The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 05, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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MONDAY, MARCH 3, igofl.
We Have the New
teel Gut Java and Mocha
Baker's Barrington Hall
See Our Window Display.
On Sunday, December 17th, the Dea
'er 1 Rio Grand railroad will inaugur
ate a daily line of standard end tour
ist sleeping cans between Denver and
Los Angeles in connection with the new
Clark road. Both can will leave Ban
ter daily at 9:30 a. m., and arrive at
Salt Lake City at 1:35 p. m., the next
day. At thia point the cart will ba
held over until midnight, thus allow
ing through passengers the privilege of
a top -over of tea hour and a ball in
Salt Lake City. Eaatbound, these cart
will leave Loa Angeles at 8 p. m., and
axrivt ai Salt Lake City at 8:30 a. m.,
woond morning where they will remain
over until 3:50 p. m., thenc to Denver
where they will arrive at 4:20 the fol
lowing afternoon. Thia stop-over at
Salt Lake City of the regular line of
sleeping ears promises to be an at
tractive feature for transcontinental
County Court's Disposition of the
February Grist.
Finances of Clatsop and How They
Were Ordered Roads, Bridges
Materials and General Expense
Other Items of Interest.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's
Remedy in His House.
""We would not be without Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on
hand continually in our home," say a W.
V. Kearney, editor of the Independent.
Lowry City, Mo. That i just what
every family should do. When kept at
hand ready for instant ue, a cold may
be checked at the outset and cured in
much le-s time than after it has be
come settled in the system. This rem
edy is also without a peer for croup in
children, and will prevent the attack
when given as soon as the child be
come hoarse, or even after the croupy
cough appears, which can only be done
when the remedy is kept at hand. For
sale by Frank Hart and leading drug-girts.
Your attention is
called to our new
store, now open and
ready for businefs
Following is the complete record of
the business of Clatsop county as tran
sacted by the county court for the
month of February, PXkJ, and com
piled by County Clerk Clinton for pub
lication in these columns:
Claim examined and the Clerk order
id to draw warrants on the seven!
funds, as follows:
General Fund $3731.33
Road District No. S Fund 13.00
Koad District Xo. 13 Fund 3oO.OO
Road District Xo. 15 Fund 94.00
and In id over until tomorrow for nee
oiul rending,
William .tones appointed lumd Super
visor l'oi District Xo. P.'.
lit the matter of improving Count)
lio:id between O. Peterson'. house an I
hridjre across the Xecauieum in Itond
District Xo. 3.
Oideied that the Clelk notify the
petitioners that their petition v.n re
.rie,l .nid tiled and that the couit will
pay ilnc attention to smite,
Thursday, Fvbruaty 8, iooo.
In the mutter of furnishing limliet
for Xelntlein Koad Xo. 77.
Xow come I!. M. Wooden and in
op ll (Hill oil'. 'is to sell tile I'onntv,
tiiiilur lo build a road from (lie pies
lit site of the County Saw Mill to -
tona at oil cut, per tlious.ind !
Miiuipage tor tiu nm oihi.oini i ,.,t an
J" cents for all timber in excess of titit),
in1". I lie court WMnrf Ot t!ie opinion
that the oiler is a reasonable one. or
iter, u trial tlie same l ami is liere'v
In the matter of Mr. .1. Crulsi,
inuiiy charge.
vrucreo mat ttie ucik. draw n war
rant on the tirst of each month in favor
of John llahn for $15 for care and
niaitenance of Mrs. J. timber. Further
ordered that all former orders regard
ing the care of Mrs. Oruber W herchy
cancelled and et aside.
In the matter of the New Court
Hildge No. 2,-Helweeu lied lUulT A
Klsie to be 1S4 feet long. "oU 8x10,
caps ItMJ, all to be hewed out of yel
low lr. Decking, Ktriiieeis, ny braces,
top post, railing Mini huh hoiirds to be
of sawed lumber. - .',lti.
Hid No. (in bridge Xo, ' belwi'im
Ked Itlnff nn'd Klsie, all in.ileiinl to be
of he wed and -iitil tiniber. Mud-ill.
