MONDAY, FEBRUARY so, igoo. THE MORNING ASTORIA N, ASTORIA OREGON. T PORTLAND MARKETS Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets. CompUtt Market Report! Contend Eava Day Giving the Wholesale Prices of Commodities, Firm Product and Vege table. l'OUTI.ANJ), lVb. 24-l'iodme rn.r chant iPit n lii ik w-ck (or Imalne on Kitint tiM. ltrril of IruiU awl Vpj' table (nun C.illfnriilu, Ixilli by full Kinl kpm, wei heavy, price klilT ulid till) demand jjimkI, At thi ""Html (lie XollliHrnl it ninthly dependent on California for (H-i ii i f! tiililen, ii the linllie. JJiudeneu iii Hot ml rwiliuli of een (lie rnihliiiill Vullilii'n In tide over until new e;; tilde n -n r In tin- tilili'. Till' jelieml pmnpeiily of tlif country linn j inll tlifl dnntind for orange and banana In ueh a y to keep (imiljfiniK'nU niii'liinlly mi the road from m Anpb wml Nrw Or igan. Shipment ar dlpicil of iii nft.r fucliffiff tit" nty, and lollec-timi have I'M'ii inmv 1 1m it oidiiniiily prompt. Kgg Piicra Weak. I'lruli rjfjfii W i'l wrnk at K'l cent" today ami r tl!tt only boiieht what they needed for the day 'a huaiiins, ft- 4 l . i i freih ranch tim weir iry and the rae continu-d to pile up in tin- huiinea. Grain, Produce, tel Wheat-Walla Walla, 60c; Vall.y, i 72c; Uuentetn, 70lc; red, 67c. Oata-WhlU, $2S gnj, $27. Barlej-Urewlng, $23.5024; frd, $3 23 rolled. $24C423. Hay-Valley timothy, $lufll Cant era Oregon, $IJ.50(J14j clover, $3.50 $ cheat, r.30(3( alfalfa, $10. Millatuffa-Mlddllnga, r23(?20 chop, $19; bran, $I8(?19( ihorta, $2021. Flour Hard wheat patent, M 20; ttralght, $3 30 graham, $3.50 rye, (5: whole wheat flour, $3.73 Valley, $1 S3 (23.001 Dakota, $fl.30fR7.23; Ka.t era rye, $5.40; PllUbury, $6 30(37.15 Corvallia, $3.70. Cora Whole, $24; cracked, $23 pet ton. Rye $1.50 per cwt HuckwlKet-112 30 per ton. 11 Pfoduce. Butter Fancy creamery, 2730c lb. elty creamery, 30.12ict dairy, li? 17cj atore, 14l3c; F-atern creamery, 23(?271c butUr fat, 2931c Cbee Young Anierli-an, lflc; Ore gon full cream. 13c. Kgga Freth Oregon riinch, lflgl'c. Poultry Old roontera, StOc, hitia, 1213c Spring, 14tf15cj broilera, 15('f'10c; dieed chicken", 1313jc; geete, live, OlOc; dreed, lfl(ll7c; turkeya. liv.-, 14(315c; dieted, lfl17c; ducka, old, 1213c; Spring duck, 15(3) ltlc pbeona, per doien, $!(qSl.25j aipiubH, 12(0,250. Honey-Dark, lOlrtillcj amhr'. '2 13; fancy white, 1415e, Frulta and Vegetable!. Miilnga grn)e $0.00 per bbl. Applea-flreen, 75c$2.25. l'ear-$l.(K)1.30 a box. Ompe Fruit $3.003.S0 crate. Huckleberriea 7c per lb. Cranbcrrie $14 per barrel. Troplool frulU 1-cmonn, funcy, $3.00; choice, $2.50 per box orangei, $2.25 $2.50; bnnanai, 5c p.r lb. pineapple, $4.505 per dozen. Totatoea Per tack, 0005c; car lota, country jobbcra price, 7080cj per 100 lba., turnlpa 75Q0Oo aackj oab, per pound, He; celery, doren. 6005cj onioria, 75$1, in country, jobbera' prices, $1$1.25; cucumber. TIDE TABLE, Ix)v Wafer. j " A. M. J M- Dnte." j h.m. ft. Jh.m. 2.5 Thurndwy ...... .... 12:00 Friday 2 0:30 S.l l:5fi 2.2 Nutunlny 3 3.5 3:01) 1.8 SUNDAY 4 2:40 4.0 4.0 3:51) 4:50 6:05 1.J5 Monday 5 3:51 Tuesday 0 4:52 0.0 3.1) o.u Wednwday 7 6:43 3.0 0:10 -U.4 -0.7 Thursday 8 0:27 3.2 0:65 Friday 01 7:01) 2.8! 