The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 05, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Against Proposed Advance in the
Lumber Rates.
ami the Wt treated of labor in HWIW'WWMifM -N- I eU break down; it fo-den. whatever
Sermons of
s ' jn t KKKiN-' KH' N
Southwestern Washington Manufactui
ers Gather and Express Thera
j wives VigorouslyHave Ten
dency to Restrict Business
(lit' United Stiitr
"Hut to protect t ti is. standard of wage
wo mnt estuWinh n price lit we can
maintain nt nil time, ami I don't be
lieve we can Jo so at $- jumps.
"There are several railroad figuring
on building to t lie eoat, One of thee
a far n we can learn, ha delink. h
decided to do so. The other have not
vet declared thetiisehe, and it may le
that t hi
Tki road.
"I for one would rather cut price- if
it would Mvnre a railroad or two than
to iai-e $- and get it, hut lose the new
road." I whv do ve not Miovc me!'1 I5ev.
! i uood; it i a foe to pi-en- mil! It
. j iin-eltUH; no one pretend to a porfivt
; attainment to It' taiidaid hut it'
MaudaiM art right.
1 "Alter all the e, iden.-o of these twenty-
j eenturi, surely the burden of proof
,ret with thno who e nv hv their
Kev. V, S. tolh, it spoke last .-.piling
rie in lumber will at ,h,, v,l,vterian church to lare
audience on the subject " t'hrUti.uiiiy'
Appeal to Thinking Men," his teM Mng
action or by their word that rhri-tiun
it v i faNe."
' CKNTRALIA. March -l.-The meeting
f the Southwestern Ws-hington Lum
ber Manufacturers' Association held in
this city yesterday afternoon was the
largest that has been held for over a
year, nearly every member of the asso
ciation being on band.
A feature of the meeting was the
speech of the president, Harry McCor
miek, in which he protested against the j
2 raise in price. Mr. MiConniek said:
"I attended the meeting of the Ore
gon association and heard them dis
cuss the necessity for a raise, but they
only wanted a raise of $1 on portion
to be raised, and I agreed with them,
but I do not think it good business
policy to make a general .raise of
While I would, as I believe you nil
would, like to get 12 more for our lum
ber, will we by this raise be able to
get this benefit? I doubt it.
Question Not Simple.
"There are many things we should
consider: raie in labor, stunipage, sup
plies, etc., but the most serious problem
to consider is the eifect it will have on
our market extension. On the January
I list we are gradually extending our
market east, and many of us are ship
ping railroad timbers into territory we
lave never reached before, and I have
good rvason to believe that this raise
will drive many of our far Eastern cus-
liev. t;nt:ivc K. Iiylipiiit of the
l'"iit Lutheran chinch spoke hint night
j to an appreciative audience of interest
i ed hearer. He Huid: "Ihirinu l.eiit it
hoMn from John S:-.t; "If I sav truth, ,. f ,, . , . ...
- ... W. -.W,,, V. V' I I 1 tl II I U t 1111(11 flV
Ilium tllt iuioiu of our t.oiit nt Knnii.iv
the Nmtlnvestern Aviatun finally , w 'F- evening eru.-es, The pasi.m hi-loiy
nnincltne a.lvanee ,n the price lis. "i ""u , beyin w it I. the institution ol the Lord'
made at the joint price lit committee ,,,"iUs called l'1"11- fishermen ami humble
meeting held in T.ieoim. on the 2:lrd. M1'"1 ,0 ' follow eis and wo are
which has previously Uvn ratified by
the other three associations.
N". C. Miles of (Hobe, president and
glad he was a friend of the poor and
the outcast, but still we are as much
interested in the fact that Xicodemu.
manager of the (.lobe Mill, who ha rf- j "l PIV41 seholar, and the man of pub
eently rvturned from the Fast, reported '' prmineiHv .unit- to him. And Paul
that Pacific Coast lumlier was growing j greatest thinker and even Gamaliel
in popularity, and that dealers general- l K""'- "eher, was favorable to him.
ly were very much iutere-ted in vu.- m- nionyiu the Arwpagite. It is a
ing information regarding it use. Mr. j fr""t encouragement to rememlx r that
Miles reported that the Minneanoli ev-. ' 'l 'l', d never more than now
hibit of the iMat pioducU wa a factor
in showing the Kasteiii buyer and con
sumers the advantages especially of
Douglas tir. cedar and sprm-e lmnlter.
lVparation for another
which will ultimately come into Astoria,
are now under way. and la-t e.-k two
erew of surveyois started from Hills
boro, under the direction of chief engi
thinking men, great scholars, men f
promineui-e and position have been
humble followers of our Master. This
fact ought to appeal to thinking men.
