SUNDAY, MARCH 4. 19. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. 6 OUR FASHION LETTEK Parisian Day Hats Are ol Satin and Black Taffeta. SMART DEMLSfiASON CMAPEAU Tquc of Gold Cw-Sps Stoxe1 Will to of Moderate Sue P Ml- ! teat Flouncing Blue and I Buff .n Combine? ion. j The latent Liit from Pan tor Qa Wear lire of taffeta and satin. The Siitlll i MrrMlfil plain our the slini'. but the taffeta model are ahlr led, plaited Mini famifuliy treated. Fume of the sauciest J it 1 1- bar-a art made up la flu-"' material, liut the Kudu uiu are jut u tntlc mure dressy than tlir ilk hut. Smart evening hat are mailt of Out fold tulle, io be worn with continue. in which gold trimming play a prom) brut part, or they may be dowoil wlQ. t-viually good ifTett with a sown Inno cent of these adornment. Possibly tttf prettiest demleaou hat being displayed Just now ere Id a harmony of two shade In one color, 01 two well contrasted color are tincd. TofUi entirely of cold galloon, with beavy told nuLroidery around the up CLOTH COSTCMR turned hrlni. are favorites for eveulns. White ONtileh pliime.- coiitinue to lie much worn on lint m, while sold braid rolled around u Mnall crown and tied lu 11 little bow- nnd end-i sulllees for the top trluiinlmr "f inuny huts. j The costume pictured is of beige j cloth trimmed with stitched bunds of 1 the same. Straps of the material fa- tened w ith cloth buttons ornament the j Jacket mid the front skirt panel. The; hat la of tan straw trimmed with rpilll lugs of brown silk. SARTORIAL FRIBBLES. It Is not considered smait for the top fullness of the sleeve to incline toward the front or toward the buck. It should be 0 tacked to the sleeve liniliK that it fulls directly down the center of thu arm. The KprinK sleeves will be of moder ate fdze, und radical changes in shape Hid style are not looked for. Petticoat lloiinclugs are to be pro cured of sill., lace, chiffon or lawn, nil ready for adjusting to any plain foun dation. These me supplied with but tons so that they may I asily varied at will, one silk foundation can by this means he Induced to m-i w many ends. From an economical point of view it pays to gd a dress of voiic or similar fabric to tide ou r the Inter dlate seu- noli. It will be found iim ful, too, for tal ly spring slreet wear, Coat and skirt suits lu shades tif cloth sinh as crushed ruspberry, l'KAt! PK CVONE WAIST. tuauve. I'arma violet lettuce irreen and I nineSe' tiiin- are to tw nign in favor. Thec suit are severely tailored and usually nun!' with brt senilflttinil j.iikit trimmed with braid military f-i-iliion find row of small bullet hut t . ,i,s. I Li' skirts lire circular, with a i ..iim d 11 the front mimI the fullnHi , lit i'i" w.iKI put into tiny tuck, fh ' I.,,;,. -k:r! 1 :'.'! plain r trimmed wtil: h ' ruffle i il.t Indie. deep ; tl'..'" .1 t.."''.i l h ) Waist pictured I of peiltl lie tgui' '.Ik. A yoke ininniiiiv: U foni.i'd .i!i i.:' f t"p und l'"il"in v, ,!f. I.:.. . t...tid of the i.,k 'lh:i yoke i 1 ; lord III front iitid tiipillu'd Willi l.illt.ian. 'il.e tit t- en h.ive biluiiuf , l-aud. COLORS AND FABRICS. j IU.ii k jpiw n al e 1 .ininw' In .ill for 1 ktrret wear, and s.nsio most nttruethi j ones are U'iiiu made up at tin' present I '11 11 1 .. 1 .1 .1 ..i. ! 11:01111111. 