a THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 4, I0oo We Have the New Steel Cut Java and RJoclia Coffee Baker's Barrington Hall See Our Window Display. j.t V -Ak. I Iw -L2) 1 SECRET CONFERENCE Prominent Politicians Meet to Discuss Situation. WILL CONTINUE FOUR DAYS Conference is Held at Residence of J. G. Stokes at Noroton Point, Cona., and is Attended by ..ell Known Politicians, XEW YORK, March 3.-The World today says: A secret political conference was be gun last night at the country residence of J. G. Phelps Stoke, Xoroton Point. Conn. It will last four day. During that time matters of vital intere-t to the welfare of socialism will I dis cursed. Invitations to the conference were sent out from New York about a month ago. The recipients were cautioned to observe secrecy, as it was desired that 11 Your attention is called to our new store, now open and ready for business We Do Expert Painting, Graining Paper Hanging and Frescoing GIVE US A CALL The Eastern Painting Decorating Co. No. 75 8th St. nothing should be known of the gather in. There were alamt a dozen men at the conference last nMit, but more me I on the wav. Anions; those coni-picuou j lust, beside Mr, Stoke, was hi broth- 1 r 111 law, Kobfit Hunter, who has pronounced ideas about civic affair. Mr. Hunter ha been styled a social i-i. but 1ms never ascknovv hedged him self a an out and out follower of so cialism. Mr. Stoke, who is said to have at tended the issuing of the invitation received, beide Mft Hunter, several J other New York men who are said to lie avowed socialists and they took a prominent part in the conference. Who theo men were Mr. Stokes, when inter viewed, refused to say. "1 have a few gentlemen at my house and we are discussing matters of inter est to all voters," he said. "We are tak ing up important public question. That is al I caiv to say." Mr. Stokes begged to I excused when asked if mt of the conferee were not socialists and if the gathering would not discuss some means of organizing the socialist party on a more vigorous lighting basis. He said he was not at liberty to answer any such question "as the gentlemen present would not like it." Mr. Stokes who was the municipal ownership candidate at the last election for president of the board of aldermen, refused to talk about the possibility of a coalition between the municipal own ership party and the socialists in the coming gubernatorial campaign as a re sult of the conference. We are talking of things that inter e-t every citizen and we shall try to keep our deliberations secret," was all he would sav. The real business of the conference, it is said, will begin today upon the ar rival of Joseph Medill Patterson who resigned yesterday as eommi-sioner of public works of Chicago. MARKETING STORY Delicacies Bought From Points That are Vastly Distant. GREAT HOTELS BUY HEAVILY An Early Morning Ttip to the Stalls of the New Yotk Supply Stations Stewards Who Buy Thousands Hollars Wotth Each Pay. XKW YOltK, March :l, VMMl Most vvoinleiful of all the markets in the world arc those of the metropolis. Peo ple who visit N'ew Yoi"k rarely o to see them. That is a great mistake. NV where else i to I seen such a N-wilJ ermg variety, such a complete assort- nient, not only of native products, but hotels that have sprung up in the city within the lnt ten or lift eon years The same euteiprino that ha produced the roof Harden cafe, which done o much to tin 11 New Yoik I mm a dccil spot into an oasi in the summer time, and that has prod need the celebrated dining room-, like the Indian mom and the (UNiiigeiie in the new lintel Atoi. ha ubo to a hllge eten lie 11 Icspolt sibte for the almost pcipctnal presence ill city market of the delicacies that ill (lie idd dav clump-, I li"in season to season. Nowadays, when the b ndency even among the richest and um ccliiie people is more and lucle tow, ml hut hie, theic is hai'lh auv limit to the ic source, at the cumuiutnl ol the s,;iiel I'.wii the very tiihe.t would not think . 1. . . . . 1 - . . 01 mums: at uioir command at Home niuiv man u uncinm 01 me il . iicncic that mi up to date hotel ollcr to it patron, every dav in the ciir. now 1 ne notei nicwaiil iloes in mar 1 . . 