The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 04, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 190O.
For The Lenten Season
We have received 1 special line of fumy mill mid smoked fish, Wo ask
Jim lo call mid ici) our stock. Our llhmler, Muckcivl, arid Iiripoi !(!
Jlhmter llcnlng, are wmthy of special mention, it ml are the bct In the
All our good Arc of np-il(ir (juslity,
Passes Kaamination.-Cluiilc II.
Jiihtioii, nccoml male mi tin steamer
Senator turn been llcci".ful III pnlllg
llin examination hefoie till' board of In-
pctoi nl Kan Fiaml-ci, unil him I' fit
awarded Flil miner' I'umi .
Receives Wheels. -V carload of
wln-el uii'l a vie. tti-ii- iiMi jni ycsti-r-dy
by llic iVllnti fi Armstrong lag
ging Company nf ( n t hi a nil-1 , which will
b llr. in the equipment of the com
pany' logging road.
Leave Astoria. Mr. iiml Mr. E. F.
Thayer l(t night lor Tiieoma and
other Washington point Mr Thayi-r
tin been employed in tin. i-ily a book-
keejtcr for the Natlboi II Cutting Com
pany' cnuneiy, mill I'ltW'H Antolia to
r'ltnK' 1" liuiii ill Falem Wash
ington. Improvement Club Active. Through
tlm efToit of tin- Shiu-lv impiowini'iit
club it i likely Unit llir pi act ice of
many loie in tin- ill) of crowding
til.- sidrwalk with di-phiy of their
good, will he bolihr.. 'riii matter
lio. been energetically taken ii mill
will no iluuM 1 tn-of til i-vrrnl
lucrvhatit have . i i fl-1 their n'iol
Of tllli III11V" llictlt.
Obtain Reduction. Through tin- ef
fort of the Alri Hctail Grocer ..
mint Ion there ha ln a ifilin-tioii in
fright mtm nmtli ly tin- triiiHmrtif
tlon nitinmnir lton llil city mi-l
I'ortlAml. Th ruliii'tion jpli-
jn-llly to lirvy and bulky mtirlf in
rnr l"ii. loin. 'Ilif 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 iti 1 1 1 1 1 fni 11 i-m
loud i liki'wlr ri-'ltl' I'll. A lillinli. I of
(Im uli-iiiu -tiKiiu-m iijifrnt iiij; lntMi-i-n
litre mill Sn Frnni-i"o lnnf innili' n
limtfiial limi in tln'ir fu-iyli'
In Anions. itir iiii ;ili't'iii-f of tin
uti l n' l spf i' I'liim ih 11 ii'-iil'-nt
of Knapi'ii'ii. la- miiuil in -tniia.
Mr. S if. 1 iui..i-. (tut of Si'.itilf mi n
o.ili-i' m hiiMhi i' lii'!i ".i" ruplilMl
In Hi.- l; mil limii i't !ii'f I'll
UA..C.1 iii .oi liitiK iiloiiy Ui'- Sil'fiiii"
nmNt. W1M1 olln-r iniiiil'i'id of tin-i-rew
Spii r wiii oiiipi'llt"! tn "piao
tiini' in 11 iii-on In Sil'fiiii. W'iifii
li-li-ilK-il In' niiiii" t" I u J m n .t ml tlii'iirc
t() tllin ll II 1 1 V.
Make All Prepaiations 'Hn'"' will !'
n jolly nlTiiir on tlie tupi- n -xt Satimlny
cvi-nliif,', wlirii nl ! nVlni-k, tlie Nor
wriiili SiiiKitiK Soi-ii-ty clurt on it h
fjiuiul rM'iniion to Cliinook on Hif
MiMtmr I!. MilN-r. A -pli-niliil concert
will oiv.-ii liy die niiifty, wliich in
lti-lf i" wiirmnt- for tlmionli onjoy
iiinnt. Hnliiiiliiy pM'tiinv. Mh'cIi ItMli.
from tlio I.nilinc dmk.
In Many Varieties
We have a large Btock of can
ned fish of the best known brands
Send U8 your orders you will
be pleased with your purchase.