SxlO, pots ;t tvi each bent S.xlo, cap
ItM'.M'.', sliinels t to each bent to be
Hot less than l!.'. Decking lo be not
le-s than .1 inetics tlivkl tiller h. iii ;
aded dow n, SL'li'.
I. U. When. Itiidge ,1. '.).
.lohiis.iii's place accoiding to sjicciilca
ti'.iis, Sim, Itiidve on daeol'snn's place
between S mid ! mile post accoiilin.r
to sm-. illcatloiis, .:... Undge on W, A
When s l. of, according to Mienhiu
lions, S.'-.V p i ii 1., I'op ' and Niilhu
Undoes oil lNie and Ib'd llilllf lot.
according to snecilicat ions, sawed llliu
tier tor decking and sinugerH, lliidg
N'o. L" to be ISil feet long and will Ion
Ml hints, lui.lge o. ;i to I lot) feci
long and have ! IwnK Well Iniill
biidges No, i and 3 for $.'imi,
.1. t'. Ileieison, Hi idge near .incksui
nice neiweeii fi ami v mile tioi on
lioud Xo, W. $74.
ois loonnei, iimige at ,i, ii. iniin
son' place, material lo be hewed mil
split, M.,V. Hridge t .1. O. Johnson
of sawed luiuber $14'.' 'i lineal fool
Htiilge lictween 8 and U mile post
l. u oraemi that the tlerk request saed lumber $A: twr lineal foot
the District Attorney to file a written Heidge between 8 and ! mile post of
opinion as to what interest if any, any hewed and split material , o per lineal
contractor, architect, materialman hate foot. pride No. 1 on U,, lllutr Hoad
in the present New Court House Huiid- of awed luiaW f.T .Mi. Hi idge Xo
ing and what claim, if anv thev have
against the county under their
The report of the viewers wu read
the second time and the road declared a
public highway.
The report was read the second time I HlutT road of hewed ami split material,
and the road declared a public higliwav, I"'1' lineal foot
ill Ked Hlnff road of hewed ami split
material, .t I ... Hi idge Xo. '.' on lied
Hbiff road of -awed lumUr, l .31 pe
lineal foot, idiilge No. nil lied HIiiiT
load of hewed and split material, ,f 'j
per lineal foot. I'nidge No. 3 on lied
Total Amt. of claims allowed.. 4190.33
Total Amt. of claims continued 214.04
Total Amt. of Claims disallowed 16.12
We Do Expert
Painting, Graining
Paper Hanging
and Frescoing
The Eastern Painting
$ Decorating' Co.
Xo. 75 9th St.
WgW i
Total Amt. of claim presented. 4420. 4'J
Ordered that parties delivering sup
plies to the county bridges shall take
a receipt from the Bridge Tender onl
tile the same with the Clerk.
Ordered that all persons receiving aid
from the county to appear in person or
by attorney on Saturday morning, Feb,
24. Utot), the Clerk io notify all sin-h
persons that unie they comply with
the order of the court their allowance
will be discontinued.
following bids for planking Couu-j
i roau J!"iii J.. x i.. .xo. z, Drmge. lo
Wanentnu :!:- i .pened and read.
I'. A. T-ir-"ij. From where the layiinr
of the plank- wa I- ft off last year to
ward the Lewis ,v CI iik Iliver wi:l lav
The following reports of the Hoad
Supervisors were examined and approv
D. U. Blount, Supervisor of the City
of Astoria Koad District.
f!us Camphrll, Supervisor Xew A
toria Road District.
S. A. May. Hridiie No. . .') f,..t
long, f 11; Bridge No. 2, no eent, per
foot; Blidv'e N'o. 3. hi) cents ier fixit.
. M. Jacobsnii. Uriilge No. 1 be
tween lied Bluff and Klsie 50 cents per
foot. Hiiilge Xo. 2, U-tween Bed Bluff
and Klsie, il cents per font. Bridge Xo.
Fred Oman, Supervisor Road Distrut 3, U-tween lied Bluff and F.Nie $1 II
No. L
per fiHit. Bridge between H and 9 mile
Alex Duncan, Supervisor Eoad Di-1 ixlt W vs'Uts ff foot. Biiilye at J..
trict, Xo. 2.
