The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 05, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, MARCH j, igoO.
For The Lenten Season
We have received eiul line of fancy milt and smoked fish. Wo ask
you to call nntl r our stork. Our Bloater, Mu kMl, and I m polled
Blnutpr Herring, ore wuithy of special mention, nnd me the bent In the
All our (M)d tire of hijki lor qusllly.
'lint (lingun lUilioud it 11 1 Navigation
Company', steadier ll,i-aii m lived
iIhhii fioiii I'm llmul pli-ri)ny Winn
ing at M:'JO o'clock, exactly eight holll
(mill I III- IIH'I Kipiditlltl (lin k, lllllklllg
nil I In" u.uiil ) binding., and provid
Iny hei.rlf tln miiiii' nlil .will u-llublc
limil. Slip will stay on tlm inn for the
balance of tin- rur, I tic T. .1, poller
will "go mid get M'.nly" fur her uiiiui"r
t ratlin Iw-tweeii I'mUmd and I lie north.
shoiv beache.. 'I'lip 1 f it - it l i olllepr
ed ii follow.: Captain, J. .). Anderson j
1 il.t I Mi. IT, .link 1'l', Pilot,
Audi'"' .lohii.on; J'urwr, Jlany
i haul i Chief Fugim-ei, C, W. O'BiIpii;
Second I'.ncinriT. I', Llli.oii; Steward
.la. k Itirb.i.oi.d. Mr.. II. i.i.rl Linden-
Wger w unions the Aitmin piix.iMt
grl to route down on tin' llaiilo. The
utruntir i not changed In lirr gpucr
l 'x-at a nrr In any tint ii-ahd- rxlrn:,
till) ten font ol low hull gnilli-d Inl.i
hor jill l'ii nr. I of tin- fniilail, making
In radirul dilli-irnrr in her. Cmituiu
And' rwli rrjort thai I.p hiindlr. tho- ! Ilppiililn iin voti-ra nt tin' piiiunry eln
luiiKhly wi'll and in jut a fa.t u- per,. i"n in April, in following a wrll found
and wholly uti(artory fnnu tin- itund '"I ' U-tom of thp nitty in Oipj-oii, that
point of a commanding ollirei.
The steamer Allium c iiltivr.l ill yes
terday mm ning from luika and Coos
Hay point, with it K'hmI list of pen
jile in hrt mliin, and ."in.- Iniflit fur
thia ult. Mm hit Up lur I'otllitlld at
Tin' ulr.ilnrr WhillliI nriivfd oil till'
lar ypitr.rd.iy niornin n in! nift hrp
miimiit, tin- oil tank Santa J'.iulii nut.
id . 'I hi" tow ttiin didivi ied to Iht 'iy
the hiir tug Wiillulu, and thy l-lt
for Siiil ITaliriii) liiiinrdiiitidv.
Tin' oliMiin'r !i-p.itrh c.mip in from
tln Hy "if y jr.ti'id.iy lnoininf and
nftr a hiipf -1 ii y at tlif iilliidpr
pii'P WpiiI "II t" Dip llii'liopiiln.
'I In. i i;n-liii l idiiiiiliiii (.''it nw.iy
fur lln-liiihli'll loili' lit l!:l'i o'lloik
unliiy i-M'iiii!.
'I In- ndtnirr Ahu Ii.i ilol ii"t Iran- pint
tin! il s i'-t' i d iy ini'i niiiir mi ly.
Thn r'M'im.- in 1 1 it ( -in ti uxli ny IVr
r iiiiidp it mil jptpi d.iv iiioi niiif,', on
Iht rrui-p to tin' wi-t ruii-t of all
rollMT i-hllld. ln- ill hr polU' (P I
Tin' t fit iti r Sur II, limine "nit I i
pll ypttcrdiiy liml nint; liound fur '111
liilnook t ily and hay puinli.
