The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 24, 1906, Image 1

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:uauHK ruit AOC
! 1 I J
Convicted Murderer and
Bigamist Is Dead.
Hoch Wedded iVomen, Secured
Their Money and Pois
oned Them.
Mimlrter Dies With a Prayer on Hit
Ll (or the Ollicers of the Law
Who Took Hit Life-lawyers
Will Appeal the Caw.
( lll AGO, lVli. 2.1. - .lohan Hoch
fun vet rd murdcter and eoiifccd higa-am-1
, who if In- ntmirii me Uuc, waa
out vi tlie TCaUat aiminaU the conn
try has ever known, hanged today
or the poisoning uf Ilia wife, Marie
Walker Hoch.
. J I ltunul tin tli a he always nid lie
would, calmly and without (cur. lie
dint with a prayer on lip for th
tillicei of tlm law who look life,
ami, u (or word o( "Good live" hi
ln-t utterance wax tlir n -. 1 1 i i tliut
)ir n innocent.
'Id.- Iut scene in tlii caiecr of I loch
cniuc at 1:114 llii afternoon, while his
fi I tortx' v were Mill making desperate
lTort to mi vi' him. Mix death, the law
yer y, ha not ended i ! inyn in
liia behalf ami tiny promise to carry
the luai- to tin' United Slates Supreme
Omit anil if it i ileriileil lie wb tin
Saw fully handed, proceedings will lie
coniiiii'ii'vil again! the iittlcem who of
llciat-d at. the execution.
Hoch in lielicveil to huve collie H ifii
niilly from Nonweilcr, a miiuiII town in
ivi iiuiiiy, not fur from llingcn on ihe
Ithine. 1 1 it father, .lacob Kchmitt, iH
eiml to -till reside thcie, A wife, up
Jmscd to he the 1 1 1 t wife of Ilorh, is
li No iing in the sunic place.
In November, Ihii.'i, he married Miy
Ilia nk in in (hi l ity, mid left In r the
liny ufter the wedding because ahe re
fused to give, lit r i money, In April,
H!MI, Hoch nmrried Martha Hertdlcld,
mid left her in four immlha after ob
taining limn her .tMH). His next wife
js -aid to have Wen Mary Hoch of
A heeling. W. Va.
In the full of iHttti Hoch married htra
I'.uiti'll of t'inciniinti, a ml she died
vilhin three months of the marriage.
In .lunimry, 1HU7, he was married to
Juliii Hose in Hamilton, Ohio, and abau
tinned her after obtaining $700.
On D niher f, l'M)4, Hoeh was mar
ried to Mrs. Marie Wclcker, a widow; of
thia city, the won . ti 'if whose murder
lie was eondeu Hoch, after being
lnced in jail n .admitted that he
luid I'cen nut'' -fcJiyrteeii tiinea, hut
always deniei Sc luid caused the
death of an; s wive, llo was
placed on tri ' It), and on May 20
Ihe jury ret... i verdict finding him
IX PASO, Texas, Feb .2.1.-Tli. at
tempted robbery of an American putty
vhch left here luBt week for the Do
lores minea was reported today. While
.passing through a narrow defllo tha
party was fired on. Smith, the leader
of the party, gave orders to return the
guilty of murder, and fixing the pun-1-hiMcnl,
. a deiith. On dune II, aentertce
wh piii on him, tlm dale of the
execution lielntf net for dune ti.'l, (iov
rnor Ieneeii granted him a reprieve
until July 2H. Within one hour of the
time e(. for hi execution, Hoch wan
jjiven ii accoiid lenpite until Annual 2ft.
Ilefoie thi. date arrived, however, the
Suoreiiie Court iant'd a permit of cod
aldeiallon of hi cae liy the emiit. On
IVccimImt 1.1 the court handed down a
iIccIhIoii nlliiininu the verdict of the
lower court and llxitiK the date of exe
cution for Fehmary 2.1.
The lat effort mado hy Ifocli to ae
cure a new trial ended on Fehrtiary 21,
when Governor )eneen and the Hoard
of I'aiiloii lefiied to iiitcifrrv In hi
Tommy Burnt tCalna Decision Over
Maryln Hart.
