The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 25, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY j, 1908.
Freshest Eggs
Are 11 delicacy, You can rent nmiiiicil of tlii'lr frriihrieii if bought of
Our price until market change, will U
20c The Dozen
WV thing rlifttt, not merely m our jn irf b low, but good n of
mipcrior quality,
Genuine Enlaitainment. 'I'lm Mar
theater in kiipplyiug mime genuine 1 11
tll UllllltCIlt, tlll'OK l. Till" lull WHO
really i.iiii the mt week and t b
Hue diw for thin wrrk li tun I lo I
among tlu lM of toe winter, There
i nothing it in I In- way of time nor
money in an oecitnloiwl drop in ut thi
popular little, houo.
The hand lent book, contain! the 't
tit amount and mot valuable Infor
mation. 1906-The WORLD ALMANAC
i ctnti at Svenson's Book Store.
Good Nrwi, Martin 1'oard wa up
piiM-d yenterday of the Lite Wiicm of
his daughter, Mim I tela Foard, who
U attending the A mile Wright Seinl
nary at Tacamaj It ccma that h ha
ben Indisposed fnr muiic time, hut the
family wai not iiotilh-d until theie w
chant; for the In-tter In her eomlition,
and tliia wan announced in the happiest
fahlon, by the lat dipatrh received
vten!ay afternoon. Iler trouble
of a sort nulaoua to iiiny.
Visit Patk Sitt-Today at 2 o'clock
aharp the iiib committee of the park
commllon will atart from the city
hall and the city park ite for
the purpo of determining on the
driveway, where It shall run, and other
matters in relation to the park. All
eititena Interested In the improvement
of the park are Invited to accompany
the committee.
3 Can 5
12 " 95c
1 Cae 1.85
Conldciing the quality thin i
a bargain which should be
promptly taken advantage of
while the pricu r-mains so low.
118 122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
Gives More Heat
That Any Other
'Phone Orders
Speaks Today.-Do not forget that
Mi ;nil l.uiighliii of N"W York, the
iitingiiibei) advocate of eijuul MlfTiage
uill Hiik in l."gmi Hull tliix afternoon
lit II o'clock, oil "Mv Neluhlnir." 'Ihe
whlie-n will b' in keeping with tin
day. The frinidn of eijuiil suffrage, felt
I tint inn in w ould be deprived of hearing
(hi. tilted uneaker on account of the
tore. (Ming open on Saturday evening,
mill th'-y urmnged special meeting
All me uiged to U- pi'ietit and hem
thiii talented woiuun.
"Hotel Irving' Is the only steam
nested hotel in the city.
Wnt End Spirit. - Timnircr I. W.
r.iiittiijn, of the Wot Knd Improve-
m. nt. ( tub hit fiiMJivil the Antorian
with the lit of ii it him awaie. to
the hoi-. wImi biive Ixen bimv routiug
mil and currying away the old boe
en. barreU and other truali, from the
biok jaril, vacant lot and utiuetn, of
the district imiienieil by that club.
The prir.e and wiun. r, were aa fol
n: Firnt prize, a auit of clothe
from Wine' utore, won jointly by two
luil named llnkka and Weterluml;
eeond prie, 12.50 in cah, won by
KriU Kankkonen; third price, tl.X'i in
cah, won by ("henter .lunttyj fourth
priw, 11.00 In cah, won by Charlie
CarNon; fifth prlne, 75 cents, won by
Walter Jackon; oittli prixe, M centu
won by Arne doki. The boys did thor
ough work, and found iximn pleasure in
the rrwird attaine. It is a good plan
for the club and might serve a an
example for the other three orgnni.a
The very best board to be obtained in
the city Is at "The Occident Hotel"
Rates very reasonable.
Teachers Meet. 1 etcrdav morning
the A'toria TencherV Association cmi
vened in the high mIuki! building at 10
o'clock. Immediately aft-r the roll had
been called and the minute of the
prrviou meeting re;id, the aanoidatioii
adjourned for the grade meeting, at
which the Mibject nu'ler coniilcratiipi
was "J-smgunge." The leaders In the
diffi-rent grade were: Firat grade.
