SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 190O. TTIK MOUNING AST01UAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. 9 For The Lenten Season We have received 4 special line of In ivy Milt nd sinnked flli, W Bk ymi tu cull 11 ml oo our stock. Our Moutcr, Mackerel, am Impoitcd Bloater Herring, mo wot ttiy of special mention, 11 ml n the lnt In the nunkft. AH our gixiji are of mtp'-t tor quality. ROSS, HIGGINS Co. RELIABLE GROCERS. I TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN At Logan's Hull. At lagan's luill last j evening (,(i Knight' of pyihin gave " Vciy eiljnl nbn litnncy unit lliilsiriil jii nt rtiu. Ilieio Hii 11 hug" ut ti'mliim v llu Closed Down. Tin' ti 11 1 v iw mill Inn chined down (r the i n t , nil i'l Inning Mined mil maily half u mil lion fiiM nf ini ilu mini mr vice of tli rolliilv, be.l.le it huge quale til v of budge limb, i", At Noith Yakima, lb.- lii.t ( oiigrc ill iniinl clmri'li nf Ninth Yakima, Wii-h illgtotl, i j"t HOW, (ultimate ill I hi' poiM'ildoU of I III' ril l ii 111 service of liev. t.utlicr I). Miiliiuie. f rtiM-i I y puainr of the ftdlim rhulih in I In- lit). Hi Mill probably lip lu rhiii'i' lli'tn for ni-veinl luoiitlm to ruiiH'. Presides at Portland In I,;.- I . , e. Bride, of tln jii.liiiul ilMrtci, will Ml tiwUy, 011 tin) bench usually oiiiiiil by Judge ('bland, ut I'm I Li ml, nml in n ose wln'ii'iii Judge f h land ha laic" mti.iicI interest... Hi' iiliinn In -limit uud (('"limi t tin' 1 11. nil lii iii )i on Monday Hint. Will Build a Home. V. f,, ,u of tin. rily tin n, to Captain Arthur l.i i(,'lllnn, of (lie ( oliilliliiil !;ir Pilot A'iat Inn, a fiiof parcel nf ground cm JiiiMim avenue nciir Fifteenth tict, upon which tho ruptiiin uill fmthwith erect n hinil"iii lioini'. Tin- ileal wan carried through by (he ,toria AUlnu l Title A Trut Company. Hat Moved. -.1. (,t. A. Howll.y W iiiom'iI liii law olllic fiom lioini iii-.t lo roniin I 11 1 . 1 2t uplair, in Ihr 1 i.i l'lloW' lillililillj'. Free Once More. Alfred, 1,1 lliit city, who Mm. iinili'i-'i'iiir. a peni tent in iy Hi'iilelii n of ci(,'liteeii nionllis iijioii a -1 1 11 1 v ' "I l.iHiiH fimn a war.-Iioiii-r, Imt I. nil p.. 1 limn.. I liv i.meiiioi ( ll II III 1 1. I t.l III , lip. .11 I hi' I l'i ..ll-li,.l Ini! of lion. I hoin n A. M. l''ii li' ami lion, llaiii'oii Allen. New l'lipulni SuriK Books Svenson's i Plrniuint Smial. the memln-i - ol Orean Cin-li' No 1 i"i, Women of W ood craft li hi 11 Koiinl at their hall nilil wliieli Iaiv" l all'-n. ted. Many f rit'tnl h of Ihe i-iiili. Ciilled nil. I kpent HI! enjovalile e etiinj,'. Alter a miiMeal pio (ram refielnm'nN weiv seiv.-d and -ev-eral pillown and M.i.:in .liaun wmk were rutried oir. 'I lie ltt two pillow., weio wen liy William Buck, who, with oilier III 111 lit' I M of Ihe otoe, Son ol lfiiinan, i fd ihe ciivle in a ImhIv. The very best board to be obtained in the city ia at "The Occident Hotel." Ratea very reasonable. 0000000000000 In Many Varieties SALTED: GENUINE EASTERN COD, ALASKA COD, ICELAND HERRING. HOLLAND HERRING. BLOATER MACKEREL. SHORE MACKEREL. SPICED: HERRING. NORWAY ANCHOVIES. SMOKED: ENGLISH RED HERRING EASTERN BLOATERS. We have a large stock of can ned fluh of the best known brands Stand us your orders you will be pleased with your purchase. JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS. 118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore. FIS TO000CX)0000000000000000 Antoria Exports. 'J (mi month of Feb- n,aiv, . . o..Im. 1- the .