The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 06, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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City Fathers Transact Much Mun
icipal Business.
Council Passes Five-Year Electric LiRht
ing Contract Over the Mayor's
Veto City Physician is Elect
ed Ordinances Cons;dered
Tlie oily i-oiiiii'il met lat night in
regular sos-ion with all members, pre-.
Vit except Coumiliniiu l.ohiniii, who i
mlim-d in hipitnl with a i-ae oi
bloini Unnin. Tin1 minutes of tlie
previous meeting were road and unprov
ed, and the council pnveeded with the
regular order of lmiiH'. The h'tition
of Max Stial for a reduction in the
license for auctioneer-.. j read and,
referred to the committee on health
and poli.v.
A communication from Judge Rowlhy
relating to certain land was referred to
the committee on Way and Means.
A petition from the property owners
on Melbourne avfiiue from Taylor to
Alameda streets, a-kins: that the -tree.
be improved to a width of forty iVc'.
and sidewalks put in on loth side, to
gether with other needed iiuprovemeir.
was read and referred to the committc-
cu streets and the eity siirvvor.
A petition by eighteen property own
ers for the estab!ihnient of the grade
on Hume street w;is referred to the
street committee.
A communication was read from the
East End Improvement Club a-kinn
that cows lie sent from runnni at larxe
in the citv limits. The matter was re
f erred to the Chief of Police. I
The Woman's Club presented a com
munication a-king that the petition of
the Shivtdv Improvement Club lie yrant-
l ,.ofi(i.,n I-.--. 1-0.....V.-1I i ""d ti"
from the club, the matter was refer
red to the committee on public property.
A communication from the West End j
Improvement Club opiioiii" the rant-
proed by the committee on public
piiijuMty were allowed: Astoria Elec
tric Company, 4(!'2t; 1'oaid & Stoke.
.... i-onts,
Ceililicates of approval for (he im
provcnicnt of Kvhuiij-o street and of
ll.iliSson nxciiil' were pic-euted mid
The annual ivport of the A-loii.i
Water commission was lead and tiled.
The monthly report of the Audit. r
and Poliiv Indue for I'cluuaiv was real
an.! tiled.
The ordinance accepting tlie improve
ment of Kxchanue stieet fiom Niiile nth
to Twenty lir-t was ivad and the Ic
pined number of time mid paed.
the oil tank ordinance came up at
this time, ami after heine, read and di-ctis-e.l
generally was teferred back to
the i-oinmitlee on Eire and Water tor
tuith.r revision. The provision ichu
im; to the installing of oil tanks in tlie
stivots can siil the trouble, as many of
the cotntcilmeu were oposcd to this.'
It is probable that a provision will be
made in the ordinance regulating the
sie of any tank placed in the street,
and also how close such tanks can be
placed to one another. !
The or. limine,- providing for the time
and manner of .'.evting the city phy d-l
ci.ui was read and passed, hiter E. V. PostofTlOC
Mohn was elected by the council to
erve for the etisiiHi;; year. K. d. Pilk
iiigton ami E. '. Molui were tiomiiiat d
for the position and on a vote Moim
was elected. Five voting for )r. Moim
and three for Or. I'ilkingtoti.
An ordinance appropriating the sum
of ,st;.s,n.7." to piiy for the improvement
of l-'ourteeuth street was passed.
At this time a communication was
lead from Mayor Wise givin-! hi, rea
sons ior leiurniiij; tlie live-year con
trail for liyhtiiif- the city, without hi
approval. A vole was then taken on
whether the council would pa-s the
measure over the Mayor's veto. Evi
dently there was no doubt in the minds
of the councilmeu present, as to what
vva best to be done, for when the roil
was called every man voted aye, and
the contract L'iviti" the Astoria Electric
rei-etitlv passed by the city council, was
brought up by Councilman H.dhind, but
uolhitti; was done. The council then ml
join lied, .
dom From England.
i Irish Americans Would Gain Free-
NEW MI!I. March 5. A icsolul ion
was adopted by the Central Eedeiulod
I'nion Vcstcldav, ci.llinjj oil the members
ol all initial bodies and labor oi-itani'it
:ioiis thiouvhoul the countiy to a-k the
l'oie;i men in 1 ? 1 1-i i districts to vole
against the t.ilbcit bill relating to in
jumtioiis, Snipoit was asked tor an!
lit i in l till' t toil bill, fathered by the!