Ceorge Irwin, Supervisor Road Dis
trict Xo. 3.
J. X. Heckatxl, Supervisor Roal D:s-
trict Xo. 4.
John 1-arson, Sniervior Hoad
trict N'o. 5.
Andrew Johnson,
District Xo. tj.
Fred Vaton, Supervisor Iloai
tiict Xo. 7.
James Boyle, Supecxi-nr lb, ad
trict Xo. 8.
Supeni-or Hoa
s'uper i-nr Ilo.' l
enhnn', !4 cenln per foot. All to U
according to lei itient ions and to !e
covered with puncheon.
Chillies tiroiiuel. Bridge Xo. '2, near
Klsie not using s,m,, lumber, .I1W.
Same budge all awed IiiiiiImt, except
ill, utoights and eat-. 27.'i. Hi idue
Xo. iioi u-iii'.' awed luinb. r. .'..
.ime bnd'-e all -a wed lilniber. exeent
in, upiigtits ami cap-, .;.(n. ismig..
at J. O. dolill-oll s 11. .1 1 1 -1 1 r ,r,ed linn-
rent mi Bond between the I.ewU .1
(lark Bridge and Warn'tiloii,
In legald to la ing plank between
Nkiptnion bridge and Hills Slough, It
appealing that (he colli I when leadlll'
the bids on Febnmri 7, BHMl, ovet looked
one bid of If . Vbbotl fni laili:
plank lietweeii Nljpanon biide and
Hills Mollgh uhiih bid was 1 pel tod
iillil said bid bellij (he lowest, the oldel
heietoloie male lo I he coiilt awaidin,!
the conduct lo Vikmisi luiln is lii'it-l v
I 'scilldcd Ulld the eoiillai t let In J,
Vhbott upon Ills bid licit he be e-
ipiiied to fin t i dj a v I it tn t siillieien'
bond ill t lie mi of .' liHhi, 'h 1 1 hi'
I'Mli.l Wtni'i, he leipiested to pi.'
pain said coiilri't.
Ill tin" unit t ,. tie d luepicnt t ix
One riant) Number With Every Fivt.
Dollar Sal.
L. c
lJIJrtd Pcnjamin
f'mmKkfki UMit
lo ,
The com nft-r ernmiiiiiig ihe .heiiff"
tetillll on the delinquent t.i loll for
the car HUM i-id being Inlly ad ic I
"ider. d thill 'ie t'lcik gue the Miei ill
civdil lor the ai i iiinu a shown.
In (lie in.i'tei giautlng a
county piMir toi t i , ear ItliMi,
The lollowin- pel son. appeal ing be
fore the ctniit ., all. i staling their
iaes, the court hills Unit they ie
worth' of reeoiwiu aid as the luue no
mean mill a;. nu.ible to woik, and
niiike tin. follow ing allow auce :
Michael Cody .tn wife, warrant $12
Mis. Margaret Johnson, warrant..., ll)
Mi. Hi nee, warrant 0
William Sorgltmd, urn ant (Mrs. C,
Baker) , , ii
lieoige W ilson, wjirant i Hie B,
leppel , . . , S
Mrs. J tliuW, w mailt I John llahn) 1.1
l!os,. Storv. piou-ions iW. Uttol... S
lo'oigc time, w i riant Ill
Mis. J. X'ytiutu, pioision-, , ",
Allen . . '. s
Mis. laac Hill. tcnwMoin, A V.
Allen . . ... . '
Mis. T. Brown, ;ooisioii, S I o on. i
C.i n
Mrs. Anna BalAi nun iinti, s, Co. !
op. Co. . , , H
Ml-. ( hu. We.l . !iid trot isiotis. S, i
Co op. (."it. . S
.una h o fur. it iisioiis s I,, Xan-
W illiam Wilson, pro ishlis, Hos.
Higgin Co 0;
Iftlgll Ml'lulllghi tl, piosoU, Hns, I
HigRins Co. 1 i
, , t
In the uiat'."t ji t'omiiy Hoad No, I
r: ir
Il apM'arlng
rt that but one
bid was niibiintl" 1 tor the imploveiiieut I
f -aid mad us asked f.o bv thai
Ii r, i'!l!l. B
tor -
per lin-ai' rod.
illy Buster
They have a Bole that won't wear out.
