SUNDAY, FEBRUARY tj, 1900. TIIE MORNING ASTORIA N. ASTORIA, OREGON. PORTLAND MARKETS Litest Quotations in the Portland Markets. Complttt Market Report CerwUd lavs Day Giving th Wholesale Price vf ConunoditUi. Farm Product tad vit tables. PORTLAND, lfli, 24. -Produce tncr eliuiiU if port 11 luUk week fur business on pis.ut street. Receipt (if fruit mid vji litbles from 'u Ufornla, bolh by rait nml m, were heavy, pi J stilf and llio demand good. At this iuim On' Northwest I timidly dependent tui California fur j!"'1' 11 tli.' Iiiuiii' jjiiiiliMirin (I" iit rui emiugli "f mi'it I lif common vmlclles to lide over iinlil new vog table iiinir In I In iing. Tin' ,'i-n'iiil pnmpi-rlly of t country linn i- painted the ileiniiiid fur o&nnges mill Illinium In such a way s (o k-f p riiniiiiim.'iili i'inif mil ly utt the rod from Los Aiig'lm mid New (r- Irill. Shipments me disputed nf mion after rrocliinjf the rily, and collections have lii'i'ii tin it - t ha 11 (inliimt ilv prompt. Egu I'llcen Weak. 1'lfsli I'jfjjii Veto Wrk lit cents today mill r'lnilri only IhiiiIiI 1vl1.1t they needed fur thir din's biiinc, fx-pn-luig 11 dei-liim Mmiiluy. Receipts of fresh rmnh mif ti heavy mt'l the crs eoiilillild (o pile u ill (hi- wine 1ujup . Grain, Produce, feed. Wbat-Val!a Walla, Cflc; 72c; bluelem, 70cj r'-d, 07c. OaU-Whlte, $28 gray, $27. Ilarlcy-Brewlng. 23.60C2( Vtilliy, f.ed. 123 23) rolled. t2428. Hay-Valley timothy, tlw?ll Kt ern Oregon, 1 13.30(3 14; clover, MM 8; cheat, 7.M(JS, alfalfa, $10. Millatuff MiddliBgn, $23C20s chop, $19; bran, $18(J10 ahorta, $2021. Flour Hard wheat patent, $4.20; itralght, $3.50; graham, $3.80; rye, $8; whole wheat flour, $3.78 1 Valley, $3.0S$3.M DakoU, flM($7.2fl Eaat era rye, $8.40; Pillabury, $0.30(17.18; Cortalli. $3 70. Cxr-Whole, $24; tucked, $23 too. Rye 41.60 per cwl Buckwheat $12JW per ton. pel Produce. Butter-Fancy creamery, 27 (330c lb.; eliy creamery, juric; aairy, 10C J70; wre, mail; Mrn creamery, 2527ic; butter-fat, 20(?31c. Clieee Voting American, 10c; Ore gon full cream. 13c. Fgg Fieh Oregon ranch, lfl(17c. Poultry Old rooter, 80a, b'-n, 12l13c; Spring, 14f15c; broiler, 15(U0c; drewed chicken, 1313c; geee, live, 0ft10c; dreniied, 1 OfnC 17c ; turkey, livr, 14(15r; ilreed, 1017c; duck, old, 12(a,13c; Spring duck, 16(3) 10c; pigeon, jnr donen, $!rgl.25; a.itub, $2r:2.50. Honey Dark, 10(S;llc; amlir. '2, 3o; fancy white, 14(jj!8e. y Fruits and Vegetables. Malaga grape $9.00 per bbl. Apple Oreen, 75c$2.28. rears-$1.00 1.80 a box. firttpc Frult-$3.OO3.60 crat. Huckleberries 7c per lb. Cranberrie $14 per barrel. Troplwtl fruit Union, fancy, $3.00; choice, $2.50 per box; orange, $2.25 $2.60; bananas, 60 per lb.; pineapple, $4.808 per down. Totatoes Per sack, C0fl5c; car lots, country; jobbers' price, 7080oj per 100 lbs.,; turnips 7600o aack; cab bages, per pound, Ho; celery, dozen 60fl5c; onions, 75$1, in country, jobbers' prices, $1$1.25; cucumbers, TIDE TABLE, FEBRUARY JLiw WaUr.3T Date. I h.m. ft. j li.m. ft. ThuwoW 11.... .... 