II . ""n. -ft 1 bill HI UIIU!fSsS . M a- COVERS THC MORNINQ FIELD ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA; .UBU8HIS CULL A8O0IATI0 PS HiPOHT PRICE FIVE CENTS VOMIMK LX NO. 272 ASTORIA. OUKOON, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1900 11 'isJu WEEK'S EVENTS FORECASTED Senate to Consider State hood Measure. MAY VOTE ON FRIDAY Railroad Rite Bill Is Occupying Attention of the Entire Senate. MOROCCO CONFERENCE FOCUS Funct Doel Not Want to Make Con cmioni oa Bank Quettloni Until Morocco Police Matter li Settled In Some Manner, WASHINGTON", March 4. -The fort ft for the week U follow! i The fcenite. will derote moit, If not all the week to tb consideration of the tteliiMi(l till with a view of rvaeh lnjf a vota which i in accordance with lt week' iigieciiicrit. Possibly Cut tenon may speak on tin- railroad rate (iicli. n today, tut if he dors thin will be the only intei niption in the tnt hoixl till. Ptacticnlly nil in'cr-t cen ter in the I'oruker amendment. Even frieinU of the iiiciimire concede the vol" will he close and the iiiiuienti me con fid, lit of it' il'-lciit. The fuel thnt the railwad till will tint he allowed ! occupy the tloor will not pit-vent activity concerning it. The till in receiving more attention tlmn any other meauic and will r-umiii in tin foreground until finally di-poncd of The till will lie made untiiiixlied hu-i-tieM as soon as the utatehod till i oui of the way. Fur the flrt time during the prei.cn t roneto the House 1 shoit of work. Then- U nothing in Hiht for the pre ent week except the Indian Appropii.i tiou Hill. The Alireelnis conference continue'' the focus of Intel national intercut. Ac cording tl'O motion passed Saturday the policing of the country will he con- aideied. Should im nKreemcnt lie reach d, nn tni'ly solution of the whole prob lem and the adjournment of the confer ence i' looked tor. In view of the recent riots in France, much interest iittiichcH to the eoiiHixtory At the Vatican on Match 101 la for the purpo-e of eon-lderlng the attitude of the French government in tho matter of the H patatioii of chinch and atuto. The rope, it i ta id, will formulate tt protcht ttgaitft the separation and plot ably a aeeret lintruction will be ent the bishops of France, as to their at titude toward the new law. KILLS HIS WIFE. 1HTFAI.0, March 4 -IT. L. Whitbeck, physician and dentist, kiled his wife with a hammer today and then blew ot t bin bruin with a rifle. Wliit beck's mind win affeoted. ENTIRE VILLAGE ENGULFED BY LAKE ISE0 IN ITALY ROME, March 4. The village of Ta vernola, built on perpendicular cliffs, above Lake Iseo, in the province of llresci, was almost entirely destroyed this morning by the rocks suddenly giv ing away, apparently because the lake CLEARING DEBRIS AWAY, M Kill I HAS', March . Before tho army of Helei iniiiid men attacking the Unm ept mid ilclni" utrcwii street, I ho vt amount (if wreckage l giving ttiiv slowly, hut surely, The Sabbath following I'1" lixil'I'OU Hi Dl III WBH II day of funerals. A iiiillinn unil a (Hur ler (!'illdi me now thought to he a eon civiitlc cut iiiuilc uf Him damage. No addition Id the casualty lit liii-e Iteeil made. WOULD PARDON WARE. OMAHA, Ntirch . The friend of ltev. C, (.'. Wniie if l"ud, S, I)., who wan recently convicted of cotinpiraey to do fraud Hit government by mean of fraudulent hmiietcal entrba, will ap peal to I'reaidcnt IUwevelt to remit tho jail portion of the. tentence, Tho appeal, It U aaid, will be made through tho F.piitcopal Dioceie of South Dakota. W'ate'a Kentenoe U a $1000 fine and a year's imprisonment in the county Jail. VERY PLEASANT. I'AltIS, March 4-Kiitj,' F.dward'a visit i aitiactiiiK gieat atletition. The cor- illalitv which tf reeled tlm exchangea 1- twecn the King and President Failliere during hi majeBty'a call waa much re marked. The king remained half an hour, Foter tho provident teturned the call at the HritLh embaaay, where i ktl dicier waa hell tliin evening. Afterward the prculdent, king and l'leinier Itoiivit-r conveiaul for marly nil hour. RISELAND 18 NAMED Appointed Washington State Fish Commissioner After Fkht CRAWFORD MAY BE RETAINED T. R. Kershaw Will Be Permitted To Remain In Office For Ninety Day to Close up Hij Work Rise land Supportets Jubilant. ltl'.I.I.IN(;ilAM, March 4. - (loveruor Meade late Saturday afternoon an nounced hi sided imi of ,?. L. ltiselaud as miciestor to T. 15. Kershaw, state fUli coiinulskioncf. Tho Kcixhavv followers, who have fonj-ht a valiant light, accept defeat gracefully, icnliiug that it is the for tune of war that some must suffer do feat in tbe stiifc for political prefer ence. The liiselaml supporters are jubi lant and are duly celebrating tbeir vic tory tonight. F.arly in the day the governor an nounced to the political workers that tho evidence waa nil in and that it but remained to weigh tho same and pro nounce the word which should close oni! of the warmest, contests over an ap pointive office in the gift of the chiaf executive evei' waged in tho state, ilo wilt thus vouchsafed comparative quiot today, in marked contrast to yesterday, and employed n portion of the morning