--.,J main l,iini" 11I l In- lii nit cuxtiiin lioo-c in Him pull I l T'ilit- with epulis 11I ImimIi aggii-giiting 4, KM I, .'tit! .ot of lumliiT, m-tit out, lo iloineslic pint-., in eight liolloiim, Imiii (lie milling rcnlei of the ovli-l I olumhia rivcf ilinll rl. Bring Cheerful Report. -OHo llcii Ihiiii li.n ril 111 ni'l from Collins' Spiing while til' Inok I I' yolll HOD lllinllt I HO ni' U i'o fur I n ilniiiil for 11 Inul at lin k of I Ileum;. I inn, Uli'l lililii the clixilill report If: lit the lilllo lellow i priiii'-iii flmly It who iieci'-niy lo liin liiiii n( 'nl down '.iili on Hun ii(ii,il lli"!'', I.iit the li.ilhi mm pot Ihe I.ol ttloie he 1 011I1I nil' ernleiie. nml then 11 lane, .'m l i now p-Hlnu .iImhiI .pule luili'lilv to hi ohii unit hi pnii iil-' yr- iil t't.i! id' ilion. Ai It UM To Be. Hill Chiin c Ii.ih m, ill' .X iniill ilile fuii'l f iiitl'ieni lli' -lulii- I oi -1 t ilii Let .it'" it, unit Hiiii'ii other lliilif" he li-ll", will 'i''llt j.'ii"lo, i- Ihe till.' of hi- (let .( liMijiicnt HIV loll, tt.iy ; ill the '.'iil'.( in 11 lie w.n eoiiliont . 1 1 -.v it h a ileliinpii n y on Ihe la iill of I Lit op of i?r. ..".i; v. h ii-li, uihIi i tli- law llien, li no.', luul to In piihii-lieil 111 11 new xpapt-r f jjeiieinl ih urn iiit wliiili time the I'mtlaml (ir.oiiian .i llu- only :tr!atl! nlieet loi llml ami all oilier purp"e of pul.liiily, ami ua eiiiployril in ihi relation nl 11 eol if S'JT in pin HillV traveling ixpen-ei, w liirh im-ie.ix'il (he iiifounl to a limit not r. i in the i. taiU lie in furnixli in' wild tlii p.uli.nhir yarn. Trio of Trankferi. - Tliree di ed- v ie filed illi the county eh rk yeiterduy, indicaliiiL' elmnpe of litle in ('lalop le.iliy, iii follow-: An mi W'. Cuili'. el. ux to P. I.aulor A ' 'ompaiij , of Se.i-idc, v.iiMiinty fillr, i-oti-idciiition, Jl'.'nn, ioii--un;' the hoiilli tmi f,.ct ,,f Moil, (, 1". of Ihe l"ir-l Addition to ILi-.m Crov.-. I he Atoii,i Company to Anderxoii Ki ie lin-lalT'i'ii and ('. W. CaiNon, t entice w.niaiiiy title, ion . 1 M I , .-on-viMic' lot o. (I, jti Murk No. I. Miiv Aloii,i. v. (J Willed and wii to M. V., nairanly tille, run- ill era i ion cmi eyiii' 2 hy Uhi ie t oir Ihe Mi't M.. of o( No. ,'( I, lock No. Ill Af' hii A-loiia. Tower Possibihiies. A Icolin;- rilicn of A-lmia, jn-t id in iicd from a trip up the f 'olimil.i.i valley. sni, rl.-u! iy, to a icpmt. r of thi paper, thai a well finau.e.l eon.-eili ,it, K.-il. una, with '. 1'. AHin, the well known hanker oi (hat plan- at iU head, had hroiifhl into the town full .Minn lior-e power of riicp.'v, ome of which wax now eniplmcil in the local in. 111! i ie-i ihcre. hill thai Ihe '. (, mniin jlHKI or nioic h, p. wa in.iilahle for oiiti.o iihc, siil.jrct o the nil" of it owning company to mipplv Knlaniu iiiiiitric fimt, and lie ' made tho 'iu;petion that, if, miht n"ol lie u lad idea for Home Aloiia plant lo se cure it nml wire it in here. Sixty iniliM nf pole and wilVK would do Ihe liick. New Popular Song Buoks Svenson's. Warrenton Mill Matter. - Yeterdny Trustee in Bankruptcy I'rank Spittle received from V. (i. (!oslin, of Ham Melt. & (Joilin, the pai'lic who hid in the Warrciiloii Lumber inilliuj; prop erty the other day, Bulijcct to the claim of the Astoria National kink, the linn 1 mid full payment, of the mini of their bid, 'S)2.ri, nml will report the same to JuiljjQ Paj;i tlm referee, tinluy. with tin- recommendation that tho Lid of Mers. Ifanililett Si (oislin lie accepted. The claim of tho hank, alluded to, now iippro.inuit.'R pra'ctienlly $.'10,001), mo the cost of the plant, while "really less than the original mini expended for, and upon it, will ujirp'iite $:!S,,ri'jri. The Astorian i in a position to announce that the new owner will lose no time in putting the property in shape and tuininp ita out put to the market. The resump tion will hardly be delayed beyond the 151 li of tho present month. Ocean Circle. Tho loenl Women of Woodcraft, Ocean Circle No. U4, held n pleasant session at their hall lust nif,dit, at which a jolly program was unfolded with grout siiccosh. A number of