US AMilll.ia, li-b. 23. Ily tho.o
u liu look Mul l In Hal t' claim to the
Hiulil'a iliainiiiiiihliii title aer ioiialy,
Tommy Iturna may now lie cntiiidcred
the heuvueiuhl champion, iturna decia
ivcly outMilntei! Hart tutiiht and waa
Kiwn the deelion at the end of the
I went id h round. I'toni Mart lo flniah,
witli the poaailde en pt ni of the tenth
and twelfth round, when Hart had a
very aiiuill udvaiitiicc, Hum outfought
the liik'k'er man, out em-ruled him, anil
la-al him at every point in the Kiime of
Imsinjf. At time Hum, although jreat
ly littiidiiiiiM'd in weight and licij;lit,
made Halt look like n tiolii-.
Fast Mail Train Strikes a Fast
Freight on S. P. R. R.
Engineer of Fast Freight Forgets About
Passenger Train and Collision Re
sultsEngines and Cart are
Smashed Several Injured
SALT I.AKK CITY, Teh. 2.1-The
fat mail which left Oakland yesterday
nt'tci imnn on the Southern Pacific met
the funt fieijjht wet lioiind on a curve
cilil mile went of W'elU, Nov., thi
afternoon. An Indian htrtilhij; a ride
on the freight wit lindlv injured and
two liiiikciiieii on the piihseuer train
were cut and lir.iied. Six or seven
mail clerk were ahaken up and bruied
hut none mo aeriously a to reiiiire
nicilieal nltention. The engines and sev
eral freight ear were amnahed tip and
a hangup' ear demolished. The engineer
of the freight admit he forgot all about
the piiciif,'er train, which had the ri-iht
of wuv.
CIS1ITI.K CIIKKK. I'di. 2:1, Kdward
(iiecn. 11 miner, arrested Monday sup
posedly with a warrant on instruction
of the Idaho authorities, in the result
of an investigation of the Meunenbprg
assassiniil ion, was released today by
the district court. No charges of any
kind were tiled ujjaiust him. (!recn de
clares he will sue for damage and false
firo following which, a regular battle
ensued in which three of the party wove
killed. Smith kept up a running fight
for miles before escaping. The Gover
nor of Chihuahua haa offered $50,000
reward for the bandits dead or alive.
It is reported the bamliU are
Korean People Murdered
Without Cause.
Japanese Butcher Men and Women
and Confiscate Their
Archdeacon Jeffries Statei Koreans Are
Greatly Oppressed by Japi Who
Confiscate Their Property and
Kill Them if They Protest
SAX KKAXU.sai, Kil. 2.1. -According
to Archdeacon .IcITeric i the
Epiaoopal church who has just returned
from the Orient, Korean atp pTeatW
oppressed by the Japanese. He ys
that when a Konean object to the eon
fiaiatiiiii of his property, he is falaely
charged with conspiracy and shot or
handed on the aume day. The execu
tions in ome rasca are horrible, and
.lelferiea lias brought number of photo
to prove the truth of his assertions
Kven s woman is not exempt and their
bodica, he says, are allowed to bang
in the street a for day at a time. The
Koreans are reduced to abject slavery.
The Knitcror i in a state of constant
terror, and frequently calls iikjii the
American legation to watch over him
during the night lest he sufTer the same
fate as his wife, whom he believes the
Jiipanep murdered.
No Cause For Alarm.
WASHINGTON, Feji. 23.-The Sec
retary of State has received a message
from Minister Rockhill in Pekin stat
ing that he see no cause for undue ap
prehension. He considers caution and
watchfulness is always necessary, but
he believes the published reports of
uneasiness are without cause. The mis
sionary troubles are not more frequent
than usual and are due, as were the
Shanghai riots, to local causes, liock
hill says the Chinese government ap
preciates the importance of preventing
hostilities against foreigners, mid that
it. was recently cautioned by Japan in
this regard and has declared its de
termination to ensure their safety, un
der all circumstances. The dispatch adds
that while the bovcott mav continue
with local friction, nothing more ser
inns is apprehended by those on the
ClIll'.VlU), Feb. 2.1. -- Commissioner
(iarlicld was subjected to n severe cross
examination in the packers' trial today.