7:34 0.8 0.0 Saturday 10 7:50 2.3 8:12 SUNDAY 11 8:34 1.0 8:6(lJ-0.2 Monday 121 0:15 Tuesday 13 10:02 l.fll 1.4 0:20 01.3 10:10 11:03 1.0 Wednemday 14110:65 1.4 1.8 Thursday 1511:68 1.3 U:6H 2.0 rrlday 101 1:12 1.3 1.0 Saturday 17 1:02 3.2 2:30 SUNDAY 181 2:21 Monday 10 3:43 3.01 3:45 4:48 0.0 8.1 3.7 Tuesday .20, 4:52 3.4 5:40 6:20 -0.3 Wednesday 21 6:50 3.0 -0.5 ThurHdiiy 22 B:37 2.fl 7:00 0.8 0.3 Friday 23f 7:20f 2.3 7:4.2 Suturdny 24 8:00 2.1 8:15 8:40 0.2 SUNDAY 25 8:35 1.0 0.7 SUNDAY 201 8:001 2.1 8:151 0.2 Momlmv 20 0:00 1.8 0:12 1.2 Tuesday 2V 0:42 1.8 0.41 1.8 Wednesday, ,,...2810:20j 1.010:17 2.4 hot, 00c j Mi $1 par aackj carrot 75o; per aacki garlic, 10oj egg plant, ISo per pound) wrt pot atom, tl.86A$2.00j red pepper, 20o pound hothoue Mtuca, ( 1 .AO par box. California yegetablst Ornon beans, 20c Jb j green pees, 12o; aprouta, Hei radlabsa, 2So dosn bunchesi Chlla peppers, 20a lb. tomatoes, $1.70 hint bead lettur, 2fio dos.j artichokes, 78o (lotcni cabbage, t'-i.OOj cauliflower, 9 1 .25 per dozen j celery, I2.70&3 crate. Grocerlei, Provisions, Etc. HiKiir ,ack baal Golden C, 1,1.05 j extra C, 13.20 powdered, 5.80; patent cube, tft.0.1 ; cane, D. ()., $5.70 fruit iii( ar, 13.70 bet augur, (4.0U; barrel, cwt. I0c keg, cwt., 23c; boxea, cwt., 30o ad vance over auck WU, !es Jo lb. if paid for In 19 liny a. Halt-Hale of 76 2, bale, f 1.A0; bale of 00-,'U, bale, $1.00; bale of 40 4k, baled, $1,150; bah of 15-lOa, bale, ti.flO; Ug, 0(), fine, ton, $11.00; bug, 30 lbs., genuine MverMMl, tin, 117.00; bag, 30 " . i ground, 1 00a, ton, $7.00; K. W. V. I,, 20 6 lb. carton, $2.25; It. H. V. P., 24 3 lb. rartona, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton, $1H.B0. Rlie Imperial Japan, Tfo, t, $3.05 Southern, Japan, 51c; broken, 4)c; head, j fancy, 7 head, choice, flic CoffeeMocha, 24(t2Hc; Java, fanry, 2()6(ilc; Java, Rood, 2024; Java, ordi nary, 17(320; CoeU Itlea, fancy, lHCtf20 Cota Kins, good HIH; Arlmckle, l(5o per lb; I.lon, l(!c per lb; Columbia cof f.-, l.'U; Salvador, llflSe. ..t i.... it ... lol... rlrnlc, 8c; baron, regular, lljc bacon, ' ' ' K . . '. br.-akfitut, i:K' IBc; dry natt ide, 11c; backa, dry aalt, lie. KuU-Wa!nute, No. 1 toft ahell, 13)ci No. 1, hard ahell, IRoj Clhle, 13c; al mond", 16c; ftlliertt, 14(5,15 BraiiU, 14c; pecana, 13iCSl3cj hickory, Be Vlr- ItrtnU nranuta. 7 (2 71c i Jumbo Virrinil peanuta, Pcj Japanete peanuta, 61(grk cbeanuti, iUlian, 14c; ocooanuta, doien, 73ft &0c; new a.lmonda, 15 16c. Flge-Wltte, lb,, S l-f3c; black, $ g7& Dean Small white, 4cj large white, 3cj pink, 2 7-8c; bayou, 4 3 4cj Limit, 5 7-8c Uczioan red, 6ic Pickled good-PkkJed plga' feet, 1-2-barrela, $3.00 1-4 barrela, $2.75 18 lb. kite, $li!3 pickled tripe, 1-2-Urrela, $5.00 1-4 Urrtta, $2.78 11-lb. kite, $Ii3 pickled plga' tongoea, 1-2-barrela, $6.00 1-4 Urma, $3X10; 15-lb. kiU, $1.50 pickled Iambi" tonguet, 12 bar rel!, $0.00 1-4 barrela, $3 50 15 lb. kiU, $2.76. ! LardKettle-renJered; Tlercea, 10jo; tuUii jo fi.8c 60a, 10 6 