12:50 2.5 Frldnv 21 0:801 3.1 1:65 t:i Saturday 3 1:28 3.5 3: (HO 3:81) 4:50 1.8 SUNDAY 41 2:40 4.0 4.0 1.2 Monday 8 3:61 0.0 Tuesday 6 4t52 8.0 6:135 u.w -a.4 Wednesday 7 6:43 Thursday 8 0:27 3.0 6:10 3.2 0:56 -0.7 -0.8 Friday 0 7:00 2.8 7:34 Saturday 10 7:60 2.3 8:12! 0.6 SUNDAY 11 8:34 1.9 8:6(W-0.2 Monday 12 0:16 Tuesday 13 10:02 1.0 0:20 rt.3 1.4 10:10 11:03 1.0 1.8 Wednesday 14110:65 Thursday 1511:881 1.4 1.3 11:531 2.0 rrlday 10 1:12 2:30 1.3 1.0 Rattirdav 17 1:02 3.2 SUNDAY 181 2:21 3.0 3:45 4:48 0.0 8.1 jvion Wed "Tim Monday ........10 8:43 8.7! rnsday .2 4:055 3.4 0:40 0:20 0.3 lnesdav Zl 0:5 ' 'i 1 8.0 -0.5 hnreday ..221 8:37 2.0! 7:06 0.5 Friday 23 7:20 2.3 7:4.2 Saturday 241 8:00 2.1 8:16 SUNDAY 25 8:35 1.0 8:40 0.3 0.2 0.7 SUNDAY 201 8:001 2.1 8:15 0.2 1.2 Monday 20 9:00 1.8 9:12 Tuesday 2V 9:42 1.8 9.41 Wednesdaj, 2810:20j 1.010:17 1.8 2.4 boi, BO) beets 1 jur Mtck; carrot 75c per lack) gartle, )0ct egg plant, ISo noil ml 1 sweet potatoes, tl.B6At2.00) pepper, 20c pound j hothouse 1- ttu, ; ' .7. .,. i,r.., r.-.. , .prouL, 8 radish, 2So doaen Imnr-h., ,, ' ' ... , , Chile pepper, 20o lb. f tomatoes, tl.75 boxj head lettuce, 25o doi., artichoke, 76e ca.l.aKe, 2.(K) cauliflower, 1,28 per dnaenj celnry, $2.783 crate. Groceric, Previiloni, Ite. 8t(ar ,ack bal "lolden C, $5.08; extra C, $5.20; powdered, $3.8f); patent cube, $5.1)5; cane, I). 0., $5.70; fruit aug ar, $3.70; l t iiKr, $4.00; barrel, cwt. lOo; kcg, cwt., 28o; Ioie, cwt., 50o ad vance over aack ll, lex lo lb. If paid for in 15 day, 8altnlr of 75 2a, bale. 11.00; bale of 00 3i, bale, $180; bale of 40 4, bale., $1.00; ball-a of 13-10., bal, $1.00; bag, 50, fine, ton, $11.00; bag, 80 lb., genuine Liverpool, ton, $17.(M); bag. 50 lb , i grounJ, m, ton, $7.00; R. 8. V . P 20 8 lb. carton, 28; It. 8. V. P., 24 3 lb. carlona, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton, $1H.50. Rice Iniperlal Japan, No. I, $5.05 Southern, Japan, 6!c; broken, 4ic; head, fancy, 7; brail, choice, 0o. Coffee-Mocha, 24rof2Hc Java, fancy, 20rti2c; .Inva, good, 20(5(24; Java, onli nary, 1720; CwU lU.a, fancy, 1820; Co(a Lira, -ikmI 14-ilH; Arbucklc, lCo per lb; Lion, lCJc jr lb; Columbia oof lie, i.ij; jvauor, limuo. I'roi.ii.tiHuni, to iz 12lc; ham, picnic, Hr; Miron, tegular, 1 1 ( bacon, brrakfa!, 13'l!ic; dry nalt aidea, lie; bark a, dry aalt, lie. KuUVlnute, No. 1 aoft hel, 151c; ; No. 1. bard ahrIL 15c: Clhle. 13ci ab ntond. Iflc. flllrta. 140!l3t Braiil. 14c; pecan. 131(8, 16c( hickory, 8o Vir- ginla pi-anuta, 77ic; Jumbo Virginia peanuta, (k; Japaneae peanut, 6lOc;7o, cheanuU, Julian, 14c; oocoanuU, doien, 73fa.80c; new almonda, 18(?18c, Flg-Wbite, lb., 8 I SQecj black, 6 7e. llean Small white, 4o; Urge white 3Jc; pink, 2 7-8c; bayou, 4 3 4c; Lima, 3 7-8c; Mix loan red, 6)c, Pickled gooda-Pkkled pig' feet, 1-2 barrel, $8.00; 1-4-bamla, 12.78; 161b ktU, $li8; pickled tripe. 1-2-barrela, $8.00; 1-4 barrel, $2.70; 161b. kite, $128; pickled pig' tongue, 1-2 -barrel, o.uu, i tmn, a.uu w in. aiu,r fi.oo; ptcatffl tamoa wngne., ,.,-B.r- rel., $9.00; 1-4 Urral $8.60; 18 lb. kiU, Urd-Kettle rendered t Tierce, 10c; tUb. 10 0 8c; 60. 