THE .MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH J,i5u3. A SELFISH MAN. fat rrjrr Hr Addrur4 Thro ( Merry. The following example of a quaint tad gel fish prayer does not omte from the liturpy ; it Is from "Oliuipses of Audi-lit Hackney;" "O Lord, thou kiiowTHt th:it I have nine estates 111 the city of I mlon iiml likewise that I Lave hit ely pim-lmsed an estate In fet olmple lu tlu county of Ksncx. I U seech thee to preserve the two ooun tics of Middlesex and I-Nm'X front tlri: nd onrthijuako, al. a I have a mortgage lu lleitfonl.-dHtv, I beg of thee to have tui eye of eoni ! passion on that county, and for tin rest of the enmities thou tuuyevt ilea! with them as thou art pleased. 0 Lord, enable the bank to answer nl! their bills and make all tny debtors good men, Give prosjierou voyagt and returu to the Mermaid sloop, be cause I have Insured It, ami. as thou Lust said tho days of the wicked aw but short, I trust In thee that thou wilt not forget thy promise, as I have purchased an estate In reversion which will be uitue on the death of that profligate young man, Sir J. I Keep my friends from sinking and preserve me from tblevet and housebreakers and wuke all my servants so honest fciwl faithful that tiiey may attend tc my Interest and never cheat me out of my property night or day. ni Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge.1 HELP WANTED. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAUANT8. TOKE POINT OYSTER HOUSE. WAN'tT.D-MAXAGEK FOR HUANTII I otliee we wish to locate hero in A-1 toiia; address with refertyn-o. The ! Morris Wholesale House, Cincinnati, ! Ohio. 3 I 01 MOM lNI'l-XTOKS WANTi:i-10lKi'tern nJ Shoalwater Pay men, not over 20, to prepare for steaks, Chops, Eto. position, paying to $125 per month; Ope day and night. Oyatert THE CHINESE MOTHER. previous experience not n ces.iry ; ex amiiiatiun May 14th; write at once, K. 0. II. y men, 214-13 Columbia Iluild in;,. Portland, Oregon. 3 I lwk WAXTKU -GKNTI. F.MAN OK I.A1)Y with good reference to travel for firm of $250.0110 capital; salary $1,702 per j ear and expenses; salury paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Astoria, Ore. 3 1 It Uth St., next to Scully's cigar store PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTI.K, M. l. I'll IS KUAN ANl MMUIKON Acting Awlslnnl Siukpoii tS. Marine )(). luO ,M..rvlci, Office hour: 10 to 11 a.m. 1 1 4:1 p.ux 477 Commercial street, tnd Floor. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cuke, cottoe, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St k Is Steadfaat la ACeetUa Pr Hei CalMraa. The Chinese mother is very fond ol ker children. She la happy in their company and spends much time car lng for them. Iu a Chinese family th birth of a child Is a greater event than with other orientals. Long before the child Is born the mother performs rite and ceremonies to propitiate the gods that her child may be a boy. Aftei birth the little fellovr Is wrapped Id old rags and In winter is sometimes put in a bag of sand sewed close around its neck to keep the little on warm. Great rejoicing follows the birth if the child Is a boy; otherwise there is an air of chastened disap pointment But good Chinese parent make the best of their little lassies, becoming very fond and even proud of them. I have known more than one Chinese father to eshibit his toddling wee girl for approval, though always with the customary national verbal deprecation of what belong to one. Indeed, this evidence of excessive courtesy may be found everywhere In this strange land. It is good form to Tllify what Is mine and laud what li thine. "My good for nothing family are all still troubling the earth with their presence. How is your honor able familyr-Pilgrim. WAXTKD-A YOUNG MAX, WHO IS not afraid of work; good salary. Apply "Z," care Astorian. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Enquiie at Astorian office. WANTED -A GOOD COMPETENT girl for cooking and general house work; must be good cook. Apply K", Astorian office. 2 28-t.f. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 CoujniercialSt. DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT aos Oregoniaa Building. PORTLAND .... OREGON 08TE0PATHISTB, DR. RHODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Office MuiMl Bid. Phone Black 1011 ITI Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. BROKERAGE. FOR SA1E. MUMMIES. Itac Tliat Do .Not Come From the Tombs of the Eaat. Many persons who have an interest In archaeology will be surprised to know that all the mummies to be seen In museums have not been taken from faraway tombs in Egypt or other eaut- ern lands. Well preserved mummies nave occasionally been taken from the ruins of the cliff dwellers iu the moun tain canyons of Arizona and in New Mexico and southern California. These mummiia. though very poor specimens of the mummifying art, are coiiHidered great treasures by Fcieiitists, twaiise they give the anthropologist a vague Idea of the strange people who bad the earliest civilization on the American continent. The best of them are al most entirely ignorant of who the Aztecs and Tolrees were, how they looked and lived and why they Lave been so entirely obliterated from the face of the earth. The reason for this ignorance is found In the fact that no satisfactory remains of the dead Aztecs have been found. These people were crematlonlstx, and they probably buried household effects with the dead, leaving little or nothing for the scientist to build a theory upon, j Frequently a party of explorers In the valleys of Arizona will eorne upon seal ed jars of burned bone dust THE SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINE, gasoline, for fish boat; any speed; best made; right price; in stock; oa exhibition; running in salesroom; also Fairbanks-Morse Stationary Caroline Engines. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., First and Stark streets, Portland, Ore. 3-1-lm C. J. TRENCIIARI) Real Estate, Inauranot, Commiaalon and 8hlpplr0. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offio 133 Ninth 8trtt, Ntxt to Juttlot Offio. ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR SALE. CORN ER LOT 504100, 8 room house, beautifully ornamental Sycamore street shade tree, 150 feet cement sidewalk and park place, lot terraced, two cement step both streets recently improved, grand view, one of the finest central locations in the city. Must sell quick. Enquire 207 Nim-th ktreet. LAUNDRIES. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial Ht Astoria Orraon. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In tht tity. Does the beat work at reasonable priott and la in tvtry way werthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE 8ta Phan. 1M1. Du. VAUCIIAN, Dkxtist Pytbiau Building, Ai.toria, Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIHI ASSESSMENT NOTICE, Notice li hereby given tliitl, the Mnimiit until" fur (lie liiipruvprneiit of llaiiinoti incline frili tli went linn o Thirtieth atroct to u point ten fiv wet of the center lino ol Thlity tlm ulicet, ii per a omciit loll number 1 10, wit made by an order of thn emu molt council iliii mid puyiilile on On Stl dny of March, l'.Mtt( by oiillmiinv mini her .TJI.1, eoiilli tiling :iil Mnentmutt roll tluit the following iiik the naiiiei of the ptuxoim ii ((iii nut wliiim tli n-e-n inetit U iiiiulc, ixi the iiiiioiint ing by eucli (owil : lliulon, V.. 1( IISOlo Itukrr. M. A 4!U linker, (1, I 4 M linker, Kntliaritm 4 .VI linker, Tela 4.". Hoyd, Mary A 4.. Kdwaidn John K 34..W !KdwmU, Ed 43.tttl Fiedeilrkon, Ali'x,iml, r 41:0 i Uiiiutiioiid Lumber On I'J '.N 1 Hedrick, Mrs. Mgler 22 M Iverion, Cut rie 4-1.20 lager, NeU 3.40 Jaekaon, Jacob .1 10M70 MolmMin, Peter 52 73 ; Johnson, lVta 3 40 'Laity, Charles ID 2d ll.ytad, IVter 420 ! Morris, WHor It 241.37 ,'OUfii, IVter M 43.00 Swannen, P. K 17.13 ! City of Atoria (oxcmii) 80 72 j Ity order of th onntmon council. ! OLOF ANDUtSO.V, Auditor and PUc Judgt of the City of A.torla. 