i THE MOKXIXC ASTOIUAX. ASTOKLA. OKKCON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7. touO FEBRUARY REPORT Monthly Statement of Master Fish Warden Van Dusen. WORK WHICH IS BEING DONE hatchery building fur (Ik- South Co fixer have been nski'il fur. Tlir buililiiii; i to In i uttetuv li,nm- struct nr.', "i."lot with ciuht fMt cviling in ttii- clear, iiiul t ho ciuiiifl wit 11 I."i(i luti'hiug tioiiuli-. NINTH JUDICIAL DAY. Circuit Court of Clatsop County Re sumes Business at the Old Stand. The Coquille River. Arrests and Prosecutions for Violation of the Fishing Laws. Hatchery Operations Coquille River Operations. The report of M;it r Fish Warden Van I hi en for February. llHM'i. i- j fol low : Anvst and prosecution timing the month for vitilittioii of the tihin.; Iu have be n follows. t District No. 1. Feb. 1st. Water Bailiff Sett.m tile-1 a eomplaint in the justice court "As toria," against II. II. (".unplu'el'. For man of the Atoria Hov. Company's Saw 1 "imjl iu ui!, t!n r. iiii't of ticoi j-c 1'. riniiuir mill otliers interested ii bii.ini: ,i pel 111 mint sjilinoti Imtclien fsiabliln',l oil ,uj of thtt tnilintaiy !n'iin of tlio Coiiiiilii liu-i 1 ni.ole a p.nti.il inclii;a(ion ot t h 1101th fork ot - i -1 rier tinm our pu-seni siilut.i lion ,1omii about Imlf av to Fair Wi ami ot th,. ea-t. folk of the ninth folk iil a tar a the ANiituthy ilav. ; Fioin uliat I of th,. north fork I .111 , onti,,.it that faiily guml woik roil!, I iltui,' nt ,.tiiiil iiiir1.i.iit 1., I ! the II011. T, .. Mclliiil,., judge ucsi,lin!. called the circuit coiilt to older at : o'clock i'tcida 11101 liillg, opening the ninth judical day of the present tenn. All the olli.vis of the court weie ,11 alti'irlance. mid i.ty. follow illy older made ti It, t euleied: III the matter of IViiicnl cru liado lett and Moniiie. an older lor the publi cation of summons was tiled: I 1 In the matter of K unp eisii, W ,!, h .1, al., a ill-fault judgment was plant ed and the decree tiled. In the matter of the State of Oicyoii veisii, Miki. Tiin.iku ami lbui. an 01 . V,.. 111,1... .....I .....I 1: .1 -n- ui.o, Mint vet 'nil Ills, ii.ii I. . ;i ... 1 1. ... 1 ((y l,M ""'I otuiiimeit, in 1 ne mmter ot f.rii kson ii'l -1 jiii;hl. an older eotilit tiling sale was . entered of record, 1 .... I m i:iv niauer oj i.enecK versus 11,111 BUY IRON CONCERNS United States Steel Corporation to Purchase Independents. INDEPENDENTS DENY CHANGE vatimis with the -iheiMde and head ar!eties of ilmon if not for tin' ,tenie loyini; that i- carried on on that tributary. It i not a tai'it'f stieam alul tiie u-iyel , emui, mmii 1 Moras dams with Hood aates to niove",il ,,ml ",ni,h- i"r.v wrt ""I1""" their loys, which are ciy luid for sir--ct'ssful hatchery work, -topping as thev do to a e .'it .1 in extent salmon ascend in; the stream to si.awn. and waO,. M'.Hen. I.eo Dopplemuye. . iu the youn t'n lx'voud the main President Rumor That the Steel Trust Has Absorbed ' Independet Iron Companies This la Denied By th; Reptesentatiei. led and mi mil and the rase un dnlv oened, and will In' continued tml.lt Tile channels of the wa to the ea. river w hen on th. ir jurors in the case are: ), I!. Itlount I M. Knut-.cn, l.eo IVippleimiyer. A .lohiisim, W. K. Cole. Tom. l,iiinn, II. Spellmer. lohn lliitwootl. K. Peter s ii. lieorxe Voss, Alex 1 mler tiiaut and When 1 was there the I I. W. Pteitsoti. river was ,uite , y Mill at Astoria, for allowing .m d.it low and at a cupl, of pi,,,., the lo- j ,,,lm),u Ll,, A l,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, ,, . J J . . L .- . 1 . , 1. . I : 1 ... 1 .. :t . 1 ... .i-i .- . aitv, March loth was -el as the tune waters of the to be dnniHd into th Columbia River. F'eh. Pith, Wuter liailitT Setteni til ed complaints in the St. Helen's tiis tiee Court against Otto tiiinde and C. Smith for havitii small sttiireon -if their possession. I'pnn lin arraigned before .lustice H. P. Watkitw of s.Tid eourt, pleas of guilty were entered ivhereui)on each were tin.