If it's a matter of witnesses sureiy
there are enough names of undisputed
greatness that ought to satisfy every
'Tint Christianity' appeal to thinking
men i moie especially in the character
of direct evidence. The great argument
for Christianity is Christ himself. His
neer Ceorge Davis, of the Pacific Pail-
way A Navigation Company, to run ehaiaiter, the whole record of his life
lines to the coast and northward to
Astoria. One party will follow the
Nehalem river, commencing at Buxton,
twenty miles northwet of Hillsboro
and come toward this city. The other
party will work We-t to the coast
Owing to the dense timber belt to
be traversed aero the divide, the sur
veyors will work -low I v. Preliminaries
are run for two or three miles, and then
definite location made of the right of
way, so that the work can be completed
without the neees-ity of a second trip.
The grading ha proceeded to a point
eight miles from HillslKiro and four
.. w g ,,.rle auu ,ron, wmcii m,M of ,t(H,, is j Sm-cifieations
they claim is as cheap as our lumWr at for new nilIin? sto.k to u M jn
epresent price. service when a sutlicient amount of
"VJa o V. !.. : 1 I
..v Bib me VIII UIIT5 U T Ml,. I ,.l- 1 - , e ,
track has tn-en laid for regular opera-
er in this matter. The buver or con
sumer of lumbers must be able to u-e
it profitably in his business or he will
soon be a non-consumer and we lo? bis
trade, without which we cannot Jb
business. AVe should tstabli-h a prie
that we can maintain, even if we should
have a depression or a falling ofr in de
mand for a short time, for you all knov
that when there is the slightest falling
tion, are b. ing compiled, but the deliv
ery of the ears and equipment will not
be ordered for eight or nine months.
The Attorney -General's otlii.e is in re
ceipt of a lett-r from ex-State Land Com
missioner Callvert, in which it i inti
mated that theie i good ground for
believing that actual forgery was com-
tiff, if we are careful the price of him-i mitted in era-ing the word "five
her is the firt to go, and wages and: year-," and substituting th-refor the
prices or supplies can never tie reduced ; wonls "thirty years" in naming the
Without an entire suspension of bu-i-; terms of the tideland leae at Long
nes, or a concerted action of all em- j Reach, in Pacific counfy. Mr. Callvert
plovers, which is hard to get. 'explains that the transaction occurred
"I do not want to be quoted as a low- before hi term of oflir-e b gun, but ten
wage disciple. I want our employes to;ders his a-itane to the Attorney,
do well, and they certainly are doin'.' 1 General in the litigation now bejun.--well
now. Several of our employes haej WiHapa Harbor Pilot,
started in for themselves, and are on
velvet today. (ither are lookin? fori Sleeplessness,
opportunities for investment, and' are! Dipor(1,,rs of t!' omaeh produce a
: i i ii , . . . nervous condition and often prevent
buying t mber and good hom-s, which is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
good evidence of fair treatment by their Tablets stimulate the digestive organs,
employers. But I believe the limit has re-tore the system to a healthy "con
about been reached, and that the Wash-1 dition ami "lakp s!ppP Pf,ili'b!e. For
ington lumber jacks are the be,t paid u. Fra"k
Supper. Wc will eonidcr thi evening
with what immediately follows, namely
Chri-t washing his disciples' feet, A
a tlirmo we have selected 'Gri'ittue-. in
Net vie.'
