f! ! Si-xlctlp ol Tramifi:. Si deed-
,1. iiiitilfM lm t Ik- win kill: Inn" ')ifjfi.- pir-nit.-'. In tin ny rh-ik I.I
,, ;(, 1 ,,i building ll id It j cit 1 un I If null'!- "I ' Lit"")' count ,v,
(It., itnilil ..... 1 I., tin' 1'i'k . in-li j -tfi.l.n , t..t: 1 !: I ami
... I..I i, . I .1 r i.mI, Ii..- lii'H'-l i u il.- I" tin- -!"ii.i I ' .miimiii ,
.ff i
1. 11 nifi ii'i ii. Hin .''"' i 1 ' 1 t.' - ;
I n n. "i.ti.l H1.1l it .i tin- f.fitu
tlnll In III" If t!lf 1'i' k fltl-lli'l limn (
II'. ,.fllt lll.ilMull I" 111" IH'H "If, I'l
ll. . I (.1 Ih. in mill;' ffl. It i-
,. llf.f..U1 tu ' Hll lli.'lllfll "I'li'l.ll
lni.iv'f. I" l"lf tin- .llli'IH.t ih 111.1.I ' I"
nun f tl.f Ii .111 'i 11 l
Ri'fntm Cliiiumrn.
,l.-,l .lll.i llltl "I tin
nl V im in , nn nili. 1 1
A In hi un" lm''
uniiffi t Inn . nn '
,111. 1 rlfl- "I l'i'
1,., lil ,1,. ll "I tl.e ( llllle-e t : ! 1 "
lutui atiull llift 1 1 -! ! 'la 1 .iH'-l'
i .,i tl... Sprviitli I. nil. hug mi ' '"i
,, I , i.i ) -licet, and ll ten il tu til" ...I
ilii-.- "1 -rifiul I'l Ih" li-iting l"a.l
, , ui,,, at I n f 1 In If "ll Mum inn
Sill'..', (he on I' haul In if. "a- i hail inati
u I ihf mcding and aimtlifi t i.tdi-man
In lae nanif "I '''
i,.,,n, II," piin.i.,il -pf.ikfi- nl thf
.1,, Mail. Ian Sill, "I Setllli-:
I ,n I .i n ( hung. "I "Hi
I hung llm. "I auimiifi.
an- all cdii.ainl and appal
I nml .fii
Tl, e-r nii'li
ntli tl,
iflili nt I it' t
vulli t In- i -nliic I '
and Wfif 1 i -1 1 1 l t" "I'll
Hull whilf 1 li fp.
Hint attfii
the tenet-
1 mid ailiaiil.igr- "I the n 1'inni pingiaui.
Tl. -ting la-t'd ("i' "ii" ami a lull
limn-. 'I In- li-iling nifinlifii nl thf
, ult will leave l"i rmtlalid and other
iuini, iiii ttii- morning'- Cain.
Now on Sale at
UH122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
I'll I k Cummin lion Mi-fin. 'I lm pail
linn in i. -11 ii mil la-t 1 v -1 1 i hk mid liiiii
lllll'd It llllllllli l nl 1. 111111-1 llllll ll'l .
Fiinrml Today. Tin nflriiioon J
liin -iiil nl Hit- I. !' Mi-. . A ( iiiiiiln'll
lll lulr il. iiiili i III"- .1 n'ii nl III"'
Older nl lii-tclll Still ill (III' Milullii
i'lllili'. I III' -I'll in ill In- minim lr I
by III.- Pel, i- ihhui 'mrt III"'
(ililer ppismpill llllll ', ;ii) (III- inter
lllllll Mill til' III I i'l i-ir.VtHlil ii'llll'tl'l V.