Vin federation ot l.ahoi. Andrew Speakcis Denounce Redmond For Hand
I'uilisctli. I'le-ident ol the Vtluntici
Coast Seamen's I nioii said that the Cil j
belt bill ostensibly lessened the pover
of couits to giant injunctions in labor!
disputes, but legalized injunctions. It i
did this, h - said, by providing that the'
i'oiirt could grunt injunctions in l.ilmt !
ilisputcs after they were arbitrated
inn Over to Libetal Patty, lush
Intluence tn Reivnt Elections,
Exacting Irish Home Rule
Robbers Apprehended
By Postal Inspectors.
I Co
mpanv the live-year right, wa
An ordinance accepting the improve
ment of Harrison avenue from Thirtieth
to Thirty-third street was read the see-
The ordinance to pay W. A. lioodin
tor tlie improvement of I lull i -on avenue
was read the -econd time.
A resolution to improve Kond street
from the West line of Sixth to the
s read and
ing of the five-year lighting contract. : We-t Hue of M. -..'lure's.
was read and tiled. J -'dupted.
Liquor licen-es were granted to Lax- j An ordinance appropriating money tot
ell & Co., ( barley Wie. Charles Wirk- the impruv ement of Exchange street
kla, John Harry, Peter Dottrel, and M. j from Nineteenth to Tvicnty-tir-t wa
G. Eranetovich. J 'ead the iii -t time.
The following bill approved by th?! An ordinance authoriini: the iuii:
committee on health and police, were j mittiv on W ays and Mean to enter in
allowed: St. Mary's Hospital, $1.00; H. j t a contrai.-t with tiie A-toiiau Pub
Sanliorn. Ift.S"; and O. Peterson. .24.1.). U-hing Company for doing the city
The committee on streets and public' printing, was read the first time,
ways reported favorably on tlie follow-1 .n ordinance providing lor the sell
ing bills which were allowed: City Stir-! jug at auction ,,f ;1n the real i-t;:i-veyor,
.l-'',0: Street Snpei intendent. j which the city has -.leipiirr-d ti'le to
133.7.3: Astoria Cru-hi'd Hock Company . 1 under sales for deliniient ,-treet i--Sli.tKi:
and the A-toria Elect rie f'om-j .e.-nieiit-. wa read the tir-t time,
pany, .4t"8..Vi. ! A resolution to re-e-tabli-h the 'jr.oie
In Last Four Months Sixteen Postoftices
Have Been Broken Into, and Thou
sands of Dollars Was Carried
Away by Thieves.
The following bill- approved by tiiej
committee on Eire and Water were al- j
lowed: Astoria Electric Company,
20.C0; Foard & Stoke-. .1.40; S. ill-1
on Irving avenue, iroin tie- East line of
Twenty-fifth stre.-t to the W.-tt line
of Twenty-eighth vva adopted.
A n'-olution to eon t - rite t ;i -ever on
more & t'Sjii: I'pperton ; Eighteen! h -tr-et from the North line
Tran-fer Company. sT.iki. j , Ciand avenu- to the North line of
litiilding permit were granted to S. j Exi-hatiL"' -treet wa- adopleil.
II. Willets and J. A. Fulton.
The following bills which were ap-
The matter of the da nop hall- being
in operation, contrary to the ordinance
NEW Vi'KK, March In live men j
lodged on a technical charge of vagrancy!
in the Rockland county, N. V., jail, at)
New York City, the postal inspectors of i
i 'range, N. I., say they iave capl iied'
some of the mo-t daring mill expeit l,iKi diptco
"Yegg" bmglais that ever operated in pi .o t ii a
the East. The burglar, whoever they
may have been, say the inspectors, are
ic-ponsildc for the recent scare among
po-tma-t rs in -mall towns on both
ides of tlie New Yolk-New Jersey line.