10 6 8c; 20. 11 3-4c; io,, He; 6, 9 8 8c; SUnd.rd pure; Ttercca, S l-4c; tulta, 9 7 8c; 80. 9 7-8c; j20c, 9 8-8c; 10. 10c; 6. 101-8o. Com pound: Tiercc. 01-2c; tub, 0 3 4c; 10. 7 l-4c; 8. 7 a-8& 8auaage Poitlana nam, 13 l-2o per lb.; minced ham, 10c; summer, choice dry, kip, sound, 13 to 30 lb., 9c per lb.; salt 17 12c; bologna, long, 6 l-2c; wiener- d veal, ound, 10 to 14 lb., 9o per lb.; w''7t, 8c; liver, 60; port, 9c; blood, 6c; tatted calf, aound, under 10 lb., 10c per nedcheee, 12 l-2c; bologna auage, link, 4 l-2e. Ralaina Looe Muacatel, 3 crown, : 7 i.20, J. crown, 0 l-2c; bleached eed l..H SuUanna, 7 12c; unbleached seed- leta Sultanna, 0 3 4c; Undon layer, 3- crown, whole boxe of 80 lb, $1.86; 2- Dried Fruit Apple, evaporated, '2jc crown, $1.78. per lb.; sundrled, sseks or boxes, none; apricot 1112; pcarhe, 10llc; pears, 1012 l-2c; prune, Italian, 0 0 l-2c; French, 3 l-2c; flgs, Cal. black, 6 3-4c; do, white, none; Smyrna, 20c; Fard. date, Cc; plum, pitted, 0o. Cereal foods Rolled oats, cream, 90- lb. sacks, $0.76; lower grade, $5.00 $6.28; oatmeal, steel cut, 801b. sacks, $3 per bale; 10-Ib. sacks, $4.28 per bale; oat meal (ground), SO-lb. sacks, $7.50 per bale; 101b. sacks, $4.00 per bale; split peas, $4.00 per 100-lb. sack ; 25-lb. boxes, $1.16; pearl barley, $4.28 per 100 lbs.; 25-lb. boxes, $1.28 per box; pastry flour, 10-lb. sacks, $2.50 per bale. Canned salmon Columbia river, Mb. HlgbWatar. A.M. h.m". I ft. PJII. h.m. I ft Date. Thursday 1 0:071 7.0 0:47 6.6 6.3 6.4 6.8 0.2 Fniday 2 7:IK) 7.5 8:02 Saturday 31 7:501 7.5 0:18 SUNDAY 4 8:53 7.7 10:25 11:18 Monday 6 0:47 7.0 Tuesday tiiu: Wednesday 7 0:00) 6.7 11:23 12:08 8.8 Thursday 81 0:4 Friday 01 1: 40 7.31 8.0 17 7.712.52j 0.0 Saturday 101 1:54 8.1 1:35 9.1 SUNDAY H 2:31 8.4 8.6 2:20 8.9 8.4 7.8 7.1 6,4 6.9 5.9 6.2 6.0 Monday 12 3:00 8:07 3:0 Tuesday ,1.1 3:4 Wednesday 14 4:31 8.7 8.6 8.4 4:58 ,:0 Thursday 15 6:20 Friday 1 6:15 Sntttrdty 17 7:18 8.2 7:27 8.1 8:60 SUNDAY 18 8:27 Monday 19 9:36 8.1 8.3 10:13 11:13 Tuesday 20110:37 8.5 Wednesday 21 0:01 7.1 Wednesday i ii:3t 8.7 7.6 g g I Thursday 22 0:42 12:10 Friday 23 1:18 7.8 1:01 8.7 Saturday 24 1:50 8.0 8.1 1:40 2:20 8.6 'J SUNDAY .25 2:21 Monday 201 2:531 8.1 2:60 Tuesday 27 8:24 8.1 3:33 to I Wednesday 28) 3:CU 7.91 4:15 0.7 1 I tails, ll.Mj I lb. UIU, 2.50 1 fane Mb. per flat, 12.00; 1-2 lb. fancy data, 11.25) red fancy Mb. ovate, $2,78 j Alaaka Ulla I pick, OOcj red $1.48) nominal, U, tall. 12.00. Maeon fruit JarsnalfgaTlon, per I I .nn, ,,.,. fl . Ut UU, , ' ' ' itra cape, per groaa, 92.35. r r i7 Jara-nalf gaTlone, per t quart, $10.W; plnta, 8A8; Mtrt l M' Kverlaating fruit jar naif-ganona, 112.80) quarta, t 60; pinU, 7.80; extra cape, glaaa, 2.80, Livestock Market. Catt!e-n't aU'ern, $3.704; cow, 13.003.25 j oalvea, W.OO4.78. Bltcp-$3,75$8,(KJ; lamb, $58.60. Hi-$3.736.00j light bog, 5 5.25. Wild Game. Jink rabbit, $2(2.60 dozen. (Sugar, nark baia (Jolilen C, $5.05 ; Freah Meat and Flan. Freeh meat Veal, atnall, 8(81c; larK", SjOVrj park, 6J7; beef, bull, L'Jr; cow, 34C; lamb, 8ft,0c. Oytera rjhoalwatcr bay, yr gallon, $2.23; per aack, $3.75 net; Olyrnpla, per - ok, $5.25; FjilrB tranaplanted $l.0 par 100 Iba. Clam Hardihcll. ocr boi, $2.uu; raior - cUtna, $2.00 per box VUh-Trab. th-t flozen. 