118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore,
Dealers in Lands. I o deed wete
llhd for rc'-iml yolerduy in the, office
of the couiily rb-lk, n f ollvi : J, Non I
tii-iirliiiil, Edgar ti'itrhiirt, J'lillli
(Ifitilii-iiit mill Eth-r Gi-arhart, to Elie
liable Jh'vliii, iiiil clim title, niiiiil
einllnii !?.', conveying lot No. 7, l'l'"k
No. 117, ill M'-Clure' .World, Tin- nine
piirtic .to E. '.. Fcipion, iiit claim
lit p, coin.iJcrution '.". conveying lot No.
3, in blink No. IIH, M" 'lure's Ailoiiit.
Important Sfitfon. 11m iiiwtinif of
tin Antorla CIiiiiiiIht of Coiiiiumw to
morrow nil-lit t i' Hrnd-tr.-et rooiii",
urp to If Important i-nouli to war
unit tin- tttti-ii'lancf of nil IniKincKii men
who t-ttti p t out lo it. I'rlii'iit Moriif
ll no (IoiiM nutnf coiiiiiiiltt'i-ii for
t hp comiiiy yi-nr mid it i fKni'iitiiil
tlmt tho... hilli-tfil for fpociiil work
nhoilhl ho tlifrc to tnkr up the work n-itiii-'l
them, mid hold it licutt to lu-iirt
tnlk 011 t hft way to opn up emu
pni,'it for thf good of Antoria and riat
op coutity.
A Mild Epidemic. - '1 h.i Antoiln har i
mi.m'i.i.1 with a iuii'1 rpid ic for
rlmtijriiik' mid i-iiiIm lli-l,iiifc their prof--nioniil
ln'ad'piurtfi, mid while !ht mill
dy U afttci int on all idf it i com
pui t in ly hiiiinlo and riirumwrilx? I in
it m'opp. ,hug' lUmilUin no niMim-r
(.it Into hii haiul-oiiie new olli" in
the reinoil.-llid utme loom once occupied
hv It. I. Allen Si Son. than Attorney
Frank Spittle, hi next door neijjhl'or
nt ome la-pin a ). rieral overhauling
ami re dccoliitiliK of hi Coiumeicial
utiret onctuin, and then Judtf" ltowlhy
(nthc (he infection and fineiue. from
hi ltond tiei-t hi-rmite and nun.-a up
into tin- aitie lui-in'-n center of the
citv. Net!
Has Moved.- .1. y. A. Itowlhy ha
moved l.U law offi-e from ltond ntni-t
to room 1 and 2, upMair, in the fdd
lMlow' liiilding.
Serious, But Funny. -The Poilhiinl
epit ut nl llii- city yesterday mniii-
inp 'i'-l.i.M-.l fur nearly two bonis
hv the non -iipp' nraii. t of the reyuhir
M-.i-id.- local, and the hitter (rain hud
ll nicifille of epei idi. c. which, while
they weie -ninevvhat i! i-coliccrl inp a to
the m V-iiii!.-, were lorre-.pondiii'.'ly
!iniii-in. II "in- !!-iit No- enpiue.
Iiaiihiii.' the S .i-nif 1 1 -nil, on- of tlie
ni-'V oil hunieis, ct-iihl lint he induced
In eel up steam einnipli to bmlpe the
1 1 tin out of the Hi-van fur the
ren-oii that l'-rer' 1!" k. fcllei's liipiid
fuel was (ienlo-ed with witter and ie-fu-cl
to ipnitc. Word was sent to thi
eitv of the pii'ilii-iiini-iit they were in
down there, and "No. 7" was de-patchnl
instnnlly with plenty of fi-sh oil to
re i-hiiipe No. II. and nist her in pet
tinp the local up heie in, some sort of
time. She llew nloiip pnily until within
the cm pni ate limit of the popular re
sort, when hy some mi-chance she
jumped the tno-h, and was "bora du
eomliat" nt once. Then it was, by way
of contrariety, that No. 3 took a notion
to steam up. the water In her oil hnvinp
been forced out of the tanks by fleam
injections, and hhe went lo the instant
relief of her side kick, No. 7. yanked
her back oil the rails and pulled the
whole thinp, train and all, up to this
city. Talk about freuky thinps mid
people, there Is nothing can equal the
vaparies of a railway engine when it
takes the notion to be queer, nnd it is
not to be wondered nt that it is spoken
of as "ahc", nud "her", etc., etc.