Tin1 ulriiiii-hip SiMi.itor dm1 tn ill'
live from San l-'iHiHi-i-o thit ninrn-
ill.', I'll ll'lltr U l'l'ltlllll'l.
The hlPiiinrr Iluivist (.hipni riiiiii-
In Many Varieties
Wo have a large stock of can
ned fish of the best known brands
Send us your orders you will
be pleased with your purchase.
118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
down vr.leid.iy wild tli British shin
Falls of J) II llir llllWHCIH. 'lint lilt
I it in iimlioii'd in the lower harbor, and
will take tin- earliest despatch for M'i
nilii, with InT big cargo ol IiiiiiIht.
'II nly bur bound now in ioit nil;
tin' hi ('. V. Surgi-nt, (iciiriul Cordon
and l'.ilU of Die.
Th tin rnnri slciimship Niuniiiilin !i
dun diiun from tlm in tropnli. ciiiouic
to Chinu and Japan.
Tlii" sliumcr Northland I dun in
oiiicliine tmliiy from Van Fruiielsrii.
'I lie steamer F. A. Killmiii should
d"ik hiiv ftmn Hun Prnni-iwH today.
'rim Biitish steamship Nairnshire is
j " i't trmnp li enti r here, and shou! I
U- in duiitij.
I In- iii t ten dii;, from
.1. II. Uhitupy, Stud- I'riiilci . in o-k-iiiy
a in liiMtiiiii at tlm httlidn of tin-
Iipii n tu!P otlin-r pciforilii hi dutl'K
inii-ptiildy nnd imik'-x a Pii-ditalilp rec
ord he i jfivi n a uproiid U'riii.
Mr, WhitiK-y 1 a Jifp-Imij Hrpuldi
can nnd pditrd the Alhany Herald tm
nearly tttPiity ypar, a paper known
throughout the Stati- fir itn uii"prvin ;
roiire in hrhulf (d th- lippllliliran
tiiket and randidiiti'i nonilniiti-d hy tiw
party. IK- i a native Otryiinin, a
I graduate of the l"niv-rnit v ol Oic-pm,
and a piMrliral piinti-r.
Siii'v aimiint' i haryp of the Shi'.
piintinf; olli.e he lia d'-voled hi- pntiie
timp and attention to the alful'i of the
nliirp nnd with hit long Ppei ii-nr.- n
the pi lilting hil-ine-1 In- ha heni niil--lo
pu the Stale a j,".od, pIphii, hiiiiie---like
Mr. Whitney i i .ii'luet tz a htiaiuht
fni w aid prinniry i ampuiii, nnd hi
iiMiny lii'liil- ate ri'iilldelit tliat he will
I.e iinoitniiiiteil hy a l;i rre- niujiinty.
TillaiMoi.l. H.dli;'ht.
I.mi ii M. Wihi. I, editiir and proprietiir
ne i In- Trade IN-lm-Iit, of Seattle, arih
ril in tin- iily yr-tri.lay, and will do
Ini-iue-- line fm- .iv i.i! day. Mr.
Wond i- mitheiin data on tin- puis
peel he li-lieiie. output and Ini-ine--(.'i-iiei-.illy,
I'm hi- paper, which i- our .il
the leading joiiniiiU of tli- ma-t in it-r-pri
inl line. Mr. Wood H llo hl'iit.l-
liiui iii -aiii!,' that il i-i the riiininun
opini'in that .laiur- .1. Hill i- pirpaiini;
to ruiiie ihiwn to the unnith of the (V
luiiiliia from the !iay' llai'lmi' teiini
ual-i of hit M-tfin in Wa-liiiiL'lon, im.l
that Mirh ikm i il on his part, would
inriili the liif.'t-''-t sort of n jjiunl thin,'
for Alniiii ill tin" win of deU'lupuiriil.