543 Bond Street 0pp. Rosa Higgins &Co
riolj'i: A. Abbott T-ayinq plank fro::i
kipanon bridge "o Hill, Slough, !-l
per rod. Living j.Iaiik from where left
off ia-t year to end of Brown'" d;. ke for
-I jn'i- i,,d. County to furni-h m.i
lei ial. the d-ekiug to be cut to hoi'th.
Augu-t Jmh-. Bill Xo. 1. Laying
plank from vlieK; h-ft off la-t year
through Adaiis to end of dike on north
west corner of Charles Brown's place
for . ! .04 per rod. County to furni-h all
material ieivej7-d on ground cut to
proper length.
Bid Xo. 2. Laying plank b-twe-n
Skip;:iioii Cre -k and Hill, Slough for
r'l.lO p'-r jv,d. County to furni-h all
material cut to piopei' length.
Bid Xo. 3. For leveling dike from
X. W. coiner of Charles Brown', plae
to Sleeks wr.-t line. nl-o cut tin? hiich
wire gin-, a, riee ..--an-, arm laying
planking in -ame manner as v.;rs done
last ear in anenlon J'ark, for the
-urn of .12.20 per mil.
Bid Xo. 4. For leinoving and clear
ing siirfnce of ground all wire grass if!
fe t, all brush, logs, stump3, and Kiich
materia) to a di-tanee of 20 feet through
center of County Road, also to level
down the dike whhdi is about in the
center of said iViad, b-ginning about
Meeks wet line, tin-nee east to a slough
at or about Meeks E. line for the sum
of ,3 per rod. Thence K. from said
-lough to Lewis & Clark Bridge for the
sum of .s'l.oo pei' rod and will plank on
same at if 1.04 per rod.
The court after due consideration or
ders that the contract for laying planks
from where planks were laid last year
to L. & C. Bridge Xo. 2 be awarded to
P. A. Larson at the agreed price of $1
per rod.
And that the contract for laying the
plank between Skipanon Creek and Hills
Slough be and the sami es hereby award
ed to A. Jurhs at the agreed price of
$1.10 per rod.
In the matter of County Road peti
tioned for by Oskar Lonnuist et. al.
i A, Frantz,
N'o. 10.
Dan M. I.ean, Sup ni-or Bold Dis
trict Xo. 11.
'allies .'.i):.ig!i.r. Scpci i-or Bold
Di -trict Xo. I.'!.
Henry Hill, Suja-rv i-or Boad Di-tri'l
Xo. 14."
'. A. Borglund, Snpervi-or Bo, id Dis
trict Xo. lo".
A. L Barker, Supeni-or Bond Di
tiiet Xo. 17.
Tin: report of the Bond Master for
the month of January wa. Had and or
der d dare,) on file.
Oiih:r.-d that the Clerk ask for bids
for rebuilding two bridges on Klsie
Hoad Xo. !)! and 3 on Boad between
I! d Bluff and F.l-ie.
Ordered that the Clerk prepare notie?
tor bids tor the improvement of County
Boad Xo. I'll through the Kamm Farm,
that he post one on the bullet in hoard
at the County Court House and s-nd 3
to the Boad Supervisor of Hoad Dis
trict. Xo. 7 to be po-ted in -aid district.
Ordered that the bond given by V.
It. Dean und A. B. 1'oote to -eeme the
county from any damage that might
re-ult in maintaining a float ut the
County Draw Bridge uero-s the L. &, C.
Iliver, be approved.
Saturday, February 24, 190O.
Upon recommendation of I Jr. J. A.
Fulton, over-eer of County Boor, or
dered that Thomas Xeil be placed n
the hospital as a county charge begin
ning with March 1, BiOfl.
In the matter of rebuilding 2 bridge
on Klsie Boad Xo. M and 3 bridges on
road between Bed Bluff and Klsie.
This being the time hcretofoi'e set for
opening bids for rebuilding two bridges
on Klsie Boad Xo. 90 and 3 bridges on
road between Bed Bluff and Kjo.