dainty thing weno raffled olT among the visi tors, and among the winners were the following: Two sofa cushions, caoh rnirici.1 (.epamlely, were both won by Mr, Bock, mi extraordinary piece of (jood that very rarely happen. A bountiful handkerchief of lure, won by MWi Kil ling! and pretty doylle, won by Mi-n W'liilelicck. The eiiken left, from u yen clou luncheon were alio sold, and the lildie reiili,ei handsomely from thei eveiiiii' eiili'itiiiomenf, nml, it In need lc (i, ,ny, gave Vuliic received, in every noire. Will Still Do Buninen. The agent of Hie flieyon A Ninigalioii Com puny in thi oily, Mr. I , W. Jlobert. la niilhoiily for the ulalcuieiit I bat hi coiopaiiy ha no id a of reliiiitiiliiiig the hi;- and valualile buin0H ii ni enjoyed beltteen I'oillaiid, A-toria and llwaro, by ica miii of Ihe hhoiiling of the liwr ihniiiel iippro.icliiiig the hitler place, nml I hat if it heroine n.-cemiry mi ti do, Ihe railway line from Ilwaco lo Ihe liwikiile Would he extended Up the riu-r lo a point, in ihe neighborhood of Kaiiapploii tint oM idling nil danger of iiiiill'iriiii wal'-r for the T. '. rol ler or any of Ihe coinpniy's other pkic me lim-r-. The popiiLnity of the liorlh nhoic je.oil ui been reponible for II larye and piotilalil.- buinrh and it will no! b.- lo I , though it i- not yet eel I.Kii I Imt the channel reei red to, in to become wholly impaHiibr. Church Notices Congregational Church. Preaching mtucc both morning and cii-niotf by l!c. W. I., Strang.-. Com munion .civil c lollowiu tho rnoining e-ioii. Sunday -chool at o'cliH-k. Grace Episcopal. Iriiin.' den ice ill tiracc ICpi-copal . Inn. !., at 11 o'clock a. in., toiiioriow, and l In- Mel mil service, public eutechi.sing of Ihe children of the Sunday school, at 4 o'clock p. m., wild an address on "I liiiliau Mis-ion in Allien." Baptist Church. 'flic B.ipti-t people of tiiis city will obeive all their regular church ser vices tomorrow and to which they in vite all who may be di-po-ed to attend. 'Ih -object of the morning sermon will be "Sail," of that in the evening ''The 'omlcuuiiition of Coii-eienco." First Pisbyterian. lli-v. Win. S. (iill'i it, pastor. Morning woi-hip at II o'clock; Sunday school. IJ l.'i; V. I'. S ('. K., ii:."0; evening wor -hip al T 'lo o'clock; sermon theme illuming, '"salt and Light"; evening, "l 'hi i-l iaiiit '- app ,il to Thinking Men." t'lioiu- choir. First M. K. Church. There will be the regular services ai the l'iit M. V.. eburch. tomorrow con -i-ling of the cla meeting at 10:1.5 a. in. Pleaching by the pa-tor al 11 n. in. and 7:'!0 p. ni. Sunday school at I'-' I'i and l-'ivvorlb l.eaue at I'nHfl p. Hi. The regular pi ay el scivice Wednesday cv cuing at 7 ol". Fiist Lutheran. S. ivii-e- at Ihe l'ii-t Lutheran chur.'n toiimriovv a follow-: Morning -ev-ic.' al 10:1.5 in Suedih; evening service a! 7:.'to in I'nglish, The pastor will speak at the evening service on the subjei!, "lieeatne-s in Sen ice." The Sunday--ehool, which is always in Kngli-b, meets at. 'J:. "In a. ni. On Monday evening the pa-tor leaves for Moscow, Idati", wheiv be will attend the Columbia conference which coneveiies there on the 7th in-t lie expects to be gone about a week. PERSONAL MENTION. W. I.. Dudley left for Seattle and Poi'lhind ou the morning express yes terday. William Grace of Portland, came in on t lie U:;.5 train yesterday and is do ing business here for a few days, 1", S. Brumboy came down from the metropolis ou the noon train yesterday. I). M.cllao of Portland, is an Astoria visitor, and is a guest at the Occident. J. P. Doyle eame in from Portland yesterday at. 11:115 and is registered at the Hotel Occident. A. K. Petersen went to Westport on the morning train yesterdny on busi ness, and will return sooner or later, as tho ease may be. Captain Thomas Doig