1 Keung may oe seen ly accompany lug the steward of the Hotel Astor oil his rounds. That lie boys in Imcc .pianti tie is shown bv the fact that he often pends $HHN jn 14 Mingle trip. He 1 .... , , now 11 iow 11 at s ochicK every lilom ing, and liefoic he has lluished hi dav i,. ..f ,i..i;......;J ,...n...i 1 i..... I hieuk tusk lie has sklniiii.il the market in the tour corners of the world ami of their choeet otTerine,. The hotel steward of the present time I a member of a skilled profession. He must lie 1 man of wide experienif and of judg mcnl that is both quick and sound; and hi power of close calculation mut I lev eloped to the ninth dij-rce. He must j "Billy Buster Shoes" They have a sole that won't wear out, S. A. GIMRE, AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE 543 Bond Street Opp. Ross Higgins & Co SEVERE STORM. Gale Renders San Francisco Harbor Unsafe. SAX FRANCISCO, March .1-A se ere -.'ale which prevailed la-t night and this morniriir did considerable damage ;tiirj the water front. Th river steam er .Tuliett--. yin; at Harri-on street, ivas jo-tlcd by the gale until her heavy line- parted. She drifted around and struck th'; Norwegian -team-r Tellus. The Juliette pounded ngain&t the big iron e--ol, became entangled in the iatter's riiiL'iisL', and at one lime she 1 car fnel to such an extent that she ne.rly turned turtle. The Juliette's upppr woi'ks were canied away, and she s;,nk to the level of her deck. The crew worked until the water put out the engines, A panic on board was averted only by the coolness of the cap tain and men. The Tellus was unin- jur-.l. hiSe attempting to repair a row 1 1 1 on the tran-poit Lavvton as -le- was at tempting to enter the harbor, A. Xaible, a seaman, was swept overboard and diowned. Maiiv fl-hint' boats along the wharves were injured, and two launches drifted avvav and wer- not recovered. fish out of the seven sea. Here are veritable range of moun tains of smoked and fresh killed moats products of nearby pasture and the listant prairies, of the low laud of the south and of the game farm of Fiance. ' ' ' " know when, what and how much to peppers found in Java, turtle Iron) theli,,,.. ,1 , ,, , . ... ' 11 i lty. Above nil. he must know hi trop.cal isles of the t arribbe,,,,, nuta .... . 1 r found knowledge of what the change of season hiinjjn the world mei, and, at me same nine, lie uiii-t keep in clo.e touch with the latest ta-t of the epi cureatis to whom In- hotel cater. II must never inflect obtainiiii thins.' for which the gue-ts uiv especially likely to call, and he must never cither over- tock Ins larder or allow it to run short. fn the case of the Hotel Astor l,e is one of the nhiewde-t mid mo-t cpei ienced of marketers, who knows th- wnvs of the market specialists j well as he knows the taste of the hotel guests. and who, though he tuny spend a small fortune in a few hour, waste not even a nkk'l. He is paid a hand-ome a!arv fop his mastery of the art of marketing, for hi knowledge of the in ami mils of the woinleiful Xew Vol k imuket ami for his ability to maintain tlfe high reputation of hi hotel among con imissetii , In the com -e of a f.-w hours t hi- steward may choo.e .md buy ..'"l worth of irmt and v eej.ilde-, baitidl upon baind and crate upon ci.ite, nil to atTord the gue-ts of tin- hotel a abunilame and v.niety of ij ( . i,eh as in th - day of y oj . nnv not found even on loyal tabli lie -pen. Is 4, 1.. ,nt S.'itHI ;i day iit the ii-h in.iiket oidei 1 !!.', say, 20.IMMI ,,v-teM, lotto pound- of hdi-ter, and crabs by the hundred, 'line .1 month or two at Uc -e iiMiki-i, TALES OF HORROR TOLD BY REFUGEES Two Thousand Jews Who Fled From Russia Arrive in United States. XKU" Y011K, March 3. Stories of e-cape from the Kussian frontier and of mas-acres alleged to have been com mitted in the Moscow cellars is the re cent outbreak were told here today by Ku-ian refug es. These stories came from s, ne of the 2000 Russian Jews who arrived here yesterday on the steamer Pennsylvania from Hamburg, and who parsed the immigration inspec tion today. Rebecca