11.50: RW1 WAtr bay oytera, pt-r aack $4.08, gal on $2.25; halibut, file; black J,M. M.r jt, 2 .2ci herring, 8c; floundera, 8c; catflah, 8c; lolttera, per ft. '2 12c; ilvr emelt, 8c; hrimp, " 1"tca aiurgeon, nc; ativeratac, fcl "out, 12 1-iic; black baaa. Vaquina chinook aalmon, 6ct j Grain bag Calcutta aad domeatlo, Wool Valley, 2(27 l-2e; Kaatero Oregon, 18 (220c. Tallow Prime, per lb, 3S 3 4c; No. t and greae, 22 1-te. Hope, Wool, Hlflea, Ite. Hop Cboke, 10(5 11c; prime, 99l& Wool Valley, 2827icj Eaatera Ore- gn 18(3 20c; nominal. Tallow-Prime, per lb., 33fc; No. ? land greae, 22c. ojj.Dt, Mm No i 1S ,. .nfl p, ,0j7o pfr ,b.. dry kIp( Xo 1 g ,s ,bl ,3i61c T. ctf( No. unde7 6 lb., 1718c; dry aalted, bull ind .ug. one third lea than dry flint (CUj. moth-eaUn, badly cut, aeored, murrain, halr-.lipped. weather-beaten or orubbr. 23c ner lb. leeali aalted Wdea - ,un, aound, 00 lb, and over, 9(?10o per lb. j 60 to 00 lb., 8 l-29c per lb.j under 50 ibi. and cowa. 8,ec per lb.: aalted atag and bulla, aound, 0c per lb.; aalted b. (green, unltcd, lc per lb. lea; cull, lc per lb. 1e). Sheep nun: Shear- lint, No. 1 butcher' stock, 2530c each ; ahort wool, No. 1 butchers' atock, 40 60c each; medium wool, No. 1 butchere' stock, 0O(J8Oci long wooi, No, 1 butchers' stock, $1.00 1.80 eacn Murrain pelt, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 1214c per lb.; borne hides, salted, each, accord jg to size, $1.60 2.00; dry, each, ac cording to aize, $1.50; colts hides, 28 50c each; goat skin, common, 1015c each; Angora, with wool on, 25c$1.50 I each Mohair Choice, 303ie. Feather Geese, wbtte, 35 40c; geese gray or mixed, 2530c; duck, white, 1520c; dttcL, mixed, 1215c, Oil and Lead. Coal oil Pearl and astral oil, cases. 20Je per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 13c; wood barrels, 171c; extra star case, 23c; headlight oil, 175 de grees, cases, 23Jc; iron barrels, 171c (Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, lc per gallon higher.) Benzine Sixty-three degrees, cases. , ...... u.., HV. Turpentine In cases, 89c; in wood barrels, 86e; in iron barrels, 83c; in 10- ctise lots, 8Sc. ilitiseed oil Raw, 5-bnrrel lots, 5Cc; 1-lmrrel lots, 57c; in cases, 62c; boiled, barrel lots, 5Sc; 1-borrel lots, 69c; in cases, 64c. Gasoline Stove gasoline, cases, 24Jc; I iron barrels 18c; 86 degrees gasoline, cases, 22c; iron barrels or drums, 26c. Rope Pure Manila, 14 Jo; standard, 133c; Sisal, 11c; Isle brand Sisal, 0c. An exchange says: "Men have var ious ways of carrying money. Grocers, butchers ivud millers entry it in a wad, bunkers in clean bills laid full length in a pockethook. Brokers always fold the bill once, doubling the money as it