"Christ stands before us as the high
est ideal of gtvatucM. He is great t
cause of the service- he rendered human
ity. As he took olf hi mantle which he
had worn at the feast of the paovor.
and put on a more suitable gurmen',
he stooped down to Wash his disciple'
feet. Hy thi act he s, mbolired hi
earthly mission. Ilefor the throne of
God the Father he laid aide the robe
of his heavenly nutjesty and put on thn
garb of a servant, as St. Paul says In
hi letter to the I'hilipiaiu: 'Who bo
ing in the form of God, thought it not
roblieiy to be equal wiith !im1; but
made himself of no reputation, and to ik
him upon the form of a servant, and
was made in the likeness of man, lie
humbled himelf, and became oWdient
unto death, even the death of the cross
The service which he rendered unto
man wa to die in his stead, to shed
his blood for his ranom.
' It is therefore the work of redem
tion, which make him o great in the
eye of fallen man. When he was here
in the fleh he went about doing good,
helping all without money or reward.
Ingratitude was often the return of
hi service, ami yet this ingratitude did
not sfay him in his course. And when
in short, the fact of Christ. 'Yes,' say
a thinking man, 'we lielieve in the char
acter of Christ and we admire his
teaching and hclicte in churches ani
their work but we balk at the miraculous
element of Christianity.' Hut do not all
men in fact lielieve in the miraculous?
Take a ecitic instance. l?y the ac
cepted Nebular hypothesis the earth
was once a rolling molten ball of fliv.
Can any man think for a moment that
without auv touch from the outside,
without anv interference this ball wouid ! h" r"lul!-v Pnve his lif f,,r tt 'rni
cool and from it alone could come our j w,,,'ilr,, of ",Bn h rendered the gn-at-
consciousness, our life, our conscience, I "it smi,'e tlmt foulJ "rT '
our soul-! If there has ever been anv i AnJ "rvi',e nmk,'i 1,i,n lnrt"
miraculous element in the Univer-e, ; "a,,1-v Sat ll, w'10 eontemplate
what would be more natural than that,
God should for the great special pur-! ""hen God created the world he wa
pose of revealing his love to men mani- ' power; when he sought man in
fest himself in just such a life as that para li-e after he had wilfully fallen
of Christ? ' into sin and openlv defied his creator
"Chrit appealed to thinking men up- ' "d prmi-ed him restoration through
m the basis of the truth of his words: 'he seed of t he woman, then he w;i
'If I sp-ak truth, why do ye nut be- lf,'lt mercy; Hut when he s nl
lieve in. ':' Where is the falsehood in his only begotten son to ave nun
Christ'-, words? Hut if he siioke truth ri"- him from hK fall, to restore him
his words ought to appeal to thinking to a greater glory, to a more beautiful
men. He calls us to an open cf)iifesioii paradise than the original Kden, tie u
of God; he calls to reverence, wor- he is great m Love.
hip, prayer; he call u- into active s.-r- There j, great nes in a I! seivi-
iee and a world w ide mission. Where's prompted by love. We ivfer to sic h
the wrong? Where ha he made mi-- -eni,,. of our much used and ahu-ed
tike? Christianity ask- no one to be- word charily.' I wi-h to call oiir ,i'-
lievc what is not true. Truth is her tention C the fact that this woi
I f i EMU
Fashions For
Young Men
Wc have the kind of
Clothing that young
men prefer to buy. It
possesses the snappy
style that marks the
college men's choice
Fabric novelties, unus
ual patterns, splendid
tailoring. In short, "swell
clothes 1
i- much of its origin il ine.ming in
our day. Much work go, ,y the iciuc
of charity, which is not cb.ui' at ml.
When a man pays hi- due, (,i the fee
required for a -eni.e it i- not charity,
but a pine Itti -i n -s iirojio-ition. Charity
to is a scivice rendered in love gratuitous.
appeal to thinking men. Faith is not
accepting something we don't believe.