The Tillamook llondlilil. eoniplain
of the inertia of the prohihilioni-t-down
there, thunly: "The local optiu'i
law liii he n in force fourteen inontliH,
and the first line wit inipo-ed on Tues
day ln-t in Tillamook. It amounted to
$1(10, The county or city could mid
hIioiiIiI have collect ed several thmi-and
dollar in linen had the law hem prop
erly enforved, C'orvalliH added several
thousand dolar to its city trea-nry on
account of the local option law, nnd so
inilht. have Tillamook City had it lccn
awake to the city's nnd not individual
interests. Now one person bus licen
lined, it is to he hoped others who nro
violating the law will lie lined likewise."
The totnl tax collections including
the reluile of $2IMI.1(I received to date
at the Hheriir's ollicn now ninounts to
$(IS,!l(i8.0-'. Suhtriictin il1( rebuto the
total amount collected is $(1(1,923.80. This
relmte is iniidfl to all who pay their
taxes before March lfltli.
Has Moved. J. Q. A. Bowlby lias
moved hi" law office from Bond street
to rooms 1 and 2, upstairs, in the Odd
Fellows' building.
New Popular Song Books Svenson's.
Deputy Should Succeed Princi
pal In Office.
B. A. Seahorit Talkn Interettinitly on
Succeniiion in Finh Warden' Office
Chaneii Arp Too Frequent.
He Argue.
I!. A.
Seiilmijr. one of (he pioniei'
piul.i-i. of I'uyet Sound, at
np'THtiiii; ii ciinitiry on the
Wii-hiiiton ide of the (,'olu India river
who intiodiiced the dill in the ftiitn
leinlalille ( l ent in;' the ollii-fi of itill,
Illi roininiiiiiier, iiilmeiitet lei
clmiii'et ill the ollire, aava the P. I.
Mr Sealmiv (akei the liilid that if
li -w mail in to be uppiiiiiteil to iiureei-d
Mr, Keishmv he nhouhl be r-eleeted from
aniniij,' the li-hin;' hu"ine. He says:
''While u member of the utate leyi--
laliu in 1 W!Ml I inti'idined the bill,
which was made a law, el eating the
I'ihIi ciiiumi-i"ii, and taving the indus
try direct fur creel ion of hatrheiicn and
the maintenance thereof.
The wink of th - eoinmis-ioii, through
it evpruthe olliiei", has been curried oil
with aried Mien-i. ever since,
"Anide fioiii the police duties of the
li-h 1 1 un 1 1 j i - ii iiir r , hi- mo-t impoilunt
duty ii to look utter tin- propagation of
the salmon, and al-o to properly locate
new, h.itrlieri'-".
(In tfii- depend- the fi-h industry's
future -upply of raw maleiial. Hither
to the ie-iilt of tin- propagation has
been nut iced to a huge extent on the
Columbia river, while on F'nget Sound
il has b-en le-s apparent. As a whole,
the re-nit- should have tieen better in
both plans, That Ix-ttcr results have
nut been obtained can be charged to a
tlge extent to the frnpiellt chllllges
iii the ollire nf the li-h comini-sioner.
"After the lir-t appointee, Mr. Crtiw
fuid, had -cie.l fiiithtully und I'lTicieut
ly liii -nine year-, mid reached a etiige
wheie his ciirp would greatly have
beiielitleil the -tate Hud the fi-hing ill-dii-tiy,
he wa- n-lieied by a new and
iiiiliied mail.
"Mr. Little, hi- -urres-or. gave his be-t
i-lbnls t" the state, i-tudird his WOl-k
indu-t i iou-ly and applied ccirntitlc
method', thrieln. l!y the time he had
lieiuine iraiiiialil proficient his re-ig-nation
wa- il. iii.i lub-il. and another new
and ii lit I if-1 man, who befole his ap
pointment wa not known to have given
any of hi- time to the fi-hing industry
or to the study thereof, wa- placed ill
ilia oilier,
" The "low th of the fi-hing indii-try
during the last d cade on the Pacific
Coast, and c-peri.illy in the Stute of
Wa-hington, ha- in. ale the li-h coniini---inner
the iiin-l important ollice the
gmeilior i- called upon to appoint. The
iuw-tnicnt in thi- indn-try runs into
million- and the output into many inor
million-, while thousands of men arc
employ ed evet y -ea-ou. Indeed, it U
de-tined to beioine one of the chief in
dustries of our state.