3 "NOTICE. j Noiiiv in heiehy gien, tlut tli Com IllithB uti Strt-et and Public VMi, the SiipeiinU ndelit of Sttcct and City Suneyor have fil-d a certiflcat of ' eimipli'timi of the iiriprovemi'tit of '. change stie t, f r !t the center lin of Tttrnt v I'm t (ir.-; to the renter line of Niiietreiith trwt, by Hirch 1 Jucol ! son, the eonl ractnr, in aeeordane with 578 Commercial St., Hhanahan Huihling Cenrral Mlinnnc numk-r 31M snd the 1 runt i i, t tlir-icf ir. That imlv objec. t ion uin filed a'int the same, the ame Mill b accepted by Ordinance at i the n.-xt rexiilur mocting of the Com- MTJSI0 TEACHI8. WANTED THREE MUSIC PITILS. ; m..n Council. Inquire at Astorian office. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewart, 127 Seventh street O. ASDKIUSON. Auditor and Pullca Jude of tie City of Astoria. Ihit-d Mar.b I, 1XI. 3 3 rOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL-! umn newspaper outfit; complete ex :ept press; cheap. Inquire at tfcla of-! Bee. JUST A MOMENT! SECOND HAND DONKEY ENGINES I for sale, suitable for logging and ' hoiMing purposes. For description and i price apply to F. D. Kuettner, Astoria, Oregon. j 5 3 HORSES FOR HIRE. GOOD SADDLE HORSE FOR HIRE BY hour or day. Apply at Astorian office. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR KENT THREE FURNISHED houeke ping roorn. Apply 121 Sixth'! street. 2-27-11 WOOD YARDS. Flowerx In the tshtide. It is not unusual to hear a com plaint that one's yard has no huh, and therefore flowers cannot be raised, But there are a large number of flow ers that prefer nhade to sunshine in summer. The begonia is of this clasn. Those who have north walls or fences may have great beauty during the sum mer by setting out the different kinds of begonias. Even the gloxinia, the achlmenes and similar hothouse plants bloom splendidly throughout the (sum mer season when grown on the north Bide of walls. Kepptl'a Recipe For Health. Meeting me in a bitter east wind one day in Piccadilly on bis way to church, Keppel asked how Mr. Gladstone was, I told him he was very ill. "Ah," he Bald, "he is overnursed. If he would do as I do, climb up eighty steps, have a cold bath every day and sleep with his window always open, he would nev er be ill." Memoir of Sir Henry Kep pel. Foot In It Again. Mr. Brakes Who is that sour looking dame over there? Mr. Grubbins Sir, ahe has the misfortune to be iny wife. Mr. Brakes Oh ah er indeed, sir, the misfortune is er all yours, I'm ureJ Cleveland Leader. Poailble to All. She (philosophically) Do yon tblnk It Is eaay to die? Fie (commonplace) Well, a lot of very stupid people hnvt managed to do It WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 3191 Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. THE It. C. GEE W0 Chinese Medicine Co. TV . l 1 nrn Pt five ycars,HAVE MSfy- MOVED into the B,?ferH8';''V''- Lena J.rtok hniMinn ' at the south-east cor ner of First and Morrison Streets. En trance No. 162 Front Ht. Successful Home Treatment Dr. C. GEE WO is known throughout the United State, and ts railed the Great Chinese Doctor on account of his wonderful cures without the aid of a knife, without nslng P",,wjn,r dmirBofany kind. He treats any and all disease with powerful oriental root herbs, liarku, and vegetables that are un known to medical science in this country, and through the use nf these harmless reme dies beguarauteesto cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung Trouble, Rhtumetism, Nervousness, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Female Weakness and ail Chronic D'seases. Call or write, enclosing 4 a-cent stamps for mailing book and circular. Address, The C- Ge Woo Chinese Medicine Co., no. 101 1.2 first it., J.E. Cor. Morrison. I'ortland Ureejon. Mention this Portland Restaurant 278 Astor St. Good Clean Meals. Excellent Service. Meals From 15 Cents to 50 Cents. We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING Wc do it in Ah the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. . . . dt v We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off. rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. & lefc c$ The J. S. Dellinger Co, Makers of All Kinds of Books LKGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. To All Concerned.