1 lit-) me 1111 111 eiiiii iiinl hrik'hteiie.I l.y 11 color In the trim- I inliik'. No well ilrened rrenrhwomun roiiidern her wnrdroi)4i complete with out at h'tiMt one frock of nil hluek, and with the lingerie blouse the hlai k cos tume Is n-rtainly cry ehiirnilnif. Chinese Idue liberty hroadchilh trim-1 Uied with coittiiM'iitul huff whiiu BLACK C1III' HAT. really a chamois color Is the smart combination for sprhiK- Worn with a chuiiiols toned 'oiitiucntal hat adorned with a bow of blue velvet lu frout, alip ped through a long gold buckle and further gnpplemeiitcd with a bunch of blue tip at one aide, the costume la atunnlng. Millinery liecomeH le eccentric the aeanoii advance. Consplcuom ahape and trimming are much modi tied lu the latest mislels. Large hat will not be m prominent, the becoming vuuill tixpie In a number of ItiHtuuce replacing picture effects. I'euthiTs are to be used galore. New lingerie shirt walstM ahow frill und ruffle w ith bolero Jacket effect In one aih allied model two wide embroid ered ruffles g j from the waist over the houlders, giving u broad effect-most desirable for a thlu person. Another model that Is particularly pretty ha 1111 Klon Jacket, the line being defined Just above the belt line by a frill of lace two Inches wide that is carried up the fronts to the shoulders. The hat in the picture Is of black chip. Around the crown of silk Is a band of jet heads. The brim rolls over, envelope fashion, in the back, where It Is trimmed with a bunch of black os trich feathers. TASTEFUL GARMENTS. A Jaunty little coat has arrived for spring wear the pony Jacket. This smart affair Is of the sack type and reaches a little below the wulHt line. It has a short waisted effect that make It a cross between the empire and box coat. The pony coat Is to be curried out next auuimer In linen nnd when per fectly cut is stunning. Tuo beat model FlilvM II MliHTUItras. lu the navy or army man's coat. Make a Htudy of the peculiar short wain ted effect in the back of this hero's Jacket, vnd you will be In the "know." Henrietta doth Is to be extensively used for costumes in which draped ef fects are In evidence. This cloth may be obtained In n variety of charming shades, and attractive ufteruoou and evening gowns are worked up with the aid of lace and ribbon. Directly In contrast with the short waisted bb les are tiie long coaU fitting io. rule, atitl revealing aevrre itmn. Individuality l tln slog !it i'f tli- well lree.l 0111:111. mill in tlm effiut for .leritniiui tn'iming "if i-uT goes t" extreme lhe nightdress 111 the Hit U k model of tin' newit I'riMH ii ide (. It l ear vi, .d oui in the tlm i- ' ' !.;,T' ) 1. v.'t I n prctiv i'i 1-4 of up ,!!,,,:,. w Mrk. tin' router urn iiuci.tatloll '.cng :l l. 'n'.iMl in l.o-c ' " h 'I I"' tl rf, t!..lf.i; -let'VlM !!! I' 'Mi:.. I ill .'. Mid llf 1' UUl-'t 1- 1. ill UlM ,ns.'t point. Jl't'li' ' liol. I UT. HE HATES NOTORIETY . , , , j Osier Asserts Me Never Advocated 'Osier Theory". I IS TRAVELING INCOGNITO Wherever Osier Goe He Travel Under An Assumed Name to Escape Be ing Interviewed Concerning His "Chloroform" Theory. NF.W YuKK, March 3. I. tluule luieii, prmidiiit John. Hopkins I'liiwrMty, peukin,' li"t night at Uie lUiniml dinner of the New Ymk alumni of that institution had tlii to say of Dr. (Vdcr und his "tlieoi v": """In the li'iil department we suf fered a gr at lois uli. ii Or. O-lui ie signed to take that position in I'ligliiiiil, which In- ought never to lisive accepted, lie viititcd u nvently and roini-ed to come hiu k next Sept. mher. 