It. i- accepting what we really do be
lieve. "The gr. at te-t of all things is in
the fiiiit. Surely the influence, the re
sults oi (. hri-tianity commend it
thinking men. Faithful, con-is.ten,., ly and without rcsiiect to peiv.,n. I am
piac'jca Chri-tiaiiity is always uplifting not criticising the woil.. hut the u-e of
and helpful. It guides men in right the word chaiity for such woik.
path-: it comforts men in every time ,f "In washing his ili-ciple,' feet f'ini l
need; it gives hope where- everything gave us an example of that sen ice of
hue, which we owe our fellow nil II
Christians. The cry Hist requisite for
mirh a scnirc i, humility. We have in
a former seiinon -k cm of gieutue in
hurtiility. A humility and service UN
inseperalde, o aie humility and gicul
lies. It is not a sign of true greatness
win ii one man i able to look down up
on unouirr, anu lower anote nun like a
mountain nboe the hill. Hut that man
i great, who though endow ml with
riches, talents or power, is yet one wilh
his fellow men, and right among them
a an inspiration, and a power for good
"No one need to be ashamed of doing
ervice, mid humility i ii"t degradation
but exhaltatioti. Man, you are great,
not ticca ue you accomplish gieat things
for yourself, for your ou glory and
honor, for the aggrandisement of your
own name and fame; but .on are gifat
in the ame measure a ymi are of iral
cr ice to your fellow man, in the rom-
iiiuuitv in which you lite in (he state
and the country of whi'h you aie a
"Cod Almighty loves both the rich
and poor. Angels are 'spirit servair s'
sent out on a iiiiioii of .enne to man.
Aie mi and I then too gcnid to ene a
fellow man, or are we exempt fiom su. a
sei wee. Kery rnoinent cull ii to
s4-i ice. There is soiin thing to do to
day. 'I here is. some one to serve !
liioiiow. I ih, if men were !e-, nclli -'i .
and 1 1 1 . 1 moie of real -ru e to one
another this vmi, of oni-, o Uaiitilnl
othelu-e. w oiihl not he a l.l!i' of te:lw
It'll it would In- nioiv like a .i i .i , i i ,
and our .ojniiiu ln-ie would be moie
ph a-ant. A- it i- one man 1 1 je t i
gam su, ,1., In (he downf II of an
other. In tumping hi- honor in the d.i-i
lobbillg llllll of Ills due.
Two ounros of mUture for each gslloa
of soup. Tut up in lb. and l ib. tins.
Ml 10 and 30 cents: call for ssmpU
I'hon- Main 6A1
823 Commercisl St,
" p. lilies, organization, ye
lountii's tiy to build their nuei-e. an
i it : in.- gieaine-s on uc iiiokiu
of conti'tilpoctu i, . ( hri-l, beual
r.iiigdoin i
our teach. -i I
when he i
en in- here i.e hall !n
( In s
Let. lis learn from him a
and guide, .ei e a. he, :n
Uolie Willi our
to a spirit of antagonism pul! down
that intitiilion. Ami t!,ey .11. . ..! .
It 1 not iieic-viry for us to go mei the
whole plot and relate how the I onf
j lust stalled in to contiol tlmt factory,
j lor it is fie.h iii the in. iiinry of e.err
jdaiinuan ill lainiew. Vet it is well
to eiew the past, for the reason that
I it is the diiiiwnen who ha.c had to pay
t and pay deaily ,,r pulling down on
:!',ot..n to luiild op ano'hi-r, -imp: m
, -.Hl-lv the spleen ol those who io.
ioeted this un-ad-fat. oiy mid uiibiisi.
ne - ,l... ,o!,,y. I),,. Headlighf, ,,.
M"' at the time was to b-t well enough
j alone, but some of (he dainnieti, not
l livaining th., was against their own
luiiiiuial inteie-ts, w,. innocent'y
luins j ,h'lrtl1 'be I'h't to -kin them. Ho
icsiiu ,,i winch cail-ed a want of con
,: l .. .. . i i . . . . . .
not oi this wo II i""'M" ' oisiriist ainoiigst, t lif
men instead ol , per.iiou. The
'ii'iiying motives of the
eh, lied with him in hi. kingdom."
We hare plaoed on sale 300 p air of our $1.25 and $1.50 kid gloves, all
colors and Bhades; while they last at 79c a pair.
The New Summer Shirtwaist Prices
From 65c to $6.25.
The new spring and summer shirt-waists are here in marvelous
A large assortment of lawns, linen, mull, dotted swiss, dimity, and
figured mull, the newest and most attractive styles, prices from 65c to
A Beautiful Line of Jap Silk Waists
at $3.25 to $6.25
It will pay you to examine this line, as we will save you time,
stitches and money, as they are very nicely made, from Bedford cordi
silk, serge and pongee, prices reasonable.
