The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 03, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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We Have the New
Steel Cut Java and Mocha
Baker's Barrington Hall
See Our Window Display.
to China at Once.
l ls were imposed upon him by reports
!n ha- reoivcd Hum nil sections of the
. 1. 1 ...: .
1 empiie, seni- o nniu nuo iih'h Kevins
land information obtain. -il from other
j oimv. These reports prove that a eon
i iHtioii of unre-t pivvails uiul that Ameri
Troops in U. S. Prepared to Go j cms aiul their property are in danger in
eoiiMMuenee of the feelins created In
itio boycott instituted last summer.
The IVosident has found that while
the Chinese government has ostensibly
promised to suppress the loyoott, it ae
t dally ha taken no steps in that direc
tion. The foreign olliee at Pekin insists
it simply agreed to stop disordeis, which
were the ivsu't of the boycott and it
was not possible to order its subjects
to buy gvHfcl of one merchant instead of
another. The boycott doubtless will
affect American trade but it has not
done so up to this time.
Chinese in Restless Condition and Ameri
cans in Dinger is Result of Feel
ing Created by Boycott Insti
tuted There Last Summer.
CHICAGO, March 2 A dispatch from
Washington to the Tribune says:
'Besides making preparations in the
Philippines to dispatch an army to China
to protect American interests the sec
retary of war, in accordance with in
structions of the president has given
directions for troops in the United Stjtes
to be ready at a moment's notiee for ser
vice in the Far East
The President is hopeful the precau
tionary steps he has taken will have the
effect of causing the empress dowager
to adopt repre ssive measures immediate
ly and thus avert an outbreak. Such
Your attention is
called to our new
store, now open and
ready for business
We Do Expert
Painting, Graining
Paper Hanging
and Frescoing
The Eastern Painting
& Decorating Co.
No. 75 9th St.
Billy Buster
They have a sole that won't wear out.
543 Bond Street Opp. Ross Higgini &Co
Jerome to Examine Witnesses in the
Patrick Murder Case.
NEW YORK, March 2.-H w said
last evening that William H. Oleott,
counsel for Allien T. Patrick, in the pro
ceeding for a new trial now pending !'
lore Recorder Ctl in general session
will vi-it Singling today to con-ult hi
client and that .lohn T. Milliken, of St.
Louis, Patrick's brother-in-law will ac
company him there. They had not
reached Singsing late la-t niyht
though inquiries at Mr. Oleott's home
brought the reply that he waa out tf
town and would not return. Where he
has gone could not 1 learned.
Mr. Milliken is one of affiants in t .c
case and has been ordered by Recorder
OolT to appear when the hearing is re
sumed today. Mr. Oloott said on Wed
nesday that he had telegraphed for the
St. Loui manufacturer and had i"
doubt l.e would le hpre when called.
r. Jerome has asked for Mr. Milliken
several times and has declared that he
was unable to proceed further with tV
examination of the witnesses until he heard from him. Mr. Milliken c.ri
iiot h- compelled to app-ar, but if oe
fail- to d" o hi- alfidavit will ! stricken
fr-tn the motion pajrs. If Mr. Milliken
appears l.e will haw to face m;iny 'n -'
j.ji- by Mr. J'-t'.ine ciiiceniinL' lh--m.mwr
in '' i'irh t-e T'-xas
broii'it here, w-re di-eov.-reil and their
atiidit obtained. Mr. Jei ome may al-o
i'o miu n. M.' of ci,.ipf-nsatiiiii. Mr.
Milliken in hi, .ifli lavit -nr-.U't that 'i"
-pent hii'jc -urn- in ytin;; detectives
to find the tie brought foith.
The exe.ii'iot) of Patrick Inn been
-et for the week bi'jinniiiL.' March lst i.
American Ice Company Advances
Price 10c Per Hundred.
Now Yuik in Grat Danger of Ice
Kamine Next Summer Winter's
Hatvest Ftom Hudson Much
Less Thau Picvious Yeats.
NKW Y11KK, March 2. With sum
mer time a loiij; time off the pi ice of ice
has alieadv U'en raised by the American
Iiv Company from III' to 4,0 cents a him-
lied pounds With an advance thin
early in the year iheie is ivaon to sup
pose that the price will go still higher
toward .hine. Never before has there
been uch a bud year for ice. Pour mil
lion tons wore harvested from the Hud
oit River last 3 car; only OtXi.iXH) tons
this year. By stretching the artificial
plants in New York to their utmost
Collection of Chinese Customs Speaks on
Present Conditions.