Hi Patrons' Inntttutr. TIm-k- i- 1"
lir untiling nl I III' 1 In-' 1 hi .ul ill lull mill
j iiIhiiiI tin- il ni'i ti'il I.IMII''I lll-tllltl
lilll.'.l I,. H- lm I In- i;t!i ..ll'l I, Hi nl III"
pic. rill iii.iiilli; tin- I ii 1 1 ! ( 1 1 mi'! null
,tii-U nl .ill .illuming 1 mini ii nil'
ni.liiillv united I
make Ihr iillitll "l
III.' Iii n! ...ii. 1
Ulll 1.1- I:. 1. 1 III
j l . 111 illlil help
: i'lit ami plea-
I I !ll lll-.'l III','"
In 'git liiill nl-l
I i.'ti viclcia I it I
ii- .lulu. In It'll. I '!
tl!;, .111. I Itlt'llHH
'! lli-ll. Vi,pe
'.! I i'kUIIi "Mill it"
1.. HP llr-enl nll'l
III tie
I .n..l I - -I..I
..II. I f 1 I I 1 I l.ili
Ihf .'.1 1 in 1 Hi;.'
.till.- Imiii .ill p.. int.
1 1 "in I'. 1. 1I1. .1 nl
.11 f i--.f . 1.1 i iii il ' !
l.i 1 ill ' I -It'll tll.ltl t- til ilrllnll il"
.11.. " l llll ll l H Itllli'li' to lln ir bill I
llll. I .l".ll. I , It I- I CUt-op lllflll
nlllv 111 I lie i'll.- 1. 1 t!ii' Illld.ltlVC illl'l
l . Ii.... It HI1! In "I Villllillllf IIHI
lllflll In tin- f.lllll. I :llil III! Ill
11. jflilm 1
Win. -llllll !''. I'l llllftl'l.
,lif il. fil. 1 ull'l'l' l . 'kl' II $1. flillU'V
'.i.iii'i M .1. 11. '.! l.ili. I in l.i' -"'
tilt. . I! Il,lllll;ii!i. Illlil "II" I"
.ti. 1.1 I I'tlilMllV. '
;ii".iiii iiml "ill'' i'l ill;' 'I'1".
. flint y : M .1
I,, ilium I'. .
11 :.i', 11 1 ,1 nl
11 I J .i' 1 1- m
tn M.lfll ii.'
linn 1 1, 'i 1 1 1 .1 1 1 .
.l.'.'.l. ' "ll-i'li I ,lt l"ll
li . I.-, nl 1.1 ll'l ill l il
H II nlllli' .III. I H''
..,,.1'.i:. M
. ..n - nifi . 1 i"ii ' 1 "ii 1 ;
1.1111,''. I 11 -t i.ii 1".;
il'H II li.l.n-"u t"
.in ,1 nl , ..ii-1. In .1 1 mil
.iii ;;,'. in ir- mi l.i 11. i I-
'"!, f in;.'
! liu 11. unl 1 I
l I in 11. 1 tilt '- -l..i
. 11 .1 1 1 .1 nt i . ' "
imi ing I ..t I. in
u M , Man. I 1 .1.1
-III. I .1 ! ii III -1 . I mi
,!i" T. S .
1: in W
I h
- I Stat.- tu I-
. "Ill "1 illg t he . I .
I . . K 1. .
1 1
11. .,.t'iit
ft ' lull '..', ,
laioki StKiulicant.- "ii Monday i
train I i l'iiitliii'1 tiiii" ainif! tmn
I. nil". nl "tin i. it-, a"'! il i- -aid that
I. tin iii.nil.n "I tin' p.uti plifllle. ll
p.l-- "ii thf ii il .l"n ill fiiMH "t -I. '.
Hill. I r. Ih" ..iity when tlii- fiti ".i-
iv, irlinl. ii uiaifii "ani'r "I tiai k alniig llif water limit In
tin- We-t end "I the 1 1. If. A N 'h"'k
"hue ihel "in- un't liy Ciipiain Tmn
Spciic i it Ii Ihf iiiutm- laiinrh.
Ml . mi "lli. I.. I- at once iMnirdcd Ihf
Inunh and went tn the Nmlh Mniic.
I in.) in in-; (here the eiitii'e nt'd-i n urn.
,( i n'fliH'k Ihl'V I'.-llllllfd In Illi
cit and tiiuk (he evening tmin for
I'm l land. The iilino-t -eeiei y "a- oh-
veil in the iiiiivcment-. nl (he men,
. ..... . . . . : , t I. ..I I .,
iiiiil little atifiiiii'ii iii in urn .. .i
t lii-m . It. i- known however that the
piirty -penl (he entire al'ti'i iinnn in
specting certain property on (lie North
hnre which wa rrcciltli puiiha-eil lV
tiirlie, iiiposed to he from the Ku-t.