Bids were opened and read as follows:
James II. Smith Klsie, Or., Bridge
:o. 1, between Ked Bluff and Klsie,
bridge to be 32 feet long, posts, caps
and mudsills to be hewed out of yellow
fir. Decking, sway braces, stringers, top
i-ailing, posts and post braces to be of
sawed lumber, all timber and lumber to
be according to specifications. $.15.
Bridge on Klsie Road Xo. 99 on tbe
Johnson Place. All timber to be hewed
according to specifications and decking
to be not less than 3 inches thick after
bet .
on s, not ll-ing saw ed lumber,
A B-ii'l'.
John l.iir-011. - Will build the I
bridge near--! B d Biolf avoiding to
p. ciiii atioiis, I7, .
J. O. Johii-011. Hi , on I,',,.: I No. no
ii.ii r J. 11, John-en's , 1,1 j !.,. loo feet
loll), .i.'.. .lll,'e !o . aeeordlllg '..
-peeifii at ioc.
I he com! ,l being full adii e. ,1-
!o the Lnglh of the hi i Il's and being
li::abb to i. lei mine ..nue. is -.
d. ied that the f Ink -i n i the bids i
1 he Boad .Mil.ler at J.... nit!, (,.- re-"i-t
that he figure out (he .lill'crene m
the bids on the luld'.'e., sejniuiie. (he
lowest, bidd'T 011 eeh ,ii,o,, mid ih.n
he al-o notify the lowest bidder on
ea"li bridge.
The Clerk is hereby authorized lo
order from B. I., polk , Co., copies of
the Astoria City Directory for BWifl, one
for the sluuiir. ,. .,, ,. t
Clerk's ollice.
In the mailer of planking the War
"Hill! v court II !i I
llllle fi, es.i n ! 1 1
the ,imn bv da w .
peHi-ioll of the B ud
llldell'd that, .Oil t
sillij die,
c. J. TitKvi n i:
1 ' C. f I.AItk t I 11
U II, 1. 1 I.AIIsnV,
J. t . 1 1. IN ! )-:. 1 ,0.1
e 1 it .'. ciniiig t'ae
I. tlll de.-lleil to to
ik under the u-
M l-tel.
( oMle-ioli
Vinol builds you up
and keeps you up
Should ('oatlne. firm the Mod Kktf.
Ileal of III Trolk.
If there U the .l!!itet doubt In lit
ml ruin of any that Dandruff Hermit do not
exist, tlielr belief Is compelled by lh
fact that ,t Irn.M'tilatcii with th
germ became tiuM in lx week' tlnm.
It must be apparent M any perum
therefore that tli only prevention of
baldueM In the ilentructlon of the girm
which set l nucceimf ully nccimpllnheil
In one huridre.l per cent of rae by
the application of Nwlro'n Merplchle.
Iumdruff In catiNml by the nanw Berm
which enusp bahlnenn and can be pre
vented with the Humij remedy Nnwbro't
Accept no mibatltutn "tleitroy the 1
caune you removu the offed."
Hold by lenfllnir ilruifKlnln Beml 10c. In
ntnmpi for nnmplo to The HerplcKle Co..
Detroit, Mien,
Kagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St.,
Owl Drug Store, 519 Com. St., T. F.
faiiniri. Prop. "Special Agent."
Herman Wise
Astoria'! Reliable Clothier.
''i' Commercial Street
at t p. m.
during the week
Ask Ui for Prk
305 Commercial Street
The Morning Aittorlan, 05o a month.
Report of vi-iwer read the first time adzed down. $74.
Our delicious Cod Liver
preparation without oil.
Better than old-fashioned
cod liver oil and emulsions
to restore health for
Old people, delicate children,
weak run-down persons,
and after sickness, colds,
coughs, bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles.
Try it on our guarantee.
Latest Popular
Every month we receive the latest popular vocal and Inntrumen
tal hits direct from the great Eautcrn puhlinhers. We receive from 20
to 50 of thcKc new pieces each month and it will pay yon to drop in at
leant once a month and look them over. We keep them eparate from
our largo general etoek of muelo and it need take hut a few minutes of
your time. Keep an eye on the show window also,
einhard's Loer.