"Mr. Kcr-haw, like Mr. Little, foil
the iiiipiu tance of his po-ition, and ap
plied himself with energy to his won;,
and from pcr-onal ob-i nation I can
truly say that he is today an ellicient
man ns li-li eoinini-sioiier. Xow the
public pics- informs us that he is suited
lor removal. If this is in line with pub
lie policy, or if the good of the service
demands that a new appointment should
be made, the spirit of civil service should
guide the appointing power in its selec
tion of a new mail.
"The ollice should not he ft political
one. Xo inexperienced man should have
the appointment. There nro several men
in the service now holding positions as
deputies or superintendents, with years
of experience to their credit, and from
their ranks n promotion to the ollice of
li-h commissioner should bo made, and
all employe in tho department who
havo proved competent should lie re
tained. "If done, we can look forward to the
time when the result of the propagation
of tho salmon can be mathematically
ifMW.Jtl'lA'.'' a-M ml:i9T
The perfection of whisky used in the
medical department of the United
States military and naval service. Also
in hospitals. Recommended by the high
est authorities as the purest stimulant
for family use. Sold exclusively by
Wm. Bock.
Never have to wait long at the
Occident Barber Shop. A. E. Petersen,
Youthful Washington Parracide Before
U. S. Supreme Court.
Another order has just been received
by County I'ro-eeuling Attorney, J. K
lltixloii f iuiii the Supreme bench of the
Culled Stute in answer to an appeal
filed against the judgment of Federal
ludge C. H. ILuiford of the Federal
District for Western Washington in the
1'iise of Thomas Brown, the youthful
parriride who killed his father in a fit
of anger near I.iltell, about one. year
ago, Th- oidcr cites Voting Brown to
upper before Melville F. Fuller, chief
justice, of tin- Cnited States on April
l!, l(t''l, and show cinise why the judg
ment rendered by .ludge ibinford a
Federal judge of a lower court should
not Is- corrected or amended. Appeal
from fudge llniifoid's derision was made
in th" naine of Henry !Y'iihait. Sheriff
of Lew is county.
It will not be necessary foi young
Brown to appear in Washington, I). (,'.
as his attorney can do all that is neces
sary. If the case is decided against
him, it will mean that young Brown
will be remanded to the custody of the
sherilf until further order from the
trial judge, the Hon. A. K. Itiee of this
county. The ea-p is a test of the con
st it ut iomilily of the statute of this
slat" giving the trial judge power to
iinpiisou or commit per-ons acquitted
of crime when acquitted on a plea of
temporary insanity. Many lawyers of
the slate, including the Washington
State Supreme Bench, have decided that
. 1... I ' , .!.. f. I . . I . i . A I . '
me inn i i-iuisi ii iiiionai ami mar .ruuge
Ifauford erred in his deci-ion. Whether
the Cnited State Supreme Court will
uphold Judge Hanford of the State Su
preme Bench and .lodge A. E. Bice re
mains to be seen.
It will Is- rememliered in connection
with this case that young Bixwn, who
is something of a degenerute, according
to the evidence introduced at the trial.
killed his father for beating a horse
wiied by young Tom. The ease was
brought to trial liefore Judge A. E.
Bice and the jury, after deliberating for
lour-, decided that Brown wa not
guilty by reuson of temporary insanity
at the time, a he was subject to fits
of temporary insanity. Judge P.icc, act
ing under the statute, remanded Brown
into the custody of the sheriff until he
ren-ived further orders. Broun' attorney-
carried the ease into the State
Supreme Court and the verdict wa
unanimously against Brown. The case
was next appealed lo the Federal Court
and Judge Hanford ruhd in favor of
Brown and ordered him released on
hals'as corpus proceeding. The attor
ney .general of Washington and J. R.