SAX IK.VSllStt), M nidi 2. William
J Hancock for the pa-t thirty one U'riw a
ic-idcnl of China and 11 collector of
I custom i here oil the liner lbukon on
j hi way lo Klijjluiid. Spcikini: of the
situation in China la-l uighl. he -aid;
1 III' piicipal cau-cs of di--niitai
tiou in S, ml hem (hin. 1 are the iiidcm-
1 nity o be paid to loiciu omul 1 Irs le
;illtlli from the l!oer oiiliae, which
j oi'cinied ill Northciu China, and oiitiag
! i'oiis liei'iiicnt uci'oidel lo tin- v.-.ilthy
Kim' familv nf China by a eiMoois uH
ccr in toloi when h alb! hi I'.iiiulv
"ere en route from Filmland to ( hiun
by way of this eoimtiy. Kim; and his
family were lieate.l as oidinarv coolie
and I he head of the lamil.v vv,i luiioiis
over the mailer. I think he was Die
I ! ilist i.-atoi' of the box colt.
1 "Nllen Shi Kill, vicc.ov of ( hi li pro
i v inee has done all he could In stamp out
' I he hovcolt, but no one man can do
j much when once public imliu'iat 1011
i aroucd -in that country. Thing are
1 very apt to become neriou lefore peace
1 ii'aiil l.ayiis. In vaiioti ploviiice. the
Chinese nu on Ihe exe of a serious
uprising and it is hard to tell to what
lene-lln they xx ill go."
MINSK, March 2. - Anna Uuulov itch
with U'nting and tort 111 iti political pri.
ill the eutlieilial Weie
i detuned by a military lit to be hang-
1 ed, though their attempt hnd iiihcar
' led. .V Inimb xvus thrown and four
shot were lire. I without result. Anna
j I-in.ilov itch i the ihiMvJitci o a pioim
I IM't ''elielal.
(Continued from page 1)
the uily -e, .t.' hie'n have haunted
me coiitiiiMally. 1 ;eel like a n ;v man.
1 kno'.v I -liali be ;iiini-heI. I deserve
to be pii!;i-!jc; to the full ext'-nt of the
law. 1 have l-eii a bad man, but I
have a eon-ion- f-eliti? within mo, I
can hardly de-ciibe. that Ood approves
the eoiii'-e I iiave taken. My hope is to
repair ,vhat, I can of the evil I have
Cunarder Saxonia Experiences Heavy
Weath-r Crossing Atlantic.
JiOSTOX, Manh 2. -The Cunard liner
Saxonia experienced a severe trip across
the Atlantic. She arrived today twenty-four
hour.- late, covered with ice and
with h'-r vviiele, apparatus gone. On
February 22nd she was helpless for more
than ten hours in a gale and snowstorm,
on account of di-abled engines. Re
pairs weie made and the steamer had
j!ou'l weatln r until the, 28th when an
other If. jctariled her projjis3.
NKW YOIiK. March 2 It was faid
last ni'ht at the post graduate hospital
that Jacob Riis, the tenement house re
former, who went to the hospital some
time ago on the advice of his physician
has been steadily improving in health
until all danger has been eliminated
froth "his 'present condition.
:t.. .i. . : i i.i.. ,
' plot to an. mate the governor, prefect
to net 7'Hi,(HH ions of the artificial pio-1 ... , . ... . , . ,
1 j and other hih otbcials diuim,' a tutieial
duct, as against ."aHl.lKMI tons last year. I , ., , , . ,
' U l lie ruuinilill Men- w-iciu.iv lull
Ol last year supply 3ihi,(NK) ton
were lett oxer lor coii-umi't ion tins
year, llieielore, omitting toe ice llial
will still be harvested I rout river and
lakes, the total maximum Mipply for
this year i estimated at l.oHO.m! tons. I
This agaiii-t a total available supply of j
I..VK),tKH.I tons last year. '
This is no longer any doubt that New
York is in real danger of an h-e famine I
l he lir-t ri-e in the price of ice in New j
York went into elfect yesterday, la-t
year ice o.i lor oo cents a liumireii to;
private families. For whol. Kale pur-i
ha-ei'S last jeai's prii-e of 17J cents j
has been changed to 25 cent a hundred
pounds, with a rebate of o cents for the :
man whose Uses more than three ton
a week. Not in sixteen veai has New-
York faivd such ail icelcSS prospect ai !
this year. In 1S90 there was a great deal ;
of trouble and the whole country had to
be scoured for ice. Since then, however,
the needs for ice have grown vastly ami
a famine is a much more serious mutter
now than it was then, according to the
ice company no n.
I.MS Wl.FI.FS. M uch '.'. I ha.les W.