The visit of these olficiaN a'ml llieir
act ions, lend color to (he lielief Hint
the properly wan purchas, liy Hie
agenU of (.lie Northern l'aiilic, nml
will lie used for teriniliiil purposes hy
tluit raill'oiid. Humors him- hecii pre
valent that the Hill innniig.inenl in
tend to lniihl a line i" tn Cray's Har
bor Smith and the visit of these oll'i
cial at this time, is regarded a e
t.reini'lv signilieant.
Ouick service, combined with cleanli
ness, mid high quality, in what the ma
jority of people desire when they cat,
anil the rest am imt wdiero nil these ae
(iiinmodatioiis can be obtained is where
thev go. The I iihiee Cutering Company
on Vomnioiviiil street, just, opposite lite
Page building, is known by every As
torimi n the place to obtain what they
want. Here tlicy nil go nml having
gone, no other restaurant will satisfy.
A spoeinlty is ninde by the Takca res
taurant for bumjuots, and party serviue.
Open nt nil bom's.
Olmi'ive St. Patrick's Dy. On St.
I'nl 1 iik' il.iy llii'ii' "ill In- 11 nililif
I'lili'iliiiiniiiiil Kivi'ii liy llii' S'iiuuk Mfii'i
ln-liliilf in 1.11141111' Hull, nt itliirli 1 i mi
W'iiIIih " Mi'l it tn iiiii nl nt Purl IiiimI will
ilflili'l nil inl'lli'.'..
Renders Opinion, liliiii Aliniwy
Allfii Iiii- 1 "inli'i . il 1111 ii.ililin'
Hull it 1 it 1 1' 1 1' I l ' 1 Inl' lliillliltllti'ill lil'l'ili'
I'll- I'. Illl. . I If- ',1 1 nil lllllll" i llliilllll
(H'tiiiiiu iiml Iii" iiiiut Iiit, if In- "iiiii'
In. An ". nn (Iii- -iiini' iin'l imi
,iii- 1 ' tt'l'-i nl 11 -Iiml linn' iiyn liy Al
luiiifi I., in 1, il (iiiulnnl, fiinliiiiy In
Hi" i.iini"ii "ivfii liy Atlnni-y Allfii,
Ilnlil Mciilin,, At llif ini'i'liiij,' "I
Un- ( "Imiii. 1,1 ;inr I i-lii-i iiifii'- I'm) f
Inn I ui' .11 I11I1I iffi'iilly. ii Ifiy nl' lit
t fill. .l lllllllllil Mil- lllil -. A III
In mii- Mini limn ( i"i 11 imr "f
ii-lniij,'luii ri-liitiii: In tin- liifiiii'Hi "I
li'.li llitji- in llif illillili.' ininl- nl llif
;'il Inri Ii -liri imi ii mi tlif 1 iiliiinli.i in
"lilili llif 'inflliin iliiti-il llnit In- "1111I1I
l.flf.lMll lll-llllrl till' li-ll I lilllllli-i"tl
i l "1 ll-lllll"l'ill 1" riillMlll "illl Illl'
iinniii I. .I..11 ii 1 1 . 1 j 1 1 1. 11 1 1 . . 1 1 "il- ill
I. mill tin Anil II1I1 lli" inn. .11 uili
uli-fiif tin- .''itli iiniiiv. iKiiii nf iti
iii t'liniiii imi.
1U Movid.-.l. Q. A. Howlliy ha
iiinvi"! Iii In"' olliic from I'.oml utiwt
( I'm in. 1 nml 'i, unr, in the 01I
r.'llow' Imi'iling.
li nml
tuiiii"! Ii"
III;' III llif
I Iii V "flit
li-. II. II Z.i..f I1.1 v.- ii
ii il 1 1 1 1 L' 1 1 I 'll lll'illtll'i "lit
Imi'l nl tlf li.ililrn l'".'.v
11- lm ...nlli ii- San llii'i"
.inl Iiinl. ill illl (he illllili'lilill- 'II mute
illnl h,.M' I el III lied I I'l I c-llfil Illl'l hcllf
lit.-. I Iii tlf i'i HI -H'll.