-Nutlr U north lv mi (0 all tiitk'oriii'd that the Momlit( Anlmlnn will, fivin this (In lc, to tht tllt dny of Dweinlirr, 11MHI, tin ami er fnt in tin nililio nlntiiiK for ami In h'lntlf of tin Clly of Atorl, of what, never tmtiiie. OI.AK ANDICIISO.V, An- r ami I'iiIIio .Iinlo of mM clly, 10.1.3(1 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. .Vol let a liOM'hy (!lv" ttltlt tllO iioiit iiiikU for tlm Improveiiiont of 1 : li 1 1 tii'il from the aoiilh lino of KmiuI niiii to tlm Boiitli line of !. Iiij-Ioii nvi-niio, n pur aMBiiioiit roll iiiimUr IN, was mail by an orlr of I ho common coiim-ll dun and jwyahld on tlin flth day of March, llMMl, hy ordl tiaiicK iiiiiiilii'r :i:M0, conflrinliiK nald !. incut roll, that tho following ait Urn iiiiiin of the pOfotia RKitlint whom Ihn natKinmrtit U inndt and tht amount owing hy each to wlti Ho'-lliiig. V 14(1.02 Haiki r, Oiplis , Hi'iimiil, .lonrpli 322 7.17 lick, I'aulln. 7.17 HuUr, Katliailna 144 lUknr, 144 Hakor, !. I, 1.4 IloyJ, Maiy A 1.44 Hirkor, A 213 !4 Coy, Klla M 71.73 (Minton, Jampt H ioi 101 10.70 10 7rt 10.70 8H.I1 Carney, F. J IVmW, Mary F 3fl35 laVy, lUidmrd gjoo IIrII.v, A. II 21,62 DaU, J. C lUv, I.iiy K I an, Mal i I niton, Ada Fulton, Maud K 68.13 lkvil, t;,o. C KifiTl I hiv.l. Marv C ni !, Nf Hie 27.4H nid, Kutin 2T 4S I'lnhiVdon, Mmirrpt 07 SO V Joint n un" F"x, A. L. 8 97 Foa id, F.d 32H FTguon, Almyra K n. Fi'lier. ClirUtlna 101 i i-ntluiit, Olotla A 11021 logorr, V. K , 32.2H HiKgiti. J. K 71.71 llahn, John 32 2 Hawthorn, Monttl!liou CI 21 Hammond I.umhcr Co 7 44 Jolinon, Irnit C 219 Johtiaon, Mar Alma 131 ohnaon, Charl 2.39 TclT r', John II 32 2t olmum, (WotR 4tlC2 "K'lii, . (' 3.1 2H Kiim.iiit MjU 717 Muling, Hi-lay 0 7ij Motitcith, Ium H 32 2H Millpr, I.da linker 1 41 MrAy nil, Ali-x I'.mi 011, Jjiuia in;, Olson, Win ".nit 1 aimiii'rjf, I iml lil.'2 I'nik'-r, ('. I jo 71) Pinkfr, II. II 74,1 Iliiiili, John W 3.172 Hum II, .Inm-pli 3;, 2 Koul.iml, Hurr I ftm Iliipph-ya, Addin K )ll ,i) I'.a h liir.-, Aliw J 1i 7i I'.'ihh, Cordfllii 2.4M Si-hfi nai k:i U, A 717,1 Nlono, Will K 21 .'i2 Spfildcn, Mary C 7 17 simPi 2162 Smith, Ji'nnin 7,17 Wright, Mnrj;nrt J 36.72 Willi-., Lv,li M 6.3S Waul, Anna M 12.6.I ' Wilmin, fl.icnr V 4.(10 Hy order of tho common council. OWV ANDMHSOX, Auditor and Polh Judge of tho City 3 (I of Astoria. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St. The leading aniuaemeut house. P. A. PETERSON, Prop Parker House Bar rrv, vt:ii. . 1 . . . . Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street g J fi Agnncy for Edison Thonoffraohi .nJ 0000000000000000000000000000000009 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOC GIJ SIoul(Jed Record. NOTICE. Notice i, hcichv (riven Hint the fotn mil Ic on SlrccN and Puhlic Wnyn, the Siiiciiiilcndciit ol' SlrcetH and tliii Cily Suin-cyoi- hnvo lih-d a certificate of com pletion of the improvement of Hunion uviMine, from t Ik Wet line (,f Tlu'ily. i'th Htrcet to a point ten f,.(. w,.,( f the cent,.,- 'mi. f Thiily thinl Mre. t, hy W. A. (hiodin the eont ni.tor in m. coidance with ("lencnil Ordiiuiiice Nnm- her III77 iiinl tl nluict ihercl'or; Hint miles objections Hie filed ng,iinHt the Mine, the siiiiic will he accepted hy Or dinance nt the next regular nicotine of tho common comiell. or.oi' APEnso Auditor and Police Judge of the Ciiv of Astoria. Dated, March 2nd, 1000, 3.4