-d jl'il and v-i which were paid. Feb. 13th. Deputy Fish Warden. W. A. Mack, of Portland., tiled eomplaint in the St. Helen's Justice Court against H Morgus for having receiwd and shipped two small t ji-eon to the Tort land Fish Company, February Sth. Hatchery Operations. The last of the salmon fry raised at the McKenzie River Hatchery station was turned out February 2."th and the; lie at the disadvantage and d-pendent station closed down for the season. The j entirely iihiu the operator or owner of result of the season's work shows that of the dam maintaining a good an I 1,773,719 fry of the early Chinook east passage way for tish. There i variety were raised and liberated at the McKenzie River in the immediate ikinity of the station. At the Yaquina Hatchery we we e suceessful in wdleetinw d.lsii.tHXl Silv.-r-side eoas which tocether with 1.001, 000 Chinook er?s taken last fall make the total collection for the season 7,- .01 i.iiiiiiiiM an, 1 iiiitM up so thick tor for a dist.iiii-e of a mile 01 nioie that tish a-omdiuij the river ite lomplet ly stopped. I was in hope of yi-ttiaa a uood supply of sie-lh.'.id e-s thi se.ison at the -ulistatiou that we have mi this tributary tieam and have ar ranged for the work, but the-e J04 jams imve shut the tish otf and mil prt - pects are not veiv bright, 1 am m hopes though, that the rains will soon we the -tro.im that the los will s.parate and permit of a few stevl heads ettim; by later in the season. The east fork of the north fork af fords no very desiiable location U-lov. I Millard's mill dam. but above the dam 1 1 the river could In- successfully worked ! at several different point.. A Hatchery thoii-'h. alive thi dam would alwav for healing, and deteudant wa dire t ed to take, and the referee to lepoit upon the lesiiiion and the evidence. In the case i,f t uridine t ram ver sii. lasper ti.im. d'ciee of ,ioc- was 1; 1 a II led. Ill the matter of Mellie Have vet sis Allien llavtv. di'iie of divuri.' yrauted. All jillols u,ie ex.'U-eil until lloti tie I hv the sln-i ill for further diitv, ex c pt those upon the panel in th liei k cae bel'oie noted. I.i very little loyinp on this stream and if it wa not for this on- obstruction a desirable location ixmld. without doubt, be secured. Three year- ao I looked over quite j thoroughly the sout.it fork and the mi l j die fork of the south fork of the Co auille and found nothinc that looked bw.W. We are arran'-tna lor a sup- , .. ( lei I eii,.oiilU''lll as we were at that : time ib-pendini' upon the old -tyle rack which proved to t- of very little service esM-cjally in the coast .treaui. It -ts-uis j to me. from rny remembrance of tho-" I tributaries, locations can be secured I where work could 1 successfully carried ply of steelhead e""s at this hatcherv and will, without doubt, collect on- mil lion and probably two million e from this variety of sihnon. Of th Chinook and silver-ide e's secured 820. 740 of the former variety and 1.&00. 000 of th,- latter variety have been transferred to the sub-station on the Alsea river and will be hatched and raised and turned out into Drift ereek which is a tributary to the Al-ea. Hill of th- steelhead "- that we me suc cessful in collect in-.' at this station will also be divided with the Al-e.i riv.-r. At the Siulavv River Hatcberv Sta tion T tevr. nls.. urr n.,r.,t i r. t ., I .to 1 j Heetl-Cs j-.l,- h'-ad e''- and from pre-ent indication i " 'Hstriet Xo. 1. The total r--ieipt- we will be -ucce.stu collecting at : amount -d to i77.2'i from all -mir , least one million and pos-ibly two mil-! making the total r'-'-'-itit for both di-- 1 on. if not tor the lnin. .,nd t!ii--prin;: after th- road- j."