For County Treasurer. Word was
received at this oflice hist evening that
W. A. Sherman of this city has de
cided to go before the primaries for
nomination to tho office of treasurer of
Clatsop county, nnd his petition will
he put to the front immediately
Climbing Up. The registration books
for Clatsop county, yesterday showed
exactly 847 names of intending voters
at tho primaries. Of these 53(1 were
registered from the seven city precincts,
and 311 from the twenty one county
precincts. Astoria No. 4 leads with 100
registrations, closely followed by Sea
side with 100 j nnd Vesper precinct still
remains unrepresented on the books
at all.
New Popular Song Books Svenson's.
M t Monday Night Toutoirow even
IliK ill the illy IihII will occur the
rcKiilnr meetiiiK of Mi eiiiy council,
at. whii-h time it I expected that the
nuttier of the M;iyor' veto of the elec
tric liifht oi'limilice will eome, up
Though nothing ilcllniti. in known, ni
liior 111 0 i-uireiit tlmt the council will
prohalily levokei their action in pa
Mntf the live year fniiiclii-e for city
lilililifc', Slid iihh the one providing
for the three year conduct, which it
U umlei-to'el hu the npprniiil of May
or- Wine ., ,
Next Tuesday Ninht. The popular
niiiiie of lolhi xkiilin ) to receive
II lieu 1111 111 II on 1 ill-mill v infill n v
when Met.).. Allen A: Fi(ner will re-
oji 11 the Fun n k Stolen' hull on caul
Fxi-haii-.-). ulnet, with a hriind new
e.piipuu'lil from one end to the other;
11 iiiii-fiiillceiit, hemlock floor ha heen
laid ovi-r the old one in the hall and it
in " li a ifhixi tilid o liuilt that it
will take the ruiiniiijf cuiiea of the
-kill en wilhoiit iinpediineut of crack 01
joint nt any point, in the limit of the
hull; and l.e-ide thi, theie will he
plenty of liew hkllte, and every po
oilile i-omfoit for patron. The coming
affair wil open with a Krand march
whiih will hepin 011 the Ktroke of 8
o'clock, iiml a uplendid time i aured.
Tlmt theie will he a ruli cannot he
iloiihti-d, in view of the wide popularity
of the iimii-emeiit, ami if a full mean
Die of enjoyment i not hud hy every
one, it will not I- the fault of the en
terpi iiiip proprietor.
Settled in Part. Truitee in Hank
tiiplcy Frank Spittle ye-t.rday report
e.l to .luil-.''- ("ha. H. I'ape, Commiti-ion-er
in that depiiitinent, that the full ftiim
of lieen paid to him hy
Md-nv llamlileli 1 (loxolin, for the
eipiitie of the ai rcntuii l.umhcr Coin
iiaii' iiioii rtv, and reeominended that
the nl.- he confirmed, and thi wa
planted hy .liidce I'nge, and Mr. Spittle
wa directed to make formal convey
ance of the property, which he did
promptly, licpiiry at the Astoria Na
tional Hank yesterday, elided the in
fnniiiition tlmt the claim of the bank,
HL'tri ecut intr in the nciih!iorhnHl of
:mi.(mmi, had not a yet been adjudicat
ed hy the parties in quetion, and noth
in.; delinite wa known a to j lint when
the mutter would he taken up and din-
p"eil of. It i ceitiiin that the pintle
men who lme taken nich tunpihle in
itiatie in the preinie will not 1 lonp
in hrinpiiiK tie- ca-e to a full and Mitis
fmtory clo-e. and puttinp the jdant in
opeiai urn.
His First Case.--M.igi-trate W. R.