were. The young business man carries it in his vest pocket while the sport has his in his trousers pocket. The farmers and drovers in their inside pockets, whether it to $50 or 15c. T..!1 11.. it. !..,. ! .11... ' hum is imuuiiy vuuj moos 111 uwioi people's pockets. Church Notices First Congregational There will be preaching services In the First Congregational church by Rev. W. h. Strange. Topics, morning: "The Church and It Privilege"; evening, "The Better Things, an Unspeakable Gift." First Presbyterian. Fir-t PreHbytcrian church, Ri-v, Wrn. S, Oilbert, pastor, Morning wor- uliip, 11 o'clock n. rn.; Sunday ncltool, 12:15 p. in.; Y. P. S. C. K., 0:30 p. m.; hermoii theme, niorning, "The Garment Ifirin"; evening, "lttit and Found f'horiii choir, First Baptist. At the I!aplit church today the pitilor will preach in the morning, ob ject, "The Law and the Gospel"; in th evening Mit Laura Gregg, the popular lecturer will occupy the pulpit. Sunday M-hool st 10 a. in. and U. Y. P. U., at 6:30 p, 111. Everybody cordially in vite.l First Lutheran. Ftr-t Lutheran church, Gutaf E. l!rl (juit, pastor. Service todav a follows: Morning service, with boly coinmiiiiion, in Swedish, at 10:30. Sub ject for sermon, "Heboid, We Go Up To Jerusalem." j;vening m-rviee, also with holy communion, . in English, st 7:30, Subjei t for sermon, "Jeus, Thou Son of David, Have Mercy Upon Me" and "The prayer of the Blind Barthimeus." Th'-re will aIo be reception of members at both service. Everybody cordially invited. St. Mary's Catholic. A eotire of lei-tures to Non-Catholics will le delivered at St. Mary's church commencing Sunday evening at 8. p. m. by Rev. J. Chspoton, C. S. S. R. The subject this evening will be "The Ex istence of God." No admission will be charged. . Everybody is invited. The "que! ion box" will be introduced. First M. E. Church. There will be the regular services at the Firi.t XL E. church, today; consist ing of the class meeting at 10:15 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 12:15 and Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. The regular prayer services Wednesday even ing st 7:30. The young people will give an unique 'ocial in the church par lor of Friday evening. Everybody cor dially invited. CHEAP RATES FROM THE EAST VIA THE 0. R. & N. CO. The folowing lit represents a few of the Eastern points from which Colonist rates shown below will apply via the O. R. k N. to Astoria from February 13th to April 7, 1900: Atlnnta, Ga., $40.75; rittsburg, Ta., $42; Baltimore, Md., $49.75; Washing ton. D. C, $49.75; Hotoii. Mas., $49.90; Peoria, 111., $31.; Buffalo, N Y., $42.50; Oklahoma, 0 T., $30; Chicago, 111., $33; St. Louis, Mo., $30; Cincinnati, O., $39; Kansas City, Mo., $25; Cleveland, O., $40; St. Joseph, Mo., $25; Detroit, Mich., $39.73; Omaha, Neb., $25; Mon treal, Que, $48.90; Sioux City, la., $25; New York, N. Y., $50; St. Paul, Minn., $25; Philadelphia, Ta., $49.75; Minnea polis, Minn., $25. Money can be deposited here for tickets which will be delivered to pas sengers at any point in the east without extra charge. For further information apply to G. W. Roberts, agent, O. R. & N. Company. The up-to-date woman avoids caus tics, drugs and powders. They arc ex tremely harmful to the skin, while Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes it soft and beautiful. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Frank Hart, druggist. MORE COMFORT THAN EVER. On Sunday, December 17th, the Den ver & Rio Grande railroad will inaugur ate a daily line of standard and tour ist sleeping cars between Denver and Los Angeles in connection with the new Clark rood. Both cars will leave Den ver daily at 9:30 a. m., and arrive at Salt Lake City at 1:35 p. m., the next day. At this point the cars will be held over until midnight, thus allow ing through passengers the privilege of a atop-over of ten hours and a half in Salt Lake City. Eastbound, these cars will leave Los Angeles at 8 p. m., and arrive at Salt Lake City at 6:30 a. m., second morning where they will remain over until 8:50 p. m., thence to Denver where they will arrive at 4:20 the fol lowing afternoon. This stop-over at Salt Lake City of the regular line of deeping cars promises to be an at tractive feature for transcontinental travelers. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that, the as sessment mad for the improvement of Harrison avenue from the west line if Thirtieth street to a point ten feet we-t of the center line of Thirty-third street, as pr assessment roll number 119, waa made by an order of the com mon council due and payable on the 5th day of March, 1900, by ordinance num ber 3215, confirming said amwMment roll, that the following are the names of the person against whom the assess ment is made, and the amount owing by each towit: Burton, E. It $180.10 Baker, M. A 4.54 Baker, (',. L, 4.54 Baker, Katharine 4.54 Baker, Lela 4.54 Boyd, Mary A 4.34 Kdward John F 38.50 Kd wards, Ed 45.00 Frederickson, Alexander 4S.20 Hammond Lumber Co 19.28 j Ifedrick, Mr. Metier 22.64 Ivetson, Carrie 48.20 Juger, N1I1 3.40 Jackson, Jacob J 100.70 Johnson, i'cU'r 52.73 Johnson, Pete 3.40 Laity, Charles 19.26 Ly-tad, Peter 48.20 Morris, Wist or B 211.37 Olsen, Peter M 45.00 Swa risen, P. E 17.13 City of Astoria (excels) 60.72 Bv order of the common council. OI.OF ANDERSON, Auditor and Polite Judire of the City of Astoria. 3 6 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment made for the improvement of Eighth street from the south line of Grar.d avenue to the south line of Lex ington avenue, a per assessment roll numlier 118, was made by an order of the common council due and payable on the 5th day of March, 1906, by ordi nance number 3216, confirming said as sessment roll, that the following are the name of the persons against whom the assessment is made and the amount owing by each to-wit: Boelling, V. $46.62 Barker, Orpha 3258 Bernard, Joseph 7.17 Beck, Paulina 7.17 Baker, Katharina 1.44 Baker, M". 