-t in better i shape I will look them both over ayain in the hope, of beinir able to find inn- l tiling dr-.iruhe. The le.-eipt- of the Oflice month have been as per th in district. Xo, 2. from o.'iO during in follow-in::: ;lccount of CENTRALIZE PLANT. People's Gas Light & Coke Co., to Cen tralize Big Plant. (111! A". 1 1. Mm h I'.. The People' I ..Is l.iyht A I oke to, i t utralie the iiiauufai t lire of it in a eijMti tic plant in the southwestern part of rhic.i(.'o. which, whem i'omph(, will be. it is claiineil, the largest '.i in inu 'f.tcl uriiiL' plant in the world. The site for the plant comprise 3iW acre. h- ated iM'twien ridttc-fir-t and Thiitv ninth street and Fortieth and Forty -ixth avenues. Jt is bisect, d by the hicaj,'o river and ha a frontage of three ipuut-r of a mile oil the di aiiiaye canal, thil i;iv- iii' ample water fa-ilities. I? also ha excellent railroad connect ioni. The plant i to be en-it. d in uni' of 1U.0oo.iHhI cubic jt-ct daily capacity It is e-tiinat-d that the cost of otic unit will ajipri.xitu.it,. .I.ihni.iMmi, unl in asmuch ;is it j, thoUL'ht plilliill'lc t'i.lf the couiji.inv will i-oitinietic opeiatioii with tic Iniildiuef of two unit-, the initial eicli-e sill Jit'oi!n.'it- 'lo, 1 M M I M Ml lion of e's from this variety of mon. Bids for the construction of the tk-w al- tri.-t. n mounting t' iJi-Ijui -e rijent s were $S,"5.72. dm in;- the Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch. Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. Al! of the-e disea-e- ate attended by intense itch in jr, w hich is ntttist instant - NF.W VtiRK, March U, t Komiiifiit in loday on n night's icjioit 1 1 mil Pitts bnik', pa., that negotiation had been opened by (he I'nited States Steel for point loll for tho piucliasc of sevctitl illd ielidelt concern, the Times snv: "A new adjustment of th,. ,t,.,. n, iron iiidiisti v has I en talked of in tennitteiitly ever since John tint,., ill and It. Schelev tl. t,. i ,,. s tiuthrin. and libir Siis.tintJ, iiv tlnl Kepublic Iron A St,.,- l ouiiaiiy pui iha-e control ot the T,.itiesee Coal A Iron (ompanv. It wa thru .aid that the ultimata- purpose of the liate yu dicale wa to liuild up a k''e.it rival to the I'nited Slate St , t 01 iol.ttioli, lev mei-inx I he iiinci.,il indepeiid -lit coins-lit, iiot.tldv the SI.. Sln-llicld Sled and hoii t ompanv of liii miiik'hm. Ma . and other of the concern, in the j southern held A c biihitioti of th,, So- shcilicld t omMtiy atid the Ten nessee c-, A lion Company had been (..ttein.te without sue-,-., before th ! latter corccm p.ie, into the hind of j the liate liiithelie Schley iut,iets. I .. i. . . . . .. i ,u iio iiiioii on i ne jinn i, IH i syndicate of .'Xteii.litlx' the couihiniitiotl , tin'V had made Wa .jh-i illeally denied. "An oj.tion held by Pitt.buiy interest on l.alicl!,. lion Wink, which vv.t allow e.l to !ai- a foitniiit n-o and no mi thotitative infoiinaiion ha U.-u hid of its leticWill. I. Hill hi. frcpi.-njlv denied ill positive term that the yie.n Volthein's or- laud were for ale al ,-iiiv juice hut negotiation ,, their lea.e to the I'llitc i Stale, Steel ( oliipan. have b en hall-ills.' tile fi.l a mouth he, ail-e of lite in.ilility of (hi- path.-, t,, conn- to lnnH. " I !ii'ie ha- b cii rumoi . , in i,-nl f..i -ev.-lal WC-ks that the lull,,! State.! Steel I 'o',a! j,.M hid Ill,-, I colltloli nf the l.ah. ll -. heellli-. CcjciKI,,- ,,,, an I St.-el, and oloiad,. l ie I A lion Compariic-. The ic,it. !i,;c had no eoiit'u ma! ion anv while. I.Ypiccut.t! i ,- of '-a-h of thee i:nl' j, en, . nl i o'n,,i nic hue Vehemently denied the I 1 1 1 1 1 t' l ihltl-e ,. lontlol." W. K. S. iiimppf of th- I'a, Hi,- p.ieu el '. I " ill !-! la-l evetim In, in a 1,11-1 n trip ,, Ilw; and ( hiliook. Mr-. . V. Smitii end Mi.-. ;.