A si 1-ii". 1 "I I'liitlainl i- a gue-l "I
the lii.lfl I. fiili'lit.
Hill lev K. Itiouil. the lifll klioU'i
-In i ill' of Ikiker fi'iinty and an aspir
ant lm "iiini iiiitui ml liuiini at tin-
11' j.i 1 111 .1 1 i--. i- ill the city, in 'ic
lull) "f hi- llll-t fm til" -lltTlilije of
1.. A Siiiip-on. of l)eti"it. Mirhiuai -1-
in the city mi n tmir of innpectinn f
llif t'lf.ll "f-t.
(ii. A, S.in1i"iii. lli" "ell known i-oni in. in "I r..ikfi City, in in the
Iluii. Wi-t. -liitf land agent
lm (11.1.11, 1 iinif in "ii the 11 1 ev
.n-i limn the inpital. iiinl nt 111 ll. 1
1. 1. in.- mi the night (rain.
Ki. h.ii.l Kignei ii :i - a limning pa-
-i-ng' I
I i nil , l "l t In ml mi t lif 1 1 : P-
pic-- limn
. it v v f -1 ' i
1 '"i I hi ml M'-tfiilay.
ui I' alliied in Ihr
I.11 an. I 1- .imiii. lli "1 ill 'h
i 'i . l.i. nt.
I .mil, l-. ui.-. ui S.,11 lTanri-r", 1
nt I lie i ii i mi a biiine- 1 1 ip.
; ( ' !!. ,,t I'ui t land i-ainc in on
the nn.i mi.'.; 1 1 .i i n v i 'idiiy ami i
ilmng Ih.- fin in a business way.
.i iini.-t -ins'-pb- i- ifgi-ififi! ill Hi'
llnti'l ii. i j. lent, from the Pay City.
W. II. I.uvi l m l i- a bii-im vi-ilm
limn t! and i- being caicl
lm- at the I ii'i'iileul .
Kev. W. S. I. illnit went tn Port
lam! hist , veiling t" iilli'-iate at the tim
et, il nt an u Id friend nml parishimt. -,
mil "ill letniii mi tonight's cspic-s.
I he Inli'i" illg pel-nil- letl nn til- I.HI
line la-t night let the mctropoli-: A.
Stengel'. I'.ciij.imin l-'iaiiUiu and family.
S. M. Dun. I!. ('. Kecinev,
t'. M. I dial, returned la-t evening
liiini a bu-ine-s tup in Port land.
( iillei'lul ul ( ll-lnin- llubb, 1 i-iti'd
I'mllaml y i sl.'iilnv .
. .laluir ami wile, raiiie home timn
I'm I land un la-t night's c pic--.
I'i-h Wiii.leii Van lii-cn returucd la-t
evening lluin Snlein where lie ill t rtulril
the meeting of the Stale Fish Hoard.
('. K mil -I'll, fornierly ennnceted with
ll ngincrt'ing depart tiieut nt the jel
ly, went In Port liiini yesterday w here
he has nei-epted a position in thf I'reiglK
Auditor's Department of the O. 1!. &
II. S. Colli ell returned from a business
trip to Portland hist evening.
,1. C. ( lurk, of the Owl Drug Stor.
left yesterday morning, lor Collin-
Springs, fur nn outing.
Mr. Ceiirge llahii ami daughter nr
. . . . , i . ..... ii . i
riveil in .storin last evening irmu iiui
t:i iiii Iii visit a few weeks with Mi's.
( licrgniiHi.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's
Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Cham
berlain's Cough Keinedy. It is kept on
baud continually iu oui' home," says W.
