The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 26, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning from 9 to 12
t Quart .Tin Sauce Vans
P Int-h Granite l'ie Tins
We wish m'i-o to .ili j 'in
to fact. We -I'll woodemuiie.
11-inch Wood (. hopping
13 Inch
. 0'd I j'
....... 5C
UtH liti'.'ll
r.iiN, r.n'..ii). Wash Boards,
etc., all .it low price.
lake a l.H.k at our how window at
A. V. Allen's (.'rockery Move, where bar
:.iiti prices oiiiiin.ili'il fur l'.HHi.
Finger Nail Photographs Consid
ered Correct in London.
j Sermons of
1 Yesterday
Yet man :i nude fur (!od,
is this kinship that make- us incii.
Rev. V. S. Grim, pastor of the First
Methodist church, preached yeteday
morning, upon the text: 'Tic Shall Not
Fail," Isaiah, 42 4. Saying in part:
"I wouder why there are so many
. mistakes in Scripture! Is it that God
has made mistakes in putting word
into the mouths of prophets, or have
these men wnwilv written what He
fate? Oh, no! God has not made any
mistake. Yet he has said, 'He Shall
lfot Fail.' But we have all failed and
miserably. 'AH have sinned, and come
short of the (.'lory of God.' One has
undertaken to be an arti-t who should
have been a mechanic, and has tried
to add beauty where God meant he
should ive strength, and has been a
"Xow and then we see a man whom
ire call a genius. What is he! Only a
man who has found his place in the
world; and we all might be such if we
but find our real life work.
Then some have failed because they
have become soured on the world. They
have loked into the glass and seen
their own warped souls and have
thought the world out of joint. j
"Everywhere the fields and woods
are carpeted with flowers full of honey;
the bees know it and sip the nectar to
store away for i winter: rinough for
themselves and for mankind, too.
' "AH about us we may see in human
souls the reflection of the divine
beauties, and hear strains of heavenly
music, and find some honey of kindness
and love. And these soured souU have
"Others leave
'thought and life,
for prayer which
f!d out of their ;
They find no place ;
is communion w ith j
imiv lie rich in honor, learning, wis-
ilmii. power, or money, mil it pimp m
the pose-Mon of tlii- God life wo
Then .nine have failed on the other
-iile of the law as stated by l'liri-t,
hue thy neighbor as thyself.' How
many have failed as neighbor! Some
great men have succeeded but to fail
at the last. N'apoleon wished for Louis'
scepter that he might show how to hold
it firmly. He lived to sway it with
power but in his island prison he grasp
ed in vain for that scepter for it had
vanished. F.ven some who have done
most to lift the world to better things
have failed somewhat.
"Who, then, is meant in the text!
Wherv is he who has not failed! I
need not answer, it is the Christ.
"Hut had he not all the burdens and
trials Mich as we have? Yes, and added
to them he lore the burden of our sins.
Yet he did not fail. He conquered even
in his death. The ero-s of his over
throw has become the emblem of his
victory and of ours. With that cros
he hammered down the walls of death
and builtled for us the hall of life.
But we see not yet all things put
under him.' No, but since he has not
failed in anything that he ha done ive
have faith in the words God gave to
the pnmhet 'He shall cot fail'
"He shall not fail in us, but will
bring the divine life into our souls and
make us 'more than conquerors.'
'"He propoes to give us eternal life,
Not life everlasting to begin with
death, but eternal life, without begin
I ning as it is without ending, 5uca Ii
is onlv found in Hod. It is then th
1 divine life he gives us.
'JIa he, the great conqueror, who
I ha not and will not fail, come into
i your life? Ojen your heart and let him
(nine in to nmh ana complete iioi
Quaint Method of Keeping the utra
of Loved Ones Before the Eye
Cost $j.oo to Have Then
Photographs Taken.
I.OMHIV, Fib. .'.". A now fad ha
uriixt'd here ia Paris and New Ymk.
The ciac for photograph on the
linger nails was started here among the
American set and has spiead all over
the city.