He admitted that during the investiga
tion he turned over certain information
to the. department of justice, but as
serted it was not in any way connected
with the present cases. No information,
he says, gained from the packers was
turned over to the department of jus
t ice.
Agriculturalists Will Hold Wheat For
One Dollar Per Bushel.
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 21 A strike
of 200,0(10 farmers composing the
American Society of Equity is called
for March 1st. Kveryono who responds
to the call vill agree to withhold from
the market any agricultural products
exciting nt prices decreed equitable by
the. organization's officials. The orga
nizers claim producers should get a dol
lar per bushel for wheat 110 matter what
the size of the crop.
House GIi to Get After Railroad Rate
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Preceded
by a delrnte which indicated no hesi
tancy, but. rather a relish at taking ac
tion against the alleged railroad com
bination, the House agreed without op
position today to the Tillman-Gillespie
resolution directing the Inter-Ktate
Commerce Commission to make an Im
mediate inquiry and report regarding
the alleged restraints of trade on the
part of certain railroads in the handling
of coal and oil. Mann, ff Illinois,
expressed the fear that the guilty of
ficials might anvil themselves of the
law, which exempts from ' prosecution,
persona who U-stify in an inquiry and
cautioned Ihe committee to get its in
formation from sources which would
not exempt the possibly guilty par
ties. The House devoted the remainder
of the day to minor matti-p and passed
several bills.
Woman Rushes Back Into Burning
House and Perishes.
CHICAGO. Feb. 21. - Ket nriiing to her for her money Mr. John Hanb-y
met hee death last night in a burning
apartment. Mrs. Hanley had gone from
the building with her son at the first
alarm. When the firemen had put out
Ihe blaze they found the woman uncon
scious in a closet of her apartment on
the third floor. She expired a few min
utes later. Three other craon were
injured. The loss was $.7000.
Turkish Government Trying to
Subdue Arabian Revolt.
Rebellion is Spreading and Turkish
Troops Sent to Scene of Uprising
Mutiny Sultan Holds Con
Conference with Ministers
traordinary meeting of the Council of
Ministers has been summoned to confer
with the Sultan at the Yildiz Palace
and deal with the situation at Yemen,
Turkish Arabia.
The hitherto localized revolt in Yemen
against Turkish rule has lieen fanned
into n more widespread rebellion by a
warlike proclamation of Sheik Mahmud
Yohia. A number of tribes have joined
the rebel Shiek and the encounters with
Turkish ivbel troops which have taken
place at various points indicate that
the situation is critical.
Turkey is embarrassed by the objec
tion of the troops to go to Yemen.
Further lvinforcemeiits which were on
their way there mutinied on board the
transport in the Red Sea early this
week and refused to do any duty until
they received their arrears of payment.
VICTORIA. Feb. 2:). The long over
due stenmer Dora, which reached the
Port of l.os Angeles this afternoon at 4
o'clock, had been re-Insured at ninety
per cent and given up as lost. The fifty
people on board, are well. The Dora
was blown otf hep course.
YOKOHAMA, Feb. 21. The steamer
Minnesota, from Seattle to Honk Kong,
which was reported on fire in her third
hold, on the trip bus proceeded. The
vessel is very slightly damaged.
NORFOLK, Feb. 23. The torpedo
boat Winslow was towed to a mooring
at the Norfolk navy yard this afternoon
from sea by the naval tug Mohawk,
with her engines completely disabled.
The Winslow left New York Tuesday
and suffered three breakdowns on the
trip. She was reported in distress and
the Mohawk rushed to the scene.
The Committee Reports
Measure Unamended.
Democrat Chosen to Report the
House Bill Without
First Time in History Republican Sen
ate Committee Has Given a
Democrat Control of an Im
portant Measure.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.1. By a vote
of 8 to 5, the Senate commitee on Inter
state Commerce agreed to report the
He pi 1 urn liill without amendment, but
the 1'e-olution reserved to members of
the committee freedom of action con
cerning the amendments offered in the
Senate. By a vote of five to three, the
Republicans prevailing, Senator Till
man." a Democrat," was given the honor
of reporting the bill. This establishes
a precedent, in that a Republican Sen
ate commiteu ha given a Democrat
control of an important measure passed
by a Republican House, and endorsed
by a Republican President.