In the last four months sixteen pel
otl'ue. have t.i-n broken into the -,,1-s
lacked and thoii-alids of dolhn- in
uey ami stamps carried away, ii
-pctois Joseph II. Jacob- and Taoi.-.a
Mever of the New Yolk "(lice lav I he
whole series of clinics to tlie men lodged
in t!i j iil.
The men give tlc ir name, a- Patii.k
I'.urke. Jane-- limderick, Junes I.,
t laike. .lame. Il.o ki-tt, and J me
i I'liri u.
ll-,eelo J.leoli- -,1V - that I I, 111. e
I'.iiike, and Itloci-iiek bear a i,ii:.ii kab! ;
i inbl.m.c to three men in the Ei-;
eanted it! half a doe'i state, for vir
cm- eriin --. 'I icy are know n, lie Jc
dare., a- "Amber Red," "l.itth- l-all-liilly."
an,! "'I he Kiooklyn Kid."
In-peclor Meyer applii-1 to Jmlgc
I'allon of tie- county com! tor leave to
bring tin- pri-oner- to New York at
one,-. I, ill Judg l-'allon in'e I licit the .-niu-t
-erve out their term- of thirty
day- tor vagrancy, 'i he-e i!l be up
within ten day-. Then the pri-nm-i
will be aiiaignei Indole a I " 1 1 i t i Stat M
i-oinnii--inn, r at N'-vv York.
NEW l IRK, March .V Theie was
j denunciation of England last nijjht pi
j the Majestic theater, where the Chin
i Xii Cael of New Yolk City gathered a
i big clovvj to celebrate the IJSth illllli
! vcisiiiv of the birth of Robeit Einuie'.,
A burst of applause re-ted ( J' S"i t Rvau
of St. I.ollls, the speaker of the evening
when at the climax of all impassioned
speech he said :
"Cod's curse upon England, and give
Us slienglh to -tiike her down,"
Resolutions weic ciithu-ia-tii'iilly
ailol'teil w liicii -.11. 1 that no coticcsion
h oi ever been jiiiuti'd to Ireland by Eng
land except through loice; that Irish
lic'iloni tan he g.unel only by physical
force; that England i' now down to ,t
low point ot weakness. lc i army being
until ami her navy in; that lie
laud has gai.iMIO.IHMI ,, i'. ,e,,,!c ., a!
tele, I iiver the eaith wh" command a ,1-el of moial,, and
phy-hal lesoiuces, and that the pie-, ml
lii-h parliamentary paitv is uteh'-civ
ing of coiilidcitee or -uppoit
lelcgianis were nad by tin- I Ian Na
tJ.i I -ciictary fiom similar mee'.ings in
litltTahi. Ilostoli, Wasliiligloli, t, lailli-
l hicago. and others pl.u. which nnd
so far as cyuld b gathered Hum the
s in some ca-cs, to vojee
y the sain,- sent uncut .
William Temple Emmet, a gieit
nephew of th Iri-li pad int. pici,cd
over the meet tug. Judge Ryan was down
To pc,ik oil l.oliclt i.mni.'t I lie lco
liltiiiii- adopt.-, I people -i-,l t!,at an ln-'i
Icpllblie Wo, ihl soon be !e.!c!, ,i
t!;e speaker voiced the same prophe-y.
He eoiicliid d hi- oration by bitterly
coii,p!,iining of the action ,, .l,,im Red
uend 1:1 what !c- ! - -1 1 1 1 I banding over
the l.ihcial party in the icci-iit Lnglidi
elections, the h i-il illtluetl. e, Wlt'liHI
i adiiig pi'-dges o ln-!i home m!.-.
1 1 ii
Fashions For
Young Men
We have the kind of
Clothing that young
men prefer to buy. It
possesses the snappy
style that marks the
college men's choice-
Fabric novelties, unus.
ual patterns, splendid
tailoring. In short, "swell
clothes.' 1
Women's Dres Will Be Cheaper Tint
Y'eat Than Evei Before.
( llll'.l,l, Match .'. Women', die-.
v, ill ! I,-.. , jn-n-iv t hi.