'The inline of Oder niiggr-M an inci dent in connection with tiie num. T" uler hue been attributed leimiik which he never uttered. What i known us 'Oler'n theory' U no theory at all. There never" wa such an absurdity. I'rofesaor Osier u a very sensitive man and the notoriety lie has gained un wittingly is very painful to li!m. Tfe went some time ago to Atlantic City for 11 rest which he so much needed, he was obliged to travel incognito, and at the hotel where he Htuyed he did not nign as William Osier but u-ed some other name. Again when he went to Fnglaiid he went under nno'l'T n:me to avoid questions as to his 'theory'," PROTESTS AGAINST JUDGES. 1 .is .;i-:i.i:s, Mmh v.. 1:. Thollia, the IlufT.llo, N". V., -.illtoiiiohih-nianiif.icl iir.-r, who i- ;it pr--eut in illi cit v, lut night wired the Automobile As-ociutioll at Clnin.i protesting against, the appointment of any agents or meiiil.ei, of ,i!'. manufactur ing linns i,n 1 :ie in-ill'.' board, whim will judge the in-t V iiab'rhilt . up rac The iiipointni. nts air be made in Chicago. Mr. Th'una- i- enn-'nieting lluec racing machine, whi'li In- will en ter in the Vanderhilt race. INDICTMENT AGAINST THREE NEWSPAPERS ST. I'At l., Minn, Mar. h .1, The Ibun-cv couiily griiiid jury hai ictinned bills of iudir-t ment against the Dispatch, the Daily News inn! tin- Pioneer Pre-s, chargdiig a violation of the Imv prohibit ing the pilblicition ill HcW-pHpCM of inui" than n bare annoiini einent that a legal execution ha- taken ,);iee. The iiidict.nir.nts grew out of tn- hanging of William William", who was executed in St. Paul, I'ebruaiv b'Ph. Tie law is ten years old, but it's enfoi . "nn nt. has Hot been attempted hilheilo. The Morning Anloiian, fi,"e a month. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 3191 Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera bouse. HOTEL PORTLAND Fintst HoUl in the Northwott PORTLAND, ORE. LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry Th only whit labor laundry In th city. Does the best work at reasonable price and Is in every vay worthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE 8ts., Phone 1901. Oil 0 HELP WANTED. WAN H I) MASACI R Kdl I I'.ANCll oiVu'o we wis!i to locale hne 111 A toiiii; aldien wiLii leli'Mim. T!ie Morris Wholesale House, ( in.imiatl, (di in. 3 it) MAM' II KM' WANT FO -Men nnd wo nu n to learn ali hmiiking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optim; y term" ; position guaranteed; im my made learning. Watchmaking Fngr.iving School, U'.'lJ Fourth avenue, Seattle. W A NT F.D - ( I KN Fit A I. AC F.NT TO represent 11 in thi locality; man with oinu ability; we offer the bent plan to buy orange grove in Southern California on 11111111 monthly payment; permanent position with liberal pay to gissl men who ran produce buine; write today. California Fruit Growers' Association of I.O Angeles, 2H H. W. Hellinan Hhlg., I.o Angeh, Cal. cl STUM INSIT.CTtdtS WANTED -10 men, not over 'JO, to prepare for position, paying $75 to $1J.' per month; previous enpeiienre not n ci-ary; ex amination May Hth; wiite at once, K. 0. Heymen, 214 15 Columbia Build ing, Portland, Oregon. 3 l lwk WANTED -A YOI NC. MAN", WHO IS not afraid of work; gsl jluiy. Apply "'.," care Atorian. WANTEU-Oirl for general housework; sum II family. Enqui e at Atorian ullUe. WANTIID A liOOI) COMPETENT girl for coiking and general house work; must be good cook. Apply "K", Astorlan office. 2 JO t.f. FOR SALE. THE SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGIXK, gasoline, for fish boat; any speed; best made; right price; in stock; on exhibition; running in salesroom ; also FairbanksMore Stationary C.aolin Engines. Fairbanks, More A Co., First and Staik streets. Poitland, Ore. 3 Mm I'MR SAI.K.