W, Kearney, editor of the Independent,
I.owry City, Mo. That is just what
every family should do. 'When kept nt
hand ready for instant use, a eold may
bo elipeked nt the outset, and cured in
much le-s time (ban after it has be
come settled in the system. This rem
edy is also without a peer for croup in
children, and will prevent the attack
when given as soon as the elnlit he
comes hoarse, or even after the ciMtipy I
cough appears, which enn only be donei
when the remedy is kept nt hand. For
.ate by Frank Hart and lending dn,R-,
The iiKilor Kclionni'i' (iiTiild (',,
iiiuiv yi'xli'nliiy fur tin- S'cliiilcin,
Tin' Kli'iinicr ),ij..y Milclicll j.
In iinivc nl iiny inmiii'iit. from
Tin' l'iun-liii AHiiincc i- ilui- to ti r
rivi' lii'if tiii- iiioiniii iiii In-r ritinii
tiiii to Coo. !itv mi'l I'jiii'kii.
Tlf lijinil-.oini' "ifiinii-r 1 ( . I i- ilo
intf lii -i in'-- in ;'iio. -lmii' 011 -wilt
t i un- l.i'l iv ! 11 t,i, ciiv iiinl 1'oiiiliinl.
'l lif .Vol mi-''i.ui
Inn k
on (tif
I lor
.Ion lilt "III lm I. un
iii.' t il- y -I'-i -'l.i 1 .
The flfiiiiier Sin- II, Idinole in due to
nn ive in fioin Tillamook I hi- after-
lliillU -"lul l illl".
The itcain-hip Niiinanliii got away
for ( hiini mi the eiiily flood ye-lerdav
liiorning. Mud had magnificent weather
for her departure.
The ilciiitici ('a-cjidf iillivcd ill
frohm the Califoinia inetropoli yes
tcnlnv iniiiiiing iiml after a In iff -I ay
here went Imt way to Portland.
Tim -temiisliip Senator will return
dim it iroiit Port l n't on her w ay to
the (nilili'it (, ate at 7 o'clock tlii morn
ing. 'Un- lliiti-h -hip J-'all- of Dec went
mil waul yi-tfidny morning, hound for
the Altlipniie- with nr cargo of llllll
Ih r,
I'p liver pii-sfliger- to thi city via
the -tciiincr .Ionian ye-terday were
Senator and Mr-. and Frank
l.u'ingi-r. oi I'.ini'klif Id : and Mrs. Wil
liam UTiiieii. of Ciithlamet.
The American ship lame Druinmond
arrived in yesterday from San Fran-ci-eo,
and iva- brought to an anchoragi
in the city chiililicl.. Siie will lie turn
ed our to the Alt-kn 1'i-herinen-'
Packing A--ufiiil imi mi the 'J'th of the
pi f. nt inuiith. ii inl will then load and
-ail fm I'.ii-t"! Hay and oilier Alas
kan piiinl. with men and supplies.
Tin- niciiran -hip C F. Sargent i
tin- -ipwif -rigger liar-limind in tin
hailiur .1 pifflit. and sin- will get
avvav iil'uii- tin- PJCi mi the higher tide
tluit an iiiiinin-.- at (hilt lime. She i
1. .ailed tu ih- -ill.- limit t'.i t Iii- har
ami ha- lung trip ahead nt lu-r.
Republican Aspirant for Governor in
Astoria Canvassing the Situation.
Harvey K. Ilinivn, candidate fur the
nominal hut I'm' gnu-nmr on the Pcpiib
liean ticket. I ti ilin -bet ill' nf linker
l mint) iiinl a- he -igii- him-flf. "one
ul the people," anived in A-tnria yes
terday tu look over the situation.
"II. in." a- hi- friends familiarly call
him. -tiite- that it i- hi- intention tn
make a hard light tor lh- highest of
fice in the Mate, iiml deiiic- vehemently
tie- .ls-el t iutis Unit have 1 en ninile
that his candidacy is simply a bluff and
Imir fur the purpose nt .injurm
lohii-' chance- in thi- line "Nn." aid
Shi-rill' P.i own. la-t night. "I am out
tu "in and thn-e report which have
Ik-i-ii spread abroad at e utterly tint rue.
I want to sec the all'air- of Oregon run
in accordance with the w ishe
nf (he
people. That's iii platform. ' I he peo
pic first, la-t
and all the time.' ".
to vi-it
P.rown stal-.-d that he intended
every part of the state, and
inform people what hi policy was. Mr.