I", 1 I l l'tol c HI (!e Opllll' !!
E'iabetl, ( , I
Makei-' National I'lol
-o, i 1 1 V. ho ,1 1 I r, e, hel e
' ,i hi ' -idc at tile . I i . ' 1 1 I , 1 1
-e-i.itio, v. .i i, ii open, toda . .
.-, Mi-. v;-it. -
id be -tyli-h, ol
,111 die-- .. ,;,1,
Tlie Newly weds nnd
-r-1 ,s i -p
I lir Oliver Ira;
"I T ttni'it (idve cost a o( of money, '
I relmil Mr, New ! u. il
"vs, d's c.vpciisiv e, but It'l
ipiiti- tile lig'n t thing I ever ml,"
lulu loliii 'I .' -iv iy u i ,1
"Atol loc s .ue silch (ihmI
taste, us ii rue- l io really mirprlHi'i!
I. a y , i i , e scut Midi it
tiling." Atal balli bride li tit J bride
gi'Mim siirvc. c i.liMimlly ti Hllver tray
ciivercil Willi one of I lose designs (lint
sin-in to no' i.;, and si.iitc one betwi-fii
the ev e .
"Hut, I ben, dear, It's really the only
ugly thing we got," couiforti'il thr
bride, "ami t!,! (, a terrible col
lectloii those 11. .on-' .i .nis received.
And nil the ugliest things were from
their richest relatives,, loo, so tint)
couldn't p co -'bly et bnnge or bldi
tlicin ii v. ,,y "
"lliat'H triii'." The brhlogrootn'ii
glooui Ii T! t I "Ami. since In- Io,iwii
have iiem-.l cest. we cm bury Ibis li;
Ibc back yanl, ml they'll never bo tin
"I'.ury t ! ' ii I liuicd Mrs Newlvvved
in slue hel ton.-s "I'.ury worth of
h!!-cr. Tor ii mu.t be worth fully that
N . Ill tell hi ub i' vv.-'ll do." A lid it
flow ii. tin- . v. ai -' . ;,;.i v - s;gn .,r
no idea, i n enl the bride's vvblti- fore i
For Lenten Season
W c ell iy i full lillc of
Salt and
We al-o have a full line i f fie,1, and
Clllllld f I lilt x and Vegetal, lr weel
navel olaligi'i ft 111 la to ,"'l cetit do.
New llowcl seed" oil ili-plav at
Phone M.ln 681
523 CoirtmrroU! St.
Dr, D. A. Sanburn
The King of Cures
"! ','
e A-in;;';!
I .1
I -
,1 I '
b!.o k I '111. I
while lace
tor thi- -c
le Woln il
pi, nil
to co i I !i i ii -j
ii. V. hit,
The Jforning AHtonan, 0e a month
lie, d " We Vl 1,1 HO' t
8' I. limit. mi ! i n in-M ... i,. i ;
II .; c. ,. ,. ! i , ,
a! f col . ,. ': ,'.
vv , -1:,,:
(-, ! ' ml!
fc;.;!! tih .,
Mid it b c
MM i" ,,!.c, t
"i'.llt it i
Mei.d h:f. ; o
cut In," lejd.c I
So I'lC
iie'.l iieiriiiog
trav. II" iv'i.i'iii
"My ileiir, we slatidct
he vihl " I bey bavcidt
lifter nil. In fact, the;
ocllc'i! la-!,- that they
this liiini; in the Ii ,ii si'
II to tic sil'.cr-inHi lie
thing to l..o;
Is to be i .
a :..s like !:!
. .'cat ilea!
.; No- iiioio'i
ii., .ill I ' ,
I, It
.'rain eii'ra c,i
iiiol It Willi
d ilcl iitloliici j
-IvWcl '
i mi w i nt ibiwntii'.v ii
nia-'l VV ilii the s.l'. er j
I U ,th It III the e en I
d the UroVV lis,"
iici poor taste
have unli
couldn't :i Hi !
When I tool,
"aid the moim
We have placed on sale 300 pair of our $1.25 and $1.50 kid gloves, all
colors and shades; while they last at 79c a pair.