Isaacs, 15 years old, one of the refugees from Moscow, says that -he was the la-t of a family of 12, and that her father, mother, brothers and sisters were killed by soldiers. She said ! for two days she was hidden in a dark coiner of the cellar in her home when soldiers entered at intervals. The other members of the family, she said, were found and killed, some of them so near her that she heard their unavailing cries for mercy. She now is on her way to cht Virvinia. gnuiereu in me uneni, aiau greens raised in California, leek garmied in the metropolitan annex known as long land, lemon plucked in Sicilian grove, l'lorada pineapples, grapefruit just in from Jamaica, clusters of prime grapes nourished in the hothouses of Kngland ami llelgium, Myinn from greenhouses near Host on and artichokes from the plantations of Algerian Moi. Over there sea food is bought and sold by the ton whitefih, blueflsh, moonfish, rod snappers, halibut, smell haddock; in short every edible inhabi tant of the ocean and river, brook and lake. There are rattling heap of live crabs and lobster, near tanks where imported eole are swimming about; while monster green turtles, weighing from 100 to four hundred pound each, snort and groan as if they knew that within the next twenty four hour some of them would le in the soup. This natural history exposition as it might be called - this mo-t remarkable of the world" markets , typical of the changes that have come over the metropolis in the !at ten or fifteen v caps. In former days people wa re ion tent for the mot part to t ike things as they came along, season by sea -on; but nowadav there - no waiting for seasons. The big hotel and the fash ionable restauiants that accomodate not only New Yorkers but the throngs of visitor- always -urii-.g up and down the city have cic,,ted a. eon-tant demand for iiliim-t eveiy known article of food; and abundant supply. It U 1,0 exag geration to say that nearly every dish known to the civilied uci'd is nerved on Xew Yoik table-. The ie-u!t is that the markets of Xew York are a minia ture reprc-ciitation of uil the markets 1 ,.1 1 1,,. ,, ,,,1,1 Hanlly anything N "out of -eason" in the imtropolis. Milk fed "-piing'' lamb ate supplied to the i-w Hotel A-tor in mid winter from hothouses in Xew Jer-ey. In 1 he days v. hen the apple crop- ol tic ea-t v civ -iiim-icnt for !oal needs, the le-t apples were grown in orchards in iu-'hii Xew York; but, today, as the rt-u!t of an increas ing demand, th" apple supply is u im ported from orehaids scattered up and down the whole leng'h of the conti nent, and of all the apple, thus collect ed those from Oregon ;,ie the be-t. It is the same with celery. Years ago Xew York celery was famous for its in comparable flavor and civpne--. Xow, however the best spciminr-s of this vegetable come from f'alitomia. Urg ent demands opened n-w fields and awarded new prizes. So it is with orange-. Formerly those from California and Florida were the favorites in the Xew Yoi'k market. Today the most lu-ojous -arnples of this finit old here come from the irrigated lands reclaim ed from the de-crt territory of Arizona. Popular demand, too, has been respon sible for the production of native pineapples, grown in Florida, and native figs, the product of rich Texas fields. There is an interesting little story behind the fact that gradually the American table is being supplied by the native products; that not only every necessity but al-o every delicacy is gradually becoming indigenous; and that whereas once when a thing was out of season it was out of the market, today, particularly in Xew York, where tastes are so cosmopolitan and purses aro so fat, practically everything is in season all the year round. Largely re sponsible for this remarkable transfor- I mation of development are the great j he buys a load of turtle an admit wagon load, 1'J0 op l.iOO pound of them and nothinsj hut the choicest, Thesn ate kept at the hotel until want ed, Then come 4 visit to 'ilhlifton maiket, the icnlte of the voih of rib mid loin, where, liter ei'ctinsj hi "tip ply of turkey 1 ut plica-emU, squab ami quail, Ulolise md .