SATUHDAY, PCBPUAIY 14, IJ. THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. 1 1 SUPPORTS BOYCOH Ex-Mini$ter Wu Ting Fang Favori Chinese Boycott. REFORM MOVEMtNT GROWS Former Chinene MinUter lo United Statti Sayi Chin li Pming Throuih Period of Tranaltlon Krlormi Ar Urged. 1'l.kIV, VI.. -Wu Tlntf 1'ang, fonni'i- ( )iiiiri nilnUtnr to United 8!tf, when Interviewed for the flint tiiux tudtiy on tlii exlatlng altuatlon In China, .poke in lllport of the boycott. Wu iiiitf liinjf U now living quiutly nt ivkiii, (li VMlliig hl time tu rodiMntj the law. of Cliinii one of the nnnieroue reform uiiiltir vuy. lie lulTcieci fur 1 1ok time from dfn.. from the ef fect! f the expMon of the tomb mar him at the railway ntntion laet Hep teinlifr, but hen now recovered, Speaking of preeent condition Wu Tlnf Feng laid. 'Chine U at a crini end paaalnj? through trentitlon etege. Her itttee men end people feel that China ne(! reform but there are great dHTewncfa of opinion regarding the mran. Tbert are eerl clutee of r former. There arc thoie who epeak foreign language and who have Wen abroad end who have had expcilnii-e on both aide of the tlrlinf. "ih' V favor cuIMe and useful re forme, but not too radical, o ea to make China flrit able to tand upon her own fet. The number of theae een eible reforma I few. "Tin ruling clar atao know that oiii- tlilnjf nhoiild be done lint they arc at their w It' end to know what to do. "The third data i eompoaed of young atii'lniN who are too raah. They need training end experience. "Financial reform ahould be rarrbd out in the flrat place, but without for eign advice arid capital It would be im ibla to do under preeent condition. "f we working out a achema which llll.l il fl liu nilfllliil tiAiiHlluJ. li Wan , HH'I IV ,, 1 Tiff iimeaanry to cell on foreign edvlc. "fine thlnx upon which the majority of Chlmmc lire ijirwil U that Clilmi he been deprived of ninny rijrliU by con ccanloiH nnil territorial grant and by tlie way her people hove been treat ed by foreigner In Chirm urid foreign coiinlnc. "Many Chlneae who have gone abroad to America. Australia and the l'lilllp pine write home complninlnir of arbi trary diacrlrrilnntloni made aguitiNt the Chliiera which ere not to be attempted Knlnt other foreigner. Therefore eryoue i angry and hence the boycott on American good, illuel rating the fettl ing agaiimt the uiijuat exrluaiori law. It Im aprend all over China and I I milely lit relation agulriHt injuat diwrim- i mi li. m and ia riot anil foreign. The ( IiIiichc p-ople end official are on good term with all foreigner and have no bot lie feeling toward them. The Chin cue merchant have the bent feeling to ward them. "The majority of the people In th interior are indifferent to all foreign er traveling lu the Interior who write tlubt they r well treated with no eigne of hoxtillty fint them. , "'hee rumor of antl-foreign feel ing ere not well founded, flexible men ad vino boycottcr and agitator to be reaionable and only boycott good and not to treat pernn unkindly but to aeek their frlcndehip a before. "Unfortunately the disturbance in aeveral place are now arising from the boycott, but there I no algn of an out break egnlnat foreigner." That All Important Bath Room You hive often heard people remark If I were ever to build, 1 would plan my bath room first and would not put II my money Into the parlor with all Its finery." That ii good common tente entiment, for the bath room it the noit Important of ill the houiehold, We would like to help you plan your hath room ind will gladly quote you trtt or 'Svtdoce4i' Ware, the teat m a oi unitary fixture made. J, A. Montgomery, Astoria. It Im been nl'l, and truthfully, too, thut the only thing a woman cannot leurn to do I to bliiah. Ihin't copy your friend's gown. If I you do you may have the gown, but! you will no longer have the friend. NOW IN OUR NEW STORE COR- BOND AND llth. STREET WE ARE BUSY GETTING SETTLED BUT CAN FIND TIME TO SHOW YOU HOW COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE IS OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPER, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS, MATTINGS, MOULDINGS, ETC. COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW LOCATION AND LET US FIGURE WITH YOU ON ANY WORK N OUR LINE. B. F. Allen $ Son, MK s.. fay your prlng frock be a joy and comfort. And if you have money to get one, be doubly joyful, for there arc ninny who will ponc them only In thvir mind. Luckieit Man In Arkanui. "I'm the luckieit man In Arkanaaa," write H. I Ktanley, of Uruno, "einca the rctoiatlon of my wife' health after five ear of contlmiou coughing and bleeding from the lung; and I owe my good fortune to the world' greate-t medicine, Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, which I know from ex perience will cure ennaumption if taken In time. My wife improved with first bottle and twelve bottle completed the our." Cure the worwt cough and cnldi or money refunded. At Cbaa. !Uger, dmgglat. 50c and 11.00, Trial bottle free. off FOLEY'S MdWJEV AWED TAIH1 On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. DO HOT BE IMPOSED UPON We originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine. Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine. Foley's Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00. Prepared only by FOLEY & GO., 92-94-96 Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois. SOLD AND REC0UUEKDED BY "' Sold and Recommended by CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. r HERE YOU ARE Morning Astoriam Every Bay in the Momittlh For 65c The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been leduced From 75c to 65c a Men Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian DELIVERED BY CARRIER TO AINY PART OFTHE CITY FOR 65 CENTS