- COIINKR LOT 504 100, 8 room house, beautifully ornamental Sycamore i-tic t shade ties, 100 feel cement cidewalk and park place, lot terraced, two cement tit. p-, both streets recently improved, grand view, (tie of the finest central location in the city Must sell quick. Fnquii 'J"7 Nitieth -t:eet. ron 8ALl-HI'Xi iND-HAND 7 COU- j umn newspaper outfit; complete ex : ept pr-; cheap. Imiulre at tfols of flee. SIX'OND HAND DONKEY ENTilNES for sale, suitable for logging and hoisting purK)ses. For description and price apply to J?. D. Kuettner, Astoria, Oregon. HORSES FOR HIRE. OOOD SADDLE HOUSE FOB HIRE BY hour or day. Apply at Astorlan office. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR KENT 'THREE FlRN'ISIIE!) lioueke piny rooms. Apply 1J1 Sixth street. 2 27-11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY RE8TAURANT8. FIKST-Cr.ArSS M 10 A L for l.ric; nico cake, ctifrco, pie, or (louglinuts, 5c, at U. S. JLfstuur ant. 434 Uoml St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. Yon can always find tiie best 15-cent meal in the city at the RUing Sun UcHtuurant. 012 flommercialSt. Portland Restaurant 278 Aator St. Good Clean Meals. Excellent Service. Meals From 15 Cents to 50 Cents. BROKERAGE. C. J. TUIONCIIARD Real Estate, Inauranoe, Commissior and 8hlpping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offloe 133 Ninth 8tret, Next to Juetlo Offioe. ASTORIA, OREGON. Situations W.intcd Advertisements Twice Without Charge. PHtHfcSSIONAl CARDS. PHYSICIANS. jay 'rum.; m. i). niYSIClAK ANt M'HOKON Aetlii AwNliiul suihihiii t'.S, Marine lli.IUI sut vU-. ifflflu hour: 10 to 19 a. in. 1 ( 4:11 p 01 4i7 Commercial Hlrtet. Ind FliMir. DR. J. P. GO RAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT S03 Ortgonian Building. PORTLAND OREGON OSTEOPATH 18TB. DR. RH0DA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Office Manattk. Mid. Phone lllack !0& (71 Commercial St.. Aatori. or. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. HALL, DKNTIST. 1J4 t'ominercial Ht Astoria Mreoon. Dk. VAIXJHAN, Dkxtist P)tbin Huildiiig, Astoria. Oreipm. Dr. W. 0. I.OCAN DEN TIH'I J7H Commercial St., Hhanahan Building BTUSIC TEACHER. WANTED THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Astoriin oftli-e. MANDOLIN LFiONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewsrt. 127 Seventh idreet LEGAL ADVERTISEMEMTS. To All Concerned. Notice I hereby given to all concerned that the Morning Atoiifln will, from thl date, ti th .'list day of December, limil, do and per form the public ptinting for and in b.half of the City f A-toria, of what soever nature. OI. A F ANDERSON, Au ditor and Police .bilge of siid city. ld.t.3 tl ASSESSMENT N0TICL Noti.e is hereby glv-n that, the -enieiit made for the improvement nt llaiiison avenue trim th- west line of Thiftietll tet to point ten fe-t ivc-t, of tu nter ;ii.e of Thiity tlniii street, ns per uss.'-nneiit toll number I P. 1, was mad' by aa older of tiie cum- IIIOI1 enlincil dle 111 I p.lVabll' Oil til" .'til day of March, 11MM), by ordinance num ber .'l-'l continuing slid nieiineiit roll, that the following are the name of tiie person against whom the ases ment is made, and the amount owing by each tovvit: Pinion, K. I! 110.10 linker, M. A 54 linker, (J. 1 4-54 linker, Katharine 4.54 liak. r, I.ela 54 lioyd, Mary A Edvviud John F 33.50 A wards, Ed 4:,0 Frederiekson, Alexander 41.20 lluminond Lumber Co 1D.2H lledrick, Mrs. Megler 2---H IveiHon, Carrie 4S.20 .lager, Ncls 3.40 Jackson, Jacob J lfMl-" ,loliuon, Pctr 52.75 Johnson, Pete 3.40 Laity, Char-leg 1.2I) Lystad, Peter 4-S.20 Morris, Wistor R 241.37 OlHen, Peter M 45.00 Swiinsen, P. E 17.13 City of Astoria (excess) 00.72 By order of the common council. 