Elkins after the committee meeting
characterized it as "Socialism" to have
a Democrat report from a Republican
committee to a Republican Senate, a
bill reported by a Republican committee
to the House and passed by a Republi
can House. He believed the bill should
be in charge of Dolliver, who insisted
that it lie reported as it came from the)
The minority, after a failure to get
together last night held another con
ference this morning, when an agree
ment was reached to report the bill
without recommendation of any char
acter. The minority did not make their
decision known to the committee and
the conservatives attempted to amend
the first section of the bill. Senator
Dolliver moved to report the bill fav
orably as prepared by the House. The
Democrat asked time to consider the
subject and a recess was taken until 2
o'clock. The Democrats agreed to stand
as a unit for the Hepburn bill with the
reservation. On the advice of Aldrich
the reservation was made a part of the
As soon as the result was made known
speculation commended of the method
of proceedure on the floor. It is pre
dicted every possible obstructive tactic,
will be resorted to. This, however, is
contradicted by Senators Aldrich and
Cwno and other leading Senators not
members of the committee. They stat
ed they believed the prominence of the
question and the interest taken by tlv
whole American people entitled it to an
early consideration. They agreed, how
ever, on all sides that the discussion
will be prolonged, ami undoubtedly as
CINCINNATI, Feb. 23. -County
Treasurer ITynicka has received about
$20,000 in gratuities from various banks
for deposits of public funds according
to his testimony today before the com
mission, appointed by the State Sen
ate to investigate the publio offices in
bitter as any that has taken place in
the Senate. All factions concede the
Hepburn bill will puss the Senate. The
only contest will lie over the effort to
incorporate some court of review provision.
Steamfitter's Union Decides to End tht
Sympathetic Strike.
CHICAGO, Feb. 2.1. The sympathetic
strike of the steamfitters came to a
sudden end yesterday when the joint
arbitration board of the Steamfitter
I'nion and the Master Steamfitters or
dered the men to return to work. The
trouble originated some days ago, when
the steamfitters employed at a new
downtown building walked out in vio
lation of their contract because they
objected to the presence of non-union
A new scale of wages fop building
employes was signed, which gives 33
cents an hour to 10,000 hod carriers em
ployed in Chicago. Men working on
Caissons will receive aO cents an hour.
The new scale has lieen under consid
eration by the masons and builders'
association for some time.
IUTTK. Mont., Feb. 23. Five thou
sand dollar have be-n appropriated by
the Mill and Smeltermen's Cni.m of this
city to aid in the defense of Charles II.
Mover, Haywood, Pettibone, and Or
chard who are suspected of the murder
of ex-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho.
Steunenberg Suspects Allowed
Habeas Corpus Writ.
Application Based on Extradition Sta
tute of U. S. No Provision For
Conspiracy in one State and
Commiting in Another.
BOISE, Feb. 23. The Supreme Court
late this afternoon issued a writ of
habeas corpus in the cases of Moyer,
Haywood and Pettibone, accused of the
murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg.
The writ is made returnable March 1st,
when the time will be set for their
healing. The application is based an
the extradition statute of the Unite
States. That is a real point, though
many violations of the constitutions of
the state and the United States are
alleged. The extradition statute pro
vides for the extradition of persons,
who have committed, a crime in one
state and flee from its jurisdiction to
another state. It is claimed there is
no provision whereby the men can be
extradited for conspiring in one state
fon the commission of a crime in an
other. The intention is to carry the
point to the United States Supreme
Court on a writ of error, if the State
Supreme Court refuses to release the
prisoners on a writ. It is not expect
ed the state courts will release them,
but it is desired to save a point.
Under the laws of Idaho, an accessory
before the fact is made the principal
and the prosecution claims there is no
doubt the men can be held. It is ad
mitted by attorneys generally that the
point is a nice one.
Cincinnati and Hamilton counties.
Previous to Hynicka's testimony ser
eral bankers testified to paying gratui
ties to various parties connected with,
the county treasurer's office, such pay
ments being an expression of apprecia
tion for deposits of public funds.