Mr. Fulton j second grude, Mi (tlen;
third and fourth grtoiii, Mi Foitt;
llfth ami grade. Mrs. Parry. At
the coneluion of the grade meeting a
meeting of nil the teacher waa held.
An intcrtting and well prcpuied mH'r
on the Mibject of "I.nnguiige. 11 ml the
Itelution of Technieiil Oianumir to the
I'roper Kxprenioii of Thought," wan
read by Mi Darker, principal of the
Taylor school. Superintendent Clark
gave a talk in relation to method of
teaching arithmetic, nn applied to the
Miltjcct of addition Hubtraction, and
percentage. At the conclusion of hi
adilrc'SH, the officer of tho aseocialion
which ferved hint term were all re
elected for another term. "Ceography,"
ha been Selected im the subject, fop
diHcunlon for the next meeting which
will occur on Saturday, March 42th, nt
the Shivelv school.
Fine suites of room at "Hotel Irving."
for the Money
Fuel. Try It.
to Main 1961
Has Bronchitis, -W. , Jngall of thl
lttv, U 111 at lilt home with an attack
of bronchitis,
Th best i5-cent meal in tTie city It
served at "Hotel Irving."
To Be An American. Klin Xllsen, a
native of Norway, yesterday Mgnlllci)
lil urpe of becoming 11 n American
clll.en, by tiling hi declaration In that
Mm If with County Oik Clinton,
Cutting Lumber. -tloadimi'-ter Frye
ha reported to the county court that
I bo portable nwmill of the county, now
located at Jewell, hu jut fluitJicd the
cutting of .I.IO.fXMI feef of plunking to
be II -e. I in building load. lie e.
that he i now coiiimenee to cut lim
ber for bll'lge,
You will find i WORLD of informa
tion In the 190O WORLD ALMANAC.
25 cents Svenson's Book Store,
Realty Transfers. Two deeds were
filed for lecont ut the county clerk'
officii iday; .fame Monk to the
Atoijn AbktriH, Title A Truxt Com
pany, warranty died, coiiideration
conveying lot !, block 2, Griffin A Heed,'
Addition to Ocean Ciote. lieitlui Stcf
fen-en ct uv to Klia Nilwn, warranty
deed, cuii'ideration (VX Convejiug lot
:t, ei-tion 17, Imvnsbip M noith, range 7
To All Concerned. -Notice i heiehy
given to all eolieerned that the Morning
Aitoiiau will, fi'iin thin date, to the
.'tlt day of )eeeinber( lttofl, do and per
form the public punting for and in
b.-balf of the City of Atoria, of what
oovir natiiie. OI.AF AXDKKSOV, Au
ditor ami I'oliee Judge of aaid city.
lo t. 3 0
Registration to Date.- Clalop county
regiter how but 77S voter to have
entered their name in behalf of the
primary elation; the city of Aatoria
furnibe 490 of the and the outlying
precinct of the county and other 2S.
There will probably 1 an aharp acce
In thi line during the month of March.
Off for the Capital.-Sheriff Tboma
I.inville left on the evening train yes
terday for Salem, in charge of the two
candidate for tho peniUfitiary sup
plied by thi term of the circuit court.
I'aul Deuring, three and one-half year
and Cu Anderon, three. K. S. Ablmtt
aiHsiinpanied the aherilf, a a guard.
Tin y will icturn to the city on Monday
"Hotel Irving" gives special rates for
rooms and board to permanent guests.