8c; 20a, II 3-4c; j ioa( Hc fia, 9 5 8c; SUndard pure Tiercea, 0 l-4c; tuba, 0 7-8cj 50, S 7-8c; joc. 0 5 8c 10, 10c 6a, 101-8c. Com- pounds Ticrece, 61-2C tub, 3-4c 10a, 7 l-4c; 5i, 7 3-8c, Sautage Poitlana nam, 13 1 2c per lb.) minced ham, 10c; aummer, choice dry 17 1 2c; bolofna, long, 5 l-2ci wiener wi'Tit, 8c; liver, 6cj port, Be blood, 6c; neadchceie, 12 l-2c; bologna laimage link, 4 l-2c. Ualaina Looee Muacatcla, 3-crown 7 1 2c; 2 crown, 6 l-2c; bleached aeed leaa SuManna, 712c; unbleached aeed lent Sultanna, 6 3-4c; Ixindon layera, 3 crown, whole boxea of 20 lba $1.86: 2 Dried Fruit Applet, evaporated, '2Jc crown, $1.75. per lb. aundried, aacka or boxci, none; aprlcote 11Q121) peacbea, 10llc peara, 1012 l-2cj prunes, Italian, 6 6 l-2ci French, 3 l-2c; flga, Cat. black", 6 3-4cj do, white, none Smyrna, 20c; Fard. datea, Ocj plumi, pitted, 6c, Cereal fooda Rolled oata. cream, 00' lb. lack, $6.76 lower grade, $5.00 $0.26; oatmeal, ateel cut, 50-11). aacka, $3 per bale; 101b. aacka, $4.25 per bale; oat meal (ground), 50-lb. aacka, $7.50 per bale 101b. aacka, $4.00 per bale; iplit peas, $4.00 per 1001b. sack; 25-lb. boxes, $1.15) pearl barley, $4.25 per 100 11m.; 25-lb. boxca, $1.25 per box; pantry flour. 101b. sacka, $2.60 per bale. Canned aalmon OolumMa river, l ib FEBRUARY High Water. A.M. P. M. I h.m. I ft. Date. Thursday ., I h.m. ft. 1 0:07 7:00 7.01 0:471 5.0 5.3 5.4 6.8 0.2 8.6 8.0 0.0 Fniday 2; 7.51 8:02 Saturday 3 7:50 8:53 0:47 7.5 7.7 0:18 SUNDAY 10:25 11:18. 11:23 Monday C 7.0 Tuesday 0 10:37 8.21 0.7 Wednesday 7 Thursday 8 0:001 0:40 7.3 12:0B Friday 0 1:17 7.712.62 Saturday 10 1:541 8.11 1:35 1:35 0.1 SUNDAY 11 2:31 8.4 2:20 3:07 8.0 8.4 7.8 7.1 0.4 5.0 5.0 0.2 0.0 Monday 12 3:00! 8.0 Tuesday .13 3:48 4:31 8.7 3:50 4:58 ,:00 Wednesday 14 8.0 Thursday 15 5:20 8.4 Friday 10 6:15 Saturday 17 7:18 8.2 7:27 8:50 8.1 SUNDAY ......181 8:27 Monday 10 0:30 8.1 8.3 10:13 11:13 Tuesday 20 10:37 8.51 Wednesday 21 0:01 7.1 Wednesday ZI11:31 Thursday 22 0:42 8.7 7.51 12:10 8.8 8.7 8.5 8.1 7.6 Friday 23 1:18 7.8 1:01 Saturday 24 1:50 8.0 1:40 2:20 SUNDAY 25 2:21 8.1 8.1 Monday 20 2:53 2:6(1 Tuesday Z7 3:Z4 8.1 3:33 7.2 Wednesday 28 3;:0 7.9 4:15 6.7 talla, $1.86 Mb. tallt, $2.60; fane Mb. Hat., $2.00; 12 lb. fancy fl.U, $1.25, fancy Mb. ovale, $2.75) Alatka Ulli, pink, 90o) red $1.46) aomlrul, 2a, tall, $2.00. Maaon fruit Jara Ilalf-ganonJ, per grout, $1.00; qumrta, $7.60 plat a, $$.55; extra cape, per groaa, $215, Kconoru fruit Jara Half gaTlona, per groet, $13.35; quarte, $10.60; plnU, $8J5; extra capa, $1.86. Kverlattlng fruit jart rjalf-gaDoni, $12.50; quart, $8.50; pintt, $7.60; extra capa, giant, $2.60. Livestock Market. Oaille lictt ateew, $.1.75(54; cow, $3.003.25; oulvet, $3.00(4.75. Khep-$3.75($0.00; Iambi, $55J50. IIog-$5.75'50.00; light hogt, $5 5.2S. Wild Game. Jmk rabbit, $22.50 dozen. Sugar, a':k bunlt (IMnn C, $5.05; Fresh Meats and Ftin. Fiend ineata Veal, mall, 8(38jc; larg", 6fi,(Jc; park, C7; beef, bulln, 2i21c; cowt, 3141':; Iambi, O'tera Shoalwatcr bay, pr gaUon, $2.26; pi-r tack, $3.75 act; Olyrnpia, per iauk, $3.25; Kattern