Wind, the lio-loli altoeiiex , di d at the
California ho-pilal late tonii.'l,t. Ward
-hot himself Wednesday iiioiiiiug with
-iii. i. I ll intent.
It is evpected that Ward, sr., will
arrive in I.os Angcle. from Ito-ton today
or Siindav .
KHAKi iFK, March 2.-The chief of
police and oeiidarnies who were chained
with U-iiting and torturing political pris
oner have, after a sensational trial,
each been condemned to a mouth' im i
IUmlr th Mit Caref.l AtteBtlsa M
Well M G4 U.
Did you ever ee a ronebiuh whlel-
deaplta the moit beneficent envlronmqt
of coll of lunnhlno and of atmophr,
-eemed never to achieve a healthy
A ton of manure wilt not help a plant
that hail a canker entlnf out Ita heart
Tou rnuat dtntrov the cauoe before yod
can remove the effect.
Tou cannot cure Dandruff n1 Ttald
ne by rubMrur on hair lotions, and
rubbing In vanelloe. etc.
Tou rnunt look ti the eaune of tha
trouble it' a germ at the root of
your hair which caune It to fall out.
Newbro'n ITerplcMe destroy the rerm,
and healthy hair la the aure renult.
Rold by leadlnr dnirirliitd Send lOe. In
itamp for aarripl to The Herplrlda Co..
, betrolt, Mich.
Free of Charge to
Wise's Customers
With Every
Herman Wise
XLW YOKK, March 2.-Fire in
nine -t,,.;. l, ail, !;,... ,,t :( , ,,,,,! v a i
'.-- I j .j. , 1 U li 1. 1 :min M-l abe A- liloth-ei-,
inipoltei, and jobbeis of rili's; I. K.
IJorman, manuf acturr of toys; Allison
vV. I oicp.itiy, inaniilact ii ci i of l.e e curtain-
an I M. leinhur. lua iinlact 1 1 1 1 r of
inii-ea! in-1 1 iiiuejit -, ic-u'tci in a !os
of S;,O.lrti0 t,e -tnictuiv ia-iii'.' eutted
Fugle Drug Stote, Xal r.3 Ilond St.,
Owl Drug Store, 54!) Com. St., T. V.
taiurin. Prop. "Speciul Agent."
On Sunday, DeecrnW 17th, the Den
ver & Rio Grande railroad will inaugur
ate a daily line of standard and tour
ist Bleeping cars between Denver and
Los Angeles in connection with the new
Clark road. I'.oth cars will leave Den
ver daily at 9:30 a. m., and arrive at
Salt Lake City at 1 :35 p. m., the next
day. At thin point the carg will be
held over until midnight, thus allow
ing through paflsencers the privilege of
a fctop-over of ten hours and a half in
Salt Lake City. Kanthound, these cars
will leave Los Aiigeles at 8 p. m., and
arrive at Salt Lake City at 6:30 a. m.,
second morning where they will remain
over until 3:C0 p. m., thence to Denver
where they will arrive at 4:20 the fol
lowing afternoon. Thin atop-over at
Salt Lake City of the regular line of
sleeping cars promises to tie an at
tractive feature for transcontinental
')(')") Commercial Street
at a p. m.
during the week
Ask Us for Price
305 Commercial Street.
I ----
I The Habit of Health"
Many people have a habit of ailing. How much better it would be
to learn to keep well. For health, after all, is largely a matter of
habit, which all may accjiiire with a little practise.
teach good habits to Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. If you
are subject to Bilious Attacks, suffer from Constipation or are
troubled with Indigestion, Nervousness or Headache, IJeecham's
Pills will reform all these bad habits and set an example of good
health, which the body will quickly follow. You can break up all
sickjy habits by occasionally using the health suggestions trans
mitted by Ueecham's Pills.
Bold Everywhere in Boxei,
10c and 8Co.
Latest Popular
livery month we r crive 'he Litest popular vocal and Instrumen
I I hit diiect from the LV'tetti puhljOien. We receive fiom 20
li. of thee iic. pi.-. 4 each m i!!li an I it will pay you to drop in at
I ii -1 once a month and look them 'jvit. We keep them rparate from
our large general stock of mimic and it need take but a few minutes of
your lime. Keep in eye on the how window also.
WeinharcTs LnEBcrCr.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
i is i mi si i ii ihku.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Uaggagc Checked and Transferred Trucks and luir
niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Hoxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, PreBldant. FRANK PATTON, Cashier.
0. I. PETERSON, Viee-Prenident. J. W. GARNER, Aisintant Caihler.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid In $100,000. Burplua and Undivided Profit M,000
Tranaocta a General Banking BiiHlnoaa. Interest Paid on Time DepoalU,
168 Tenth Street,