Work Stops Temporarily.-I.alir ha
Ix-cn stopped temporarily in charing
the right of way for the North Shone
Telephone line becaue of the wet
went her of the lai-t we.k, but will be
commenced a oon a the weather mod
erate millicicntly to permit. At the
proent time the right of way has been
cleared and poles will soon be erected
between Megler' Mation and Knapp
ton. The company is determined to
complete the line a wmn a it can be
For County Judge.- T. S. Jcuett, of
Kiimliioml, ha tiled his petition for the
nomination for county judge at the en
suing primary election. Jlc Mates inn
platform as follows; "If I am nomi
nated and elected, I will, during my term
of ollice, conduct the busincs affair
of Clatsop count v in an economical
milliner and endeavor to reduce the in
debtedness and taxes of the county, ami
if tho taxpayers of the county want a
new court house built, I will advocate
the building of one auflicient to meet
the wants and requirements of the
count v and will endeavor to build good
oiinty roads and bridge commensurate
with the glowing needs of the county.'
Sailor Badly Injured-All day Friday.
the lightship on the Columbia bar (No.
(17), was Hying signals of distress, but
the weather was so inclement none of
the locnl craft could get to her, and it
remained fur the tug Tatoosh, home
ward bound from Cape Flattery, whith
er she had taken the French bark Jean
liaptistc en route to Taconia, to see
and answer the signals yesterday morn
ing on her return to this port. Captain
Ituiley ranged into hailing distance nnd
was informed that there was a man
aboard badly hurt and that he must be
sent ashore for treatment. The Tatoosh
was then quickly put alongside, nnd
Louis Monscl, ono of the seamen, was
transferred to her cabins, and brought
to this city. On Thursday evening Inst
Monsel hud tho misfortune to slip on
a bunker plate in the spar deck, falling
in such wise as to break his right leg
nbont six inches above the ankle. He
was brought to the city and taken nt
once to St, Mary's hospital, and a let
ter of advice from Captain Peterson to
Dr. Jay Tuttle, soon made things easy
and comfortable for the injured man.)
Ho was cheerful and hopeful yesterday i
when the Astorian reportor saw him,
and hopes to be out soon.
By Misses Adair and Fredericksen and
Their Pupils.
A minlcal affair of decided interest
Ik billed fur tomorrow evening at the
Flrt Af. K. cIiumIi, at 8:1.3 o'clock,
' when the advanced pupil of the Mimes'
Adair and will awt their
teacher in a delightful piano and vio
lin recital, rendering the following
l-aig" . Handel
Two I'iano, Tioika Fahit'iVhaikowky
Minuet Padcrewki
licreciisc. Jteviciic Lack
Mi Maiyaret Jliggiii.
.Minuet Handel
Klude Woli. nhaupt
Mi Kihtd F.llhworth.
Ncxlct Uc Miuia Counod
.Mis Maude lio.., Mi-s Madge Fulton
Mi- Mine) la Tag Mis Laura Jeffcr
Mis, Jeesje iieed Mi Ituby Hum
meistroni Mis L'thcl KlUwoilh, accompanist
S-nrf Dane C'haminadc
Hunting Song Mendelssohn
Mi Wilma Young
l'olih Piinee Scharwenka
Fran Ifolle Ik-ndel
Mia Mary Adair.
Duet Violin and I'iano,
Sonata op, 7!t Kuhlau
Allegro Oustoso
Mi Freitcricken, Mis Adair.
V.ichtstiike Schumann
Witches' bailee Mjc Dowell
Mi- Maude Itos.
Two I'iano ConccKstuk von Weber
Mis, Hannah Adair, Mis Mary Adair
The I'iano are furnished by
Filer's I'iano Houe.
Al in in-ii ii 25 cents
Clatsop County Court Winds Up Busi
ness of Term.
The County Court met in adjourned
yion at 9 o'clock yesterday morning
for the purpose of receiving bids for
the building of a number of county
bridge. In this behalf there were aev
eral bids entered of a varying natdre,
and the whole of them were referred
by the court to Roadmater John Frye,
with instructions to anallze them and
report the lowest and beat bids to the
court, in due course, when the court
will make the proper awards.
An order was made directing the
county clerk to purchase two copies of
the new Astoria citv directory, one for
the clerk' office and the other for use
in the sheriffs office.