returned to his homo at Jewell yesterday after bis nine days of recreation on the Clatsop grand jury. W. E. Coman, assistant general freight, agent of the Hnrriman lines in Oregon, was in the city, yesterday, on business. MAKES RICH STRIKE Lawrence Discovers Oil Paraltin and Gas on Gray's River. IS A GOOD PROPOSITION Strike is Made on Mr. Lawrence's Ranch Three Miles Below Fall on Gray's River Oil Flows Fre'dy-Will Develop Property. .1. W, Law icik e mun i) in 1 1 1 i rily yes terday from (Way's river, and left on the evening'. ruin for Portland. Mr. Law rence repoit, that he located oil on bis ramh at Omy'ii Iliv.-r, a few day ago ami it seems to show no signs as yet of giving out. Imt is nil her coming to the in face willi an ever increasing flow, nd he i- inclined to believe that be has one of the lje-t proposition- in thii line which ha ever been encountered in this -ertioii. In -peaking of the tdrike, Mr. I.iivvreiiie said licit he had b'-en looking for oil and gas on his place which be inspected wa tbeie, for home time, In--fore Ie finally- wa- succe-slul in hi IplCst. "I diilh-d several holes into the ground," slated be, "in my efforts to strike gas, and was always able to ob tain sign of it. It seemed to seepe up through the ground, and a match would h rve to light it when applied, lb-cause of these signs I determined to find out if my proposition was a good odo, and -o 1 procured a quantity of dynamite and blasted out the ground whera the gas eame to the M-ruface. Immediately paraffin and oil b.gan to rise to the surface, and since then there ha been a steady (low of the two sub-tanees. ' Can i also escaping in great quantitie-. Mr. Lawrence says that the place where he -truck the oil is about three miles below the falls on Gray' river, and is remark ably ea-y of awes for tran-portation purposes. A small sample of paraffin and some of the coal oil, which he had taken from hi place, were in Mr. Ijivvrenec's posses-ion, and be said that the object of bis present trip to Portland was to have the samples tested, us to their commercial value. While not inclined to be over confident of his propo-ilion, be licves that his property will Ix-corne a rich one. According to Kai-er Wi'lielm, in bi- a hlre-s to the cadets, 'T'ru-sia has at tained great m-s through hunger." As a eon-olatioii lor povcity this may be epigrammatic; but, alas, we su-pod it i only Delphic- the hunger was for domain. . vv York neces-ities have developed the profcs-ioiial flat tinder , the paid guide of the annual and semi annual flat hunter. The number of -peeiou-ly ad-veiti-ed lints with weak point-, to be avoided will yci make the tlal-tiinb-r in-lii-peuwibb'. The Arab revolt in the Yemen and the Dutch war iu Acheen are the other twr tilings which wo have always with us lu-t which begin first we are not quite Main, l'.ut at present the Yemen ruc tion scorns to bo a huckleberry ahead in vivacity. Next week we may expect to hear from Aeheen. '' They've found out nowadays," ob served Uncle .lorry Peebles, ''that a man can digest bis food without a stomach and talk without a tongue, but I know men that live and manage to get along all right, without any brains." Chicago Tribune. The nickel guard agaiu-t street slug ging b the late.-t evolution from the diminutive humanity on its streets. Women d"bnrking from the elevated iiftet' dark bear a childish voice piping: "Please may I take you home? Nobody will touch you when 1 am along, they will be afraid." Taken as directed, it becomes the greatest curative agent for the relief of suffering humanity ever devised. Such is HollisteiJs Hooky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart. Doctors Are Puzzled. The rvmnrkable recovery of Kenneth Mdver, of Vaneeboro, Me., is the sub ject, of much interest to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of the Throat and con gestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Pr. King's New Dis covery and I am happy to say, it saved my life." Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Weak Lungs, Hoarceness and LaGrippe. Guar anteed at Chas. Rogers' drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. WATER COMMISSION. Board Meet Last Night and Transacts; Business. The Astoria Water Commission met bit evening in the city hall in regular session all being present but Messiss, Klmore and Fi-her. The minute of the previous meeting were read rind approv ed and also thoe of the special meeting of the tenth of February. The repoit of the clerk for the month of February was n-nd and filed. The re port tihowed that the ea-h collections during I'ebrimry amounted to WIH.HO. The treasurer's monthly' report was read and ordered filed. The report of the water superintend-' enl for February wa- rcid and ordered filed. The annual ii-p ut of the commis sion was to have been read at this time, but a it was not, yet fully prepared, I it's reading was defened. Ii stated however, that the total loss for the year amounted to ?ll!i.07. A reqiie-t received from the Customs Hou-e for proposal- for the wat-r for the building and yard, wa- read, and on motion the clerk was jn-triictcd to notify I hem that the rate of $12.50 per month would be continued. Bills for the month amounting to .KI2 were allowed, and the monthly payroll of (i"5.75 was also approv-d. A prot -st was received from the As toria Fuel &, Supply Company, regard ing the rate charged it, for water u-ed in wetting cement. The commission had made a rate of 20 cents p- r barrel, which was characterized a exorbitant, and an earnest reque-t was made for a re duction in the pri Alter some dicus sion, the superintendent was in tructed to investigate the mattei. Pergwii-k wa re employed by the riiinmi-hion to act as engineer for the en-uing year, at a -alary of $150 per month. A communication was read from Lars IVrgwick in regard to the available supply of water w iiich could be obtain ed from Pig Creek. Another communi cation was read from Mr. Jiergwick stat ing that the sidewalk near the power house was in bad condition. Authority was given to have the needed repair made. Engineer Bergwick recommended that severSl "dead ends" of pipe be connected with the mains, and hi rec ommendation was adopted. The superintendent was instructed to connect Uppertown with the high pres sure service. Clerk I.ounsberry was in-t-trueted to secure a bond in the sum of .2000, and the treasurer was also in structed to renew his bond for $20,000. The commis.-ion after discussing various other matters then adjourned. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race. Con !ipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stom ach, Liver and Povvel. take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regu late these organs, without pain or dis comfort. 25c at Chas. Rogers, drug gist. FOR DAINTY THINGS. In the personal toilet line, such a3 hair brushes, combs, talcums, dainty hand soaps and everything that beau tifies and completes the toilet, go t Frank Hart, the druggist. Ocean Circle No. 145, Women of Woodcraft, will give a Tea and Apron Sale on the afternoon and evening of Friday, ILireh 2nd. in the A. 0. U. W. hall. All are invited. "THE MILWAUKEE" "Tioneer Limited," St. Paul to Chi cago; "Overland Limited," Omaha to Chicago; "Southwest Limited," Kansa City to Chicago. No train in the service of anv rail road in the world equals in equipment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of service not obtainamle elsewhere. Berths in their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than in similar cars on any other line. They protect their trains by the Block System. H. S. Eowe, General Agent, 134 Third street, Portland, Orv. We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, N. Y, Celebrated Stoves and Ranges fe 1X5 at vvUlLTIw H '-lML5U i-UH -T"C- . m 'a . 