Buxton then decided to- test the law
and cany the ca-e up lo the highest
tinbunal in the land. A- n result the
above order was i-siieil.-Cciitralia Xcw
S. B. Holt presented his school with a
beautiful souvenir card containing the
names of the pupils and thu school
boar.!. Thanks, prol'c-sor.
The Xchalein lairy Association has 100
ca:- of ehce.-c on hand which they will
probably- lo-e, because they cannot get
it to market, thanks to the Pacific
Navigation combine. But then we voted
to keep the tni-t system in power and
we got what we voted for. So "say noth
ing and saw wood."
The Crange social vvn ittite a suc-cc-s.
the net receipts from -ale of bask
ets was . Ii'.
Besolved. That the amount of land
owned by one family should be limited
to the amount they can actually culti
vate; owiier-hip should cea-e when they
do not use it for theiusidve, is the
subject, for debute at the meeting of
local Xchalem next Friday evening.
Mrs. James Hamilton Lewis is on
her way to Seattle. She is coming to
this city for two lea-ons fust to make
a formal start on what will be a tour of
old Mexico and second to graciously ac
cept the sum of $4.,0t0.
Mrs. Lewis will be accompanied by n
party of local friends on her southern
tour, and sho is coming heiv to join
t hem.
During the hard times in Seattle
Mrs. Lewis paid taxes amounting ti
$-"0 on a certain tract of tide lands
that Judge Tt. B. Albert sou had taken
for a fee. That sum of money in those
days was more lo the average Seattle
man than ten times that amount would
be now, nnd the judge was only too
glad to make the exchange.
The tract secured by Mrs. Lewis was
sold during the recent tideland flurry,
through her agents for $45,000 net.
Seattle Times.
Your stomach churns and digests the
food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or
out of order, your whole system suf
fers froma blood poison. Hollister'
Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well
35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by
Frank Hart.
rVhat a Prominent Citizen Thinks
Should Be Done.
Railway From There to Astoria Bears
More of Promije Than Any Pro
ject Now Discussed Feasible,
Easy and Profitable.
In a quest for something cheerful in
relation to Astoru'- near, or even re
mote future, a reporter of this paptt
yesterday called upon a prominent citi
zen who has given year of time and
thousands of dolluis to the various
schemes that have all, more, or leas,
materially contributed to her progre,
and asked him, point-blank, to say whit
it was the city needed more than any
thing else, to promote its welfare and
accelerate its commence; the answer
was prompt and derisive. Kaid he:
We must have a railway, steam, or
electric, into this city, direct from the
Xehalem country. Ye should build it
on our ow-n initiative, if we can find
out-ide capital ready for such invest
ment; and waste no time in paltry cal
culation about it. It is absolutely es
sential and cannot help but be wholly
satisfactory as a money-earner for its
promoters, as well as a constant and
geneiou- feeder for the local activities
of Astoria.
''There are immense resources in that
section that aix? actually suffering for
an open and quick market; there is
lumber in inconceivable quantities;
dairy products of the finest qualities
in extraordinary abundance; and stone
quarries that have never been phased
by drill and hammer, and fisheries that
are as immense as they are various:
thene is population enough along the
line to warrant ample returns upon the
investment alone, and the fact that
these would all expand immeasurably,
upon the mere fact of the road being
available, puts the issue very squarely
before us for consideration and achieve
ment. "I am satisfied that a line could be
constructed around Tillamook Head and
over Xecarnie Point, with, not to ex
ceed an elevation of 100 fe t, or a tun
nel not longer than 200 feet, and the
whole system, on either side of these
points, would be upon a sea-level and
could be built quickly and upon a safe
"Of course, wo can sit still for year
to come, and wait for these things to
conic to us; they may come, too, but ii
is not is though wo turned to and did
it ourselves; showimr the world that we
know our own good things and how -o
make the most of them. That is what
counts tor a community in the scmi-i-olated
condition that Astoria is in.