Hume, justice of the eacc for the John
day piciiin-t of this county, after hav
ing been in oilice for tvvciiiy one month
without -u much us a judicial day's
-ei vice, took on his fnM cuse yester
day, in the hape of a civil suit, where
in W. K. S.himplT is pl.iintiir and Axel
,laeoli-on i- defendant the nature of the
action beiiii' for an older to oust Jacob
sou from the tenancy of certain proper
Iv in,, whi.-li ho claims to
have held to date under the terms of a
tb e,n Iciim- fioni the earlier owner
nf the propel ty. but Mr. Seliinipll' avcis
that he is the owner nnd that the
tciins of t nai-y ilainied me not formal
nor inle.piate and h" wants poe-sion
quickly and completely The case has
not et been set fur trial, but that it is
in court must he u source of great
gratification to Judge Hume, u it would
have ben a lelleetimi upon his train
ing us a jurist, to base held the office
down for two years without a (tingle
ine being presented for his considera
tion. Astoria Schools. The report of tin
condition of the Atoii.i public schools
for the mouth of February shows that
the schools are in u nourishing condi
tion. The percentage of the attendance
was very high in every school being as
follows; Aldcihrook, '.17..'!; Adair, Ih"v7;
Shivdy, !7.ti; Met 'lure, lS-; Olney, HS.7:
Taylor. !; High School, PS.-t; total
percentage of attendance for the whole
city being HS.2. In the Alderbrook school
out of a total registered enrollment of
the total monthly was 103. In the
Adair school the total number of pupils
registered is 3:23, and during February
the enrollment amounted to 318. Shive
ly school has 273 registered, and of this
number i!(iO were enrolled during the
month. ret 'lit re school bus 320 on the
register, nnd of this number 270 were
enrolled during Februnry. Taylor school
with 214 on the register, bad a monthly
enrollment of 180. The high school with
12(1 registered, showed 111 enrolled for
the month. The total number of pupils
registered is 1500 and the total monthly
enrollment was 1309. The banner room
for the month was the Fifth grade at
the Olney school, the percentage of at
tendance being 00.7, nnd no tardiness.
Tho banner school falls to tho Olney
school, the percentage of attendance be
ing 08.70, with no tardiness.
Never have to wait long at the
Occident Barber Shop. A. E. Petersen,
Story Out That Captain AI. Betts
Has Resigned.
Columbia River Bar Smanhing Defiantly
Ties Up Some Steamers Gerald C.
in Trouble, but Safe Deck
and Dock News.
The following i taken from yester
day's Orefc'oiiiaii. but Captain Jictts was
not at home .-terday, to deny, or con
linn it:
"llelievilig himself jobbed by other
iiiembei of the local Pilots' Associa
tion, Captain AI I'.etU has relinquished
hi membership in that latdy. His ex
perience with tin- steamer liford, Wed-in-day,
is mid to be responsible for
hi action. Captain l!etts says he wa
called upon to shift the big steamer
when it wa known that she would be
difficult to handle in the swift current.
The steamer gi,t beyond control of the
low boa ts in pulling aw ay from the
mill of Inmari, Poul-en Co., and went
on the mud off the O. W. P. dock. The
carjfo is being lightered. Captain P.etts
will pilot indep ndently hereafter.
Notice to Mariners.
Clay's Harbor, Outside l!ar Whistling
liuoy, red, marked "Cray's Harbor" in
black, heretofore reported adrift, was
replaced March 1.
The steamer De-patch is due in, to
day, from the P.ay City.
The steamer Aurelia will get away
for San Francisco early this morning
after a delay here of twenty-four hours
owing to a smashing bar
The steamer Jordan of the Cullender
fle.t came down the river yesterday
morning on time, with Mrs. George
Jackson and Mis Ethel Carrau, as pas
The towing steamer Oklahaina went
back to the city of Portland with a big
load of salmon from the northshore can
neries and a lot of fertilizer from the
. P.. si N. pier here.
The three-masted schooner lieulah
cam-- down from Portland on the haw
sers of the Oklahamii yesterday morn
im and will proceed to San Francisco,
as sunn as she can make it oer the
The levenue cutter Perry failed to
tret away yesterday for the Strait of
Fuel and Vancouver I-land. as outlin
ed in tje-se columns yesterday, but will
doiibtles find a passable bar this nioin-
e -.1 1- 1 i. ..It....
ing . I ollililions inrnaup ner iiiieniHinj;
to ero-s out yesterday, hence the delay.