!i niin believes in woman MilITage. and
includes this in his sweeping platform
of leforni.
"I lm .' iiiiiiiinal ing petitions in i very
county iu (lie stale and enough names
have already been secured to insure
success. 1 have over live hundred niinies
already iu Multnomah county mid also
iu baker County, and other counties
are giving tno many names."
From Astoria Sheriff Prowu will go
to Portland, mid thence to Southern
Oregon, which section he will thorough
Iv canvass.
SAN FUANCISCO, March, ti.--Secretary
liurkc, of the chamber of com
merce yesterday received from the War
Department specifications covering two
steel wharves to be erected as soon as
possible, along the water front at Ma
nila. Mid will be advertised about Ap
ril first. The wharves are to be com
pleted within six mouths from the sign
ing of the contract, allowing for reason
able dclnvs and contingencies.
the little ones healthy and
Their tender, sensitive bodies
gentle, healing remedies. Ilollister s
Km-ky Mountain Tea will keep them
ti(.()'f am, U.(1K ei.uU Tt,rt or Xa0.
National Committee Taking Steps to ,
Improve Washington 1
Ni:V VOI!K, Ma red ll.-A mitiomil
cominitlee Inn tiik.ii hold of the move
ment to in.ikf W'ji -Iii ruf t hi 11 model
it y . A eoiniiiiiiii'iilioii to the mi'iiilteri
of i'oiiKie- ni i'iiiL' m l ion si! I hi M'-mion
"ill !' .em out todiiv iindei the ninii-
Inn- "I I!. W. )f'or -l. of thi city ;
(iragliam Taylor, of ( hicago: dacoli A.
Ilii. S, W. Woodward, of Wa-hington.
and Falwiird T. Devine, pre-id'Tit of the
N'nlioiiiil Conference of ( haritic- and cor
reel ion-. After touching on I In- legis
lation now liefoiv Congri . fur the bet
terment of Washington, the fnininunicii
t ion continue ;
"Within gun-hoi of thf Nail- of con
grei. mid the While Ilou-e are alley
-hiick in which gill- l white and color
ed I an- growing up in tin- inid-t of dis-iii-e,
filth and dilapidation which are
inde-cribible in nn American home.
These need not be m. In the capital
city of a country who-.- educational
-talidard match those of the world lie
are told of Itoy- reaching man' estate,
illiterate and no law to prevent it. Thi
need not lx- so.
"A way i ojien for the upbuilding of
the National Capital a- a model city.
The standard should be set in social and
economic cviroiimeiit i.- yell a- in broad
avenue and -lately public building-.
New York Industrial Workers Will Help
Steunenberg Murderers.
NKW YOCK. March C.-Th.- New
Yolk I'nion- of the (mln-trial Workers
of the World have called a meeting for
next Sunday to arou-c interest in lx--half
of Charles H. Mayer, the president:
William IV Haywood, the secretary,
ami other members of the Western Fed
eration of Miner-, who arc in jail in
Itnise. Idaho, accu-ed of a-sas-inating
former Clovernor Steunenberg.
The national executive committee of
the Socialist Ijibor Forty has alo is
sued circular to the unions in the In
dustrial Workers of the World, calling
on them to arrange demonstrations of
a similar kind and to contribute to
defen-e fund for the ini-tuber of the
We-tern Federation of Miner-, who are
in jail.
Susan B. Anthony In Very Serious
SFAV YolMv March ti. -A -ow-iul to
tlic Herald, from Korhc-te r. N. Y
-ai -:
Su-iiii ' Authmiy'- ca-c was deemed
v.rv much ivur-c la-t niglit ami her p!iy-
-i.-i.iu. Dr. M. 11. Picker -pent the night
at In-r bedside. 1 lie cobl ainl latigne
incident !" In-r trip to Washington and
P.nhinime. whi.-h necessitated t lie catr
cellation of h-r -ueial engagement- in
Ncii York City, developed into pncis
iii. .in. i.