The New Summer Shirtwaist Prices
From 65c to $6.25-
The new spring and summer shirt-waists are here in marvelous
A large assortment of lawns, linen, mull, dotted swiss, dimity, and
figured mull, the newest and most attractive styles, prices from 65c to
A Beautiful Line of Jap Silk Waists
at $3.25 to $6.25
It will pay you to examine this line, as we will save you time,
Btitches and money, as they are very nicely made, from Bedford cord,
silk, serge and pongee, prices reasonable.
Buster Brown Stockings All This
Week at 15c a Pair.
Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday
three tins for 25c
Codfish, fancy whole Mel
rose nje lb.
Codfish, choice .Alaska, brick
or rolls gc lb
Holland Herring 30c doz.
liloalcrs, large and fat 45c doz.
Anchovies, spiced 10c lb.
Smoked .Salmon, the Royal
Chinook 25c lb.
Mackerel, importer, 3 fish for. 25c
Eldredge High-Grade
Sewing Machines
Values from $35.00 to $05.00; our
price, $23.00 to $32.00.
Harden steel balls and bearings;
beautiful designs.
Steel Lined CooK
$7.50 to $10.00.
Values from $9.00 to $15.00.
Gray Granite Stew Pots
15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, etc. Real bargains.
Economy Brooms 25c
Mascot Range; high closet. .. .$27.50
Reduced from 32.50
Magnet Stove Range 26.00
Where the New Things Make Their Debut
rxi A a Jl A a z r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r TzrTevvvvvvkjrfK . Anf
v., . -v -vi ;
' '1 lf
r.iiu bad jilri iiilv liei'li I'IMmimI 1 r - nnd
It 'iiddu't bf ihuii' iik'iiln." Nfw Vnrli
On Sunday, DcwinUr 17th, the Den
'or 4 Hio ;iaiirtf railroad will inaugur
ate' a daily line of Htandnrd and tour-
! .1 -I 1 I.... lV,.ni,iiw ti,l
" " ! After I introduce my medicine I will
Los Angel, in connertion with the newI(,aw klmU o( Jt , Jr(lg
Clark road. Until cars will leave Den- i Btore(
ver daily et 9:30 a. m., and arrive at
Salt Lake City at 1:35 p. m., the next
day. At thin point the car will be
held over until midnight, thus allow
ing through panwuigers the privilege of
a atop-over of ten hours and a half in
Salt Lake City. Fjutbound, these oars
will leave Lc Angeles at 8 p. m and
arrive at Salt Take City at 0:30 a. m.,
second morning where they will remain
over until 3:60 p. m., thence to Denver
where they will arrive at 4:20 the fol
lowing aftmoon. This stopover at
Salt Lake City of the regular line of
sleeping cars promises to be an at
tractive feature for transcontinental
All voters of Clatsop county, irres
pective of parties, are hereby invited
and requested to meet nnd participato
in a mass meeting to be held in "Logan
hall " at Astoria, 011 Saturday, April 21,
1900, ot 10 a. nt.. for tlie purpose of
nominating a full county ticket to be
voted for on Monday, June 4, 1 000.
Chairman of tho Citizens'
Committee of Astoria, Ore.
I am now in your city introducing my
wonderful art of hen ling. Come one
and till nnd I will tell everyone their
disease and you will bo made will.. My
medicines ure all nature's nmdics,
roots, herbs, barks anil berries.
Office hotirst 0 to 12 a. m.j 2 to 8
p. m., at the Megler House, 680 Commer
cial street, rooms 1 and 2.
Consulation free at Astoria, Ore.
0 1 mm m
O SHU.!;, O
AkoluU Purify. Fines. Flavor.
Orear sr Stench. &e5or.nb!t Priwi
Keep the little ones heiillhy and
happy. Their tender, sennit ive biidien
gentle, healing reinedie. llollinfeiVv
Itoeky Mountain Ten will keep them
-Iroiig 11 ml well. ,'if cents, Tea or Tau-
j lets, 1'iank Hart, druggist,