T;eeciing Clerk Charley E. Mitchell,
of the Callcnder service, received the
sad news yesterday morning of the
death of hi- maternal grandfather. Mr.
P. N. Lewi, of Naples. 111., at the ripe
old age of OS years, ami was a victim of
rheumatism. He was a man of virile
strength, mentally and physically, and
was bom in Ynnkeelund on June 20,
When the T. J. Potter left up yester
day morning fur Portland, she left here
for the hist time until she shall have
been thoroughly overhauled for her
siunnier line of business between the
metropolis and the northshore beaches.
The steamer) lfassalo will be down this
morning on the Astoria-Portland run,
and will be officered by the Potter's
stalf with the sole exception of First
OlUeer Win. MeCulley, who goes to the
Harvest Queen ns pilot; the lfassalo
will be on parade here during the dav
mid no doubt hundreds w ill Hock to see
how she looks since she has been
lengthened and made over into a new
The big British tramp steamship Ver
mont, Captain W. C. Haines on the
bridge, arrived in yesterday morning
from Glasgow, via Sun Francisco, and
was flagged in by Captain Reed of the
lug Wallula. She arrived oft" the bar on
Thursday morning and as the bar-pilot
schooner Pulitzer was to seaward and
out of sight, having hauled to the
westward to escape the gale that raged
on Wednesday night, and as the bar
was too rough for the passage outward
of the tugs, the big stranger was
brought in by signals skillfully handled
' and found her anchorage in good shape
afkr five hour' maneuvering Captain
Maine report head wind up the coar
as far a Coo liay, where they fell, and .
a pleaant, paape generally The Ver- j
iriont la under charter to load lumber I
for the Far Kt. She left up for !
I'oitluml lute in the afieinooii. j
. ' j
A panp of workmen are at work on'
the steamer North Star, at the It. M. j
I-entliem' boat yard, pettinp her in!
trim for h-r annual trip to the prim j
hore of Alaika, and for the work of
tin; fi-hing aeaonfH work in general.
The cteiimer Columbia arrived down
from the metropolis early yesterday
morninp and after a dhoit utay here,
piiMM'd on down to the lower harbor,
where kin- anchored as the bur wa too j was doing business in this city yester
nply for her to take any chance in day.
ero)ting out; and when Captain iJoran
and ibe Columbia cannot get over the
bar heiv, it is morally certain every
thing t-l-e on eith'-r side of it is tied
up for the same time. She got away on
(Ins morning's tide.
Word wa received at the shipping
office of S. Elmore k Company, in this
city, yesterday afternoon, that the
schooner Gerald C, of the Elmore fleet,
had left Nestaueea on Wednesday morn
ing last, for sea and thi port, and was
in Shoal Water bay, on the Washington
coast, badly damaged by the stormy
weather of Wednesday and Thursday.
It is good to know that she is safe,
along with Captain Lathom and his
Talking about flagging a vessel in
from sea, Chief Deputy Collector F. L.
Parker, of this port, tells an interest
ing tory of an old frieud of his, a Mr.
Slwtridge, now living at Dolph, on the
summit of the Coast T.ange between the
sea and the Willamette Valley, who
once dwelt at, or near Ne-tucca, and
who was a fine navigator, and a skilled
mathematician, who used to go down to
the sea lteach at that point, at extreme
lowr tide, triangulate the bar, set his
range flags, and with another in his
hands, pilot the incoming schooners
over that shifting barrier in safety and
with splendid judgment and success.
He did it for years and never so much
as scraped the barnacles of the kelson
of one of them.
Dance Halls Open. Last night the
dance halls opened in Astoria, and two
halls, the Savoy and Waldorf, were the
centre of a large crowd of the curious
and otherwise. The opening of these
dance hall is in direct opposition to the
ordinance prohibiting the operation of
such houses, and the matter will prob
ably eome up before the city council to
morrow night for consideration, as the
ordinance prohibiting dance halls was
recently passed, and it was stated at
the time that the measure would be
King of England Congratulates Kaiser
on Silver Wedding.