-ee"C, the Atoi ex pel I take his . hoi e ol such mrilje n lioucn duck and !ocie chickens special iiil'i-n r.u lioni oer the ,en in tended to M(y the appetite of llioe who, hud they lived in the .lav- of an cieut Koine, w odd hav- looked ill vain lop these tllil.j; cvcpl pel Imps III the hoii-e ol l.uciilhic I'heie i one t'oig in conttcrljon wile Ihe maiket (' ! h,. oidumiy visitoi will be likely to mi, nn, t it.-tt is i he "Astor box," wln-h I. in otic of the hi,' beef stole. J,, i),,, ,x J.VHI pound o' heef aie kept ill (tie time nt a certain temperature, lie meat i loiod when fic-hly killed ai ( thde in the box il e imiin until it i tendetiies il,ll. l i lemoveil fltltl pound, at n time to the hotel ivfrijjemior. there to be cm up a omiioit ilcuitrid to fuini-h savmv dilie that will I,. eied in cut,., yijl! iih'iii or dining rooiti. Add to t Ih-smi tteni a hundred dollar' vvoith of hams jud other smoked meat, th ;HK dor.en of eifir teciuiied eveiv lay at the hotel, the 800 quart of milk and '.'00 qusrts of cream, tlio tHM) Mund of eufiVtt and iM) pounds of t4 Ismghl inn a mouth, not to mention pices and condiments of U descri.i tion. ami the with whhh th A tor trard p"ivU a thiunnd dollar in a morning 1 appaient, Whoever would ee the nmket t Now York at their best, when the lock is full ant fteh, hmill ai-conip. any ome one, like tin well known steward, who go.-, hi, round, b-fcts the big city has fuhbel the ! ceo out of t eye and Ix-fol the ile.iill i olf the1 o; for by the lime the cidk,! .11 rum! ii make it purchase, theie u tiotiiiiq,' III "lif lit in tie liliiiket but the I e;H illg,'' One Piano Number With Every Flv. Dollar Salt, c ll ljrtd penjam in 5 MA(vtnSNtWylK Your stomach churns and 'iige-ts th. food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of order, your ho! ytem suf fers froma blood poison. Hollbtor' Rwky Mountain Tea keep, vou wU 33 cents. Ti or Tablet. Sold h Frank Hart. Better Grade 56c Better &e Trade Herman.Wise Astoria's Sellable ClothUr. r THE PEOPLE ALL tj Chortu Newbre-'s tried. (At V llrrplrltlr. This word of late has been In every one's mouth, and many are wondering what the word slgninea, thmiKh no one has yet been found, who will il.-ny that NKWimO'8 HKRf'ICIDK does the wor. Well, for the Information of thousands of people who like to knowll about n gmu lhinif, we would Bay that IIERPK'IDB means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes,1 Now "Herpes" B the family name of a disease caused by various vepetatilo par a-slles. A similar microbe cause dan (irurr. Itching scalp, and falllni? hair; this Is the microbe that NKWimO'8 IIKHPI CirK promptly destroys; after which the hair jrrows. Bold by leading drupglsts. fiend 10c, in stamps for sample to Tin Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. l-'ngle Drug Store, 35I-3.r3 Pond St., Owl Drug Store, 54!) Com. St., T. F. Laurin. Prop. "Special Agent." ASTORIA COMMISSION and AUCTION CO. 305 Commercial Street AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY at a p. m. PEIVATE SALES during the week Ask U for Price 305 Commercial Street Latest Ponular Hits DIRECT FROiM THE EAST I'very mouth we r ceive the latest popuUp vocal and instrumen tal hit diie.-t from the great Fustern publishers. We receive fiom 20 to ,V) of these new pie. e, each month and it will pay you to drop in at 1 a-t once a month and look them over. We keep them eparaU from our large general stock of music and it need take but a few minutes of your time. Keep an eye on the show window also. J. N. GRIFFIN Weinhard's LasBcere, First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. l.STAItUSI!i:i IHH(. Capital and Surplus $100,000 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred-Trucks and Fur mture, Wagons Pianos Moved, Buxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street phone Main 121 J. Q. A. B0W1BY, President. 0. I. PETERSON, Vice-President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashiir. Astoria Savings Bank Capital p,ud In 100,000. Surplus and CmdMded Profits IM 000 Transacts a General Bank.ng Business. Interest Paid ouiZ Deposits, 'i8 Tenth 8tret, ASTORIA, OREGON.