in visiting Judge Nctcivr of the superior court, and other friends in the court holts. The announcement of his choice was made about the middle of the afternoon and soon spread throughout the city foi' everybody was on the qui vive to leant his decision. To say that it came as a surprise to any one would liurdly he had eaten into the base of the cliffs. The disaster was preceded by a loud Toae w, which enabled the 1000 inhabitants to" escape. One fisherman was killed About 200 feet of rock and the houses on it were swallowed by the lake, the people having narrow escape. EIGHT REP ARE AFLOAT ON ICE IN One Thousand Finnish Fishermen With Families Are Fishing on Ice Which Parted Carrying Them Out to the Open Sea. TWO HUNDRED PERSONS FLOAT ASHORE ON BLOCK OF ICE DISPATCH COMES FROM HELSINGF 0RS TELLING OF DISASTER RE PORT STATES ONE THOUSAND WERE CARRIED OUT INTO BALTIC SEA-NO HOPE REMAINS FOR THE MISSING EIGHT HUNDRED PEOPLE. HF.I.MNr;FOI!S, Match 4. -It is fear ed 800 fishermen with their families who ore tbt on the ice in the Gulf rf Finland are doomed to perish. A fort night ago about 1000 pcraons w-re fish ing off Kastland, when the ice parted and they were driven into the BaltK S a. loiter the ice split and yesterday a block on which Were 200 persons came ashore at Fredcrickahnm. The correct, for althottght both the Kershaw and the Hiselaiid forces have maintain ed an air of confidence as to the out come, the governor appears to have kcp his own counsel so well as to keep thein ull n the anxious neat almost to the hour of the announcement of his clinic t. It is undetvtood that Jack Crawfoid will be retained as superintendent of hatcheries. While not openly stated to be a fact it is altogether believable tint this is one of the conditions attaching to Itisclaud's appointment. ALL IS QUIET. Militia at Springfield, Ohio, Will Leave Today. Sl'lUNfiFlKld), Ohio, March 4. The militia now on duty will return home tomorrow'. The city was quiet all day. The body of the dead luakeman Davis, was taken to Columbus today. Evidence is secured against 300 persons, includ ing many mere boys. The investigation shows the recent mobs were made up almost wholly of young men from six teen to twenty-one years. SCHOFIELD DIES. ST. AUCrSTlNA. Florida, March 4.-I.ieutenant-Gcneriil J. M. Schofleld, re tired, former head of the army, died tonight of cerebral hemorrhage. Schofield's body will be taken to Washington tomorrow for interment. He was 74 yearn old. OPERATORS TO MEET. riTTSRUUO, March V. Anothei) meeting of the independent coal opera tors of the bituminous coal fields will be held here on March 10th, prior to go ing to Indianapolis. FALSE RUMOR. BOISE, March 4. There is a rumor hone tht Jack Simpkins is arrested and it is being added that Simpkins has confessed and sent word to Adams to do likewise. The improbability of such a story and the explicit denial by the authorities, indicating it is without foundation. ERSONS THE GULF OF F1NLANG fate of the others is unknown. Population in Terror. Daring robberies are being committed in Finland and terrorizing the popula tion. They ate attributed mainly to the Letts and Esthoriians, who have fled from tbe Baltic provinces. An alarming feature is the social democrats, who are trong in the Grand Duchy, and ate sympathizing with the revolutionists across the gulf. ANARCHISTS MEET. Denounce the Arrest of Swunenberg Murderers as Unjust. CHICAGO, March 4. At a meeting' today of the industrial workers of the world an organization recently launch ed for the purpose of uniting laboring men and socialists, A. M. Simons, edi tor of the International Socialist Re view was vigorously applauded, when he denounced the authorities for the arrest of the men accused of complicity in tlu Steunenberg murder. "We are growing in strength and Hearing a crisis," he said. "We are strong enough to prevent them hanging those men in Idaho, our lives must be given before we permit them to hang." Another speaker was Oscar Xeebe, one of tho Haymarkit rioters, who has not teen heard in pub lic since his release from the peniten tiary. A $200 subscription was raised to assist in the defense of Moycr, Hay wood and Tettibone. C0UNSELMAN TOWED IN. Breakwater Has a Rough Trip From Coos Bay to Frisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Match 4. The steamer Enterprise arrived here today nine and a half days from Hilo towing the small steamer Charles Cotinselman. The inability of the Cotinselman to car ry sufficient coal to hist through the voyage explains her towing by the En terprise. The steamer Breakwater which arrived here today had a fierce battle with tho waves on her way down tho const from Coos Bay. Captain Johnson states that never in his experience has ho encountered such a terrific gale of wind. At times the velocity was SO mils an hour. FREIGHT CARS PILE UP. SACRAMENTO, March 4. Late to day twelve freight cars of tho west bound freight train left the track be tween Auburn and Colfax and piled up in the ditch. An unknown tramp was killed and another slightly injured. None of the crew were hurt. The cars were badly wrecked and the track blocked. D R0I FAVORITE PASTIME. NOL'TH IlF.Ni), M.ireh 4.