Buster Brown Stockings All This
Week at 15c a Pair.
Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday
Soecial Hems lor Leni!
three tins for 250
Codfish, fancy whole Mel
rotse i2io lb.
Codfish, choice Alaska, bricks
or rolls go lb
Holland Herring 30c doz.
Bloaters, large and fat 45c doz.
Anchovies, spiced 10c lb.
(smoked Salmon, the Royal
Chinook 25c lb.
Mackerel, imported, 3 fish for. 250
Eldredge High-Grade
Sewing Machines
Values from $35.00 to $65.00; our
price, $23.00 to $32.00.
Harden steel balls and bearings;
beautiful designs.
Steel Lined CooH
$7.50 to $10.00.
Values from $9.00 to $15.00.
Gray Granite Stew Pots
15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, etc. Real bargains.
Economy Brooms 25c
Mascot Range; high closet.... $27.50
Reduced from 32.50
Magnet Stove Range 26.00
Where the New Things Make Their Debut-
Tillamook Dairy Men Have Had ThHr
" Creamery " Lesson.
Thi' (l.iirwni n of 'I i Ha mook cimntv
lut vp had 1111 nlijc.-t c.. on tin. ,-,( f(.vv
yeiir-i, whh h sumi- of them will lunjr re
nii'inlicr iiikJ which .honhl innkc them
more fully iilivc to the flmmchil end of
their liii"inc-i, for the "iTejiinery
Iiohm'h" hnve milked the dairy hiiinesH
and Inive milked the dairymen nt th?
Hume" time for the purpose (lf working
a t'lafl. upon the tent pullem. Mo-t
every diiiryinaii in the country will now
nj.'1-eo with iih on that point. Not coil-
tent to let well enough alow, theie
spuing up a spirit of contention amongst
those who wanted to control crciuiifiiv
companies; and bundle, ther products, ho
tlmt they could work a nice "giiift."
This was, to some extent, n detriment lo
the dairymen, for they hud to pay the
fiddler for allowinif the "creamnrv
hostscs" to meddle in their business.
Not willing to permit, competition to
exist between eo-opcnitive und individ
ual factories, the "creamery bosses" con
cocted plans and loaned money to pull
down and cripple, factories which they
could not control, nnd, nt range, to relate,
some of the dairymen stuck to th
"creamery bosses" with as much per
sistency as (lies do to thn binder part
of n cow in tlx; summer time. Now.
wlmt did they get by doing so? Take
for instnnce the Tillamook Dairy Asso
ciation. For years that was a model
industry and the dairymen were doing
well and were satisfied that no one
was making a rake off. Failing in theli-
effort, the "creamery bosses" resortcl I
. 1 r v -
a- all Hill ii'ivv frcelv admit,.
n- to f.'et control and w.rk nt 'Vnift."
I here j,, are Knd to note, a b.-lter
-I. ile of alf.iim today, Uiauxe the hoo-
ilool-s liiu ,. out hoodooed t hciu-.'h e i,
and the daiiymen have about rom ti
the comliision that they lone had
enough of the "ircilllMIV -lock bo-sen"
and intend cutting tin in out in
lutiiie. 1'ill.nnool. Headlight.
Ecjema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch,
Ring Worm, Hcrrx-s, Barbers'
All of tin-Hp diseanes are attended by
intense itching, which is nlmst Instant
ly relieved by applying Chamberlain's
Salve and by its continued no a per
manent euro may be effected. It bns
in fact, cured many cases tlmt had re-si-ted
all other tretment, Price 25o
pep box. For snlo by Frank Hurt and
leading druggists.
Taken as directed, it becomes the
greatest curative agent for the relief
of suffering humanity ever devised.
Rnch is Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by
Frank Hart.
All volers of Clatsop county, irres
pective of parties, aro hereby Invited
nnd requested to meet and participate
in a niiifs meeting to lie held in " Logan
hall " at Astoria, on Roturdny, April 21,
l'.Mlfl, nt 10 a. m for the purpose of
nominating a full county ticket to be
voted for on Monday, June 4, 100(1.
Chairman of the Citizens'
Committee of Astoria, Ore.