To ivnlizo her adantages and work them
into practical realities and make the
world around us feel that we are alive,
that we mean business, and do it, anl
reap our own profits from it.
"1 wish this concern that is about to
build the A-toria-Soa-ide iuterurban
line would project its surveys fifteen or
twenty miles further south on the
eoa-t and tap this -ame splendid Xe
ha'em count iy. They would husband
rich returns from it from the day their
rails and engines ciiten-d that vnllev
and would bless the enterprise that
prompted them to extend their pres
ent system.
"Xo matter who docs this thing (and
you need not doubt it will lie done soon
by someone) there is one prime neces
sity that must be provided for. and that
fa, that the rates, passenger and freight
must be put to a level that will not be
prohibitive nor burdensome; they must
not be taxed with monopolistic changes,
beyond reason nnd requirements, ju-t
because they have been given an op-
We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, N. Y.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
'. portunity to do a bit of expanding. Ths
, tariffs must bp within the limitation
j of the contributors; and thi can b
Hone easily and leave a splendid margin
of profit to Bppea-e the most sordid
member of the road' directory.
"You have asked me to state what I
believe to be the most expedient thing
for Astoria. I have told you. Build a
railroad between thi city and the Ne
hnlem, or negotiate it building. Tho
rest will come, easily and quickly. It
i time we were doing something, any
The Astorian yesterday morning stat
ed that A. Lelierm.m had resigned hi
position at Fisher Bros. Co. This wa
a mistake, as he has not resigned and
ha no intention of doing o. The error
was caused by the fact that at present
his family is living in Portland.
i Mr. A. B. Jtalgity yesterday received
the sad news of the sudden death of her
sister, Mrs. Rose Hanlcy, at Tacoma.
Quick service, combined with cleanli
ness, and high quality, is what the ma
jority of people de-ire when they eat,
and the restaurant where all these ac
commodation can be obtained is where
they go. The Palace Catering Company
on Commercial street, just opposite the
Page building, is known by every A
torian as the place to obtain what they
want. Here they all go and having
gone, no other restaurant will satisfy.
A specialty is made by the Palace res
taurant for banquets, and party service.
Open at all hours.
S. B. Klakn, traveling representative
of The J- S. Dcllingcr ' Co., left last
night for a month's business trip
through F-astcrn Oregon and Idaho.
Carl Fisher of Svensen was in Astoria
yesterday for a brief time visiting
friends. i
W. L. Dudley arrived in yesterday
from Portland for a brief stay.
L. McLaughlin of Hammond was a
vi-itor in Astoria yesterday with
If. F. Connelly arrived here yester
day from Portland on a business trip.
In every clime its colors are unfurled
Its fame ha spread from sea to sea;
Be not surprised if in the other world,
You hear of Rocky Mountain Tea.
Sold by 'Frank Hart.
The very best board to be obtained in
the city is at "The Occident HoteL"
Rates very reasonable.
Miss Olga Landen, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. Gives mas
sages, steam and hot baths. Phone
Black 2165. Will call.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up! It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other e
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew Asp k
Company. They also do all kinds of
blacksmithing and repair work.
X. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
In the personal toilet line, such as
hair brushes, combs, talcums, dainty
hand soaps and everything that beau
tifies and completes the toilet, go t
Frank Hart, the druggist.
Afflicted With Rheumatism.
"I was and am yet afflicted with
rheumatism." says Mr. J. C. Bayne,
editor of the Herald, Addington. Indian
Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's
Pain Balm am able once more to attend
to business. It is the best of lini
ments." If troubled with rheumatism
give Pain Balm a trial and you are cer
tain to be more than plea-ed with the
prompt relief which it affords. One ap
plication relieves the pain. For sale
by Frank Hart and leading druggists.-
Every one guaranteed. Will let yon
stand or sit on the oven door if yon
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves ani
ranges till after the Holidays.
W. J. Scully