01.01' ANDERSON', Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. 3 0 " NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the Com mittee on Streets and Public Ways, the Superintendent of Streets and City Surveyor have filed a certificate of completion of the improvement of Ex change street, fnun the center lino of Tvventy-fiihl, strict to the center line of sheet, by Jiirch & Jacob son, tho contractors, in accordance with flencriil Ordinance number 318!) and the contract tlierelor. That unlcwj objec tions are filed against tho same, the nine will be accepts by Ordinance at the m .xt regular meeting of the Com mon Council. O. ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated March , 100(1. 3-3 Inserted LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that the a- xni'iii iiuide for the improvement of I icdiih sinel fnnu the touth line of I. r.ind incline to the south line of LX iiijti.ii avenue, a per armetit loll iiuoilr lis, vvn made by an order of Mm common council du and payable oil the Mil day of March, by ordi nance number .TJIU, confirming ald a ...siiieiit mil, that the following ate 1 he mine, of the person gnint whom the itMniiH'iit U made ami the amount ow ing by rich to w it 1 Polling. V f4dflj Ibvik. r. Oipha 32 JH Itci nard, JoTph 7 Peck. Pauline 717 Hal er, Katlisriim I 44 linker, M 144 Piker, (i. I I 44 lloyd. Maiy A 144 II. cker, A. 215 3 Ciey, Ella M 71,73 I hnton, June. R l7't Carney, F. J I-"1 Dealey, Mury F 3 35 Dea'ey. Richard 43 M Dalgity, A. 1! I ! Davi, J. C I0.7d Dav, Liny E 10"d Dean, Maiia 10.7(1 Fulton, Ala M.I3 Fulton, Maud K 6M.I2 I Uv.1, (',.0. C ltwi.71 Havel, Mary C W 43 1-hivel, Nell'i 27 4 I l.i v el, Katie 2T4 Fin!ayon, Ma'giel 07 5'' Fox, John .'" F.., A. I 8 07 Foaid. Ed 32.21 IVrgimon, Almyrs K H- Fisher, Christina 1033 fJearhart, Cele.tia A 11823 Gregory, W. VI, 32 2s Hlggln's, J. V. 71.73 Halm, John 32 24 Hawthorn. MoiittPliou 61 23 llammuiid Lumler Co 744 Johnon, Ireue C 2.3f Johnson, Mary Alma 8J Johnson, Charles 2 39 Jeifirs John II 32 21 .lohnon, George 40 62 Logan, W, C 32 2 Krotiqui.t Mitt 7 17 Moberg, Prt.y 1070 Monteith, Inui II 32 2H Miller, Ma (Inker 1 43 M.-Ayeil, Alex 12. '.0 Nelson, Lnuiji 1 03 Olson, Win 25 II Pulmberg, Fmil 21.52 Parker, C. J 10 70 Pinker, II. II 7 41 Rii-.dl, John W 3372 Ru., Joseph 35.72 Rowland, Hiirr 1 6.31 Itappley.a, Addie E 10.0 nadclitr... Alice J 1070 Itobh, Cordelia 2 41 Scheriiiickan, A 71.73 Stone, Will K 2152 Spedden, Mary C 7.17 Sloop, R. J 2152 Smith, Jennie 7.17 Wright, Margaret J 35.72 Willis, Lydi M 6.38 Ward, Anna M 12.53 Wilson, Oscar F 4 00 I!y ordr of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. 3 8 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Com mit I 111 Streets nnd Public Ways, the Siipciiiitenilent of Streets and the City Surveyor have filed a certificate of com pletion of the improvement of Harrison avenue, from the We-t line of Thirty eth street io a point, ton feet we-t. of the center line of Thirty thiid street, by W. A. Ooodin the contractor lu ac cordance with General Ordinance Niim-Imu- .'1177 and the conduct therefor; that unless objections are filed against the same, the snme will ho accepted by Or dinance at the next regular meeting of the common council. 01,01' ANDERSON' Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated, March 2nd, lOOfl. 3.4 Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St. The lending amusement house. P. A. PETERSON, Prop Parker House Bar Cor. Ninth and Astor St. Agency for Edison Phonograph and Gold Moulded Records. ft 1 5 1 1. 1 ! 1 I