trantplantcd $ per 100 Iba. clarnt Ilardnheli. oer box, $2.uu; rator claim, $2.00 per box. Fih Craba, per, $1.50; Shoal- water bay oyatera, per tack $4.06, gal lon, $2.25; halibut, 61c; black ; baat, per lb, 12 l-2c; herring, 6c; fioundera, 5c j catflth, 8c; lobatera, per lb, 12 1 2c tilver amelt, 6c; ahrimp, 10c; perch, 5c; aturgeon, 8c; ailveralde, c; tea trout, 1$ l-2c; black baai. 20 25c i Y equina chinook aalmon, lei Grain bag Calcutta and flometUc, 7e. Wool-Valley, 26(J27 12) Eastern Oregon, 18&20e. Tallow Prime, per lb, $33 3-4e; No. t and greaae, 2t 1-te. Hope, Wool, KMea, tU. Hopi Choice, lOgllc; prime, 99)o. Wool-Villey, 2627kj EaaUm Ora- gon, 1820c; nominal Tallow Prime, per lb., 33c; No. and grease, 22c. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 16 Iba. and np, 1617c per lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 13 Iba., 13)16)c per lb.; dry calf, No. 1 unde; 6 Iba., 1718c; dry salted, bulls and atags, one third leai than dry flint (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, aoored, murrain, hair-slipped, weather-beaten or grubby, 2g3c per lb. less); salted hides, steers, sound, 60 lbs. and over, 9 (a 10c per lb.; 60 to 60 lbs., 8 l-29c per lb.) under 50 lbs. and cows, 8 9c per lb.; salted stags and bulla, sound, 6c per lb.) salted kip, sound, 15 to 30 lbs., 9c per lb.; salt ed veal, sound, 10 to 14 lbs., 9c per lb.; salted calf, sound, under 10 lbs., 10c per lb. (green, unsaltcd, lo per lb. leas; culla, lc per lb. leaa). Sheep SKTns: Shear linga, No. 1 butchera' stock, 25 30c each; short wool, No. 1 butchera' stock, 40 50c each; medium wool, No. 1 butchera' atock, 60(J80c; long wooi, No. 1 butchers' stock, $1.00 1.50 escn Murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 1214c per lb.; hone hides, sslted, each, accord ing to aire, $1.60 (3; 2. 00; dry, each, ac cording to size, $1.50; colts' hides, 25 50c each; goat akins, common, 1015c each; Angora, with wool on, 25c$1.50 each. Mohair Choice, 3032c. Feathers Geese, white, 35 (g 40c; geese gray or mixed, 25 30c; duck, white, 1520c; duck, mixed, 1215c Oil and Lead. Conl oil Pearl and astral oil, cases, 20Jc per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 15c; wood barrels, 17Jc; extra atar cnse, 23c; headlight oil, 175 de crees, cases, 235c; iron barrels, 171c. (Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, lo per gallon higher.) Ucnzine Sixty-three degrees, cases, 22c; iron barrels, 171c. Turpentine In cases, 89c; in wood barrels, 80c; in iron barrels, 83e; in 10- cuse lots, 88c. il.nseed oil Raw, 5-bnrreI lots, 5fic; l bnvrel lots, 57c; in cases, (12c; boiled. barrel lots, 5Sc; 1-burrel lots, 59c; in cases, (14e. Gasoline Stove gasoline, cases, 245c; iron barrels, 18c; 80 degrees gasoline, cases, 2'2c; iron barrels or drums, 20c. Ropo Pure Manila, 14Jc; standard, 133c; Sisal, 11c; Isle brand Sisal, 9jc. An exchange says: "Men have var- A I urns ways ot carrying money, uroceis, butchers And millers carry it in a wad, bankers in clean bills laid full length in a pocket book. Brokers always fold the bill once, doubling the money as it were. The young business man carries it in his vest pocket while the sport has his in his trouser's pocket. The fanners and drovers iu their inside pockets, whether it be $50 or 15c. Printers usually carry theirs in other people's pockets. ASTORIA COMMISSION and AUCTION CO. 305 Commercial Street AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY at a p. m. PRIVATE SALES during the week Ask Us for Price 305 Commercial Street. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S- CO. Fare Including berth and meals, $15; Round-trip, $25. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, era California. U. W. KOIJKKT8, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. A. O. D. KERRBLU Gen. Pas. Agent San Francisco, CaL Through SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER Stop-Over Privileges Granted. Choice of Routes East of Colorado Points. For Illustrated Phamphlets Pic turing Colorado's Beautiful Scenery write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. 134 Third Street PORTLAND, OR. THE MILWAUKEE "The Pioneer Limited" St. Paul to Chi cago. "Short Line" Omaha to Chicago. "South-West Limited" Kansas City to Chicago. No trains in the service of air rat road in the world that equals in equip uient that of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Ry. They own and operatt their own sleeping and dining cars on all their trains and give their pations an excellence of service not obtainable else where. Berths on their sleepers are longer higher and wider than in similar cars on any other line. They protect their trains by the Block system. Connections made with all trans-con tiuental lines in Union Depots. Her tales Dansk, Svcnsk og Norsk Hier wird deutsch gesprocheii. H. S. Rowe, General Agent, Portland Oregon. 134 Third Street, corner Alder 60 YEARS' Trade Marks DESIGNS 'rftli Copyrights Ac. Anrone tending a nketoh and dMcrlptlon ram flnlokly aaceriiiln our opinion free "nether a Invention Is probably piite''.urle. Coniniunloa. tlonsntrlotlvoonlldentW!. HANDBOOK on Patents ent free, oldest nirsiiof for securing patents. Cutouts llii"i throtiKh Munn A Co. recelTS tptcial nutkt, without cliRrne, lu tba Scientific Jlmcric.m. A hnndsomely lllnstraled weekly. I.srgest clr. oulHtlon of any solentldo Innrual. Terms, J a yeur: four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. filUNNJCo.8618'' New York llrauch Office, 636 F 8U WuhliiKloD, D. & J aA A Ticket Xfeans more than your mere transportation if it is over It mesns that you will have every luxury and comfort the utmost courtesy from sll employ es a safe trip and one that will be a pleasure and delight. It is the Short Line to Chi cago AND BEST AS WELL. Anything you wish to know about comfortable traveling will be gladly told by. W. A. COX, Gen. Agent 153 Third St. . Portlend, Ore. E2 ASK ANY TRAVELER and be will tell you the Electric Lighted. Fs tbs Crack Trtla of then all for COM FORT aoJELEGAKCfc. The ticket office at Portland is at ass Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. OREGON. Accordion. Snnbarst and Knife Pleatin? To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. Wo Burning of Goods. MissO. Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Buildinj. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Given to all Out-of-Town Orders. 11 MSI Astoria & Columbia River R. RCo. EFFECTIVE 28 26 j 30 j 24 22 (Leave. ajn p.m. la. m.p. m.a. m 1 i 7HW 8:00PORTLAND 8:10! 9:10! leave, uooie. arrive Clatskins Junct Westport. arrive ASTORIA 'eavs leave ASTORIA arrive 9:0310:0oj 9:24 10:26i 10:3511:35 8:15 5:50 11:40 11:35 8:3516:10 12:05 12:101 12:301 11:55 arrive WARRENTON .leave leave WARRENTON arrive arrive Ft. Stevens .eave leave Ft. Stevens arrive 8:366:11 8:4616:25 8:46 6:20! 8:55 6:39 8:586:40 9:12i7:03 arrive WARRENTON eava 1U53; leave WARRENTON leave p. m. 12:14, 0:1817:11 12:21, 12:30j arrive 9:25:7:20 Sunday only. 1 Through tickets and close connection via. N. P. railway at Portland an4 Goble, and O. R. & X. via. Portland. J. C. MAYO, G. F. and P. Agent BEGINNING FEB. 15, 1906 THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS EVERY DAY " BETWEEN SEATTLE and CHICAGO via the Great Northern Railway ...i . "The Comfortable Way" Route of the famous Oriental Limited For detailed information, rates, etc., call on or- address M Third Street, TRAVELER? QUID. lit OREGON Short line Union Pacific AND 7$ houra from Portland to CUcaajc. No ehanie of cars. TIME HfJHEDCLBi Krmn PORTI.AN& I Depart) ArrtTt Chicago . Portland ! Hpeeial i frIAa. m. Halt lAke., Denver, Kt Wnrth flrnaha tost taClt,HtLoul, I via HnH Atlantln r.xprwMi Fait Lake, lnVer K S:l5 p. m. Worth, Umaha, Kan via Hunt- taa City, HI UmIh, tngton Chicago and the Kant 7:15 a 1 SUft?1.. W11 Walla, Uwla rant Ma I Lrin. Hnnbun. uu. .15p. ra. anolla. hi Faal, Dolattt tfaopi 'maim- Jiuwauaee, unicaKO. kane and Kant Dally ex- Columbia River to cept Hun-iPortland and Way day atTam Landing 4am Daily ei cept 11 A, C. CRAIG, Genl, Pass. Agt, Portlsai. STEAMER NAHCOTTA Leaves Astoria on the Tida DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR ILWACO, connecUnf there wttK trains for Long Beach, Tioga nasi North Beach point. Returning ar rivn at Astoria same evtnlnc Tbrougn tlcketa to and from ail prtav erpal Eoropaaa eltiasi. O. W. ROBERTS. Asrsnt, Astoria, Ora. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If yeur tickets read over th Den ver and Rio Grands Railroad, tkai "Scenic Una of th World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attrac tions and points of Interest along the line between Ogden and Den ver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If you are s;o!ng East, write for In formation and get a pretty book thai will tell you all about it W. C MeBride, General Agent j 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON SBPT 18, 190$. Arrive. 21 23 25" 29 a. m p. a. m. (Union Depot.) 11:201 9:50 10:101 8:40, 7:40 7:19 6:10 I 9:11 8:51 7:45 7:40 7:20 7:20 5:202:45 10.-45J 5:05 :20 :15 10:251 10:25 7:06 7:06 8:52 6:52 2:00 10:151 IU:14j 10:051 5:05 10:051 Clatsop. Gearhart SEASIDE leave 6:29 :22 6:15 4:45 4:38 4:30 9:4 9: IN THE YEAR 1 ; 1 i II 1 f K. DICKSON, C. T. A., Portland, 0