1.44 Baker, O. L 1.44 Boyd, Mary A 1.44 Becker, A 215.2 Casey, Ella M 71.73 Clinton, James R 10.76 Carney, F. J 1.65 Dealey, Mary F 36.35 Pea lev, Richard 53.80 Dalgity. A. B 21.52 Davis. J. C 10.76 Davis, Lucy E 10.76 Denn, Maria 10.76 Fulton, Ada 58.13 Fulton, Maud E 58.12 Flnvel, Geo. C 100.71 FInvel. Mary C W.43 Flavcl, Nellie 27.43 FLtvel. Katie 27.4$ Finliiyson, Maigret 67.50 Fox. John .;6 Fox, A. T 8-97 Foard. Ed 32.2S Fcrgu-'on. Almytii E li'M Fi-hcr, Christina 103.S3 Gem-hurt. Cele-tia A 110. 1 Gte-'orv, W. E 32.2S 71.73 Hi- :m5. T. E.. Halm. John 32.23 Hawthorn. MonUiUious 01.23 Hammond Lumber Co 7.44 lolin-oii. Irene C 2.39 Johnson. Mary Alma 2.39 lolm-ou. Clutrles 2.30 .loir John H 32.28 .lolitivni. George 4ti.(S2 l.oeau. W. C 32.28 Kionotii-t Matt 7.17 MoLerg. Betsy 10.70 Moittcith. lnia H 32.28 Miller. Lola Baker 1.43 MoAyeal. Alex 12.56 NcImui. Laura 1.63 Olou. Win 23.11 Pulmbcfg:. Kmil 21.52 Parker. C. T 10.76 Parker. H. 1! 7.43 Russell. Joint W 35.72 liu-s'll. Joseph 35.72 Row hind. Bun- T 5.38 Riippleyea, Addie E IO.16 RadelilK', Alice J 10.76 Robb. Cordelia 2.4S SduTiiaokau, A 71.73 Stone. Will E 21.52 Speddeti, Mary C 7.17 Sloop. B. J..." 21.52 Smith, Jennie 7.17 Wright, Margaret J 35.72 Willis. Lydia M 6.38 Ward, Anna M 12.53 Wilson, Oscar F 4.90 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. 3-6 There is happiness in life as there is gold in the earth. Because you have not found it, is not proof that it isn't there. ASTORIA COMMISSION and AUCTION CO. 365 Commercial Street AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY at p. m. PRIVATE SALES during the week Ask Ui for Prica 305 Commercial Street 4i Dr, D. A. Sanburn FREN'CH SPECLALIST. The King of Cures I am now in your dty introducing my wonderful arts of healing. Come Me and all and I will tell everyone their disease and you will be made welL Iff medicines are all nature's remedies. roots, herbs, barks and berries. After I introduce my medicine I will leave certain kinds of it in your drug stores. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 8 p. m., at the Megler House, 680 Commer cial street, rooms 1 and 2. Consulation free at Astoria, Ore. Accordion, Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. No Burning of Goods. Miss O. Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Given to all Out-of-Town Orders. COFFEEJEA, BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS Abiolufc Purify, Fmesr Flavor, Greatest Srrenjih.ft&sonablePriwsi CL055ET&DEVERS r PORTLAND, OREGON. STAMMERING AND STUTTER ING CURED For Particulars Address THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAM MERERS 1261 oat Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon. MEN AND WOMEN. Use Big CI for annatartf diichtrxei, inflammation!. Outrasueil M Irritations or ulcerations inrlMsre. of mucous nitinbrans. ItHEEVANSCHEMIOsLG. (at or poisonoui. PiwrssU CsaUuriaa. PitiiilAi. tnil aat aitrio. I,0T'1 Bold by DnifltU, or wnt in plain wrapper, h .TRru. nrAnaiil. fr It .00. or 3 bottles 12.75. m Cixculftr tttnl on rwunt (l I ,. v-, ) w 1 &ift ilW.sf. miry;