- Th aecond burglary within ten d;iy took place hint Sunday morning. Tim Pott a & Dodfc'e mi loon wru broken into and a ca! of whiky and one of champaigne and mom brandy, worth in all $100 or more, were taken. The sheriff Iwau-il the t-tolcn li'iior on Ijoard the if-hooner Kncore, loading liiinber at th Simpnon mill. The mate waa arrested, but the captain gave aecurity for him and he w allowed to go on hi own reoogni,- ance, although the mate claim having no hand in the matter. Home of the xailor Mippohcd to have taken the li quor disappeared. One of the officer watched for them at Raymond la-t night, expecting them to board the Mel-rout- at that place. CAR BARNS BURN. XFAV YORK, March 4.The Forty -second i-trect car barns of the Mctw politan Company were destroyed to night. One life in aid to be lost and several are injured. The damage is StfOOmo. iThe firu was oxceedingly spectacular and at one time the flames leaju'd tevcral hundred feet in the air. TACL0BAN DESTROYED. MANILA. March 4. Tacloban. the capital of the Inland of Lcyte, was de-ttrm-ed by lire. The damage in $600, 000. Government assistance will be sent. Russian I Charged With Taking Government Money Suicides. GAPON SOCIETY INQUIRES With Disappearance of Matushensky, Who Embezzled $: 2,000 Belonging to Workmen, Discovery Made That Was Subsidized. ST. PETERSBURG. March 4. During the meeting of the Father Gapon orga nization today, which is investigating the scandal involving charges of accept ing money from the government, the accused member dramatically committed suicide. With the recent disappearance of Matushensky, assistant of F'ather Ga pon, who is charged with the embezzle ment of $12,000 belonging to the work men's organization, it was discovered that the moderate organization, which Gapon organized was subsidized by the government.. The revalation was made by the president of the PutilorT Pction of the organization, which complained that the $12,000 had not reached the treasury of the moderate patty. When Matushensky was attested it was said he would be taken to St. Petersburg for trial and the proceedings were ex pected to be sensational. REPORT IS UNFOUNDED. ST. PAUL, March 4. Louis W. Hill, vice-president of the Great Northern Railway, when shown the dispatch re lative to the government's decision to chatter the steamers Minnesota and Dakota, declared the statement without foundation. VALDIV0ST0K OF WASHINGTON, March 4.-Russias renewed attempt to establish a perma nent foothold in Northern Manchuria by making Vladivostok a port of entry in stead of Dalny and Port Arthur is de scribed in an official report made public by the state department today. DRAMATIC SUICIDE FRENCH HAVE ADVANTAGE Majority of Powers Op pose German Stand. POLICE QUESTION UP Germans Will Be Compelled to Show Hand on the Police. BANK DISPUTE TO COME NEXT Police Question to be Subject of Dis cussion Pope to Protest Against Separation of Church and State in France. i -ih PARIS, March 4. The decision at Algeciras Saturday to proceed with thu immediate consideration of the police question is a source of great satisfac tion here, chiefly because France hai 1 ranged with her a large majority of the powers, . ; The semi-ofiieiul Temps seems to ac cept the decision as a vote in favor of Fiance's proposals, saying: 'The vote, though referring to a question of proccedure, is valuable to us from more than one standpoint. Not only have Great Britain, the United States, Spain, and Russia adhered 10 our ideas, which was foreseen, but Italy, Belgium, 1'oitug.il and Holland unhes itatingly recognized and lccoiHlcd them selves favorably to our proposition." The Temps Algeciras correspondent, however, points out that the vote refers merely to proceedure, signifying the desire of the conference to attain a result. At the same time the action of the delegates should not be minimized, he says. The result also affects the diplomatic status of the controversy. Germany wants to settle the bank question first. France does not want to make conces sions on the bank question until sure of Germany's attitude on the police. The decision therefore requires Germany to say whether she is prepared to change her attitude on the police. Indications are that if Germany do;a not yield, France will not, thus ac centuating the former deadlock by car rying it into open conference. ALGECIRAS, March 4. One of the delegates having the most vital interest in the conference said tonight that a settlement of the controversy now seeme d possible, but declined to make known along what lines. However, the trend of recent eventi has indicated that if a settlement i reached, it will most likely be because France will make concessions on the bank question and Germany will adopt a less uncompromising attitude concern ittg the police. MADE PORT ENTRY BY RUSSIA The report recently reached Washing ton from one of the department's agents in China. The report expresses the belief that this will redound to the development of American trade and will result in a great curtailment of the importance of Shanghai as a distributive point.