Fur some time lm dangerous compli
cations had been apprehended. 1 he
lung originally adci'tcd i- now pro
nounced practically clear but the other
lung is M'limislv affected, and h.r im
mediate friends are con-idcrablv di--
j turiH'd for the oiitemm
NKW YORK, March ti. At the meet
ing of the trustee- of Columbia I'ni-vt-r-ity
yelenlay the organization of
the new family of line art- tn include
in-l l iii-t ton tn
liming, sculpture iiinl
practically perfected.
liiugnal! Wheeler, pro
archaeology and art.
i- net ing dean of the
decora! imi. Ma-
Prnfe-siir -1111111'
l'esnr of (.reel,
was designated
Afflicted With Rheumatism.
"I was and am vet afflicted with
rheumatism." says Mr. .T. C. Payne,
editor of the Herald, Addington. Indian
Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's
Pain Balm am able once more to attend
to business. It is the best of lini
ments." If troubled with rheumatism
give Pain Palm a trial and you are cer
tain to be mm-:' than pleased with the
prompt relief which it affords. One ap
plication relieves the pain. For sale
We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, N. Y.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
-L---.-. Jt
Property of Western Gold Mining Corn-
Par,y Attached.
NEW VOIUv. Mhk-Ii II. -Justice Wan
clninl of (Inl itir 'mi' coiirti, yester
diiy nintfil an iiUncliiiiciit for $29,500
aiiiriHt jiroicrty of the Western (Jold
Mining (oniiiiny, limited, nn Idaho
eorporntion ith a plant nt P.ntte eoun-
ty, California, in favor of Oharle Tur
ner, on nn in-i'iied eliiini of Chnrles M.
Oiinn, of Urnokly 11, to rneovir damajjes
(rroivilijf out of the iiirehitie of onB
thoiiand rthaie- of -itoek of the company
Suit ha fiNo heen lirouht in the su
preme eomt ayiiin-t Warner Famian,
Saul A. Iliitfhiii-oii, William CI. Xeimey
er, Henry Whitman ami (iitrnhard 1,'hren
to recover damage growing out of a
-ale of stock in the name company.
I.OS AN'CF.I.F.S. March fi. Jamei
Drain, alia Hrady. Ih year old, held
at the police station since Friday last
on suspicion of being a pyromaniae,
confe-si.'d ye-terday that he started a
lea-t six fire within the pat two weeks
and accompanied by detectives went to
the scene of several of the fires show
ing how he had started them.
While admitting that the young man
i almo-t morally irresponsible, the dts-tective-
Udieve he i conscious of his
guilt and they w ill ask that a complaint
be made out against him today charg
ing him with arson.
liray i a member of a respectable
Chicago family.
SCHKNKCTADY, N. Y., March 6.
Paul Wait, junior in the electrical en
gineering course at Union College, was
instantly killed yesterday by coming
in contact with a high voltage electric
current, while at work in the labora
tory. Wait, whose home was in Fort
Edwards, was a member of the Chi Psi
fraternity and prominent in athlet
"Pioneer Limited," St. Paul to Chi
cago; "Overland Limited, umana to
Chicago; "Southwest Limited," Kansas
City to Chicago.
No train in the service of any rail
road in the world equals in equipment
that of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Ry. They own and operate their
own Bleeping and dining cars and give
their patrons an excellence of service
not obtainamle elsewhere.
Berths in their sleepers are longer,
higher and wider than in similar cars
on any other line. They protect their
trains by the Block System. H. S.
Rowe, General Agent, 134 Third street,
Portland, Ore.
Never have to wait long at the
Occident Barber Shop. A. E. Petersen,
The very best board to be obtained in
the city is at "The Occident HoteL"
Rates very reasonable.
Miss Olga Landen, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. Gives mas
sages, steam and hot baths. Phone
Black 2165. Will call.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up! It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other re
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew Asp &
Company. They also do all kinds of
blaeksmithing and repair work.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
guaranteed. , '
In the personal toilet line, such as
hair brushes, combs, talcums, dainty
hand soaps and everything that beau
tifies and completes the toilet, go ti
Frank Hart, the druggist.
Every one guaranteed. Will let yow
stand or sit on the oven door if yon
wish. Prices reduced an all stoves sol
ranges till after the Holidays.
W. J. Scully