It is con-ideied quite correct ill some
for a young bride to liear a por-
fail.' "
in vou and "he shall not
Your attention is
called to our new
store, now open and
ready for busines
We Do Expert
Painting, Graining
Paper Hanging
and Frescoing
The Eastern Painting
21 Decorating Co.
No. 75 9th St.
Bajar trlr Herpicide Aeeeaat of
Ita DiatlnctlTeaeaa.
The ladies who have used NTewbro'
llerptclde speak of it In the highest
terms, for its quick effect In cleansing
the scalp of dandruff and also for its ex
tellence as a general hair-dressing. It
makes the scalp feel fresh and it allays
that itching which dandruff will cause.
Newbro's Herpicide effectively cures
dandruff, as It destroys the germ that
causes it. The same germ causes hair to
fall out, and later baldness; In killing It,
Herpicide stops falling hair and prevents
baldness. It is also an ideal hair dress
ins, for it lends an aristocratic charm to
the hair that is quite distinctive. Sold
by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps
for sample to The Herpicide Co., De
troit, Mich.
Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St.,
Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F. 1
laurin, Trop. "Special Agent."
i Rev. Rydpiit of t lie Fir-t Lutheran
church. siMikc la-t evenin'.: to a large
audience, on the subject, "Jcmi, Thmi
Sou of David, Have Mercy I'pon Me.
He a id in part:
'As Chii-t came to the Wind ISarthi
mens a helper indeed so he comes to
day to hi- people a -piritual Savior,
He come- to us in the holy -acranient
winch we administer tliis evenin'' as
: such. You are not satisfied with empty
signs and shadows of a Savior. If that
is all the Lord's Supper is you might
' as well, yea, rather lie without it.
' sijrn and a shadow is nothing nothing
I real. But your Saviour comes to you in
I this sacrament as your glorified and
: spiritual Savior. You must not think
of him tonight as being in some far
( distant r'-alin, somewhere in the great
' everywhere, but vou must think of him
! as being here to impart to you his sal
vation. You have not come here to re-
; eeive bread and wine as mere shadows
of your Savior's body and blood, you
are not here to receive parts of your
i Savior but you are here to re
cive de-us Chri-t entire as your
personal Savior. Will you reive him?
, You have some spiritual ailment who
ever you are. There is a flaw some
, where, a spot or a blemish on your soul.
You need the Savior. There are gener
ally three classes people among Chris
tian: tho-e who need the Savior and
i don't know it, and these are the very
! good people you sometimes meet, who
j try to convince you that they are so
much better than others. The second
i class of Christian are such as need the
Savior. But they are indifferent or un-
! decided when it comes to the question
i of receiving him and make a stand for
; Christ.
I "Others again feel the need of him
j and receive him into their hearts and
; lives. fe Incomes to them a Savior
j indeed."
Under the provi-ions of the proposed
pure food law it will be legitimate to
sell adulterations a- adulterations, but
the chap who palms off poor whisky as
good patent medicine is likely to encoun
ter trouble on his journey through life.
The Morning Astortan, C3c a month
trait of her husuml on the nail of Inr
wedding ring finger.
"It is quite a simple method to secure
linger nail photograph," said a well
known photographer this week. "It is
best done bv what is known as the car
bon process.
"A photograph of the subject U first
made in the ordinary way, and rvduced
to a size suitable for the finger nail.
A print is then made from the iiegn
live on carbon paper, which is made in
substantially every color.
"After the print has been fixed and
toned it is transferred to what is known
as transter paper. .-U tins stage the
linger nail must lie rublnd with pumice
powder, to render it quite -niooth. Then
the wet transfer paper i placed with
the photograph on the linger nail. When
dry, the transfer paper is stripped olT
and a finished photograph is left on the
finger nail.
"Finally, a thin coat of tran-pnrrnt
enamel is brushed over5 the photograph,
rendering it perfectly safe to wah the
hand without damaging the picture.
"On the average person the photo
graphed is partially destroyed by the
cutting away of the nail in about three
As the cost of each finger nail photo
graph is $3 it becomes an expensive
luxury if continued for a year
Rank of General, and Married a Native
Uia SSKLS, IVh. S.V-Gem.iul I.i I'oii
Chen of (lie impel ial rhiuesn army has
arrived nt Antwerp on it special mission
for the Chinese government
The gcni'ial'ii real name i S'iuj;laerl
and he i a Helgian subject,
lie went out to riiiua in nun n an
iulei prefer. He came niiilee the noli
of I.i Hung t haii. who 'appointed him
a 1 1 1 -1 .' ii i commissioner.