Kepoit. were received from the su
pervisors of road districts Nh. 1, 3, 11
and 14, and same were duly examined
and approved by the court.
The court having carefully examined
the report of Sheriff and Tax Collector
Thomas I.inville, in the matter of the
delinquent tax roll, and having found
the same to be correct and In due order,
and that properly had been sold under
the delinquent provisions, to the sum of
s?UliU'2, it was ordered by the court,
that the clerk of the county give due
and recorded credit in that amount to
the sheriff.
The court, discovering that in its lute
review of the bids tiled in Mialf of the
planking of the county road between
Hills' Slough and Skipanon, the bid of
1!. A. Abbott, at $1.(H) per rod, bad been
lost, or mislaid, and that being the
best and lowest bid in that relation,
made an order rescinding the contract
hcivtofore awarded to August Juhr for
the work, and awarded the work to Mr.
Abbott at the figure of his bid.
The court then adjourned ,for the
t CI'lll.
"Hotel Irving" is the traveling men's
The world is full of particular people,
and the most exacting of them all, are
those who are particular about what
they eat, where they eat it and what
they pay for it, as well as the service
accompanying the meals. It is the the
rule in Astoria, whenever one of those
people inquire for the best, nll-round
restaurant, in the city, to promptly refer
them to the Palace' Catering Company,
on Commercial street, just opposite the
rage building. Once they patronize the
ralnce, their worries nnd their questions
are at an end. Banquet ting and party
service is complete in every detail of
luxurious appliance and menu.
Wanted three Seamstresses,
at 154 Nineth street.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up! It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other 19-
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew Asp &
Company. They also do all kinds of
blacksmithing and repair work.
First SDHng Showing of
Ladies' Suits
. We sre now ready to show you a most magnificent line of
a the express companies have been bringing us package after package of
New York's Latest
unit. Whether you want to buy now or not we invite you to come and
ee them. We are gur.. when you do gt ready to purchase you will
remember these,
See Window Display
Morse Dept. Store
Where Everybody Likes to Trade.
X r-
Anotomlcsl Chart
Showing the Muaelea for
Home Treatment.
February 27tH
$ A Scientific Lecture on J
Beauty, Culture and J
i. Facial Blemishes I
f X. Z. Cauffman, P. D. L. D. f
Trofessor of Physiognomy Dermatology and Hair Culture.
i Admission
25 cents
Ladies bring your note books
and pencils. Please be
three o'clock sharp.
A piano and violin recital will be
given by the Misses Adair and Freder
icksen and their advanced pupils on
Monday evening at 8:1a in the Metho
dist Church.
An excellent program ha been ar
ranged. Admi-sion 23 cents.
The piano used at this concert is fur-ni-hed
bv Filers Piano House.
The Indie?, of the t!. A. 11. wih to ex
tend their thanks to those who so kind
ly assisted in the pit'sentation of the
drama, "ruder Two Flags." and contri
buted to it's success. The services of
Mr. Fred Steadman, stage manager, and
Mrs. Wood, pianist, are sincerely ap
preciated, and the public in general is
thanked for their liberal patronage.
President Ladies G. A. K.
The Morning Astorian, 65e a month,
We are sole agents in Astoria for the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, N. T,
Celebrated Stoves and Ranges
fTateall '
" 'i " ' K
s 111!" '
Ladies Only
5tar Theatre
at 3:00 o'clock f
seated at
Showing the Muscles for X
If you contracted a cold in tlie recent
change of weather, you will find a rem
edy of real merit in Tar & Wild Cherry
or At wood's Cold Cure. At Frank
Hart's Drug Store. See our window dis
play of purses and leather goods, etc
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
Miss Olga Landen, Finnish graduate,
room 6, Pythian building. Gives mas
sages, steam and hot baths. Plion
Black 2165. Will call.
Never have to wait long at the Oc
cident Barber Shop. A. E. Peterson,
Every one guaranteed. Will kt yoi
stand or sit on the oven door if yov
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves n4
ranges till after the Holidays.
. J. Scully
Chart k