1 TO LICENSE BROKERS. Bill in House to License Commission House Brokers. WASHINGTON, March 2.-.Seoretary Shaw appeared before the house com mittee on ways and means yesterday in support of the Payne bill for the licens ing of commission house brokers. Ha urged that the licensing of such brokers would tend to keep '"shysters" out of the business. lie also advocated the appointment of a solicitor of customs to repreent the department in cases taken before the board of appraisers. Marion Devries and other members of the hoard of general appraisers also ad vocated the necessity of licensing brok ers. Secretary Shaw also urged that Ihe pay of -pedal agents employed in the eu-toins service be, increased to $10 a day, that better m.-n may be obtained to ferret, out under valuations. He said the government loses from $10,000,000 to $(0,000,000 on under valuation frauds. FIGHT LITTLEFIELD BILL. WASHINGTON, March 2.-The teni toiial board of education of New Mexi co and the Santa F'e board of education have petitioned Delegate Andrews to do all in his power to defeat the Littlefield bill, preventing gambling in the terri tories. If the bill cannot be defeated they are anxious it shall not go into effect until Pin; as schools in the territory are largely supported with fees from gambling licenses. These fees for l!)o6 have boon paid in advance and must be refunded in ease the bill becomes a law. LOWENTHAL DIES. CHICAGO, March 2. IJ. rtbold Low enthal, 76 years of age, died yesterday. In 1870 he wa elected president of the International Mutual Trust Company, the name of which was changed in 1872 to the International Bank which office he filled until the bank was consolidated with the Continental National Bank in 1S98. He was president of the Chicago Sinai congregation for ten years and from 1870 to 1872 was president of the United Hebrew charities. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tofic wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds. Chilblains and Salt Piheum. Only 25o at Chas. Rogers drug store. PARTICULAR PEOPLE. ' The world is full of particular people, and the most exacting or them all, re those who are particular about what they eat, where they eat it and what they pay for it, as well as the sen-ice accompanying the meals. It is the the rule in Astoria, whenever one of these people inquire for the best, all-round restaurant in the city, to promptly refer them to the Palace Catering Company, on Commercial street, just opposite the Page building. Once they patronize the Palace, their worries and their questions are at an end. Banquetting and party service is complete in every detail of luxurious appliance and menu. MASSAGE, FINNISH METHOD. Miss Olga Landen, Finnish graduate, room 6, Pythian building. Gives mas sages, steam and hot baths. Phone Black 2165. Will call. LEST YOU FORGET. Is it not about time you were getting that buggy fixed up? It may need new rubber tires or perhaps some other re pairs. If so, take it to Andrew Asp & Company. They also do all kinds of blacksmithing and repair work. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all manner of texidermy, furniture uphol stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat tress making a specialty and all work guaranteed. YOUR NEXT. Never have to wait long at the Occident Barber Shop. A. E. Petersen, proprietor. THE ZENITH AND THE STAR Every one guaranteed. Will let yo stand or sit on the oven door if vol wish. Prices reduced on all stoves sol ranges till after the Holidays. ) 17, J, Scully " 470-472 COMMERCIAL STREET