-rti tide I ' f - it i r are i - i t i 1 1 v friend- in Portland. I "J7"" K L Fashions For Young Men Wc have the kind of Clothing that young men prefer to buy. It possesses the snappy style that marks the college men's choice Fabric noveltiesf unus ual patterns, splendid tailoring. In short, "swell clothes.0 mm, PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IS OUR GREATEST ASSET. SANCTIONS CLOSED SHOP. Judge Decide Against Non-Union Em ployeet of U. S. Punting Co. N F.W .OliK, Mar.l, il. In ,,..-i,injj iij;ain.t thiee nun union i-nijiloyee. ol the l'uit.,1 Stale Printing ( oiojuny nf Ohm, who nought to te. train the con cern limn eiiti'linj' into a vvoikllli; n.n t the Stcteotyjier jllld llecllotyji with els I in. m which would exclude free la iN.r, .liidye Meremt, of the Sujireme court of lliiM,klvn, Ve-ti-tday em,, judical sanction to do. "closed shop," iiini pie. Then' will be nil immediate .ii.pc.tl to the ll)ie,lte dlVlnIon of the .lipr.-llie cotiit, and if .lud'e Maieaii U li. tained lalK.r leader -aid y.-.ti-idav it w ill be a notable ietoty. After a bitter llcht against the union. which freely used the boycott the l iiited Stat,., Pi inline Comjian v of Ohio, which ha. a jil iut in tlliaui.hiil enteii'd alMiitf one yiar ait into an arc-m ,' uilh !',.- lii,m. w lielel, V il undertook to unionie it. ill 1.1 m lon plant. Three 1 1, .it union tuijilovee. named Ki..,im, lii-,,ol, ud Mill-, wcie j,'ivcn the jnivil v" "t joining the union an 1 i efiised. 'I prevent tlu-u ,li-. Ii.nc- t he lloll tllllotl he n hi miiv'iI i" , i -- I ,,u ,ro. clillj.., ,, ! I e cnle-t , . i , -I coin I. ... h n u.l;e I .1 I For Lenten Season We cai iy a full line ol Salt and Canned Fish We al-o lutvi' it full line of fte.h nnd raiuit-d Iruitii nnd vn't-talde, snri navel oiaitj,;t- from l.'i to "ai , N". w (lower ureds oil didav nt ST0RIAGR0CERY Phone Main (Ml S:'.-! Commer.-i! St A Favorite Remedy for Babiei. It pleisant taste nnd . n i. t cui Sleeplessness. ItisordiiH 'if the stomach produce n l.. ,, ft 1. - ...a:.: i ..... ,. ,,:,,eci.l o flj,iloll vaiUlllliriiaill 8 ll.-l.oil eonooioil illio l.ui'll pievt 'tit. .. , ni .).. ..!.. ...i I... : .. . . . i . ft i. .-i..:..'. pi l. i tt 'ouiim anil routs .-ai.r uu hv ils i oiuiioii'u u-e it jier- i -eji. iiitiiiiie, tuui i-iouiacn nnu i.ivt'r man.-nt cure may be efTected. It ban Tablet n stimulate the tiiye-tive or;','in-. in fact, eitred many eases that had re- r-tote th- system to a healthy con sisted all other tretrnent. Price 23c ditioti ;;nd make sleep io.il,e, For per box. F'or ?alc by Frauk Hart and -al" by Frank Hart and leading druj; leading druggists. iri-ts. iOAIUSE toeiyeiHis STUFF Y (SOLOS QUICKLY CURED BY Foley's Honey and Tar There is no case on record of t have mad,- chambei lain' 'ouh Hem- cold resulting in I'ncumonia, or I edy a favorite with the mother of , nthrr nrrimn lnrirr tronbil afe jia-t Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have l.i-i-n MilTcrine; for the few- veil", wilh a -ever- attad ! th 'tiimtli-m and found that l'.alhiid' j Snow Liniment was the only thinu that gave me iti-faction and tended to al I leviale my ji.iiim. Maii'h L'l. 'I1'.', .lohn ( '. I)i".'i;an, Kinsman, I1U. .'"c ,'aic mid j ?T.ik. Sold by II.iU'h ding .fore. Other serious lunrr trouhle-. aftrr small i bibli i n. It quickly cure, t heir I i7.l,, IT..nl., ..,1 'r I I juevents any , . ' , k v. s i k ( v. il. mid ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE KID GLOVES 79 We have placed on sale 300 pair of our $1.25 and 1.50 kid gloves, all colors and shades; while they last at 79c a pair. TheN ew Summer -SKirtwaist Prices From 65c to $6.25. The new spring and summer shirt-waists are here In marvelous array. A large assortment of lawn3, linen, mull, dotted swisa, dimity, and figured mull, the newest and most attractive styles, prices from 65c to $2.25- A Beautiful Line of Jap Silk Waists at $3.25 to $6.25 INFANTS' APPAREL It will pay you