Subsequently lie was iv
of ui. ill. 1. ii in, and lie was ie.
lie lias iiiuiied a Chiiic-i
make- a pracl h of app al in
asinli- ill ( linie-e lul lone
iiis lank.
This is the lh t lime he ha It
I'm ope lor III nciiis.
ii I lie ran
enlly ma
f I I'll Hill
mi all in
siiitaldc I
Contains Over 1000 Figures and is
Work of M. Roussel.
rARIS, Feb. 25. The large-t picture
ever painted in France, and perhaps in
the world, was insim-ted bv the Fine
Arts Commission at the Gallerie des
Machines. It is 2Hi feet square, and
contains more than lOW life siz- figures.
The picture represent the mob. after
the taking of the lia-tile, marching
with Lafayette to the Hotel ,1c Yille.
It is the work of M. George l!ousel.
M. Kous-el has been cormnis-ioned to
paint another canvas of the same size,
representing the Mutuality festival,
which was the last important occasion
on which M. Loubet pre-ided during his
sev'ii years of oflice.
War Department Wants Work at Mouth
U ASlUMi id.N, hel. I!.i. ilie war
department lias recommended the im
provemcitt of Ilwacn harbor at tin
mouth of the t'nliimbia river and has
akcd Congress to appropriate $iltl,lNK)
for that purpose. While the depart
meiit does not consider the commerce
involved sufficient to w arrant I he cost
of .naiiitcnanie, which will be a Unit
fl.l.uu) annually if carried on iiu.lrr
contract, or about $40tn if by a govern
ment dredge, it is of the opinion that
the construction of a channel in the
llwuco harbor is a military necessity,
for it would afford direct mean of
communication with Fort Cunby, near
by. A channell ) .VI feet wide and eight
feet ill depth h.l lie II IMHIIIII. Ildeil,
Itching Piles.
If you are acquainted with anyone
who is troubled with this distressing
ailment you ran do him no greater
favor than to tell him to try Chamber
Iain's Halve. It gives instant relief.
Price 25 cents per box. Sold By Frank
Hart and leading druggist a.
If you have lost your boyhood spirits,
courage and continence of youtn, we
offer you new life, fresh courage tnJ
freedom from ill health in HollUter'i
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or
Tablets. Frank Hart, dniggiit.
Many men give lavishly of gold,
To build bridges and castles and towers
of old:
If you want everlasting fame, a bene
factor be,
Give the poor and needy Rocky Moun
tain Tea.
Frank Hart, druggist.
Free of Charge to
Wise's Customers
With Every
Herman Wise
Billy Buster
They have a sole that won't wear out.
543 Bond Street Opp. Bota Higgini & Co,
do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs.
Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W.
Va. "Because, after suffering
for several years with female
trouble, and trying different doc
tors and medicines without obtaining relief, I at last
found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my
ills, and can recommend it above all others for female
Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache,
periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata
menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women
suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject
to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a million who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles.
describing fully all your symptoms
and we will send you Fret Advice
in plain sealed envelope. LiditV
Advisory DeptThe Chattanooga
Mrdklne Co., Chattanooga, 'Jenn,
a rm rrh an q
gf W& mm wmm mWmm mm
Latest Popular
Every month we receive the latest popular vocal and instrumen
tal hits direct from the great Eaitein publishers. We receive fiom 20
to ."(J of these new pieces each month and it will pay you to drop in at
least once a month and look them over. We keep them eparate from
our large genera! stock of music and it need take but a few minutes of
your time. Keep an eye on the show window also.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
ir.STAIILI.SII I'D 1880.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Sherman Transter Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur
niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier.
0. I. PETERSON, Vioe Preildent. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashitr.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capitol Paid In IOO,000. Surplus and Undivided ProdU 165,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits;
168 Tenth 8treet,