NEW YORK, March 3. According to
a Berlin dispatch to tlie Herald satis
faction reigns in higli circles there be
cause King Edward has written a most
gratifying letter to the emperor on the
occasion of hi- silver wedding King
Edward addressed his nephew as " my
dear Wilhelm," wishes him and the
empress every happiness and hopes they
may live to celebrate their golden wed
ding. He also anoutuv that he has
sent the emperor n silver punch bowl
of the Georgian period, so much prized
hv collectors.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. March 3.
The Walla Walla Traction Company has
placed an order for sufficient material
for the construction of a mile and one
half electric line in the City of Walla
Walla. Work is to be commenced ns
soon a the rails arrive, and the line
is to be in operation not later than
April 30. Work on the suburban line
to Waitsburg will be commenced within
two weeks. The rights of way have
been secured, and surveyors are in the
We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, N. Y.
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
Thoma O'N'eil of Portland pent yes
tenlay In the city.
Y. Hamilton of Chinook was In the
city yesterday for1 a nhort stay,
Arthur F.llaton, of the Bay City, wa
domiciled at the Occident yesterday.
F. W. Preston, of Warretiton, was in
the city yesterday on a bnsine trip.
Charles If. Cleim, lumber dealer of
Portland, was in Astoria yesterday on
If. K. Iwi, of San Franeineo, ar
rived in the city yesterday, on busi
ness, C. W. Tacksbury, of Canton, Ohio,
It. J. Arlington
of Engene was ill
the city yesterday
on a business en-
Fred Shields came in from San Fran
cisco, on the 11:33 train yesterday
A. Lebcrmnn went to the metropolis
on the 6:10 express last night, to spend
Pichard Prael went to Portland last
evening to spend Sunday with his
friends there.
W. Kllingwood, of Seattle, was a visi
tor in the city yesterday, registering at
the Hotel Irving.
C. Stran of Rainier came down yes
terday on a business tour, and was
domiciled at the Irving.
W. C. Walling, a well known drum
mer of Minneapolis, was a visitor in
the City-by-Sea yesterday.
I!. R. Raymond of the Sydney Shep-
ard A Company of Chicago was a busi
ness visitor in the city yesterday.
J. B. Winstanly, the typewriter man,
was doing business in the city yester
day, returning to Portland last evening.
J. C. Mayo, general passenger agent
of the "A- & C." was a passenger to
Portland via the evening train yester
day. Mrs. Dr. Owens-Adair was a homing
passenger on the noon express yester
day, from several months pleasant stay
in California.
Walter J. and Daniel J. IngalU, the
stalwart brothers of the Lewis & Clark
country, were business visitors in the
city yesterday.
Mrs. T. P. Swennes of Portland ar
rived in the city yesterday, for a couple
of weeks' visit with Captain and Mrs.
Charles S. Gunderson.
Superintendent E. R. Budd of the L
R. k X. Company, came over from U
waco yesterday and left for Portland
on the 6:10 train.
W. A. Brim, accompanied by his fam
ily, arrived here yesterday from Neva
da, Missouri, and proceeded to the ranch
of Dr. C. W. Barr on Gray's river, of
which he will assume the management.
George T. Myers, the veteran can
iieryman of Puget Sound, was a busi
ness visitor in the city ye-terday, re
turning to Portland ou the evening
The very best board to be obtained in
the city Is at "The Occident Hotel."
Rates very reasonable.
Miss Olga Laiiden, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. Gives mas
sages, steam and hot baths. Phone
Black 2165. Will call.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up? It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other re
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew Asp Jk
Company. They also do all kinds of
blacksmithing and repair work.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
In the personal toilet line, such as
hair brushes, combs, talcums, dainty
hand soaps and everything that beau
tifies and completes the toilet, go t
Frank Hart, the druggist.
Every one guaranteed. Will let yo
stand or sit on the oven door if yoi
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves sol
ranges till after the Holidays.
W. J. Scully