to examine this line, as we will save you time, stitches and money, as they are very nicely made, from Bedford cord, silk, serge and pongee, prices reasonable. Buster Brown Stockings All This Week at 15c a Pair. FOARD & GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mi ( OYSTERS, CHOICE COVE, three tins for 25c Codfish, fancy whole Mel rose I2jc lb. Codfish, choice Alaska, bricks or rolls ge lb Holland Herring 30c doz. Bloaters, large and fat 45c doz. Anchovies, spiced 10c lb. Smoked Salmon, the Royal Chinook 25c lb. Mackerel, imported, 3 fihh for, 25c HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Eldredge High-Grade Sewing Machines Values from $35.00 to fCS.OO; our price, $23.00 to $32.00. Harden steel ball and bearings; beautiful designs. Steel Lined CooK Stoves $7 50 to $10.00. Values from $9.00 to $15.00. Gray Granite Stew Pots 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, etc. Real bargains. Economy Brooms 25c Mascot Range; high closet. .. .$27.50 Reduced from 32.50 Magnet Stove Range 26.00 limber ot pniMiinoniii nr oilier lion iMiieueni'i"t. It not only I'titi' ctoiiji, but vvlfti pvin it ooti 11 the crojiv rough appear will prevent the nttiuk. Tor Kale by 1'iank Hart ninl leading drugging. MORE COMFORT THAN EVER. On Sunduy, Deeetnber 17th, the Den er 4 Rio (Iramle rnilrond will inaugur ate a daily line of xtandard nnd tour M sleeping earn between Denver and Lo Angeles in connection with the new Clark road. Roth rum will leave Den ver daily at 9:30 a. m., and arrive at Salt Lake City at 1:35 p. in., the next day. At this point the cars will be held over until midnight, thiiH allow ing through passengers the privilege of a stop-over of ten hours and a half in Salt Lake City. Fastbound, these cars will leave Los Angeles at 8 p. rn and arrive at Salt Lake City at 6:30 a. m., second morning where they will remain over until 3:60 p. m., thence to Denver where they will arrive at 4:20 thn fol lowing afternoon. This stop-over at Salt Lake City of the regular line of sleeping cars promises to be on at tractive feature for transcontinental I tXXXXXXXJWOCXXXXXXX TOKE CO Where the New Things Make Their Debut- NOTICE. All voters of Clatsop county, irres pective of parties, are hereby invited and requested to meet and participate in a mass meeting to be held in " Logun hall" at Astoria, on Saturday, April 21, 190(1, at 10 a. 111., for the purpose of nominating a full county ticket to be voted for on Monday, June 4, 100(5. C. J. TRKNCIIARD, Chairman of the Citizens' Committee of Astoria, Ore. MAX w. roin,, Secretary. j It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and hcali and strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and even in the last stages will always give comfort and relief. Foley's Honey and Tar givei quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once. Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation. Contains no opiates. Curid of Ttrribli Cough on Lungs. N. Jackson of Danville, 111., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley'a Honey and Tar, which cured her. She haa never been troubled with a cough since." Consumption Curid. Foley & Co., Chicago. Dana, Ind. Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Tar cured roe of Consumption after I had suffered two years anil was almost des perate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the lust one said he could do me no good. I tried almost every medlcino I heard tell of without benefit, until Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended to me. Its effect right from the start was magical. I Improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou ble. Yours very truly, MRS. MARY AMBROSE. Three sizes 25c, 50c, 11.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle al most six times as much. SOLD AH RECOMMEKDED 61 CHAS. SOGERS, Druggist.